The COMPLETE Sousou no Frieren 'Goddess's Monument Arc' Explained

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after the events in El Dorado you might think that the series would take a break from greatness for a bit but no so Soo freen stands out from the rest delivering one Peak Arc after another in this video we're going to explore another Amazing Story featuring an epic reunion allowing us to delve deeper into the legendary hero party let's get started 31 years have passed since the death of the hero Himel frian and her companions are currently traversing the Ernst region in the northern plateau during their Journey Stark comments on the cold weather while Fern spots a farm Village ahead questioning the potential dangers of monster attacks fan clarifies that the Ernst region known for its tranquility and wellestablished highways rarely Witnesses ferocious monster activities making it a vital link between the northern plateau and the Empire situated beyond the mountain pass she elaborates on the empire being the largest among the northern countries boasting a formidable army ensuring in a safe passage for their current Expedition Stark realizing they are about to leave the northern Plateau recalls their perilous encounters with Dragons expressing amazement at his own Survival despite such threats upon nearing The Village feran suggests finding lodging for the night with Stark anticipating a hearty meal however their hopes are dashed by the disappointing quality of the bread sered despite the Empire's proximity they surmise the distribution of goods remains limited and L woman then approaches them inquiring about their capabilities and explaining The Village's plight crops and livestock are being decimated by an iron-like monster impervious to their attacks she notes that fortunately the creature hasn't harmed any villagers a fact that has deterred the Empire's Army from intervening Fen acknowledges the Empire's predicament while the region is generally safe the northern Plateau Harbors numerous menacing monsters threatening the Empire's borders justifying the Rel reluctance to disperse their forces Stark wonders if assistance from the shavar order of Norm has been sought fan disclosed that the Ernst region falls under the significant influence of the Empire noting that the sharc order of Norm as the military force of the northern Plateau must tread cautiously in its involvement Fern sought clarification regarding their location within the northern Plateau to which feran responded explaining the Region's ambiguous sovereignty due to its position at a cultural Crossroad frequented by diverse Travelers this complexity hampers diplomatic efforts from both the Empire and the chalc order consequently feran communicated to the elderly woman their willingness to address the request contingent upon a reward such as grimoire or similar valuables being offered by The Village the elderly woman then guided them through the village revealing that it lacked notable grimor however feran was captivated by the magic of a flying paper airplane Pro ly agreeing to the task that evening they stationed themselves in a nearby undamaged Field where Stark lamented the cold weather their vigilance was rewarded when the entity in question finally emerged fan quickly discerned that the creature was not a monster but a Golem from the era of the unified empire known for its dominance over the continent of Millennium prior Stark recognizing the historical significance questioned the Golem's operational status fan attributed its activation to the techn ological Zenith achieved during the reign of the great Mage flam cautioning that if it's build for military it could pose a significant challenge their curiosity peaked upon observing the Golem's interaction with the crops leading to Fan's realization of its true purpose despite Stark's concerns for safety fan approached the Golem which inquired about her request she observed that its ingredient collection basket was damaged preventing it from advancing to the subsequent task fan identified it as a culinary Golem puzzled by its reanimation and deduced it was persistently attempting to fulfill a culinary request made long ago in a flashback fan recalls a conversation with flam where she remarks on the unusualness of creating Golems for non-w Warfare purposes flam counters that such Golems would be indispensable in maintaining order in a peaceful world this prompts feren to ponder the arrival of such tranquil days with flam expressing confidence that feran would witness them returning to the present feran instructs the Golem to Halt its operations to which it complies the elderly woman acknowledges the cause of their troubles as an ancient Golem's doing fan suggests she informed the empire about the Golem so that it can be appropriately repurposed and managed the woman expresses her gratitude relieved that their crops will no longer suffer departing Freer in experiments with the flying paper airplane magic eliciting admiration from Stark as they Traverse the WIS and Mountain pass Stark observes their high altitude Fern comments on the challenging nature of their Journey so far they soon meet a herbalist from a nearby Village who noticing their are Mages inquires if they possess the ability to fly Fen confirms they can to a certain degree prompting the herbalist to request their assistance he guides them to his village to show them A peculiar tree fruit which Fern identifies as similar to those found in the southern countries though its size and texture differ for its resemblance to fruits from cooler regions the herbalist having worked there for three decades States he's never seen such a fruit before it was reportedly found in a nearby Forest after supposedly falling from the sky a theory supported by the absence of any bite marks typically left by birds he recounts similar mysterious occurrences from his grandfather's time remaining unsolved to this day the villagers having discovered the fruits leaves possessed medicinal properties are eager for answers hoping it could benefit many the herbalist offers a magical potion as a reward for their help fen's party then canvases The Village gathering information from residents of various ages during their inquiry Fern notes the persistent cloudiness of the sky Fen explains that the mountain passes in the area disrupt their currents leading to unstable weather and making any Hasty aerial investigation risky due to the pronounced effect of winds at higher altitudes some villagers recount seeing Dragon Shadows on clear days which Stark finds unsurprising given the northern plateau's proximity pondering this information frein decides they should secure lodging and awaited day with clearer Skies optimistic about uncovering something fascinating upon the clearing of the Skies they beheld the site that the villagers had described the dragon was soaring at such a high altitude that their Mana detection failed to reach it leading start to speculate on its immense size frian along with fern who carried Stark pursued the dragon identified as a sky range Dragon reputed to exist for Ians fer and mused on their Fortune as such massive dragons rarely descend low enough to be within reach of flight magic she noted these dragons peaceful nature and tendency to live their entire lives in the skies descending to the ground only upon death their backs often cloaked in unique vegetation not found on the ground create isolated ecosystems that have remained Untouched by the outside world for Millennia fan recalled the herbalist request and gathered numerous plant seeds and tree fruits for him reflecting on a past conversation with Himel who had expressed a desire to see a sky range Dragon up