The COMPLETE Dungeon Meshi 'Thisle Arc' Explained

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after thistle oversaw the chaos within the dungeon he resolved to return to his residence to secure the winged lion and eliminate any trespassers will the Mad sorcerer confront loo once again can the winged lion truly be set free stay tuned for these thrilling developments the Mad sorcerer decided to enter his Abode solo he assured himself there was no issue and that he would resolve this matter effortlessly however upon entering and observing his surroundings he saw that the library's books had been neatly arranged the dishes were cleaned and the clothes were Immaculate baffled he wondered what had transpired within his home rushing to his room to investigate he was startled to find his Diaries which contained poems previously concealed under the bed now meticulously organized on the nightstand his composure gave way to irritation upset that someone had tidied up without his consent he insisted there was a specific rationale behind the original placement of his belongings blaming the winged lion for this overstep his anger eventually subsided as he acknowledged that at least half of his belongings remained undisturbed he surveyed the dining hall and felt a sense of relief upon seeing the bodies and confirming their safety approaching durle he inquired where his soul was departing his physical form in a flashback to a millennium prior dur ggle questioned thisle if there was truly nothing more to be done he reminded him that his appointment as the court sorcerer was predicated on his abilities to heal and cure thistle responded explaining that he had exhausted all possibilities yet their supplies of medicine were insufficient at that time the kingdom found itself plagued by a profound Calamity besieged by natural disasters the populace was afflicted with the torments of famine which was precisely what and their adversaries chose to besiege them further the situation had deteriorated to the point where it was no longer feasible to summon a physici to treat the ailment of the King's son overcome by emotion the king sought an apology but thistle countered that it was he who owed an apology the king implored thistle for assistance fearing the total Destruction of their Kingdom without intervention he queried whether thistle possessed any potent spells perhaps one to conjure Food Supplies or another to obliterate their foes in a single stroke thistle however dispelled the notion of magic being omnipotent facing despair the king wondered if the winged lion had forsaken them it was then that thistle conceived a plan inviting King durgal to accompany him and intending to reveal insights into ancient magic thistle spoke of the techniques that ancient civilizations employed in their development he elucidated that the dungeon lying dormant beneath the the castle could Grant its ruler incredible Powers such as flight the creation of gold and even the Revival of the Dead all within the realm of possibility for the lord of the dungeon to durgal this seemed like a dream yet thistle tempered the idea with practicality he noted that while such Feats are theoretically feasible even above ground the sheer volume of Mana required renders them nearly unattainable in contrast the dungeon Harbors a reservoir of so vast it offers an almost inexhaustible Supply to draw upon as they roam through the local the king queried if they had stumbled upon the remnants of an ancient Dwarven City thistle clarified noting it was actually the ancient elves who had utilized the site as an outpost the king remarked that he had been informed there was nothing particularly noteworthy remaining thistle however contended that an element permitting one to claim dominion over the dungeon in indeed existed there the king reflected on the absence of thistle's presence recently and speculated whether thistle had been dedicating his time to this area thistle affirmed disclosing that he had been meticulously scrutinizing the area when thistle gestured towards the winged lion statue the king dismissed it as a dead end the statue had always seemed oddly out of place to thistle he had dedicated considerable time to its investigation however midth thought he swung his Mallet and shattered the statue revealing a book inside the king witnessing this act was taken about considering it sacriligious thisle undeterred retrieved the book peing the kingk interest as well as thisle held the book it seemed to communicate with him inquiring about his wishes thisle pondered and then expressed his desire for the entire Kingdom to live in Tranquility he aspired for a realm free from suffering caused by disease disaster unexpected demise or the torment of famine his aspiration was to prevent such afflictions from befalling them ever again triggered by thistle's actions the book sprang open releasing a light that took thistle by surprise the king called out to him half joking that he looked as though he had fainted on his feet it was only thisle who witnessed it upon being questioned about the occurrence thisle stated that he had come to a resolution on their course of action he requested the king to summon everyone to assemble in that spot durgal expressed disbelief arguing that the entire Kingdom's populace could not possibly convene in such a constrained area yet thistle utilizing the power of the book effortlessly enlarged the room by Shifting the walls ceiling and floor he observed that manipulating the space was as simple as moving his own limbs he declared that this newly created space would be the Battleground from which they would launch their Counterattack against their foes the citizens of the Kingdom began to make their way into the dungeon closely followed by their adversaries yet empowered by thistle's wish the dungeons creatures overpowered the Invaders forcing them into a retreat due to the direness of their predicament thistle declared his determination to prevent their escape after the conflict had subsided thistle allowed himself a moment of relief but his reprieve was interrupted by the sobs of a child distressed over their injured father drawn by the sound thistle employed his healing magic and the father was soon