The COMPLETE Kaiju No. 8 'Sagamihara Neutralization Operation Arc' Explained

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just two months after their induction the newbies face their first intense shooting training which reveals their improved combat strengths in an overheated bathroom conversation the boys unearth cfa's shocking secret amid these Revelations an urgent alarm signals their first real test in this video the newbies will engage in their debut battle as official defense troop members and we will also see just how strong the commander and vice Commander really are let's get started started in the next scene the Defense Force arrives at the outbreak site in sagamihara where the estimated size of their target is 150 m in length categorizing it as a large type the monster is also moving northward at a very slow pace and currently the self-defense force is evacuating people from the area and transporting supplies inside one of the cargo trucks hasha asks his fellow Defense Force Troop groups if they are ready declaring it's time to slay monsters while Kafka and karoo exchange glances we revisit a moment in time when Kafka had told karoo about his transformation into a monster which surprised her Karo was incredulous belittling the poor by saying they really eat anything which made kfka shout that he didn't want it to happen irritating Reno with their loudness kfka mentioned he thought disclosing this to the Defense Force might be an option because they might heal him a notion karoo disagreed with she explained that even if they didn't kill him he would face endless inspections and experimentation potentially ending his path as a Defense Force troop member she further mentioned that strong monsters given code names are supposedly used as parts for special weapons suggesting a worst case scenario where kcom might also be used in such a manner which scared Kafka and Reno Kafka frightened cried and asked Karo to keep their secret thinking of it as saving an old man which shocked Karo due to kafka's closeness Karo agreed because Kafka had saved her but warned if she found out he was a monster harming people she herself would kill kafa Reno was chilled by what he heard while Kafka smiling accepted this and expected karoo to do so after this we return to the present where kikuro hopes Kafka won't disappoint her while looking at Kafka he suddenly appeared nauseous puzzling her she exclaimed that Kafka looked about a throw up to which Kafka apologized saying he was nervous and ate too much and karoo was irritated because normally you can't eat if you're nervous soon our troops arrive at the Defense Force 3 or four temporary base at the Lyon Mall sagamihara store parking area upon seeing the monster Kafka and Reno could couldn't believe its size appearing to be a mix between a mushroom and a crab as the hashen platoon prepares hash tells his Personnel he will announce the operation that day he informs them that after originating from the kaawa fault the target began moving while growing underground they believe the target emerged above ground because it reached its proliferation phase Mina was leading a squadron to deal with the base monster but the issue was the innumerable after beasts being produced we are shown haruchi and aoi who are part of the Nakashima platoon and hasha shows them the subjugation zones in the area it was a district without important facilities or main transportation networks for subjugation their job was to deal with the after beasts while preventing them from leaving the Zone he pointed out this was important because the outcome would significantly affect the situation he noted that of course platoon with newbies were placed at the end meaning they were the last line of defense hasha asked if there were any questions and no one responded indicating they were ready he stated that no matter how well they performed during training it wouldn't save a life so they needed to show their strength on the battlefield calling them fledglings this hyped up the troops and they soon shouted with all their might after which hash wished them good luck Reno told Kafka it was time to which which Kafka agreed Kafka thought again about what might happen to him if he didn't improve stating that if he didn't perform well he wouldn't have another chance as karoo looked at him he mentioned feeling a lot of pressure but was somehow very excited Reno was surprised and smiled realizing of course this was the job Kafka had long wanted and told him to make their first mission a success they were then informed that they were at Point e where the invasion of a beasts was confirmed and they were sent to the area to subjugate the monsters kfka put on his gas mask and urged Karo to charge our troops charged forward as Karo wondered why Kafka was ordering him around Kafka reminded Reno not to die which Reno echoed back to him karoo informed kfka that the monster was approaching and as the giant mushroom creature emerged kfka and his team prepared to take it down the debut Battle of the rookie Defense Force troops began supervised by hasha he told them to impress their seniors from the start back in District e kafa realized the battle had started but he felt different compared to the exam feeling calm now he felt his suit responding to him he released his force due to excitement but despite this a Kaiju bumped into him throwing him off karoo scolded him for being too forward when he could only release 1% advising him to stay back a senior team member expressed annoyance at having to babysit the newbies wishing they would just observe from a distance without getting in the way Karu was irritated feeling underestimated their senior advised them that they didn't yet know where the enemy's vitals were so they should be cautious until they had information from the Frontline group karoo then shot the monster surprising the senior who agreed while advising to carefully aim at the kaija's potential vital areas karoo fired at the monster in front of them stunning the senior who couldn't believe how strong a newcomer to the Defense Force was realizing karo's strength Kafka called out to him praising him which secretly thrilled karoo who said it was obvious because it was her as she is always great suddenly his bodysuit announced that his vitals were becoming abnormal and his heart rate was inre inreasing embarrassing karoo who said it didn't need to announce such things in District F they too were attacked by Kaiju and their senior instructed that a finishing blow was needed on one of them harb showed off his skills by shooting the monster causing it to fall he was praised by their senior so when he was about to brag to Reno he turned to find Reno had single-handedly defeated a Kaiju surprising him Reno had beaten the same type of Kaiju they and and the seniors had struggled with which was unbelievable Reno revealed a vile explaining he had changed his bullets trait from explosive to freezing which seemed effective allowing them to fight while slowing down the enemy's movement he felt that with more practice he could hunt them more effectively ihara was chilled by Reno's confidence while Reno thought it wasn't enough