A Deep Dive On The Internet's Fakest Flexer - (Hard Rock Nick)

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[Music] [Music] things were all good just a week ago party at my house every week or so that's childish but so is this guy in you called hot rock nick i mean he had looked like a baked potato that had the genie and every time he opened his mouth i couldn't believe the words he said have a listen other than that i'm rocking the absolutely [ __ ] [ __ ] beard that most of you don't have the testicles to grow ever since i saw his face i had been having sleepless nights i had to do something about it i had to expose hard rock nick chapter one intro [Music] hard rock nick is an internet personality and self-proclaimed hotelier and celebrity house person who has a net worth of approximately 350 million dollars that is a lot of channel he also has 75 million dollars in cash which would rival walter white from breaking bad honestly i never heard someone carry that much money in cash before el guapo maybe he's also claimed that he's banned almost everyone including certain adult stars but the proof isn't there oh i'm sorry he also loves barely legal goals what are those people who just turned 18 and he's in his 40s it's fair to say that hard rock nick is a self-proclaimed flexor he's a flexologist he has a phd in flexology everything he does on the internet seems like it's one big troll but you have to ask yourself would a troll go for this long would a troll keep up their appearance before they were famous and after and let's not forget his iconic beard that looks like no other person because he said and i quote i don't want to look like any other man well he doesn't you look like a cult leader and cloud chaser cult chasing clout leader called chase and clap cloud chasing cult leader thank you so i want to make clear that the 350 million dollars the banging a lot of women the flexing is all self-proclaimed stuff stuff that he's claimed not that i'm making these accusations what i'm actually going to do is fully break them down for you today and sort of peel back the layers exposing him one by one as the video goes on so hopefully you like to stick around if you'd like to subscribe and become one of detective leo's detective vets then subscribe while you're at it follow me at 16 leo underscore if you have any other suggestions i'd love to hear about them chapter 2 beginnings his name isn't really hard rock nick that would be hilarious if his first name was hard and his last name was nick hey mister hard nick how you doing so his name actually is ali jash which is not the whitest name even though he claims he's a 100 white person it sounds like he's armenian middle eastern greek something like that can't really put a finger on it now not much is known of his early life i i gotta be honest with you i couldn't find much on him i found a couple pictures one from 2005 he's rocking the sunnies and nail polish that's cool the only other thing that i found on him is uh him wanting to actually change his name from ally ashley jash to the proposed name nicholas rock johansson it's not dwayne the rock johnson it's nick the rocket johansson so what's my [ __ ] name racist guy he looks more like a boulder or a pebble depending on how you want to see him besides that name change there's really nothing else that i know about him in his early life although i do know that he was married briefly to jeff goldblum's ex-girlfriend and we will get into that later in chapter five because he's pretty devious and a pretty horrible man you're gonna see trust me but that's about all i have for his early life now i want to show you the hard rock nick that i came across i first heard of him from the danny and drew video which was excellent but i just couldn't get enough if you know what i mean i had to see more so let's start at the beginning this is the first video on his youtube channel called hard rock nick by the way for youtube purposes i'm gonna have to censor a lot of stuff that he says i would have loved to have shown you everything but um i don't think it's possible laurel canyon traffic [ __ ] gas money i got a busy day today in beverly hills i'm meeting with some investors as you can tell within the first 30 seconds of the video he's already flexing on us and this video by the way is from the 4th of march 2013. i want you to keep that in mind because the flexing does not end he literally started with his first video saying he's in beverly hills going to meet with some investors while driving what looks to be like a secondhand pickup truck it's a quaint 74 degrees in the hills of studio city crossing over to the west hollywood area what accent is that i'm not really sure what you are talking about it's a lot of things in one i'm not really sure what that accent is sounds like he had a stroke mid-sentence honestly and this is the first video that we're ever seeing on him imagine picture 2013 gta 5 just came out i know eight years later it still came out but it just came out things were good and then you see a bald man who looks like a super villain with that beard moustache combo in a pickup truck driving around beverly hills california threatening to go to meetings with people and invest it's an odd thing isn't it it's an odd first video adjacent to beverly hills where i will be dropping it like it's hot in my louis v wallet with my louis v lifestyle and my gym obsessed metrosexual [Music] and bang badinas tonight in la after we dine on ahi tuna sashimi so yes uh as you could tell this man if i wouldn't even say he has mental problems because that would be offensive to people who actually suffer from things this is just a man who seems like he's been kicked in the head by the donkey from shrek and never recovered fully he's