The COMPLETE Dungeon Meshi 'Dwarf City Ruins Arc' Explained

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after the execution of the evacuation strategy on the dungeon's first floor by kabu and the canaries including their clash with the Mad sorcerer The Narrative shifts Focus back to Laos and his companions this Arc promises an in-depth exploration of the characters shedding light on their profound aspirations and motivations for venturing into the dungeon get ready to delve into the remnants of a dwarf city where the journey will be enriched with more encounters with fascinating beings and an array of Exquisite culinary experiences following their return to their original forms the group sat down for breakfast during the meal Marcel expressed curiosity about chil Chu's wife inquiring whether she leaned towards being traditionally beautiful or possessed a Charming cuteness she probed further into the nature of their relationship questioning what aspects made chilu fall in love with her how their paths first crossed their terms of endearment and the details of his marriage proposal overwhelmed by her barrage of questions chill Chu implored her to cease her inquiries he disclosed that they were now estranged attributing the separation to his infidelity and sternly requested she refrained from broaching the subject further indicating his reluctance to discuss the matter this Revelation led the other party members to view chil chuk unfavorably for his act of betrayal chil chuk Harbors a profound disdain for the notion of pursuing love purely for its own sake his extensive experience As a Dungeon Explorer has taught him that romantic entanglements among adventurers pose the greatest risk to the cohesion of a party he has observed firstand how the dissolution of relationships built upon the trials and triumphs shared by the group can leave a lasting bitterness indeed Leo's party has not been immune to such turmoil however the party had recently enjoyed a respit from such dramas though Marcel's heightened curiosity sparked by discussions of Love confessions tested chil Chu's patients Marcel's inquiries revealed that both farlin and lios had previously been engaged though neither commitment came to fruition as their Journey continued they marveled at the remnants of an ancient Dwarven City speculating on the dwarf's mode of transportation via trolleys and the potential hazards of ambushes from above since she remarked on the inevitability of combat noting their dwindling meat Supply and suggesting it was time to hunt Lao anticipated encountering rats a prospect a zami found distasteful proposing they consider an alternative she spotted nearby upon closer inspection lios mistook it for a cow before recognizing it as a bicorn known for its disdain for virtue in contrast to the Purity Associated unicorns he reflected on the subjective nature of virtue pondering its definition when Marcel suggested employing explosion magic lios dismissed the idea preferring a stealthier approach to subduing their Quarry upon their Discovery the bicorn cast a glance in their Direction lios couldn't help but admire its Majestic appearance though Marcel observed that it seemed disinterested in them this was peculiar to lios given their understanding of bicorns as Ty ically aggressive creatures he pondered the necessity of enticing it with corruption given that pure young maidens were traditionally bait for unicorns thus by Logic a corrupt adult male would be the lure for a bicorn this led their gazes to fall upon chil chuk who questioned why he was the chosen candidate undeterred lios decided to approach the born himself as he tiptoed closer offering a greeting the bicorn bolted prompting Lio to question his own level of corruption faced with no alternative Lao concluded that they must engage and corrupt acts themselves he listed several sinful behaviors Envy greed Pride sloth infidelity wrath and gluttony as potential means to attract the born's attention opting to begin with gluttony they found themselves indulging in the crunchy texture of a mushroom sandwich vigor ously consuming it in hopes of drawing the creatur's interest CI remarked that they had just eaten breakfast to which Lio rorted highlighting the act of eating again as an exemplification of gluttony Marcel chimed in praising the deliciousness of the grilled mushrooms comparing their Savory taste to bacon CI suggested adding a touch of syrup to enhance the flavor a combination that took Marcel by surprise due to its unexpected Harmony she encouraged chil chuk to sample the concoction but he declined expressing his distaste for sweetening Savory dishes chilu defended his preference by arguing that sweets should be reserved for snacks implying that their pallets must be flawed at that moment Lio observed the born's interest in their Direction signaling the success of his strategy moving on to the sin of Envy he queried the group about their jealousies chil chuk admitted his Envy towards C lamenting that a more formidable appearance might have spared him from disdain in the past CI in turn expressed his Envy of chil Chu's acute sensory perceptions believing that such traits would have significantly enriched his experiences Marcel noted Ci's candidness in such discussions Lio then addressed the bicorn confessing his Envy towards quadrupedal monsters expressing a wish he had been born as one himself observing as zs's disinterest leading her to opt for sleep over participation the group jubilantly declared her action as embodying sloth excitedly acknowledging it as part of their plan the challenge of exemplifying Pride LED Laos to query the group on how they might manifest such a trait chil chuk suggested that Marcel would find this task straightforward hinting at her as the embodiment of Pride especially given her tendency to boast about her intelligence this suggestion left Mar taken aback surprised by chil Chu's portrayal of her Marcel questioned the fairness of being the target of jokes particularly when they seemed to belittle her her irritation quickly escalated pointing out chil Chu's sensitivity to any hint of discrimination against him contrasting sharply with his apparent apathy towards his biases this shift in Marcel's demeanor concerned chil chuk while Leo observing the change jubilantly acknowledged their success in provoking Marcel's ey with the bicorn now stationary lios sensed they were on the verge of achieving their goal and declared he would embody greed himself he brazenly expressed his desire to the bicorn coveting its meat horns and all it could offer however his blatant greed caused the bicorn to evade and Escape leaving Leo to lament their near success the final sin infidelity remained and like Lio unexpectedly passed this task to chil chuk who was taken aback wondering why he was chosen for this role Lio explained the choice of chilu for the task of infidelity was due to his history of being abandoned by his wife after committing adultery making him the group's Soul member with firsthand experience in such matters despite chil Chuck's initial confusion and reluctance he acquiesced to the plan Lio instructed that once the bicorn lowered its head CH Chuck should ens snare it with a rope as chill Chu cautiously approached the born Lao watched filled with hope to chill Chuck's astonishment the bicorn appeared to smile at him before suddenly biting his arm and violently shaking him the scene alarmed the rest of the party prompting utsumi to strike the bicorn with her weapon the impact to its head forced the born to release chillu Lio then charged tackling the bicorn to the ground CI directed utsumi to secure the Rope around the bicorn tossing the other end to lios he had deply fastened it around the born's leg and Horn with the creature effectively restrained the group collectively exerted Force successfully subduing the bicorn the group struggled against the bicorn which emitted wines of distress the zami secured the Rope aiding in their effort to subdue the creature at Leo's command they United for a final tug successfully bringing the bicorn to the ground thereby capturing it Lio offered an apology to the Beast before drawing his sword across it meanwhile chil chuk sustained serious injuries and when Marcel inquired about his condition he sarcastically questioned if he appeared all right to her Marcel promptly offered to heal him Lio expressed regret over overlooking the fact that bicorns sometimes consume humans a detail that baffled chilu given its critical nature lios elaborated on a theory suggesting borns prey specifically on virtuous husbands which he joked should technically exempt chilu due to his estrangement from his wife caused by alleged infidelity Marcel noticing chil Chu's reaction to this Theory pressed him for clarity amidst his Agony chil chuk pleaded for a slower healing process hoping to use the opportunity to confess he clarifi IED he had not been unfaithful but had claimed so to maintain his dignity before them he confessed his bewilderment regarding the true reasons behind his wife's departure chill chuk recounted an occasion from the past when his colleagues expressed a desire to meet his wife leading to a shared meal however the evening took a sour turn as she became visibly upset on their way home and by the time chil chuk returned from his subsequent assignment she had already left Marcel responded to his story with empathy deeming his wife's departure without explanation both harsh and unfair she inquired about his wife's well-being to which chch assured her there was no cause for concern mentioning he had received correspondence from the individual who had taken her in chil Chu confessed his frustration over the situation had prevented any further communication between them Marcel speculated that being chil Chu's wife burdened with the uncertainty of his return and the daily worries for his safety would have been incredibly stressful she imagined the strain of managing household duties and caring for their child and his absence she suggested that chill Chu's reticence about his adventures coupled with his occasional return bearing grave injuries would naturally lead his wife to wish for him to pursue a less perilous profession nonetheless Marcel concluded that she would likely find a degree of satisfaction in their shared life despite its challenges chill Chu expressed surprise that Marcel had accurately conjectured the entire narrative Marcel expanded on her hypothesis suggesting that upon learning of an opportunity to meet chil Chu's colleagues his wife would