and he needed to be stronger so that kafa wouldn't need to transform moving on to District J the seniors there couldn't believe what they were witnessing it turns out haruchi and aoi were the ones impressing everyone leading a senior to ask their platoon leader Nakashima what was with the newbies this year as he was losing confidence due to their skill and strength Nakashima replied that he had heard they had a good harvest this year but didn't expect it to be this impressive a and haruchi bragged at each other again with AI telling him he had already taken down three Kaiju implying her haruchi was slow to which haruchi responded that he helped him kill two of them Nakashima then commented seemingly thrilled about the new recruits mentioning they had a wild type and an elegant type which surprised a colleague who realized he was referring to their appearances earlier Charmed by aoi and huchi's rivalry he even considered making them official members of his platoon which alarmed them joking aside Nakashima heard from hasha that a few stood out but it turns out it wasn't just a few compared to previous years the released force of the newbies was high likely due to the top newbies motivating the others to push harder back in District e while Kafka remained behind the sandbags he was amazed that his fellow newbies had already killed many Kaiju this made him think it wasn't good as compared to them he felt like a burden he wondered what he could do and remembered a senior's comment about not knowing the enemy's vitals barking an idea staring at a down Kaiju Kafka regained his composure and decided to use his own weapon to fight his senior was shocked by his actions as Kafka began to dissect the Kaiju beside them Kafka thought to himself how helpful the suit was even with only 1% released force and pondered if it could be mass-produced for the disposal industry while dissecting KFA noticed the kaija's body resembled a fungus type monster but its core wasn't in the usual location upon finding something significant he quickly called hasha to report the core's location he explained that it's located at the base of their neck but because it's underneath hard fiber muscles acting as a spine troop members with low offensive abilities need to attack it from the side for penetration hash understood and Kafka added something very important the after beasts also have proliferative organs which are the white bulgy organs near their buttocks if these aren't destroyed New after beasts will emerge from the corpse of the dead after beast hasha called him praising kafka's good work it turns out the doctor's name is okoni who was ordered by hasha to pass on the information Kafka discovered to all troop members hasha commented that kafka's experience from his previous job must have contributed to his Discovery but it was his studying that really paid off when praised by hasha Kafka felt happy and thought he had managed to be useful to the Defense Force Kafka informed hasha that he would take care of finishing off any corpses whose cores hadn't been destroyed thinking he would do everything he could to reach Mina and stand by her side suddenly he heard a loud explosion behind him and asked what it was hash said it looked like they had started and Kafka should watch carefully we then see Mina holding a Giant Cannon positioned to attack using her extraordinary strength she managed to use the large Cannon to blast the core of the giant mushroom SL crab Kaiju hasha told Kafka that this was the power of the person he aims to stand beside leaving Kafka in awe of what he saw after Mina's attack struck okoni informed her that the guidance of the base monster to the Target location was complete and they would now begin concentrated fire iring on its four limbs Mina then stated that she had finished loading her third bullet which her interlocutor understood and started the calculations for her to attack again she suddenly remembered a conversation she had with Kafka about who would become a troop Member First she saw Kafka watching her and although he couldn't hear her she told him that this was her now she used her released Force which impressively reached 96% she fired to hit the giant Kaiju again and the shot was so powerful that it created a massive shock wave the force reached Karo and Kafka and upon hitting the monster it made a large hole in the kaija's body Kafka was astounded while Reno and karoo couldn't believe Mina's strength the info room reported to mina that the life response of the base monster was gone and it was falling the fourth bullet had finished loading and she was prepared to fire again she shot the Monster again and was informed that the base monster had been defeated and obliterated however Mina was still loading the fifth bullet which puzzled those in the info room because the monster had already been defeated Mina replied that it was an order so her interlocutor had no choice but to comply after she fired Kafka clearly saw the solid impact on the monster Kafka commented on how different it was to see Mina's strength on TV or through binoculars compared to witness ing it in person he was as struck by Mina's true power hasha approached him and asked if this made him feel like giving up which Kafka found out hasha explained that if he wanted to stand beside Mina it meant he needed to have a strength level comparable to what he saw today annoyed Kafka asked hasha if he could demonstrate that level of strength to which hasha just scratched his head and said it was impossible further irritating Kafka as a Kaiju charged at them from behind hasha explained that his released force was too low for shooting weapons so he couldn't match Mina strength against large opponents the Kaiju charging at them was suddenly sliced through and hasha noted that he might have the upper hand when facing small to medium-sized enemies Kafka noticed hasha used katanas but his movements were so fast that Kafka didn't see any movement occur hasha explained that his family lineage was a clan of monster subjugators dating back to the mirumachi period hasha showed his preferred weapon stating he was better with it than with guns kfka commented that the class of their commander and vice Commander was the strongest force in a troop and they even had personalized equipment tailored to their individual needs Mina informed hasha that she had dealt with the base monster prompting hash to tell Kafka that their conversation was over and the main event was about to start kfka was puzzled because Mina had said the base monster Was Defeated so hasha reiterated that the real problem was the countless number of after beasts that could Spawn from it even if they brought down the base monster the after Beast left in its corpse would start charging at them afterward numerous after beasts charged at them leading hashen to inform the others that it was time for the final battle and once they finished off these creatures they could go home for a delicious breakfast heri grinned at this and commented that hasha made it sound so easy suddenly a senior among them shouted teasing the rookies that they look tired and might need more stamina training urging the other