Tower Of God SEASON 1-2 RECAP

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in a dark cave sounds of footsteps can be heard echoing throughout the walls a young boy chases after a girl which caused them to Tumble on the ground in a confused State he asked of where is she heading to she says that she's going to climb the tower since she can't stand living underg ground she wants to see the sky life outside the boundaries of a ceiling so it's best to forget her suddenly the ground started glowing not wanting to leave her side he screams that he'll follow her to the ends of the world as he opens his eyes he suddenly transported to a dimly lit room one thing stands out from the rest the red light emanating from Tower then a monster came to greet him he says that it's been a long time since a person entered through the door his name is hen the guardian of the lowest floor of the tower he asked if he saw a girl but he simply says that all his answers can be found by climbing the tower everything BM seeks can be obtained at the top of the tower bum doesn't care he only wants to reunite with Rachel the monster explains that for each floor there's a test which gets harder as he climbs the tower he Taps on his oneand which lights up the space in front of him it's a gigantic monster behind the Gates for his first test he must pop the balloon located inside the cage bum can either avoid the monster or defeat it the guardian tries to scare him saying that this is the easiest level but without hesitation he runs past him this surprised him with that he officially welcomes him to the tower then two people ran towards the lower floors princess Yuri explains that for once in a long time a new irregular has appeared both of them Peck through a giant hole on the ceiling of the room however at a single glance he doesn't seem powerful at all even the guide of the Tower named Evan says that he just looks like a normal human being however they discovered that the guardian purposefully made the test harder since he's an irregular although bum looks average she's interested in his future since all Irregulars are usually powerful and mighty Yuri is shocked that he's willing to run to his death she doesn't want bum to die just yet as he looks above a foot LS on his face does he have a de wish or something strangely bum can understand her she then again is angered that the guardian didn't give him a pocket which is a device that translates all language in the tower it's obvious that hen doesn't want him to enter the tower Evan came down as well he's on edge because if the king knows that they went to the lower floors both of them will be executed then he lended his extra pocket for bomb back to the subject Yuri is annoyed that this type of test is for those who are Level 20 or higher but the guardian explains that it's necessary as Irregulars aren't supposed to be chosen by the tower in the first place in the end she managed to convince him to decrease the difficulty of the level since bum is obviously weak the guardian allows bum to have a weapon that she owns after much thinking she lended a black march to bum even though it could lead her to being executed by the king now he's prepared to face the challenge bum then approaches the monster there's only one way for him to win that is to stand still while waiting for the chance to attack its tongue this will stun it and create enough time for him to Pop the ball however you need to be a psychopath to even think of such a method but it's the only answer but then bum stands completely still which caused her to worry about him he got eaten before Yuri tries to save him Evan told her that he found the answer suddenly blood comes peeling out of his mouth the monster vomits out bum bum stab the inside of his mouth only people who have courage and determination can accomplish such a feat but ironically he has the complete opposite which is the fear of losing a loft one however when he tried to Pop the ball it isn't breaking at all the guardian took extra measures to ensure he wouldn't pass after trying multiple times the ball won't budge at all but then the eel regains its Consciousness Yuri wants to save him but Evan stopped her and told bum to ask the black March for help bum doesn't seem to understand Evan just told him to do exactly as he says Yuri doubts that he can awaken its power since even she finds it impossible the monster is rapidly approaching him he screamed for help suddenly a gorgeous looking woman appears before him she asked of what he desires that tempts him to climb the tower but he simply says that he only wants to meet his friend she didn't expect that at all but she doesn't dislike it and moreover she likes his face suddenly a bright flash of flight emanates from the black March she couldn't believe it Yuri is pissed off as the reason why the black March didn't pick her is because the weapon is only interested in men when he pierces the ball a black space engulfs his entire body hen says that he's been sent to the next floor when both of them left to try to get her weapon back the garden is curious if he's been watching he remembers the time when Rachel teach him how to read and write she brings up a question on what he'll do if somebody hurts her with a determined look he'll protect her a large floating island is seen in the sky bum wakes up to the sound of voice coming from a cube where is see the cube explains the rules of the test there are 400 people in this challenge the ones who can survive until there 200 people left will'll move on to the next test as soon as the round begins he's already been targeted by a person bum narrowly avoids death but then somebody hit him the entire field is in chaos suddenly a huge monster stands in front of bum another young man also faces the same predicament however he's really strong a sniper is camping while safely killing another Target but that's when a giant alligator looking monster appears from behind he wants to take his spot which made him throw his weapon away the sniper runs away while cursing at him upon looking on the horizon he felt an immense pressure coming from bomb he's prepared to fight the monster but then the young man from before says that the monster is docile by the way is the person behind him his P Rock angrily says that he's a warrior and he chooses bum to be his sprey the reason is because of his weapon the young man felt bad for bum so he swiftly helps him to make an escape on the other side two people are having a fierce battle while they're ignoring a weak bystander rock is provoking them to come out of fighing the young man ask if he has a grudge on him or something however bomb says that he wants to have a fight with his weapon with one glance he knows it's the legendary weapon the black March how on Earth did he get that more importantly who are you however bum doesn't think that he should reveal his identity he introduces himself as Kun and wants to climb the Tower with him since he knows he can use BM but then is announced that the test is completed however they can rest since the second part of the test is to make a team of three in 5 minutes this completely shocked them liso tries to befriend them but the girls already left together without him could propose Rock to join your team however he remains stubborn as he wants to fight bum he agreed to but he lets go of his Weapon 2 minutes remain Rock became Fierce and started fighting with kunon he told bum to grab him now the spear is heading towards bum fortunately Kun managed to deflect it with his knife bum and Kun run towards Rock and they're now officially a team although regulars GA in one room liso can't seem to earn du respect the teams consist of a normal group a team full of psychopaths and one of them is already asleep bum feels humbled to be surrounded by amazing people however [ __ ] told him to be careful as everyone is their enemy one of the teams are having an argument but it soon came to an end once the test administrator named Laro came without delay the test will now begin he used the wave of dense energy that pushes everyone away in order to pass this test all of your team members have to pass through this dense wall of shinso shinso allows them to bring in the tower but it can also be used as a deadly force all of them are frustrated as the test is all about luck however bum didn't get pushed away the rest of them look surprised loo knows that we got a monster while the others are trying to pass through loo wants to talk with bum he made a bet if he picks a person who can pass through the wall he'll answer any question bum must not let this chance slide he carefully observes the crowd and picks the girl she managed to pass through when ask about his friend Rachel he doesn't recall her in his test she must be elsewhere bum then ask about Irregulars lero says that the tower is divided into three sections the outer Tower where people live for their entire lives and the inner Tower people who climb the tower there's also a middle area however irregular while they're not necessarily bad people change the fate of the tower but then one of them throws a tantrum about the unfairness of the test this anchored loo he released a dense amount of shinso to show him the brutality of the tower some people in this world are simply not chosen after bum's team made it and also the others the test is now finished before letting bum go Laro warns him about kunon since he's from a dangerous bloodline they entered a different building the assistant told them to take the test one team at a time however they suddenly heard a scream coming from the room a guy named neon bag told them his theory that they must finish within a certain time limit however Kun told him to pay no mine since he's just using them to prove his theory as they enter a duck room aain named hansung introduced himself as the test administrator he told them to pick the correct door within 10 minutes if they don't open one in time they fail if they choose the wrong one they'll die Co is angered as he doesn't give any clue he needs to think there definitely is an answer but there's close to no information suddenly he hears a knob twisting Rock opens the door this infuriated Kun but he says that gambling is the only option the administrator suddenly claps his hands while saying that they passed the test he advised kunon to trust people more since his mindset can be his downfall as more time passes by more people have passed the test in the end it turns out neon Beck is actually one of the assistants of the test he gave all the regulars a hint the purpose of this test is actually to test their courage on the other side only three people out of the 200 have survived later the odd news is reported to the administrator knowing this is a peculiar outcome he'll personally handle the matter liso exchanged greetings with bum he asked the reason of climbing the tower he says that it's to meet his friend then they meet loo again for this bonus test it's called Crown game to win one person from your team needs to sit and wear the crown while they defend from another team the last team to possess the crown after five rounds is the winner another team will be joining them for this test now the crown game begins she told them to stay out of her fight one of them got annoyed that she underestimated them but then she exerted a brute force that send him flying she uses her weapon to attack the other one she received the direct hit but remains completely fine she threw him to the wall then she Dodges attack but they're all actually aiming for the crown however her weapon extends rapidly until all of them are caught in her attack she wears the crown while asking them to guard Theo is mad that she started sleeping however they have to get ready for the next round liso fights one team while his member fights the other team the monster with thingss came slashing from above while the other attack at below however he managed to defend both of their attacks simultaneously they compose themselves as they'll try to work together on the other hand liso is holding on his own well she told him H about ruining her face but he provokes her saying that she's in love with him suddenly both of them attack at the same time he accepts his fate but his member protected him hatu already finished the others off seeing that there's one guy sleeping he attacks him he then opens his eyes shinso surrounded his body light eminates at the palm of his hand hatu told liso to dodge a large wave of energy comes bursting out that alerts anak the other two made their move fortunately her members came to the rescue it turns out that she actually planned this she activated her ability and caused a large pressure to be exerted anak smashed the ground but he can rest as the weapon splits up into multiple shoots the entire arena is in chaos suddenly bum shouts he's breeding heavily as his weapon is reacting to anak's weapon the sudden shift in Aura made her realize that the black March is present fortunately they managed to escape safely but they're disqualified she then leaps towards his Direction all of them keep their guard up as she broke the cage she demanded him to hand over the weapon she told him that only the daughters of the king can possess one of the 13 month serious weapons all of them look surprised as the violent mjet is actually a princess however loo does not permit her committing murder anak propos a new rule to the game if he wins the crown game he'll get her weapon but if she wins he'll hand over the black March lero thinks that this might sound fun and permits it bum doesn't want to drag his friends in the mess but Kun and rock have already made your resolve to accept the B as she walks back to herself cell a woman in a cloak Whispers some words this rer but her team managed to calm her down [ __ ] Praises him for trying to protect his friends even though he's weak bum says it's thanks to Rachel that she taught him to not betray anyone soon the match begins all of them immediately went for the crown but a fast moving object passes by them in an instant Kun already arrived at the throne he grab the crown and tosses it onto the floor they can fight amongst themselves and fight him for the Throne all of them have the same thing in mind he needs to die then all of them started fighting while a person waits for a chance to steal the crown the enemies attack Kun and rock rock defends the blow while while [ __ ] Dodges the other and absorbs the monster into his bag bum narrowly avoids the bullet and the guy got smacked somebody tried to hit him but it caught his own team member Kun finishes another guy off then both of them wipe the remaining threats there's one hidden person who grabs for the crown but it turns out that it's a fake as the next round Begins the remaining teams suddenly fought amongst each other it turns out that during the first test he made a contract with three regulars so that they'll help each other out he didn't want to use his trump card early on but seeing bumps resolve changed his mind he wants to climb the tower with them and with that the round ends all four teams have come out for their last round suddenly a person came dashing from the gate the guy quickly made work off all the regulars in the vicinity bum is terrified at the horrendous sight one by one all of them died she then heads for the throne Rock tries to stop her but she front flips all the way to bum they couldn't do anything against her she asked for him to put down the crown but he refuses she attacks instantly but it got stopped by another irregular could told him that she's an enemy however when she started speaking is that r as he was about to speak a large person suddenly appeared Rock asked Kun if their allies as well but he said that he never met them on the bright side they'll definitely win the crown game anak is puzzled as she didn't think they would help BM both of them are fighting fiercely in the arena but that's when she accidentally trips and the girl leaps towards her she slashed her face which reveals that it's Rachel he screamed at bum to not leave the throne but it's too late bum protected Rachel just before receiving another little strike he falls to the ground Kun and rock worries for him suddenly a wave of memory Mar Flash in he must protect her all of them stare in shock what did he just do somewhere in the tower Yuri discusses her plan to take the fastest route to reach bom one of them worries for her as he's dangerous very dangerous suddenly she screamed in pain Co rushes to the scene while Rachel worries for him after the incident the regulars are given a break and in the end no one wore the crown loo ask her the reason of sending Rachel with her team to fight bom he explains that the reason why they test them is not to find a skilled but filter out the bad people who will har the tower loo still can't believe what he saw the shinso attack her like it has a mind of its own bum hasn't woken up in 2 days then Rachel came to visit him liso suddenly got threatened by anak she wants him to do her a favor the black March seems to only respond to men upon trying to ignite its power it shocked liso wait a minute maybe he isn't a man there's no way then the lady from before came for her on of drinks when she walks in the hallway she Noti the girl from before she knows that she isn't the actual daughter of the king which made her insult her looks when being questioned about Rachel's identity she herself doesn't know anything but one thing's for sure she doesn't belong here in the room Rachel explains to [ __ ] that she's the only friend he got but she still climbed the tower she betrayed his trust she wanted to see the stars at the top of the tower Rachel wants him to keep this a secret from bomb he calls out for Rachel in his sleep his friends are glad that he's finally awake he explains that he's been asleep for 5 days he's really lucky before this Laro def them into their roles that is the fisherman who has the most fighting Power the spear Bearer supporting the fisherman from from the rear the lightbearer who collects information from Battle the Scout providing strategic insight and finally the wave controller who uses shinso and the leader of the battle fortunately for him he's been assigned as a wave controller so his training starts slower than the rest which is tomorrow bum ask about the girl but Kun dismisses it saying it's not Rachel however he knows what he saw then he went for training a cute looking ship introduces himself as their teacher his name is Yuga everything is made out of Shinzo however it can be dangerous so they need to form a contract with the manager of this tower via dear pockets as bum focuses his energy he's plunged Into Darkness a large being questions his presence bum wants to make a contract judging from his caliber he accepts it for the spear bearers B Doll tell that they can pass if they manage to hit the target from here Rock tried and failed but the person behind him succeeded after class she introduces herself as hoe both of them share their struggles as the lessons are too complex H says she doesn't have much talent so it's weird that she's chosen as a wave controller laor even helped him to control his shinso after training both of them feel bored to JB by the lessons Kun says that rock is still busy getting his revenge then somebody knock on the door liso and hatsu wants to make friends as is their assignment hatsu and Kun didn't get along well but bum humbly introduces himself and he's glad to be friends with them Kun felt bad for him as she remembers what Rachel said in Rachel's dream there's a huge Sky filled with stars she sees bum as well but he doesn't need her anymore in the cafeteria androssi is perplexed to see the enemy enemies getting along together she sits down in the middle of the group bum asks if she wants to be friends with hatsu however she declines as she doesn't believe in a platonic relationship of opposite genders in the training rounds the fishermen are going to have a battle plus one standing wins when the round starts anak instantly went for her throat and dry insulted her if she really thinks a fake princess can beat a real one when Kun was doing his training as usual he looks up information on Anna wa a minute she's already dead the two princesses Clash at Sonic Speed however anak can't seem to get a hold of and rosty anak insulted her for keep running away she goes around a man then leaps towards the other platforms she used his body as a weapon but anak strikes him down androssi said that no matter what she does she can't beat a real princess with this she got into a stance and dashes towards her which caused androssi to be thrown however she countered it by throwing anak to the ground she already knows who she is she isn't anak jahad she's her daughter all the daughters of King jahad are adopted the chosen one are given J's power however one thing they must absolutely not do is to conceive a child child when she was small she often heard her parents fighting inside the house even though they're poor she's happy to have loving parents but then anak's own little sister killed her hence she will get revenge by killing all the princesses she dashed towards her which caused her to fall but she's taking her along are this really the candidates of the tower as they fall down she recalls giving a woman a necklace before getting taken away to safety the atmosphere suddenly became quiet and dry ask if her mother had any regrets anak just stares blankly in the sky ho and bum are continuous ly improving thanks to Lori when Co arrived she hurriedly leaves she's Furious to know that she won't survive at this rate [ __ ] explains that both the princesses are badly injured therefore he has a plan to get them on their good side inside the room Andros is really hungry but nobody will just randomly knock on her door but then bum knocks on her door he'll feed her if she agrees to be his friend after complimenting her body she happily accepts his offer on the other hand liso is terrified of Anna in the bathroom Rachel meets up with androssi she asked if she revealed her identity to bum but she kept her word however why is she hiding when a man is risking his own life to chase her if it do her she'll gladly accept him though it's not her place to say during training ho expresses her jealousy towards bum because he's improving at an extremely fast rate when it's her turn she can barely create a shinso when she goes to take a nap she remembers a duck memory from her past but then there's knocking on the door if she wants to eliminate bum she must kill Rachel Laro congratulates them as it's their final joint test the teams have been split into two and they will be playing a game of hide-and seek inside a circular building they win by escaping outside or if you attack the enemy the it for this test will be a ranker everyone feels that is extremely unfair as they plan their strategy Kun suggest to touch the ranker since they have a higher chance of winning since the ranker won't expect M regulars to go against him when all of them agreed liso unfortunately became the bait however it won't be long till the ranker appeared he dashed towards him which caus liso to pee his pants but then suddenly a projectile came flying at him he deflects it while taking down the cube emanating the light before liso can recover he's already behind him but it was all according to plan liso isn't the it but Anna as the weapon was just about to reach his badge he uses a special move that instantly makes him vanish he grabs on the weapon and them underestimating him really pissed him off Laro feels that maybe this job isn't for him however he just laughs it off in the end luckily Quant managed to hold back his power he'll give them a chance by letting them escape freely in 32 minutes as they ran to their positions time is already up they're all camping on a narrow hallway so that they can gang up on him easily however Quant can conceal his presence in the darkness one by one he knocked them out the spectators are thrilled to see the power of a ranker as anak is running away she got a message that the ranker Disappeared currently Kanan is on his way towards the second line of defense as liso insults the ranker is suddenly appeared behind him liso suddenly changed his personality in front of him Anna can hear the screams From Below maybe the only option is to fight however Lisa says that Daddy believes in you which caught them by surprise she really can't be asked for a better member however he managed to persuade her to keep going B explains that he's avoiding using shinso since he doesn't want to kill them the other rankers made fun of his cringe Behavior as he dashes towards the exit anak is nowhere to be found only Kun he demanded him to open the bag he told him that she jumped down she's now heading towards the other exit as he speaks anak stays hidden as she waits for the chance before this [ __ ] told her to stand on the cube while she waits for Quan to jump down and he'll y her up to the exit dur ranker laughs as he already knows his plan she's actually right below below him isn't she this made qu nervous what would happen if both of them jump down let's all fall together but then he pushed Quan and reveals that he's holding on to something it's a police system Quan falls down while cursing him and anak runs full speed to the exit The Spectators can't believe what they just pulled off bum is proud of his friend but apologizes since they're different teams loo can't believe what he just witnessed but yuhan tells him not to draw conclusions yet Quan can't believe he fall for that trap but then someone offered to help it's Lori anak runs the exit but unfortunately Kanan managed to take her on time after the test Kun is frustrated with himself since he became too cocky with his own strategy the others cheer him up as they've managed to almost be the ranker now it's his turn yuhan wants to confirm with Flo he saw Kun helping Quan this just doesn't make any sense but yuhan says that he never betrayed anyone his real team is on this paper while everyone thinks badly of the B team one of them thinks they'll win this time the ranker won't show any Mercy androssi discusses her plan to have all the fishermen gather and move as one the others complain about her plan to hatsu but he says that sacrificing themsel is out of the question reenan asked Co of why did she want to climb the tower before this she's a thief but the God gave her a new life however she met many great people so she doesn't have the heart to use them as a stepping stone who simply says that it's a given but then suddenly they found the ranker reenan moves to position but ho has other plans in mind hu prepares for battle but in a Flash K clash with his sword at high speed he evaded the attack from hatsu on the other side and Rossi tells her past story she's adopted into a family to be trained as a rang an ER the more people she beat in battle the more delicious food she gets to eat suddenly they received the message that the ranker was found however before they can move and Dusty surrounds them in a circle if they leave the circle they die bom finally realizes why she made an absurd plan in the first place it's because she betrayed everyone she wants to eliminate the fishermen so that she can pass since there is no way they can win this test she advises bum to take drastic measures if he wants to find Rachel she permits bump to leave on the other side hu is holding on his own hatu appeared from behind but then his face got smashed into the wall he holds him down and told them to fire however they abandon him Quan leaves him after getting the job done bum protects them as it's not right to hurt their own friends but that's when the guy tried to kill him luckily she stunned him she advised him to just leave Rachel but then they got ambushed from behind the other team members are infuriated that everyone has their own agenda then who told her that bum is in trouble she wants her to come out bum protected and dry from the attack he doesn't get off why do they have to fight each other if he has to fight he'll only protect and rosi got Furious as ises nothing special about that blonde [ __ ] bum left to help the team the two guys said she got dumb which angered her on the other side H threatened to kill her why is bum so lucky while she has to suffer when bum reached the cube he's been told that the light bearer suddenly went somewhere but then the ranker arrived to the scene the TV lost its connection there's tension in the air as Quan tried to save Rachel a spear came flying from the dark it turns out that the spear bearers betrayed the entire party and told ho to keep the ranker occupied by attempting to kill Rachel what should he do he can't go inside inside the safety zone but if he leaves the girl will die this frustrated him but then bum arrived as well she told him to fight the ranker or she'll kill Rachel he obeyed her but suddenly the ranker inserted his shinso into his fist which stunned him he told bum to replicate his method so that he can save his friend then Kan heads for the spear bearers and Bum Went for Rachel he needs to act now the ranker knows that bum can't do it it took him Deets to master that move it's just so that it will give him courage however when he looks behind there's one thing that came to mind he's a real monster on the other side she managed to finish them off bum cries out to her but Rachel already said to not follow her he confronted host action her Day friends she laughs it off seeing that what she signed was just a piece of paper in her past she didn't have the strength to protect her love ones why is she The Unlucky One she have always hated bum from the start she then stabbed herself bum mourned over her death Kanan finds it ironic that God has chosen an innocent boy who cries over his friend's death but then the last member has finally arrived reenan ask her of what she has been doing she told her that she eliminated the other fishermen reenan slaps her in the face and rosi told her to get a grip and proceeded with the game so the rest can survive she advised bum to do what he wants and take responsibility of his own actions should he really take her dream away as both of them show their badges they instantly went into battle they Clash at astonishing speeds