close feran had then dismissed the idea of an island on a dragon's back as mere speculation citing Humanity's inability to fly is the reason such claims remained unverified himl however had optimistically suggested that feran might one day reach a sky range Dragon's Back returning to the herbalist Laden with their findings his gratitude was palpable as a long-standing mystery was unraveled he pledged to analyze the medicinal properties of the tree fruit they collected hopeful it could benefit people with their task completed frian and her companions departed on their journey to The Kino Mountain Pass they encountered a large gate marking the entrance necessitating a weight of approximately 3 weeks for immigration inspections following the downfall of mocked of El Dorado the fortified city of Weiss saw a partial return to functionality contributing to improved public order across the northern plateau and easing the movement for merchants and adventurers alike the scarcity of personnel for immigration inspections a byproduct of the traditional preference for sea entry over Passage through the northern plateaus left Stark and fern amidst the ensuing bureaucratic turmoil searching for ways to buy their time fan proposed a visit to a goddess Monument a site familiar to Fern through haider's readings she explained that the goddess bequeathed 10 such monuments across the continent each infused with her magic which fer and aspired to decode Fern mentioned the long-standing mystery surrounding these monuments their magic remaining undeciphered Stark wary of the time it might take expressed his reluctance to wait indefinitely prompting Freer into deetic condition if she failed to decipher The Monument's Magic by the time the immigration inspections concluded she would forego further attempts she reminisced about a previous encounter with one of The Monuments during their quest to defeat the demon king which despite 3 days and nights of Investigation remained inscrutable with her memories of the examination fading within a week Stark questioned the monument safety to Which F acknowledged the challenging journey ahead undeterred they proceeded interspersing their travel with rest and training upon their arrival they discovered the monument in Ruins yet still emanating Magic fan identified some inscriptions at its base previously unnoticed referencing fiala a name from the scriptures associated with the time traveling bird acknowledging her limited familiarity with the scriptures feran initiated her analysis only to be unexpectedly transported back in time finding the monument hle and her former companions including Himel inquiring about her progress startled by this sudden shift fan verified the authenticity of her surroundings by pinching him an who confirmed his age is 23 hydr jestingly suggested Freer might still be half asleep again this occurred 53 years prior to Hero himmel's passing and seven years following the commencement of the hero party's Quest Himel indicates its time for their return and Haider intrigued by their navigational method learns from Himel that he marked each tree they passed earning eisen's admiration frian however is puzzled by the event realizing it wasn't an illusion but a genuine leap back in time challenging the principle of irreversibility she recognizes the significance of the Kino Mountain Pass from 80 years prior and grapples with the implications of her time travel especially the potential consequences on history and the existence of Fern and Stark opting for caution she decides against sharing her experience with her companions noticing Fan's preoccupation Himel and Haider assume she's upset about the unsuccessful Monument analysis Haider expresses his disappointment scolding feran for her detours and suggesting she might be better suited to a different party prompting an uncharacteristic apology from frian which surprises eizen and Himel haider's attempt to console her with candy which she refuses leads himl the comment on haer's Indulgence their disorientation despite him's markers prompts a suggestion from frieren to use detection magic for guidance but she quickly proposes aerial search as a faster alternative forgetting that flight magic was not yet known this slip up makes her realize the need for even greater caution in using magic lamenting the inconvenience this precaution brings upon emerging they stumbled upon deceased soldiers leading himl to question the scene before them Hyder observed these were likely Imperial Soldiers the scene suggesting they met their end falling from the sky abruptly a figure appeared behind them catching their attention himl readed for combat as the newcomer addressed frieren I didn't ifying her interaction with the goddess Monument as the cause of the temporal disruption confused by his words himl found dialogue feudal with the demon who identified himself as zart a servant to Grom one of the seven sages of destruction after himl introduced himself he immediately attacked zart who commended himmel's agility but vanished reappearing beside ferin and making physical contact resulting in her sudden levitation frian caught in the air reflected on the stark contrast between demon and human magic with demon magic often described as Fantastical even to season Mages she found herself and snared in what seemed like a fable come to life facing spatial teleportation a concept yet to be validated within human magical Theory Himel observing frean suspended above showed concern frein contemplated the lethal potential of zarts magic recognizing his ability to exploit the absence of flight magic among the people of that era to dispatch them through through a fall without prior knowledge of zart from her journey with the hero party and observing himmel's distress she felt constrained by her current inability to wield magic freely pondering how to navigate their precarious predicament feran recognized the critical importance of ensuring no Advanced magical Knowledge from the future falls into the Demon King Army's hands she understood that even the slightest Advantage could potentially alter history by advancing the Army's magical capabilities on the ground zart predicted Ed that Fan's descent would conclude in approximately a minute likening the situation to taking a hostage he demanded the disarmament of her companions falsely promising Fan's safety in exchange Himel aware of zarts Deceit yet desperate to save frieren reluctantly compli by discarding their weapons zart puzzled by their compliance underestimated the depth of human solidarity a concept alien to Demons unexpectedly feran launched an attack from midair catching zard off guard himl seize this moment to denounce any further negotiation attacking zart with renewed Vigor zart marveled at Fan's ability to conduct such precise offensive Maneuvers while in freef Fall frean critiqued the ear's sluggish magic lamenting the absence of soul track which could have swiftly ended the confrontation zark questioned the feasibility of such Precision without Flight Training as her companions retrieved their arms and joined The Fray fan calculating the necessity to counteract her Falls momentum to avoid a fatal Landing expertly managed her Mana for a controlled touchdown reuniting with her group for the combat zard acknowledged the unexpected challenge recognizing himmel's insight into his inability to use spatial transference without physical contact he was intrigued by himmel's audacity to confront him so boldly questioning whether fear was a concept unknown to him despite the risk of zarts touch himl engaged him effortlessly bolstered by Fan's remarkably precise fire as though she anticipated his every move himmel amused noted this tactic was