able to sit up much to the awe of all present witnessing this act King durle commended thistle for his commendable efforts in safeguarding the populace witnessing the joy of the people thisle felt a sense of Solace and embraced the responsibility of safeguarding everyone a series of scenes unfolded illustrating thistle's guardianship over the dungeon creatures his assessment of their environment and the deployment of monsters to assist the villagers during this period of Tranquility King durle not only lived peacefully with his son but also embraced the role of a grandfather with the passage of time the Aged King durgal contemplated their prolonged isolation within the dungeon and considered the prospect of returning to the surface World a thought that took thistle by surprise thistle pointed out that returning to the surface was inadvisable as he wouldn't be able to protect them there he mentioned that the dungeon's power was crucial for his son's survival his son caught off guard questioned if thistle was implying that they were bound to remain in the dark domain he governed thisle felt let down by yod's retort having believed he provided a sanctuary akin to Blue Skies for him iodio however affirmed that was exactly his point and urged thisle to reflect on his recent actions iodio observed that thisle had a way of silencing anyone who disagreed with him casting spells of dubious nature that only increased the number of monsters he questioned thistle's intentions and accused him of acting like a deity thisle insisted that his actions were all in the interest of protecting everyone iodio countered by labeling thistle as the greatest threat to the kingdom and expressed his determination to lead everyone out of the dungeon he wanted to show his son Yad the world Beyond on their confines thistle infuriated by The Challenge declared his refusal to allow them to leave in a dramatic display he separated his soul from his body temporarily causing eodo to collapse thistle then mused that he should temper his own rage iod's Soul was in a state of disarray seeking Clarity on his actions and pleading to be restored to his usual state thistle however responded with laughter dismissing Yo's words as unintelligible King durle approached his child's inert form and confronted thistle about his deeds showing signs of fatigue thistle settled into a chair and mused that individuals tend to be self-centered he noted that despite the sealed route to the surface Invaders persistently infiltrated their domain contemplating this he concluded that it was necessary to enlarge the dungeon and fortify it with additional monsters and traps the winged Cub proposed the idea of organizing a festival occasionally to alleviate the collective mood recognizing that there was a considerable amount of anger and frustration Brewing among the people thistle however expressed concern that such distractions might prevent him from detecting any irregularities that may arise he had also observed that the Cub had become unusually talkative recently prompting him to caution that if he uttered another word he would silence him permanently thistle was troubled by the sense that things were evolving into chaos his primary intention was to safeguard everyone yet he couldn't shake the feeling that he was overlooking something important returning to the present the sorcerer approached durg's body inquiring about his whereabouts meanwhile the winged lion concealed near the furnace thought it had found an opportune moment however thistle sensed its presence and commanded it to stop he accused the lion of orchestrating the chaos and leading The Intruders causing disruptions for him he demanded to know whom the lion targeted next the sorcerer speculated that the Lion's next Target might be either The Tall Man or the female half elf thistle however described half elves as unpredictable simple-minded and greedy traits that made them highly susceptible to manipulation he was convinced they were the exact type of individuals the lion sought thisle also entertained the notion that perhaps the dwarf who had resed Ed there for years was part of the winged Lion's scheme he queried the lion about his forthcoming strategy presumably to deploy an array of dungeon monsters thistle commended what he perceived to be a commendable strategy seizing the opportunity to speak the winged lion clarified that its fondness for Lio Marcel and their companions was genuine driven by its desire for them to rescue thistle the Mad sorcerer however rejected this justification asserting that any words spoken by the winged lion were nothing but falsehoods he wielded his magic to make the living painting levitate but the winged lion interrupted him declaring it was time to Cease the Folly thistle however demanded Silence from The Lion he declared his Mastery over his powers intact thistle aimed at the book imprisoning The Lion and despite the Lion's Escape thistle used the paintings to impale him causing his downfall advancing upon Him thistle pressed his foot against the lion's head accusing him of concealing durle the lion retorted that durle had departed of his own accord thisle acknowledged durg's body was still present yet the lion questioned yod's whereabouts the lion disclosed that to avert suspicion durle had commandeered his son's body to reach the surface the tragic consequence was yod's form disintegrating upon a rival outside coinciding with durle Soul's disappearance aware of the potential consequences durgal nonetheless proceeded with his actions determined to protect everyone thistle included unable to reconcile with this the Mad sorcerer took drastic measures to ensure silence sealing the book to mute the winged lion thistle's intentions were to safeguard those he held dear yet his altruistic desire unwittingly became the Catalyst for a profound Calamity back at Lio and his party Leo declared that he must assume the role of dungeon Lord with farin's death their original scheme to consume the dragon's flesh and then resurrect her became increasingly complex as it was unfeasible for them to consume the entire amount moreover moving farin's colossal form closer to the surface was out of the question however the winged lion disclosed that the