seniors to show that it wasn't just released force that was needed in battle Nakashima approached haruchi and aoi teasingly saying it was okay to leave the fighting to the seniors and rest asking what the two of them would do the two understood his meaning and replied that of course they would also help okoni commented that the newbies seemed very tired and for their first mission the subjugation was quite challenging nevertheless if they managed to overcome it it might be possible for them to evolve hashen said that most troop members released for stops somewhere between 20 to 30% which typically marks the end of their careers as just regular troop members however he noted that many talented individuals managed to overcome this barrier and develop into Commander class of all the newbies that year currently only karoo had surpassed that wall but he felt that there was another and he sensed it in Reno while resting against the wall aharo reflected on how he had worked hard and trained at subjugation high school for several years wondering why he couldn't keep up with Reno an announcement then informed them that the after beasts were heading towards District B prompting Reno to suggest they return to the front line as they talked they noticed a man in a monster sweeper Incorporated uniform he was commenting that the proliferative organ he had placed inside had been damaged and he was puzzled about how the troops knew about it leading him to wonder if there was a well-informed member about monsters among them Reno was taken aback by this and when the man turned around he asked Reno if he knew anything about it appearing to be the undercover humanlike Kaiju that was part of the disposal crew Reno couldn't understand why there was a disposal crew member in that location while that was happening it turns out that toku and other former co-workers of Kafka were watching from a distance and one of them commented on the size of the hanu they were battling asking if Reno was also there while another complained about not enjoying the view without binoculars this explained why all the cleaners in the Tokyo Kanagawa area had been summoned due to the intense battle taking place suddenly their officer asked them if they had seen the the new bee to which toku was surprised and mentioned that he was probably hanging out in the restroom again we returned to Reno and the new be referred to by toku who was an undercover human like Kaiju feeling somewhat disappointed because he had planned to outsmart the Defense Force troops using a yoju variant capable of splitting off from itself and he contemplated whether to revive them again as it was exhausting to do so Reno wondered what he was talking about and felt something was off about the man the man stood up looked at him and as aaru was about to warn the man that the area was dangerous and to stand by the man pointed aaru stared in confusion but when the man's finger changed shape Reno was shocked and tried to warn aaru of an attack however it was too late and the man's strange attack hit a Haru above the chest causing a hole there the man commented that he hadn't hit the heart and his accuracy really dropped when he was in that form the heart screamed in extreme pain and his blood started to flow he couldn't stop the bleeding from his wound but Reno calmed him and suggested using the function of their suits to bind the wound theara was bewildered about what was happening and who that man was Reno realized that the man was a Kaiju and remembering that there was another humanoid Kaiju besides Kafka he recalled another the undercover humanoid transformed in front of them soon revealing his true form which shocked aaru and Reno remembered that this was the same Kaiju that appeared in the exam aaru asked if this was the one who had taken down karoo to which Reno agreed the Kaiju scratched its head and said it didn't want to leave empty-handed so it asked if it had managed to capture an officer as a living sample iaru and Reno shuddered with fear and Reno immediately tried to inform a platoon leader ikaruga about their situation and requested back up but his radio seemed to be malfunctioning it turned out that the Kaiju was responsible for this explaining that it had handled their radio communication and that the section they were in was now within an undetectable pocket of space as it prepared to attack again it added that as a trick to hide itself in the human world it seemed to be working well for hunting them Reno noticed the incoming attack and tried to dodge but it still hit him on the side yaru was worried about him and the Kaiju attacked again this time solidly hitting Reno's thigh Reno couldn't describe the pain he was feeling while the Kaiju noted that it was somewhat off its Mark at that time enduring the pain Reno thought it was severe and the Kaiju managed to break through the shield of his suit as if it were nothing suddenly the Kaiju noticed something and asked Reno if he could see its attack which also surprised aaru we returned to a point in time where Reno and Karo were talking and karoo informed him so that if he ever encountered the human like Kaiju again he would have an idea kikuo explained that at first he thought the monster was using magic but if one observes carefully its fingertips have a certain tell before it attacks Reno carefully observed the monster's fingers and noticed something so he thought he needed to focus on that and if he could grasp the timing of its attack he would be able to dodge it soon enough Reno managed to evade the monster's attack impressing aaru also making the Kaiju remark that it was just as it had expected suddenly Reno shot at the Kaiju but it easily deflected the bullet and he quickly told oharu to retreat and call for reinforcements ihara was irritated and questioned why he should be the one to be saved so he didn't notice the kaija's attack but fortunately Reno saved him however the attack still grazed a AR's shoulder iaru couldn't describe how painful it was and Reno urged him to leave which surprised aaru Reno thought there was nothing more frightening than their situation this was the creature that had beaten karoo so he knew he was no match for it soon after ihara decided to leave and as Reno reflected on how Kafka had tried to save him he thought about the kind of Officer he wanted to be one who would risk their life to protect others like him in such time times even if he couldn't defeat the monster at least he could buy time for aaru to escape with that resolve he bravely tried again to shoot the Kaiju but the monster easily dodged it and countered Reno managed to dodge the attacks while also returning fire as he fled iaru thought that this was not the Reno he knew before and he couldn't believe that Reno was able to contend with such a terrifying monster he almost got hit by the kaij attack and his fear was evident on his face let's return to a point in time when hasha was explaining that there is a wall that troops hit in their Unleashed combat power which typically ranges around 20 to 30% he mentioned that this is a wall that few managed to surpass which made a horror reflective he was somewhat bothered because