Why the Coruscant Guard Truly Hated their Lives

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It’s no secret that we absolutely loathe  the Coruscant Guard on this channel,   and for a variety of reasons. What’s less  well known is that this opinion was fairly   common within the Star Wars universe  as well. Especially on Coruscant,   most people hated the Coruscant Guard - and  the Coruscant Guard hated most people, too.   The Shocktroopers charged with protecting  the galactic capital detested their jobs,   especially when those jobs involved dealing  with Senators or the inhabitants of Galactic   City. We don’t really blame them, either.  The Coruscant Guard had some of the nastiest   jobs in the Grand Army of the Republic, and in  this video, we’re going to talk all about them. The Coruscant Guard was formed right after the  First Battle of Geonosis, and was an elite force   of clone shocktroopers tasked with, well, guarding  Coruscant. Their duties included protecting   Senators, defending Galactic City, and managing  Republic Military installations on Coruscant,   all of which sound a lot easier than they  actually were. Only Palpatine's most loyal   clones were allowed to serve in the Coruscant  Guard, ostensibly to ensure that Coruscant was   as well protected as possible. In reality,  however, the Coruscant Guard was stacked with   fervent supporters of Palpatine because the Guard  also did a lot of the Chancellor’s dirty work. Over the course of the Clone Wars, the Coruscant  Guard became the foundation of what would become   the Imperial police state. They were brutally  repressive, and the population of Galactic City   quickly came to fear the boys in red, nicknaming  them stormtroopers. For what it’s worth,   clone shocktroopers didn’t like their jobs  any more than the people they terrorized,   though obviously their willing involvement  means that we don’t exactly feel sorry for them.   After all, these are the guys that killed Fives,  and we’re not gonna start being sympathetic   just because they sometimes felt bad after  beating the frak out of innocent civilians.   They probably deserved the  unpleasant parts of their job. So what were the unpleasant parts of their jobs?  Well, firstly, there was dealing with Senators.   The Coruscant Guard was tasked with  protecting the Galactic Senate,   in conjunction with the Senate Commandos,  and through the Diplomatic Escort Group, they   were also assigned to protect Senators and other  Republic delegates when they travelled offworld.   Obviously, this was a very important task, since  Senators were always at risk of assassination,   especially during the Clone Wars. But providing  protection from assassins wasn’t the hard part   of the job. The hard part of the job was  trying not to kill the Senators themselves. As poor Fives learned, killing was something  the Coruscant Guard had a really hard time with   on its own, but Senators made it even harder.  They tended to be whiny, paranoid, treacherous,   or some combination therein, and almost all of  them acted privileged beyond their due, and out   of touch in some way or another. Even worse,  shocktroopers on Senatorial guard duty could’ve   had the misfortune of being assigned to Jar-Jar  Binks, a fate worse than death. Protecting a   person of interest who’s extraordinarily annoying  would make anyone want to swallow their blaster.   To make matters worse, shocktroopers  constantly had to watch their charges   for hints of treachery, due to the nature of  the Clone Wars, which was an even bigger pain. But the worst part of all this was that  the Senators didn’t appreciate it at   all. Most Senators had gotten used to having  servants and bodyguards around them at all times,   and they usually disregarded them unless they  had a problem. While the shocktroopers were   probably happy to avoid more interaction  with Senators than they had to have,   it also meant they were often ignored, and  protected their politically valuable charges   thanklessly. In fact, many Senators outright  resented the Coruscant Guard’s security measures.   After the passage of the Enhanced  Security and Enforcement Act in 21 BBY,   the Coruscant Guard set up checkpoints all  across Galactic City, where shocktroopers   would ask passers-by to present identification.  Senators had an annoying habit of expecting   special treatment from the guards at  these checkpoints, and of making a fuss   when they didn’t get it. Even in the Star Wars  universe, it seems, politicians are politicians. Additionally, most shocktroopers assigned to  protect Senators likely had to coordinate with the   Senator’s own security detail, which would’ve been  a nightmare. This would have been a hell of a job   even if the Senators themselves weren’t all that  bad. I mean, imagine being a shocktrooper assigned   to protect Senator Amidala, only to realize that  all of her handmaidens look pretty much identical.   It would get even worse if were you to later  learn that the Senator and one of the handmaidens   swapped outfits mid-flight and that you don’t  know who the frak you’re protecting anymore.   