The Complete Thanos Timeline! | Stan Lee Presents

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Thanos hailing from Titan was a ruthless warlord driven by the goal of restoring balance to the universe through Mass genocide eradicating half of all life across every level his conviction stemmed from the belief that the universe's vast population would exhaust its finite resources leading to its demise to achieve his Sinister ambition Thanos relentlessly pursued the Infinity Stones convinced of their Collective might aligning with figures like Loki and Ronin the accuser he sought to secure these powerful artifacts however these alliances proved costly resulting in the loss of valuable assets such as the mindstone and the Loyalty of his daughters Gamora and nebula frustrated by his underlings failures Thanos resolved to personally acquire the stones he coerced Atri into crafting The Infinity Gauntlet enabling him to harness the stones power safely thus equipped Thanos embarked on a brutal campaign to obtain the stones Waging War on numerous planets and leaving a trail of death in his wake including the decimation of Loki and the asgardians his quest demanded the ultimate sacrifice as he traded gamora's life for the elusive Soul Stone despite facing formidable opposition from The Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy Thanos emerged Victorious using the completed Infinity Gauntlet to execute the snap annihilating half of all life with a mere gesture to safeguard his victory Thanos destroyed the Infinity Stones ensuring his actions could never be undone his reign of terror came to a decisive end when Thor wielding Stormbreaker confronted and vanquished him on planet 0259 DS welcome back to cinematica today we'll be going through the entire Thanos timeline make sure you like this video if you liked it and subscribe to see more videos about big purple baddies early life Thanos born to allars a member of the powerful Titan race originated from the Planet Titan as a member of the royal family he was the adoptive sibling of the Eternal AOS who eventually departed Titan Thanos was born with a physical deformity that made him an outcast among his people despite his status he endeavored to save Titan when it faced the threat of overpopulation proposing a drastic solution of having the population to avert disaster his idea was rejected as genocidal leading to his Exile from Titan however thanos's Grim prophecy was realized when Titan succumbed to Devastation teetering on the brink of Extinction this cataclysmic event shaped thanos's belief that unchecked population growth would deplete resources spelling Doom for the universe to prevent other planets from suffering Titan fate Thanos embarked on a crusade conquering worlds and imposing his ideology of universal balance by eradicating half of all life his formidable power and conquests earned him the title of an Intergalactic warlord commanding armies like the chitari sakarin and out Riders solidifying his reputation as one of the universe's most fearsome beings and a dominant figure in the criminal underworld training his children in his quest to bolster his might thank Thanos gathered orphans from races he conquered among his eldest progeny were ebony ma corvus glaive C obsidian and Proxima midnight all fiercely loyal to him and collectively known as the black order during an assault on the zaher people meant to restore balance to zenhub Thanos encountered a courageous young zaheri named Gamora defiantly resisting one of his chitari soldiers intrigued by gamora's Fearless demeanor Thanos approached her inquiring about her concern for her mother unfazed Gamora maintained her G on Thanos who impressed by her resolve acknowledged her fighting Spirit offering his hand and assistance Thanos pledged support to kamora Leading her away from the terrified people under his control alone with Gamora Thanos presented her with a switchblade praising its balance as a metaphor for Life seizing the opportunity Thanos and Ma proceeded to mercilessly Slaughter half of the zaher populace including gamora's entire family subsequently Thanos adopted gamor as his daughter grooming her into a lethal assassin though developed genuine affection for her a sentiment not extended to his other Offspring despite gamora's transformation from devoted allegiance to veman hatred thanos's affection for her remained steadfast nurturing the hope that she would one day inherit his throne in addition to Gamora Thanos brutally slaughtered a lupoid family to raise nebula as another fiercely loyal and lethal Assassin from the outset Thanos emphasized to his children that they were to be adversaries not allies observing a moment of camaraderie between gor and nebula Thanos intervened decisively forbidding any further instances of such connection Thanos consistently pitted nebula against Gamora inflicting severe punishment upon nebula for her failures any defeat suffered by her resulted in the removal of another body part to instill strength in one particularly cruel episode when nebula failed to respond when asked her name Thanos ordered her ears be severed and replaced with mechanical implants by his sakaran guards another instance saw Thanos subject both sisters to a grueling Six-Day battle with limited Provisions ultimately rewarding gamor for her Victory and punishing nebula for her perceived weakness furthermore Thanos Enlisted the services of the other entrusting him to act as his obedient servant in furthering his Ambitions seeking power realizing the Monumental task of balancing the overwhelming abundance of life forms in the universe was beyond his individual capacity Thanos turned his attention to the Infinity Stones ancient artifacts of immense power capable of exerting control over Cosmic forces determining that harnessing their combined might could offer a permanent solution Thanos dedicated his life to Gathering them forming various alliances to Aid in their retrieval his Pursuit began with the acquisition of the Mind Stone embedding it within a scepter to amplify its influence over Minds over years of Relentless searching Thanos shared with nebula his intention to wield all the stones intending to utilize their power to call half of all life before retiring to a tranquil existence on his farm believing his actions would be revered by the universe upon receiving a lead on the orbs whereabout Thanos dispatched nebula and gamor on a mission under kath's command nebula's capture prompted Thanos to forbid Gamora from intervening leading nebula to severe