bum decides to make a move both of them exchange their blows while bum observes the Collision he looks carefully at the rankor and use shinso to freeze him in place this made her land a blow she turns around shock that bum is the one who did it he's starting to regret teaching him that move it looks like he really can't hold back Reen and watch as the monsters have their fight seeing their battle really makes it seem that the world is unfair he can't get a clean head since bum is constantly getting in his way as he dashes towards her she told bum to freeze him but he got much faster however she sneakily stole his badge with that the match ended wait a minute this isn't her badge J team won the battle on the other side Yuri finds it suffocating to put so much effort for just moving between floors but they're close to their destination after the test everyone is careful of each other and Rossy is shocked to know that he lost on purpose when he lies on his bed someone knocks the door violently he's actually Rock wait a minute why is he suddenly IM [ __ ] Rock explains that he pissed yuhan off so he shrank him down rock wonders where bom is but Kun says that he won't climb the tower since he's already achieved his goal however rck W sit still as bum is his sprey but then someone knocks on the door it's bum he told them that Rachel might not be able to move anymore basically he wants to help her climb the tower so he needs your help seeing his genuine concern made him see the bigger picture what kunon wanted all along is a friend without hesitation both of them agreed to help him however they're going to need special help to complete the test liso and renin had drinks while she expresses her worries that she's not good enough to climb the tower and Rosy meets up with bum again she asked why is he so fixated on Rachel bum says that the only thing he could remember is being trapped in a cave however that all changed when Rachel appeared she's the light in his life [ __ ] meets up with Flo to explain that Rachel's injury is caused by an irregular in an isolated cave Yuga says that he'll get the legendary weapons he says that bum might actually be able to inherit the crest of the Crimson tree eyes but then yuhan appeared he knows that he's from the Royal enforcement division Yuga finally showed his true colors in the meantime Kun explained his grand plan first she told him that ho is dangerous next he obtained information from his classmates he copied the note from his room and told Rachel however she doesn't want bum to get involved then he persuaded laor to Aid him in his plan during the test he man San into thinking that he's willing to lose if he can eliminate Rachel in the second team the river psychology worked and his plan was a success no one else knows about the relationship except androssi and himself unless if there's an IR regular someone is preventing them from climbing the tower on the other side Yuga begins to attack the large eel appears from behind but suddenly an even large eel appeared Yuga Smiles as he might need to take him seriously however yuhan wants to help his assignment Yuga asked about what he would gain but he simply says that this place is to filter out the people who will harm the tower he abruptly left the scene as he was called to announce the results he knows that something big will happen in the near future later as they walk to the auditorium yuhan explains that Irregulars such as phantaminum and Ur have caused destruction and is a threat to King zahard therefore the reason why the Flor of test exists is to ensure the safety of the tower he advises lero to quit if he doesn't like that idea then Laro told who passed the test unfortunately Rachel is out one of them had a problem with the results so Yan challenge him to leave the stage with his mind intact however he couldn't even move an inch but then Kun states that he also has a problem with the results Kun wants Rachel to be included since it's bum's friend yuhan can't seem to stop laughing after hearing such an absurd request however he's serious he wants to take a test from the guardian basically the guardian holds the most Authority in that floor however there's a condition that is the person taking the test must be an irregular Kun never heard of such a bizarre rule but that's when bom wants to take the test as he reveals that he's an irregular yuhan gave them an option of helping him complete the test but their reputation inside the tower will tarnish Kun says that he doesn't want to help bum this infuriated hatsu which caused the others to follow in his lead inside the room bum meets with the guardian again it ask what he wants from the tower in the end the guardian allowed him to take the test Yuan reveals that he knows that bum is an irregular and is actually plotting to get rid of him from the tower he confronted him but yuhan says that he's extremely dangerous bum asked why does everybody want to climb the tower so badly yuhan simply says that it contains everything but bum says that if Rachel isn't there then it's just garbage when Rock meets up with [ __ ] he's impressed that he read his true intentions as days passes by they gave ho a proper burial all of them are training accordingly to their roles bum is training hand-to-hand combat with androssi they even have time to enjoy themselves before the final test begins reenan slowly begins to like liso more and more bum and Rachel looks at the sky on the rooftop having a peace of mind for the moment but then the day finally came the name of the final exam is submerged fishan bum and Rachel find the sight of the sea beautiful before this Yan explains that they need to ensure BM and Rachel gets eaten by the sea creature the mang doll collects the fish which includes bom and Rachel then they bring it to the sea creature their job as regulars is to defend the Mong dolls from these threats the thief who steal fish the dog that eats Mong dolls and the bull there's cases of regulars being eaten instantly by the bat so this test is extremely difficult Yuri finds out that they need to descend into a pit to get to their destination liso hides while trying to protect the M dos but that's when he spotted light from the darkness the bull suddenly appeared he screams in Terror while running away however the bull directed his attention towards the mang doll Lea dashed towards it but he got pinned to the ground he screams as the monster is about to eat him he crawls away but then suddenly the monster got hit the princesses have come to the rescue however they're busy fighting a few minutes ago Kun explains that they should not disrupt the natural ecosystem however the only problem is the bull in inside the pit and rosi made a bet that if she wins she gets the black March but if anak wins she'll be her slave she provoked the enemy then the bullheads sers androssi hatu ordered the spear bearers to be ready as the theves made their move inside the bubble he can feel something coming from above androssi swiftly avoided its attack while counterattacking she made it unconscious but then she got caught by its tail anak has a sense of relief but that's when she used a needle to break through while jumping onto the bull The Spectators have mixed theemotion finally she can have the black March this this infuriated anak which she purposefully pulls it away while they're buy arguing the bull has already escaped then both of them chase after it without caution somewhere in the cave Yuga is smiling as they took the bait and Rossi buried her own grave as she's now lost she hears something but the bull is behind her she got dragged into the water and dry is slowly losing Consciousness anak is still searching for the bull but that's when somebody called out to her it's Yuga he pulls out a necklace how did he obtain that he said that he killed her mother she silly walks towards him while demanding the necklace rock is observing the thieves while listening carefully to kun's instructions liso tells Kun that they went ahead and chased the bull however he has a bad feeling Yuga disappears into the darkness when she chases after him a blue light came from the darkness it nearly blew her head it's one of his pets she attacked it but it remained unharmed anak ignited her weapon and the monster disappears but that's when it appeared behind her she narrowly avoids the laser she adapts her strategy into striking Yuga at the end of the chain but it's not him she got pierced in the chest inside the bubble bom is feeling a strange sensation while Rachel looks at him the theves are making their move Rock wanted an order from Kun however he told them to wait but someone threw the spear and comedically missed the target what the hell is he doing Rock grabs him and runs away all the enemies went after them they jumped down the cliff onto the monster they're completely surrounded inside the cave Yuga managed to retrieve back the green April she demanded him to give it back but it looks like androssi has been captured as well anak is surprised as he's able to control the the pool the monster lets go of her she told andrasi that Yuga is the enemy he introduced himself as an officer from the Royal enforcement division he'll tell King zahard that she betrayed him by helping anak climb the tower unless she kills anak herself and rosi stands there not knowing what to do in this situation liso is tired of looking for those two but that's when he heard a voice coming from the darkness the answer should be obvious she's different from the others she's a zahard but then a memory suddenly came to mind and rosi asked why did he want to befriend her he says that everybody can be lonely and ask if she feels lonely when he's around him androssi says that she could never feel that way with bum he smiles as androssi finally made a good friend when anak is preparing for her fate androssi said something after the test let's go eat together together wait what the hell is she saying is she serious she asked for the black March androssi abandoned being a princess anak strikes Yuga and he Dodges however he got caught by the Whip and androssi punched him as she went to him he releases shinso from his mouth anak worries for her but she got kicked and pinned to the ground she's going to die at this rate but just when a rock got thrown at him both of them are shocked to see her here it's princess Yuri they surrounded by the thieves but then lur helped them to skip to safety the dogs came out from the worm it was all kon's plan from what liso told him he managed to guide the dogs underground to be sucked by the worm hence making the two enemies Clash the regulars can finally intervene and fight as kunon is observing the fight somebody came up from behind somewhere in the land Laura is happily asleep but a girl wakes him up lero noticed that there's Intruders however they can't intervene since the test is still going on the guy asks to borrow the lighthouse so that he can contact his friends but then he finds something interesting Yuga introduces himself to Yuri he said he's just doing his job but she won't let him since this triing aest is against the loss of the tower however he tells that King zahad won't let her live if she lets the fake princess live but that's when androssi notice the ground vibrating get out or she'll kill him Yuga can't handle it anymore his weird fetish makes him release the monsters but instantly she killed them all with a flick of her finger it caused a massive shock wave but he dodged it in time the guy informed the others that Yuri is having a fight with a ranker in the building the other group meet up with yuhan the guide confronted him saying that he sent an assassin he confessed that he wants the black March since Yuga did break the rules he can eliminate him the guide ordered Kuran to execute Yuga in 1 minute Yuri received a message to stop their fight she then leaves with her black March however a Hitman has been sent Yuga feels the intense pressure coming from above is the wave controller Kuran the blast caus Yuga to be smashed flat however he already sent a bull to bum yuga's body is just a container his body is somewhere else she had enough with his strs she'll rip out the whole testing Arena however yuhan told her that this is still a test she don't care and she'll kill him next the guy told her that this is the guardian's plan all along just trust him she wants to know her sister's opinion and JY s he'll come back alive because it's going to be her boyfriend is she really a princess Yuri gave Lisa the mark of the wing tree give that to B and tell him once he reaches the 77th floor Ure Mao is waiting she took the green April from anak since she's not ready yet the guy beats his Farewell after meeting with his family member he can't believe that's his brother Kun hopes that bum will return alive the guide is walking in the hallway but that's when he encountered someone in the past Rachel used to play games with bum however his enjoyment quickly came to an end since she needs to go to the surface back to the present bum asked if her legs are fine she says it doesn't hurt anymore she then ask if he remembers all the stories he told bum in the cave he recalls every single one of them but he knows it's not possible for bum since he's not the chosen one however he's happy as long as he's with her Rachel brings up the point that he's still the same old crybaby but he says he's way stronger now despite that Rachel keeps teasing him she then apologized for involving him in this mess suddenly a fast projectile went straight at them fortunately both of them are okay why is the bull here bum prepares to attack which freezes it liso asked if he thinks bum will be fine and josi said that if it's him he'll be okay bum tries to make another room of shinso but he failed and the bull attack again the bull goes around him new plan the moment it's unfrozen attack it instantly however he got sliced since he's too slow Rachel worries for BM he knows he can't give up everybody's helping them to move forward he needs to rely on himself from now on with all his strength he releases shinso towards the ball luckily he managed to defeat the bull and be just in time for the sea creature Rachel screams to see if it's okay bum says that no matter where she goes he'll take her there when she grabs his hand she betrayed him she she pushed him away what just happened Rachel apologizes since she wants him to die when Rock opens up the sea creature only Rachel is found when question about bum she says that he's dead [ __ ] can't believe what he's hearing inside the room they're fighting amongst each other but then loo entered he said that they all pass but sadly bum is dead this caused Rachel to faint they took care of her inside the room all of them think it's only right to pay back the debt by sending Rachel to the top of the tower in the night somebody entered the room she congratulate her for being the heroine of the story When Rachel entered the tower she met up with hen she's glad to have meet him however he says that she's not the chosen one she doesn't understand why he knows what type of person she is she begged him to give her a chance he says that she can climb the tower if she passed the test however she won't do since it's suide hen asked her to move aside since there's another Challenger she sees that bum also entered the tower when bum tried to take the test Rachel screamed at him to not do it she doesn't want to be left alone she begged him to stay but he can't hear her hen says that bum has climbed the tower she's frustrated that he left her he took everything from her however hen has a proposal if she fulfills his task she can climb the tower before this yuhan introduced a bodyguard to be her strength and the guide hun in the present she asked why does she want to see the star so badly Rachel said that she's afraid of the night inside the room yuhan congratulate all of them for passing the Evan Kel's floor with that he wishes them the best of luck then Laro want to quits his job which led Quan being kicked out as well Laro wants to find the truth of this world by going to the 77th floor when they left yuhan communicated with a person he said that the zahar family will believe that the boy is dead inside the dark pit waron meets up with Bob she asks how does it feel to be betrayed he doesn't understand why she betrayed him she gives out her hand stating that all his answers are on the top of the tower 5 years later in zah hard's floating Castle they all greet princess Yuri zahard respectfully then another princess named Kun missani made her entrance it seems like they don't get along so well Yuri then meets up with a woman engross in a game she has a favor to us but she already knows exactly what Yuri wants she wants her to find bomb in return the girl wants Yuri to find an object for her as Yuri leaves the room she smiles as the prince of zah heart will return inside the tower at the 20th floor a man by the name of jaang Nan attempts to climb the tower however he fails miserably a lone shark barges in and demands for payment of the entry fee jaah promises that he'll climb the tower and pay back the money as an insurance he needs to sign this to sell his organs away his delivery finally came he's a good friend of his now he challenges the tower again but as soon as he goes inside all the contestants are beaten by one guy ja proposed to team up with him which surprisingly went well then another person came definitely not fighting him wait what is a child doing here at least she looks beatable wait the child knows her in the end he got frustrated and tell them they should fight which made the girl cry somehow he became the biggest [ __ ] in the room but then the last one finally showed up he proposed a vote to kick two people out but the guy says there's no need since he'll beat them all the guy pointed his weapon towards him suddenly he pushed it away and counterattacks the big guy told him that's enough however he doesn't want to maybe he could actually pass the test with his luck shinso is fir at him where they both clash but suddenly someone appeared in the middle and knocks both of them out he's a wave controller the lady notices the mark on his body which means he belongs in the Underworld but then a new contestant entered the arena however he quickly knocks him out the big guy dashed towards him and he punches him but the force got absorbed then the guy shoots the shinso but it got blocked he uses the momentum and Strikes behind him while simultaneously going behind another one and striking at Point Blank J runs away as he chases after him he used shinso bombs but it didn't work J got Dr to the ground and Dodges his punch J uses a cheap bomb to distract him but it's somehow effective the other man told him to finish him off when J throws it again something came out of the smoke what on Earth is that thing suddenly all his injuries are healed with that marks the end of phase one a long time ago a boy loves the star so much so he built a tower in order to reach the star but isn't it lonely up there that's true it would be much better being together it turns out that the guy with flush hair is actually bum as they move upwards five doors are in front of them the girl sharers next to them even with viol one of the doors open and J sees his friend he also meets the same girl as before the lady told her that she belongs to one of the great families but then he noticed the lone shark he introduced the kid as de Pres AC son it turns out that he already made preparations by getting bodyguards and even a guy who beat hatsu she's also in depth since she accidentally Rose her own team then the ranker introduced himself as SL for this test they need to insert their shinso into the orb after getting his result Jai is worried since they only pick eight out of all the people the spoiled kid says that he'll give the winner yon this infuriated her which made the big guy want to teach him a lesson when he punched the orb he got the highest score but now it's his turn the guy enhances his body and punches the machine to get the high score next is the girl where she accidentally slips but she got the high score then the spoiled kid use a support to get the high score he treats everyone as just stepping stones but then it's his turn he gently touches the orb which caused a massive shock wave all of them are surprised by his ridiculous score but then they notice a mark on his clothes J is devastated to know that he won't get picked when viol gets called to the stage he's been told to pick seven team members this shocked everyone without hesitation J immediately for viol to pick him the guy says that his daughter is waiting another guy says that he must find someone the girl tries to gain his pity but then yon says it's obvious to pick her since she's from a great family jaah provokes her by saying that she got nothing besides roasting her own people she claps back saying that she got a bigger chest oh yeah let me show you something big okay they get his point however vile says that he'll take the test alone since he's their enemy according to the rules he must pick his members So He suggests a game between them for now theano let them rest the high ranker ausus told L to not harm viol since they're only observers after getting pinched he contemplates on what should he do yon still doesn't believe his words but then viol enters the room wait that person is a girl as she's talking to viol he went to the man Sona she made a gender mistake jaang Nan can finally relax but the spoiled kid enters the room not wanting to bat with the peasants he joins in with viol he told him that he'll take Yun back but he remained silent V asked if he defeated hatsu which he said yes VI wants him to show his power next time when J and Nia finish their relaxing Spa he noticed that his string is gone V already took it he recognizes it to be the symbol of zahard they got interrupted by the kid vo gives back the ring and tells him not to lose it soon he found out that they Shar their same room she says that she won't repay his debt for saving her however VI says that he's not interested in her body this made her snap she swears that she'll kill him the others are having fun playing cards minang is strangely good at the game in the night she wished that every day was like this but it's too late now in his room he thinks back on her words suddenly in the middle of the night the test now begins it's called a trustworthy room dur all your comrades and enemies the only thing they can trust is the room L told VI to get down there to fight basically one team needs five teammates and five rooms each team is given one connector press the blue button to make a teammate and press the red button to steal a room so you need to befriend five people and backstep five people vile wins if he takes the remote from the ranker and steals yon's room she left Miss to guard your room while she tried to befriend jaang Nan the kid hit the remote and asked him to guard the place yon won't allow vile to leave and she's afraid he's going to kill the regulars she releases her shinso but VI passes through it and takes the remote he needs them to fail when he opens the door the kid comes bursting out slashing vile Dodges it and he locks the room he challenged vile to a duel but vile already escaped then an old person calls out for missing she tells her to open the door since there's something chasing her Teddy ask silver hair to look out for missing since he knows that he treats her like his own daughter when he to the doorstep he says that he wants to team up but there's no response he knows something's wrong he bangs on the door while demanding someone to answer mang said to not scream Luckily everything is fine he asked her of why did she enter the tower she said it would make her parents proud for him he wants to be a man that can protect his own daughter but then the old lady appeared again he wants her to get lost that's when she attacked him with her ring that surrounds the entire room in Dark Energy he blocked it and dashed towards her inside the room devil guy can feel someone outside the lady dashes towards J's room looks like both of them are covers as usual on the other side he looks for viol but that's when the lone shark come running saying that rap Devil Is Dead the guys meets up with silver hair J insulted him for acting like a lonely Father which got them into an argument suddenly vile appeared they beged mang to open up the door fortunately nothing bad happened upstairs the kid is shocked to see his bodyguard dead VI finally meets up with the anchor if he can catch the connector in three tries he wins when he blasts it towards the opposite side VI stops it in place he can do that looks like he underestimated him L kicked the connector to the wall upstairs two strange people tells him that there's a way to kill F Dura now knows his strategy for the second shot vile uses the same move but it looks like he's aiming for him the lone shark told the kid to not trust them but he pays no attention he accepts their offer when they leave the room he starts smiling he told him to drink this so that he can beat him while they Ambush vile in yon's room obviously it's really suspicious so he plans to let yon drink this instead L Dodges his attack and counter attacks but his attack got stopped it's only for a moment but he managed to stop a ranker v releases shinso but L avoided it and lands a massive blow which flew him into the wall and Fires shinso for good measure he then throws the connector into the arm he has one chance left then the kid enters the room he offered her a drink but she's suspicious of it however she's really thirsty when she drinks it she can feel a sharp pain in her body it turns out that someone is controlling her in the dark he swears to kill them but he needs to face yon for the last pitch L won't give him time to attack but he copied the same move as him how can he copy just from a glance at it V punches L and he also copied his unique move this person is really dangerous he Sprint towards his room but when he thinks he's safe rap devil wakes up he says that it was all the lone shark's idea after sealing another person's room looks like Victory is on their side when he calls his friend the lone shark picks up the call instead Nia told him that he had no choice but to work for him since he's inep to the lone shark is the only way to protect his grandmother he apologized for everything he's done but as when the lone shark like to Nia and says that he wants to climb the tower and abandon the company so Nia will have to die violent screams are heard from the pocket all of them can only sit while doing nothing ja Wang Nan demanded him to stop but it's too late J then Sprint straight to vile looking for help upstairs the kid took a massive Blow by rep devil it's either his life or the remote Teddy told them if vile comes back and he rescues the prince they might win love cannot believe that such a monster exists in the tower if he uses his powerful good how much will he grow love stops him in place he makes an offer saying that if he intercept his teammates he won't fail but that's when jaang Nan came running in and throws a pepper bomb he grabs the connector and ordered them to not move he wants VI to kill the lone shark then he'll give the connector L instantly kicked him while demanding him to give it back he told him that when he first came to the floor he had a lot of friends but they all left Nia is the only one he has left but he also died in the end so he'll make a deal with the devil if he has to now VI holds the connector Durano lost the battle upstairs the lone shark wants to see the kid struggle before he dies suddenly titty comes out punching the monster he targets the lone shark but yon protects him he commanded her to roast him but then someone appeared he Sprints towards yon while saying that she has no interest in her body this brings up an embarrassing memory then vile inserted his fingers inside her and Yanks out the monster controlling her while smashing it to the wall the lone shark runs away in fear while Teddy says to go after him he'll show what a real devil looks like he locks himself inside the room but suddenly vile appeared then someone came running jaang Nan wants to kill the lwn shark himself Ted managed to defeat repap Devil while the president's son sees him in a new light xia wangan steps on his arm while he screams in pain he confessed that he borrowed money from the president which caught the kids attention he was also like him so in order to survive he did the same thing the entire test is rigged since the president is willing to do anything for his most Lov son he laughs loudly and J inserts a shinso bomb into his mouth however he forgives him his anger since this doesn't make sense J told him straight that he will become the king of the Tower so that everybody can live happily he thanks vile for his help finally vile won the test but also everyone else after the test xangan went outside to organize his thoughts then V approached him why did he forgive him he says that we're all the same and he can't stand the sight of more blood he wants to be the king and make everyone live in the same roof in the office ausus lets his mistake slide since he felt bad for him however after he left he called yuhan stating that everything is going to plan the ranker brings the news that they all passed all of them are relieved on top of a skyscraper he heard a rumor that there's a person who beat a ranker one-on-one in a game this ignites kun's interest as kunon is waiting for someone the Scout Eden finally showed up he got straight to the point and says that he wants him to join his team if he can escape from here without getting noticed he'll get this gem if he loses he'll join his team without hesitation he went straight for the exit but it got blocked it turns out could plan this out but then he Dash past him but unluckily everyone in the building is a hired regular after forcing edin to follow him he visit visited Rachel [ __ ] entered the room while Rachel asked about his trip last night she dreamed that she met bum again he tried to comfort her saying that bum wouldn't want her to cry she then hugs him in the field the other members greet him all of them made their introductions to edin back in the house he told