uncharacteristic of fen's usual combat style a combined effort from eizen and himl delivered a significant blow to zart who remained unfaced fan urgently warned against allowing zart to contact the cliff but it was too late zart demonstrated his formidable Power by levitating a massive section of the cliff surprising frien with the extent of his ability the group notably mom faced the looming threat Himel expressed confidence in frein believing she concealed magic capable of averting their dire situation taken aback by his Insight fan found herself at a loss for words confirming him's suspicions of her hidden potential himmel's unwavering trust in feren prompted him to encourage her Reliance on them in return faced with inevitable destruction Fen resolved to deploy her magic extracting a promise of Silence from her companions regarding the fourth coming spectacle despite eisen's light-hearted remark on the gravity of her request they agreed as Freer and prepared her countermeasure zart sensed an anomaly with no alternative but to eliminate zart to conceal her actions frier and Unleashed a devastating strike shattering the floating Cliff fragment and bewildering zart with the unprecedented power of her magic realizing the implications of her abilities zard acknowledged Fan's origin from the future just before she executed a final fatal attack with the battle concluded Himel eizen and Haider observed From Below marveling at Fan's formidable talents including her flight Himel with a smile recognized the unfolding events as a fascinating twist in their Journey gathered around the bonfire that evening Himel sought an explanation from frien initially speechless she eventually disclosed her origin from 80 years in the future a revelation that surprisingly her companions accepted without skepticism Haider remarked that after witnessing her extraordinary magic disbelief was out of the question Himel added that Fan's unusual behavior had also hinted at something extraordinary the following day as they journeyed hder pondered whether they had succeeded in defeating the Demon King fur and silence prompted himl to state that the outcome was irrelevant countering haider's argument that the demon Kings reign over Millenia and the ongoing battle were of historical significance Eisen concurred citing the hero of the South's failure is evidence Hider questioned the state of the war in Fan's future but himl interrupted emphasizing their commitment to the fight regardless of future outcomes a sentiment that Haider appreciated while taking a break himl inquired if feran knew their way back she confessed her uncertainty having assumed touching the goddess Monument again would return her to her time however she couldn't even grasp its magical framework heer acknowledged the Mysteries surrounding the goddess's magic suggesting they search for a return method they decided to explore a nearby town with a Mage Guild and church for leads but their inquiries yielded nothing even after visiting every establishment and Hider indulging in drinking back at the end a slightly inebriated Hider lamented that ultimately they hadn't uncovered anything useful meanwhile eizen who had been training speculated that perhaps there were simply no leads to be found himl proposed they might be in for a lengthy endeavor to which feran apologized for involving them in her predicament Kimmel reassured her arguing that grand challenges were more thrilling hder teased himl for his earnestness while Eisen labeled him a Deeter fanatic this reminded fan of him's true nature that night they probed for information at the end speaking to every Patron himl later apologized for accepting a guard Duty request for a merchant prompting Eisen to just about himmel's pinent for diversion as they continued their Journey himl pondered the distant future with Hider musing about their absence from it during their Journey himl took on an escort task for which the man expressed gratitude Fen showed understanding towards this detour recognizing the northern plateau's notorious reputation for Monster activity and the necessity of their escort role although she admitted she would typically bypass such requests Haider was unsurprised by her inclination he pondered if feran planned to continue her travels in the future prompting Eisen to inquire about her reasons for traveling and if she had any companions feran remained silent to avoid influencing the future a caution Hider found prudent however she commended Haider and Eisen for their commendable performance leaving them puzzled but pleased by her positive feedback when himl sought her opinion on him feran warmly described him as a beacon of light a comment that made himl reflect on his efforts to immortalize himself through statues despite haider's plea for moderation in this vanity as they ventured on the group sensed an imminent threat quickly confirmed by Fan's Mana detection they encountered monsters armed for combat reflecting a strategic understanding of human Warfare which Haider found particularly vexing about Northern Plateau adversaries himl coordinated their defense assigning frein to support him while haer managed the wagon safety unexpectedly they faced an ambush but Eisen bravely countered the rear attackers showcasing remarkable resilience his unwavering stance reassured Himel of eisen's reliability enhancing their group's Effectiveness against the assault following the successful defense the man commended their prowess acknowledging his safe passage owed to their intervention in the aftermath hyder's inspection revealed Eisen remarkably inscathed a testament to his formidable endurance reminiscent of past experiences for Freer himl acknowledged the pivotal role of eisen's sturdiness in their Collective safety and lauded Freer and for her pivotal role in their strategy a concept now second nature to her through the Learned tactics from her time with the party heer's curiosity about eisen's resilience drew a simple yet profound attribution to Spirit inspiring himl to strive for Greater Heights in their ongoing Endeavors on their Quest the hero party visited a village to seek information only to find the goddess's stone monument there inh helpful leading himl to remark on their fruitless Endeavor Eisen commented on their seemingly aimless Pursuit which led feran to apologize for the inconvenience however himl reassured her finding enjoyment in these detours a sentiment echoed by haider's teasing acknowledgement of himmel's pinion for side quests Eisen expressed frustration at the scarcity of Clues to which Haider pointed out the ancient origin of The goddess's Monuments and the inherent difficulty in deciphering any existing information about them Himel expressed a wish for written records prompting Freer in to note the fragility of paper and its propensity for deterioration which has led to the loss of many valuable gmor Haider suggested that a monastery might hold some written records explaining that monks meticulously copy manuscripts to preserve old literature and myths for future Generations upon inquiry at a village church they learned of a remote Monastery difficult to access due to its precarious location on a Cliff's Edge reflecting the Monk's aesthetic lifestyle and their practice of self-denial himl proposes that Freer and employe her flight magic but she declines citing the risk of being observed consequently himl concludes that climbing is their only option despite the challenging path including a log bridge and a steep Cliff the party remained undeterred with Himel and eyes in embracing the adventure as a thrilling challenge though Haider was less infused during their Ascent Haider reflected on his and him's childhood acknowledging himmel's