it had been almost 2 weeks yet he still hadn't reached 20% Unleashed combat power he explained that since the day mean saved him he had dedicated his life to becoming stronger but despite all his efforts Reno seemed to effortlessly surpass him which irritated him returning to the present the Kaiju suddenly moved quickly to Reno's side the monster commented that it seemed like Reno was acting as if he knows everything about the Kaiju and suddenly something grew on the Kaiju back two more arms emerged from the kaija's shoulders and it stated that it was sure Reno didn't know about them Reno was shocked and just as the Kaiju was about to attack Yara suddenly arrived and managed to save Reno from the monster's assault theara's body seemed to react with surprise and Reno did not expect him to return they tumbled because of aaru and when the Kaiju looked at them it turned out that aaru had been hit in the body which made Reno worried and asked why he had done that as aara was panting he realized that he wasn't really irritated with Reno but rather he was frustrated with the man who hadn't become better since then he was irritated with the man who always needed saving suddenly he pointed out to Reno that Reno wasn't going to save him but rather he was going to save Reno iaru was losing strength and the monster commented that it didn't understand what was happening Reno asked why AAR had come back to which aaru simply told him to be quiet and explain that he sent up a flash round leading Reno to comment that that wasn't the issue the Kaiju then realized their plan and stated that it wouldn't work because whether alive or not no one could leave there without his permission Reno was shocked but a horror remained courageous and said that if that was the case they just needed to man up and they would both take down the monster but even though he said that it was clear that his situation was severe so he could only provide backup and create an opening for Reno to deliver a full force attack Reno took a deep breath followed aar's plan and they immediately acted Reno charged while AAR shot from the side to distract the Kaiju the Kaiju dodged aar's attacks and suddenly electricity emerged from the ground and Reno noticed it was a conductor round so IH Haru mentioned that he wasn't just the only one testing different types of bullets the Kaiju noticed it was difficult to move so it decided to finish off aaru first when the monster was about to use its finger attack aaru watched carefully thinking he had received many such attacks before so all he needed was the right timing the Kaiju attacked but aara managed to dodge it irritating the monster aaru fired his conductor rounds again to immobilize the monster and signaled to Reno that it was time Reno positioned himself and Unleashed his maximum combat power as he charged his attack Reno prayed to God asking for strength only this time when he needed to be stronger than karoo and even their Captain Mina soon Reno released his charged attack which solidly hit the Kaiju Reno and aarf closely observed what happened to the Kaiju and they noticed something moving on the ground it turns out that unfortunately the Kaiju used the scattered debris of other Kaiju to block Reno's attack which surprised both both of them the human like Kaiju reappeared and upon seeing Reno's face it commented that based on that Reno seemed to be out of ideas using its two extra hands it prepared to attack yaru tried to warn Reno but it was too late as multiple attacks hit various parts of Reno's body while this was happening a kuruga called hasha and informed him that they had lost communication with Reno and iaru which shocked him he explained that they could not track the commlinks or the vitals of the two Kafka heard this and noticed that the corpses of the Kaiju beside them were moving which puzzled him Karo called him and just as he was about to ask a question Karo confirmed that the monster they had faced at the training grounds was there because of this kafka's concern for Reno and aara spiked we return to the two where iaru is deeply worried about Reno who has fallen due to the attack he su stained earlier from the Kaiju Reno felt as if his body was on fire he knew he needed to bind his wound and stand up again because he was still alive and the fight was not over he tried to stand prompting the Kaiju to comment that he was still able to move as it pointed again the monster explained how difficult it was to kill a human by disabling their motor functions without killing them ihar tried to shoot the Kaiju to stop it but the Kaiju easily swatted Ed the bullets away shocking aaru the monster had seen that trick before and it attacked him hitting him below the shoulder iaru also fell so the monster approached Reno to finish him off Reno tried to stand but the Kaiju shot him again yet it seemed not to be done because of this the Kaiju shot Reno again while aara was almost crying out of frustration because he could do nothing while his friend was being hurt in front of him it was ugly and although he hated to admit it Reno was truly impressive and he was sure Reno would become a Captain one day ihara grabbed his assault rifle and shouted that the Kaiju must be out of its mind to let their fight end there unfortunately when he tried to fire it it turned out to be damaged prompting the Kaiju to turn towards him it pointed at him again and said that it was close to finishing with Reno and didn't need aaru anymore yaru just kn down and prayed to God or even to the devil to save Reno to save his friend as the Kaiju prepared to end Reno's life iaru closed his eyes unable to watch his friend die unexpectedly Kafka emerged behind the Kaiju in his Kaiju form and declared that the only one who would die there was the monster in front of him the Kaiju was shocked and upon turning around received a solid punch to the face from Kafka the the force of the punch was so strong that it sent the Kaiju flying leaving aaru utterly astonished the Kaiju was confused about what had happened as it saw its own body it turned out that its head had been severed from its body due to the immense force of the punch it received Kafka apologized to Reno for taking so long to get there while Reno felt incredibly weak he had thought he could prevent it from coming to this but in the end Kafka was forced to transform because of him iaru was in awe and as Kafka carried Reno the kaija's body regenerated and it remarked that it was the one they were talking about that he is kaiju number eight yaru was extremely shocked while watching kfka apologized to Reno mentioning that it might take a bit longer but advised him not to worry to just relax and to use the function of their suits to bind his wound Kafka then laughed questioning who he was kidding and why he was giving instructions when he himself couldn't even do it as kfka set Reno down to the side Reno called out to him and told him to be careful before heading back into the battle Reno thought that he knew kfka was strong but he had a bad feeling about the Kaiju in front of them the Kaiju stood up again and as it reattached its head it questioned why Kafka was interfering with the