already flexing his louis vuitton everything and his having sex lifestyle while also being a gym body okay we can nip the gym body in the bud right now this man may go to june but i don't know if he just eats donuts after it really doesn't seem to be helping sorry bro the louis vuitton stuff i'll get into later and the lifestyle it just seems like he wants to portray this image of a man who is living like dan bulzarian but as we all know even dan bulzerian is a fake that lifestyle really doesn't exist or it's not fulfilling it really seems like his audience are kids and they are a lot of you guys ask me what i have in my truck oh some scope very mandatory when you roll up at the night and you're getting your sucked in your lifted truck you always want to have fresh breath in case she kisses you first oh i have coronado cherry car scent available at ralph's i like how we just gloss past that one um while you're getting your ding-dong sucked in the pickup truck you want to have good breath in case she kisses you fast life tips from a man who seems to be living a false life like i said it's the first video things are about to get worse but you need to see this and um i'm rocking my 200 nike air maxes that you can't get because they're custom and other than that i'm rocking the absolutely [ __ ] beard that most of you don't have the testicles to grow damn that's a nice crib i've never heard anybody ever say their own beard was the r word before i'm not i'm not really sure what just happened there this is like doing a back flip onto your own dick for fun all right whatever i yeah you're right i don't have the testicles to grow a beard like that i just i couldn't possibly look like that and be okay with it i'm not sure how you have so much confidence it's very misplaced that's a nice up i wouldn't want to live right here though man like how the [ __ ] do you get out of your house you know what i mean the driveway let's continue you know what i mean i'm out all right so that was the first video of hard rock nick as you could tell he is trying to portray a lifestyle that he may not be loving but he goes out of his way to show you certain items that he flexes look even if he does own a louis vuitton i guess wallet they're not the most expensive things in the world i know they cost a little bit of money but that doesn't necessarily mean that you own 350 million dollars worth of assets i'm not disproving him in this chapter i just wanted to go over the videos but it's kind of hard not to see the holes in his like theories and plots already isn't it it just gets worse from here and if you're a girl i am so sorry for what you're about to hear throughout this video honestly and if you're a guy i'm also sorry because honestly i don't think the things he say is for anyone but the next video he puts up is in july 5th of 2013. it's called hard rock nick's private suite and he talks about him owning a hotel in las vegas does it look like a hotel he owns you be the judge ladies and gentlemen this is my actual personal [ __ ] suite in other words nobody else sleeps in this [ __ ] unless you have a puppy on my face that's what everybody needs to sleep in hard rock nick's hotel one on their face i guess you cannot sleep in his room if you're not willing to put your vajayjay in his beard look at the airplanes [ __ ] just off to the right and they're kind of eerily close to the casino you know what i mean so let me just stop it there as well he claims that he is a hotelier he owns many hotels his name is hard rock nick because like the hard rock cafe and hotel he claims to be a part of that this was disproven on a podcast with jason ellis where hard rock nick goes on and jason ellis says you own a piece of the hard rock and what you don't know is i i work with the hard rock i know the person that runs the whole thing and has worked there for 20 years and he doesn't know you he he knows that you've never worked there at all so that's my one where it's not a dude on the internet that i don't know that might have a vendetta against you it's a guy that i've been working with for 12 years now who's like that's crazy he doesn't he never worked here and i'm like well [ __ ] nick why are you telling me that so this man is clearly lying through his teeth but it's just amazing to see the length that he goes through to actually hold up these lies it's like if dan bulzerian was homeless but was trying to convince you he had a home by standing outside of people's driveways and being like yeah it's right there with the keys i left it in my other house so that's on the one side here and then on this side which is my bedroom uh i'm not gonna do a full tour of the of the uh apartment uh because of time but oh yes because of time yeah that concept i hate the concept of time don't you it just restricts you from doing everything you want poor neck time tough concept on youtube time is when the video ends so you can extend it by making a longer video but i don't know if nick knows that ponik he's hard rock nick but he's also soft head nick because he doesn't have too many brain cells basically this is uh the strip during the days you can see all the fireworks from this exact vantage point in the room you see a lot of traffic i've seen a lot of private planes fly in even though fourth of july falls on a thursday so you think nothing's gonna happen hard rock nick is being sort of inoffensive he's just being boring as usual but then he turns into the quote machine which he normally is and he says this that's where i get my sucked seating out tugged on one by one and my [ __ ] set on on top of that sucked one by one that sounds like the greatest massage ever how much you pay for that massage i get my hugged on one by one that's like a jackass stunt from johnny