unyielding optimism and his own skepticism especially regarding the daunting task of defeating the Demon King despite his doubts Haider affirmed his unwavering support for himl believing in his potential to bring about peace ultimately their visit to the monastery yielded no new insights but himl remained unfaced eager to continue their Journey frian questioned his ceaseless optimism which only amused Haider further highlighting the dynamic and resilient Spirit of the hero party as they pressed on with their mission before leaving the monastery they made one final attempt to gather information about the goddess's monument the monk informed them that without any leads in the library there wasn't much more he could offer that evening around the campfire Haider acknowledged their only option was to persist in their search himl proposed visiting the ancient settlements across the northern Plateau hoping to unearth something from their Legends and oral histories haer concurred suggesting a thorough exploration of those Villages might reveal useful insights Eisen enthusiastic about the phys physical aspect of their Quest was gently reminded by Haider that their Journey required more than just literal leg work yet feran pointed out the importance of stamina noting the northern Plateau settlements are often situated in challenging locations due to monster threats on cliffs in Canyons on Lake Islands or within caves she inquired if such rugged living conditions were common for dwarfs Eisen clarified that despite many dwarves working as Miners and Smiths the gener L reside on the surface for the simple pleasure of waking to sunlight as they prepared to visit various secluded Villages hder looked forward to sampling local Bruce spurred on by himmel's reminder of the diverse alcoholic beverages awaiting him Eisen jokingly admitted his motivations were primarily for the alcohol earning him the label of corrupt priest from frieren upon arrival at a village they dispers to question the locals but a day's effort yielded no relevant Legends or lore meanwhile Hider having spent the day in a Tavern drunkenly claimed he was conducting his inquiries through the bartender initially the bartender had no information to offer but as they were about to leave he recalled overhearing adventurers long ago discussing the ruins of a city hidden deep in the woods to the South a remnant of the age of the unified empire according to the bartender the ruins had a Cathedral at their Center which might still house ancient Toms Himel intrigued confirmed whether this tip came from adventurers to which the bartender responded affirmatively though he cautioned that those adventurers never returned from their Venture into the ruins Guided by the bartenders directions the group located the cathedral a site that unnerved Himel at the prospect of a once bustling town now in Ruins Haider appeared uneasy but himl reassured him of his importance to their mission despite haider's discomfort himl inquired of feran regarding her Mana detections findings to which she responded that further use of it is unne necessary pointing instead to the Bell Tower's occupant an Abyssal Dragon recognized as the most formidable Dragon species in the northern Plateau she surmised the dragon had claimed the ruins as its territory explaining the lack of other monsters within her magic detection range aware that confronting the dragon could draw it directly to them due to her Mana the group was soon under attack thanks to Fan's timely defensive magic they were spared from the dragon's powerful Onslaught himl quickly devised a strategy for them to engage the dragon with eyes in drawing its attention himself and Freer and attacking from the sides and Hider providing support their coordinated effort led to a hard-fought victory despite himmel's injury and haer's queasiness the group celebrated their teamwork with himl acknowledging the collective effort behind their success Haider attended to himmel's wound half jokingly warning him against vomiting on him reflecting on the battle feran observed the unchanged Dynamics within the group postconflict himl inquired about Fan's well-being to which she responded that he remained unchanged while she had gained new insights through her experiences including the advancement of magic techniques and her mentorship of an apprentice Himel found the news of her Apprentice encouraging their exploration of the cathedral however led feran into a mimic trap causing himl to retract his earlier compliment about her insightfulness humorously questioning whether they should leave her ins snared upon their departure Haider lamented their lack of findings despite their efforts with Eisen concurring that their Endeavors seemed fruitless Himel however pointed out that by defeating the Abyssal Dragon they contributed to the Region's Journey towards peace thus their efforts were not wasted the group concurred and Himel expressed eagerness to proceed to the next Village as they journeyed on encountering new faces and acquiring further insights about the goddess's monument they arrived at a recently established Village there they encountered a man who directed them to someone with potential knowledge on their Quest he mentioned Kel a dwarf blacksmith over a century old as a likely source of information upon meeting him Kel expressed disappointment at their lack of formal introduction after himl introduced himself Keel welcomed him into his home intrigued by himmel's reputation he mentioned that Tales of Hope concerning Himel had spread far and wide particularly in the north where the devastation caused by the demon Army was most severe heel acknowledged him's achievements in forcing or of the guillotine troops to retreat and defeating Bose the imortal noting that him's bravery was well known throughout the village he even suggested that some consider himl the greatest hero of all time Himel modestly dismissed the praise stating he wasn't as remarkable as suggested hder cautioned Kel not to overpraise Himel fearing it might inflate his ego frean then shifted the conversation to their quest for information on the goddess's Monument Keel admitted his ignorance on the subject but recalled that the chief's house in his former Village housed several books on the topic which might still be there grateful for the lead fan thanked him and Haider inquired about The Village's location in exchange for directions Kel asked to examine himl sword himl willingly obliged revealing it was a replica a fact Kel was aware of he recounted an early Commission in his blacksmithing career from a merchant Desiring a replica of the hero's sword Himel explained he acquired the sword from a traitor as compensation for Monster extermination astonished by the sword's journey Kel offered himl a more fitting blade just as kizel was about to retrieve it himl intervened Kel reassured him stating he would not ask for payment the sword would be a gift of appreciation he shared that when he forged the sword meant to mimic a hero's weapon he envisioned it as a collector's item never imagining it would accompany a genuine Hero on his adventures The Sword in Kel's eyes had gained a new significance glowing with the Valor of its Bearer grateful Kel expressed his thanks to himl for enriching the blade with such a story Journey yet himl regarded the sword as more than a tool it was his ally in the Quest for Peace acknowledging himmel's bond with the sword Kel instead offered to enhance its Edge allowing it to continue serving its Noble purpose while kisel honed himmel's blade he directed them to his former village now overrun by by monsters undeterred himl saw this as another opportunity to contribute to peace they encountered monsters upon