have been thrilled she would have arranged child care and chosen her attire with great care all the while chill chuk might fuss over their potential tardiness this first encounter with his work Associates would be significant for her assuming that chil Chu's willingness to make introductions indicated his high regard for them the prospect of enjoying a delightful meal outside their home coupled with the compliments from chill Chu's friends would fill her with joy yet it would also offer her insight into how chill chuk represented her in their conversations knowing chill Chuck's reserved nature she understood he might not openly Express his love for her despite his deep feelings however during this Gathering after indulging in a few drinks she would observe him in interacting with his attractive female friends his easy camaraderie and the warmth of his Smiles directed at them would contrast with her own perception of herself as uninteresting Marcel speculated further suggesting that his wife for the first time would doubt his affection aware that direct questions would remain unanswered she would ultimately choose to leave as a means of testing his love Marcel envisioned this sequence of events as the underlying cause of the situ situation utsumi and Lio were captivated by her detailed narrative which seemed as though she had witnessed the events firsthand Marcel queried chilu on whether his initial disclosure of being married was intended to avert complications with his peers but following the unexpected turn of events he resolved to keep his personal life private henceforth chil chuk was astounded by Marcel's accurate conjecture Marcel clarified she had no specific knowledge of his situation but point pointed out that such scenarios are commonly depicted in stories and gossip observing chill Chu's accidental dropping of his sandwich she emphasized the importance of replenishing his energy due to the blood loss offering him her sandwich instead chil Chu greatfully accepted and upon tasting it inquired if it was the one containing syrup his reaction to the flavor was surprisingly positive leading him to acknowledge that perhaps he had been too quick to judge the combination earlier lios observed that the born's aggression towards chil chuk might indicate his recognition as a virtuous husband prompting him to question if Fidelity alone defines such virtue Marcel responded clarifying that while Fidelity is a component chil Chuck's virtue is undeniable when Leo inquired about her interpretation of virtuous Marcel explained that virtue's Essence is too complex for a brief explanation she offered to lend them books on the subject encouraging them to delve into the nuances of human emotions and virtues furthermore Marcel advised chil chuk to buy flowers and visit his wife once he returns to the surface suggesting that such a gesture would likely Delight her she humorously added that having received the born's endorsement chil chuk should feel encouraged by this sign of approval although chilu concurred with the plan he expressed uncertainty about whether life's outcomes could mirror the optimistic resolutions found in stories Marcel queried about the age of chil Chu's daughter speculating on her eagerness to reunite with her father chil Chuck bursting into laughter at Marcel's speculation corrected her with the Revelation that his daughter is already grown and living independently Marcel was astounded by this especially upon learning that all three of his children were adults a fact that took her by complete surprise Lio curious about cultural differences asked at what age howlings reach adulthood to which chilu replied it is around 14 in his region while Lio noted it's 16 where he comes from Marcel remarked on the rapid progression of their life stages chilu disclosed that the Assurance of his wife's safety was communicated through a letter from his daughter who also sent his neckband indicating that his wife now resides with their second daughter Marcel showing concern inquired if chilu had more secrets to which he insisted there were none nevertheless Marcel was determined vowing to coax out any remaining undisclosed details from him the narrative shifts to a moment where Marcel's worried expression deeply concerns Laos unable to grasp the situation and perplexed by Marcel's somber demeanor Lio reminisces about their initial encounter he observes that Marcil once consistently stoic has become significantly more expressive over time lios confesses his unease behind her unsettling look this Segways into a flashback featuring farlin questioning Lio about his attire for an upcoming meeting surprised Lio wonders if his appearance is unsatisfactory farlin critiques his choice emphasizing the need for grooming and dressing in his finest attire which Lio believed he had done realizing her oversight due to being preoccupied with tidying farlin assists l and styling his hair she explains the importance of the encounter describing the individual they are to meet is not only her friend and Mentor but also someone possessing a strict demeanor alongside kindness and Fascination Lio acknowledges the advice to approach her with the utmost respect Farland further reveals her friend's current displeasure attributing it to a misperception of her own age and a belief that Lao had inappropriately whisked faren away leaving Lao in disbelief lios expressed curiosity about the reasons motivating such an esteemed individual to pursue adventuring Farland explained her friend's dedication to studying ancient magic pointing out the dungeon's abundance of such magic as her primary research interest as lios prepared himself he reflected on the typical dynamic between researchers and adventurers noting its unusual for someone like her an elf with no adventuring experience to join an expedition Direct ly he shared his concerns with his companions highlighting apprehensions about her lack of exploration skills and questioning the relevance of her magical knowledge in the dungeon's challenging environment Lio was particularly concerned about her combat capabilities given the absence of combat spell training in her education farlin however reassured him confident that her friend Marcel wouldn't face issues in that regard awaiting at a restaurant Lio pondered over his impending interaction with Marcel farlin had decided to meet her at the Port alone planning to introduce her to Loo's subsequently as he waited loo about to engage in his first conversation with an elf mused over their longevity and the unique perspectives it might bring to their Quest a hooded woman accidentally dropped an envelope on Loo's table which he promptly returned grateful she inquired about farlin described with light brown hair and Amber eyes from a restaurant staff member who indicated that only farin's older brother Lao was present upon introduction Lio greeted her warmly but her demeanor quickly shifted to one of anger as she accused him of abducting farlin farlin intervened correcting the misunderstanding and admitting her mistake in the rendevu location Marcel relieved to reunite with farlin after what she believed to be 3 years was corrected by Marcel stating it had been four Marcel expressed her concern for farin's well-being and criticized her for not considering her future urging her to abandon her dungeon exploration plans despite faron's protests and explanation of her passion for Dungeon exploration Marcel was adamant about taking her back to the academy citing farin's disheveled appearance as a deciding factor Marcel stated she would extend her apologies to everyone insisting on their return by by the next ship Farin seemed uncertain prompting Lao to propose a single Expedition into the dungeon for Marcel he reasoned that since she had traveled all this way she should at least witness the dungeon's environment firsthand he believed that understanding their daily experiences within the dungeon might alleviate some of her concerns upon entering the dungeon Marcel acknowledged her previous dungeon encounters but noted this was her first experience in a living official dungeon lios queried the concept of dungeons being either alive or dead showcasing his curiosity with the first level posing minimal danger they proceeded to guide her through in a private moment with farlin lios outlined a plan to demonstrate their competence to Marcel he suggested that encountering trouble in the unfamiliar dungeon setting would provide them with an opportunity to rescue Marcel thereby proving their worth as adventurers farlin admired ad ired her brother's clever strategy Lio seized the moment when a walking mushroom appeared seeing it as a perfect teaching moment they cautioned Marcel to stay back and let them handle it yet Marcel confidently wielded her staff unleashing a powerful explosive spell she was amazed by the potency of her magic within the dungeon suggesting that its Effectiveness in Warfare now made sense to her lios puzzled questioned farlin about Marcel's apparent lack of dungeon experience farlin clarified that although Marcel hadn't physically explored dungeons she had dedicated decades to studying relevant magic and strategies this led Laos to ponder Marcel's age as their exploration continued both siblings were taken aback by Marcel's boldness in navigating the dungeon realizing their plan had not unfolded as expected they faced Marcel's inquiry about their fervent desire to delve into the dungeon recognizing her challenge to their commitment Farland asserted that dungeon exploration offered invaluable practical experience beyond what books could provide Marcel questioned the applicability of such skills on the surface highlighting the school's avoidance of combat magic to protect students from persecution nonetheless the siblings argued that their Adventures had allowed them to forge significant relationships countering Marcel's suggestion that more meaningful connections could be established above ground round farlin reassured them about the financial stability their chosen profession offers with Lio chiming in about the wealth to be found in the dungeon's deeper levels where gold lines the walls this led Marcel to deduce that resources in the upper levels are dwindling making the effort invested increasingly disproportionate to the rewards reaped the thoron siblings felt uneasy pondering if honesty about their situation would serve them better however Loo's resisted this idea fearing it would only serve to reinforce Marcel's perception of their motives as trivial Farland suspected that Marcel would