knoxville hit me and stevo were gonna get our balls tugged one by one first one to to chicken out losers tugs on your bro what is it tmi yes is it worth tmz's time no it's weird that this man has turned himself into a celebrity by being gross because that's what's happening okay so we've now seen two videos like i said hard rock nick claims that this is his hotel suite even though it looks like it's dressed for any other person if he actually owned the hotel you think that maybe he'd show something with his name on it or maybe go down to the room service or even the hotel where he owns the hotel and be like hey do i own this no okay you think he'd do something like that but he didn't i'm not even starting to disprove him and you can see that this man clearly has no validity to anything he says what did happen though is that he actually sort of got a little bit of fame and therefore infamy after his rants sort of gained some traction and people started talking about him on the internet he did some interviews and eventually led himself to tosh.0 through that after he got on tosh.0 thought that he was the sh but his appearance on tosh.now led him to turn himself into sort of a self-celebrity or think that he was one one thing that he does is on teespring advertisers products i went to the site the picture looks like it was done by andy warhol if he was blind and deaf and stupid and had no hands a lot of the merchandise is just the same one image that like i said looks like it was done on ms paint if ms paint was in the 1940s i mean look at this official hard rock nick merchandise unisex zip hoodie the price is just ridiculous it's out of stock now you think a man what 350 million dollars would want to use a site that's not as basic as teespring because i use teespring i'm still starting off i'm a small youtuber if you go on to cody co's website where he has merch not only is it his official website and a domain that's privately owned by him you can actually see that the website is designed perfectly well and if you go to the bottom it says powered by korzak which is a brand influence of building website it's someone you partner with when you have a certain amount of subscribers and fans and you think that you're big enough to do such a thing you wouldn't do that if you weren't as big so for someone who's worth 350 million dollars it seems kind of odd that he would use teespring like these basic batches like me speaking of which my new much very soon coming up should i do a plug like i can drop a picture i'll give you the picture here's a picture okay so now we've seen that this man is a much mogul he's apparently a hotel owner a self-proclaimed flexa and he's been on tosh.0 but what does he think about the ladies it's been over a year since the first video posted in 2013 was when he first came online but this is from 2014 hard rock nick on why he is single and ladies let me tell you you're missing out [Music] the person next to him like in the car like jesus christ oh my god i come to california and this is what they do one year later and his beard still looks like it got shaved by ray charles like really he hasn't given up that look the whole year i think the topic of this video will be something a little more personal let's talk about why badass good looking rich guys don't have girlfriends let's not talk so loudly in front of the camera if we could you know you don't have to scream at the camera okay it's not your ex-wife you can calm down i know shots fired but trust me you're gonna see why why is it that girls will date a guy that has half my wallet half my dick half my car half my bank he got he got what he got half your dick what you better get it back bro he's got half your car oh my god this man has stolen a lot from you nick jeez you can't be hard rock nick you're just hot rocking it you got half pass up a guy like me who's fun nope good looking nope interesting yes edgy educated educated he's edgy but also educated that's that's him talking like a 14 year old boy looking like a 15 year old boy's gta online character tell me this guy doesn't look like he's from gta online someone just like ditto and he came to life and he was like yeah hot rock nick real life baby whatever it is if you look too good and you got it going on women are [ __ ] hating craps that's not a word you can say but in australia that is just a greeting they don't like to see you ball they don't like to see you succeed they don't like you looking better than them they don't like you having the upper hand they don't like you being confident in yourself would you want to marry then huh girls are that bad why are you even interested in them at this point why not be interested in other you know maybe men maybe who do you find attractive who wants to see you win and succeed it sounds like the only person who wants to do that is dj khaled another one and you know if you and dj khaled had sex well then my eyes would explode really please don't so let me just say to all the guys out there if you're good-looking you got a ride you got your own crib you got a good job i love when people list things with that like inflection you got a job you got a car you got a house maybe a toilet maybe you took a [ __ ] in it maybe it didn't know how to flush maybe you called a plumber maybe he said i quit maybe you had to fish it out yourself and throw it at the neighbor's house and then say sorry mike you might slip on a turd you're a good guy sorry mike and you ain't got a girl homie it's a compliment to you okay a white guy who's bald and has the facial hair off a super villain from the 1930s calling me homie is the equivalent of my british landlord calling me the n-word it does it's weird so don't take it personally um i'm here to be your freaking rock