Rachel to just tell him if she needs anything when [ __ ] finally left she stretches her body however Co knows that she's lying to them 6 years ago [ __ ] told liso that Rachel lied to them because during her medical exam it's found out that she can walk liso can't comprehend why why she would do that Kun doesn't either but just in case he'll split the team into two the rest of them can climb the tower while she takes care of her in the field the new bee already got wiped out he challenged ran to a duel once again de fight moves the entire island in the evening Kun can't believe this is his theme back to the MAA he promised to grant their wishes if they protect Rachel more specifically was her carefully since she killed his best friend alone in the room Rachel laughs to herself on the 21st floor her friends are bringing themselves as usual Yan worries as nobody keeps tracks of yall but J say is a good guy who gave them a place to stay in the residential area she spies on him she sees him going into a karaoke place but then they heard a scream there's a fight going on inside but viol knocks him out she's puzzled to see all of them run outside she sees warun and viol a stranger from behind appear Pi asking her identity she realized that all of them are from fug VI says that she's her teammate however she didn't hold back in saying her thoughts which caused vile to drop her waron suggests to go to F's house to discuss important matters which he agrees inside his house ja can't help but feel a daunting tension jinsung introduces himself as VI's teacher he continues bragging about his student while they nervously listen to him when both of them are alone she said he's lucky since he decided to let them live on the rooftop he's curious on what he's thinking bum The Irregular 6 years ago youan threatened bum to join them or not he'll kill his friends one by one starting with Rachel bum says he'll do it which surpris him since she tried to kill him he introduced jinsung to be his new teacher jaang Nan got leid when hearing his past but it's his Destiny in the night bum looks at the sky blankly then jaia wangan join him he says that he wouldn't mind risking his life for him as a friend after that yon also follows him ja wangan teas her saying if his finger tasted good jinsung is glad that V found good friends but then he noticed someone named Kaka four days later the team takes the test then the test administrator arrived they traveled on a flying boat to the Sea all of them are excited to see the view yon says they should be serious since it's a test but she's also the same suddenly a large sea monster appeared for this test they need to find the flower of Zenna inside the creature's body they split into two teams and jaang Nan went on top while the other go to the bottom however the kid can't seem to start the boat upon trying herself she managed to destroy it they all Panic as the sea monster starts to turn over inside the monster there's a person sleeping fortunately she survived she's worried that they're dead but he's right behind her he explains that they got un Tedy while she's busy swimming inside the monster there's weird floating objects but then a monster passes through them the flower of Zenna is on its back ja leaps towards it but it escaped silver hair Corners it but it managed to run away on the other side Prince sees a monster from above both of them managed to kill it easily however the monster seems to be running away from something then a ray of light came from above it could be only one man Teddy told Prince to run Yan and viol feels the ground shaking suddenly fire runs to the sound on the other side the pig escaped through a small hole he asked mang to chase after it she nely agrees the entire surrounding got demolish he says to not run away Teddy questions his identity but he only says he's one of the strongest Teddy explains that they're just regulars taking a test which caused him to laugh he says that the administrator sent them here to die however he let them go on the condition they failed this exam then V arrived silver hair is curious since ja has been more serious now X wangan says that if viol fails the exam his friends will die viol prepares to battle he decides to play with him a bit he says that if he gets the flower before he gets him he wins or not he'll die Tedy explains that they should tell the others so that they can Ambush him together then he told everyone the location he doesn't understand why he wants to be the King when he can leave the tower since there's a huge world out there bum says that he doesn't need any of that he just needs to protect his friends as soon as the game begins bum runs away he's impressed by his attitude now that everyone is present the game begins he instantly appeared before Teddy and sends him Flying J throw a shinso bomb but it isn't effective viol faces him at on surprised by his courage he won't hold back both of them released their shinso but then suddenly mang appeared from the cave a large explosion occurred he's surprised to see bum willingly sacrificing his own life to protect his teammate the others arrive to the scene he didn't expect there would be another flower so he gives it to them it's a reward for facing the strongest man when they look at his back it's actually Ur masino on the surface he easily destroys the rankers and says that the reason why zigana is becoming extinct is due to Dear greed upon going back us told him that he should be careful since he's been injured wait he actually managed to injure him he told his assistant to watch him since something fun is going to happen back at home jinsung calls him an idiot for pulling that stun he told them to leave by tomorrow morning since he didn't know VI would protect them this caused them to have an argument amongst the party princess fed up with him since J didn't told his situation to them hun advises Yan to keep moving forward now that she saw the dark side of her family selling zenna's baby in the end she managed to put herself back together in the night jaang n told jinsung that they'll still take vile with them after he left he apologizes as he calls out karaka karaka suggests to kill them but jinsung prohibits him from doing so when karaka leaves he told his assistant poen to scout regulars to keep watch on VI's party in the house yon took care of viol while he asked Hardon the pet to meet V's friends she explains that 2 years from now there will be a workshop battle where you can get weapons his friends will be there somewhere else liso told Kun to climb the tower so they can meet up for the workshop battle bum says that he wants to grow strong so he can protect his family jinsung teaches him to use wave explosion which has the most potent killing power he wants to take it slow but bum wants the fast method which is to directly hit bum with it jinsung doesn't think he's fit for the job but yuhan says he'll see soon when he goes back in the cave she told him that she rebuilt the Golem jinsung regrets leaving him alone with her but then he sees bum using the move from just looking at once his past memory suddenly came back he could actually do it he'll show him how to become a God in the 77th floor it's taking them 6 years to find a place Quan spotted a gaming center wait what's it doing here in the middle of nowhere when they went inside they meet up with blueberry outside he said he tracked down his ID so now he has to take him to warlock song after being threatened he's going to get serious as well but then us called him change of plans if he helps him blueberry will allow loo to go to warak song somewhere else edin is texting to a robot named Emily she can be used in battle though it's not recommended or even casual talk one person has a feeling that she might be a human in a lab the chatboard responsible is an actual human being an anonymous chatter told Emily that bum is alive in the 29th Floor 2 years after V first appeared Eden managed to press the button and won the match he apologizes for using a chatbot to use in battle there's no way she can answer any question just like in the rumors upon typing bum's name she said that he's alive in the 28th floor a man is chasing after missing but it's just a hologram when the enemy team looked for her they got ambushed from above J is hiding from the enemy looking for a chance to insert the key when he looks away his Sprints toward a statue but his ski got stolen the enemy spotted him but luckily vile came just in time he got even stronger than before after the victory he told them to keep pushing to floor 30 so that they can attend the battle Workshop Kun is curious of why she said that but he got live it when it's PID to win then he received a call from Apple she found information on the devil's right arm who beat hatsu the photo is from the inter Teddy recognizes him as kasano Kun ordered her to catch him in the 28th floor of the residential area Teddy told them that kasano is his childhood friend they're the only survivors of the lab experiments their teacher Sophia is the one who gave their names then one day they're brought to be modified into living ignition weapons from that day they never saw their teacher and lives every day painfully he climbed the tower in the hopes to meet kasano again in the night Teddy wants to confront viol if he a living weapon just like him during the first meeting Teddy wants him to show his student power but viol doesn't want to fight he wants to know if he's involved in human experiments bom stands still he says that a man named jinsung is responsible but when he woke up they wouldn't tell their plan he didn't want this power he just wants a family Teddy then left after getting a satisfying answer this will be the last time they meet V warned him that it's too dangerous to meet kasano but he doesn't listen on the other side K's team have also arrived to settle J with kasano Teddy went to attend Village to obtain information on kasano she told him that he's located on top of the hand when he got there the statues immediately attacked him on the other side Kun is having a hard time giving orders on Ren and noi Ted he see someone else present Ren question Teddy if it's the devil's right arm Ren immediately attacks him Teddy Dodges his attack he questions why he wants to meet kasano but he simply says to execute him Ren continues slashing him which gives him no choice but to activate his power Teddy smashes the ground and ren Dodges it while using his special move he's impressed that Teddy managed to hold his ground then noic appeared inside the residential area a v reassures mang that Teddy will be fine he respects his goal but they need him V told silver hair that he needs to bring him back it turns out that ja is watching all along as well as Prince and also yon she usually stalks viol before he sleeps they all agree to bring Teddy back Teddy then hears kasano he told Teddy to follow the Observer into the building before they attack Teddy kasano told them to stop Kun received the message that they're caught in a trap he got shot through his chest the lady in the tent tells vile that she can help him find his friend kasano came from above and ins attacks them when noic tries attacking his agility is crazy noic takes a direct hit when the enemy reaches Fork he opens his eyes which caus him to be afraid fortunately he's wearing armor suddenly [ __ ] went behind and sted his back upon questioning he told Co that the rabbit girl is the master mind noic prepares for another attack which sent him flying while Ren does the killing shot vile and the rabbit girl have arrived Teddy wears for kasano he rushed towards them at full power which got through nok's Shield as Kun is trying to find more information on the place Ren kicks him while noic drags him to the ground Ren fired a shot but Teddy Dodger said they about to clash but then something happened kasano betrayed him Teddy falls to the ground while the others are in confusion kunon finds out that Apple betrayed him at the same time VI sees Teddy's lifeless body Kun doesn't know what's happening she said that they killed Teddy vile dashed toward snic not holding back and summoning multiple shinso ran leaps from behind but he got stopped they both ran towards vile noic thr his projectiles but they're shocked to see vile controlling five shinso orbs both of them sent flying noic Returns the favor by using his special move on vile while Ren targets him from above vile defends himself and he's ready to attack they got blasted V asked of why did they kill him but noic says that it wasn't them but the man under the rubble however the rabbit girl says they're lying but then bum reunites with Kun again the rabbit girl told to not make a move or she will blow this whole place up then he realized that [ __ ] is behind us the Rabid girl told kasano to come out and says to Kun that viol has come to kill him all this time he's been the target of assassination wanting to protect his friends V tells Kun to never show his face or he'll kill him but Kun knows that something is up then noic steals the Detonator from her hand but vile retrieves it however the rabbit girl still presses the button the entire surrounding lits up wait a minute is that bum a large Ray hits from the sky it turns out that there's two traitors Rachel comes in and tells him to help him climb the tower however he knows that she's nothing but a filthy traitor Rachel killed edin she said that she didn't do anything wrong bom is in complete despair while the others have just arrived she didn't expect them to also be here before they can fight viol uses the lighthouse to tell them that he's not their enemy V orders the girl to let them join their team for the workshop battle when jaang Nan throw his grenade Kun is seen lying under the rubble then he wakes up while seeing them both argue basically they vile's teammates however why would he team up with them wangan ask him of where is he going G is's going to get his team back inside his bunker they soon discovered the incident left by fug they quickly treat edin they ask about his condition but he says that he'll be fine on the rooftop he deduced that the pocket must belong to bum but then hun shows up from the news they're shocked to find out that Quinn is dead Rock won't believe it until he sees it with his own eyes both of them went on their own Journey when kasano enters the room Teddy is infuriated but he told him that Sophia is waiting for them guardan reveals that she works for fug everything up until this point she pulled all the strings Kun tries to punch her he asked where did she take bum however she also got betrayed so she needs his help to win the workshop battle if they can prove to be better teammates for bum [ __ ] will give bum back later edin also expresses his desire to get revenge on Rachel downstairs he introduced himself as V's best friend and ask your help to get V back he has a perfect strategy to make them back for Mercy with that the training now begins inside the room the guy introduces himself as refo and he'll be his servant he wants his opinion on his new power for one month the endure brutal training from Kun at this rate they'll die even before the exam starts Prince ask where she's going missing says that she's going to train again so that they can see Teddy and vile again she doesn't want to lose them like her parents Prince tries to then cheer her up inside the room yon finds it hard to focus her Flames onto the match deck as the night passes by all of them have been training non-stop even though they've been told to rest no wonder [ __ ] wanted to replace bum's team then finally the day has come noo doesn't like the team but it's the strongest the other party have arrived to beat viol a new arc has started they arrive to the floating Workshop Kun needs to look after the children liso is excited to see the place in person anak textt back saying that he matured now hatu told them to be serious as they're here to defeat viol gesia told them to not do anything stupid when noo provoked him he felt a sense of dread in the air he then left saying to inform him if Master viol wants to go outside in the night viol spotted a person getting chased when the guy is backed into a corner vile destroys it but he begins to panic he told vile that he shouldn't do that when he destroys one a stronger Workshop Patrol will be sent he told V to follow him watching her on TV makes him cringe but not for his team but then suddenly the screen goes out the person in the TV says that they've prepared a game the lucky winners will get one out of the 2 148 tickets to ride the ship he gives them items to help them prepare the workshop battle Starts Now in the meantime viol is planting a bomb basically there's two mods light and dark you can only shoot once with dark mode to gain a ticket however with light mode you can shoot your own teammates so they can get the ticket as the game starts Kun pointed his guns towards jaang Nan this attracted the other regulars so that he can steal their bullets the others are on the lighthouse but missing and Prince are missing outside they reunite with androssi and looks like she already took several out liso leads them to hunt fug on the other hand androssi will hunt fol rlea schs the rapid girl for not watching him then one of them told him there's a regular outside it's anak they know they're just pressuring them to make a move once it goes below 100 they'll fight the travel explains that he sneaked in to save the love of his life since the price of winning the workshop is a human being then they switched on the explosives but it had no effect suddenly androssi destroyed the robot and pointed her gun towards viol outside hangan needs to blindly trust kunon for some reason he looks like someone she knows foil makes his move and stopped the bullet she kicked him in the air and he sees the gun after grabbing it he told the traveler to distract her with bombs looks like they managed to run away but there's someone behind her after that they parted their own ways when silver opens the door Chong immediately went under attack but his teammate got held at gunpoint Kun gives them a trade to give him the bullets and he'll send them the tickets which they agreed to Prince and missen unfortunately lost the battle when the counter shows 100 anak blasted through the building inside she meets up with ven on the other side hatsu wants a rematch with kasano finally vile Sprints back to his place the rabbit girl told him that anak is there after making quick work of them he's approaching closer anak punched the ground while Ren avoids it she went straight for noic which caused the entire floor to be demolished kasano pulls out his gun but hu slashes his arm after retreating back he noticed that there's scuts on him did he get stronger hatsu told him he trained harder which doesn't make sense to him hatu leaps towards him while releasing his unique move meanwhile anak looks behind when Ren summons a ball of shinso suddenly a loud explosion occurred this C enough time for kasano to surprise attack him the entire room is engulfed in the darkness when she sees a small spark anak throws her weapon but he's actually behind her she punched him but he vanishes again anak avoided the lightning strikes from him she got frustrated and destroyed everything with her sin so she aimed at the dark clouds but Ren was actually at the window however she back flips behind him then suddenly vile finally arrived somewhere else a girl is putting decorations on Prince and mang while jaia observes in hiding upon searching her identity he told him to stay put or he'll die Kun rushes to his aid but someone is watching from the darkness vile shoots both of them with FL mode the rabbit girl tells them that there's two enemies up ahead he told noic to support the others while he handles it alone both of them are fighting fiercely liso is preparing his trap they continue fighting until liso releases his attack fortunately vile rescued him on time they reunite once again vile asks if he's okay and grabs his clothes to hide his face liso finally confronted him vile doesn't want to fight but suddenly he got Lac with a ring that absorbs all his shinso Kun already knows this so he needs to act now but then he sees someone he rushes towards viol and the Beast lashes from above but uto protects him unfortunately without shinso it's hard to fight uto protects him again taking little damage knowing that there's no other choice vile uses his dark dark power to immobilize them the bee sneaks up from behind but he stopped his movement and throws her to the ground on the other side Teddy has arrived to stop her liso is surprised that they find her hiding spot VI advises him to stop here and give him the bullets she escaped with missing and Prince Teddy apologizes to jaang Nan because he's going on his own path now in the end he agreed liso finds it weird that he would care about his teammates when noic arrived he told V to lean on others more but he says that he doesn't mind sacrificing himself since he has lost his reason to live Kun hearing all this felt hopeless but rock is also spying on them if all the bullets used the next phase will begin and rosi finally Mi up with the traveler again she ask where is viol but he says that he's bum what did he just say one day after the departure a high ranker named madaro says to not like information outside the ship about their research they can finally complete Emily as they laugh to themselves liso is enjoying the view but anak kicks him for being perverted inside the prison cell he asked the traveler if viol is really bum he says that's the only thing he knows about him as she was about to leave he asked for her help or not Emily will die zangan and Kun can't believe Rock F all the way here Rock explained that hun told him everything and he's here to help Kun ask how much he knows rock pretty much knows everything suddenly a loud bang came from the door rock is fears that Kun doesn't do anything to save him Kun explains that it's more complicated and they have to win the workshop battle to get bum back however this made Rock live it and make him get a reality check Edan told rock that he genuinely thinks rock as a friend friend ever since he meet them that day in the night rck told Kun that he wants to climb the Tower with the three of them and that never changed since meanwhile hatsu went to buy a new sword from a shop but looks like there's someone below the traveler explains that the researchers are going to turn her into a weapon however androssi already had enough on her plate hatu is in hiding while watching them enter the building inside Teddy reunites with Sophia he really missed her for all these years as hatu is talking them someone spotted him this caused him to be trapped in a room Sophia then introduces them to the weapon she's working on someone where else a familiar person can be seen through the windows on the next day the workshop battle has finally begun inside his room he asked if she joined [ __ ] for Revenge but she says she's doing it for the money he's glad that she didn't have a sad story the game is split into three parts the first three regulars to pluck the socket wins jaang Nan sees Prince but he got beaten up Prince told them to run away as mang is out for blood when the others attack her she easily send them flying wangan wants an explanation but Prince says that it's because of the flower on her head she agreed to become over this doll since she doesn't want to lose anyone else when she looked at them they got really scared Prince uses his lighthouse to stop her but she breaks it can they really not do anything without borrowing Powers he felt enraged and blocked her attack silver hair snatched the flower from her head the spell is undone she's afraid that they'll leave her but Prince reassures her that he's always there for her the winners are silver hair jaang Nan and Prince for the second round buraga will participate Tedy protects his friend while quro goes on a rampage the strongest e class regular walks to the center someone challenged him but he says to cherish his life this made him live it but without lifting a finger he's already dead Baraga looks at viol since he despises fog hatsu use Emily to escape from his prison cell outside the tournament is going smoothly and dry won her match VII and Rong bundan Rebo and Rebo verie and Vasa Red Hawk and din won all of their matches when his V Stern he quickly defeated every enemy elegantly anak says that his fighting style is similar to bum who died on the floor of test when his match ended the rabbit girl told him to not say it again a God who won't make wishes come true is useless while V is thinking back on what she said he sees a person alone for the final match Ren and anak can finally settle on who's stronger Ren wanted to change the rules so he can fight one-on-one with anak when the others support him the coordinator agrees to his condition Ren begins to chew on something but she won't let him finish but then he got sent flying even though she didn't punch that hard once he finished eating he can fight her at his full power he appeared from behind and relased thises a away of shinso V ask why is he in his room he introduces himself as beta an ignition weapon just like viol Sophia looks for beta and kasano is informed of it Ren and anak have a fierce battle to the point of destroying the arena she asked him what did he eat he says that it's a pill that makes him stronger so he can beat her in 5 minutes liso worried since Ren is provoking her they Clash at high speed on the water Ren leveled out the field her biggest weakness is her own Pride with that it's all over for anak she's bleeding on the ground but then she won't give up anak stood her ground she charged straight at him which caused the arena to break they both prepared their final attack but suddenly someone emerged from the water what just happened both of them lost the fight V drops his phone when finding out that he's the prize of the competition The Traveler wants to save Emily but someone beside him also wants to save Emily it turns out that the entire prison cell wants to save her when hu goes underground he found a strange looking door but then somebody came from above and killed it the person is glad that he improved his skill wait a minute it's lero lero wanted hsu's help in stopping the worst weapon in the party androssi quickly became the center of attention on the other side Teddy is embarrassed to meet her like this she asked Teddy for a dance however the mood quickly became dull as he tells gosen that Sophia didn't love them at all VI is alone in the crowd while androssi keeps an eye on him in the living room the atmosphere became suffocating as they need to have a meeting for the next phase of the competition all the leaders have to bet on who won but only to have passed the coordinator suggest another game since the result is disturbed by an outsider beta ask of his presence while wants to know about the weapon inside him he told vile that he needs the needle inside the water Stadium to activate his power he says to just steal it yon and rock sneakily passes by the rabbit girl but then he bumps into androssi then V appeared he runs away while has after him he goes around the corner but yon is waiting for him however he Dodges her moves but then the cactus guy ambushed him which caused them to collide Rock grabs a hold of him he knew that bum was still alive all this time rock won't forgive them for what they've done to him but then the guards have arrived after sharing one fin fin glance she told him to come back for their date she runs away embarrassingly and they escape by teleportation refle knows that they broken the rules so now they can kill all of them beta escapes from the guard while cursing at them for their sins the day has finally come the last Tournament begins there's two games in this island and the winner will get to fight for the grand prize in the tournament of growth advance to the battlefield and win your battle to move forward you can team up with other people but you must defeat your individual Target in the central island two people are already fighting and Bund one defeats him liso is suspicious since androssi remains silent when she came back he feels like he's being left out on the island beta reached land in the north noic tells vile to get ready barag is also getting ready the coordinator explains the role basically if vile's teams get the key they win and if they don't they'll fail in the teammate calling center the enemies have already arrived wangan calls Square TR for backup but there's a delay in the north of the stadium the two teams are fighting but Teddy realizes that the enemy is stalling them before this beta gave vile the key to access the need R has a bad feeling noo won't let him catch up to V now rifo knows that they've changed teams during the party anak told May that voil might be their Ally then may went to tell noic about their plan currently noic and rlea are fighting he told that [ __ ] will lose the battle however he says there's more to it than just a weapon on the other side of the island jaia wangan narrowly avoided the shinso beam then Kun realized their weakness he told J to Sprint towards them and move to the side suddenly they stopped their attacks those two people are actually they won and the sides are their blind spot they fired again but ja moves to the side and beat them after being Victorious quro finally arrived but wangan already defeated them using the remaining points they summon yon Rock and silver hair inside the facility he sees the real weapon and beta reveals himself in the past an irregular killed the administrator of the tower using the needle however they couldn't use this needle since hence they begin experimenting on humans at last they found an evil hiding in his body they can activate the needle however it's still risky to have vile control the weapon so why not inject vile into the weapon itself beta dashed towards him when noic looks behind it turns out that every single person is from fog May told them to kill him but Teddy stopped their attacks noic told Teddy to run noic explains the situation to Teddy and then they meet up with uto vile got pierced in the chest and he falls the coordinator says that [ __ ] won the match but