see through their attempts to appear more serious about their Endeavor soon enough during their exploration a slime unexpectedly landed on Lio enveloping his head until they used fire to drive it off Lao acknowledged his oversight especially knowing the area was prone to slime infestations their attention quickly shifted to Marcel who was found lying motionless on the ground approaching her farlin optimistically stated she could revive her while Leo wondered if a slime attack had caused her to lose Consciousness after farlin successfully revived Marcel she awoke confused questioning if she had died Farland explained that Marcel was only momentarily deceased with Leo clarifying that her soul hadn't departed likening her State more to UNC Consciousness than actual death Marcel lowered her gaze Whispering something that intrigued the siblings when she lifted her head her expression of Wonder caught them off guard she confessed she had heard Tales of such phenomena but remained skeptical until witnessing them firsthand the possibility of harnessing ancient magic to fulfill her aspirations amazed her her evident Delight took the siblings by surprise lios revealed their true motivation for venturing into the dungeon was rooted in curiosity and a desire to uncover its Secrets they were drawn to the thrill of discovering remnants of ancient civilizations magic and unknown creatures he explained their Quest was for knowledge and Adventure seeking like-minded individuals to join them he then extended an invitation to Marcel to become their companion in Exploration after a moment of consideration Marcel accepted with a handshake and a smile lios found himself pondering what Marcel's Ultimate Dream might be reflecting on the Whirlwind of events that had unfolded over the past year Lio found himself caught in a stream of memories he couldn't help but wonder why Recollections of his past were surfacing with such Clarity leading him to the unsettling realization that he was for some inexplicable reason teetering on the brink of death his life's moments were unraveling before his eyes prompting a desperate need to delve deeper into these memories for answers he remembered Ci's suggestion to butcher the bicorn and their struggle to haul it into a dwelling that seemed designed for dwarves however loos's revery was abruptly interrupted when he had to retrieve something he had left behind only to encounter an enormous headless suit of armor wielding a whip the sight of the animated armor filled him with Dread and he urgently warned his companions to flee recognizing The Entity as a spirit against which their weapons would prove feudal despite his dire situation lios appreciated his friend's Swift compliance with his command to escape leaving him alone to confront the spectral adversary in a bid for his life Lio proposed a bargain offering the born as a trade for his safety hoping to appease the spirits unknown desires consequently the armored figure after receiving the Decap itated by corn untied it and mounted it in adherence to their agreement he left Lao unharmed in exchange for the born despite a minor mishap involving a door the figure successfully Departed the companions quickly regrouped and were relieved to find Leo alive chil chuk observed that the figure had mounted the horse and made its exit Marcel bewildered inquired about lao's actions Lio explained that their visitor was a dullahan a spirit of a headless Knight often associated with death however it intrigued him that this particular dullahan was a foot thus he proposed an offer his life in exchange for providing it with a mount marel was astonished by the dullahan's acceptance of the deal Lio reason that the bicorn being headless and deceased like the dullahan would be appealing to it he expressed regret over the turn of events acknowledging the group's efforts in capturing the bicorn nonetheless Marcel overcome with laughter dismissed the concern suggesting that they could simply capture another one she remarked on their fortunate Escape emphasizing the value of their lives over the loss Lio expressed the Curiosity he had been harboring towards Marcel while she was assisting him out of his armor he broached the subject of her age Marcel taken aback by the unexpected inquiry reciprocated the question wondering how old he presumed she was issi jokingly guessed she was 20,000 years old but Marcel clarified she was directing the question at Leos he mentioned that for reasons unknown he had always pegged her to be around 100 years old this assumption led him to question why she attended the same Academy as farlin given it predominantly catered to gnomes or humans who would be significantly younger than her potentially creating a vast disparity in their Scholastic aptitude Marcel clarified that her role at the Academy was not as a student but as a researcher alongside handling various tasks assigned by the institution lios pondered why Marcel a mage of considerable skill did not pursue her studies in the western regions known for their Elven population Marcel's response was straight forward she was native to the area thus opting for a location within proximity she did however occasionally venture to the West as Lio and Marcel were engaged in conversation CI announced that Leo was in for a special meal the bicorn had left behind a remarkable ingredient for their dinner the stewed head of the dullahan Ste lios expressed excitement upon seeing the born's head since she proposed starting with a gentle par boiling using the cheek meat and tongue for a stew and making a light soup from the eyes and brain this suggestion piqued Loo's interest although CI noted their current lack of alternative ingredients Marcel on the other hand was distraught at the thought revealing her lack of experience with consuming a horse's head Lio reassured her suggesting it as an opportunity to expand her culinary knowledge which only seemed to deepen her dismay observing her initial reaction lios contemplated how despite her initial resistance Marcel of ended up enjoying the experience Lio himself looked forward to the meal while Marcel hesitated at the prospect of consuming brain Lio and his companions stumbled upon remnants of a camp deep within the dungeon sparking curiosity about the presence of others in such depths this could indicate the presence of Orcs adventurers or even remnants of ancient inhabitants considering the similarities to what they had observed near the door chillu speculated whether the same individuals who left these signs were trailing them since they opened the door suggesting they might still be in proximity Marcel expressing exhaustion proposed postponing any decision until after some rest a suggestion lios accepted the zami visibly frustrated lamented the repetitive cycle of eating and resting questioning when they would reach the dungeon's bottom or find the winged lion to lift her curse chilu addressing herself centeredness emphasized the importance of considering others and the interdependence among individuals he challenged her notion of solitude asserting that no one lives entirely independently Asami countered claiming she had lived alone her entire life standing defiantly she insisted no one had raised her a statement chilu disputed believing someone must have cared for her isumi maintained that she had lived independently her entire life and intended to continue doing so chil chuk probing further inquired about her reason for joining them to which a zsi replied that it was in pursuit of a potential cure for her curse supposedly known by The Mad sorcerer chilu suggested she could have sought out the sorcerer alone for a quicker resolution highlighting her need for their assistance despite her claims of Independence after their exchange utsumi moved towards where CI was supposed to be only to find his hot unattended her search led her to discover CI in a concerning State prompting her to alert the rest of the group they found CI with a withered appearance and a blissful expression which lios identified as symptoms of a succubus encounter succubi are known to Allure their victims and drain their life Essence while secreting a fluid that induces intense pleasure due to the value of this fluid succubi often become targets for those seeking to exploit its effects lios had believed that all succubi had been eradicated from the dungeon however utsumi expressed skepticism about their Threat Level lios emphasized the impossibility of defeating them single-handedly cautioning everyone against wandering alone he then recalled that succubi are fond of milk and hastily left to find some believing that placing milk beside their pillows could prevent attacks concerned about lao's venturing off solo the others followed and discovered him in a weakened State isami inquired if Marcel could restore them with her magic but Marcel explained that their bodies were too depleted for immediate magical healing which could prove fatal she recommended gradually nourishing them back to health suggesting a return to the water fountain to provide easily digestible sustenance frustrated by another delay a zami declared her intent to eliminate the succubus herself but chilu warned that succubi could not be defeated through physical combat they adopt the GU so perfectly aligned with an individual's ideal attraction that merely glancing at them renders one immobile chil chuk explained emphasizing the literal danger of their Allure this is precisely why attempting to hunt succubi alone is folly despite this utsumi dismissed the concern claiming her lack of specific attractions would Shield her Chila countered that their influence transcends conscious preference tapping into the most profound unrecognized desires he sternly advised that resistance was feudal undeterred utsumi departed throughout her existence she had been this very body showcased and passed from owner to owner in a grotesque display of human curiosity reflecting on chill Chu's assertions she bristled with resentment questioning his presumption of understanding her past was sporadic feeding within a cage what he considered being raised ultimately it was s's father who acquired her with mauru instilling in her a semblance of etiquette a gesture for which a zami could muster no appreciation aami pressed on in her search latching onto a sweet Aroma she assumed was left by the succubus she noted the intertwining of old and new trails of scent reflecting on her adversaries characteristics namely their ability to manifest as an attractive figure leading to a mobilization is