fellow Kaiju remarking that Kafka was stronger than he real realized it chillingly said that it wanted kafka's corpse and then suddenly shot him in the body with its finger attack Kafka was shocked and blood dripped from his mouth Reno couldn't believe that the Kaiju had managed to injure Kafka in his Kaiju form the Kaiju realized how difficult it was for Kafka to be killed so it transformed again and explained that to kill Kafka it needed to become larger suddenly numerous limbs burst out from the kaija's back shocking aaru who commented that they were just being toyed with earlier when Reno tried to get Kafka to leave Kafka became very angry and said he understood now that was what the monster had used to shoot at their bodies Reno turned around as the Kaiju attacked with its new form and as it approached Kafka it opened its mouth wide a surge of energy flowed from its spine to its mouth as the kaija's attack was about to hit kfka scre sced and using an extraordinary attack he managed to stop the kaija's assault iaru Reno and even the Kaiju were stunned just as the monster was about to ask how Kafka had done that Kafka quickly approached it and Unleashed a barrage of punches the monster was surprised and quickly tried to block Kafka using the corpses of other kajes ihara wonders about the kaija's actions and the Kaiju thought this was its chance to recover however kfka easily tore through its defenses with his strength it panicked and tried to attack again but kafka's strength and speed were too much for it to keep up it tried to maintain distance from Kafka because it was being pushed back it thought the situation was abnormal and something strange was happening because the recovery speed of its injuries was slow confused it decided to retreat but kafa did not allow it to leave easily it received a devastating punch to the body making it realize there was no opening for escape kofka prepared to use his power punch again and mentioned that the core of this Kaiju was in its torso warning it to brace itself because he was going to blast it out the Kaiju felt it was in bad shape and as kfka Struck it it tried to deflect the blow but due to the force its body gradually began to tear soon its body was flung away while slowly disintegrating it was thrown into houses and as it lay on the ground it thought that it had barely managed to hold its body shape but now its core was exposed kfka approached menacingly and facing it told it that it was the end suddenly Kafka heard something to the side and it turned out that some Defense Force troops from the ikaruga platoon Team Delta had spotted them and informed them that they had seen a humanoid monster let's go back to a point in time before Kafka reached Reno and aaru Hikaru was surprised when Kafka told her that he was going to find Reno and iaru she pointed out that they couldn't contact or detect the vitals of the two questioning how Kafka intended to find them Kafka recalled past incidents when he could sense Kaiju when they were near him so he began to trans form while explaining that if the humanoid Kaiju was with the two he would be able to detect them kfka fully transformed into his Kaiju form and left the area to karoo she tried to stop him and Kafka quickly jumped away returning to the present let's go to karoo who was worried because Kafka had transformed in that place Team Delta called the others and informed them that in the Southeast area of District e they had spotted a humanoid monster and based on its features they believed it was Monster number eight karoo was startled and hasha immediately dispatched a subjugation team there this made Karo even more worried about Kafka in kafka's situation because he was distracted by the arrivals he didn't notice that the Kaiju had moved away from him the Kaiju commented that it's camouflage space was broken down but it was thankful for it as it gave it an opening Kafka was irritated and as the Kaiju regenerated it commented that it now knew kafka's characteristics and would kill him next time when Kafka tried to chase the Kaiju it suddenly pointed at the troops forcing Kafka to save them from its attack he shielded the finger attack with his arms the troops were puzzled because he had saved them and before the kaija left it remarked that despite being a monster Kafka behaved like a human and they would meet again after that Kafka decided to run because he had been spotted and he quickly jumped High to escape while in the air he was relieved to see that Reno and iaru would be safe even though the humanoid Kaiju had escaped he had fulfilled his goal next he landed in an alley to transform back into human form without being seen thinking there weren't many people or drones around suddenly hashen appeared behind him and at last he had seen the detailed monster with a jet black body and a demon-like skull mask hasha prepared to attack and Kafka was surprised to see him there hashen informed the others that he was in District F facing monster number 8 which frightened Reno and Karo upon hearing it while also catching Mina's attention hasha then commented that it looks like the monster has been taking good care of his troop members Karo was surprised to realize that when hasha said he would send a subjugation team he meant he would go himself although Reno wanted to talk to hasha convincing him that the creature he was facing wasn't really a monster he couldn't muster the strength to do so when Kafka turned around hasha suddenly charged at him attempting to swiftly sever his head fortunately Kafka dodged it but hasha then Unleashed a barrage of slashes at him as Kafka retreated he remembered hash's statement about his strength against small to medium-sized monsters compared to mina realizing that hasha wasn't bluffing and was indeed Adept at fighting such creatures hash commented on how challenging Kafka was to fight saying he should have sliced him once or twice by now internally KFA noted that whenever he saw their Vice Commander he always had a smile on his face but during these moments he realized that's how he looked when he was killing monsters hasha decided to get serious in the fight requesting okoni to remove his limiter which he complied with ashaa prepared to engage and subjugate monster number eight upon releasing his full force it reached an astonishing 92% revealing the hidden power behind this smiling Vice Commander Reno iaru and Karo heard this worrying about Kafka while he was preparing to confront the serious hash he suddenly remembered what happened when he punched the Kaiju earlier and how it had torn he thought about what he would do there since he couldn't perform that that kind of attack on hashen while thinking he was suddenly sliced by an exceptionally fast movement which surprised him he stared at that spot as hashen moved quickly and managed to slice his body hashen tined all the muscles in his legs and as he charged rapidly at Kafka Kafka realized he couldn't do anything because hashen was not an opponent he could match if he held back it was explained there that the Defense Force suit was an organic Weapon made from the muscle fibers and cells of monsters and the higher the released Force