for all you guys out there that is that what the rock is the rock is like a symbol of hope for men that would be an oddly optimistic thing hard is because of how hard people's lives are i just want to make sure that they get through it rock is to solidify people i am the rock that you will stand on and nick is like saint nick i'm like god i'm sorry jesus but i am not him he is thy lord i am just the savior it's a good name hard rock nick i was going to be hard cocknick but that that didn't sound as good that that was my porno name sorry and um like i said women are internally very jealous creatures they're very insecure could you shake the camera more please i would love to see you just survive an earthquake the camera's like oh i'd like to you know see a woman just be in a good space that's basically what's up till next time bye-bye three videos and two of them are in a truck one of them's in a hotel you gotta ask yourself is this man homeless or nah that's the game that we're playing today it's been one year he hasn't presented himself in a house yet so let's take a little tangent break and look at the type of content that hard rock nick has on his instagram page he has 200 posts 137 000 followers and i wondered who on earth would buy his merchandise who the hell would be listening to this advice i'll tell you who it's young boys and that's not a joke the only people who really ever listen to red pull behavior like this where you dog on woman are young kids who are yet to experience how amazing women and girls and the opposite sex really are in bettering your life whether you're straight yay or anything everybody needs everybody to survive you have to know that and when people do this red pull behavior or the same thing with like extremist feminism where it's like we don't need the other gender i it just blows my mind anyway i wanted to show you his fans look at him 500 any selfie nope there you go secure the drip does that look like a oldish man i doubt it how about this old man looks like a you know mature old baby oh there's more fans that's the same one but he got his friend to buy it too there's another guy love it another guy more little kids more babies i don't know that could be his son illegitimate or legitimate okay that could be his brother or son that's his grandkid and he somehow has a one goal fan so these are the fans of hard rock nick 95 of it uh guys who are easily malleable who can be influenced by anything that any older man says great love that that's his fan base and judging by the content that he puts out it really makes a lot of sense but let's continue and keep watching his beginning story now i'm gonna skip ahead five years to april of 2019. hard rock nick is 100 single and ready to mingle his beard is all but gone he's reverted to the normal armenian slash greek beard i'm not sure what that is uh clearly he's also dying the beard at this point but this is how he feels five years later about women i get this question a lot from the women out there they want to know ladies like this needs to be said it's a hundred percent real you ain't never been with nobody this nude you've never been with nobody with a big door dick like this you've never been with anybody with green shed like this you feel me look at me i mean you're gonna be miserable just looking at it at me i mean the worst thing that's gonna happen is i'm gonna bust door dick you know what i'm saying you gotta love that said the balding diglett i am single you ain't never been with nobody this rich i probably haven't been with nobody this rich but i'll tell you what hard rock nick i have also never been with anybody who has never shown me their house within five years place of time that's pretty odd don't you think car car hotel looks like he's outside a waiting room of some sort or maybe a public park where's your house buddy why you don't have one you feel me look at me i mean you're gonna i'm just looking at it at me okay thank you so much my my bands just got detailed okay thank you so much okay thank you so much i was replaying that part many times because hard rock nick plays it off as if someone's detailing his bins which is very smooth for someone who has a very smooth head but i actually figured out that the guy was saying watch your mouth because he was so in the middle of a public space that someone had to actually stop him and be like please dude shut your face he actually got told off in public and used it to flex flexology phd like there was a young woman recently you know we would talk on the phone she was gonna fly out whatever i was gonna put a ring on it but being as [ __ ] as she was came at me like i'm full of [ __ ] and everything's fake i'm like bro then why'd you why'd you even give me your number right so yes uh misogyny right let's add that to the list of things that big hard rock fat nick is i just added a lot of stuff there yeah yeah no he called a girl the r word for not wanting to get with him oh you guys are going to hate the next chapter oh my gosh i'm sorry but he's not good to woman i know that it's easy to call him a meme and a meme lord and he is a funny dude let's not lie but he also is a bit of a [ __ ] most of the time the douchebag never really ends with this guy because all those fake ass people on twitter and read it in facebook groups like let them be miserable because they can't stomach that i'm basically a real lil tank basically you feel me very weird comparison if you guys don't know who lil tay is she was a flexa let me tell y'all something this [ __ ] cost more to your rent my toilet cost more to your rent everything in my bathroom cost more to your ranch she would come out as the hottest flexer in the game you already know what it is flex of the century uh she was in a jake paul