zami strategized to remain concealed approaching stealthily to eliminate the succubus before it could morph uncertain of their true appearance prior to transformation isami speculated they must rely on their shape-shifting ability to pray suggesting their genuine form might be frail and unattractive as her search progressed utsumi thought she heard chil Chu's voice puzzling over their activities she reminded herself that safety supposedly lay in numbers yet as she tracked the scent further realizing multiple succubi might be involved isami deduced their Keen awareness of her presence acknowledging their cautious and persistent nature the zami cautiously approached chilu and Marcel only to be met with the sight of their drained forms worried she arrived too late she quickly assessed their condition and inquired about what had transpired Marcel recounted a prior discussion where chil chuk expressed frustration with a Zumi's tendency to act independently acknowledging the difficult experiences she must have faced chillu detecting a sweet Aroma warned Marcel suspecting a succubus's presence he stressed the importance of Readiness explaining the paralyzing effect of the succubus's Gaze and devising a strategy for Mutual protection the Eerie sound of laughter preceded the appearance of a female hling illusion briefly and snaring chill Chuck Marcel's Swift reaction neutralized the threat prompting a check on chil Chu's well-being which was met with his emotional reaction to the illusion's demise preparing for more encounters they spotted several more succubi lurking outside chil Chu insisted on a cal approach proposing they replicate their defensive tactic as they braced for another wave of attacks Marcel's strikes proved effective observing a pattern in the succubi appearances Marcel questioned if they resembled chil Chu's wife a remark that prompted a Stern rebuke from chilu asking her to refrain from mentioning his wife as they were managing the situation Marcel observed that they seemed capable of handling all the succubi suddenly their attention was diverted by the appearance of an elf on Horseback marel expressed surprise while chil Chu assessing the figure's appearance criticized Marcel supposed taste as appalling which led him to burst out laughing amidst chill Chu's distraction the succubi Drew closer to him meanwhile the elf distinguished by an eye patch affectionately addressed Marcel as Princess leaving her startled to be honest I'm not even sure if the succubus is a guy or girl since this manga keeps on tricking me anyway I'll use he for now mirroring the manga's tendency to portray male elves with a certain feminity reminiscent of figures like the Mad Sorcerer And Captain Mizer the elf expressed disbelief at Marcel's Escape From The Castle once more pondering over the appropriate course of action before gracefully taking her hand and placing a kiss upon it suggesting a return Marcel concluded her explanation about their predicament and urgently advised aami to leave and seek assistance as facing such a vast number of succubi alone would be feudal she emphasized the dire consequences should they all perish in the dungeon rendering Revival impossible and suggested seeking help possibly from those who had camped nearby aami skeptical of the existence of any survivors and frustrated with the situation recalled chil Chuck's earlier suggestion to meet the Mad sorcerer on her own for a quicker resolution she lamented her decision not to pursue that path convinced she had never needed the group's assistance asserting her independence is zami resolved not to seek help despite the uncertainty surrounding the number of remaining foes confident in her abilities and dismissing the succubi as weak for their Reliance on numbers she was determined to confront them alone believing herself more than capable of overcoming the challenge eager for confrontation utsumi braced herself to battle the succubi taunting them to advance more quickly she believed that avoiding direct eye contact was the key to Victory confident in her ability to Triumph even with her eyes shut given the predictability of their attack strategy however an unexpected figure emerged from the Shadows catching a zuts offg guard and leading her to regretfully glance at it initially convinced the enemy had aired in their form not aligning with her preferences her attention was pequ when the succubus addressed her familiarly noting her growth this remark startled utami leading her to question the Reas reason behind her reaction as the figure approached for a closer examination utsumi was taken back to recognize the woman as her mother despite lacking any recollection of her and feeling an inexplicable Joy yet recognizing the threat she instinctively attacked piercing her in the chest and retreating isami pondered why the creature didn't perish as expected suspecting her resilience might stem from a mingling of her Essence with that of a monster her battle escalated as additional succubi mimicking her mother's form swarmed her despite their numbers utsumi maintained her composure systematically eliminating each one she noted their fragility but identified their needles as a significant Hazard speculating on their role in extracting vital Essence the sensation of their fluids burning her skin prompted her to question the nature of their attack utsumi found herself unexpectedly confronted by another adversary poised for an attack this new enemy also armed with a needle took her by surprise yet she swiftly responded with a powerful kick to its jaw questioning whether it was another variant of a succubus as additional succubi resembling her mother emerged utsumi sought an escape commandeering a winged statue the succubi fixed their Gaze on her and though she deemed each individually weak their numbers posed a significant threat of overpowering her the zami contemplated a strategy to eliminate them simultaneously the revelation of the succubi's Wings Drew aami's attention their new found Mobility allowing them to close in on her this development resulted in a zami losing her balance and falling into a fountain where she attempted to remain concealed underwater the succubi's attempts to reach her intensified her predicament leading her to realize the danger of surfacing fortuitously she discovered a creature in the water which she used to distract her asants reflecting on her situation utsumi lamented the unfortunate turn of events regretting not having chosen to flee earlier unable to hold her breath any longer is zami surfaced for air only to discover the succubi were preoccupied with the creature she had thrown at them observing their tender care for the creature sparked an idea in her mind realizing their concern for these beings utsumi hatched a plan capturing several more creatures from the fountain to use as a diversion by continuously tossing these creatures out she watched as the succubi scattered one after another to attend to each rescue leaving is zuts alone pleased with the unexpected success of her strategy she cautiously inspected the hallway to confirm their departure though puzzled by the turn of events she was relieved to have evaded the immediate threat however she was now faced with addressing the remainder of her predicament it was then that she detected the sound of someone approaching she encountered the elf wearing an eye patch now swollen accompanied by howlings all seemingly in search of something by the fountain seizing the opportunity utsumi prepared to confront them realizing they were succubi who had drained the others vital Essence reflecting on their condition she scornfully remarked on Marcel's questionable preferences speculating that reintroducing the vital Essence might reverse their deteriorated State utsumi self-proclaimed her Ingenuity considering the possibility of restoring them to their original form isami realized that the succubi had Enchanted Marcel chil chuk and herself she speculated whether an attempt was made to charm the Monstrous aspect within her though it proved ineffective she hypothe empz that the immunity to the succubus resembling her mother wasn't due to a lack of humanity but rather because she possessed two hearts suggesting that while one could be ens snared by charm the other remained unaffected this Revelation led her to reflect on her Solitude recognizing that she wasn't entirely alone after all admiring the creature she praised the Discerning Taste of her monstrous side upon attacking the succubi utsumi observed a white milk-like substance emanating from them contemplating its consumption but opting to boil it first for safety utilizing Ci's pot she collected and boiled the liquid noting its reduction recalling the importance of calories in food she decided to sweeten the concoction with sugar despite her uncertainty about the substance she was using she diligently stirred the mixture into the milk eventually creating what was dubbed succubus hot milk preparing a spot on the ground around with some cloth utsumi methodically placed each of her companions body side by side she then proceeded to cool the milk before attempting to feed it to Lao with a spoon faced with the challenge of his clenched mouth she resorted to pinching his nose prompting him to involuntarily open his mouth and allowing him to ingest the milk observing Loo's gradually regaining his usual demeanor isami proceeded to administer the same treatment to the rest of her companions she gently fed Marcel the milk taking the time to clean her face afterward followed by chilu and CI the process leaving her noticeably fatigued Marcel was the first to awaken urging Leo to do the same while informing him of their victory over the succubi initially disoriented loo soon gathered his bearings and stood both of them pondering who had vanquished their foes Marcel credited utsumi for their rescue noting her absence upon Awakening chilu speculated if his earlier words had driven a zuts away suggesting they search for her though Marcel cautioned against rash actions Lio then spotted hissami finding her asleep at topped the winged statue prompting chil chuk to Marvel at her nonchalance Lio reassured him expressing confidence in his utm's awareness of her independence yet recognizing the importance of her presence to the group assuring that that all would be well chill Chu exiting the scene insisted his concern was unwarranted while examining the water Lio spotted a succubus larvae and deduced that the fountain served as their breeding ground he explained that succubi extract the vital