the other team joined [ __ ] what is happening right now somewhere else a person is excited about the creation of the new weapon from the bushes hu shows himself and tells liso that bomb is in danger in the waiting area kunon is reviewing the footage of their match but then someone approach him from behind he reveals that everyone is from fog the entire Workshop battle is rigged from the very start Kun begins to strategize a plan if anything comes to mind but then liso came to see him in the north of the Arena uto explains to them that they're trying to dissolve bum into the needle somewhere else kasano asks if he locks bum into the facility btha wants to make bum share the same fate as him when bum wakes up he sees a large needle in front of him him refer then stands before him he told bum that when the solution is poured he will be dissolved into the needle in the building liso is live it that Kun didn't tell what he knows then hu appears from behind saying that he already knows everything he told that loo is on the island as well later hu reveals to the entire team that bum is going to be turned into a weapon so he has a plan that is to summon bum using the game inside Archimedes the prisoners have all escaped thanks to lero the assistant ask if he should do something but he says there's no need since their efforts are futile the next game has the same rules as before defeat them to get to the finals 10 minutes ago Kun communicated with utol through Emily so that they can save bom J team are facing team snake Rock tries to punch his shield but he got sent flying yon tries to burd him but he absorbs the Flames the man ambusher from behind butra transformed into his original form somewhere else the [ __ ] member gave beta a parasite that allows him to enter the competition without f after Rock andon defeated them beta appeared in the north of the Arena they finally arrived to rescue bomb beta asked if their bum's friend but they both give confusing answers beta then left liso told him to chase after him since he's the one who trapped bum somebody ambushed J's party qura troll J to save his friend while he eliminates him in his journey vesa targets Bu from above but he Dodges it using his speed he kicks her but R protected her beta questions their real identity but he gave him even more confusing answers inside the layer noic and Teddy prepares to fight then refle got a call from uto she reveals herself as warun and all this time he's fallen under her trap she gave him the fake needle because it's a container to place the real needle so the moment he trapped bum the needle chose bum as his owner refo can't believe he's been fooled and told May to stop her but she jumps down after they beat the guards a high level Patrol shows up Teddy tells to get bum while he takes care of the robot noic tries to open the door but it suddenly open the robot got instantly killed BM is now free beta then received a message that bum has escaped B grew wings and heads full speed towards BM noic notice a flying needle on his shoulder she told him that is extremely powerful she explains that everything is according to her plan up until this point and now he finally became a god there's many strong people who wants him dead so does he really want to meet his friends without hesitation he said that's where he belongs quaron says to protect bom so that he can be summoned by his friends however as they look above the enemies have already found them all of them run while the Phantom wolves chases after that bum clears the way out then barag jumps down while May blocks the other path bum bursts through her Lighthouse jaang Nan is rushing towards the summoning Place bum finally arrive in the room he's glad to talk to them again but then he got pierced from behind rck and the Gang traveled on vesa but then R sequestro he told rck that he saw beta heading for the huge tower inside ja got stab in the heart it's all over but then they've arrived just in time Lor uses shinso to make beta vomit out the parasite they both grab for it but beta was faster however yon burned the parasite with the points added J summons bum beta flew up wanting to destroy the entire facility but then Sophia arrived and told him to stop however he won't listen to her for the torture that he went through he's a living weapon so he's going to use it for his own desire Kun told liso to give up on the game so that bum can be summoned instantly the entire building collapses but bum has been summoned bum ask gr to take jaang Nan to a safe area bum asked why did he do all of this he said that he hated him betat dashed towards him and Strikes down with shinso bum Retreats back he told bum that he's a living experiment who earned her right to wield the weapon but then bum comes in and takes everything from him bum advances forward and says that the real en me is someone else he used his special move and says that he's in the wrong for attacking his innocent friends the shinso burst through his chest beta didn't hit him for Revenge it's just because he needs someone to hate beta congratulates bum for having everything while he suffers alone beta punch him in the face bum cly says that he's also been alone for a very long time he climbed this Tower and made friends along the way Sophia finally confessed the truth to Beta the data they use is before bum joins fug he has nothing to do with his experiments this absolutely shocked him all this time he's been deceived by her beta kneels on the ground as his body is on the verge of breaking but then all the soldiers have arrived they need to dispose of beta but before they can do that silver hair and quro have also arrived the others already cleaned them up they reunite with Flo again on the other side Ria told May to prepare for battle as they got baited it's going to be his last battle rle complimented kasano for putting a tracking device on them kasano only wants the item as he doesn't care about them anymore the trial have finally reunited again after 6 years the others are glad that everything worked out yon is surprised that bum can also smile like that fortunately jaang Nan will be fine and also Bea lero says that he bought them enough time to escape inside a cave refo already made preparations the prisoners have escaped their cells looks like he underestimated them however someone interesting has appeared lero explains that the ship of wak song is waiting for them they're surprised that BM have met him before lero says that Ur wants to meet him but then suddenly rle threaten to kill his friends if he doesn't come on time the others are surprised to know hin real itty bum says that he'll go Kun made the decision that the three of them will go save them loo says that they have 30 minutes to do so a beam of light appeared in the sky and dry and hatsu have came to help while bum and the others will face refo lero asked them to wait for 30 minutes Sophia wanted to take beta with them but then he woke up he said that the person behind everything is kasano May asked of bum but she said to shut up and stop looking for her boyfriend the battlefield became silent barv made his move and a dry counter said but she's inflicted by Blood Tamara inside the cave rle can finally go all out it's time for the final round May explains that barag has the blood Tamara which allows him to be Invincible temporarily and Counterattack with the wolves in his body the others are trying to find the hostages around the place inside the cave rle leveled out the ground rle told him to give up but he'll never do it rjo begins his attack and bum cancels it out he told Kun to save her when Rock leaps towards him the entire field is engulfed in darkness Kun distracts him while bum goes behind reflejo kasano informed Moko about reflejo which infuriated him and told him to prepare the solution somewhere else The Traveler sees kasano entering a door bomb prepares to attack but he uses waran as a shield which made him lose his chance refo rain down shinso onto bum K has an idea on how to defeat reflejo the traveler asks his identity but he said he got fooled by Emily when he shows him the inside he told him that the coordinators lock her up so that she can be used as a weapon The Traveler can't handle the horrible reality kasano offers to help him leave since now he has the power to change fate before this kasano persuades Teddy to join him but Teddy doesn't want to abandon his friends so he's left with no choice but then someone appeared Rock throws his spear towards refo when he tries to deflect it the spear got replaced by Kun and he stabs her the needle starts to Glow Rock got Furious towards kunon but he actually managed to retrieve her using his special knife before refal can attack multiple shinso beams came out from the ground dur glad his back the rabbit girl doesn't know what to do as there's so many plot twists going on but then she hear someone calling out for Teddy hu asked if she knows the truth and JY recalls back that Rachel betrayed bum seeing her like Rachel makes her want to rip her apart both of them begin to attack hu bursts through the blood Tamara and androssi from behind teleports bargraph into the sky let's see if he can survive gravity they felt a different Aura From Below vom has awakened his power he jumped towards fleo he wants to test if VM deserves that power he stop his shadow attack and knocks refo back Kun notice the needle absorbing all the shinso bum Dash towards him and rle cast his shadow but Kun won't allow that rock through his spear which caused him to lose his balance The Spectators are excited to see andross's battle while bum does the finishing blow refle says that they'll all die with him here the solution will be ped any second M told and drossy to hurry if she wants to save her boyfriend on the other side the rabbit girl told them where Teddy is they don't trust her but she made it clear that they will All Die Here in the ship they're impatient to leave but Quan says there's 5 minutes left loo noticed something peculiar the entire surrounding is covered with lava loo fires sinso from above which sent the ranker flying Laro told them that Quan is heading to their Direction the others have found the hostage lero says that everything that has happened is being broadcasted throughout the arena soon the authorities will arrive rle did his final attack which cause the entire floor to shatter with this he can finally achieve his master's dream but then androssi came to the rescue she's glad that bum is still alive refo felt that God has abandoned him May and baragar escape on their own and rosi teleported them outside where they reunite with their friends but then a ranker suddenly appeared however his boss told him to go back since someone important has arrived The Spectators are anticipating the winner of the workshop battle everyone reunited with each other and with that team sweet and sour won the competition the person who's responsible for this is the leader of the great family po inside the ship they're having fun while the trio can finally sleep peacefully but their Journey has just begun when morning came he relief that he actually returned back wangan meets up with reflejo he Reveals His true identity which caused him to scare on did he have a nightmare she explains that everyone is safe and they're located in warik song Finally the chaos has ended liso greets him and thanks ja for looking out for bum they need to part ways for now as their test is coming soon Shang is surprised that Wang Nan survived being pierced in the heart but it looks like yon also noticed that the rankers are discussing about the hell train where you can skip six floors but it looks like the next train will be competitive in the 97th floor jinsung arrived to kaka's layer inside the layer jinsung wonders if he plac guards as a warm-up for him he came to tell karaka to not overdo it because sooner or later bum is going to drag him down from the throne karaka told his shadow to wash over bum when he gets to the train and rosi is waiting for bum while the others St on them [ __ ] told them to watch over them because she may put bum in danger in a room [ __ ] wants to split the team into two so that they can kill Rachel in the restaurant he enjoyed lunch after watching a movie bum is glad to meet her again this reminds her of that day in the park she ask if bum will still search for Rachel and druss is jealous that he still cares for her so she wants to override his memory by giving him a kiss somewhere in a castle The Traveler followed kasano where he meets up with Rachel they're a bit said that they'll be gone tomorrow bum asked if is coming but he looks like he's busy then gosen calls for them Ted's condition isn't getting any better kasano stole his devil Powers they plan to use it with Emily who's also a living ignition weapon if they don't find him the tower will crumble soon they meet up with waran again she says to take the hell train so they can meet kasano in time on the next day they all say their goodbyes before leaving Quon hopes bum makes a decision that he wouldn't regret one month later yon is researching about the hell train which made her curious about the ring that jaang Nan has karun advised to not look so deep as she'll find out the horrific truth about her bloodline Ren tells beta to be his teammate in Catching kasano yon went to the rooftop she wants to seek the truth by following bum in the conference room guun explains the future plan they need to steal a ticket in order to ride on the hell train the teams will be split into Kun and bum one year from now they will meet at train City they need to grow stronger first when they all leave quaran knows that Kun wants a separate team so that he can kill Rachel bum thinks that Kun is hiding something inside a cave the cult also plans to get on the hell train injad floating Yuri came to meet princess reela for suddenly calling her she gave her a present it's a ticket to the hell train since the boy she's looking for will be there in a year from now Yuri is shocked to find out that he's still alive she dragged Evan out of the palace she told him that BM is still alive 12 months later the train heads for train City Kung and Felix are excited about their trip Boro tells them to not call him teacher but then someone walks by it looks like the ticket Hunter is here Boro tells Kang to fish him a drink now that he's safe he hopes the man will just pass by but then he attack borro the guy slashes his sword and causes the entire side of the car to blow up into flames he says that he's going to make everyone kneel before him but borrow knows that he has no idea that the high rankers are on a different level boros lashes him in half then he noticed something on the ground he founds out that a tournament will be held in 3 days for the tickets on another private train Ren defeated a lot of regulars beta also killed them on his side the others regroup before they start fighting again but then they notice a tournament she think it's a trap but Ren wants to join anyway on the other side side bum is looking for teammates they're about to arrive to their destination bum explains to them that all the people will die in the hell train if [ __ ] gets the tickets he said that the one responsible for Emily is his potential enemy Rachel meanwhile on another private train a guy is slowly counting the bodies of the victims he killed soon he'll also arrive to train City Boro agreed to team up even though it's not much later they saw Felix getting beaten up it looks like they have tickets as well Kung tries to defeat them but fails miserably meanwhile on another train an event will soon begin again featuring a popular Idol however she seems to know about bum when Felix woke up Bor explains the gist of the situation they're in she introduces herself as Hana she has always dreamed of being an idol but Boro doesn't hold back in stting his opinion soon they've arrived to train City and so does the others an elevator is in front of them with many buttons they head for the entrance on the other side Hana wants a view of the skyscraper Boro might think choosing her was a mistake they head for the residents B worries as his friends might went the wrong way but bum is confident in them Unfortunately they went the wrong way a guy is guarding the door in front of him suddenly he stood up he told them to go back but Ren wants to go inside inside the elevator bum recalls back quaran saying to find new teammates because most of his friends will die the men attack them with multiple shinos they can barely hold it together Ren activate his full power since he's now really curious the floor is filled with people Boro tells them to be careful since all of them are enemies then a guy approached Hana but Boro told him that she's with them a person with blue hair glances at them a blue spear charges straight at ran which caused a massive explosion downstairs bum showed his power to his teammates soon Rock and waran arrived not only them but [ __ ] as well she's down bad for GR and food at the moment but kasano just wants to achieve his goal which she thinks it's boring then they had for train City the others are worried for Ren but it looks like he's still alive Ren gives everything he got but he dissipates his attack how did he not receive any damage but then somebody came from above and defended run they have a bad feeling about this when they enter their room they can finally relax but it looks like the game has started basically the last seven people outside will get a boarding pass to the hill Tri it gives them a chance to steal a ticket once they're on the train this caused everyone to fight with each other hun explains to them that this game is created to eliminate most of the regulars present then someone appeared she reveals herself as Ura the idol on the first floor he introduces himself as Daniel and says that they're fighting an illusion but he'll disappear tomorrow he can't wait to fight Ren in the tournament Yura says that she has two tickets and persuaded them to team up with her Ura is excited to be riding with her but Boro says that she's their enemy soon the game ended Ren wanted to find Daniel now but suddenly he appeared beside him they can't even send him then Daniel makes his way out the game starts tomorrow in the room bum is curious to hear that boru has met [ __ ] on the train before he said that he's the only Survivor since he was lucky and Boro remembers him saying that he's going to make this road into a revolution road quaran deduces that maybe they're trying to find a hidden item but Boro is not completely sure on the next day the tournament will soon begin and the system shows the matching teams for the fight basically in a game you can use one ticket to send in one person in your team the more tickets you have the higher your chance of winning but you lose all your tickets if you lose as the first match starts Ura greets bum as viol the first game will be the crazy yellow ball basically the attacker can only advance two spaces then the ball must be given to the enemy however if you hold the ball for more than 10 seconds it turns crazy Kung will be the striker while Hana becomes the defender on the enemy side they only have pi as the defender taka and Boro will be the goalkeeper as the match starts bum jumps to grab it but it's weird that she isn't moving the ball got passed to Kung he passes back to bum and they score she says that if he blocks her attack she'll give her a ticket and tell where Rachel is bum demands her to tell him Ura says she met her through Emily by helping Rachel she can achieve her goal bum accepts her B even though his teammates doesn't agree as the match starts bum tries to stop her using shinso but then she negated his attack and passes by him Yura then passes it to her teammate but it turns into a crazy ball and it killed him she wants to make a bet again and bum agrees now two Defenders are on the enemy team as the game starts Boro passes the ball to bum and Blitz through the enemy but she passes it to Ura and the ball explodes Ura says that she'll get rid of him from Rachel bum notices that she's carrying something he then dashes towards bum and passes it to Hannah he's going to die fortunately bum managed to save her however her hands are completely ruined the others are furious at bum but he says that he'll win this time Kung charges straight at them and passes the ball to bum and he targets her back with this he gets to know where Rachel is as promised Miss she gave her tickets and tell where Rachel is she said that everyone here is caught in a trap that she and Rachel set up on the other side Ren meets up with AKA the guy told monari to take care of run run immediately went after him but he got stopped by shinso monari stole the ticket from run Yura told bum that [ __ ] plans on stealing the train Daniel prepares an orb that created a giant laser beam but it Remains unfaced The Guardian is preparing an attack he summoned multiple shinso beams she swear it for his safety but it looks like he's fine he fired another shinso beam but then the guardian's attack stopped it turns out that Daniel is playing a prank on them now they can proceed further she then disappears into her bag a loud explosion occurred Ren and montari is still fighting Boro told him that they're caught in a trap bum says that [ __ ] is planning to steal the hell train AKA comes forward and is in disbelief by everything he heard he won't let [ __ ] get away again Yura and another person Sprint for the train edin told Ren that the entire tournament was the hulks on the other side someone welcomes them to the entrance he'll guide them to the train hon suggest to split the pursuit teams into two one team follows hon while she guides them through a shortcut and edin on the other side Eden Falls the button and pushes it which allowed them to move forward beta goes to another path to clear out the enemies he quickly burst through them however Ura already predicted this on the other side they finally reached the hell train the hell train is massive they can't even see the ends of it then his friend appeared he says that they'll move as soon as Ura arrives before this Yura told her plan to only one of her teammates since she finds him more useful than the others beta informs them that the elevator is broken bum has an idea to get there on time as Yura arrives to the station there surpris surprised to see bum and the others have made it as well the reason why they managed to catch up is because bum used his shinso to transport them all here when they sh after her the guardian is activated the others heard a loud explosion From Below Daniel decides to check it out quaran noticed that Ura is holding a controller they went after her but then the garden releases a large laser beam the others are shocked that the garden is actually an illusion they managed to go through and intercept Yura B joined in as well after getting thrown by AKA when she tries to run she got blasted to the side she is infuriated by him but then Daniel appears from above he introduced himself as Rachel's comrade he proposed a sparring match if bum wins he'll give his controller and he won't have to protect Ura yura is infuriated by his scree nature but Daniel says that is her own fault when they start your match both of them instantly clash with one another Daniel thinks that this fight will be fun Hon chases after Yura but she finds trouble Daniel releases his special move bum notices that he's different from other regulars but then bam copied his attack and releases multiple blows meanwhile AKA activated his power and holds attack from the guardian with this ran attacks him on the other side Boro is having a hard time however he can now read his ability he managed to defeat him Boro is curious of why he went so far as to protect Yura when he recalls back to what Yura said he wants to know if there's a place that you can go back in time Daniel says that their team fall into his trap the garden is not an illusion now but the real one waran Corners Ura down but her teammate came to save her the train is about to take off she dashed towards sarion and distracted her Ura is going to escape she then summoned her pets to eat away the weap weapons she's holding she reveals that she's being manipulated by Emily now she'll die in this place Daniel prepares his attack and bum tries to cancel it out but he can control the shin so the P it goes looks like there's only one option left Daniel can sense its power it's time to escape now before this hun advised bum to only use it 10 minutes per day or he'll go with Zer but then Boro recognizes him as Daniel he quickly runs to the train while they CH after him Bor explains to bum that he's supposed to be dead when she's about to finish her off Daniel told her to retreat Ura reunited with Rachel the others can't hold the guardian off off but that's when beta and the others have arrived mang activated her skill and detected that the source of its power is hiding in the door she told silver hair to blow the door Prince and beta went after the guardian while Ren does the finishing blow it seems like Prince is still noisy as usual now it's time to catch kasano the angel tried to stop bum but he breaks through it however the monster splits into pieces AKA is curious if they're friends with bum silver hair said that they used to be teammates well it doesn't mean they get along bumb controls the shinso to eliminate all the monsters his carrier than they thought the others have also arrived AKA is shocked to see Daniel alive this is why he wants to escape quickly as they're about to leave someone appeared Rachel is shocked to see Kun again Kun reveals that he managed to get there quickly by hacking the elevator for VIP Rachel told porro that they'll handle it AKA says that he's supposed to be dead since he's trying to resurrect royan however he finally found a way to bring her back Daniel blasted the staircase which caused a chain reaction and bum continues moving forward jaang Nan throws a shinso bom at kasano that moves according to the user his body is burning [ __ ] greeted Rachel again after 2 years the atmosphere became dead silent Co says that Rachel is still the same garbage human as she is before kasal questions on how can Wang n damage him for the past year he's been practicing using an antia bomb he throws the bomb but then fire suddenly came out yon supports wangan from the side wangan throws the bomb into the ground and yon unleashes her attack Kun is glad that he can finally finish her off Rachel summon a large Lighthouse to flatten him but it's useless Kun tells her that she's always been leeching off other people just like 7 years ago the man in Disguise wonders if he should make a move but then bum sees Rachel again both of them are speechless Rachel asks of why did bum follow her he supposed to be dead kasano is heavily injured in battle he says that Sophia sees them nothing but a weapon so he'll use his power for his own goal foro is frustrated by this turn of events but Daniel tells him that this is an important moment once the door opens they need to move quickly why would Rachel say that this is the worst timing possible he followed her this far because she's the Hope in his life the angel asked him to do something but he wants to enjoy the scene ano activates his full power and blasted through the entire field bum says that he came all this way just for her but she has something to accomplish that's much more important than him Kun worries for him as he can control himself Yura has finally arrived to the hell train bum's needle is starting to go berserk Daniel told poro to break the rules and call the Navigator now the others have also noticed that something is wrong with bum what's happening to him as beta arrived to the scene the situation became more chaotic he doesn't understand why is Rachel leaving him why does she want to see the star so badly he came to a realization the [ __ ] members told kasano to retreat the Navigator has arrived they rushed towards it but then bomb appeared from behind what happened to him the atmosphere became dead silent he won't allow her to leave it's nice when it's just the two of them before so why does she want to climb the tower but then someone ambushed BM from behind bomb quickly moves and punches him from above Kun urges wangan to quickly capture kasano bomb dealt a devastating blow poro told Daniel to get on bomb's movements keep getting faster and faster he feels a different type of pleasure when fighting against bomb Rachel looks behind with a lot of conflicting thoughts Kun chases after her but she blocks his path the rest are already making their escape Angel told him to get on quickly he's looking forward to meet BM again he sees Rachel escaping but then he jumps towards Rachel he's preparing to attack Rachel opens up her hands if she wants to stop her then he must kill her as soon as he came back to his senses Rachel pushed him again he remembered the time when he's with Rachel and they ponder about the world above however he's okay being here as long as Rachel is with him bam is falling from the sky while beta tries to catch him as they were about to enter the tra Ren and Kun did a combined attack which shoots straight at them but the angel deflects it they will meet again they finally entered the hell train Kun asked of Daniel's identity AKA said that he used to be their comrade in the past he died in the hell train but somehow is still alive Bor is curious as to where Rion and jaang Nan is Kun says that the attack he did earlier is to make sure that Rachel won't get away rck and Kun are worried for bum but beta says he'll be fine as long as he doesn't overdo it again however the train is now gone Kun suggest that they stopped the train and quickly finished the test to catch up with them suddenly bomb wakes up in the darkness if only a ball of light it gave him the power to climb the tower again Boro explains that Daniel is planning to wake up a fox Slayer named hakin if he wakes up everyone in the train will die hon communicates with his friend to help him stop the train ja wangan and yon prepares for battle in the 36th floor Dave decided to split into two teams to climb the tower while AKA will wait for them on the 37th floor since they've already passed the test ever since that day his relationship with