The CONFUSING Clone Rank Structure Fully Explained

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clone ranks and more specifically clone units have been addressed frequently on this channel in the past but we've been lacking a comprehensive video on the matter as a whole the clone rank structure is complicated and a bit confusing and while it's simpler than many real-life military structures it is nonetheless worth the video to clear things up with today we'll be doing just that attention sergeant on deck while the Kaminoans have gotten a lot of flack on this channel as of late you know their failures and rebuilding the Republic Navy they did much better with the ground army the rank structure for the Grand Army of the Republic is a bit confusing but it's comparatively streamlined and ended up being highly effective it was simultaneously rigid where it needed to be inflexible where it needed to be providing uniformity while allowing for flexibility especially with smaller clone units first will address the ranks themselves clones were divided into five basic rank categories private sergeant lieutenant captain and Commander with phase one armored privates wore pure white while the higher ranks had colored flashes on their helmets and arm plates sergeants had Olive lieutenants had blue captain's had red and commanders had yellow these are the commonly known ranks but the system was actually much more complicated with each of those basic categories containing a handful of more specific ranks which weren't visually differentiated all though the HUD's and clone helmets had distinct symbols for each rank within the basic category of private were two ranks trooper and corporal troopers obviously made up most of the Grand Army they had no command whatsoever and simply did whatever the role they were assigned to do by the higher up offices one of the troopers in each squad however would be selected to receive the rank of Corporal which gave that clone a limited degree of command over the others in his squad as the second-in-command to the sergeant corporal wasn't quite as official per se as some of the other ranks were more often than not corporals were just referred to as regular troopers and in effect they were at least until the sergeant died speaking of sergeants that rank category also comes with two variants the standard sergeant commanded a squad of clones and generally served more for coordination and tactical adaptation than anything else clones that originally had been bred as sergeant's had alphanumeric designs that began with CS though this gradually became a rarity since by the end of the war a large chunk of the ger sergeants was composed of troopers that had been promoted one step above the rank of sergeant was sergeant major a rank that was essentially the same as that of a sergeant but with the added responsibility of being the second and commence the lieutenant of there to the rank of lieutenant was considered mid-level for clone troopers lieutenants were responsible for commanding platoons of men usually in modern battlefield operations as part of a larger concerted effort some clone lieutenants had the prefix CL as part of their designation although as with sergeants many had the standard CT as a result of receiving the rank through promotion there were two kinds of lieutenants the lieutenant and the second lieutenant both commanded platoons and while lieutenant is the higher rank nothing is specified about the distinction between the two otherwise clone captain's command companies by default and will the lowest rank in the GA are that had a role of any sort in large-scale strategic planning the rank was apparently quite flexible considering that captains are shown in command of units much larger than companies alongside Jedi generals though the reason for this is unclear captain has no rank variants but the rank of clone major shares its basic category as both use red armor flashes the reason for this is unknown especially since clone majors commanded battalions which would put them on equal footing with clone commanders why the rank of clone major even exists is unclear but it has yet to be explored outside of its handful of mentions the rank category of clone commander was perhaps the broadest despite containing the fewest number of men there were four types of clone commanders the standard commander was in charge of a battalion and was sometimes referred to as a battalion commander for clarity regimental commanders were a step up and obviously commanded regiments clones senior commanders commanded brigades or legions the highest rank available for a clone was the rank of clone marshal commander which came with the command of a full Corps of clones and as many of you know Commander Cody was a marshal commander now that we've gone over clone ranks it's time to address units there were nine types of sub divisions in the Grand Army of the Republic not counting the full army itself or individual troopers squads and platoons companies battalions regiments brigades cause sector armies and systems armies all have their unique roles in the Grand Army each with their own clone offices and for the larger units Jedi offices the Republic special operations Brigade which contained Clone commandos and arc troopers had its own separate unit system that does not line up with the standard one the smallest unit in the Grand Army was the squad it commanded by sergeants squads were