the more you could tune into the suit to unleash its power kfka was shocked there and thought to himself that initially karo's speed seemed ridiculous when he saw it but hasha was on a completely different level hasha was so fast that he seemed to create after images making Kafka think that this was not the movement of a human being he couldn't keep up with hash's rapid attacks and if he just considered hash's movement compared to the Kaiju he fought earlier hashen was much faster hashen suddenly used his blade cutting technique first form empty strike and kafka's left chest and hand were slashed surprising him he was surprised because he dodged the attack but it still hit making him think it was an invisible slash attack hasha then saw his core Kafka quickly regenerated the cut and commented to himself that he could do this because he was no longer truly human he also realized that reconstruction used a lot of energy so it would be harmful to him if he continued to get hit by hash's attacks hashen charged at him again and they exchanged fast attacks with Kafka managing to punch hash's katanas it was an All or Nothing situation for him so he had to take the risk hasha however couldn't believe that Kafka was still keeping up with him even though he was giving it his all he was reportedly able to accurately Dodge his attacks making them go off track so he was sure that he was facing something above fortitude 8.0 a specimen that could be categorized as a mega monster he also wondered there thinking about the discomfort he sensed while fighting he brushed off the discomfort he felt and decided to shift himself into Top Gear all at once hashen took position and used his blade cutting technique fifth form Mis strike which powerfully made a cross slash towards Kafka k was surprised there and tried to dodge it but it still reached his foot hasha immediately followed up shocking Kafka who realized that the previous attack was just a disguise and it was actually a three-part attack hasha managed to make a strong slash on his side but when hashen thought he had successfully slashed him suddenly pincers emerged from the cut and clamped onto his Katana because of this he couldn't pull the blade out of kafka's body and Kafka thought it was dangerous to be hit by it and it was stronger than he had expected however since hasha had seen his core he knew that hasha would Target him there he prepared to punch and just as he was about to strike hasha just cursed there when kafka's punch was about to hit it seemed to strike hash's Katana because it got cut hashen was pushed back by that and as he was retreating Kafka quickly escaped the force of kafka's punch on his Katana made his hand tremble there kfka managed to escape from him so he just face bombed there after that he reported to Mino what had happened and said that monster number eight had escaped from him let's go over to karoo who was listening while sitting on the carcass of the Kaiu and they were informed that the severed limb of monster number 8 was lost so they failed to collect a sample and an investigation team had already been formed karoo thought back and mentioned that seeing Kafka transformed right in front of her May her question whether it was really okay for her to continue trusting him then she heard something behind her which made her turn around it turned out to be Kafka who had returned to the area karo's face lit up with joy upon seeing Kafka Kafka smiled and apologized for making kikuro worry causing her to blush and deny that she was worried though it was evident on her face and told kfot to forget about that incident as she had much more to say while she was acting Tundra kofka suddenly collapsed from exhaustion prompting karoo to quickly catch him as she approached Kafka apologized for allowing the monster that had hurt karoo to escape which made karoo blush again and she simply said it was okay since she wanted to kill it with her own hands when Kafka tried to walk karoo got angry and asked where he was going since his body was badly beaten and Kafka explained that he needed to go to aarin Reno because they were seriously hurt Karo pulled him back pointing out that there was nothing he could do if he went to them and assured him that they would be okay because the Defense Force had already started applying monster recovery Powers even to medical technology and she wouldn't be wrong about that having experienced it firsthand koffka believed her which made him reflect on how a 32-year-old man like him could be persuaded by a teenager after that karoo pointed out that instead of worrying about that kfka should be more concerned about himself not only because he was seen by The Troop members but also because he had encountered their Vice Commander so it wouldn't be strange if hasha noticed something which were ovka in the next scene we go to hasha who seemed to be resting Mina arrived and commented that it was rare to see him so down Mina asked if the monster he faced was strong to which hasha was surprised and mentioned that she saw him in a rather embarrassing moment so Mina even took a picture of him for a momento joking aside hasha explained that there was a good chance that Kaiju number8 was a mega monster which caught Mina's attention if that was the case it would be the first since the incident in Fukuoka 5 years ago but fortunately there have been no reported casualties caused by monster number 8 in the past few months and it seemed not to be the type that attacks people randomly hasha realized the reason for his sense of discomfort he wondered why the monster punched his Katana instead of him he also noted that the monster's movements and reactions didn't seem typical of a monster but rather resembled those of a human fighting Mina walked away and told him she would handle things and that hasha should rest she added that whatever type the monster was they needed to subjugate it in his mind hashen agreed and express respect for his Commander suddenly he was called by ikaruga startled by the loudness of the voice asking what the problem was it was explained that the humanoid that attacked aaru and Reno was believed to be the same one that appeared at the examination venue but when they saw the monster it initially looked human which surprised both hasha and Mina hashen couldn't believe the trait he heard about the monster in the next scene we go to Monster sweeper Incorporated where a report was made regarding the monster that appeared in sagamihara City early yesterday morning they had obtained information that a humanoid monster appeared there and the investigation was still ongoing toku was shocked because hasha had gone there a company by okoni okoni explained that they wanted to provide information about their missing worker they asked if there were any pictures of the worker or anything else as it could help in the search if there were other shots from different angles toku was concerned and asked if their co-worker was okay and if they could know what they knew leading okoni to look at hasha who explained that they could not disclose information about an ongoing case hasha bowed to show respect and requested tok's cooperation in