bum has been awkward when they all left Bor Kun of why is he suddenly being a jerk Kun says that he's just afraid that bum will eventually break when using his power one month ago on the 35th floor Kun rils them up so they can give their all on the test for this test the offensive team will try to insert a card at the center while the defensive team prevents it if all cards are taken the defensive team wins bum told silver hair that he'll defend his spot he feels that ever since that day there's a voice in his head telling him to get more power the power to go up higher then an enemy appeared he sneakily attacks him while bom is in his days but then he counters back silver hair noticed a hidden enemy why is his body moving on its own then more enemies appeared but bum easily annihilates them all they're surprised as bum didn't even activate his special power someone targeted from above but he counters back they all head towards bum as he fainted in the present his vision gets blurry bum fainted again rck rushes into the room to inform Kun they lay him down on the bed but bum says that he wants to continue so that he can meet Rachel in the test area bum faces against a furry she says that she must win to save her species when she attack bum can see her every move and he Strikes Back Kun sees that bum overexerted himself again and his bed ridden but then someone appeared jinsung came to visit him jaang Nan and yon is watching over hun Daniel is happy as hakin will be awoken soon they ask huarun to help them s the puzzle so that they can retrieve hakin she says it's just simple mat so she's puzzled that they need your help what is their plan anyways Daniel wants to bring Rowan back and purify this filthy world jinsung then enters the room kunon can't believe a high ranker like him is in this place jinsung wants to speak to them privately he apologizes for involving them in his Affairs and he says that he might have a clue to the person they're trying to awaken he says to just give up and climb the tower normally but then bum says that he'll go to the hill train as soon as the door open wangan and yon Rush towards it but unfortunately they didn't make it in time they greeted by a large Guardian it instantly went on the offensive and blasted shinso through its mouth Karan says to distract the guardian while Daniel attacks his death finally they defeated the guardian when they open the door hakin greeted him he says that will become the god of this Tower however he's a [ __ ] in the 37th floor Boro decided to bring him along since he wants to meet Ura he says he doesn't trust fog that reminds him of a guy that's trying to wake up Boro explains his past around 600 years ago all of them are friends who went to the hell train together but that's when they me hakin he asked them to be his underlings but Rowan rejects it and says that he should be humble however he told them that he's a Slayer in fug that's going to take the throne from King jahad slowly he gained many underlings in his journey but then one day Daniel saw Rowan killing their own teammate she said that it's hawkin's fault and Daniel sympathizes with her back to the pris he promises to bring Rowan back once he gets to his full power Rachel greeted him and told her plan to use Emily so that he can collect souls to grow stronger but then he starts to get hungry he's excited to eat again after a long time the door then opens revealing that jaang Nan and yon are stalking them hakin asked your identity quarin told ja to attack but then his hand got stabbed how can he move that fast on the other side rock wants to beat jinsung and go to the hell train however Kun told him that jinsung is an ancient High ranker who even wiped out an entire great family Daniel asked him to stop as they'll be useful later on jinsung sees the door opening then bum goes up to him and says that he must go on the train they need to beat him if they plan on going then they immediately ran away jinsung instantly moved towards them he told them to give up R tries to distract him which didn't go so well bum moves forward while Kun tries to Sall him when he meet the others jinsung is already here he said that he's doing it for his own good but bum doesn't listen hro and CH tried to stall him but he quickly went past them jinsung blocks their way but their teleporter to another location they managed to escape via the ship looks like they manage to fool him inside the hell train the giant monster is slain how could one person whe so much power on the 37th floor Boro and the others have finally reached the train station he asked their objective by using hakin yon says that they're nothing but cancer however Angel says that her family has a darker past than she realized she's nothing but a hypocrite Rael thinks it's funny that the once competent guide is now nothing more in a hostage she thought to herself of why did she hate bum so much it's because he's chosen by God bum and the others barely make it to the station in the station AKA brings their old friend Faker he wants to know if hakin really did come back then they receive the message from Emily hakin can't wait for his meal he greets everyone waiting for the train they can't believe he's awoken poro tells the conductor that hakin has escaped the train hakin felt hungry upon looking at them he made a rule to whoever can kill four people can get on the train one of them got Lev but then he swings his sword which caus the entire Arena to split in half the others are shocked to see the dead man getting absorbed two guys said that they'll cut his head off hakin made a new rule if anyone can cut either of their heads off he'll give them a train ticket instantly the entire arena is in chaos Faker and boros ises the destruction happening he really is the same guy hakin laughs like a psychopath while charging up a massive attack he told them that he's the god of fear he blasted the entire Arena Boro and the others wait for the right moment to get on the train 50 minutes later hakin decides to go inside after feeling bored but that's when he noticed Boro is still alive he won't let him live then a giant spark of lightning came from above the entire train is malfunction who now owes blueberry of favor bum and the others have arrived they finally meet each other the others are surprised that they managed to catch up to them Boro told bum that he's hakin inside the train Angel told him to check the outside Rock insulted hakin for his looks Faker confronted Daniel's plan hakin notice borrow and attacks him but his blade got stopped by bomb the two of them have a showdown he swings his for at bum Daniel told him to leave Yura noticed the guy keeps following her bum noticed that he's incredibly fast he uses flare of explosion which confirms his theory he's the Slayer nomy viol Kun notice that bum is in trouble however Ura is in his way bum couldn't read his SW movement at all hin dashed towards him but he can't seem to dodge the sword just disappears Daniel tells them that all of them managed to live because of Rowan so now he's going to resurrect her Kun managed to get rid of Yura but then he almost got caught by their fight there's a voice in bom's mind telling him that he controls the space using shinso that's why he couldn't see his sword movement Yura suddenly appears from behind hakin is about to deal the final blow but then someone teleported them all back inside the train he welcomes them to the hell train jaang Nan and yon tries to find hun but then they meet another hakin he introduces himself as Pedro the conductor of this hell train bum noticed that waron is safe Pedro wants to play a game only one of them can be a fox Slayer on the other side angel has been teleported back into the train and so are the others but it looks like they can't rest hakin doesn't agree to it but Pedro says that not everyone in fug agrees with his resurrection he teleported bum's friend in a cage they can either win or die wangan agrees to help without thinking yon doesn't have a good feeling about the guy the hell train begins its Journey once again hakin feels hungry so yon decided to give him snacks Pedro explains that they must clear all the obstacles to take part in the final game that will be one month from now hakin asked Daniel if he has found his copy yet but he keeps it a secret however Rachel told his location using Emily a battle is about to begin Rock dashes towards the enemy and he Dodges the incoming attack while throwing his spear the entire field is in chaos but then hakin told them to stop fighting so loud when the other hakin arrives to the seat it's empty in the test waron suggests that bum fights all the enemies from now on so he can grow stronger she's disappointed in him that bum is willing to throw away his friends for chasing after her girl Faker wants to see if bom is really a [ __ ] Slayer however his enemy isn't easy kunon doesn't agree with her plan but she says that there's no choice bum dashes towards the enemy he used shinso to dodge the spear but the attack followed him he used shinso to stop the attack figer says that the enemy is better in close combat the enemy dashes towards bum and bum Dodge his punches however he can sustain it long Faker realized the weakness he has that he doesn't want to kill anyone Yan ask rock where is Bomb which leads hakin to think they're friends Angel greets him nicely but he says that they're enemies because J and yon fed him but then hakin calls out his real name visente they both reunite and ask to quickly emerge together on the other side bum has defeated the enemy a long time ago five children agreed to make a deal with the devil so that they can follow in their fight 's Footsteps in the end they become one hakin explains to visente that they need to beat viol in order to become the true Slayer this news shocks his friends he wants them to become one again but he doesn't want to sleep again on the other side Faker apologizes to bum for their mistake and told him that Rowan sacrific herself to seal hakin not long they arrive to the portal hakin attacks visente he ordered [ __ ] to take out the rest however their fight is too dangerous for them xangan then absorb visente using the knife and runs away with the others boming the others face a guardian the giant stands before him he feels like he a weaker version of or the giant jumps and lands on the ground the guardian knows that he's an irregular but he's weak he then brings bum to another place bum says not to worry and they left quickly inside a rice spot he will help bum discover his true self 3 days before bum enter to Rice spot wangan and the others escape safely but that's when the knife started talking visente made a proposal to help bum because hkin will be unstoppable if he F your siblings somewhere else Yuri and Evan have made their way in the hell train the garden uses his power to separate bum's Spirit from his body bum wakes up to a monster in front of him the monster says that he's the power by holding his hand he will become king the giant hopes that BM wouldn't walk in the same path as king jahad somewhere else visente easily clears out all the enemies hakin manipulates Anna into merging with him but Rachel noticed that Daniel is gone he's willing to tell the other two siblings if visente grants His Wish inside the right spot bum says that he doesn't want his power which infuriated him he wants to know his true power after 10 days has passed Pedro is holding on to the last copy since he wants to steal bum's power and make a former Fox Slayer into their God but then Yuri ask him if he has seen bum she says that she's princess Yuri and by her father's command she's here to look for BM Pedro says she can meet him in a week from now since he can gamble if what she said is true the guardian asked if bum has me his true self bum isn't sure himself but one thing's for sure he's different than the 10 great families or jahad after finding out he's been in there for 3 weeks bum is ready for battle one week later hakin has arrived and so has the others however hakin got live it when visente betrayed him Yuri thinks that she may have made a mistake but that's when bom and his friends arrived on time Yuri is happy to see him alive again which causes Pedro to suspect Yuri as a traitor but she made random excuses xia wangan and the others are happy to see their friends again now the match will begin it's called the dollar show there's a total of four stages and you need to collect more coins to get an advantage but if you have zero by the end you will lose Boro distributed the coins to everyone the first match is catching fish the ones who have the highest value dollar can come down to the Pedro explains to Yuri that bum is actually her worst enemy since he's the next Fox Slayer he tries to make a deal if bum wins she can meet him but if she loses it's her life Yuri oeps his deal even though Evan disagrees but in return she'll take his life as well for the first game Den need to catch the fish in the tank without killing it as the match starts she immediately went after the guy for killing her friend she didn't hold back at all Rachel makes her first move and brings the fish outside but it expense in size it turns out the fish had been compressed then [ __ ] captured the fish thus winning the match he said that she's still the same disgusting human being as before the round has now ended when Rachel went back hakin is surprised to see how pathetic she actually is K told bum that the only reason she didn't let the fish kill her is because of him foro says that $15 will be added to bum's team inside the prison Prince can handle being in a cage for one month for the second round bum's team will guide the fish to the center and hakin steam will try to kill the fish to win each of them got teleported to a random area inside the pipe yon already starts fighting with her own team member while the [ __ ] memb see them in silence later they arrive to a place with strange looking pipes but then the [ __ ] members have arrived yon blasted them and runs away Barrow when they reach the pipes they got propelled like a trampoline Angel went after yon but the chicken stops her however he can't actually fly yon falls to the ground and fires even hotter Flames this leaves her no choice but to activate her power she got much stronger bullar can decide on what to do but that's when bum and the others have also arrived monari told him that he'll handle him since he needs to save his energy for hakkin bu Reveals His power and he leaps towards them monari tries to protect bum the entire field reins down shinso she thinks she should spice things up by killing the chicken she pierc its chest berro worries for him when Angel steps on his body yon told her to move her foot yon's entire body is engulf in Flames she attacked the angel and she's surprised that yon can fly as well bum noticed that something is wrong she surround the field in prominent flames and nearly burn her life Angel started laughing since it reminded her that it's your family's fault that her parents abandoned her in the end she got sold away Angel used all her might but she got defeated bum heads towards the direction but then montari got sliced in half bum won't forgive him the entire atmosphere becomes suffocating he calmly walks towards bullar he attacked bomb but then he got sent flying before this bomb says that stepping over others is a sign of fear he wants to fight and survive with the others by using his true power bullar gets up he won't hold back now as he dashes towards bomb he felt a strange sensation Angel is barely alive she's done with her life Barrow grabs onto yon she said that she's worthy of her own family so she must snap out of it yon suddenly remembers of her mother telling her to be wary of her own power so that she can become someone strong then she came back to her sensus bum managed to catch them he defeated the enemy Yuri and Evan can't comprehend his power how did he get so strong after just a couple of years Evan noticed that the needle on his back is the game changer however Pedro isn't worry because the entire game is rigged when they land on the floor yon pushes him away embarrassingly on the other side Boro and the others meet up with hakin somewhere else visente told jaang Nan did they wanted to become strong as their father but the only way to achieve that is through demonic Arts hence merging into one and becoming white Anna lands on the ground they will have to fight her bullar reveals that their real identity is white bomb needs to stop him before he becomes a god white is the 10th Slayer out of the 11 in fog after getting defeated by a princess white ran to the hell train on the other side Rachel and Yura spotted Kun and the others she says to wait for kasano when ambushing them in the exit Anna created a giant vase that can melt their souls Faker used his skill and dash towards Anna he attacked her but she created a doll to guard her the giant vase pours the liquid directly onto AKA while he protects Boro jaang Nan and visente arrived to the scene hakin immediately noticed it and attacked him visente countered the blow Faker gave everything he got but he can't break through he won't hold back now Faker activated his skill and trapped the doll in his attack it burst into pieces on the other side lighthouses came to protect AKA and borrow the rest of their friends have arrived they have to destroy that jar hakin Dash towards visente and attack fiercely while stating that he could never be be white since he's nothing but a weak fragile little boy however one of them did accept him his hair starts glowing brightly he already merged with another sibling David wanted to borrow his body in the meantime buom Rush at full speed poro is shocked that he altered the position of the pipes as to not break the rules hakin doesn't know how they managed to find two siblings but then it clicked Daniel betrayed him David stabbed him in the chest but he remained calm it turns out that he lied to them and he made a deal with the Devil Himself so now they can all merge the others see a bright light emanating from the entrance hakin has grown stronger with this he doesn't need them anymore in the meantime bum is getting closer the others notice that Anna is now gone Faker feels that something bad is about to happen hakin stepped Daniel in the body Oro can't believe that hakin attacked Daniel this is not what they agreed on the others have arrived hakin says he'll spare Daniel if all three of them kill themselves but then bom and the rest finally ared on the other side Kun finds himself in a Bine with Rachel's theme suddenly Rock and the girl disappeared kasano attack him but the girl grabs Ura as hostage if they H the fish they'll kill her Rachel asked how did they get here [ __ ] simply calculated the route which gave them the highest probability to encounter Rock team [ __ ] wants to have a match with Rachel basically if it heads Kun wins if it stals Rachel wins let's see who God loves more Rachel agrees to his condition bomb finally meets white he asked why did his Slayer title got revoked he commonly says that he killed at least a billion people to get this powerful so now his next victim is bum but then bum pushes back his sword something about him has changed hakin attack him at Point blank but bum Dodges it Faker tried to help but it's useless the girl fired shinso but her gun got sliced bum dashed towards hkin which caused him to fall back hakin releas a special move that covers the entire Corridor Yuri worries for bum's handsome face but Evan says that she's looking at the wrong picture then yon fired Flames at him while bum goes behind and reaches for the knife before this Daniel told him that everyone will die in this train if he completes his resurrection so he has a plan in mind hakin wonders what he's up to on the other side guardion is nervous about 's plan does he really intend to win based on luck as the coin is flipped into the air it lands on heads rock is happy that he won but Rachel wants another round she'll confess everything about her and bumps pass even before entering the tower [ __ ] agrees to do it Rachel tossed the coin and it landed on tails however Co made a point that the initial result is fair so this time rock will toss the coin the atmosphere became dead silent Rock wants to know how to make it heads but they both want him to just throw it when Rock throws the coin it landed on heads bomb is preparing his attack and Das towards White yon tries to distract him but he slic it Faker tries to bind him but white quickly escaped bomb swiftly moves towards him but he suddenly stopped his body can handle the intense stress AKA grabbed a hole of white and bumb stabbed him however it's too late visente has already been completely absorbed round two has ended he looks forward to fighting him in the next round Inside the Cage prin sees a white person standing below as white enters the stage he's disappointed to see Ura and Rachel left on his team bom and the others have reunited he explains that hkin through identity is wide if it known he wouldn't go on the train before this Kun let Rachel and Yura participate but if she still loses the next round she'll have to tell kunon about their pass Pedro ask if Yu is nervous but she tells him to just wait until she kills him the final match is about to begin but then someone appeared could she be the last clone white knows that she's not his sibling but she clarifies that she is his last clone Yuri wants to confirm with Evan how is she so powerful Yuri finally noticed Pedro's secret plan she suddenly went behind bum and is puzzled that such a kind person would be a Slayer she goes back up and says that she'll help whoever she likes which white doesn't understand her but it turns out that she wasn't on his side now the final game will begin and it's called go to hell basically the hostage inside the submarine will travel through the pipe and they'll die if they reach the end hence the Slayers will try to save their hostage or stop the enemy another submarine with two players inside will try to free the hostage or manipulate the height of the lava then Prince got teleported inside the submarine if he fails This Time Prince will die as both of the fers move inside the game now begins Pedro then reveals that the white person isn't just a regular but the Slayer white who massacred people in the tower however Yuri also had a backup plan the glasses they're wearing is recording everything that he said up until this point now is that is inevitable bum instantly went to save Prince without thinking Kun released Prince and bum saved them hakin thinks it's impressive that he saved him despite the previous battle yon goes to see if Prince is okay buar got transported into the submarine and the game begins hakin tells a story that he used to be a ruler of two Nations he deceived both of them which resulted in war if the princess didn't stop him he would have already become a true God it's a shame that bullar will die suddenly Faker noticed something about bum for once he has the will to kill an enemy [ __ ] screams at bum since he's going to save bulsar hakin noticed that he got faster the others can't believe his decision [ __ ] has no choice but to open the hatch buar got saved she couldn't rationalize his action the others look puzzled at bum Rachel says that bum won't sacrifice anyone but Kun says she didn't rise the lava to kill them does she really hate bum bum returns back to the platform white appla him for his Noble act bum says that he'll save everyone Kun says that he'll just follow bum's decision so now it's a battle between her and bum bum makes it clear that there's no reason for them to die for white he's going to win this game it seems like he's getting on his nerves on the other side Yuri punched the arrow which sucked all the sh so out the entire room is destroyed here she comes again another shock wave and another a large hole forms in front of her however Pedro has a backup plan Evan told her to be careful but she wants him to shut up she dashed towards the monster but it defends itself she Dodges attack and fired a shinso Pim at her it attacks again but she crumples his hand and injected shinso into his body she knows that the monster is hiding a little weapon the monster prepares its maximum output Yuri uses her special move that obliterates the monster she then dashed towards Pedro and gave him an uppercut that send him flying however Pedro says it's too late silver hair gets transported into the submarine and the game begins both of them went down but white knocks bum down he's impressed that he's still standing bum uses special move to distract him and heads for silver hair white prepares his final blow blow they're going to die but then someone protected them she decided to side with bum she reveals that white created her by killing a lot of people she went down and she'll give him the power if he can withstand the billions of souls resenting white bum's body started to Glow brightly he looks towards White they both returned to the platform as the round starts he quickly went down and saved Angel missing then gets transported into the submarine both of them went full speed downwards white attack bum but he dashes towards White while avoiding all the projectiles and punched him in the face bum Dodges his attack he then summons a sword that he cop it from him bom swings his blade and he can't avoid that attack bomb managed to save everyone Daniel couldn't believe that he actually pulled it off 600 years ago Rowan sacrific herself because she loves him her love for him exceeds her fear of death now she can finally rest in peace bum takes a rest and she compliments him she wears that the souls might take over his mind but Rock got frustrated with her she thanked him for his efforts and the spirits in him will help his future battles white is falling into the lava he remembers his father telling him to become a demon if he wants to be stronger than him suddenly a lot explosion cured lava quickly pours into the building what's happening right now Yuro went and captured white Rachel bat kunon farewell before leaving Yuri can't believe that guy is so cunning Evan suggests a way for her to meet bum but it's risky the rest of them are teleported away safely while leaving bullar and Angel behind quro and Chong break out of the cage and bum heads for Kun he managed to save him in the neck of time Kun sees a gap in the pouring lava he told them to head towards there Faker uses his skill and makes a pat for the rest to escape however more lava began pouring out but then two people appeared before bum it's yurian Evan he couldn't believe what he's seeing he used her skill that grabs everyone and transport them to a safe place the others are curious about her identity wait what she's doing Yuri is glad that bum is still alive bum says that she's still strong as usual bum explains to them that she's princess Yuri that lended him the black March they all compos themselves bum told Yuri that Ure is such a weird guy who talk about babies and stuff guess he likes bum a lot however why did bum join fog bum says that fog faked his death so they can use him on the other side Rachel wants white to be her sword of course he disagrees but she's the only one who can complete him she wants to go to the floor of death and retrieve the torn Yuri suddenly stands up she won't let yuhan get away bum tries to stop her saying that he's going to resolve this on his own she gives in and says that bum really has grown K says that Rachel plans to go to the floor of death which makes Yuri to prohibit bum from going there it's a land where there's no loss and they don't even know if they can use shinso there however bum still wants to go find Rachel in the end Yuri agrees only if she act as your guardian warin told jaang Nan to be mentally prepare for their next trip since somebody will die on the 38th floor the guardian attacks the party Faker binds his legs while the others apart from the back bum uses special move to finish off the enemy Yuri acknowledges their strength maybe they'll be fine on their own in the 39th floor Ren and the others are taking a test but more people seem to be present as well Yuri tells them that the next test will be soon she wants to know if they'll be going to the floor of death but to her shock all of them want to go with bum Yuri explains your next test is called the name hunt you need to steal the name of a person named Kaiser after defeating him Faker is worried since the guy is one of the strongest in their league in the 39th floor a giant person stands before them he walked towards Ren and demanded his name Kun wants to know if he's really going alone bum says that he promised to go back to train in the right spot with the guardian Ren attacks the guy but it had no effect since his entire body is made of dirt Ren doesn't know why do want to steal names that badly but someone like that doesn't deserve to live he prepares his skill that forms a large disc this time he defeated the enemy liso and androssi is happy to see Ren get stronger in the grand Gallery Kaiser has been informed that one of his minions has been defeated Aline worries that Kaiser will lose but he Sayes to wait until the train arrives in the hidden room of the Train the guardian says that bum is special and infinite so he must awaken his true self inside another dimension he reunites with the monster he said that bum is a monster for devouring all the souls that he received in the residence of the no-named the guy prepared them drings to relax they can finally rest after all their fighting when they fall asleep the guy wants to take advantage of them and make them their slaves but then arrived then Ren wakes up looks like he's immune to sleeping spells on the other side androssi confronts one of the 10 bosses she leaps over her minions and brutally kill them one by one until the bosses left anak says the reason why she's hunting names is so that the lobia family won't interfere with anak since she's a false princess and they're willing to kill one of their own members androssi dashed towards her and stab her neck but she caught androssi in a bind she released her power to escape and kill the boss in the residence Lisa explains to them that she had a du with Kaiser with andross's name on the line unfortunately