composed of nine troopers plus the sergeant and they were very close-knit with many having grown up together at least at the start of the war squads are used for minor operations like capturing small individual buildings and under the command of the sergeant they could be subdivided into two fire teams to operate heavy weapons like a Webb blasters platoons were commanded by lieutenants and contained four squads - a total of 36 standard troopers there was small and versatile capable of capturing small city districts and they were used heavily in larger battles where their flexibility was an advantage companies were commanded by captains and contained four platoons - a total of 144 men they operated in a similar manner with a larger range of capabilities and were the smallest unit to see independent use moving on so larger units we have battalions which were commanded by commanders and contained four companies - a total of five hundred and seventy six troopers battalions were considered small armies and with a standard deployment force for the average GA our operation regiments contained for such battalions - a total of 2,300 and for troopers and were led by regimental commanders in conjunction with the Jedi commanders regiments functioned similarly two battalions on a larger scale and were the first level on which Jedi command entered the picture Padawans that proved themselves worthy of command were assigned to lead regiments which worked out considering that regiments were rarely used independently the next step up from the regimental level is one of the most well known units in the GA are the brigade more commonly known as the legion brigades were commanded by senior commanders in conjunction with Jedi generals and were the most commonly deployed unit for larger battles they contained four regiments - a total of nine thousand two hundred and twelve troopers they were highly modular capable of serving a number of generic large scale Camaros for which reason they were favored by law this tactician a handful of elite brigades were referred to as legions as well and these units ironically became more commonly known by that name though in most cases use of the term is technically incorrect the largest unit available for individual battle was the Corps which contained four brigades to a total of 36,000 848 troopers they were led by marshal commanders in conjunction with the more experienced Jedi generals and most of the time they were subdivided into smaller units and split up for different missions though for the largest battles of the war entire cause could be sent to capture the planet above the level of core was the sect army which was commanded by a Jedi senior general with the marshal commander as command liaison originally sector armies contained four cores each but this number swell dramatically during the course of the Clone Wars as the Grand Army of the Republic grew dramatically in size sector armies didn't operate as units per se rather they covered entire theatres of war coordinating their component units to advance republic supremacy in the region there were twenty cores in the Grand Army of the Republic each assigned to a different military sector of the galaxy sector armies had their own planets as bases for their operations which were usually strategically placed hubs in the region to which the armies were assigned the entire galaxy was divided up into 20 sectors to accommodate these armies which were grouped more generally into three different fears of war the core theater the northern theater and the southern theater will be doing a whole separate video about sector armies soon so make sure you keep your eyes peeled the highest subdivision of the Grand Army of the Republic was the system's army which was to be honest essentially useless systems armies existed pretty much entirely for the benefit of the Jedi Council they contained two sector armies and were led by Jedi high generals or in other words members of the Jedi Council in theory they coordinated sector armies and allow them to work together an eclectic scale but the benefits of this were minimal and the Empire ultimately did away with them altogether so that was our explanation of the rank structure of the Grand Army of the Republic and beautiful guys owner your thoughts in the comments section below which clone you know would you have wanted to command if you're a republic tactician let me know and just before you go guys there are a lot of interesting things in the description below so if you click that little show more button you might see something you like including our second history channel our guesses gaming Network and our multiple discord servers so if you want to join the wider community make sure you check all of those out anyways guys as always thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Geetsly's
Views: 1,243,515
Rating: 4.9427314 out of 5
Keywords: Star, Wars, star wars explained, clone trooper, clone wars, the clone wars, clone troopers, commander cody, clone ranks, clone armor, grand army of the republic, 501st legion, 212th attack battalion, 41st elite corps, clone commander, clone armor variants, all clone battalions, phase 2 clone trooper, clone rank structure, battlefront 1 clone trooper, clone army, republic army, republic army ranks, star wars army ranks, captain rex
Id: i0pBvdoYGnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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