Essences essentially the blood and bodily fluids of animals converting it into a milk-like substance internally to nourish their larv these creatures known as succubus mosquitoes belong to a unique in species that feeds its Offspring milk lios elaborated on their similarity to familiar mosquitoes noting that succubi produce an anesthetic in their saliva during blood sucking this anesthetic induces a temporary feeling of pleasure in their victims followed by intense itching once the effect dissipates leading people to develop repellent and incenses against them chil chuk expressed his astonishment having previously thought succubi to be demonic entities rather than mere insects Marcel clarified that they are indeed considered succubus demons from which the mythological monsters derive their name lios admitted his limited knowledge about the Demonic variant of succubi suggesting that such beings might merely be legendary figures elaborated upon over Generations he found it intriguing that creatures resembling these myths subsequently appeared prompting him to ponder the origins of monsters which he finds to be fasc F inting entities Shifting the conversation Marcel inquired about the appearance of the succubi they encountered curious whether they resembled anyone familiar and if they could even be considered human Lio reflecting on this recalled an important detail he needed to share with Marcel about a potential interaction he had with the winged lion during his separation from the group rewinding to the midst of the confrontation with the succubi we delve into what exactly Lio was up to during his solitary departure he inspected their Provisions only to realize they were depleted of milk he mused over the folklore suggesting that leaving milk beside one's pillow could deter succubi by offering them an alternative to attacking humans however he acknowledged that this myth pertained to the Demonic incarnation of succubi doubting its relevance to their current predicament suddenly Lio was taken aback by the presence of someone behind him upon on turning he was greeted by the figure of Marcel leading him to apologize for his momentary absence mentioning their lack of milk his explanation was cut short as the figure resembling Marcel leaned in for a kiss instantly lao's defensive instincts kicked in grasping her neck with the realization that this was not her suspecting a shape-shifting succubus instead puzzled by the choice of Marcel's appearance he foresaw the potential for a great Brave misunderstanding eager to resolve the situation discreetly the doppelganger countered suggesting that were she a succubus Lio would already be ens snared by her spell this argument seemed logical to Lio prompting him to release his hold pondering the implications of her claim lios inquired why Marcel was by herself and inquired about the whereabouts of their companions lowering her eyes the figure resembling Marcel confessed she harbored a secret gradually she morphed into a different entity revealing her true monstrous identity much to lao's astonishment she disclosed that her bite could transform others into monsters proposing that Leo join her in this altered state to resolve their predicament without causing harm to farlin she insinuated that Lio harbored desires of transcending his human form concerned lios questioned the fate of their comrades to which the creature assuming Marcel's appearance reassured him that she had preemptively bitten the others Lio expressed a sense of relief at this Revelation the creature then Drew closer delicately licking Leo's cheek suddenly a lion appeared in front of him derisively questioning his intelligence Lio was bewildered and began searching for Marcel the winged lion clarified that they were currently navigating his dream explaining that Leo had succumbed to a succubus's bite and Fallen unconscious Lio entertained the notion of Marcel being his succubus the winged lion urged him not to be ens snared by such distractions highlighting the urgency of his mission upon loos's inquiry about his identity the lion expressed regret for not introducing himself earlier mentioning that although he lacks a true name or form he is commonly referred to as the wing lion this Revelation took Lao by surprise the wing lion explained that their direct communication was facilitated by lao's proximity to the dungeon's deepest reaches via the perception of his diminutive Ally kin Su Kate aware of Leo's objective to Vanquish thistle the Mad sorcerer the lion expressed a desire to Aid in this endeavor nonetheless he emphasized the need for lios to cultivate a heightened sense of awareness and accept his role as the kingdom savior this declaration left Laos in astonishment questioning why he was chosen for such a Monumental responsibility the winged lion disclosed that it was the architect behind the dungeon and its inhabitants all constructed at thistle's behest to safeguard the kingdom and its populace after coexisting with both the residents and the monsters for a millennium he developed a profound affection for them despite numerous adventurers entering the dungeon in pursuit of wealth Le leaving trails of Destruction among the monsters and the spirits of the residents the winged lion recognized lios as an exception lios acknowledged his own role in the violence admitting to having killed some creatures as well the winged lion conceited this point but distinguished lao's actions from those of other adventurers he commended Lio for demonstrating compassion towards the monsters by ensuring their sacrifices were not in vain an act of respect and appreciation for their existence the lion revealed that a call had been made for Lio expressing his desire to Beque the stewardship of the nation its people and the Monsters entirely to Leo's care faced with such a proposition Lio found himself at a loss for words prompting the winged lion to probe the root of his hesitation to address this the lion presented lios with a vision of the nation under his rule aiming to illustrate the potential impact of his acceptance as its king awakened by his sister farlin Lao was informed that breakfast was ready prompting him to get up he observed that farin's lower body appeared normal again which led him to question his surroundings pondering if he was dreaming the winged lion clarified that they were experiencing a hypothetical scenario built upon the foundation of his dream as lios exited his room various creatures extended their morning greetings confusing him the wing lion explained that these beings were his subjects a woman approached Lao to inquire about his omelet preference for breakfast offering choices such as cockatrice basilisk or wyvern upon choosing wyvern the woman indicated she would notify CI of his decision Marcel then approached mentioning a slew of tasks awaiting his attention including a proposal to establish a shopping district on the third level however Farland interceded reminding them that business discussions were prohibited during meal times while they proceeded with the meal preparations the winged lion observed Marcel's significant involvement in the dungeons planning and commended her leadership skills he suggested that delegating responsibilities could unveil more opportunities recognizing Marcel's latent potential to curate a remarkable dungeon gathered at the dining table with individuals and Orcs encountered throughout his Adventure they savored the me with CI offering additional servings amidst the Lively atmosphere Lao grappled with disbelief at the scene unfolding before him Marcel inquired about the well-being of the direwolf Cubs born the previous day questioning lao's distant demeanor farlin observing her brother's exhaustion recommended he take a leisurely day to explore the town assuring him that she and Marcel would handle the day-to-day Affairs prompting him to leave Lio left with a tinge of regret for missing out on the wyvern omelet venturing into the town Lio discovered a lively Marketplace teaming with various creatures and Merchants he marveled at the bustling crowd recognizing some individuals from the dungeon though noting many appeared to have originated from the surface the winged lion explained that these were individuals who resonated with lao's vision as he continued to observe Lio grew intrigued by the interactions between humans Orcs And monsters Keen to understand the Dynamics of their coexistence Lio was astounded to discover the town's location within the dungeon a creation attributed to him by the winged lion according to the lion lios had prohibited adventurers from exploring the area and by domesticating non-aggressive monsters for agriculture sustained the local economy questioning the feasibility of benign monsters IO expressed his astonishment leading the winged lion to clarify that thistle had commanded the monsters not to harm the inhabitants of his domain demonstrating that the dungeon could align with the desires of its Sovereign the lion described himself as merely power capable of fulfilling the dungeon Lord's wishes interrupted by someone calling his name Lio was presented with a freshly picked barit encouraged to taste it additionally he received various items to deliver to CI prompting Leo to ponder if they pertained to an embryo he noted the limitations of experiencing flavors in a dream the wing lion expressing a desire to share in The Taste was disappointed when the attempt to share the food with him proved feudal having hoped to savor the sensation of eating after a considerable Hiatus lios queried if the winged lion abstained from eating the lion confessed that being confined consumption of food wasn't a necess for him yet observing his companions relishing their meals stirred a longing within him as they indulged in delectable Fair daily lios curious about the Lion's confinement learned it was near thistle's Abode the sight of the lion ceiling the lion proposed using kin Su K to lead Lio there suggesting that should a covert entry be feasible Lio might manage to liberate him thereby temporarily containing his power their discussion was inter erupted by nearby unrest identified by the lion as the work of a poacher he elaborated on the Kingdom's Reliance on mandrick unicorns treasure bugs succubi and other valuable monsters which while beneficial also attracted adventurers given these creatures non-aggressive nature towards humans they found themselves defenseless against such threats lios pondered the predicament considering whether to allow these creatures to retaliate for self Self Protection