How DIABLO Broke The Kingdom & Turned RIMURU Into a Disaster Class Demon Lord | TENSURA EXPLAINED

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when I say diablo turned rimu into a disaster class Demon Lord what I mean is the way he meticulously crafted that image for the nobility of Falmouth he had essentially taken all of rimuru's Feats in the past Twisted them in a way he saw was best then fed them to Falmouth at the times he felt would have Maximum Impact it was all part of his plan to break the Empire then eventually build them a new as a nation under ru's control it's something the novel dives into very deeply and that's a topic I figured you might want to know more about so whether it be the full extent as to how these three were broken first or the full explanation of Diablo's plans as given in the novels here's a spoiler-free breakdown of what Diablo has in store for Falmouth But first you know it I know it it's pretty obvious by the iconic cinematic so as I'm sure you could tell this video is sponsored by raid Shadow Legends if you're wondering why now when it's 5 years old well it's honestly cuz it's not as stupid 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reach a certain state if Shion could imagine it she could make it possible this would then become the natural state for whatever object she was altering and it would be impossible to change unless through a more powerful law manipulation skill so if Shion was to turn three people into living breathing meat cubes the effects of her skill made it so it would be as if they were born that way to paint a better picture as to what this state truly in detailed the King was described to be strings of unidentifiable organic matter connected haphazardly from one section to the other there was a rotting stench which emitted from his box and whatever organs could be visibly identified were clearly plucked out and glued back together without any hint of Rhyme or Reason there was no other word to describe him other than some sort of sickening creature I suppose the next question is how was Shion able to get them to that state without killing them and that's where we get to the torture part you see very Inc mental steps were taken to ensure nobody died from it she would slowly yet surely peel back their layers of skin and muscles then eventually get to scraping the meat off their bones this was all while their physical pain was completely nullified but it did absolutely nothing to alleviate their psychological pain she would do so right until the three were on the brink of death then heal them fully and repeat the whole process over again so Time After Time Shion would disassemble their insides and outsides then reassemble them to the unrecognizable State we saw in the anime repeat this until they were all psychologically broken and what you have are three powerful Falmouth pieces ready to do your bidding it was a true expression of body horror that was done surprisingly 100% painlessly well physically painlessly the state we see them in is therefore just one of the many reassembled States Shion left them in and it was now their natural form thus making regular healing ineffective the laws governing their existence had been so incredibly Twisted that unless the healing involved law manipulation of Greater effect than shion's Master Chef skill the three would remain meat cubes pretty much forever the only reason Diablo was able to do so himself was because he was able to figure out on the fly a means to bypass it before he didn't even know the power of such an art and unique skill existed but now he was able to see it was something that went beyond magic he was able to see beyond his own limited purview of the subject and discover for himself what this New Horizon was capable of eventually leading to the successful negation of whatever forces bound them this way now part of what made Diablo such a fearsome demon was his fundamentally different Behavior to that of other powerful demons you see usually the more smart and Powerful a demon was the more likely they were to try and show off this would lead to them admitting an aura easily detectable by barriers and that would allow time for humans like Rosen to know they were coming it would give entire nations a chance to prepare and defend against them for a demon as powerful as Diablo to emit zero Aura at all though that that meant he could walk into any City completely undetected then wreak havoc pretty much instantaneously a barrier was effectively useless against him and his presence would bring Calamity without so much as a warning it was this that made Rosen so incredibly fearful of Diablo and that feeling only intensified at the thought of the monster this demon was a butler to this would lead rosin to offer his allegiance to Diablo instead now and in turn result in King at marus doing the same too with Falmouth now in the palm of this all powerful primordial demon it was the only thing they could do if they wanted to keep on existing now it's important to know that part of this obedience stems from Diablo's tempter skill which is essentially just a powerful form of coercion it invokes certain emotions like desire or fear then use set emotions to course the target into acting whatever way Diablo wanted in this case the emotion was fear and the message being Amplified was do what I say and you won't suffer anymore it was a unique skill that actually worked relatively similar to merciless should a person's Spirit be broken in his presence then with tempter Diablo