measures to escape despite this mission's failure Thanos pressed on additionally he tasked gamorra with locating the Soul Stone unaware that she had found its location but deceived him by claiming failure aware of her deception Thanos chose not to confront her recognizing her attempt to thwart his plans chitari Invasion but by 2012 Thanos learned of the tesseracts presence on Earth through his Emissary the other seeking to acquire it he formed an alliance with Loki providing him with the scepter and a contingent of chitari soldiers to Aid in conquering the planet prior to the mission Thanos personally instructed Loki in the art of Mind Control confident in his abilities when the opportune moment arrived Thanos utilized the Tesseract energy to transport Loki to Earth's joint Dark Energy Mission facility despite the formidable forces at Loki's disposal including the chitari army his efforts were thwarted during the Battle of New York culminating in Iron Man's destruction of the chitari command center consequently the scepter in the infinity stone it housed fell into the hands of Hydra for their research while Thor transported the tessaract and the captured Loki to Asgard upon learning of Humanity's Defiance the other warned Thanos of the perilous challenge posed by Earth's inhabitants undeterred Thanos embraced the prospect of facing such opposition subsequently he delved into researching the group known as The Avengers developing a particular interest in Tony Stark whom he perceived as a kindred spirit burdened by knowledge quest for the orb in 2014 following a peace treaty between the cre Empire and the novacore Thanos orchestrated an arrangement with the disgraced accuser Ronin promising him a fraction of his forces Thanos tasked Roman with orchestrating a genocide against the xandarians in exchange for locating the orb a coveted artifact under thanos's command Ronin launched a brutal assault on the home world of the warrior draxx the Destroyer resulting in the massacre of a significant portion of the population including drax's family driven by Vengeance Drax vowed to avenge his loved ones by targeting Ronin later Thanos commanded his daughters to participate in the slaughter of the corbon knes after their Triumph Thanos wielding his double-edged sword joined them aboard their Q ship informing them of ronan's success in locating the Power Stone he declared their mission to retrieve the Stone from the dark Aster despite gamora's concerns about ronan's reaction to their presence Thanos emphasized the necessity of their involved M citing death as the alternative he criticized ronin's fixation on the cre NOA War believing it clouded his judgment nebula pledged her allegiance to Thanos while gamor displayed her skepticism towards her sister's efforts to please their father gamora's betrayal despite Ronin and kath's efforts to retrieve the orb and deliver it to Thanos the stone ended up in the possession of Star-Lord on Morag where he intended to sell it to the broker faced with the prospect of losing the stone Thanos commanded Ronin to track down quill while usted in gamor with the task of recovering it gamor intercepted quill on xandar and retrieved the orb however driven by her deep-seated resentment towards Thanos for years of Torment she plotted to betray him by delivering the orb to The Collector who shared her interest in the Infinity Stones as news of gamora's betrayal reached Ronin he confronted Thanos expressing his frustration at the situation in a fit of rage Ronin killed the other when he dared to reprimand him for disrespecting Thanos unfazed by the others demise and ronin's grievances Thanos calmly instructed him to rectify gamora's betrayal concealing any remorse and merely displaying slight annoyance he then assigned nebula to take gamora's place in the mission ronan's betrayal after Ronan and nebula successfully stole the orb from the Guardians of the Galaxy Ronin contacted Thanos to update him on their progress however Thanos was enraged to learn that Ronin having witnessed the true power of the orb intended to keep the infinity stone for himself disregarding thanos's Supremacy despite Kath the pursuer's acknowledgement of it nebula d by her deep-seated resentment towards Thanos for the torment she endured in her youth Allied herself with Ronin in his Defiance against Thanos Ronin now considering himself Superior to Thanos vowed to seek revenge on him after the destruction of xandar unmoved by their threats Thanos severed communication with them without uttering a word ultimately Ronin met his demise at the hands of the Guardians of the Galaxy who entrusted the orb to the novacore thereby depriving Thanos of yet another infinity stone Infinity War following the failures of both Loki and Ronin the accuser in securing the Infinity Stones Thanos resolved to take matters into his own hands in 2015 he coerced the dwarves of naler into crafting The Infinity Gauntlet before ruthlessly slaughtering them sparing only Atri whose hands he maimed with the gauntlet in his possession Thanos embarked on a Relentless quest to locate the infinity stone convinced of his unique capability to fulfill the task by 2018 nebula made an attempt on thanos's life aboard the sanctuary too but was swiftly apprehended accessing her memories Thanos learned that gamor had memorized the map to the Soul Stone before its destruction realizing she could guide him to the elusive Stone thoroughly investigating the locations of each Stone and their protectors including the asgardians the masters of the Mystic Arts the tiffen group vision and the novacore Thanos meticulously planned his assault commencing the infinity War Thanos targeted xandar where the Power Stone was safeguarded by the novacore following ronin's defeat infiltrating the novacore headquarters Thanos acquired the orb containing the Power Stone and decimated half of Xander's population as word of thanos's Rampage spread the Confederacy alerted Hydra to Earth's vulnerability offering protection in exchange for resources particularly Inhumans and gravitonium exploiting the situation for their own gain obtaining the tessara one week later aboard his ship the sanctuary 2 Thanos intercepted the Starship carrying the last remaining survivors of Ragnarok including Loki and Thor on route back to Earth as the black order ruthlessly slaughtered half of the asgardians Thanos personally conf confronted Thor easily overpowering him and gloating over his victory as he dragged the weakened Thor across the vessel standing before Loki and Thor Thanos demanded