the case in the following scene hasha and okaji left and okoni questioned whether hasha believed it was right not to announce the possible existence of a monster capable of transforming into a human hasha explained that it was a decision by the East Japan headquarters so their higher-ups couldn't object and he understood why he said that while it pretended to be a person there hadn't been an increase in deaths or disappearances compared to previous years so in short it wasn't taking any drastic actions perhaps that was why they thought announcing and provoking it would be more dangerous not only that but once people started to doubt who the monster was they would begin to jump to conclusions which could cause public panic and innocent people who resembled it might be killed which could also lead to bullying and riots so what they could do as soldiers was to find that monster as soon as possible while reviewing the files on the humanoid hasha thought it was unusual because it existed as a proper person in the census in the next scene we go to the humanoid Kaiju and it was clearly weakening as it walked along the road it was being scolded by an angry driver there who soon stopped and yelled at it for being in the middle of the road when it ignored him the driver became even more irritated so it turned around and pointed at him however it changed its mind because it realized that it wasn't a good idea to make itself stand out more on the radar but then it changed its mind again when it saw its face in the car mirror and decided that it needed to change its appearance when the man looked at it annoyed wondering why it was staring at his car the humanoid Kaiju transformed and immediately grabbed the man it ate the man while he was powerless to stop it after that it got into the car and heard the news that in response to the current monster incident the Defense Force had classified the humanoid monster that appeared at the examination venue and in sagamihara as a long-term subjugation Target giving it the code name Monster number n the Kaiju saw that the man at8 lived alone which was convenient and it successfully transformed into the appearance of that man after that it thought about how it would kill kfka and suddenly its head reverted back to its Kaiju form because of this it regained its composure and thought that it needed to hide again until it could adapt to that body while the news about monster number n was being reported Reno woke up already lying in the Defense Force hospital when he turned to the side he was surprised to see Kafka and Karo there Kafka smiled because Reno had awakened and Reno commented that he was glad Kafka was okay Kafka looked at him but soon after he playfully hit Reno on the head saying that he should be the one saying that Reno touched his face where he had been hit and suddenly thanked Kafka for saving him and dearu Kafka and Karo were surprised by Reno's expression as he said this and then someone else chimed in it turned out aaro was also there and asked why Reno was thanking Kafka this surprised Reno because he hadn't noticed a horror was there too eh hor of questioned that wasn't it Monster number eight who had helped them which made karoo nervous and she explained that kafa knew about the proliferative organs of the after beasts which had been a great help to which aaru agreed iaru then thanked Kafka whereupon Kafka nervously expressed his gratitude aaru added how however that he was still wondering why that monster had helped them which made kfka even more anxious theara mentioned how incredibly strong that monster was saying that when it arrived it had blown the head off Monster number n and despite being a monster it was very cool while saying it would have been nice if Karo had seen it Kafka was shown blushing at aar's Praise of his monster form this made a har of question why he was blushing so Karo quickly hid him to bring back his composure and Karo explained that it was just kafka's natural look aaru believed this allowing Reno to breathe a sigh of relief glad that aaru was the one they were talking to while Kafka Reno and aaro were bonding Karo stepped out of the room and spoke to haruchi on her smartphone explaining that Reno and aara were awake and would be discharged in 2 weeks peruchi understood and said that he would then start making preparations in the next scene two 2 weeks later Reno and aara were surprised by their troop members with a welcome back party the surprise on their faces was evident their co-workers cheered for their return from the hospital they were welcomed and just as Reno was about to speak peruchi explained that the party was to celebrate the completion of their first mission and they had wanted to wait for both him and aaru to be discharged from the hospital before celebrating Kafka called the staff saying they were ready to start and suddenly the waiters emerged intensely startling kfka they brought out delicious food explaining that they had a sixth grade Japanese wagu beef which was the marbled meat Course Reno Kafka and aaru were astonished questioning If there really was such a high grade of beef KFA nervously asked haruchi what was going on so haruchi explained that he had only requested the most basic course the chef explained that that is a party that haruchi organized so they couldn't serve food that would spoil his mood the chef then pointed out that he was okay with their usual price whereupon haruchi said he couldn't afforded and hasha was pleased commenting on their Good Fortune Kafka then asked Karo who haruchi really was leading Karo to question why he had let haruchi organize without knowing his background Karo explained that haruchi was the son of aumo tech the largest company in their country that manufactures anti-monster weapons Kofa was shocked asking if they were the ones who made the defense for suits to which karoo agreed and mentioned that his family had Financial power beyond what her family could compare after that hashen started a toast praising his troop members for the good job they did on their first mission and told them it was rare to have off-duty time with all their contemporaries so they should enjoy their fellowship and so their dining bonding and storytelling began they were delighted as they celebrated their first mission win Reno moved next to hasha commenting that it was the first time he saw everyone so happy just as Reno was about to thank hasha for setting it up hashen called him naive and grinned explaining that the real show was just beginning this puzzled Reno and suddenly karoo shouted complaining that aara was too arrogant even in training often letting his personal feelings show ihar got angry at her and retorted that coming from karoo he didn't want to hear about boasting from another boastful person karoo argued that it was a different story if you have Superior skills like hers Reno tried to stop the argument and AO real talked to haruchi telling him he clung too much to his own style intended to neglect the fundamentals to which haruchi told aoi that he was too devoted to the basics causing him to lag during combinations and if only he knew peruchi was slowing his Pace just to let