she lost the fight she wonders when bum will arrive the next day on the train bum finally went back he told them that they need to steal Kaiser's name his friends feel something off about him on the following day Yuri feels like some members are missing could notice a discussion happening they're shocked to find out that jaang Nan won't go with bum he says that they're going to hunt down kasano on the train instead and yon will go with bum since she's strong he told bum that they're only a burden so they're going to help in your own way bum agrees which CAU Kun off guard jaang Nan wishes him good luck yon doesn't agree to that but bum says that everyone has a responsibility for their own safety Yuri explains that they have one day so go catch that Brat's name before leaving Kun is puzzle of why bum acted that way he explains that in the right spot bum only steps over people that doesn't get chosen by him he's not so innocent as he thought Kun thinks that makes sense as the power he got when fighting white doesn't hurt his body that's why bum wants to go to the floor of death soon androssi heard the announcement for the people who have just arrived to the station on the other side Kaiser is curious about his presence here however the girls think that it will be fun inside the studio anak threatened the guy to change bum's name to vile and tell the public that vile will be your savior bum and the others have quickly finished off the enemies the rabbit girl is glad to meet them again she explains that andrasi lost to Kaiser which shocked them she gave her Wick to bum to disguise himself as viol he really does look like his old self Kun demands an explanation but it looks like they'll find out soon the unnamed people beg for vile to take down Kaiser before this liso explains his plan to lure out the bosses using bum since the only way to challenge Kaiser is to obtain all all the bosses names and duel Kaiser in the upcoming Festival Kaiser told them to contact the remaining bosses he'll defeat VI by himself the rabbit girl says these other four generals and now they must leave to allow them to rest but then Kaiser suddenly appeared the rabbit girl informs this to the others she requests a matri vile she attacked him and bum barely avoids it she's using an invisible weapon Kaiser attacks again bum avoids it and attacks her but she has a rare Shield could figure out that maybe the 10 family support her since she can be used to get rid of the regular that they don't like bum uses his needle which makes her suspicious but it doesn't matter as her power is greater but then androssi came to save bum Kaiser asked your relationship and androsia says that vile is her boyfriend she challenged him to another du tomorrow and she left then another person appeared inside the name residence Andros have brought them to liso and the others Kun can't believe they got entangled in his plan the man approached truck with ominous Aura and they Clash yon and the other sees a large explosion at a distance she decides to check it out rock managed to survive his attack in her room androssi wants bum to help steal Kaiser's name but he can't since he also needs it to go to the floor of death [ __ ] says that they should compete fair and square but hatsu won't make him leave Kun is prepared to put his life on the line liso told them to stop but they clash with their weapons they traded blows with one another Kun enlarged his for and hatsu used his special move Kun approached him and they each treaded blows liso told him to stop but they both continued till the fight has ended Kun says that he can't beat him and made it clear that he won't let anyone use bum and josi is furious that bum won't help her he wants her to calm down first then Kun bar into the room he wants to take bum back bum says that he'll try to find a way to get Kaiser's name and make her safe however she got livid and told and told to make up his mind by tomorrow on the other side Kaiser told all the bosses to capture vile's friends as Ina is about to defeat Rock the others have came to help hatu got frustrated that kunon would betray his own friends however liso said that it isn't right for them to force them to help when bu also has something on the line yon and his forseman attack Anita however he blocked her attack using just a sword he dashed towards them but the swsan keeps him away on the other side one of the bosses plan to capture them the swsan dashes towards Anita but he flings his weapon away yon fired a heat blast and The Swordsman tries to retrieve his sword but it's too late now the enemy has an ignition weapon he finally finished them off somewhere else bom wonders if he was being too harsh on androssi he wants to make everyone happy but K say it's better to be a human rather than a God who wants to save everyone when they arrive to the scene it's already too late Kun didn't anticipate that they would actually be captured she asked if something happened between them Kun sensed that they had a huge argument before this one of the regulars residing inside says that Ina captured their friends but then an earthquake occurred the entire land surrounding Kaiser lifts up into the air the guy explains that it's an auction house where numerous people bid on prices to buy their slaves they couldn't believe when they saw a fight announced between vile and androssi Kaiser managed to fool her without hesitation bum plans to save his friends inside the auction house jinsung has arrived 1 hour later they're prepared to enter the auction house somewhere else the first hostage team has arrived in a maze the second hostage team has arrived they begin to make their move inetta feels that someone is present in a hidden path liso and the others have also arrived while vesa and anak are on the lookout however two people are watching at a distance suddenly one of the bosses trample on a person bum confronted him and says that if he meets vile he'll be in trouble kidnapping his friends and human trafficking all of them are really cowards bom then obliterates him using shinso he has no right to play with people's lives the boss drops to the ground but then he releases toxic waste from his body he won't let him live Kun protects everyone using his lighthouse and bum prepared multiple shinso to take him down the boss can't move and bum from behind steals his name Kun ask on how to get to the gallery but he said that the woman named Aline only knows that in the Maze the lighthouse detected Nita somehow he can see the invisible Lighthouse Ren told him to go while he holds him back Ren approaches him and eats the lightning pill Ren leaps towards him and attack multiple spots Ren is slowly overwhelming him inita knows that he keeps getting faster then multiple swords came at Ren however he will just tank it and attack him with more power Ina starts to get pierced off he run towards Ren while chugging his dring somehow he got faster ran attack first but he Dodges and unleashes his ignition skill he didn't attack from above but there's someone behind she told ran to get down and the lighthouse revers his igntion skill when they enter the room bom reveals himself as vile she doesn't mind telling on how to get to the gallery but on the condition that he can get rid of the restrain that has been binding her before her ceremony of becoming a princess of jahad she fell in love with a boy but it turns out that it was all a trap this resulted in her entire family being imprisoned the jahad family imposed a massive penalty fee on their family she climbed the tower and did her punishment in the Naman station she'll use whatever means to pay back the Deb but for a thousand years it still hasn't been paid because her family spent it all if BM can't rescue her then they will have to die somewhere else Lil jahad asked her a relationship with B she then goes behind andrai and attack her she says that she's going to fight vile and obtain the glory Lil explains her plan to steal her friends names once they're slaves her relationship with v will be revealed the woman says she's shil jahad from the lobia family she came to steal his name the wolf attacked them and bum counterattacks but the wolf regenerates instantly it devoured one of the bosses when Co looks behind alfine is gone she quickly left the building but then Co and the others appeared how did they defeat the fox [ __ ] shows that he tra it in the lighthouse [ __ ] explains that animals require shinso to survive so he transferred all the shinso in the room inside the lighthouse and they went into a sep Lighthouse since they'll die without shinso now how do they get to Kaiser she tried to kill herself but bum stops her he says that it's their own fault that this is happening suddenly Kaiser received a message that alfine has lost they Rush towards the elevator but liso stands before them he blew up the elevator behind him what on Earth is he doing Shila and hatsu have a fierce battle but she sent him flying she said that she doesn't hate androssi but she teamed up with anak and his friends with viol hatu is tired of hearing the same thing over and over again she noticed that he's carrying a different sword he'll change change Destiny itself inside the gallery Kaiser knows that Al find misled them to take the elevator since there's a bomb inside so the only way to get here is through riding a floating island but then bum and the others have arrived it turns out that Lisa was actually helping them bum jumps down and asks her a favor inside a cave his lighthouse detected Intruders approaching as they enter a new room the boss hessie stands before them he's going to avenge the other bosses he Dash towards snit but he used Brute Force to break through figur things he might have some anger issues in the final room the boss says that they're tra in here unless they have the key but hun has the key she went her separate way before going inside Kun received the message that they managed to Save Rock and the others now bum can use his full power he dashed towards Kaiser and use his special move which breaks her Shield she Dodges the attack and bum already casted another spell she can definitely see why he's a [ __ ] Slayer bum asked why does she keep letting her family use her she said it's a given since it's her responsibility she attacked him and he dodged every weapon in the Maze inetta got defeated but he says that once she used her ability it's game over bum blasted the wolf with shinso but it suddenly vanished Kun ask if he's okay he says that he'll be fine Kaiser says that it's her spirit animal and the only way to stop the bleeding is if she heals him or he kills her the wolf attacks again bomb Dodges the weapon and prepares for the wolf unfortunately he lost balance and the Wolf got him on the other side Ren and inetta have their final showdown the match has ended inetta Falls and wishes Kaiser to not die bum dashed towards her but she suddenly switched place with the wolf he counter attacks but she switched places again bum used shinso to fend them off she applauds him for making it this far bum dashed toward her Kun sees that bum is having a hard time but somehow he feels like he won't lose bum is suddenly getting faster and he grabs onto the needle he caught the invisible weapon with his bare hands she underestimated him he's unlike anyone she's ever seen bomb dashed toward skyer somewhere else Sheil is having a hard time fighting against hatsu but then Lisa arrives he told her to stop since bum is going to defeat kais and he knows that she's only helping Kaiser to help her sister however the girl they've chosen is different bum goes full speed at Kaiser the speed of the attacks have gotten faster a blade goes over bum but he throws it back bum evaded the hundreds of projectiles in the air he broke her needle and attacks her she counters back and says that she'll do anything her family tells her to do she must protect the people close to her at any cost but it only means that he needs to break her spirit to make her realized that she should love herself first bum has defeated Kaiser Kun went to see if bum is all right he has won question does she even remember her original name what's her name again she can't remember Vasa and anak sees a bright light coming from the gallery the other feels the vibrations from it bum says that he's going to buy her name and give her enough money to pay off her debt through fog but she needs to let androssi win and take back her name then they will buy back her name and give it to her bum knows that she's a kind person with a name called elain she received the message that Kaiser lost and she Retreats back she told hatsu do not get over his head or he'll die Lio also left suddenly as they're heading back and J teleports to bum how dare he secretly defeat Kaiser he says that he made a promise with Kaiser to get her name back liso is glad that everything is solved however there's a PO struggle between the princesses Lil and chil have both planned everything and they have the backing of mchenny and Maria on the next day all of them are stunned to see her real face the one to be auction is looa Ela from one of the great families as they bid jinsung bid the highest with 10 billion points this doesn't make sense who is he jinsung simply stated that he wants to help his God in the hell train Yuri is shocked that Kaiser lost the battle but then she got a message from mchan she wants to make a bet for the Legendary Weapons somewhere in the hell train karaka finds out that princess Yuri is on it as well suddenly karaka appears before them in the residence androssi bar into the room and it's mad that bum didn't tell her that they're going to the floor of death she wants to go with them but then the whole atmosphere becomes tense as they see Yuri and karaka fighting outside it's not letting them get into the train karaka made the first move and Evan absorbs his attack then he uses his item to restore back the path to the train Kun ordered them to move quickly on the train while leaving the injured behind Yuri went behind him and releases a nu clear punch he can't take another hit he used his special skill to cancel out her attack she needs to kill him now or he'll kill her in the future the others have made it to the path the entire area is filled with destruction do they really have to go through all that yon says she wants to go with them since she doesn't want to abandon her friends even though she's injured Evan use this item to conceal your presence Yuri and karaka are fighting fiercely in all the chaos karaka absorbed all her attacks and counterattacks a dark shinso blast pierces through the sky however she seems to be fine then she noticed that they're trying to across the bridge even in this situation she pulls out her weapon to draw his attention she ignites it but the moment she did it he saw them for a split second he sacrifices a part of his body where did he go karaka stands behind them they're all going to die Kun won't let bum go but he still insisted he told Kun to take everyone else back to the train bum finally misss with karaka he introduced himself as karaka a [ __ ] Slayer you reth threaten him if he dares to hurt bum he'll die then bum received a message to his Kaka he asked karaka about the ring he met someone else who had it suddenly he became livid what's gotten into him then androssi teleported to save bum yon is willing to sacrifice herself a large beam of light separates the two parties everything that can be seen by the naked eye is surrounded in roses and dros and bum made it back inside the train they asked about the others but it's too late inside the hidden car he founds that his brother jaang Nan is alive before this white agrees to help Prince and mang capture kasano since they know the location of his last clone plus he doesn't want to obey that [ __ ] jaang Nan dashed towards kasano he goes behind him and steps him with a shring kasano f him off what did he put inside his body wangan says that he'll sleep in 5 minutes kasano punched him and slowly approaches him he says that he'll change the tower so no children will suffer anymore but wangan says that his thinking is narrow-minded if he plans to sacrifice other people to achieve his goal this made him live it and beat him half to death but then he got blasted by silver hair he used the ball to capture kasano they finally left after a successful Mission when silver hair tried to get Miss second Prince Rachel appeared she told him that is all a trap Yura dashed towards jaang Nan and threatened to kill him if he doesn't unlock the door silver hair intense to sacrifice himself for wangan he died ja wangan can't believe if his own eyes before this he thanked him for reuniting them as friends before being a tee then white came out of the door he asked me Sayang where is Prince why is she alone white said that he ate him in the hell train Kun worries for bm's mental state inside the room bum has a determined look on his face inside the prison jaang Nan suddenly screams loudly which caused mang to worry kasano is enraged that he didn't tell your plan but it's necessary to deceive them Yura informed Rachel that they must get that man on to their side as she leaves the room Rachel is puzzled as to why jaang Nan has the Ring of jahad bom finally came back to meet the guardian he wants to become a God the guardian says that power alone cannot make everyone happy a long time ago a boy asked him of how to become a God so that everyone can live happily unfortunately he changed a lot when he climbed the tower and look at the state of the tower now when bum returned back to his room Kun is glad that his back to himself androssi appeared and says to take care of himself more since people also care about him before going to the floor of death everyone decided to prepare themselves for the worse the guardian shrinks into the same size as bum he will teach him shinso control the way of the 10 great families somewhere else Rachel knows that he's the prince of the red light district and they intend to get revenge on King jahad she knows that when they climb the tower the door on the 124th floor will open hence she wants them to join forces she'll help him get the torn as the strain stops at the station someone interesting appeared bum is training with the guardian bums still haven't got it down yet usually regulars have a fixed amount of shinso that they can output but Irregulars have the authority itself to Output as much as possible inside the train a regular named hotney came on they wonder if it's on their side Faker wants to know what he's doing on the train he says that he's looking for a picture on the train white is curious as to why they chose him to be recruited into the team Ura says that he's from the floor of death and he'll join them since she has his last painting in the end ja wangan agreed to climb the Tower with Rachel but he swears that he'll get revenge bum looks above a giant black hole is Created from old the shinso the guardian explains that even if a tiny amount of shinso if he uses the technique correctly it could destroy a giant whirl he asked him to hit bum since he's the fastest way but he refuses since he will get permanently damage but bum doesn't care when jaang Nan came back he told mang that he agreed to climb the Tower with them this way missen can be freed and kasano will revive Teddy two months later on the 42nd Floor Faker and the others noticed that missen came back with kasano she says that he'll steady she asked them to look for her yellow Prince then she suddenly leaves white is shocked that Rachel allowed wangan to join their team wangan told white that he won't do anything Reckless but he swears that he will kill Rachel In The Floor Of Death inside the rice spot bum has finally created a black hole on the testing grounds they have to destroy the big crystal shars in order to pass bum tried his new technique which obliterates the entire surrounding the others have also passed the test Hy explains to them that the floor of death is a place where all life will die there are Gatekeepers that devour anyone who who enters the place then they finally arrive to the floor of death everything below them is the vot of Life all of them prepare to face the new obstacle ahead Kun decides to take hawne along since he used to live in the Floor of death but then Ura appeared she wants to make a deal she'll give information about the Tor fragman and his friends will let them go Kun prepares con to measures before they begin to discuss she told that wangan is safe and kasano agreed to revive Teddy however Kun feels as if something is not right Yura says that the torn fragment can be asked from the princess that lives in the Red Sea but then karaka appeared Yuri clashed with him and the entire field is engulfed in darkness he brought Ura and the others with him Yuri tried to stop him but her shinso is limited In The Floor Of Death Kaka wants to bring bum with him too but Evan s him the way Yuri tried to blast him but he's already gone Evan noticed the shinso that bum created started to absorb everything around it what the hell did he just learn it's time to head down as they're simming down hne noticed that bum is going to another Direction he tried to grab his attention but the current around them suddenly became violent and they all went into different directions they suddenly fall but you re save them when they compose themselves androssi noticed that horon is actually missing on the other side they arrive to an unknown location but then Hy noticed a large monster who recognizes him 3 months ago near the name hun station yon fortunately survived the incident thanks to or mazino us explains that yon protected them using her Flames but he doesn't see Rock anywhere Ur doesn't recall seeing him EK thinks it's time to go to the floor of death inside the tunnel mat ask of the person he met hne says that he met on the train but then a gatekeeper appeared on the other side another gatekeeper approached them and drossy wasted no time to fight and she used her special skill to beat the monster however its main body finally revealed itself kunon wanted to try his new skill out somewhere else a Monster spy wants to get rid of The Intruders by calling someone by the name of Richie Kun summoned three lighthouses and told borro to stand still like that when the ball Dash towards them it suddenly got trapped in a sphere it got angry and tried to escape then the sphere turned red which allowed Kun to teleport the ball directly towards the needle when bum opens his eyes they arrive to a scary looking Place hne told bum to hide quietly or not the final gatekeeper will take their souls unfortunately the gatekeeper knows that there's two living people so they will have to offer their souls hne advis bum to leave but he insisted on going when bum tried to offer his soul a bunch came out J in shock who is this person the gatekeeper sees bum as a threat and he will be eliminated on the spot but then he received the message to bring them in by garam on the other side the others are handling their own but the monster keeps Reviving someone sees The Intruders wrecking havoc in the place she goes outside and wonders if bum will surpass andreo def deep within the tunnel but then someone mysteriously appeared she thinks he looks cute no wonder two princesses followed him MAA got angry at her but hne says to not anger her as she's strong she wants to talk somewhere else to the north city on the other side Yuri and the others are running away from The Immortal Enemies suddenly a person from below told them to follow her in the north city bum plans on following her which made them follow also for bum safety dear R has arrived inside the Beast bum wants to know her identity she reveals herself as gam jahad the princess who betrayed King jahad and stole two Legendary Weapons she asked if he wants to know his true self bum is eager to know however it's his responsibility for hearing the answer on the other side the lady leads them down a path where hon already planned Yuri thinks if she should replace Evan as her guide in return hon wants a favor which is to kill the boss in the South City King Joe she told him that Joe betrayed the previous ruler he's the one who's responsible of Distributing the torn fragments into the outside world there are three fragments and Joel wants the one in bum karaka and the others have arrived to South City King Joel on the ground he got angry at karaka for only providing a TV that has one channel who is this lunatic karaka is quite proud of himself of recommending his T karaka says that he can get his soul back and climb the tower by bringing The Intruders to him she explains that King jahad made a deal with the administrator of the Tower so that he can become a king and protect his people he decided to make his descendants to climb the tower however he can impregnant any woman since his blood is too strong hence princesses of jahad are born whoever can gather the 13 months weapon first gets to marry King jahad however this only led to Bloodshed there's one princess named an jahad who gathered all the weapons unfortunately the weapons led her to go berserk and kill everyone Indian she was imprison she sneaked in to found out the truth from a it turns out that King jahad doesn't want to get married but he created princesses of jahad by injecting his blood into woman is to create a hierarchy that establish his role as the king however King jahad ironically fall in love with a woman named Arlin Grace she's the cause of the whole tragedy and she's also the one who brought bum into the world wait Arlene Grace is's mother she said that she's one of the Irregulars that entered the tower there actually used to be 13 family leaders but now there's only 12 in her diary it stated that jahad had a crush on Arlene but she likes another man by the name of V jahad proposed to Arlene but she's already engaged she refused this marriage and formed an organization which opposed jahad so they can steal the key when she became a fugitive she's also pregnant unfortunately that baby was murdered by jahad in front of her very eyes after that incident she begins to go insane this also result in her husband to take his own life in the end she found a place that's not ruled by anyone in the sky she can see stars shining brightly however she love her dead child so much that she offered the dead child to the God on the outside so that he can be awakened again he's the child in that prophecy his real name is j vial Grace the family leaders tried their best in destroying all evidence of Arling Grace but that's not enough to alter Destiny on the other side Rachel doesn't care her relationship with bum she's from The Legend who will make her dream come true white ask the to revive him karaka told him of a place that has thousands of souls including rankers suddenly white became really interested King Joe has a plan to lure The Intruders by offering the torn fragment as soon as they take the bait he can climb the tower once again Yuri and the others have arrived to the secret Village waran asked them to follow her and she'll explain about King Joe she asked what bum feels after hearing his story he doesn't know what to feel or say she also told BM that jahad was obsessed with Arlene to the point of building a shrine in the land Arlene cherished this led to Andrew to become hostile towards jahad since he defiled the land he's the messenger from God who came to deliver the torn to bomb during that time Andre appeared he told everyone to escape if they don't want to die in the end Andrew killed all of King jahad's Army and even the administrators who were T to be immortal Andrew hit a giant torn that's able to kill King jahad on the other side quaron says that she has a personal grudge against hell Joe he killed her comrades by defying Destiny itself suddenly an announcement is made stating that the torn fragment is witheld Joe if they want it they need to defeat him princess gam told bum that hell Joo is lying the final torn fragment is in the Spirit Room Grand Deja the previous ruler is protecting it bum needs to prove his work to get it after their discussion bum says that he wants to go to Grand deja's Castle meanwhile Yuri and Evan went to the South City alone this infuriated the guard as they underestimate him the guard fired a large wave of shinso that decimated the land on the other side someone else is attacking Faker and the girl are preparing a pet for the others the monster uses full power that obliterates the surroundings Yuri tried to ignite the weapon and is plunged into a different War both of them are surprised that this idiot summoned them they decide to help her since she collected both of them but she can only choose one however she wants both of them you know what she needs to learn a lesson suddenly a bright light emerges on the other side they left to search for the last stor fragment she felt bad for not telling him everything but he'll definitely give Humanity hope what's happening to her when is worried for Yuri she then prepares an attack even though Evan is still there the shinsu destroyed everything in its pad the enemy can't believe that she can can injure an immortal noticing the danger he escaped Sanchez attacked her but his hand got vaporized the enemy came back worried for his friend but he died Helo thinks that she's the key to his escape on the other side they arrive to the location but then someone called out bum is Rachel before this she trick karaka since she doesn't want him to obtain the last strong fragment Rachel told them to run away since white and karaka will be here soon however bum knows that she's only saying that because she wants to turn to herself bum left but Rachel won't let him go she asked what the princess St bum he tells Rachel about what he discovered and the reason why she wants to climb the tower so badly so now he'll face any obstacle in his way he'll discover the truth on his own he doesn't need her anymore Mata asked if it's okay to just leave her but bum said it's okay when they enter the room two people stand before them bum came here to obtain the torn fragment after noticing hne and bum he allowed them to take the test then Rachel comes forward and says that she wants to take the test too but Grand Deja sends an evil Aura coming from Rachel bum wants her to take