arrival but himl remained undaunted viewing each challenge as a step towards a peaceful world wielding the sword that had been by his side through many battles confronted by an overwhelming number of monsters they were forced to flee with Hider bearing eisen's weight and himl carrying Freer hder questioned himmel's change in strategy recalling his earlier enthusiasm him explained that the sheer number of monsters they were facing was abnormal even for a monster Nest urging haer to concentrate on their escape rather than conversation frian alerted them to an imminent threat as a dragon swooped down seizing Eisen before releasing him from a great height despite the urgency they pressed on with feren assuring the group that eisen's fall wouldn't harm him their primary concern should be their own safety haer expressed doubts about their ability to continue evading their pursuers prompting himl to admit that their only option was to run as swiftly as possible hder lamented himmel's tendency to rely on sheer willpower eventually they managed to escape their pursuers and regrouped with eizen who was contemplating the futility of a direct confrontation himl concurred praising the Strategic alignment within their group Haider echoed this sentiment leading himl to propose a stealthy approach as a new tactic frian noted that the monsters did not seem to detect their Mana suggesting that a avoiding detection could be their key to success reminiscing about past escapades himl recalled relying on Hider stealth magic during their Adventures upon their arrival at the Village Himel strategized for them to enter stealthily from the rear Haider suggested moving between buildings to avoid detection by the monsters as they maneuvered carefully avoiding any attention feran spotted the same dragon from before lurking near the mayor's house prompting them to take shelter inside despite being separated from Freer and Eisen himl expressed confidence in their safety hder speculated that the duo might decide to break through the siege given their objectives proximity reflecting on their current hideouts resemblance to an orphanage himl reminisced about their childhood he playfully reminded Haider of his early days as a stubborn yet caring figure among their peers serving as the group's mediator himl revealed that Haider was the first to hear of his heroic aspirations despite initial skepticism Haider expressing remorse for his past doubts acknowledged his error in underestimating him's resolve affirming their deep friendship and mutual respect Himel credited his motivation to prove haider's skepticism wrong as a driving force behind his journey appreciating haider's current support their conversation was interrupted by a disturbance outside signaling ferin and eisen's engagement with the dragon joining the fry they managed to fend off the dragon gaining access to the library Isen voiced his hope for this discovery to Mark the end of their fruitless search inside fan identified a document related to the goddess Monument igniting a sense of genuine Adventure among the group as himl enthusiastically noted feran revealed that the spell needed for her return is mentioned in the chapter about the time-traveling bird within the scriptures Eisen suggested simply casting the spell but Haider explained that the magic of the Goddess isn't explicitly detailed in the Holy texts instead these scriptures offer summaries of myths from ancient times and document the teachings of the Goddess Eisen under the impression that priests learned the goddess's magic directly from these texts was corrected by Haider who clarified that while true to an extent the mythical narratives are encoded in cryptic texts these encrypted passages serve as guides to utilizing the goddess's Spells Haider further explained that deciphering the holy scriptures has been a lengthy process resulting in the discovery of the goddess's magic this was made possible by the efforts of past Saints allowing priests in the present day to wield this Divine magic despite ongoing efforts the majority of the goddess's magic remains a mystery with current research indicating that only a fraction about 3% of her total magic has been decoded recent significant breakthroughs include the discovery of the three Spears of the Goddess from The Great Fire of condemnation chapter and an Awakening spell from The Paradise in heaven and on Earth chapter himl then inferred that the spell Freer needs must be encoded within the time traveling Bird chapter however hder acknowledged that deciphering such a spell depends on its complexity unraveling the text to uncover one of the goddess's Spells typically requires decades with some of the more challenging ones taking centuries spanning multiple generations of dedicated research another obstacle is that the time-traveling bird chapter is notoriously referred to as the empty chapter as not a single spell from the goddess has been discovered within it Fen expressed that they cannot afford to spend an excessive amount of time on this as she could potentially catch up with her own timeline in the process of decoding it Eisen suggested they could afford to wait given the longevity of their races however fan voiced her desire to return to the era she had been living in explaining that since their Journey concluded she has learned a great deal and acquired things she deeply cherishes things she is not willing to lose himl notice this sentiment was uncharacteristic of frean and resolved that they should pursue this investigation after defeating the Demon King Haider pointed out that would be too late to which himl agreed hence his decision himl inquired if frier noticed any inscriptions on the monument when she visited it in the future recollecting the moment feran remembered the name viala Thor from the chapter about the time traveling bird himl mentioned that after years of searching they would inscribe the spell needed for her return to the future on that Monument Haider humorously suggested that such significant decisions should be discussed with them beforehand himl responded noting the excitement of having a goalpost Adventure frean expressed gratitude towards himl upon opening the chapter Haider read that one must cast the spell while in contact with the goddess's monument to return the group lamented the necessity of revisiting the monument yet himl stressed the importance of remaining United as a party through both the highs and lows meanwhile Solider stood before the monument recognizing it as the source of the disturbance in SpaceTime she mused on the theory of irreversibility acknowledging that while time cannot be reversed as per the laws of nature Divine Force renders such reversal possible by sheer will contemplating the formidable enemy they face in the goddess of all creation Solider pondered the nature of her demise in the future accompanied by ravali Grom and Todd Solider declared their their allegiance to the Demon King their plan was to compel frein to divulge her knowledge of the future then eliminate her before she could return to her own era growa mentioned that they had lost communication with zart who was monitoring the goddess's monument leading them to deduce that someone is tampered with SpaceTime Solider shared the Demon King's belief that an individual from a 100 years in the future has journeyed back to their time when Grom questioned whether the interloper was the frean of their era and speculated on its con action to schlack the omniscience plan Solider confessed her uncertainty noting schlack rarely disclosed futur related insights they acknowledged their inability to grasp the profound insights of a being with visions of countless Futures suggesting that their actions