the Tesseract from Loki in exchange for his brother's life when Loki callously claimed indifference to Thor's fate Thanos sadistically tortured Thor with the Power Stone while Loki watched on as Thor endured excruciating Agony Thanos continued his Gaze on Loki until the moment of vulnerability when Loki pleaded for his brother's life halting his torment of Thor who insisted they didn't possess the tessara due to its destruction by sutor Loki revealed he had stolen it prior to asgard's demise Conjuring it in his hand with his magic amidst Thor's wounded reproach Loki approached Thanos to hand over the tessera promising Thor that they would see the sun rise together once more Thanos dismissed Loki's optimism but was caught off guard when Loki denied being an Asgardian and unleashed the Hulk who launched a frenzied Attack on the Titan as Hulk assailed Thanos smashing him around the Statesman C obsidian moved to Aid him only for Ebony ma to intervene insisting that Thanos handled the situation himself reving in the chaos as Thanos faced off against the Hulk seizing Hulk's wrists Thanos effortlessly tore the Raging Behemoth away before delivering a powerful blow to his jaw stunning him despite Hulk's attempts to retaliate Thanos showcase not only Superior strength but also unmatched combat prowess effortlessly parrying Hulk's attacks and Landing devastating counter strikes leaving the Green Giant bewildered by his overwhelming superiority with a final knee strike to Hulk's face Thanos incapacitated him hoisting him overhead and slamming him to the ground rendering him battered and immobile as Thanos surveyed the defeated Hulk Thor launched a surprise attack striking him from behind but the Titan swiftly Shrugged off the blow and repelled the Asgardian meanwhile abonim ma utilized his telekinetic abilities to insens snare Thor in metal restraints further incapacitating him sensing the imminent threat posed by heimdall's attempt to warn the others Thanos swiftly silenced him by impaling him with corvis gla's blade despite Thor's anguished protests with the Asgardian subdued ma bowed before Thanos presenting the Tesseract as a token of Allegiance Thanos shedding his armor prepared to harness the Tessa's power crushing the artifact he revealed the space Stone within integrating it into The Infinity Gauntlet granting him unparalleled abilities to Traverse the cosmos having secured two Infinity Stones Thanos tasked the black order with retrieving the mind and time stones from Earth however his plans were interrupted by Loki who proposed himself as a guide to Earth citing his prior experience during The chitari Invasion Thanos dismissed Loki's past Endeavors as failures but Loki argued otherwise appearing to pledge allegiance once more Loki recited his titles and approached Thanos feigning submission however Thanos sensed treachery and thwarted Loki's attempt to assassinate him freezing him in place with the space Stone mocking Loki's false loyalty Thanos seized him by the throat ignoring Loki's struggles as he choked for breath as Loki defiantly declared his refusal to acknowledge Thanos as a god Thanos coldly silenced him by crushing his throat wrote Thor witnessing his brother's demise cried out in anguish as Thanos callously dropped Loki's lifeless body before him vowing that Loki would not be resurrected again with the Power Stone Thanos obliterated the remnants of the Statesman using the space Stone to transport himself and his allies away from the wreckage leaving Thor amidst the devastation surrounded by the bodies of his Fallen kin ambush in nowhere arriving on nowhere Thanos coerced The Collector into surrendering the reality Stone which he had safeguarded since the second dark elf conflict with the stone secured and added to The Infinity Gauntlet Thanos anticipated the arrival of the Guardians of the Galaxy knowing he needed gamora's assistance in locating the Soul Stone devising an illusion with the reality Stone Thanos deceived the Guardians into believing he was torturing The Collector to extract information about the Stone's whereabouts as the Guardians approached Thanos maintained the illusion of nowhere's intact state to lure them into a false sense of security Drax was incapacitated by mantis to prevent an immediate attack allowing gamor to confront Thanos unleashing her Fury gamor pierced thanos's illusion with her blade seemingly striking a fatal blow however Thanos revealed himself unscathed taunting gamor with the notion that reality could be manipulated to his will amidst gamora's despair Thanos offered her a choice to join him willingly asserting his dominance over reality itself despite gamora's refusal and attempted resistance Thanos effortlessly restrained her and incapacitated draxx and mantis by transforming them into stone and strings using the reality Stone confronted by by Star-Lord who threatened him at gunpoint Thanos recognized him as gamora's partner as Star-Lord confronted him gomorah pleaded with him to end her life to prevent Thanos from discovering the location of the Soul Stone Thanos sensing gamora's desperation taunted Star-Lord daring him to shoot her confident that his love for Gamora would prevent him from doing so with tension mounting Thanos pushed Gamora towards Star-Lord demanding he make a choice despite star-lords hesitation he reluctantly attempted to shoot only for Thanos to effortlessly transform his weapon and ammunition into har bubbles using the reality Stone impressed by star-lords resolve Thanos teleported away with Gamora leaving behind a bewildered Star-Lord and restoring draxx and mantis to their original forms torture of nebula back on the sanctuary 2 Thanos offered gamor food assuming she might be hungry however gamor angrily tossed it aside expressing her deep-seated resentment for the throne and the life Thanos had imposed upon her Thanos unruffled by her bitterness calmly remarked that he had hoped she would one day sit upon the throne despite thanos's composed demeanor Gamora vehemently insisted that she despised every aspect of the life he had forced upon her Thanos having heard her grievances before remained stoic noting that she had expressed her hatred daily since joining him seated before his throne Thanos recounted how he had saved her as a child despite the brutal Massacre of her family during his acquisition of her Thanos then revealed the supposed benefits of his actions explaining how his culling of half the population had led to zenhub Berry's Prosperity contrasting the desperate conditions she had had endured as a