the test as well since she risk her life to come here upon agreeing to his request the test requires them to kill heljo and rescue his comrade gresa on the other side karaka demanded Ura to tell him about viol inside helo's Castle the enemies are coming after them but Kun trapped them in his fear on the other side heljo demanded his minions to go after the enemy however he's scared of that heljo then punish him for betraying him in the castle he told bum that he's basically Invincible since heljo can absorb the power of Immortals meanwhile karaka intends to kill Ura if she doesn't tell where viol is but then Ur must Ino has arrived Ure says that he'll only use one finger to fight them karaka Dash towards him and the entire surrounding collaps into a large explosion on the other side Mata told the truth about heljo capturing his eyes and Hackney making a promise with grand Deja in exchange for giving his own eyes Mata wants hne to live a normal life but hne says that he wants to find the truth after hearing the same story from Grandy Lee Rachel tells bum that his soul is in her Lighthouse so they can persuade hne to come but that's not needed since hne wants to go regardless they set off towards helo's Castle heljo arrived to the scene he says that he'll give anything she wants if she does him a favor but she refuses suddenly princess garam Ambush Yuri and she Dodges inside the cave or protected them in a bubble karaka regenerates completely he knows that he can't defeat him so he grabs white and teleports him away while self-destructing a part of his body fortunately Ur saved them he then heads off to finish his business bum and the others travel to the castle in a secret tunnel and arrive inside of hel Joel's Castle the guard attacks them but bum kills it wait Did bum just kill an immortal being bum and the others went for heljo while Rachel and Grandy Lee went to save Grandy sa however Rachel feel something suspicious about him near the prison cell G finds it odd that she doesn't care about killing heljo at all she introduces herself as gam jahad she knows that she's the soul who made a deal with King jahad and that is to make the other princesses fight each other upon obtaining multiple weapons since her soul is distributed throughout all the 13 months weapon suddenly she got shot with a cloth and by using the Bell it will force her soul to leave Yuri's body but then heljo takes it off since she's the key to his Escape fortunately bomb and the others have arrived he's puzzled as why she's here princess gam noticed that Yuri came back to her senses somewhere else Ur and the others went to the South City Ur explains to them that heljo is somewhat Invincible since his merge with the administrator's child he prepares a beam that destroys the entire land Ur says that he gave a monster to hjo since he saw potential in him but he never would have thought that he would become a dictator in the prison entrance Kun confronted her by saying that Karan only cares about meeting Grand Desa since she can't hide it anymore she confessed that she needs an item from Grand Desa to be exchanged with Moko for the last storm fragman on the other side Rachel and Grandy Lee is spying on them he then makes his appearance since that item belongs to them on the flying creature gam is furious to hear that grand Deja forced them to kill H Joo EV noticed the woman to be princess gam hne suggested to take another pet or not they will die buam vouch for hne predicting the future when heljo looks for them he's surprised to see all of them working together yri Dash towards hel Joe and attacked him but he counters it and Yuri barely avoided it gum's assistant fired a blast that fence hel Joe away but it's useless he used zero area to manipulate the gravity around them but he noticed that bum isn't affected then they Retreat heljo won't let them get away inside the tunnel heljo is steadily approaching them but there's an enemy on the other hand hogne told them to duck which caused the blast to be directed towards heljo he used blood flood to fill the entire tunnels with acidic shinso heljo is still on their tail Yuri tried to slow him down but she got caught in a blast Sanchez proof that he not worthless after all bum then rescued Yuri inside the tunnel garam and the others try to find the thing that hne mentions but nobody is here Ur Mao is hiding why is she here princess gam is his first love but she brutally rejected him this happened a lot of times if she knows that he's the cause of Hell joo's tyranny she'll never date him her Soldier advis her to repeat the sentences that hawne mentioned she says that she forgives everything and wants their help upon hearing that he finally showed himself wait what is he doing here as heljo is about to kill them all Ur suddenly appeared and by using the power of L he protected them heljo is puzzled to see Ure here he demanded the turn Ur told bum to get ready heljo fired a shinso beam and they avoided it Ure wanted to know why he became this way he says that nobody here wants to change so if that's the case he'll change the world himself inside the castle Grand de attacked them Quon says that he doesn't deserve the ladle since they plan on imprisoning people inside the floor Kun trapped him in a sphere and they teleport away on the other side K told Faker to open the door but then the lighthouse got broken and he attacks however Rachel then enter the scene she tried to convince him to stop but she's going to be the next Target somewhere else abom and the others managed to escape from heljo temporarily Ur says that he only needs to get near him so he can knock some sense into him Ur show a strench that will separate the parasite from heljo bum and Ur Dash past the monster while heljo goes after them meanwhile Yuri and the others will distract him when they're being chased Ur use a small portion of his power he can't believe Ur is this powerful in his domain bomb finally sees the true power of an irregular heljo surrounds the field with Crimson blood but Ur easily dissipates it how is that even possible Ur went towards heljo and wonders why he abandoned his dream to climb the Tower of everyone and become a ranker UR attacks him but he grabs a hole of his arm this made him live it and his entire body transforms into blood red the parasite is revealing his true colors in the castle Grandy Lee Attack Rachel Rachel drops to the ground she's been injected with poison meanwhile guun is running away while asking them to distract him Ur tried to punch the parasite but he missed and got countered re received blows to the body and a nuclear blast bomb gets ready to attack but then he noticed something inside him he ask him how does he have the administrator inside of him but then Ur returns and says that he got injected by a needle secretly the parasite dashed towards him but it got countered and the parasite separated from helo's body with that Ur killed the remains of the administrator heljo Falls below while hne tries to catch him but then the parasite is trying to self detonate Ur told bom to create a space so that Ur can use shinso to nfy the monster meanwhile in the Castle the others feel suffocated by the flow of shinso created from the parasite hon rushed towards the prison and meets him in person she obtained the LEL and she releases them the others have arrived as well gresa ask of the Savior but she says that he's not here gresa says that he'll continue to wait BM finally made a crack in the space which allowed Ur to destroy the parasite the others have made it outside and sees the large crater formed in the middle bom SE a Red Orb that goes inside his body Ur finds it odd that he gives the same Aura as the parasite but it must be a mistake he asked bum if if he wants to join wak song In the Spirit Room white can finally resurrect his true form bum reunites with his friends they're surprised to see Ure Mao In the Flesh then Yuri joins in as well after tying Loose Ends which reminded Ur of heljo Yuri chases after him after he tried to run away in the tunnel BM is shocked to see the state of Rachel waron then appeared and say that something bad is going to happen hne leaves heljo alone after seeing how pathetic his enemy is his minion came to see heljo but he told him to scram Ur arrived to the scene and says that it's not too late but that's when the shin in his body starts to get absorbed they all watch as all the shinso is getting absorbed by white is heljo dead Mata suddenly became a vegetable bum and the others heads for the spirit room while borrow keeps an eye on Rachel in the castle Ur together with bum and the others have arrived hun says that she might know where they're heading as white and karaka heads for the exit they felt the tremendous pressure exerted on their body is the leader of one of the 10 great families white got knocked to the ground gusang says that the Sals that he absorbed is under a curse so he can exit the floor of death gang took back the souls from his body but then Ur finally arrived he demanded gustang to give back his friend Soul without hesitation he quickly agreed then the others have arrived as well gustang welcomes the son of Arlin he wants to ask b a favor somewhere else a girl is asking Rock of what he's doing fortunately all the souls return to their owners after helping bum heal Rachel he asked him to come with him Ur is glad to see heljo again but he wants Ur to leave him alone since he's not worthy of climbing the tower inside the Spirit Room gustang reveals that the last torn fragment is located deep within the waters he'll help bum obtain it if bum retrieves something for him in the hidden floor of the hell train it's basically a virtual world where he keeps tracks of all the DAT of people who went inside the Train by using the key bum can enter the hidden floor however it's going to be difficult as the item he wants is protected by the data of young jahad Yuri and androssi meets up with Princess gam she confessed that she tried to stop anak from climbing the tower but hen suddenly appeared before androssi leaves she ask if she has feelings for a bum she needs to know if she likes him as a person or a god since both of them will get get hurt in the long run after saying their goodbyes bum and the others prepare to leave the floor of death or extends them to the surface while gustang erased the memories of the inhabitants on the train karaka and the others have returned the girl ask of where is he looking roak knows that his friends are coming in the submarine bum is glad to hear that urak saved them in explosion however rock is yet to be seen Ur has a question is bum from outside the tower bum says that he is but he has no memories of it then they parted ways in the hidden room karaka threatens jaang Nan to do as he says or his friends will die when they arrived back in the hell train bum reveals that he received the master key to the hidden room from gustang on the other side Cherry returned from the floor of death but it looks like she's fine however she has a hidden agenda In The Floor Of Death he reported that the second Tor fragment has been delivered and he also gave Rachel a gift in the meeting room Kun briefed them that they can join bum and him in entering the hidden room in Yuri's room Kun told her and the others as well inside Rachel's room bum says that she can join them tomorrow since he wants them to have her Fair competition to get the torn fragment when he Le leaves the room he's bleeding for some reason after that endorsi enters her room and told her to come outside Rachel needs to beat her if she wants to go to the hidden room without hesitation androssi kneels Rachel in the stomach however she feels a dread Aura near her when testing her Theory the weapon suddenly snap Yuri told androssi to stop bullying Rachel or she'll blackmail her androssi says that Rachel is lucky that Yuri is watching on the next day everyone has arrived for their expedition 4 hours later they arrived to the hallway of the room of time pass Yuri told Kun and androssi to follow her suddenly gens appeared out of nowhere but strangely all the enemies got defeated the monster is protecting Rachel Yuri and the others have encountered the boss Kun restrain his movement while androssi does the finishing blow with that they've unlocked the next area inside the room of time pass kako will kill missen if ja wangan doesn't cooperate but that's when he saw the ring on kaka's finger he wants to talk to him privately while waiting for a time to reach 9:00 H says that he has a bad hunch about Rachel Ura is frustrated as karaka suddenly let him go ja wangan about his past his Nanny took care of him and always called him a prince however when she died she's disappointed in herself for not being able to carry the duty she received from King jahad but then Yuri bar in the room Rachel is shocked to find them here yura is glad that Rachel came to save her what is missing doing over there karaka immediately went for bomb but that's when the master key activated suddenly a large weighing scale appears before them to enter the world they can head inside the scale however bum doesn't have a pass recorded in the tower bum will now get exterminated but then androssi came to save him however she also got sucked inside as soon the others arrive in the world they instantly got swallowed by a monster Rock tries to help but he also got swallowed in the quarantine World yuhan saved them from the execution when they woke up yuhan introduced himself as not a real person but just recorded data he told them to hurry and Escape or not the guards will find them meanwhile Quin is glad to see Rock again Rock says that after the incident he somehow got teleported here Rock threw a spear at the monster which caused them to be vomited out mium then came to rescue them fortunately the monster ran away while walking she explains that everything in here including herself is data however they need to be wary of their sworn enemies since the system created it in order to equalize the balance of power in this world on the other side yuhan warns them of their enemies as they will be just as powerful as they are as they're heading upstairs another bum suddenly appears on the other side mium explains that the thing in front of them is the testing area basically they need to pass a series of tests in order to find the data of Yang jahad your pockets are replaced with watches if the color turns mostly black their sworn enemy will come after after them meanwhile bum is fighting with his clone and Rosy realized that he can use the exact same technique as the real bum Yan tries to catch him in a trap but bum saved his own clone since he wants to settle his own problem When the Smoke dissipates bomb wants them to work together but he refuses suddenly a giant guard came to kill them and Russi used her skill to teleport them away but bum also safe his clone when they're safe bum's clone got shot with a paralyzing syringe the man asked if bum is the hero that will free them all Kun and the others have arrived to stage one the town of the wandering minstril they reunited with Boro and F Baker they're surprised that rock is here then the head of the Town greets them and gives them the task of defeating the demons in the fruit of Good and Evil basically they need to complete quests in order to challenge the main quest and proceed further after they change their clothes [ __ ] and the others head for the side quests on the other side B and the others have arrived in the shelter his child is glad that he's back safe inside the building but this explains that this world is governed by big breeders they're like the administrators of this world he saw one of them abusing and erasing the memory of a civilian after exposing their wrongdoings to the the public him and the others are banished in this giant ball therefore they need to escape before getting sent into the void somewhere else someone is watching their every move he told jahad that he will handle the matter when doing the quest a giant octopus suddenly appeared and shoots in in the sky K summon a protective Berry around them it leaps towards them but then the big breeder increase the difficulty so they can be killed on the other side bum's clone has awoken not only that the guards have arrived to the shelter B this runs away with his child the Clone attacks him but bum counterattacks youan told androssi to grab bum and escape from here he plans to detonate the entire shelter androssi quickly grab bum and the entire Place explodes fortunately they all escaped safely on the other side they managed to dodge the octopus attack Kun plans on using the chimney to trap the octopus he told his plan to the others the octopus leaps towards Kun but the difficulty got increased again it managed to break through the lighthouse and goes inside the chimney hne is going to die but then Faker managed to restrain his movements after that the villagers praise them for the efforts but that's when the door opens revealing the big breeder the guy sumon a check to be the boss fight if they kill it they can proceed further but Kun thinks that it's suspicious that the difficulty is too easy after they defeated the guards they finally reached exit on the other side the big breeder received a report that bumb and the others have escaped and rosi teleported them to the ground they finally escape buom and the others run towards the city but then suddenly the giant woke up and RI quickly teleports them away before getting eaten this must be the big breeders doing hence started heading towards them they barely managed to protect themselves bum told huan to use skill to enhance his shinso blast and dorsy teleported them to the sky and bom released his special move in the City Rock tries to kill the chick but then something came falling from the sky bum is surprised that rock is here his friends are glad that he's okay somewhere else a person who a sworn enemy has appeared bum explains that his strap in the ball which made Kun realize that they almost killed bum the breeder now knows why they managed to escape the guards went after bum Yan says to go behind that door since that's where the real big breeder is he's Furious that they're getting away so he destroyed one of the eggs which contain his secret weapon bum Ambush him from behind but he blocked it the big preder attacks bum which made his shins so suddenly vanish and rosi teleported away to safety then btis fired bullets at the breeder bum and androssi charge towards him which caused him to get shot however he step bum and she pulls him away suddenly the head of the village got teleported to him he knows that she's but his wife he used his power to make her obey his orders bum told him to let her go he tried to shoot the breeder but he used her as a shield but then Rachel pulled off his gear and demanded an explanation but this runs towards his wife suddenly the breeder vanished Rachel wonders if this is the hidden floor when she opens the door she sees a futuristic worldl on other side but this is at his Breaking Point bum swears that he'll get revenge then yuhan wanted to talk to them privately he says that there's another world meanwhile the man explains that jahad created this place since is annoyed by the regulars coming in frequently this is the hidden hidden floor his job is to prevent people from entering but Rachel somehow got brought here she asked him a favor if he could create a clone offer in that world when he tried to stop Rachel he got pushed back she can choose an avatar to be deployed into the world Yuan explains that they need to beat the hidden Grand quest to proceed further upon accepting the quest big rats are spawned in the town they rush outside while telling the others to kill the rats and Rosy teleports Yan To The Ball but he feels something odd when Bum Went to chase after the rat it got killed by a mysterious person she says that her name is karus totally not a shady person at all bum then leaves quickly on the other side androssi meets her sworn enemy he says that he'll eliminate everyone who gets in way just like the soldiers in the ball inosi decides to just let him follow since there's nothing they can do if it's against him meanwhile Kun and hne are busy explaining the whole situation to Boro and Faker then everyone gathered in the town to be taken to the next stage Rachel didn't manage to catch up Yan says that they need to meet up with the leader of the Kun family yuhan reassures Kun to not worry as he won't recognize him he split the team into two one will face the big breeder and the other will look for Kun Eden then they went their separate ways the man managed to deactivate the device that Rachel still swearing she got frustrated but he says that she's breaking the rules and soon both of them will be punished there's two other brick breeders he's only doing it because he got trapped in this place Rachel suggests a deal to help her while she helps him get out of the Hidden floor bum and the others have arrived to stage two somewhere else Barrow is desperately trying to complete the quest where one of the big breeders says he can help meanwhile the other team have arrived to the hidden stage too in another place someone reported that Outsiders have arrived they spotted the big breeder yuhan andun suggest to theayer Grand Quest while bum compl his first one after getting into a fight on who teaming up with bum Kun and yuhan try to slow down their progress Kun noticed something that might work on the other side bum and dry tries to complete their grand quest in the hidden stage a lizard came out giving them their quests buttis ask Faker to transport him towards the giant cone he calls out to Eden stating that it's time to fight the big breeder and meet jahad he asks his assistant to bring them in then someone appeared he told them to choose the highest difficulty Quest since his father hates waiting on the other side the villain that Barrow and Sherry was supposed to defeat is gone kunon and yuhan runs away but they got caught by the big breeder meanwhile bumkin seem to break through its defense but then the monster hiding in andross's clothes came out and transformed into a human rock is waiting for the right timing to assist Kun and yuhan but then Rachel whose disguise asaros appeared in the hidden stage the guy managed to easily defeat the boss then they set off to meet him the boss got restrained and pierced through its shell they can't believe that he's this powerful meanwhile Sher and Barrow deduced that the big breeder must be an enemy while catching up to them the big breeder prepares his ultimate attack Yan told Kun to run away if he wants to live giant Stone bolts rain on them and they reunite with bom and androssi after they notice the commotion the big breeder is preparing his attack but his weapon got knocked by a spear Rock and icaros have arrived to the scene which allow all of them to escape when things settle down ikarus claims to be the swor enemy of the big breeder Kun decided to let her join since she can be an asset even though she's very suspicious the guy controlling the big breeder got live it that they got away at the same time someone from the kunon family wants to kill Kun Aero the big breeder received a message to send the sworn enemies to The Intruders since they need to protect it no matter what 2 Days Later Boro and the others arrived to the residence of K Eden they're greeted by princess mchan she said that your father grew impatient waiting and has left the residence he's currently having fun while waiting for bum to come in stage seven they managed to complete the quest but then someone called out to Kun if he doesn't come missen will die Kun told bum and the others to continue forward while he handles his sworn enemy as he enters the room his enemy is his own sister gya she wants revenge for killing their sister she suddenly appeared behind him and they exchanged their blows but she sted him in the body could drop to the ground as she was about to kill him Kun knocks her down and teleports away with missing it turns out that he was just distracting her after getting the message that they found the exit they teleport away bum and the others rush to see kun's condition Kun urg bum to hurry and move the the next stage iaru heals Kun completely but Yan noticed that she's also a big breeder Kya is frustrated that they managed to escape but then the big breeder wants to off off for his help inside the hidden stage they finally meet up with the leader of the Kun family they don't know why he's willing to help them suddenly Eden reveals that the data of Y jahad felt too peculiar jihad's clone finally made his move Eden says that he chose to stay in this world but when he went to the other world everybody is dead except for jahad and the big breeders on the other side bum and the others are heading towards the next stage Kun reveals that his sworn enemy is her younger cousin him and his two sisters work together to make one of his sister into a princess however could betray her and made Maria into a princess Instead This resulted in his sister to take her own life and CA to despise him Kun wants to hear andross's story about the monster rer she told them that she stumbled across it one day suddenly the gem killed her own parents since it wanted androssi to become a princess soon they arrived to their destination the locals greeted them and they will receive their next Quest they decided to split up to look for their remaining friends as bum walks into the building he encountered jahad and rosi asked of where rock is going he says that bum is in trouble bom wants to ask jahad the question does he know who Arlin Grace is somewhere else ikarus reunites with the traveler and white they told her to keep it down since she's confronting someone who looks almost like her Jah transforms into a vile monster which made bum instinctively attack him the ray of flight caught their attention jahad easily stop bum's attack and hits back androssi and rck arrive to the scene when androssi sees the enemy her entire body froze jahad wants to know why bum knows that name in The Hidden stage Edan told his assistant to prepare the mirror because Jad is making his move Kun and the others have arrived bum told them to run but it's too late yuhan arrived to the scene and sees Kun Eden protecting them the others can only stand in shock jahat is puzzled since he suddenly showed up someone from the mirror told them to hurry up and Escape however they can't help but feel in awe with the dramatic fight in front of them both of them are on a completely different level the each traded shinso blast like it was nothing they're only regulars in this timeline but they're already that strong Edan wants to make a bet that in one month bum can defeat jahad after laughing he said said now your lives are on bum's hand on the 41st floor the swsan says to Yan that during the incident he lost the mirror fragment that Ura gave him to enter the hidden floor suddenly they both forget their previous conversation in the hidden floor the guy told Yura that her mother has a twin however due to a curse one of them will die one day a big breeder told your mother that she can have Yura in the real world and her brother in the virtual world the big breed can replicate a clone of their mother to take care of her child in the virtual world he then ask what happened to their mother in the real world Ura says that her mother unfortunately passed away so now she came to tell her virtual mother that she wants to get revenge however the big breeder took control of her brother's body and says that he killed your mother in this floor since she knew that wasn't her child now her life is meaningless then he received a message from jahad to keep one of them as hostage they soon left meanwhile buming the others are transported away safely Young jahad on the other hand plans to kill Eden's children in the hidden state stage Boro ask if the item mirror at the end can delete young jahad Marco says that jahad is only made up of data so it's definitely possible but then the big breeder have appeared he summoned Stone balls but Nani protected them in the training grounds Eden told bum about his father he's a kind man who cared for ordinary people but King jahad is the complete opposite he promised his father to train bum to defeat jahad's data for his first lesson he wants bum to find his type of shinso that suits him best in the hidden stage musen faces against the big breeder but Marco told her to complete the quest while he handles him the big breeder transforms into his true form and he dashed towards him Marco avoided the blow they exchange blows with each other he recognizes Marco as the famous spear bearer of the Kun family the breedo will die if he's not careful Marco used a special move that completely overwhelms him he's not going to help back now but then miss shenny came back it looks like she already beat everything she might as well finish the rest the big breeder is defeated de can now proceed further however young jahad is waiting for them inside the room yuhan reveals edan's plan to obtain the mirror at the end while using their bat to buy more time Rachel hears all of this and begins plotting a plan then rck and [ __ ] join bum in his training upon using the item given from Eden an orb is formed for rock it forms the shield however Eden is curious as to why Kun isn't participating Kun says he doesn't want to he doesn't want to do anything when it comes to his Psychopathic father however bum insisted Kun to join them since it will help in the long run in the end Kun gave in for days later in the hidden stage Boro and the others meet up with jahad he told them to go back since he knows they trying to obtain the mirror at the end musen suddenly just stood there silently if they go past the line he'll kill everyone musen told them to get into position they're going to be going up against the greatest Adventurer 10 minutes later Marco and the others are on standby M calmly walks towards jahad and dash towards him the others are preparing to attack their spells are nullified against him and he counterattacks in the training grounds Kun and rock are still having a hard time forming their shinso but androssi already did it BM focuses all his shinso into the orb and it suddenly dispersed into the surrounding the others