or to enhance security measures to deter Intruders nonetheless he concluded that neither solution was satisfactory Leo speculated whether the Mad sorcerer encountered similar dilemas initially the sorcerer likely endeavored to Shield the Kingdom's inhabitants but gradually morphed into the entity known today while attempting to resolve numerous minor issues the lion acknowledged the realm's significant distance from being a Utopia highlighting the widespread poverty and strife lios reflected on these challenges recognizing the shared existence of living beings within the same world yet lamented the persistent cycle of violence The Situation's complexity frustrated him leading him to question the feasibility of fostering change possibly through utilizing monsters as a food source as a step towards realizing a harmonious coexistence envisioning a world where harmony with monsters was attainable appe yed greatly to lios the lion finding loos's perspective intriguing expressed his fondness for him inquiring if lao's doubts had been alleviated Lio affirmed his desire to witness the potential future of such a world contemplating the Myriad of possibilities that lay ahead suddenly Lio found himself unexpectedly tasting something sweet prompting a curious look the winged lion noticing his expression inquired about it Lio described the sudden emergence of a delightful Sweetness in his mouth the lion interpreted this as a sign their shared experience was drawing to a close with Lio nearing Awakening he warned that Lio might forget most of the dreams details yet implored him to hold on to the emotions felt during their encounter promising to await Leo's actions he also cautioned him to be wary of the canaries before Leo felt as if he were plunging Into Darkness returning to reality chil Chu questioned Lio about his dialogue with the winged lion Lio confessed his memory was hazy though he vaguely recalled the lion promising guidance through his words and monitoring them via kin su's body Marcel confirmed the winged Lion's influence in opening a door for them when probed for additional Recollections Lio affirmed the dream's enjoyment stood out vividly emphasizing the lack of resistance to consuming monsters he reminisced about wyvern omelets and the opportunity to taste fresh barats highlighting the joyous atmosphere of his dream chill Chu remarked that such experiences resemble the unsettling dreams often associated with illness Lio acknowledged that being a dream he was unable to actually consume any food leaving him feeling quite famished now CI proposed that their hunger might stem from the incomplete replenishment of their vital essence to address this CI prepared a meal using a succubus larvae he decapitated it inserted a chopstick through a rear opening to remove the digestive system and then Stripped Away the shell after applying salt to the larvae to draw out moisture he chopped up vegetables and cooked them alongside the larvae following their cooking he introduced flour and succubus milk to the mix seasoned it and let it simmer briefly CI then meticulously removed the MBR brain from a bicorn brain allowing it to simmer momentarily once the mixture in the pot had thickened he served it a top cooked rice garnished with shredded cheese and bicorn brain and covered it to let the dish reach the desired temperature the resulting delicacy was dubbed succubus and bicorn brain Doria the dish appeared delectable sparking excitement in Laos especially since he had never sampled larvae before upon tasting it he described the texture as springy and the flavor reminiscent of milk attributing this characteristic to the larv being nurtured on their mother's milk since she then presented the dish to Marcel and chilu both of whom were initially hesitant about the unconventional meal despite their reservations they gave it a try and to their surprise Marcel found the brain's flavor to be quite subtle she rationalized that considering it akin to milk diminished its peculiarity Lio puzzle inquired about Milt to which Marcel explained it refers to fish testicles often incorporated into soups lios found it ironic that Marcel who was apprehensive about consuming larvae and brains was accepting of Milt which he personally found more objectionable feeling satiated Lio suggested that a zami could finish the leftovers once she awoke though it was evident she was feigning sleep to evade the meal recalling a final piece of advice from the wing lion Lio shared it despite not fully grasping its significance the lion had cautioned Beware of the canaries leaving Lio to ponder the warnings underlying meaning in the subsequent chapter we delve into Cab's past exploring his life after the loss of his hometown and his adoption by the elves found injured a young kabu was tenderly nourished by an elf who demonstrated immense patience and care towards him despite Cab's protest that he no longer felt any pain and his eagerness to return to sword training the elf maintained that he needed further rest and recuperation kabu expressed his desire to venture into dungeons motivated by a determination to prevent the tragedy that befell his hometown from recurring he voiced his ambition to become as formidable as his Elven caretaker this declaration prompted the elf to embrace kabu tightly expressing her concern over the Myriad dangers of dungeons including the threats posed by monsters traps and the malevolence of others confessing the mere thought of such perils caused her distress the elf suggested that staying with her indefinitely would be ideal highlighting the Comfort warmth and availability of cake in their abot she offered to educate him on various subjects excluding the daunting aspects of dungeons to spare him from their Horrors yet kabu extricating himself from her Embrace insisted on facing the reality of dungeons determined to explore them regardless of whether she imparted any knowledge to him his resolve brought the elf to tears understanding his determination she then promised him rigorous sword training hoping it might deter his Ambitions as training commenced kobu faced such grueling challenges that he felt on the brink of death when he eventually ventured into a dungeon he encountered not only only traps monsters and hostility but also endured extreme hunger and cold despite these hardships and reminiscing about the room where he could indulge in Endless cake kabu never once desired to return to that haven of comfort in the current moment kabu came to the realization that he and Captain mour had plummeted down the hole he pondered the events that transpired subsequently in M's whereabouts finding it peculiar that despite the considerable fall he sustained no injuries he was equally intrigued to discover a walking mushroom attached to his leg Mizer then made his presence known acknowledging kab's return to Consciousness with only a knife as his weapon kabu contemplated his ability to approach mour while evading potential teleportation spells mour mentioned that the Mad Sorcerers seem to have landed in a different location and suggested they proceed this proposal left Bru baffled curious about miser's nonchalant demeanor and whether this implied mour intended to spare his life kabru speculated on the reasons mour would include him in his plans concluding that regardless of miser's intentions this situation presented an opportune moment kabu contemplated sabotaging the canary squad's efforts to dominate the dungeon and aim to uncover the secrets that the long-lived races concealed all while acknowledging Mizer as the captain of the canary kabu contemplated the necessity of understanding Miss's character and identifying an approach to ingratiate himself with him noting that the canary Squad primarily consisted of individuals engaged in Forbidden Magics or offspring of nobility showcased as a gesture of falty to the nation he recognized the distinct marking of a notch in the ears of criminal members given M's status as a captain and the conspicuous absence of half of both ears kabu deduced he likely hailed from a prominent family estimating M's age to be around 180 and observing his lack of a discernible accent kabu surmised his Origins were in the central region however M's personality failed to Peak kab's Interest significantly absorbed in his thoughts kabu was caught off guard when Mizer halted suddenly alerting him to an imminent threat Mizer had spotted a shape shifter yet to detect their Pres and proposed a preemptive strike as Mizer made contact with the ground kabu found himself unexpectedly teleported directly in front of the shape shifter catching both him and the creature off guard M acknowledged his misim while kabu criticized the tactic of employing individuals as improvised projectiles upon the creatures growl and the subsequent rustling of leaves Mizer immediately recognized the predicament they faced shape shifters he explained craft duplicates by mining the memories of those nearby producing precise replicas cabu was both astonished and somewhat let down upon confronting his own duplicate deducing the shape shifter's main body had escaped implying the doubles would eventually dissipate kabu mused that mour seemingly lacked any genuine interest in him based on the unremarkable duplicates characteristics realizing the futility of remaining on high alert kabu relaxed his guard kab's attention was drawn to the shape shifter consuming something investigating further among the fallen leaves he discovered it was one of the Pixies used by the canaries for communication possibly having followed them into the depths murin then utilized the injured pixie to establish contact with Pat doll who expressed her relief upon learning of his safety inquiring about his location and condition M described their chilly surroundings and the pixie's critical State hinting at its imminent death Pat doll surmised they were below the sixth floor noting the Pit's self-re which would hinder rescue efforts her conversation paused as she pondered the fate of the individual responsible for Miss cern's fall but C Bru interjected indicating his continuous presence despite the obvious duplicates existence nearby Pat doll expressed her displeasure by labeling kabu a villain the pixie bothered by the loudness of her voice emphasized the urgency of their situation dismissing the need for further reprimands addressing cabu the pixie conveyed a significant request on behalf of Pat Dole given the anticipated weeklong delay before initiating a rescue operation for the captain she implored kabu to attend to