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I've had a very complicated relationship with Marvel over the years I think we all have Marvel is that girlfriend that you broke up with years ago because they're toxic but then she came back with a boob job and now you're having second thoughts that seems to be the case with Marvel they put out something shitty and then they get me hyped again I don't know how they do it but they do I'm optimistic now that Disney has changed its leadership and they're focusing on quality over quantity I'd be lying though if I wasn't still concerned about certain characters one of those is the Hulk somehow this character started as one of my favorite characters and then became my least favorite he's been around since the very beginning of the MCU when you really think about it I mean his movie came second after Iron Man I cringed at how much the Hulk became pathetic by the very end so the question is how did this character go from being an absolute menace to a green Winnie the Pooh let's first look at the Incredible Hulk from 2008 I'll start by saying that I'm mixed on this interpretation of Bruce Banner I love Ed Norton and I felt that he was a great choice for the character but the writing and Direction made this character feel very dry and dull it seemed like there's a lot of conflict with Ed nordon and his own Creative Vision so I think that might be part of it but if we're talking about the the Hulk himself this Hulk was an absolute Menace that felt genuinely terrifying not only that but he was a monster that just want to be left alone but he often had to defend himself he really felt like an OP character in the best way the showdown between him and Abomination will forever be one of the best fights in the history of the MCU the way they charge at each other and Hulk uses a police car as boxing gloves is [ __ ] awesome even with Hulk's Incredible strength Abomination felt like a worthy and intimidating opponent his scene felt like it was straight out of a horror movie oh yeah did I mention that they ruined that character too as you can see I'm in full control that's enough calm down so even though I'm sad that this was the last time we saw this version of the Hulk they still did a great job with him in the Avengers I was immediately on board with Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner once I saw his first scene this version of Bruce Banner was trying to WR his wrongs and he kind of comes off as just a normal shy awkward man it makes him more relatable among the unique personalities of the Avengers you can tell that this version of banner is trying to fight his rage rather than keep his pulse at a reasonable level we see the most vulnerable side of him and everything he has been through in just one scene as for this version of the Hulk although I missed the old look I like that this Hulk was a little bit bulkier and more apik he was still a menace that was was able to go toe-to-toe with a God he also had the most epic transformation scene that really showed how integral he is as a member of the team and we got a fun scene where he beat the [ __ ] out of Loki and we saw a little bit of Hulk's personality without being too on the nose by the end of this movie he was still The Hulk and the same can be said in the second movie The Hulk is finally able to be brought down by black widow she also thirst over him the whole movie for some reason Hulk dick I guess Bruce Banner has put in rough circumstances in this movie we watch him get provoked and wreck a whole city as the Hulk for the most part he still felt like this overpowered monster in the best possible way but this is where the decline starts now I've been very back and forth with Thor Ragnarok while I don't like the way some of the characters are portrayed I had a lot of fun with this movie and I do for the most part find it enjoyable unlike love and thunder my biggest gripe with it is the Hulk I was curious to see how they would handle the whole aspect of him talking more but they made the character feel like a cartoon you can also hear the autotune in his voice at times which was really confusing to me cuz why not just get an actual voice actor to play the character rather than Mark Ruffalo there was so much potential for a gladiator Hulk style movie but instead he was used for cheap laughs and some repeated jokes I don't know if I would say he was weaker in this movie but he certain certainly felt less menacing compared to how he started out we also see his green cheeks never mind he's menacing again so when we get to Infinity War you think they'd go all out with this character but no Hulk gets absolutely raped in the first 10 minutes look I get it it's Thanos he's the big bad of this universe he was built up throughout all the phases of the MCU but I mean it's still the Hulk I get that Thanos has an infinity stone and he's a trained fighter but this is supposed to be the [ __ ] demon we saw back in 2008 and he lost in a basic fist fight what I'm trying to say is this Great Clips haircut Hulk got beat a little too easily in my opinion I hated the whole idea of Bruce Banner getting erectile dysfunction throughout the movie this was when they started making Bruce Banner another comedic relief character unfortunately at as they do with a lot of characters in the MCU but hey they set up the 5-year gap for him to become Professor Hulk so that'll be cool right it's worse it's so much worse I still have beef with Marvel for allowing fortnite and dabbing in an Avengers movie for the sole purpose of appealing to a younger audience Bruce Banner's personality is drastically changed at this point which is understandable considering he swo now in 5 years of pass since the snap but he just feels too cartoonish compared to the damaged scientists we were introduced to back in 2012 even if he's healed since then it just felt so off from what we've been introduced to the line between ruffalo's Bruce Banner and Ed Norton's was fairly thin before but now we have the Hulk that says bruh yeah I saw the first episode of She-Hulk unfortunately Hulk is just a harmless Winnie the Poop at this point in the time he was Professor Hulk he could have learned martial arts or done something to make him seem intimidating it just got to the point where I felt like all we were seeing was Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk the current Hulk that we have right now just makes me sad and makes me reminisce about the times when we had these op characters that everybody got so hyped for now I know I just bash the character a lot but I will say this with the current trajectory of Marvel trying to fix their mistakes and make quality over quantity I think this character has a chance if they do what I'm hoping for I didn't watch all of She-Hulk let me just put that out there so I still have my dignity but I did see the final scene of the episode where Banner introduces his son or whatever the [ __ ] that thing is I've heard this Theory online before and I think it would save the character in a future Marvel project they should kill off Bruce Banner's son so that he goes full rage mode and unleashes the real Hulk not the sweater-wearing coffee drinking [ __ ] I'm talking about the one that kills if they do that I'll let all the other [ __ ] slide I just want to feel hyped about this character again because to me he is kind of like the Superman of Marvel not in a personality sense but in a power sense I want to feel scared of this character we'll see what happens down the road let me know what other characters you think need to be fixed in the comments down below so uh yeah bye [Music]
Channel: Mr. Cinematic
Views: 17,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f9Ia_eA9Y-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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