are shocked at his sight but that's when the swor enemies have appeared on the other side maeni defended his attack with her shield and stabs in with her spear but she Retreats back she activates her full power while the others are heading towards the building underground musen dashed towards him and she brutally attacked him but it's useless jhat used his skill to knock her back he knows that the rest are hiding meanwhile Elden teleported all of them to an island so they can practice while he relaxed for a bit hea went straight on the offensive and bum Dodges while forming the orb he won't let her harm his friends Eden is surprised that the orb changed color but releases the orb which obliterate her surrounding bum still can't control his power Kya just gives up but then a monster from behind appears Kun and rock are having a hard time fighting against bum's clone they could only run away but then Kun received the Direct Hit enraged by this rock managed to conjure up his shinso for just a moment but he got knocked down more shinso beams are coming and kunon blocks them this made him remember back the time when Maria told him that life is much more beautiful if you struggle to live in the end he awoken his powers the monster attacked CA but bum protected her he uses spal control to make the monster harmless on the other side Barrow is facing her childhood monster as her sworn enemy while Cherry has a fight with her Uncle Kun activated his special move that engulfs the entire surrounding in ice meanwhile rock is eating rocks so that he can awaken his powers in The Hidden stage musen won't give up she's still not done underground hne managed to find a path to the item however a big breeder already transported it now they're going to die outside all of them got defeated he gave her wish of fighting her seriously then the big breeder told jahad that he already took care of everything meanwhile bum is getting stronger at a fast rate Rock managed to obtain Rock arms Eden realized that rock could be the native one rock then shows off to Kun what on Earth is happening Eden then interrupts the fight he says that rock is the native one a long time ago a powerful being that's able to control all the elements split into five beings however Edan didn't know that rock is the remaining Survivor after jahad wiped them all but then bm's clone escaped while bum was focusing he got ambushed the K asked of why bum won't kill him Kun say to get lost since is nothing more than a ghost this made him live it but bum stopped him he says that his real enemy was becoming lonely he wants him to stay together which made the Clone to be absorbed into the orb in the hidden stage the big breeder meets Up With Ur data Eden glances over the area it looks like oldest foreign enemies have been defeated except for hers Edan told bum that it's time for his next lesson he surrounds the place with rocks he will be teaching him Revolution as time passes by everybody is growing stronger until one month has passed the gang arrived to the arena Kun wishes bum good luck the battle can finally start in the lift the big breeder provided a little surprise to make things interesting as the door opens a shinso blast is fired it's white and the others now the duel begins jahad immediately starts off with a powerful attack and bum Dodges it he dashed towards bum and strike but he Dodges this made him excited Jihad Unleashed countless blows that knocks him down he told bum that he was destined to be king he asked bum what did he see during his Revolution was he a person born to get revenge or make someone's else wish come true what is he Jad fired multiple shins so being and bum is barely holding on jahad thinks that bum will be a threat in the future so he can't hold back he barely managed to protect himself when recalling back he now knows that he's always been him meanwhile Kun is surprised that ikarus is with them however they're not the only ones present the breeder says that he's a glitch in the system since Ur isn't compete completely due to him being really powerful the real Ur broke the mirror when he found out that his data is unstable this malfunction in the system caused the breeder to have Consciousness similar to a human he wants to get out the breeder revealed that most of the plan is possible because of Rachel impersonating asaros the breeder forced them to help since their friends are kept as hostage then they head off towards the hidden hidden floor the plan is simple lure the scale when he tries to suck them inside the back room Ur will destroy it on the other side jahad wonders if bum has given up Suddenly jinso beams came raining from the sky the entire field is surrounded in them jahad defended himself a large flashh of light emanates from the arena Jihad is glad that the real fight has started Jihad fired a shinso blast at bum which got canceled out feeling fired up he increases the intensity of the blast then he leaps towards bum and Strikes him but bum conjured up a defense jahad breaks it and sends bum flying into the wall however he noticed that he got cut it must be the moment before his strike bum defended himself just through instincts alone jat dashed towards bum and sends him flying he wers if bum can keep up with him in the other dimension bum desperately tried to find who he really is but he never got a chance to discover the real him bum fired a du so blast and dash shorts jahad bum Unleashed his own unique move which shattered jahad's mask bum finally found his true self Eden can't believe what he's seeing jahad took out his sword and summons a monster in this space Kun tried to lure the scale and the scale tried to attack them it's going into combat mode white uncies attack and rock as well on the other side bum's power grew tremendously and absorbed the monster they couldn't believe it bum unleash his domain skill that completely leveled out the arena after seeing his power he can't hold back now both of them heads towards each other and jahad pulled out his sword which pierces bum in the speed of sound Eden worries for bum Jihad is trying to kill him back in space Kun and Rak use their SK to immobilize the scale Kun told the breeder to open the gate and they got transported into the hidden hidden floor on the other side bum took a heavy beating jahad won't give him time to rest and unleash another wave of attack bum protects himself and goes into flight mode however Jihad already prepared his Grand spell jhad fired his shinso blast but bum absorbs all of it he says to jahad that he doesn't deserve to be King when he torments people he will change Destiny itself in the hidden hidden floor the scales started to copy the environment which made an error looks like they succeeded but then he felt a sharp pain in his heart is because of Rachel she planted a bomb in his heart while healing him on the other side bomb wants to end it in one move the others watch in shock as the surrounding shinso is being absorbed jahad has a feeling that somehow he has the power of the administrator BM is focusing all his energy into his palm and releasing it into the surroundings BM uses new skill that evaporates jahad's arm he's getting more excited jhat summoned multiple Cosmos orbs and BMB dashed towards him and fired a blast it's been so long since he felt pleasure like this they clash in the air and bomb someon tree orbs while J unleashes final form the whole virtual world is trembling Jad Dash towards bum and bum releases his blast in the aftermath bum and jahad both became unconscious Eden wants bum to wake up inside the back room the scale meets Up With Ur both of them open their eyes and pick themselves up bum won't give up but jahad says he won the duel he wants bum to have the bracelet he can unlock power with the bracelet and challenge the real him once the scale is smashed the level will start collapsing Rock worries Fork they found out that they've been betrayed from the start Yura wants to get an answer from the breeder but then Rachel appears she says that she sided with the breeder since she wants to bring this body to the outside world then Ur comes in and brought in the broken mirror however the level is starting to collapse jahad reveals that the real jahad planned all of this but unfortunately the scale has already been destroyed a giant saring light comes out from the entrance the king of the tower jahad has appeared he noticed bum it's strange because he thought that he killed him before the real jahad tried to grab his clone but Edan saves him he explains his plan to get jahad to eat the peill that gusang gave him which will reset the level and steal back the bracelet and give it to bomb so that bom can fight himself as the final boss inside the Buck Room the breeder tries to stop it but he got pierced and died on the other side Eden attacks the real Jihad but it has no effect he grabs bum by the neck and strangled him to death the torn fragman is suddenly reacting the second torn fragman activates the torn is trying to transport bum outside the virtual world and then eats the pill instead since there's no other options he told the Clone to steal a bracelet before the world collapses everything around them is starting to vanish Ur says that the world is being erased and told them to run for an exit meanwhile Zang encounters a mysterious looking weapon it wants to make a deal in exchange for killing just one person if he doesn't accept all his friends will die it will give him the power to protect everything the entire surrounding lights up when J accepts it the real Jihad says that he's been controlling his own faith but he's going to regret his choice for letting bum climb the tower he knows that he'll appear again someday Rachel and the others saw a portal to the Train the Rings suddenly vanish it must be gustang all the data is being erased while the others escape ja and wangan made it back however it's only those two somewhere in the upper levels of the tower the ringers are the order to kill the listed individuals there's going to be a war karaka immediately attacks and Yuri defense bomb karaka grabs a hole of Jang Wang Nan suddenly they vanish they got transported into another location he noticed his new weapon and demanded an answer when Yuri meets up with the others she's shocked to hear that Kun is dead two days later in the administration office Arvin can believe that King Jad gave an absurd order like that however Thea says that adori jahad insists on obeying his commands and continue with the order in the 91st floor jinsung is currently in his residence he's surprised that she brought so many ships here are they starting a war princess machini says that they're going to eliminate fog the ship fired a large Chino blast that decimated the land however jinsung remains fine he fired a gigantic blast that obliterates half the Army suddenly another ship is above him it fir a laser evaporating everything in his path in the hell train bom finally opens his eyes Yuri is happy that he woke up unfortunately he found out that kunon is currently in a state of life and death and josi wanted to talk to B privately in a room beta reveals that Rachel is responsible for it the room suddenly became quiet he'll make Rachel pay Faker is surprised that bum is awake they think it's best to slowly tell bum about his friend's deaths and rosi catches up with bum and hon they want to help too in The 91st floor jinsong is still alive and is facing against princess mchan both of them are preparing to duel on the hell train Rock meets up with Yura and Rachel missing is observing from above but then white appeared fortunately androssi and hon came to save her Rock dashed towards them but then suddenly shinso blast are fired BM has arrived they're surprised that he's finally awake rock is glad that bum is fine Ura tried to Ambush bum but he easily knocks her down on the other side jinsung Dash towards maany and hit her but it's weird that she's not fighting back it turns out that she needs to tell jinsung a secret King jahad wants everyone in the train dead in the hell train she got frustrated that everyone hates her and bum is the chosen one however bum had enough with her [ __ ] in the Floor of testing yuhan has been sentenced to death by helping The Irregular bum to climbed the tower bum knocked Rachel back then the invisible monster started to attack bum noticed it and used his orb to absorb the monster on the other side white is having a hard time facing andross's awakened power suddenly beta appears from above and knocks him down bum walks towards Rachel and wants to know why she keeps tricking and hurting people in the tower he cannot stand her anymore if he sees her again he might have to kill her Rachel says that bum is like a shining star not her isn't he curious as to why he's strapped in the cave in the Floor of death yuhan wants to have a drink before he dies but then a loud explosion occurred the high ranker Lord Evangel has arrived but then someone appeared she introduced her as thinker Evangel doesn't want to hear her and instantly attacks her but she canceled out her attack then someone else came to protect her he introduced himself as yolker Evangel won't hold back but then the administrator came and told them that they're being noisy hence all of them are fired it turns out that the administrator teleported them to another location seeing that they have nowhere to go now they embark on their own journey in the hell train white got knocked to the ground hon approached him and says that she'll help him return to his original form since there's going to be a war soon on the other side Rachel told bum that he's a moner born to devour everything within the tower his own mother called her child a monster bom is shocked that she knows about his mother Rachel says that he has to keep chasing her if she wants the full answer they managed to go away several months later liso and the others are excited to see their friend again but hu noticed something bad is going to happen liso deduced that they must be all regulars with the 10 great families supporting them not long after hatu breaks into one of their ships he wants to ask a question Rock and bum looks at Kun one month earlier Yuri told them that a ranker named won can revive Kun now they just need to patiently wait for their meeting while androssi and hardan are in the bat she received the message that the final clone has gone missing then bum meets up with the guardian again bum says that he wants to activate his second turn with his help inside the station hu wanted to know why are there so many ships waiting for the hell train in the last station it's revealed that everyone on the hell train is going to die somewhere in the tower jinsung heads full speed towards the hell train in the 52nd floor calivan is excited about what's to come in the last station the ranker commanded the ruler of the station to cooperate with him to exterminate everyone in the train or not his family will die 10 days later in the hell train Andros is looking for the last clone somewhere else quaran told Evan about the impending doom in the station they'll be arriving one week sooner hence they need white to be at full power one week later waran wanted to divide them into themes in the hopes that they can survive in the office his daughter is met at her father for allowing rankers on a regular only area so what told her to be respectful her father told her to leave finally they arrive to the last station everyone is preparing to attack the ranker is surprised that the train arrived so soon the second division Commander can't wait to crush them inside the train white agreed to team up with his clone bom meets up with the others he says that they're going to be split into two teams team a will be transporting Kun to a pth told by hun and Team B will distract the enemy on the other side soong tells them to not close the door and let the train board the station as the train is heading towards the dock a high ranker appeared before them and restrained the movements of the hell train they felt the train stop inside the control room somebody killed all the workers and he turns the lever the dock is closing then white came out from the train after seeing his face dur in trouble the the others charged towards him but he paved the way for the train to continue moving in the meantime he'll sto for time the conductor charges full speed towards the dock the dock is getting covered by slime while the other enemies are doing their all to stop the train it looks like the train stopped the high ranker summon a giant frog to blow white away inside the train quaren told to open the door at a specific place the enemies wonder who might be inside then karaka appeared suddenly he got attacked by another enemy more people came swinging but then a large blast separates them Yuri says that karaka is her prey the commander can't believe Yuri suddenly appeared she told the others to bow down before their Master the commander told them to not get in Princess Yuri's way hin then told the conductor to open another door Faker used his skill to obtain their flying ship meanwhile white goes back up after defeating another enemy on his way he wanted to pay back the high ranker with his own special move the conductor activated the switch to deconstruct the Train the commander can't comprehend what's happening bomb and the others fall down but suddenly the car got halted she now knows their plan as the door opens it turns out that it's raciel and the others and dorsy have successfully changed places VI their location it turns out that they got caught in a trap before this bum and the others can now proceed forward numerous enemies enter the place the commander ordered them to take the regulars and beat her farewell Evan managed to restrain karaka on the other side white is preparing his full power and blows all the enemies away unfortunately the ranker got protected by the commander white falls to the ground after losing his power on the other side another ranker caught borrow and the others inside the control room soong spotted a murderer inside bum and androssi suddenly Hears A girl screaming bum dashed past them and told andrasi to handle the enemies inside the prison burrow Faker and Barrow have been captured and Cherry has been taken somewhere else due to her connection on the other side Rachel swears that she'll get revenge white and karaka have been captured as well inside the ship Yuri ask what she'll do with the regulars the commander says that she'll kill them all Yuri knows that she doesn't trust her soong felt a pain in her neck but then bum came to save her on another ship the high ranker alaton thinks it's suspicious that princess Yuri is on the train as well in the station Lev puzzled as to why his spell doesn't work on bum he fired a blast and they dodged it bum used his skill to pave away so that he can blast him suddenly his whole body turned into hair when he hear when he hears his other friends he leaves for now and dorsy drop kicks bomb for leaving them there she ran to her friend but he's already dead when Levy teleported away he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his body then a message is shown on the screen if The Intruders don't turn themselves in dear friends will die andori says to not go but bum wants to save his friends even though it's a stupid decision she's glad that he's the same somewhere else Evangel and yuhan are in a strange Dimension with kaka's heart they see a portal opening up to the station the guy told them that karaka is in danger hence all of them prepare to go to war 10 minutes ago inside the ship Evan is preparing a portal by using kaka's material soong says that she'll help them rescue their friends but then quarion appears they move to the bedroom hun tells bum to just give up since he stands no chance then a message appears stating that the execution will begin shortly bum told the others to take Kun to Wong if he doesn't come back suddenly a large light emerged from the ship a loud explosion occurred which caught their attention iangel and the others have arrived they're suddenly under attack the whole surrounding is plunged in chaos K ambushed Evangel but is no match for her K is sent flying by evanel she then con up a huge orb that melts the surrounding enemies meanwhile bum is heading to the dock where soong will help bum Escape but then he stumbled across mang and androssi she insists on helping bum as they move forward they got ambushed by enemies two regulars stand in their way mang dashed forward and punched the guy is that her awaken power outside alaton orders her to stop Evangel is looking forward for their fight Ari dashed towards Evangel and she deflects it with her Flames suddenly multiple Spears came running down on her a spear Bearer is hiding in the battle evanel use her skill to engulf the atmosphere in Hellfire but then Ari appeared and she strick her sword bringing it in the process she used her ancient power to restrain her but she has a weapon up her sleeve alaton releases skill but she's feeling fired up she'll show what real hell looks like on the other side the commander spotted the regulars trying to escape you're surprised that they want to save them in the situation yuhan then Dash towards the commander and use his special move Yuri can't believe that they're throwing themselves in a massacre the commander block Yan's attack and she counterattacks while yuhan is protecting them she brings out her weapon and attacks but somehow they're still fine Yuri betrayed them and rosi teleports them to the top and bum is preparing his attack the rankers are surprised that a regular like him is capable of that bum fired his orb towards the enemies suddenly evanel went Psychopathic mode alaton can't do anything as she's like a natural disaster horon and others are escaping to another path but then Levy noticed them 20 minutes ago jinsung stops kelvan from entering the station kelvan went outside to meet his teacher jinsung feels that his student is being too arrogant on the other side someone appeared to challenge Evangel is the ruler of the floor Elliot buom and the others are having a hard time navigating through the surroundings Yuri used her skill to transport the hostages towards bum this made the Commander live it Yuri says that she should protect her hostages when androssi teleported a ranker stands in their way in the station they got attacked by Levy suddenly hogne started to choke rock throw rock at him and he barely managed to dodge it then a giant hand appears and it crushes him in the end he gave up outside Andy attacks him but it got nullified bum told her to save them while he stalls for time he fired multiple shinso beams but he got nullified again the ranker used white light and it disorientate his senses Yuri wants to help bum but the commander says that if she do so she's a traitor a giant ship is about to eat the hostages but then a bright light appeared in the sky Yuri gave BM the black March the commander has no choice but to capture her on the other side jinsung and calivan are fighting fiercely calivan uses special move that send jinsung flying jinsung is slowly losing the battle meanwhile the black March is glad to reunite with bom again unlike that tomboy bomb ignites the black March and use his skill to destroy the whale ship the rankers are in trouble another tried to stop him but his attacks got vaporized is this guy really irregular he's built different alaton realizes that bum is The Irregular who supposedly die on the floor of death he commanded everyone to Target buom Yuri provoked her sister she says that Yuri is still the same as ever just a stingy little brat during her childhood she might as well die if she harms their family reputation on the other side andrasi teleported to the hostages and missing transported them away then Ari enters the scene she won't let him wreck havoc anymore meanwhile civan asked if jinsung is curious as to what he obtained in his journey 3,000 years ago when he obtained the essence of Bravery he saw a man that fought endlessly as he made eye contact he knows his suffering all alone that's when he realized he can use this power to unite everybody through sheer strength jinsung thinks he a psychopath if that's his conclusion kivan unleashes through Power when he punched the air a massive explosion occurred inside the warship androssi noticed that cherry isn't here Barrow says that she's been captured by Dr quaran told androssi that they can use a teleporter to escape from the last station outside Spears came raining down towards bum but then her attacks got nullified karaka and white have escaped thanks to Evan on the other side jinsung took a huge beating he's barely grasping onto life when calvan rushed towards him as he reaches for him jinsung used his ultimate flare W explosion calivan received a little blow but it's not enough to kill him jinsung screams in pain while he got stabing the back by Princess mchenny he wished that he could see bam again Yuri dashed towards her and knocked some sense into her Yuri says that respect is gained from thinking for themselves and not to be a puppet Yuri sent her flying meanwhile karaka told bum to go since winning the war is escaping safely bum and the others run away the ringers fired their full power in that exact moment bom pierced the black Marsh into his body which causes his body to transform with his new skill he pierced through everything in its B then they set off however civan appeared his comrades are glad that he's finally here Cal destroyed the warship and andrasi teleports him to safety he wonders why she's rebelling he used his skill to split them apart and capture her kelvan told that jinsung died by his hands it's a waste that he sacrificed himself just for a boy like him bum instantly attacks him but it did no damage kelvan told bum that he died because bum is too weak Yuri worries about bum but her sister doesn't want her to be a traitor Yuri reassures her that she'll change the tower and be a princess that she can admire she then left hurriedly she brought BM and andw it to safety she sarcastically says to bow down before his master calan can't believe that she's also a traitor androssi told bum to leave but bum wants to get revenge he won't let him live when calan tried to attack them Yuri already transported them away Yuri tried to stall for time however bum grew out of control from his emotions a bright flash of light emanates through the sky bum uses his Transcendent skill Yuri wonders where he got all that power a large Cannon burst through but calivan remains unfaced on the other side the leader of the station reveals that he installed a bomb on the teleporter they can't escape meanwhile calivan is preparing for his attack but by got protected by karaka he feels annoyed that he needs to keep protecting him he says that jinsung is his master as well he told bum to run while he aveng his death if bum dies here it means death to their Master bum heads towards endorsi calivan won't let bum get away but Evangel appears before him she said to look closer at his body bum did injured him during the blast a dang regular managed to hurt a commander of the jahad family this infuriated him on the other side it turns out that jinsung is still alive bom and the others are trying to escape while avoiding the obstacles Evangel told cavan to give give up he can't take all three of them at once if that's the case he'll just charge straight through on the other side white got transported by Evan into the ship meanwhile soong can't believe that her father would betray their principles but he won't listen to her fortunately it got caught by a wolf Kaiser has appeared on the other side calivan is steadily catching up to them he released his skill which caused a massive explosion but then yuhan came to save them a warship suddenly emerged from the clouds liso and the others have come meanwhile maeni told him to capture jinsung since he can be used as bait and dorsy teleports bum into the ship and they teleport far away Evan told the princess to get on but she wants to face her family she wants Evan to take her of bum on the meantime then everyone left kelvan is enraged that they let them Escape next time he'll finish him off himself on the other side Lisa wants to know if they're hurt bum continues to cry because of him his master is dead androssi tries to cheer him up but he's filled with despair somewhere else jinsung wants to know if buam is alive she says that he is she also says that they have the same goals but she grew bored of the hierarchy so bum will be the key to satiate her thirst for enjoyment in shown his warship Rachel and the others are captured but then a large ship teleports in front of them it's gustang jinsung feels bad for bum he needs to suffer and grow stronger meanwhile Evangel grew an interest in bom gustang ship appeared before them and a man says that he's taking the hostages with them suddenly both Yura and Rachel are transported the man came to give a message that a rof has begun to form inside the ship Someone caught bump's attention she introduces herself as Evangel the former ruler of the floor of death she got straight to the point and says that he wants him to be her student he'll get got his revenge but he has to endure hell for a few years meanwhile soong and SOA came to see their father he's disappointed that they betrayed him but she made it clear that she didn't stay in the station because she's scared near the dock jaia wangan quickly makes his leave they can't tell bum that Prince and silver hair are dead but then they encountered karaka later quaran told karaka that they're going to be safe by hiding in madara's place since she has what he wants they soon depart on the station on the other side gustang will grant her threee wishes for helping him bum then enters the room and says that he wants to grow stronger
Channel: Lenuber
Views: 26,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tower of god, baam, rachel, rak, khun, yuri, king zahard, manhwa, manhwa recap, evankhell, hell train, last station, wangnan, workshop battle, prince of zahard, headon, season 1, season 2, full recap
Id: p6iFaaAq50w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 19sec (12079 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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