M's daily Necessities placing particular emphasis on ensuring he received three meals a day she promised that fulfilling this Duty would mitigate the repercussions of the current predicament nonetheless she cautioned that should any harm befall the captain under his watch they would retaliate against his allies as a form of Retribution shortly thereafter the pixie ceased to function faced with the daunting task of catering to the captain's nutritional needs for an entire week kabu felt overwhelmed especially given his lack of culinary experience he was uncertain about procuring Food Supplies and was struck by the realization of his predicament recalling Loo's adaptive survival methods determined to avoid a similar fate he expressed a strong aversion to becoming like Leo preferring any alternative to that outcome with no choice left kabu detached the walking mushroom from his foot and skewered it on a stick he recalled Lao mentioning that the first Monster they consumed was a walking mushroom leading him to surmise it was safe to eat reluctantly he acknowledged that Loo's knowledge was crucial for their survival as he cooked the mushroom it began to sizzle and release juices an appearance kabu found unappetizing his desire to eat the mushroom remained absent kabu inquired if Captain Mizer possessed abilities to neutralize poison or perform Resurrection spells to which Mizer affirmed comforted by this assurance cabu stealed himself to confront the dungeons enigmas though with evident reluctance he sampled the mushroom he found its flavor lacking with a texture both tough and spongy and the release of liquid with each chew only added to his disdain nonetheless he managed to swallow it then reassured the captain of its edibility encouraging him to try it despite miser's declared lack of appetite mour acessing to taste it remarked on its toughness a sentiment cabu echoed to together they consumed the mushroom sharing the meager fair in their precarious situation kabu realized sustaining themselves for an entire week under such conditions was implausible he understood the necessity of finding both portable water and an alternative food source considering even Moss or rats as preferable to their current diet he expressed a desire to locate sustenance Beyond monsters curious about their miraculous survival from the fall kabu and fired with the captain who explained his use of teleportation to mitigate their descent by teleporting to The Identical spot in a vertically inverted posture he momentarily reversed their downward momentum while pondering this explanation kabu drifted into sleep dreaming of lao's proclaiming victory over the dungeon's Lord claiming ownership over everything kobu felt relieved his trust was well-placed anticipating that the dungeon's longc concealed secrets by the Elder races would soon be unveiled however Loo's shared plans Divergent from kyu's expectations expressing a desire to establish a monster Ranch and farm envisioning a kingdom ruled by monsters this Revelation stunned kabu especially loos's indifference towards humans and the dungeons Mysteries Leo's chosen path driven by a preference for consuming monsters indefinitely was starkly different from Cab's aspirations struggling to grasp the reality of his Dream kabu accused Lao of being a formidable adversary to humanity only to be abruptly awakened by a blow to the face disoriented he listened as Captain Mizer clarified he had been dreaming likely experiencing a nightmare kabu wondered when he had drifted off to sleep recalling a nightmare but unable to remember the details due to the sudden Awakening Mizer informed him that he had been asleep for a approximately 5 hours prompting kabu to offer to keep watch so Mizer could rest however Mizer declined claiming he wasn't tired which led cabu to admire his resilience suggesting they Scout the area for a water source the pair explored their surroundings and stumbled upon a relatively open space where cabu spotted a sleeping bag potentially left behind by adventurers who met their demise in the dungeon recognizing the names inscribed on it it cabu speculated about its Origins and whether it was linked to a tragic event involving lao's younger sister he proposed they make temporary use of the sleeping bag but upon turning to Mizer he observed the captain struggling to breathe before collapsing this sudden incapacitation left kabu in shock particularly when he discovered that his own body had unexpectedly become immobile leaving them unable to ascertain the cause of their Affliction prompted by urg kabu sought a place for concealment his attention captured by the sound of running water upon investigation they discovered a water source which along with a sleeping bag and a suitable hiding spot seemed eerily convenient unsettling kabu after assisting the captain to rest Mizer suggested that the dungeon had materialized these Provisions in response to kab's desires cautioning him against wishing too fervently kabu assessed miser's condition noting symptoms that suggested a depletion of Mana which struck him as peculiar for a magician of his caliber given the task he was charged with kabu suspected the captain's issues were more complex inquiring about M's Health he assured that understanding the problem would enable him to provide appropriate care Mizer acknowledging kabu curiosity worn such a trait could prove dangerous within the dungeon's confines yet cabu persistence led mour to disclose his past as a dungeon Lord paralleling the Mad sorcerer's history m recounted a mission from 40 years prior involving a dungeon near a port Town perceived as minimally threatening however contrary to expectations the dungeon claimed numerous members of their squad echoing the Calamity of utaya though on a smaller scale intrigued kabu inquired about miser's fate to which he responded with a Grim Revelation he was the sole survivor a remnant of the dungeons Feast Captain Mizer divulged the complexities surrounding a past expedition to a dungeon and the subsequent transformation of his body kabu appreciated Miss's willingness to share his story yet he found the narrative overly intricate Mizer recounted an assignment involving a canary Squad that included himself back when he was merely a rank and file member the squad featured Ed a diverse array of characters such as funil the Swift coyote The Clairvoyant Mike Ceda with Keen hearing Eugene mistl and the twins kabu overwhelmed by the multitude of characters requested a simplified recounting boiling it down to Mizer and his comrades while examining the equipment they had gathered kabu contemplated the grave implications of becoming a dungeon Lord as described by M determined to ensure the story was accurately documented he acknowledged the complexity of miser's account and his own need for clarity with a week until expected assistance kabu saw an opportunity to unravel the story's intricacies questioning miser's ability to sleep he learned that Miser required medication for rest M offered to teach kabu a sleep spell but kabu declined probing further about miser's relaxation methods despite discern skepticism kabu encouraged him to attempt natural rest adjusting his blanket and assisting with his boots to create a more comfortable environment for sleep although Captain mour dismissed the efforts as feudal kabu noticed his feet were cold and his muscle stiff he suggested massaging them to enhance circulation a notion Mizer doubted would induce sleep contrary to Miss's expectations the effort proved effective and he fell asleep Brew reflected on the unlikely scenario of Performing such a task for Lao and his companions finding it difficult to reconcile with his prior experiences observing Mizer and Repose kabu contemplated the captain's past envisioning him with intact ears and Silver Eyes emanating the demeanor of a distinguished young man from a reputable family despite his Noble Origins Mizer remained humble and was evidently cherished by his Squad the transformation he underwent emerging as someone detached from desires including those essential for survival marked a profound change this alteration left him dependent on others for basic needs as he lacked even the fundamental cravings for sustenance or rest kabu pondered the implications of M's condition particularly how it affected his basic physiological needs abruptly waking Mizer kabu inquired about his last visit to the restaurant room despite M expressing no immediate need kabu insisted on addressing this necessity prioritizing miser's well-being amidst their challenging circumstances rather than referring to his actions as caring for Captain Mizer kabu liken his role to that of a nurse 3 days post their descent kabu procured a sheep however during their expedition mour depleted his Mana reserves and lost Consciousness while attempting to gather the sheep and snared in a tree they found themselves encircled by Wolves kabu braced for the worst but they miraculously evaded the Wolves through the use of teleportation magic afterwards kabu contemplated offering Mizer a pleasant meal yet M's absence of desires complicated this intention eliminating even the basic preference for food delving back into M's history kabu recounted an encounter with a magical mirror deep within the dungeon capable of ens snaring the hearts of those who viewed it by reflecting their innermost desires Mizer typically indifferent to such enchantments was unexpectedly captivated by a vision of his older brother dining with the person Mizer cherished this Revelation struck Mizer deeply highlighting a love opportunity missed due to his commitment to the canary Squad in place of his brother kabu recognized the manipulation inherent in exploiting unrequited love narratives a tactic effective across all Races in a state of Fury Mizer destroyed the mirror from which emerged a goat that proposed an alternate reality where mour had not enlisted with the canaries implying a life spent with his beloved was still attainable upon contact with the goat mour harbored a new found yearning for the life he had forsaken by joining the canaries upon Awakening Captain Mizer was greeted by kabu who recounted his attempt at pairing the Sheep they had acquired drawing upon childhood memories for guidance however he observed notable discrepancies in the creatures Anatomy compared to typical sheep encountering difficulty with the unfamiliar internal organs and unexpectedly soft bones complicating the separation of edible parts Mizer discerned Cab's intention to create a lamb stew a dish cabu mentioned