dungeon Lord could wield control over the dungeon's spatial orientation this Revelation meant they could potentially relocate their current position nearer to the surface convinced of this necessity to rescue farlin Lao was prepared to take on the mantle of dungeon Lord he recognized they were on the verge of engaging in a duel not just with thistle but also against the perishability of their food chillu expressed his belief that it won't be the issue their challenge lay in confronting the dungeon's current Master his concern lay in whether a direct assault with mere sticks would be sufficient lios reassured him siding their alliance with the winged lion which he believed would counteract thistle's influence lios emphasized their consistent nourishment and rest affirming they were as prepared as they could possibly be declaring it was time to act he proceeded to open the entrance to the Abode of the Mad sorcerer upon opening the door gently they were taken aback to find thistle awaiting their arrival visibly irate and clutching two books the party including Lao were caught off guard by his presence CI observed thistle's lack of manners at the table thistle interrogated them about the death of his Dragon accusing them further of not just slaughtering his creatures for food but also looting his residents he denounced them as filthy greedy Scoundrels perpetually scheming to filch from him declaring that this time he would obliterate them leaving no Trace behind he lifted his hand poised to execute Ute his threat Marcel positioned herself protectively in front of her group and urged them to remain nearby thistle attempted to collaps the ceiling onto them but Marcel successfully countered ensuring her friend's safety she assured thistle that their intent was not to harm him and requested he hear them out thisle scoffed at the suggestion of a dialogue proclaiming his awareness of Marcel's true wish to usurp the dungeon's power for herself and to become a complete elf he scorned her as a miserable and naive half-elf girl destined to endure a life of inferiority and to perish as such the Revelation left Marcel and her allies taken aback as they had not been privy to such information thistle inquired whether her lineage was truly a mix of Elf and Tallman suggesting that such a blend of long and short-lived races could only result in Failure Marcel corrected him clarifying she had no aspirations to be purely Elvin she referenced contemporary research indicating that individuals of mixed longevity from different races often outperform those of singular pure lineage lios concurred citing the example of mules which are a cross between a horse and a donkey and possess advantages surpassing those of either parent thistle conceded that she may be more resilient than other short-lived beings and might even surpass the lifespan of elves yet such advantages bear their own costs her development agility and life life expectancy are all inherently erratic and she lacks the ability to have children lios interjected drawing a parallel to a mule's condition thisle stated that those of mixed Heritage cannot experience life's Rhythm as other races do he painted a somber picture of a future as Century hints where she sits alone with no companions to join her at the dining table he questioned whether this looming Solitude frightened her and if this fear drove her desire for the dungeons p power to reshape her Destiny Marcel taken aback by his own deductions and unable to articulate a defense was promptly dismissed by thistle who declared his disinterest in her desires due to his preoccupations suddenly he executed a startling maneuver causing lios and his group to seem diminished in size their initial thought was that they had been shrunk by sorcery but chill Chu observing thistle realized they were of equal stature it was the kitchen that had been enlarged thistle then proclaimed his Readiness to indulge their draconic culinary Ambitions with an elaborate spread as the room began to fill with an array of dragons amid a downpour verdant dragons a crimson one wyverns and an oriental Dragon likely responsible for the Tempest chill Chu lamented the ill timing of lao's pinent for Dragon lore with the real creatures converging upon them in a desperate Dash they fled Li Neo understood the notorious agility of Green dragons making Escape unlikely recalling their attraction to Precious Metals he led his group to engage the dragon with the glitter of silverware attempting to wield a colossal Silver Spoon proved challenging due to its size despite its valuable material turning around Lao was dismayed to see Ci's ill- faded attempt to elude the dragon by concealing himself in a sizable pot despite warnings it was too late the dragon expelled a burst of flame leaving CI trapped and scorched within as loo surveyed the scene he observed chill chuk and a zuts sprinting to save their lives chill chuk identified their adversary as a red dragon although wingless it possessed the ability to Exhale Flames compensating for its lack of agility his strategy was to make for the wash basin which they did using a Dish as an impromptu raft they narrowly escaped the dragon much to chil Chu's relief but a zuts detected a presence underneath them suddenly an enormous Sea Beast surfaced tipping them into the Briny water chill Chu emerging gasping from The Saltwater found himself face to face with yet another Titanic entity that exhaled a chilling breath upon him this transformed chil Chuck into a frost covered figure while a zami became drenched as if pickled by the sea lios witnessing the scene realized they were in the presence of a leviathan and a white dragon Lio observed that these beings were Not Mere living entities they were disasters incarnate beyond the realm of monsters that one could face by merely maintaining proper nourishment he pondered a viable course of action and resolved that he could stealthily bypass the dragon to confront thistle directly postponing the Revival of his comrades his concern then shifted to Marcel her Sur rival was crucial as without her Resurrection would be impossible determined to secure her safety his thoughts were abruptly interrupted by an explosion recognizing it as Marcel's handiwork