child when gamor protested the genocide he perpetrated Thanos Justified it as a necessary sacrifice for the greater good dismissing it as a simple matter of calculation Thanos remained composed despite gamora's denial of his beliefs and reminded her of their shared willpower attributing her fierceness to his training he expressed disappointment not in her failure to locate the Soul Stone but in her deceit about it Thanos then revealed nebula's capture for attempting to assassinate him showing Gamora the extent of her sister's suffer uffing with her cybernetic implants torn out utilizing the Power Stone Thanos inflicted Agony upon nebula until gamor pleaded for Mercy denying any knowledge of the Soul Stone's whereabouts however Thanos exposed gamora's lie through a video recording within nebula's system criticizing her lack of honesty despite his teachings as nebula endured further torture gamor overwhelmed with guilt finally confessed that the stone resided on vormir prompting Thanos to demand to accompany him in its retrieval sacrifice of gamor traveling to vormir through a portal generated by the space Stone Thanos and gamor surveyed the landscape Thanos warned gamor of dire consequences for her sister if the Soul Stone wasn't where she claimed it to be they proceeded to climb the cliff where the stone supposedly lay driven by thanos's Relentless pursuit of his ultimate goal upon reaching the Cliff's Summit they encountered the guardian of the stone who recognized Thanos as the son of allars and gamor as his daughter much to thanos's astonishment The Red Skull engaged Thanos in a discussion about claiming the Soul Stone cautioning about the Steep cost it demanded however Thanos remained Resolute expressing his Readiness to pay whatever price necessary Guided by The Red Skull to a nearby Cliff's Peak Thanos questioned the extent of his knowledge above the Infinity Stones The Red Skull recounted his past pursuit of the stones including holding the Tesseract which eventually led to his banishment of vormir to safeguard the Soul Stone upon reaching the Mountain's Edge the guardian of the Soul Stone elucidated that acquiring it necessitated the sacrifice of a love one underscoring the profound connection required to wield its power though Gamora scorned Thanos as heartless he torn by genuine love for her accepted the Grim necessity of her sacrifice recalling Titan's fate Thanos acknowledged his Destiny to seemingly save billions despite the emotional turmoil gamor attempted suicide in desperation only for Thanos to thwart her with the reality Stone tearfully apologizing he forcibly threw her from the cliff as she fought back consumed by grief Thanos mourned her death a voice affirming his worthiness as he lost Consciousness upon waking up in a river bank Thanos found the Soul Stone in his possession which he then integrated into his Infinity Gauntlet further augmenting his power Battle of Titan after the sacrifice of gamor Thanos journeyed to Titan to rendevu with the black order for the retrieval of the time Stone however he was met by Doctor Strange atpa Hill who remarked on the fitting nature of thanos's name Thanos quick to discern ebony Ma's demise acknowledged Ma's success in delivering the time Stone despite his death Str strange warned Thanos of facing a master of the Mystic Arts personally intending to defeat him himself Thanos inquired about Strange's thoughts on Ma's destination and corrected him when strange guessed Titan as his home using the reality Stone Thanos altered the surroundings to Showcase Titan's former Splendor recounting its history and his proposed solution of mass genocide to avert Extinction which the Titans rejected leading to the Fulfillment of thanos's grim prediction mockingly labeling Thanos a prophet strange provoked him to which Thanos asserted that he was merely a Survivor when accused of Desiring to murder trillions Thanos explained his plan for a painless randomly Fair genocide Across the Universe using the Infinity Stones capable of achieving this with a snap of his fingers after which he intended to rest and watch the sunrise as their exchange concluded Thanos expressed his belief in the necessity of strong Wills for difficult choices to which strange countered that their Wills equal his own Iron Man then intervened attacking Thanos with a massive piece of debris and raging him further Thanos retaliated with the Power Stone transforming the debris into a swarm of bats with the reality Stone amidst the chaos Spider-Man blinded Thanos with synthetic webbing Drax attempted a slash with his knives and strange conjured an eldrich magic sword however Thanos swiftly regained composure overpowering them and delivering a heavy blow to draxx while thwarting Strange's attack and kicking him away in Anger just as Thanos poised to strike strange Star-Lord charged forward unleashing a barrage of blasts from his quad blasters with assist from strange who created platforms for him to navigate and a shot at Thanos Star-Lord managed to evade the onslaught and a fix an explosive to thanos's back momentarily stunning him Star-Lord swiftly vanished through an interdimensional portal conjured by strange attempting to retaliate Thanos found his powers hindered as the cloak of levitation and snared The Infinity Gauntlet exploiting the distraction strange opened more portals enabling Spider-Man to launch attacks however Thanos irritated swiftly subdued Spider-Man hurling him at strange and knocking them both down before ripping the cloak from The Gauntlet resuming the assault Iron Man Unleashed a massive explosion around Thanos with missiles from his Mark L armor yet Thanos emerged unscathed using the gauntlet to absorb and redirect the Flames back at Iron Man undeterred Spider-Man attempted to seize the gauntlet but thanos's effortlessly Broke Free from the webbing seizing Spider-Man and delivering a ruthless blow after Thanos tore away the webbing from his Gauntlet a necrocraft unexpectedly slammed into him dragging him across the battlefield as he struggled to rise Thanos was then struck in the face by nebula who had managed to escape from the sanctuary too greeting his former adopted daughter coldly Thanos deemed killing her a waste of Parts despite nebula's Furious assault with her electroshock batons and her demands to know gamora's whereabouts Thanos remained silent overpowering her with a swift backhand entrapped by Heroes Thanos found himself ens snared by Doctor Strange's eldrich whip which immobilized The Infinity Gauntlet as he struggled to break free Drax