however directed by their own will might ultimately align with schack's vision for demonic prosperity in the Millennia to come grome outlined their strategy considering it fortunate that feran from the future had arrived in an era where he was still alive allowing him the opportunity to extract Future Insights from her before her elimination to queried ravali stance who expressed disinterest in the complex scheming of the younger demons stating his presence was solely for the prospect of a battle tot declared her indifference towards the Demon King's plans and the survival of their race emphasizing her focus on magical Pursuit and daily survival she speculated that her curse might envelop the planet in a century opting for a peaceful secluded existence until then she confessed her aversion to combat and fear of death Grom recognized tot's future focused Battleground prompting Solider to comment on tot's decision as wise yet tinged with cowardice a Viewpoint she shared Solider pledged her support for grome strategy albeit maintaining a safe distance to circumvent any direct conflict she credited her survival strategy to this cautious approach highlighting grum's hypnotic Magic's efficacy and deceiving even formidable demons like herself self and his ability to conceal his true form from Humanity Solider speculated on the longevity of Gram's survival suggesting his secretive nature and reluctance to reveal his true Visage contributed significantly to his enduring existence Grom offered to reveal his true Visage yet soler's interest had waned ravali stepped forward eager to fill the void left by the others and shared his Philosophy for longevity immersing oneself fully in the thrill of battle meanwhile as the hero party neared the goddess's monument herder's fatigue from their extended Journey was palpable himl proposed arrest but Fan's detection of a potent Mana precipitated an immediate attack by a demon ravali who engaged Eisen directly himmel's intervention was halted by frieren who cautioned another Demon's presence identifying the magic as soliders Eisen insisted on facing ravali alone urging the others to escort frier into the monument ravali commended eisen's Valor dismissing any need for titles in their Warriors duel and opted for an ax in homage to eisen's choice of weapon as they fled Freer and identified Solider and sensed the ominous presence of another grome whose ability to blend into their surroundings unnerved her it was too late when she realized Grom had ens snared them in anel skella a spell Conjuring a blissful illusion within this dream himl found himself bewildered haer reassured him of their victory over the Demon King in a from Eisen about him's nervousness revealed a bridal clad Freer Grom spell crafted a vivid dream fulfilling desires they had scarcely dared to hope for enveloping them in a seductively convincing fantasy individuals ins snared by grome spell find themselves in a blissful stuper enveloped in an illusion indistinguishable from reality yet Hider awakened by what he surmises to be divine intervention from the goddess is recognized by Grom as a truly Pious priest despite haider's efforts to Rouse Himel and freen they remained deeply entrapped within grome psychic spell lost in a deceptive Paradise this marks the first time Grom has met a priest resistant to his enchantment though he acknowledges haider's solo efforts are insufficient to sway the outcome hder laments his past conduct humorously reflecting on his current dire situation Eisen is locked in a fierce battle with ravali showcasing his considerable prowess against a formidable foe ravali with his extraordinary might succeeds in wounding eisen's arm he taunts Eisen questioning if that's the extent of his capability hder confronts Grom directly driven by the belief in himmel's ability to turn the impossible into possible despite groms warning of the futility of his actions in the midst of an elusory wedding himl discerns the falsehood of their situation spurred by the anomalies detected by frier she realizes the authenticity of their surroundings is a testament to groms miraculous capabilities yet remains confident in him's resolve to resist such Illusions trusting in him's unyielding Spirit fre and AIDS him to grasp his sword readying themselves for combat as Grom moves to eliminate Hider Himel still under the Spells influence yet with eyes closed intervenes Grom is baffled by himmel's capacity to Counterattack despite being engulfed in the illusion himl focuses intensely relying on the subtle cues of the real battle to guide his actions fighting valiantly within the fabricated joy of the wedding hall Guided by The faintest Whispers of reality around him in the midst of Silence fan finds herself unable to perceive any sound attributing this to her habitual Reliance on Mana detection a limitation she surmised affected not just Mages but demons as well she considered Grom strategy a misjudgment as Grom attempts to ins snare himl in a deeper illusion haider's vocal guidance enables himl to shatter the enchantment although himl expresses a preference for conventional combat this experience allows him to pinpoint another demon orchestrating the sword attacks urging feran to hasten towards the nearby goddess Monument himl commits to covering their Retreat appreciating the transit Joy experienced in the dream induced by Grom Haider Eisen and himl remain to confront the demons as Freer and Sprints to the monument successfully invoking fiala to upon contact Grom displeased with the turn of events and Ed himl not to resent him Solider observing from a distance perceives this as the conclusion of their conflict suggesting no further cause for battle contrarily himl resolves to eliminate the Demonic threat ensuring such Peril does not persist into the future Solider aware of himmel's capabilities realized he could indeed achieve such a feat however she warned that if he proceeded she would respond with a level of frenzy capable of altering the course of history the Havoc she could wreak might result in a future that frian could not return to intrigued by the potential chaos Solider provokes himl into a confrontation after contemplating the situation Himel ultimately chooses to not take the risk and allowed Solider to leave upon reaching fre and at the goddess Monument alongside eizen Himel commanded Eisen to withdraw reasoning that their mission was accomplished with Fan's successful return ravali however taunted Eisen questioning if he would indeed flee from an adversary Eisen acknowledging revali's Superior Marshall skill argued that a truly Brave Warrior acknowledges when to retreat he conceded that among Humanity he was not the strongest his contemporaries had all perished ravali countered insisting they still endured eizen then Unleashed a lightning strike propelling ravali off the cliff apologizing Eisen explained he was merely following his Leader's directive to retreat refusing to let the battlefield be his end ravali commended him with a magnificent honoring eyes and with a salute for his bravery ravali confessed it was the most exhilarating battle he'd experienced in a long time grome relieved by solid's intervention acknowledges his lapse in composure with Solider critiquing his uncharacteristic display of vulnerability reunited the hero party finds Freer and regaining Consciousness puzzled by their battered appearance himl reassures her of her safe return though freen remains confused about their ordeal fan has reunited with her companions in the present Fern queries why fan appears unemotional prompting fan to ask how much time has elapsed realizing that barely any time has passed in their current timeline she is astonished by her Journey Through