would be granted full control over them not control like some kind of Puppet Master but enough to will them to do whatever he wanted it also notified him whenever someone under its influence was planning to defy him so should adaris rosin or rheim even think about betrayal Diablo would know when be able to do something about it this brings us now to the ploy within the Royal Throne area and if you're wondering how Rosen and the rest got there before Diablo it's simply because because him rheim and the King had taken a warp portal first they had teleported straight to the Castle's warp chamber and faint onc Consciousness as ordered to by Diablo the kingdom was in panic after having lost contact with its Army but now that their King was back looking like this they were in an even greater scramble trying to fix him it was only after rosin awoke from his fake act that the Nobles could finally ask questions and get some answers this was all part of the plan Diablo had concocted for him and it was a small step in the overall scheme Diablo created for this country one you'd be surprised to know he had actually shared in full with Rosen beforehand there were quite a few steps that needed to be taken in order to achieve it but from what Rosen understood the end result would turn Falmouth into ru's play thing in outcome he knew he could do nothing about and one that was set in stone the moment Diablo had chosen it it was only natural Rosen felt bad for his former comrades but when he envisioned what it could mean for Falmouth as a whole the potential prosperity for its people was actually quite inspired ing even if it did mean toppling the current government what would be put in its place could very well make Falmouth Thrive far beyond what he thought it ever could now in case you weren't aware in the anime this Noble right here was the Marquee of meller an additional piece Diablo had prepped beforehand and one that was in on it with Rin Diablo was able to contact him via a connection with fuse and he would serve as a voice of reason amongst the chaos one that would persuade others to listen and eventually come to the conclusion that Diablo wanted this would also give Rosen the opportunity to speak which was for the most part the entirely madeup story revolving around felora and their army he did preface by saying how they could save the king and the way they did that was through introducing yum Rosen had described him as the person who negotiated on their behalf and he was on his way here bringing a potion which could fix the king that was how the guards knew to let Yom in and even the part about the potion was an important detail too of course the main thing every noble was concerned with with right now was their missing Army and the unknown fate that had befallen them it was an intentionally vague scenario Diablo crafted to separate rimu from it all while using the talks of Vora to connect it to him instead by constantly mentioning vora's Revival it was only natural the Nobles would think their soldiers had died for that it was a genius move that not only dissociated rimu from the destruction of their army but also provided a valid reason for how valdora came back a masterful play which manipulated the thoughts and mind of every noble present this brings us now to when yum finally made his appearance and to explain why it was the Nobles couldn't believe Rosen had been saved the main reason was because Rosen was their strongest he was the most powerful wizard in the entire country and his defense of bouth lasted for over hundreds of years now so for rosin to be bested was rather hard to believe but if it was coming from him then it had to be true it was a story that became more believable when rheim himself gave a recount of how it happened naturally hearing of rimuru's negotiation gave them hope that they could do the same but if their only Avenue was through rimu himself the Nobles began to realized just how badly they messed up to them they felt there was no chance that rimu would ever want to work with them that's when yum would paint rimu as the forgiving type but even that wasn't enough to sway Nobles like Carlos over here it was Nobles like him that Diablo was looking out for and if enough acted the same way he did Yom knew Diablo would just kill all of them it was all part of Diablo's plan plan to determine whether they were worth working with or not the only reason Diablo didn't step in at all was because to exercise Force now would make things difficult later he would simply take note of any who displayed problematic traits then likely plan to take care of them at a future date there was always the chance Diablo would see all of them as worthless and this was the reason mirand and grucius were looking so nervous here in fact with the disregard for Humanity Diablo exhibited before even Yom and rosin knew that if disrespected too much Diablo might just end up killing everyone in Falmouth it was an outcome they were both very much trying to avoid right now that's why rosin acted the way that he did and it was the serious nature of the conversation which came after which would persuade the rest of the Nobles to accept what yo was offering an open negotiation with rimu and the nation of Tempest of course Diablo wasn't actually going to kill anyone yet because if he did he knew it would go against rimu and what he wanted he knew it would break the trust he was working so hard to build and that was a risk Diablo simply wasn't willing to take right now so instead what he came up with was