charged forward knocking Thanos back onto his knees while Star-Lord deployed Ed one of his gravity mines pulling down his other arm Spider-Man using his synthetic webbing pulled Thanos backward further restraining him in his efforts to resist with Thanos immobilized Iron Man attempted to seize the gauntlet while strange conjured another interdimensional portal above Thanos allowing mantis to land on him inducing a trans-like state with her powers collaboratively the heroes worked to restrain Thanos while Iron Man and Spider-Man endeavored to pry The Gauntlet from his grasp with Thanos exerting all his strength and a bid to Break Free rejoining the fry Star-Lord Ed Thanos remarking on his surprising ease of capture before demanding gamora's whereabouts despite being under mice's influence Thanos managed to utter a few words referring to her as his Gamora a claim denied by Star-Lord mantis however revealed that Thanos was grieving prompting questions from Star-Lord and draxx about the cause of his mourning nebula's realization sparked by star-lords comment dawned upon her in horror and sadness Thanos had indeed sacrificed gamor to obtain the Soul Stone on vormir disregarding Iron Man's ad and consumed by Fury Star-Lord demanded Thanos refute nebula's claim to which Thanos reluctantly admitted the truth enraged Star-Lord struck Thanos with his Blaster causing mantis to lose her control over him despite Stark's attempt to restrain him freed from his trance and incensed by the near defeat Thanos launched a brutal Counterattack seizing The Gauntlet just before Spider-Man attempted to remove it he hurled mantis to the ground with Spider-Man narrowly saving her before knocking back Iron Man and subduing the Guardians by kicking draxx into them a powerful shock wave from The Gauntlet incapacitated them all with the Guardians defeated Iron Man re-engaged wielding a sword forged from his Mark L armor in an attempt to Vanquish Thanos however Thanos intercepted the blow and retaliated with a headbutt fueled by rage Thanos unleashed the Power Stone to pulverize an entire Moon above Titan he then utilized the space Stone to Reign a barrage of meteors upon his adversaries capitalizing on Titan's High gravitational pull to increase their velocity duel with Doctor Strange amidst the Relentless barrage of meteors Doctor Strange confronted Thanos once more descending with the cloak of levitation and meeting his gaze with determination ready for a duel with the master of the Mystic Arts strange Unleashed fiery beams at Thanos tearing apart the ground around them Thanos swiftly evaded the fiery Onslaught by leaping into the air and retaliated with a powerful beam from The Infinity Gauntlet obliterating a passing meteor however strange intervened summoning the mirror Dimension to absorb the blast aiming to trap Thanos within it to neutralize the threat launching the dimension toward him strange s to contain Thanos yet Thanos countered by crushing the entire mirror Dimension with a mighty strike from the Power Stone utilizing the space Stone he obliterated the remnants and Unleashed them back at strange in the form of a destructive black hole however to thanos's surprise strange transmuted the threat into harmless blue butterfly intrigued by this unexpected turn Thanos briefly paused expecting a more lethal response from strange witnessing strange as aerial maneuver Thanos observed as the sorcerer conjured numerous replicas of himself each wheel building eldrich whips to ens snare Thanos immobilizing him determined to not be restrained again Thanos Unleashed a blast from the Infinity Stones dispelling the replicas and momentarily pulling Strange's asteral form from his body before strange regained control bringing the duel to a close Thanos sees strange tightening his grip around the sorcerer's throat acknowledging Strange's Mastery of magic Thanos remarked on the missed opportunity to utilize the time Stone deeming it Strange's greatest weapon however upon crushing the eye of agato Thanos realized that strange had already removed the time Stone prompting him to cast strange aside battle with Iron Man before Thanos could locate the hidden time Stone Iron Man intervened utilizing a trap to restrain The Infinity Gauntlet expressing his resentment for thanos's earlier Moon assault Iron Man was met with thanos's Revelation that he knew Stark's name from the Battle of New York Thanos burdened with knowledge countered Iron Man's retort by asserting his true curse was Thanos himself initiating the attack Iron Man Unleashed a barrage of missiles at Thanos who managed to withstand the onslaught however he was soon over overwhelmed by Iron Man's advanced technology as the armored Avenger relentlessly battered Thanos with jet powered strikes smashing him into rocks in retaliation Thanos ripped off Iron Man's helmet only for it to swiftly regenerate via Nanobots but not before delivering a blow that sent Iron Man crashing to the ground with Iron Man temporarily incapacitated Thanos tore the Trap from his Gauntlet regaining access to the infinity Stone's power unleashing a blast from the Power Stone Thanos found Iron Man's nanotech Shield deflecting the attack though pushed back by the force Iron Man remained un unharmed swiftly rejoining the fry with determination Iron Man transformed part of his suit into a heavy clamp restraining thanos's arm and delivering a forceful blow across thanos's face with a jet powered battering ram although the blow drew blood from Thanos it only served to amus him as he remarked on the insignificance of Iron Man's efforts despite the minor injury inflicted seeking to end the battle decisively Thanos effortlessly Broke Free from the restraint and Unleashed a brutal assault on Iron Man repeatedly striking him and causing severe damage to his armor with each blow Iron Man's helmet shattered prompting his nanotech to hasten repairs despite Iron Man's desperate attempts to fight back with Repulsor beams Thanos Advanced relentlessly deflecting the attacks with the gauntlet closing the distance Thanos forcefully removed Iron Man's helmet leaving him vulnerable Iron Man improvised creating a sword from his remaining nanotech and attempted to stab Thanos only for Thanos to break the sword and counter him by impaling Iron Man through the stomach with it as Stark struggled for breath heavily bleeding Thanos guided him backward and gently placed him on a nearby Rock tenderly touching Stark's head Thanos expressed his newfound respect for him promising that once his mission was accomplished half of humanity