he swiftly located the origin of the blast Marcel confronted a dragon accustomed to dark Caverns exhaling lethal gases given its diminished eyesight thisle cautioned Marcel against using explosive spells to prevent revealing her position despite the warning the worm expelled a noxious breath inducing Marcel to cough blood leaving her in a critical State amidst the chaos Lio caught off guard failed to notice a creature's appendage behind him arride this creature thistle inquired of Lao how it felt to be prey for the beasts declaring his intent to ensure the dragons consume their entire Essence he confidently proclaimed that the dragons would honor their sacrifice thistle reveled in mirth while Laos grappled with the unjust nature of their plight pondering if this was their destined conclusion in a sudden turn as Lio braced for his end a rival Dragon seized the moment clamping onto the neck of the creature threatening him collapsing to the ground lios caught sight of the Dragons embroiled in their own conflict it dawned on him that these creatures while part of Legend and Calamity are sensient beings in their Essence lios barely avoided a fatal encounter only to witness two dragons engaging in combat this was hardly shocking given that dragons are considered the Apex of all living beings the only credible threat to such a creature is another of its kind this phenomenon tends to occur when they congregate it dawned onos that this Rarity is precisely why sightings of dragon Gatherings are so uncommon ironically this conflict proved to be his salvation his attention was then drawn to scattered shells on the ground prompting curiosity about the presence of nightmares he surmised that they two must be a dragon species engrossed in gathering the nightmares his actions were abruptly halted when a dragon plummeted in front of him its tail pinning him down rendering him immobile the victor of the Dragon duel devoured its vanquished opponent a sight that shocked Laos he sought Refuge suspecting he had sustained stained broken ribs and his armor appeared to be compromised Beyond repair indeed he was in the most dire predicament imaginable undeniably he was the most vulnerable being in their midst lios would have raised no objections had the dragons opted to continue their fight thereby diminishing their numbers meanwhile a green dragon became captivated by some silverware which in turn infuriated the already incensed sorcerer who observed the tumultuous scene thistle asserting his command directed the dragons to cease their distractions and focus on eliminating lios heeding the order the dragons resumed their assigned Mission thisle mused that invoking creatures of such formidable resolve was imprudent shortly thereafter Lao who was attempting to tend to his wounds sensed that escape would not be easy in a desperate bid for Freedom he sprinted away but the dragon a adorned with a silver spoon in its M was quicker it seized Leo hurling him through the air and against the wall with tremendous Force upon witnessing the scene thistle's Fury intensified and he demanded that the dragon stop its games and finish off Laos in an unexpected turn the dragon was struck down by a bolt of lightning which was summoned by an Eastern Dragon although Lio was perplexed by this intervention he was nonetheless grateful at thistle now seething with anger ordered all dragons to slay Lio as a result Lio fled hotly pursued by a trio of dragons a worm a red and a white dragon he acknowledged that while he was outnumbered the dragons were not acting in unison still this fact did little to improve his dire situation with his sword kin Su K Paralyzed by fear and undrawn he considered his options for escape when he reached a wall he realized there was no further path to take loo was effectively trapped by the dragons the sorcerer coldly suggested that Leo resign himself to his fate he mockingly inquired whether Leo would choose incineration by the red dragon's Flames a torturous demise from the worm's Venom or to be petrified in the icy breath of the white dragon thistle gave Lao the Grim privilege of selecting his executioner after a moment of consideration lios questioned thistle certainty a response that only served to irritate the sorcerer further in a fit of peak thistle retracted the offer and decreed that Leo would meet his end through the combined forces of all three dragons in a defiant act Lio hurled his sword at one of the dragons to no effect it merely clattered against its scaly hide thistle derided the feudal gesture questioning if lios genuinely believe that that a sword still in its sheath could penetrate Draconian scales thistle expressed astonishment as Lio recklessly charged at the dragon without a weapon he questioned Loo's sanity wondering if he genuinely believed he could confront dragons barehanded as the worm spewed its venom Leo persisted in his flight using his arm to Shield his nostrils a veil of smoke enveloped the vicinity and thistle scorned loos's Brazen rush into the toxic Cloud calling him foolish he doubted whether lios thought mere breathholding could save him pointing out the Poison's capacity to permeate skin and ravage the body from within thistle then turned to the Tome questioning the winged lion embossed upon it whether it was observing the lamentable final moments of the individuals he had foolishly entrusted with his confidence thistle questioned the other dragons on their lack of vigor which was detracting from the intended Grandeur of the finale he ordered them to simultaneously unleash their fiery breath upon Laos to their astonishment Leo's muffled thoughts were still audible from beneath the shroud of smoke thistle was incredulous that Lio remained amongst the living throughout a millennium many had invaded his realm yet none showed such perseverance intrigued by the fervor driving Lio thisle resolve that this time he would ensure Lao was reduced to ashes he directed the red and white dragons to muster their breath and expel Leo from existence as the dragons braced themselves to launch their attack an Abrupt click from the red dragon preceded a massive explosion startling both the Sorcerer And the dragons the blast set the worms poisonous gas Ablaze thistle