Time convinced It Was Not Mere fantasy fan observes the magical essence of the stone monument fading signifying its purpose has been served leaving behind only the vestages of an ordinary Monument Stark proposes they linger and established camp but frian declines satisfied with her examination feran confirms The Venture was worthwhile despite Stark's disbelief at spending 3 days in the wilderness for this outcome they decide to return to the checkpoint with Stark lamenting another 3-day Journey during their return Fern notes the absence of monsters a stark contrast to their past experiences making their trip unexpectedly Serene they encounter a man surprised to find adventurers particularly an elf deep in the forest identifying frean by name he introduces himself as a soldier who regularly visits the monument to pray for success in battle fan inquires about his knowledge of the monument which he attributes to a long-standing tradition among his fellow soldiers though its Origins remain unclear to them fan surmises this tradition as a ritualistic aspect of human culture explaining the scarcity of monsters due to the path being frequented by soldiers Stark is intrigued that the soldiers persist in their devotions despite the Obscure origins of the practice the man shares that their faith is rooted in a belief that the goddess's blessings extend even to the unlearned soldiers a sentiment passed down from his grandfather curious about how he recognized her the man recounts a tale from 30 years prior involving an elderly man claiming to be the hero himl whom he met at the monument he was too young to know of him's Deeds then a story his grandfather had told of events long before his birth meeting the legendary hero in person was an honor he never anticipated reflecting on how the tales of himmel's victory over the Demon King seemed like distant history the soldier then inquired if the hero had any specific purpose at the goddess Monument mentioning that he oversees the area and offered to guide himl returning to the current time the soldier shared how he came to know about the hero party's Ventures a tale filled with both Joy and hardship he had previously asked himl about his visit to the goddess Monument himl disclosed that he was bound by a promise not to divulge certain details a commitment he intended to honor indefinitely he mentioned he was concluding his research there to keep a promise made to frieren acknowledging the possibility that ferin might have forgotten him yet he himself had never ceased to remember her the young Soldier puzzled by the conversation perceived feran as somewhat Heartless A sentiment himl concurred with but also expressed contentment believing she would ultimately seek him out in the present Freer and re recognized this narrative as consistent with her knowledge of himl after their conversation the soldier took his leave fan questioned why he chose to relay this story to her to which the soldier responded that himmel's passionate recounting of their shared experiences compelled him to pass the message to her with the immigration procedures unexpectedly expedited they were finally ready to proceed to the Empire someone who only possesses a fake sword can only become a fake hero those are the words that prompted the hero himl to to acquire the hero's blade and take down the Demon King we will explore the entire story of Himel and haider's past and how they developed into the great Heroes we know today let's get started one night young Fern asked Haider what kind of person the great hero himl was a frivolous narcissist Haider replied Fern then commented that himl sounds completely different from Haider to which Haider responded that nonetheless Himel was a true hero this prompted turn to exclaim and Haider is a true priest Haider laughed and commented that Fern says the nicest things when Haider mentioned that it was almost time for her to go to sleep Fern requested that Hider continuous stories about himl because she still wanted to hear about his adventures Hider explained that fairy tales are naturally exaggerated both himl and he have been glorified quite a bit he then asked Fern if she would still be interested in hearing such a story to which Fern replied that she would like to hear haider's story haider's story began in a forest where a man saw a little boy the man asked the boy who are you while marveling that a monster which would normally require at least five adults to defeat was taken down by the kid with a single knife this baffled the man and the boy answered I'm himl as himl was about to leave the man told him to wait the man a peddler said he had something perfect for himl he brought out a sword offering it to himl as a token of gratitude for his help and claimed it was called the hero's sword him's eyes sparkled as the man explained that the sword was perfect for him as a gift for the future hero in the next scene we see a group of kids with one running towards them it turns out one kid is injured while another wearing glasses is healing him saying it will only take a little longer the running kid shouted to get their attention excitedly saying it seems himl defeated a monster the other kids commented that that's incredible and they'd expect no less from himl they decided to check it out and due to the excitement even the injured kid got up prompting the kid with the glasses to remind him that he hasn't fully recovered yet here it was revealed that the kid with the glasses is Haider when the injured kid tried to persuade Haider to join them to see what Himel had done Haider explained that he still had something he needed to do so he would decline for now as he walked away the other kid commented that Haider always reacts like that instantly when it comes to himl and he isn't being honest at all Haider simply reminded the injured kid to try not to run too much as his wounds might open up again in the next scene we see himl gazing at his new sword with theight Haider arrived and asked where everyone had gone Himel answered that they had gone off for prayer prompting Haider to remark so it is already that hour then Haider then inquired about what himl was holding Himel proudly responded that it was the hero's sword and that he as hero himl was cool haer then commented that the sword was fake which surprised himl Haider smirked and mentioned that he once heard that the real one exists in the village of sorts is that so himl said then happily explained that a fake was fine too and he just needed to act as if this sword was the real deal he added that besides he looked cool with this sword prompting Haider to ask what are you talking about Haider bluntly stated that someone who only possesses a fake sword can only become a fake hero and that the apple does not fall far from the tree the atmosphere suddenly became serious and the two looked at each other Himel then smiled and declared I will become a hero mocking him Haider sarcastically said that if Himel was really a hero you should Grant him one request hder pointed at the mountains and explained that recently monsters had been frequently appearing in that Forest praying on The Villages so if Himel was the Great Hero you should find a way to resolve that himl smiled again and said leave it to me a priest then arrived and called them because it was time for prayer they went to the church and prayed together after praying the kids complained that their legs were numb and that they hated prayer time when asked if himl felt the same he said that he rather liked it and that the goddess was surely smiling at him right now he suddenly noticed haer who was still praying as a ray of light seemed to shine upon him looking at him himl wondered if the goddess was