a clever keratin stick plan and it applied both in a way which would allow him to manipulate all the Nobles Diablo would then step up to fix the king and while the anime made it seem like it was the effects of ru's full potion it was really just a show put on by Diablo intended to make it seem like that he was advertising the potion as tempest's main export all while performing this fake ad making it seem like it could heal anything in actuality he was just undoing shion's skill himself a simple parlor trick making it seem like the potion was doing everything this was only because Diablo had overheard rimu wanting to advertise it so in an effort to go above and beyond he made sure to use this opportunity to do exactly that a prime example of his attentiveness and willingness to do anything for his master fast forward to Diablo's message to bouan it was the king's response which was the first step towards tempest's acknowledgement as a Sovereign Nation you see by accept Diablo as the official messenger the king in turn accepted Tempest as a proper negotiating partner it was a significant gesture which informed every noble present he was serious this also worked in tempest's favor since by being acknowledged as its own State now the fact Falmouth attacked it unprovoked made the public opinion of it shift to their side it was very unlikely now that any of falmouth's allies would support a nation that goes around attacking other nations without good reason to it also gave Tempest justifiable reason to hit them with the Steep demands we saw in the anime the king's own opinion didn't really matter much on any of them though since though he was given free choice to pick whichever he wanted EDM marus knew they each led to the same goal that Diablo desired for them plus when EDM marus thought about the torture he endured at the hands of rimu and Shion there was no way he would ever make the same mistakes again I mean the poor guy was literally forced to eat his own limbs at one point so in an effort to never experience that torment again he was more than willing to follow through with the plan Diablo laid out for him even if it did mean setting up his Nation for civil war this was a fact that marus was more than aware of and the true goal behind setting up y's King now the Absurd reparation amount was of course one of the ways to widen the Divide between King and nobility but the true purpose of it was a whole another subplot Diablo came up with to lead the world's economy it's an interesting topic I plan to share in a different video but one that's not entirely relevant to the Empire's takeover right now the topic that is is the King's inevitable abdication the lack of forces to defend himself against the inevitable Revolt then the eventual absorption of Y and his forces you see by having yum save the King's life it was the easiest and most natural way to have the crown handed straight to him it would be perceived as the ruined royal family handing off the job to a different generation this would in turn make rimu their allies and the only thing they needed to do then was fight on Yum's behalf a simple job that required only a few more reinfor for Ms so long as no other Nation decided to intervene with it the rest was a matter of ensuring the Nobles acted the way Diablo had envisioned for them and as expected that's exactly what happened Edward was successfully chosen as the new king and the timely dissemination of information led to raru being seen as a disaster class Demon Lord he had made clear raru was now part of the newly formed octogram and highlighted the fact that he was an ally to the Fearsome Storm Dragon his leadership was shown to be brilliant Beyond Compare and his claim to the forest of Jura was the very Testament to that these were all Feats essential to ru's image and it was all part of Diablo's plan to build him up as this impenetrable leader so that was the first part of his plan to take control of the kingdom and as I'm sure you could tell it's all going exactly as Diablo had pictured it his subordinates were working hard knowing betrayal meant death and that in turn made it so he just needed to sit back and relax it'll be interesting to see if things continue to go smoothly for him but I'm kind of hoping they don't so we can see him in action for once that's pretty much it for Diablo's plan though so I hope you enjoyed learning more about it if you did then consider leaving a like and subscribing I'll try to make more videos like these in between my moku tensei ones now before I go I just want to thank raid Shadow Legends once again for sponsoring this video you can download the game for free using the link in the description or the QR code but anyway as always thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed this type of anime content then you already know what to do so until next time ciao
Channel: AniNews
Views: 210,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aninews, tensura, rimuru, diablo, that time I reincarnated as a slime, rimuru tempest, diablo tensura, shion, what did shion do, diablo plan, rimuru vs kingdom, rimuru vs falmuth, rimuru vs, ani news, that time I reincarnated as a slime season 3, tensura cut content, tensura explained, that time I reincarnated as a slime explained, that time I reincarnated as a slime episode, tensura episode, tensura op, diablo power, diablo that time I reincarnated as a slime, diablo rimuru
Id: 32hxkCCXG2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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