pondered whether this had been Loo's strategy all along to sacrifice himself and take everyone with him he considered skeptically that no explosion of that magnitude could typically fell a dragon abruptly a barrel burst its rupture unleashing a flood that submerged the area overwhelming the red dragon and compelling the white dragon to attempt an escape on Wing the shattered Barrel had contained the Leviathan known for its ability to generate sea water thistle's suspicion grew as he contemplated the excessive volume of water his intuition signaling that something was a miss the sorcerer directed The wyvern to search for the man's remains deeming a fragment of his limb sufficient proof of demise midc command a hand stealthy reached out aiming for the Tome he held the book tumbled into the water unveiling Lao as the orchestrator of the surprise maneuver despite the initial shock thistle managed to summon the wyverns to his defense yet Lao swiftly overpowered him demanding that he order the dragons to desist confronted with no no alternative the sorcerer conceded instructing the dragons to withdraw coughing up blood and gasping for air Lio offered an apology to the sorcerer and proceeded to heal him he positioned the sorcerer to face him and spoke sincerely expressing a preference for resolution without resorting to violence if possible lios suggested that they could perhaps discuss their differences more amicably over a meal lios navigated through the dragons and fronted thistle though he was teetering on the brink of death he worried that employing more magic might deplete his mana and cause his collapse he marveled at Marcel and farin's remarkable abilities having witnessed their use of magic repeatedly throughout their Venture into the dungeon Lio expressed a strong desire to extend his gratitude to them which necessitated the retrieval of everyone's bodies and the Tom emblazened with the winged lion before they were lost to the Sea's depths moreover over he was determined to persuade thistle to abdicate his dominion over the dungeon rising to his feet Lio moved toward the sorcerer reiterating his wish to discuss several matters with him however he mentioned the immediate need to move about to regain his strength after offering an apology he presented thistle with a piece of cloth thistle misinterpreting the gesture braced for his end only to find himself being swaddled for transport on like Loo's back loo ensuring his makeshift solution was effective inquired if thistle was in any discomfort the sorcerer still seething issued a threat against his life inadvertently reassuring Laos of his well-being thistle queried the dragons about their inaction Lio speculated that they were likely concerned about injuring him as thisle attempted to free himself with vigorous kicks loo cautioned that such movements could send them both tumbling into to the ocean disheartened by the proximity yet inaccessibility of another book thistle could only express his frustration Lio alerted him to brace for instability as they began to ascend surveying the scene Lio noted the wyverns feasting on the Fallen green dragon and offered an apology for the disturbance searching for his companions he spotted Marcel but found her Out Of Reach realizing he would require a tool to assist him thistle grumbled that their survival must have been the result of some devious ruse possibly with assistance from the winged lion and questioned how they could still be alive Lio remained silent instead focusing on a sizable Silver Spoon he had found and picked up he reflected on his earlier predicament surrounded by the red and white dragon any of their fiery breaths could have been lethal however considering that white dragon had already expelled their breaths once their subsequent attempts would likely be less potent therefore he assessed the risk of instant death as minimal conversely he deemed the red dragon's breath too dangerous to risk which Justified his decision to hurl his sword at the red dragon Red Dragons possess a vulnerable area amidst the scales on their throat any obstruction there is certain to preoccupy them lios leveraged this knowledge to create a diversion subsequently he noted that the white dragon requires time to cool down its fire breath before it can unleash it again this indicated that the venomous Mist would be the next Hazard he further explained that the toxin could penetrate the skin which is why he sought refuge in the white dragon's fur the white dragon's fur dense and insulating traps a considerable amount of air providing a temporary barrier against the encircling poison mist and offering Laos a brief Sanctuary thistle taken aback accused lios of fabricating Tails yet Lio elaborated that just as the red dragon was about to unleash its Flames he had witnessed him amidst the toxic Vapors a figment crafted by the nightmare's expulsion thistle was oblivious to this phenomenon but Leo revealed he was the one who had called forth these creatures they are beings that consume dreams and upon their demise release the dreams they've ingested the silhouette observed in the Mist Leo clarified was a mere Phantom released by the nightmares as they perished from the poison however it remained unclear whose dreams had been consumed and regurgitated by the nightmares luckily the poison Mist doubled as a smoke screen effectively diverting the dragon's Focus From lios the red dragon's fiery exhalation set the toxic Mist Ablaze resulting in an explosion yet the insulation provided by the white dragons fur afforded Laos some protection against the blast the resultant explosion shattered the barrel allowing the Leviathan to escape into the open this chaos created an ideal diversion allowing lios to approach and retrieve the book Lio remarked that thistle could have easily eradicated their group multiple times had he possessed knowledge of even a single characteristic of the Dragons he was referencing although Dragon rank is the mightiest of beings they remain creatures at their core lios noted their formidable attack strategies and robust physiques are merely evolutionary developments aimed at survival and sustenance dragons experience a greater sense of threat from their own kind than from humans drawn