a to keep up with him Reno didn't know what to do is the two had started arguing suddenly Kafka approached haruchi and aoi shouting who cared about what they were saying and claiming that the suits made by huchi's company were too weak which is why he hadn't defeated a single Monster all then side commented that Kafka should say that only after he had released a higher power Reno was completely overwhelmed while hasha grinned from the side seeing what he had mentioned earlier others also started arguing there was an ISS about the operation of communications during the mission with frequent transmission losses questioning what the problem was where the transmission team countered that it was their fault for entering a closed in space without notification Reno didn't know what to do but soon he noticed something and hasha also noticed him in a blink of an eye they were all discussing their mission Reno noticed that after experiencing their first mission his teammates had identified their shortcomings he realized that he was wasn't the only one who wanted to get stronger everyone else wanted the same kfka again got annoyed with aoi and asked for respect since he was older to which AI replied he only respected those stronger than him prompting Kafka to challenge him to an arm wrestling match others nearby also started heating up leaving Reno speechless again soon everyone's tempers flared and they started fighting with Reno trying to stop them Reno's face was indescribable while hashen laughed at the situation and okaji commented that this happened every year after that hasha decided to calm everyone down and got their attention he stood up and said it seemed like the time and he had an announcement to make everyone looked at him and Kafka was puzzled hasha called Kafka and said that his Discovery during the mission which had greatly reduced damage was highly commendable hasha then announced that Kafka was promoted to an official troop member Reno was astonished and hasha explained that the offer had arrived that day and even though the official announcement was to come later he was welcoming kofka to the third unit of the Defense Force that day kofka couldn't believe what he heard and he exchanged looks with Reno and soon kfka shouted for Joy at the good news cheered on by his colleagues in the next scene we moved to the mini ceremony held by the Defense Force for Kafka where Mina appointed OED him as an official troop member of the Defense Force effective today they saluted each other and Kafka promised to give his all in battle after that kofan nervously apologized as he was about to leave as he was exiting the door Mina commented not to get carried away because he was still far from being ready to fight alongside her kfka was surprised and pleased because Mina remembered their conversation so he also told her to just watch him Mina looked at him and smiled she immediately gave him a punishment for calling her informally making him do 50 push-ups before leaving when Kafka heard Mina mention monster number 8 he paused but he calmed down when he heard her say that due to the cases of monster number 8 and N she needed to go to the main office and would likely be there for a while she left matters to hasha so they should report to him for further instructions to which Kafka saluted and said he understood Mina added that it was AA who recommended Kafka for official membership which pleased Kafka of course she noted this was also possible because of kafka's efforts in the last battle and she told him to make sure he met hash's expectations to which Kafka agreed that evening while studying Kafka grew sleepy and decided to go to sleep because otherwise he might get scolded by hasha again when he left his room he saw that the training room lights were still on annoyed he went there to scold whoever had left the lights on but he was surprised when he saw who it was he found hashen still practicing which made him wonder what he was doing hasha started moving quickly as if he was fighting someone in front of him though no one was there and Kafka realized he was doing mental imagery training watching his moves Kafka noticed something it wasn't just ordinary mental imagery training but a reenactment training of his fight as Monster number eight he was shocked when he noticed the moves even making him sat down because of it hash noticed him and asked if he was studying again so late at night KFAN nervously laughed and redirected his Focus back to hasha asking what he was doing up so late hasha explained that he was devising countermeasures against monster number eight so that if they were to face each other again he would be able to slice every part of it with a single blow Kafka was chilled by hash's menacing explanation hasha added that since their battle began he had made a mistake in his first move he had tried to investigate the abilities of that Kaiju and if he had used his full power then he was sure he would have sliced its neck hash pointed his Katana at Kafka and said that afterward if he had used the sixth form instead of the fifth he would have managed to slice through its core deep inside Kafka was terrified by what was being said so hash commented that he seemed too scared reminding him that it was only a practice sword hashen mentioned that number eight was too strong for a regular troop member so he was certain that monster number n would be the same therefore he said it was necessary that he be the one to confront and kill them kfka stared and thought that their Vice Commander was truly admirable not only trying to protect civilians but also trying to protect their troop members kfka called hasha and explained that he had heard from Mina about her high expectations for him so he saluted and said he would do everything he could to become a valuable asset which made hashen smile suddenly hashen put Kafka in a headlock and said he had no expectations for someone with just 1% power to become any valuable asset so he shouldn't get carried away after that kfka said his goodbyes and left but hasha added that nevertheless he would hold a 1% expectation for him this encouraged Kafka and hasha said he was going back to the office and that Kafka should go to sleep Kafka followed suit and in the next scene while that was happening we moved to the skies above the tachikawa base 8,000 m above ground where we see another humanoid Kaiju leading several flying typ kaijas and it commanded them to descend
Channel: Onii-Chan
Views: 70,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kaiju no. 8 Manga Recap, Kaiju no. 8 Manga Chapters, Kaiju no. 8 Review, Kaiju no. 8 Stories, Kaiju no. 8 Summary, Kaiju no. 8 Story Arc, Kaiju no. 8 Complete Story, Delicious in Dungeon Manga Arc, Kaiju no. 8 Story Explained, Kaiju no. 8 Manga Analysis, Kaiju no. 8 SEcond Arc, Kaiju No. 8 Sagamihara Neutralization Operation Arc, The COMPLETE Kaiju No. 8 'Sagamihara Neutralization Operation Arc' Explained, Kaiju no.8 vs kaiju no. 9, Kaiju no. 8 vs hoshina
Id: EcS27aqPIXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 18sec (3678 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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