was a favorite of his mothers though he admitted to lacking several essential ingredients Brew served the stew expressing his anticipation for the meal reminiscent of comfort food he hadn't savored in some time offering a portion to Mizer with the hope he would enjoy the flavor they both embarked on tasting the stew surprisingly they discovered it bore a distinct resemblance to Crab in taste for days into their ordeal kabu acknowledged the perplexity of their situation noting his typically reliable sense of direction seemed to falter leading them to increasingly unfamiliar locals the more they attempted to retrace their steps he expressed concern over whether the rescue team would manage to locate them amidst their constant movement Captain mour reassured him that fley familiar would find them assuming it wasn't prayed upon by dungeon Dennison kabu pondered which scenario posed a greater risk The Familiar being consumed by monsters or facing such a fate themselves in an effort to elude an aggressive creature they inadvertently stumbled through a circle of changeling mushrooms which impacted their pursuer and allowed mour an opportunity to counter attack striking it on the head M's attempt to dispatch the creature into a wall via teleportation missed its Mark leaving its return uncertain and beyond their control prompting a decision to press forward kabu observed that no matter their chosen path their surroundings grew increasingly bewildering as Mizer struggled to his feet and inspect Ed their environment he discovered and activated a hidden passageway theorizing the presence of secret routes in such a meticulously designed area cabu speculated that M's acute navigational instincts might be a lingering attribute from his tenure As a Dungeon Lord in a chapter detailing Captain M's past a transformative encounter with a goat embodying the dungeon Lord's ability to fulfill desires is recounted Mizer found himself in a village reminiscent of his hometown where he led an idilic existence surrounded by friends and loved ones enjoying unparalleled contentment within the dungeon's confines yet as he endeavored to address the emerging issues within his domain the dungeon's conditions worsened with monsters becoming increasingly prevalent and its layout more Labyrinth and the Goat drawing strength from each wish it granted mour inadvertently caused his companions to vanish one by one and Miz perceived his own life forc diminishing amidst his declining Health the goat reappeared aggressively feasting on Mizer an act that horrified him despite his pleas for cessation Mizer found himself transported to a realm inhabited by his friends who deliberated over his fate given the depletion of his will to live including his very desire for existence faced with his imminent demise Mizer inquire quired about the goat's whereabouts only to learn from the elf that the demon had vanished lacking the sustenance required to fully Empower itself M's muttered vow of Vengeance caught the elf's attention inspiring her to save him despite the others reservations she reassured them of the absence of any Peril from that moment M's life became singularly focused on the pursuit of demons a quest he undertook despite the absence of any personal desires his existence transformed into a Relentless campaign against the Demonic forces that had once sought to consume him returning to the present kobu sought Captain M's opinion on his rendition of M's narrative asking if he had captured the essence of it mour pointed out that kabu had inaccurately represented several nuances to which kabu confessed he simplified elements for easier understanding suspecting M wouldn't appreciate an elaborate Exposition on elvin's societal structure kabu acknowledged his struggle with the complexity of such intricate personal Dynamics Mizer intrigued by kab's use of him surmised kabu intended to share the tale with someone else likely an individual nearing the dungeon's conquest he probed further about this person's character and the motivations driving their dungeon Expedition questioning whether kabu believed the story would deter their Quest convinced it wouldn't kabu asserted the necess necessity of venturing deeper into the dungeon emphasizing the dungeons Allure to those with potent desires essentially the demon at Harbors reflecting on the demon from miser's past kabu noted its striking similarity to entities depicted in Legends suggesting a profound connection between Miss's personal adversary and the archetypal Demons of folklore in their pursuit of creating a perpetual motion machine ancient civilizations inadvertently open opened a portal to a dimension where Infinity rained this Gateway allowed them to harness Boundless Energy yet it also Unleashed entities from that realm into theirs these entities known as demons developed an insatiable appetite for human desires initially weak these beings gained strength by feasting on the desires of people leading to the demise of those who were consumed to curb the free passage of demons through the gate and protect the surface world the Ancients constructed dungeons as a barrier kabu queried if ancient magic involved rituals to summon these demons and why such knowledge was obscured by the elves the captain explained that awareness of demons wouldn't prevent individuals from attempting to conjure them highlighting the Peril posed by the Demon's ability to fulfill any wish particularly to those in Authority this capability could lead to catastrophic consequences despite reservations the ancient continued to satiate the demons with human desires a practice that ultimately led to their downfall presently demons employ various strategies to entice individuals into dungeons specifically targeting those with intense desires to become dungeon Lords by fulfilling their wishes demons provoke even greater desires should a demon consume sufficient desires and a mass power it is poised to breach the dungeons confines and unleash Havoc on the world the captain elucidated that paradoxically individuals yearning for material gains such as wealth and fame are deemed less hazardous as such commonplace desires scarcely suffice to satiate a demon's appetite the real issue arises when someone Harbors intricate aspirations akin to thistles and ascends to the role of dungeon Lord prompted by the captain's inquiry about the individual kabu mentioned kabu deliberated before revealing that this person's primary motivation was the rescue of his sister coupled with a profound fascination with monsters kabu expressed concern over the potential repercussions should someone of this disposition become a dungeon Lord however his apprehension was interrupted by the captain's suggestion that preemptive measures specifically eliminating the individual might be necessary to avert such an outcome 5 days following their descent they found themselves at the entrance to the area beyond the sixth floor kabu struggled to open the gate feeling the surge of magic within it upon contact having awakened in an Elvin form kabu initially felt despair at the racial transformation but soon found the experience intriguing pondering the permanence of their Altered States Captain Mizer now in a human form warned that if left untreated they would eventually become covered in mushrooms losing their identity the solution involved eradicating all spores from their bodies to prevent the transformation into mushroom beings leading them to bathe during the bath kabu observed the captain's notably robust physique and inquired if he had missed any spots while cleaning despite M's assurance that he had removed all spores a mushroom sprouted on his head prompting kabu to question the necessity of M's deception 6 days into their ordeal the sound of flapping wings roused them from sleep a upon opening the door Captain mour was greeted by a bird delivering a scroll of teleportation which he promptly affixed to the wall before casting a spell summoning an elf this elf commented on M cern's unusually lustrous hair questioning whether kabaru had been taking care of him adequately soon a disturbance was noted stemming from Pat Do's decision to summon all standby comrades to their location prompting a temporary closure of the portal merely five 5 minutes later another elf materialized expressing Joy upon reuniting with Miz however kabu interjected eager to ensure the safety of his own friends consequently namari and S were presented aligning with cabu anticipation though he surmised the rest of his group might have been preoccupied with other matters as Mizer stepped through the teleportation scroll a jarring sound of ringing Afflicted everyone present this disruption was identified as loos's action utilizing the Bell s had provided to guide a zami through the gate s offered an apology prompting kabaru to scan their surroundings querying whether others detected the sound of a distinct Bell indicating lao's proximity Mizer inquired if Lao was the individual previously mentioned by kabaru urging Mizer to expedite his departure the elf showed concern for kab's next course of action Bru fascination with Lio originated from an inability to discern lao's motivations for adventuring given his apparent disinterest in wealth fame or interpersonal connections which initially unnerved kabu discovering Leo's simple affection for Monsters brought a sense of relief to kabu yet he now harbored apprehensions opting against returning to the surface kabu expressed a desire to delve further into the dungeon and sought another encounter with loo as the elves accessed the transportation scroll Mizer elected to accompany kabaru leaving the elves astonished by his decision one elf issued orders to mobilize and pursue Mur kabu was keen on a reunion driven by a need to confront and understand his actions more thoroughly
Channel: Onii-Chan
Views: 11,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dungeon Meshi Manga Recap, Dungeon Meshi Manga Chapters, Dungeon Meshi Review, Dungeon Meshi Stories, Dungeon Meshi Summary, Dungeon Meshi Story Arc, Dungeon Meshi Complete Story, Delicious in Dungeon Manga Arc, Delicious in Dungeon Story Explained, Delicious in Dungeon Manga Analysis, Delicious in Dungeon Canaries, Dungeon Meshi Dwarf City Ruins Arc, Dungeon Meshi Mithrun The Canaries, The COMPLETE Dungeon Meshi 'Dwarf City Ruins Arc' Explained, Dungeon Meshi Winged Lion
Id: hp7wtku9DVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 16sec (5596 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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