irresistibly to the things they cherish most lios then mentioned that had thisle taken a Keener interest in living entities or at the very least provided farlin with adequate sustenance he could have vanquished lios long before thistle reflected on the wealth of information provided by lios and recognized its value questioning Loo's extensive knowledge he wondered if it was imparted by the winged lion Lio refuted this revealing his personal fascination with monsters and attributing his knowledge to his readings on the subject which garnered the sorcerer's admiration however thistle's curiosity persisted regarding the fate of the other monsters Lio considered the numerous times they had been slain within the dungeon and now his sister's current predicament he believed that since they had initially intruded upon the dungeon and posed a threat it would not be just to resolve the matter by slaying thistle instead he contemplated a method to impart this perspective to him Lio remarked that the citizens of the golden Kingdom claimed no need for sustenance and he queried whether thistle shared this trait thistle responded indifferently to the question considering this Lio saw an opening that might persuade thistle to heed his words he approached the dragons intending to procure some of their meat the wyverns however were less than accommodating venting their frustration through Bellows and blasts of fire yet with thistle on his back they emerged and scathed utilizing the wyvern's fire Lio charred the wood and arranged the silverware he combined the Nightmare and Green Dragon Meat seasoned with seawat and cooked the mixture in the wyvern's Flames the resulting dish was dubbed green dragon aqu aquapazza Lio gently set the sorcerer down and repurposed the book as a trivet a move that initially infuriated the sorcerer though Leo promptly offered an apology he mentioned that since they had jointly prepared the meal it was only right to share it however thistle seemed reluctant taking a bite of the meat lios commented on its unusual taste uncertain whether it derived from the meat or the wyvern's fire he encouraged thisle to sample it promising to release him first upon trying it thisle remarked that it tasted akin to something from a chimney Lio concurred noting his efforts in cooking only to achieve a flavor that was disappointingly salty and gy he Shrugged it off as an occasional mishap in The Culinary process the same ingredients can yield diverse tastes depending on their preparation a process lios found enjoyable through trial and error roaming through the dungeon he would often be beset by somber thoughts yet at Meal Time these thoughts dissipated his attention was simply too preoccupied for negativity to persist he reflected he attributed this to the essential joy that anticipating a meal brings survival necessitates nourishment for all living beings the act of living is inseparable from eating those who do not require food are those who have ceased to live Lio conveyed to thistle that the inhabitants of the golden kingdom are suffering profoundly because their existence lacks the necessity for sleep or food leading them to Tire of their Immortal lives he expressed the hope that thisle would come to understand this reality emphasizing that his Dominion had resulted in their joylessness Lio simply wished for thistle to recognize their plight while thistle ate he became contemplative and requested Lao to set aside the spoon promising No Malice trusting in his word Lio obliged and placed the spoon aside from thistle's book thistle perused the book and conceded that Leo was right food is vital to life he had assumed the people would remain loyal as long as he shielded them but acknowledged that he might have overlooked a critical aspect of their welfare grateful for the enlightenment thisle acknowledged that Lao had provided much to ponder Lao beamed and expressed his gratification that thistle was genuinely attentive to his words thistle acknowledged the value of Leo's insights crediting them with resolving a significant problem though flustered Lio was eager to learn the nature of the resolution thistle reassured him alluding to a straightforward yet refined solution unexpectedly Vines sprouted from the earth taking Leo by surprise as they coiled around him Lio queried thistle's intentions to which thistle responded with laughter assuring him there was no cause for alarm as he had no intention of causing harm thisle acknowledge the truth in loos's words about the necessity of sustenance for life and decided to act on this Principle as he spoke a fruit dripping with juice materialized from the vine thistle mused over his previous oversight of such an obvious resolution by extending this solution to everyone he could alleviate the lingering concerns that had beset him he requested Loo's permission to show appreciation for the enlightenment he had provided and offered to honor him with citizenship in his realm but Leos clarified that this was not his intention as the conversation unfolded the fruit found its way to Leo's mouth prompting thistle to declare that henceforth Lio would no longer have to worry about food however Loos observed that their dialogue had been feudal as one who has ruled a dungeon for an extended period loses the essence of a normal person's heart thistle appreciated the cleverness of the strategy recognizing that by employing it he wouldn't have to be concerned about anyone aimlessly roaming the dungeon and he would be able to safeguard everyone it struck him as baffling that such a solution hadn't come to him earlier content with the outcome he left lao's behind a search for durle to replicate the action before proceeding he summoned the dragons informing them their task was complete with this thistle conjured a portal that Drew in all the summoned dragons once the creatures were gone he sealed the portal and the water disappeared leaving only Lio and his comrades overcome with Glee thistle spun around yet in his exuberance Loo's sword happened to land on his foot the sorcerer was caught off guard wondering aloud who had left the sword there upon inspecting the sword with Keen interest a smile crossed his face he remarked that once he locates the king