would endure hoping those who survived would honor Stark's Legacy stepping back Thanos prepared to use the combined power of the Infinity Stones to end Stark's life before Thanos could enact his Grim plan Doctor Strange intervened offering to surrender the time Stone in exchange for sparing Stark's life assuring that it was not a deception strange redirected thanos's Focus away from Stark and toward himself despite Stark's desperate pleas strange used his magic to reveal the Stone's location manifesting the time Stone into his hand strange pondered the weight of his decision as one of the Masters of the Mystic Arts before reluctantly allowing it to float toward Thanos much to Stark's horror accepting the stone Thanos examined it briefly before integrating it into the gauntlet granting him control over time itself with the addition of the fifth Stone Thanos now only sought the Mind Stone to fulfill his ultimate goal basking in his Triumph than was abruptly assaulted by a barrage of blaster shots as Star-Lord emerged unleashing Fury with his quad blasters still consumed by rage over gamora's death despite the onslaught Thanos emerged unscathed effortlessly Conjuring a portal with the space Stone and departing from Titan his destination Earth where the final infinity stone awaited him with thanos's departure the heroes were left behind feeling utterly defeated by his overwhelming power Battle of wakanda having secured the time Stone Thanos utilized the space Stone to teleport to wakanda intent on claiming the Mind Stone however he was met not only by the formidable forces of wakanda but also by fragmented teams of the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy unperturbed Thanos faced his adversaries alone calmly advancing towards them despite the destruction of his out Rider Army Thanos wielding the nearly complete Infinity Gauntlet proved to be virtually Invincible overpowering his opponents effortlessly Bruce Banner's Hulkbuster charged at him but Thanos simply rendered it intangible and encased it in solid Stone as More Heroes attacked Thanos used the power of the stones to subdue them all when Captain America and Black Panther charged Thanos repelled Captain America with the Power Stone then seized black panther by the throat hurling him to the ground Falcon was blasted out of the air before War Machine Unleashed his Arsenal to no avail Thanos effortlessly deflected the shots and demolished the armor before discarding it disdainfully as Thanos pressed on toward the mindstone Winter Soldier and OKO launched an assault their efforts utile against thanos's resilience shrugging off bullets and thwarting the vibranium spear Thanos Unleashed a shock wave knocking them backward and trapping Black Widow under rocks torn from the ground with the stone Within Reach Thanos observed Wanda maximoff's attempt to destroy it realizing it would result in vision's demise with little standing between Thanos and his goal Groot attempted to ensnare him with his Vines but Thanos effortlessly tore them apart facing only Captain America Thanos engaged him in a furious battle enduring blows from the wakandan shields impressed by Captain America's resilience Thanos attempted to overpower him with the gauntlet ultimately delivering a brutal punch that sent him crashing to the ground approaching the stone Thanos encountered maximoff's formidable energy blasts fueled by her connection to the Infinity Stones despite his efforts to breach her defenses Thanos found her power difficult to overcome yet it was too late as maximoff overloaded the stone resulting in its destruction along with vision's demise upon witnessing the destruction of the mindstone Thanos didn't display Rage or sorrow to towards the girl who seemingly thwarted his ultimate goal instead he empathized with Wanda maximoff's tearful sacrifice of vision recognizing the pain he had experienced when sacrificing Gamora for the Soul Stone despite maximoff's insistence that he couldn't understand her anguish Thanos asserted that he had endured losses beyond her comprehension declaring that there was no time for mourning Thanos activated the time Stone aiming The Gauntlet at vision's remains with a horrified maximoff attempting to intervene Thanos restored Vision to Life along with the mindstone maxim off screams of horror were silenced as Thanos struck her down with a brutal blow now with a new found Advantage Thanos ins snared Vision with The Infinity Gauntlet lifting him into the air meeting vision's gaze Thanos effortlessly crushed his vibranium skull forcefully extracting the mindstone and extinguishing vision's life once more as vision's lifeless form turned gray Thanos discarded him admiring the Mind Stone in his hand snap with all six Infinity Stones secured Thanos inserted the mindstone into the infinity G gaunlet merging their power as the immense energy surged through him Thanos let out a primal Roar of pain his body racked with the strain of wielding such unfathomable power in the midst of the moment Thor descended from the sky wielding Stormbreaker and Unleashed a furious assault on Thanos a lightning bolt hurled from stormbreakers struck Thanos prompting a retaliatory energy beam from him fueled by the combined might of the stones however Thor hurled Stormbreaker with unyielding Force cleaving Through the energy beam and hurling towards Thanos unabated the axee pierced thanos's chest inflicting grave wounds and forcing him to his knees in agony as Thor approached reeving in his Triumph he seized Thanos by the head reminding him of his vow to avenge the deaths of heimall Loki and countless asgardians aboard the Statesmen with ferocity Thor drove the axe deeper into thanos's chest eliciting agonized Roars from the Fallen Titan despite the Searing pain from the deep wound caused by the axe Thanos struggling to speak taunted Thor suggesting he should have aimed for his head before Thor could react Thanos raised The Infinity Gauntlet and snapped his fingers a blinding white light engulfed the battlefield as Thanos briefly lost Consciousness upon Awakening Thanos found himself in the soul world free from his injury and The Gauntlet The Emptiness surrounded him save for a distant structure resembling the archway on Zen huberi where he encountered a young Gamora tearfully he informed her of completing his mission when Gamora asked at what cost Thanos somberly replied everything returning to conscious Thanos found himself back in wakanda observing the scorched Infinity Gauntlet Thor demanded answers about the snap but Thanos remained