smiling at haer prompting him to question himself as it made him feel a little envious in the next scene we see himl getting ready for something and then he saw Haider making him question what Haider was doing in a place like that he decided to follow Haider and was surprised by what he saw he saw Hider and a big boulder with a paper that had an x mark stuck to it saigh once again I have failed haer commented later that night at the dining table the other kids were worried about himl because he was still not there suddenly Haider shivered realizing that himl had indeed fulfilled his request prompting the other kids to ask him what was wrong haer nervously explained that he had forgotten he had something to do so he would be heading out for a bit while walking Haider thought that himl trusted people way too blind even though there was no need to come all this way out while searching for himl a monster suddenly tried to attack him somewhere nearby we see himl searching for the monster Hider had mentioned not long after he hadn't encountered any monsters and also commented on how quiet the night was he then heard rustling in the bushes which caught his attention himl got ready saying that he didn't sense any evil presence but it might still be a monster approaching the sound he saw saw an injured haer leaning against a fallen monster Himel was shocked to find Haider in the forest and seeing his injuries concluded that Haider had defeated the monster prompting him to praise Haider Himel then explained that at this moment he was sure everyone at the orphanage was worried sick and that haider's wounds needed to be healed as well Haider explained that Himel had the wrong idea because it wasn't him who defeated the monster if it wasn't haer then who was it himl asked Haider answered that it was another monster that had defeated it suddenly the monster Haider had mentioned emerg from behind himl startling him the monster's attack was so powerful it cut the Fallen Monster's body in half we then see himl okay as he tried to cut the monster's back with his sword the monster plummeted to the ground while himl got his bearings together and somersaulted to safety Himel commented that his attack had pretty much drained all of his strength and yet it probably had no effect whatsoever we then see the Monster emitting its Mana looking and scathed by him's attack hder urged himl to run explaining there were no match for it and himl could still Escape he further insisted that himl should warn all the villagers before there were any victims himl quickly refused asking about Haider Haider then shouted at himl to go explaining that he didn't need to consider or feel obligated to save him and that what he had told him at noon was a lie I cannot stand you himl I simply cannot stand your guts Haider added Haider explained here that although Himel was a frivolous narcissist he was liked by those around him what's the difference between me and you you have no need to save someone like me who keeps thinking like that Haider explained to which himl answered that it is relieving to hear puzzling Haider himl explained that this lie means that nobody has become a victim yet haer gazed at himl while he stood his ground saying he is going to save Haider when Haider tried to convince Himel that there is no benefit in saving him Himel explained that what he's doing has nothing to do with that his friend is in trouble and that's enough of a reason for him to help he said Haider was touched by his words while the monster screeched and started charging himmel also charged at the monster and got ready to swing however Himel didn't have the strength to counter the monster's attack which made him plummet to the ground the monster charged up its attack again and quickly approached himl but in the nick of time Haider manages to hit the monster with his magic Haider explained that the monster is impossible for himl to handle and the Mana from the monster himl defeated that mourning is incomparable to this once so what I've already decided to become a hero says himl he added that besides if you were to run there then as Haider says he would be a fake Haider then s and says that himl should should not misunderstand this but he is only fighting for himself himl replied sure and added that they will definitely win the monster charged but they managed to dodge it hder cast blade sharpening Magic on himl sword and commanded him to attack now himl managed to land a blow using their combo Haider then decided that they should Retreat for a moment while running haer commented that things are only going to get worse like this to which Himel said that he was thinking the same that made Haider shout do not say that you are a hero are you not please figure something out himl then asked him isn't he capable of using the goddess's spells that stunned haer and made him shout how did himl know that to which himl just smiled Haider then explained that he can't handle them yet and those spells take quite a bit of magical power so they cannot be used in actual combat to which himl commented that it will be all right because knowing Haider he's sure he could pull it off he further explained that after all he knows he believes in the goddess more than anyone else and puts in more effort than anyone else so there is no way that Hider would be unable to pull it off if you can't believe in yourself then believe in me because I believe in Haider from the depths of my heart himl declared after that himl suddenly rushed towards the monster Haider thought to himself you truly bear no hesitation do you I'm not like you he EXP claimed that he truly cannot understand himl since he only ever watched him in admiration and he is unable to believe in himself but even so he gathered up his courage because Himel believes in him hayder got ready to attack opened his grimoire and cast three Spears of the Goddess towards the monster the monster managed to stop one of his Spears of light and another went up looks like I cannot handle it perfectly yet after all hder commented not long after one of the Spears of light fell from the sky hitting the monster himl then stood in front of the monster saying Haider is truly incredible and he should leave the rest to me while watching haer thought that Himel is the incredible one The Stance he takes when facing foes more powerful than him the Readiness to trust others that made him wonder if a person like him will could become a true hero at last the monster Was Defeated because of their teamwork after that event while Haider was telling the story Fern had fallen asleep we then go back to the story in which himl was saying to Haider that he is going to defeat the demon king haer then commented not while you were still struggling with these monsters but after he says that he also said that even so he will believe in himl himl then asked Haider to start adventuring together and thus that marked the beginning of himl and hiders join Adventures subscribe for more videos
Channel: Onii-Chan
Views: 45,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frieren Manga Recap, Frieren Manga Chapters, Frieren Review, frieren beyond journey's end, sousou no frieren, Frieren Stories, Tot Saint of the End, Frieren Theories, Frieren Recap, Frieren Summary, Frieren Story Arc, Frieren Complete Story, Frieren Manga Arc, Frieren Goddess Statue, Frieren vs Solitar, Frieren Time Travel, Himmel vs Grausam, Sousou no Frieren Story Arc, Sousou no Frieren Story Explained, Frieren Goddess Monument Arc, Frieren vs Zart, Rivale vs Eisen
Id: YUmmawm5Nwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 55sec (3715 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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