they should take in a swordsmanship tournament something they hadn't done for some time due to the same Champions repeated victories however with the presence of a newcomer Lao he anticipated a refreshing change and an enjoyable competition meanwhile lios and snared in the tree continued to struggle the sorcerer nonchalantly patting him mentioned his own busy agenda highlighting the multitude of tasks awaiting him the sudden emergence of the wing lion behind thistle caught the sorcerer off guard reacting swiftly as the lion bit his shoulder thistle interrupted the assault despite this he was unsure of the cause of the disagreeable sensation he felt as he attempted to retrieve something from the floor intending to obliterate the lion he paused reflecting on his own actions the winged lion savoring the moment commented on The Delectable quality of thistle's essence noting that the taste of desires aged over a millennium was indeed unparalleled confused by the Lion's remarks thisle found himself unable to comprehend the meaning behind them the winged lion conveyed that it refrained from sealing thistle away due to an awareness of his potential the lion had been anticipating for an extended period the chance to devour thistle's aspirations it's so happened that what it consumed just then was his desire to resist leading to thistle's apparent disinterest in any further resistance the lion expressed a fondness for such desires noting them as a delicacy absent from the boundless domain of its origin It acknowledged that the beings of this World experience a sense of exhaustion and aversion toward the finite a sentiment the lion could well comprehend the lion elaborated stating that what took extensive time an effort to accumulate is devoured in just a fleeting moment leaving behind a sense of emptiness as the gratification from consumption dissipates almost as swiftly as it arises yet it is precisely this ephemeral nature that lends the ACT its significance despite finding it irksome to admit the lion confessed to developing a profound fondness for the experience of dining the Mad sorcerer was bewildered unable to grasp the meaning the lion then located a gem-like object that took thistle aback thistle declared it the one item beyond the lion reached to consume unveiling the gym as the embodiment of his yearnings and appetites the lion voiced that to consume such a precious thing thoughtlessly would be an utter waste he vowed to relish every morsel with due appreciation although thistle made attempts to hinder the lion it relentlessly consumed his desires thistle realized this would lead to his demise an outcome he desperately wished to avoid yearning for one last glimpse of the king's Visage however upon reflection he acknowledged that he no longer remembered whose face that was at that point the identity seemed inconsequential he implored someone to intervene meanwhile the winged lion engrossed in feasting on thistle's desires lost track of time in his Indulgence he had intended to stop after a taste but found himself devouring everything due to the irresistible flavor curious about thistle's final actions the L questioned whether thistle truly accepted his fate without resistance the winged lion acknowledged thistle's unintended assistance but nonetheless expressed gratitude for the feast amidst this Lio was completely enveloped by the vine prompting the lion to attempt tearing it away and inquiring about Loo's condition offering help hindered by the fruit lodged in his mouth Lio was unable to respond but the lion perceived his desire for Aid and freed him by tearing caring the vine chastising Lio for his naivity and seeking dialogue after such an ordeal the lion chided him for nearly becoming fuagra questioning what happened to his Readiness to confront and take what was necessary concerned Lio inquired about thistle only to find him prostrate on the ground he questioned the lion about his actions to which the lion replied that it was to assist him putting that matter aside he reminded Lao of the urgency to attend to his companions with the dungeons Lord vanquished the structure stability was compromised and it was uncertain what the consequences might be the lion suggested that Leo might assume the role of the dungeon Lord from that moment a process that would involve breaking the seal on his other half lios expressed doubt saying it was beyond his capabilities alone he mentioned needing Marcel for Resurrection but admitted his own ignorance in the magical Arts the winged lion assured him that such measures were not necessary suddenly Lio noticed Marcel on the floor coughing and yawning as if she had just awakened from a deep sleep this startled Lao who questioned how she had come back to life Marcel unsure of what had transpired was equally surprised to see the dungeon Lord prostrate on the ground she queried what had been done to him but Leo clarified that it wasn't his doing urging her to quickly revive the others Lao watched as CI chil chuk and utsumi were restored to life following her exertions Marcel collapsed expressing her exhaustion while Leo praised her efforts chil chuk was puzzled about the events that had transpired since their demise and CI wondered why he was drenched in seawater the winged lion then addressed the group expressing his relief at seeing everyone in good health he swiftly reminded them of the urgency to break his seal Marcel feeling weary apologized and requested a brief respit before she closed the book on the lion lios acknowledging their Collective fatigue from the resurrection process suggested they all take a short break noting that there seemed to be no immediate threat from the sorcerer any longer as they sat recuperating on the floor stomachs began to rumble chillak apologetic for disturbing the quiet moment confessed his hunger which was understandable given he had just been revived lios suggested they take time to eat drink bathe and rest well to prepare for the challenges ahead this prompted chil chuk to question how Lio had managed to survive their recent ordeal and scathed upon hearing Loo's recount of the events chil chuk burst into laughter amused by lao's single-minded focus on monsters which he credited for their escape