silent seizing the opportunity he healed his wound cast a spiteful glance at his adversary and vanished using the space Stone leaving Thor and the devastation behind retiring as half of all life in the universe began to disintegrate following his actions Thanos returned to his garden unmoved by the cries of Anguish echoing across the cosmos as trillions perished he sought solace in a humble Hut overlooking the alien landscape with his long-sought goal achieved Thanos found contentment in watching the sunrise a Serene smile playing upon his lips 3 weeks later anticipating the Avengers Pursuit and recognizing the temptation of power Thanos made a final decisive move utilizing the Infinity Stones one last time he obliterated them at the atomic level with their own energies ensuring they could never be used to undo the snap this act left him grievously wounded bearing scars that marked the parts of his body closest to the ruined Infinity Gauntlet now fused permanently to his hand despite his injuries Thanos resolved to live out his days in retirement on the garden seeking only peace as he awaited his inevitable end ambushed by The Avengers 2 days after Thanos rendered the Infinity Stones inert the surviving Avengers managed to rescue Tony Stark and pinpointed thanos's location using the benatar's coordinates meanwhile Thanos tending to his Farmland harvested fruits to prepare a stew carrying his harvest in a bag the injured Thanos returned to his Hut and began cooking as he seasoned his food a sudden bright light pierced the sky crashing through his Hut reacting swiftly Thanos blocked the energy Beam with his worn out Gauntlet Captain Marvel flying toward him engaged in a brief stalemate Captain Marvel subdued Thanos encircling him and locking him in a headlock while thwarting his attempt to activate the gauntlet by preventing him from closing his fist unaware of the Stone's destruction she choked him into submission suddenly Bruce Banner clad in Iron Man armor burst from the floor seizing thanos's arm fiercely War Machine then breached the Hut joining Banner to restrain both of thanos's arms Thor burst into the Hut by crashing through its back wielding Stormbreaker to seber thanos's left arm causing immense pain and eliciting a furious scream from the Titan meanwhile Captain America and Black Widow arrived to interrogate Thanos and retrieve the Infinity Stones while the rest of the team restrained him as Rocket Raccoon examined the charred Infinity Gauntlet it became evident that the stones were missing demanding answers The Avengers pressed Thanos who explained that after a Ching his goal of universal correction these Stones were no longer necessary and only tempted others Banner enraged by thanos's justification shoved him to the ground upon recovering Thanos faced further questioning he admitted that he had obliterated the stones reducing them to atams to ensure the snap's irreversibility and to secure his victory eternally despite black widow's persistence Thanos remained Resolute his actions driven by his belief in the necessity of his mission Thanos explained that destroying the Infinity Stones had nearly cost him his life but affirmed that his mission was complete and would endure he proclaimed himself to be inevitable rhs skeptical suggested tearing down the Hut to search for the stones but nebula intervened acknowledging that despite thanos's faults he wasn't a liar implying that his claim of destroying the stones was truthful surprised and moved by her honesty Thanos thanked nebula conceding that he might have treated her too harshly with this Revelation sinking in Thor consumed by Fury swiftly swung Stormbreaker at Thanos decapitating him in a single blow and sending his head rolling across the Hut's floor as thanos's lifeless body collapsed fulfilling his earlier taunt to Thor The Avengers watched in horror and contempt nebula knelt by her father's head closing his eyes as a final gesture silently mourning his demise despite thanos's death his legacy of Devastation left the Avengers defeated once more resigned to Grapple with the losses he inflicted upon them snap aftermath after Thanos achieved his goal of having the universe's population his actions reverberated across Earth and Beyond the global populace grappled with Despair and loss as they mourned their loved ones governments struggled to account for the missing and societal Norms stagnated in the aftermath Tony Stark having retired from the Avengers found solace and a quiet life marrying pepper pots raising a daughter and residing in a tranquil Lakeside Cabin meanwhile Steve Rogers dedicated himself to aiding survivors running a support group in New York City to help them navigate the aftermath of the catastrophe Thor burdened by his perceived failure descended into depression passion indulging in alcohol and excess as he ruled over new Asgard grappling with his Newfound responsibilities as a king Natasha romanof haunted by her past and unable to move forward assumed leadership of the remaining Avengers holding down the fort at The Avengers compound as she continued to fight for justice and Redemption amidst the chaos left in thanos's Wake ronan's War Clint Barton grappling with the irreparable loss of his family underwent a drastic transformation adopting the Persona of ronin clad in in a ninja suit adorned with tattoos and sporting a mohawk haircut he embarked on a 5-year vigilante mission to eradicate criminal syndicates worldwide his Relentless Crusade brought him into conflict with various criminal organizations including the tracksuit Mafia Yakuza and Mexican cartel forging numerous enemies along the way in 2024 Barton's passed as Ronin returned to haunt him when the track suit Mafia resurfaced upon encountering someone Dawning the Ronin attire the Resurgence of his vigilante identity plunged Barton back into a world of danger and conflict as he found himself confronted with the consequences of his actions during his time as Ronin Scott Lang's intuition concurrently with the snap Scott Lang found himself stranded in the quantum realm where he remained for 5 years presumed dead by the world Lang was unexpectedly freed when a rat inadvertently activated the quantum tunnel allowing him to escape Upon returning to the surface Lang was stunned to discover the profound impact of the snap on Earth with Society grappling with grief and despair despite the passage of 5 years in the outside World Lang had only experienced a few hours within the quantum realm due to its unpredictable nature and time dilation effects