Lots of Senators had those sorts of crazy  protection schemes, and for the Coruscant   Guard, they would’ve been just another  thing to get in the way of their jobs. This fostered a general hatred for Senators  that, it should be said, wasn’t exclusive to   the Coruscant Guard. Pretty much everyone hated  Senators, but clones in general hated them more   than most, and for good reason. After all, it  was the Senators who decided to keep every last   one of them enslaved, and you could imagine that  that rubbed a few clones the wrong way. Moreover,   most clones detested the Senate in general, seeing  it as useless and inefficient. Supreme Chancellor   Palpatine, most clones believed, was the only  one who made the Senate worth fighting for. The Coruscant Guard was also responsible  for maintaining all Republic Military   facilities on Coruscant, including military bases  and, unfortunately for the clones, the Republic   Judiciary Central Detention Center. A fair few  clone shocktroopers ended up serving as glorified   prison guards in two facilities - Coruscant’s main  military base and the Republic’s central prison.   Now, being a prison guard is another  job that really just sucks on its own,   but the types of prisoners incarcerated on  Coruscant made the whole thing a lot worse. The Central Detention Center was  home to galactic-scale criminals,   including spice kingpins, underworld leaders, and  elite bounty hunters. The prison at the military   base wasn’t much better, as it mostly contained  war criminals. These were dangerous beings who   were constantly trying to escape prison, and they  were typically powerful enough to be able to bring   in elite mercenaries or even Separatist military  units to do the job. The Coruscant Guard had to be   constantly wary about prisoner escape attempts,  or even raids on the detention facilities. With that said, as we’ve been saying,  a lot of that was honestly deserved,   considering the other usual  activities of the Coruscant Guard,   so let’s take a look at what they  did that made them positively awful. The Coruscant Guard was technically a  subset of Homeworld Security Command,   a hybrid police/military department. As part of  Homeworld Security, the Coruscant Guard worked   with Galactic City police to combat the threat  of Separatist violence on the galactic capital.   This threat was very real, in fairness. In the  two years before the Clone Wars, Coruscant had   been subjected to a long string of terrorist  bombings committed in the name of Count Dooku,   which is what led to the formation of  Homeworld Security in the first place.   The Coruscant Guard, to their credit, did  significantly decrease the number of terrorist   attacks on Coruscant over the course of the  Clone Wars, but this came at quite a high cost. Homeworld Security was quite paranoid, and it  rarely made any distinction between simple dissent   and Separatism. From the first days of the Clone  Wars, it dispatched the Coruscant Guard against   protestors, authorizing the use  of force even when, in hindsight,   it wasn’t justified at all. Clone shocktroopers  brutally dispersed antiwar protests whenever they   popped up, as well as more mundane protest  movements. For example, when the war began,   the Republic Military levelled several city blocks  to make way for military staging areas, displacing   thousands of residents. These residents had  nowhere else to go and protested lawfully   outside the construction area, hoping to gain  some form of reimbursement for their homes.   Instead, they got beaten by  shocktroopers and deported. Not all demonstrations on Coruscant were met  with violence from the Coruscant Guard, however.   When Loyalist nationalists founded the Commission  for the Protection of the Republic in 21 BBY,   the Coruscant Guard was actually  deployed to protect their rallies,   despite the fact that COMPOR was a private  organization unaffiliated with the Republic   government. This was also despite the  fact that COMPOR seemingly only accepted   human applicants and promoted violent  anti-alien conspiracy theories. As the Clone Wars went on, the Coruscant  Guard started focusing less on stopping   threats to planetary security and more on  what they considered preventing threats to   planetary security. After the passage of  the Enhanced Security and Enforcement Act,   they got the go-ahead to throw any  and all civil liberties to the wind,   and you can imagine the results. Coruscant’s lower  levels were placed under curfews and quarantines,   and warrantless surprise raids on  lower-city homes became commonplace.   The Coruscant Guard became Palpatine’s  secret police, terrorizing the population   of Galactic City indiscriminately to  keep Coruscant’s underclass in check. The Coruscant Guard was nothing short of viciously  oppressive. They were the Empire before there was   an Empire, stormtroopers before there were  stormtroopers. There’s no denying that their   jobs sucked, and that most of the clones who  served in the Guard probably hated their lives.   But if your life is spent beating up random  aliens in their own homes for no reason, then   you honestly should hate your life. The Coruscant  Guard didn’t just have Fives’ blood on its hands,   after all; there were thousands, if not millions,  of beings who suffered unjustly because of them. So, that’s why the Coruscant  Guard hated their lives, and also   why they deserved their lot. But what do  you think? On a scale of one to Fives,   how much do you hate the Coruscant Guard? Feel  free to post your thoughts in the comments below.
Channel: Geetsly's
Views: 419,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star, Wars, Star Wars, Clone Wars, Galactic Republic, Confederacy of Independent Systems, Grand Army of the Republic, Coruscant Guard, Coruscant, Commander Fox, Galactic Senate, Senator, Shock Troopers, Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center, Commission for the Protection of the Republic, shock troopers, commander thire, commander fox death
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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