however isami chimed in remarking that the only truly notable thing about Loos was his foolishness seizing the moment chill Chu proposed a celebration recalling some alcohol stored in the storeo and inviting aami to assist him in retrieving it Marcel while agreeing to the festivities urged moderation reminding them not to overindulge in drinking Marcel turned her attention to Lao and expressed her gratitude complimenting him for his exceptional effort Lio momentarily bashful then inquired about her half Heritage she acknowledged that her father was a Tallman clarifying that she hadn't intentionally concealed this fact the right moment to discuss it had simply never Arisen Lio curious about rumors of her father's early demise asked if they were true Marcel confirmed recalling her father's resolve not to pass away until she had matured into a respectable young woman yet he died at the age of 82 which took Lio by surprise given that the average lifes fan of a Tallman is 60 years children of mixed Heritage often mature at unpredictable rates which made it difficult for Marcel to forge friendships in her youth until she Grew Older her father was the only Playmate close to her in age Marcel fondly remembered Desiring more time with him and cherished him deeply Lio curious about the kind of man her father was prompted Marcel to share some anecdotes which she did with a smile meanwhile isumi expressed frustration over their failure to inquire whether the sorcerer knew of a way to revert her back to human form chilu urged her not to hold him responsible pointing out that they had lacked other options this prompted utsumi to reflect on the purpose of their long journey questioning what she had hoped to achieve isami spotted an unusual object a doll crafted from sticks her surprise grew when the doll suddenly spoke pleading for her assistance to revert to its normal form startled utsumi dropped it to the floor and asked if it also desired to become human the doll confirmed introducing itself as yach utsumi picked it up again empathizing with its situation as she understood exactly how it felt meanwhile Ci's attention was drawn to a plant on the table he curiously inquired about the nature of it Lio inquired if they could choose something different to eat but CI observed that it appeared to be rich in nutrients they then noticed a GRE dragon on the floor that seemed to have shrunk along with the room lios pondered why their corpses hadn't shrunk as well musing that it might be related to whether the soul is bound he speculated that they might utilize this phenomenon for his sister but he also recognized that resurrecting her at such a diminutive size could pose a significant issue CI began preparing their meal by slicing the fruit and crafting a sauce from mixed spices and plant nectar he then cleaned the green dragon insides har boiled the meat lightly and evenly coated it with the sauce before allowing it to dry next he kneaded some flour into dough rolled it out thinly and proceeded to bake it he roasted the entire green dragon in a well-heated brick oven the final dish named Golden City Dragon was ready CI reflected on the side of the cooked Dragon which reminded him of the time he himself was cooked by the dragon's fire while trapped inside a pot CI demonstrated the proper way to enjoy their meal by placing thinly sliced meat skin and various toppings inside the dough and eating it everyone was pleasantly surprised by its delicious taste noting how the crispy skin paired exceptionally well with the chewy dough chil Chu commented that the flavors made him want to continue drinking intrigued by the comments lios also expressed a desire to try it prompting automi to sample it the group shared a laugh when she admitted disliking the taste after their meal they cleared the table while chillu took a nap Marcel and aami decided to take a bath CI meanwhile pondered the different parts of farin's body as potential ingredients while thistle lay sleeping on the bed after her bath Marcel was taken a to find Lao still drinking she urged him to head to bed immediately but he protested claiming the drink was too enjoyable to stop lios then asked about the state of her Mana Reserve NES Marcel confessed she was feeling somewhat unsteady but believed a good night's sleep would sufficiently restore her to at least be able to open the toone Lio acknowledged that Mana depletion was a serious Affliction noting his own experience with it curious Marcel inquired about when he had run out of Mana Lio explained that it occurred while he was simultaneously evading dragons and healing himself Marcel expressed astonishment at Leo's ability to manage spellcasting so soon after learning he admitted that it hadn't been easy especially seeing how effortlessly she and farlin wielded magic which had initially led him to underestimate the challenge gratefully Lio thanked her for her guidance she was pleased that the magic she taught proved beneficial and praised him for his remarkable progress reflecting on the time lios declared he would enter the dungeon alone she recalled her concerns about how things would unfold noting they had all been overly optimistic at the time lios acknowledged his gratitude for having ventured into the dungeon with the group confident that together they could face any challenge Marcel reassured him that everything would be fine and requested he pour her some wine as well as they reminisced about their Journey they raised their glasses celebrating how far they had come
Channel: Onii-Chan
Views: 16,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dungeon Meshi Manga Recap, Dungeon Meshi Manga Chapters, Dungeon Meshi Review, Dungeon Meshi Stories, Dungeon Meshi Summary, Dungeon Meshi Story Arc, Dungeon Meshi Complete Story, Delicious in Dungeon Manga Arc, Delicious in Dungeon Story Explained, Delicious in Dungeon Manga Analysis, Delicious in Dungeon Mad Sorcerer Thistle, Dungeon Meshi Thistle Arc, The COMPLETE Dungeon Meshi 'Thisle Arc' Explained, Dungeon Meshi Laios vs Thistle, Dungeon Meshi Sissel
Id: erqOyQeINn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 48sec (3228 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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