recognizing the potential of this phenomenon Lang proposed the idea of utilizing time travel through the quantum realm to undo the snap and resurrect the victims inspired by Lang's suggestion The Avengers devised a plan dubbed the Time Heist wherein they would travel to alternate timelines to retrieve each of the Infinity Stones enabling them to restore balance to the universe alternate counterpart in the aftermath of the blip which success y restored every victim back to life and Alternate Thanos from another timeline emerged through the quantum realm determined to rectify what he perceived as his counterpart's mistake intent on wiping out all existence and creating a new universe this alternate Thanos posed a grave threat to the restored order in a climactic battle Iron Man made the ultimate sacrifice utilizing the power of the Infinity Stones to disintegrate Thanos and his entire Army despite the heavy cost Iron Man's selfless act ensured Victory and brought an end to the threat posed by alternate Thanos following the defeat of this Thanos the universe rejoiced in their hard one Triumph knowing that the threat of Thanos had been vanquished once and for all Wanda maximoff's mental breakdown overwhelmed by grief and seeking closure after the loss of vision Wanda maximoff journeyed to the headquarters of sword in Florida hoping to gain permission from director Tyler Hayward to provide vision with a proper burial however her request was denied prompting Wanda to bid a solemn farewell to Vision before departing from the facility driven by her sorrow and longing for a sense of normal sea Wanda traveled to a plot of land in West viiew New Jersey which Vision had purchased for her in her anguish Wanda unknowingly tapped into her chaos magic inadvertently creating a new reality where she could be reunited with vision and live out a semblance of a happy life they had once envisioned flag Smashers in the aftermath of the snap and the blip the Earth underwent significant social and political change initially the global Community rallied together to support survivors and provide assistance to those affected by the snap however the return of billions of people after the blip led to widespread displacement and turmoil causing a regression to pre-nap conditions during this time kly morganth thought and the flag Smashers emerged as a prominent anti-nationalist group advocating for a return to the unified state of the world during the 5-year period following the snap their actions were fueled by discontent with the reestablishment of national borders and the neglect of snap survivors following Morgan thou's death and the defeat of the flag Smashers Sam Wilson now Captain America confronted officials of the global repatriation Council for their indifference towards the plight of both blip survivors and refugees drawing parallels to Thanos Sam urged the GRC to use their power to enact positive change and address the needs of those affected by recent events Sam's impassioned plea resonated with the GRC prompting them to disband the patch act and take steps towards addressing the Grievances of snap survivors and refugees ultimately leading to a more inclusive and Equitable Approach to Global governance redeeming an alternate Loki during the Time Heist a mishap caused Iron Man to inadvertently provide the tesak to an alternate version of Loki from the year 2012 this occurred when an alternate Hulk accidentally knocked Iron Man away while they were attempting to leave Stark Tower seizing the opportunity Loki used the Tarak to teleport away creating a new branching reality diverging from the main timeline as a result of Loki's actions the time variance Authority or TVA intervened to prevent further disruptions Loki was apprehended by the Minutemen of the TVA and taken into custody to ensure the preservation of the Sacred time timeline subsequently Loki underwent an interrogation conducted by Mobius M Mobius an agent of the TVA during his time in custody Loki managed to temporarily escape from the Minutemen he then utilized a TVA helicopter to review a series of Clips depicting various scenarios that would have unfolded had he not escaped the final clip showed Loki's demise at the hands of Thanos aboard the Statesmen leading him to realize the consequences of his actions moved by this realization and acknowledging Mobius is wisdom Loki decided to turn over a new leaf and cooperate with Mobius this marked a significant shift in Loki's character as he began to embrace the idea of working towards a greater good Guided by the principles of the TVA public approval the sentiment Thanos was right began to resonate with some individuals on Earth following the events of the snap and its aftermath evidence of this sentiment emerged in unexpected places such as the graffitied phrase found in the men's bathroom of the Lun Fontan theater in New York City in 2024 as the phrase gained traction it also became a marketable slogan appearing on various Merchant dice like coffee mugs people seized the opportunity to profit from the popularity of the phrase and it became part of mainstream culture available for purchase in stores one individual who embraced this sentiment was Moira Brandon who purchased a coffee mug bearing the phrase this illustrates how the phrase Thanos was right permeated Society resonating with certain segments of the population despite its controversial nature and that my friends is the entire Thanos timeline from beginning to end from Titan to earth to Beyond what did you think what's your favorite Thanos moment is there a quote that sticks out to you make sure you let me know down in the comments and subscribe to cinematica for more like this thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Stan Lee Presents
Views: 12,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MCU, Marvel, Timeline, Explained, Order, Iron Man, Movies, Eternals, 107 Facts, Celestials, Ego, Facts, Captain America, Thor, Cinematica, Channel Frederator, Frederator, The Leaderboard, Cartoon Conspiracy, Series, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Spider Man, Multiverse, Shield, Stark, backstory, Disney plus, Loki, battle, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, moments, The Amagi, Recap, Black Panther, Wakanda, Ancient One, Doctor Strange, Deviant, HYDRA, Avengers, Black Widow, Thanos, Infinity, Stone, Snap, Starlord
Id: H0Nt6l5bPt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 39sec (2799 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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