video uh you need to get a gucci notepad gucci pen make everything gucci and uh turns out she wasn't a real flexer at all she was just a fraud but it turns out that everyone who is a fake flexer is a fraud because real people who have a lot of money don't actually flex it because they don't feel the need to show it off unless you're floyd money mayweather in which case you sort of earned it because you could see 20 years of walk this guy i don't know where he came from i don't know where he's going i don't know how he got there caught and i joke so ladies if you're if you're for real come come at me i mean the worst thing that's gonna happen is i'm gonna bust nuts in you and that is the worst thing that could possibly happen to you a man of this caliber busting his caliber into you oh i feel sorry for you ladies it's the second worst thing the first worst thing is uh i don't know taking a [ __ ] in your ex-wife's sink doesn't that sound like an oddly specific joke well it's the truth but you're going to see in a few minutes no all right so 23rd of september 2019 this is after danny gonzalez and drew gooden made a video on this man and it went viral he sees it and he responds instead of taking it like a lot of people on the internet do uh on the chin and laughing about it because it's all in good fun he comes after them and says hard rock nick claps back at youtubers drew gooden and danny gonzalez by the way i clap back not you come on and a hot rock nick if you're watching this and you want to make a clap back video on me trust me i come with the file trust me a lot of you asked me what i think of danny and drew and i say bro i swear to god i thought they were 12 years old when i first saw the video that's a very good testament to how good this skincare routine is i would love to be called 12 years old i wish they don't even ask to check when i go into bars now it's very offensive but yes they are two good looking people sure go on they're like a size medium or small i mean broad together they don't weigh as much as i do uh bruh together nobody put together ways as much as you do you could combine two [ __ ] nicocado avocados and they would still probably not equal to you i just want to be real bro not many people put together could equal half as much as you so you are correct but that's not a compliment that means you need to go on the treadmill and hope it doesn't break again and i'm not fat i'm a big boy well you are fat but you are also a big boy you're a big fat boy a fat boy if you're gonna come after youtubers i have to come after you i'm clapping back at you clap back i think they're just genuinely intimidated by the fact that i'm big i [ __ ] own a casino i bang younger than them you know what i'm saying because i found out they're like 25. but you said they were 12 just now bro little freudian slip maybe a bang [ __ ] younger than them i thought they was 12 and i'm bang you know who can't say that on the internet let me just because i found out they were 25 let me just clarify i'm talking about a 24 year old in half oh damn freudian slip times two hard rock nick incriminating yourself huh you're gonna be in a hard rock jail soon if you keep this up i just think man like they can't get over the fact that i'm a real person who exists nobody in the world can get over the fact that you're a real person we all thought you were a troll but it's been too long i will give him credit though he seems to be sitting in some sort of house so that's good they had look just the fact that my video is approaching six million views on drew gooden's channel now some of that is because i think danny has a hot youtube channel too but the video is only seven months old so give it time they did one i think on did us jake paul i'm terrible with this guy's name um kind of looks like a blonde ashton kutcher now that video on him got 6.1 but that video has been out over a year i mean jake paul is a legitimate celebrity at this point whether you want to say it or not he's he's done a lot if anybody's actually transitioned from a douchebag into a international douchebag it would be him you can aspire but he's like 100 years younger than you bro i don't think they made me famous i think they added definitely a lot of younger fans to my fan base uh you see that i treat all my fans the same yes you want to [ __ ] them i am gonna [ __ ] my fans no matter what age they are which i would call illegal don't need an expose piece of that you don't want to be the white edp do you because you're gonna get the lapd on you if you do that uh and to be fair danny and drew didn't exactly go say go follow him because all they did was roast me if you look at tosh or jason ellis they promoted me a little bit i'm saying danny and drew were extremely derogatory i'm not saying i was hurt over it i'm just saying you sound a little hood over it bro you sound like you need a hug which i would give you if i felt that you wouldn't let go but i'm not going to do that maybe a shine on your bald head maybe i'm sorry i i don't believe that that's true i'm not sure if you understand how commentary channels work nobody's actually trying to hurt you or say anything derogatory to you but we don't have an obligation to promote you either whereas tv is more exploitative they probably should do that you agreed to do a piece on daniel tosh it would be weird if he didn't promote you because you agreed to it you didn't agree to this one you're just free reign at this point so yeah i hate to defend them because it's so easy to but none of what you're saying is correct to suggest that they gave me fans i think they would sit back and say no we didn't because you know all we did was say he's a sick guy he's racist oh my god yes he's racist i forgot to tell you he he's he's uh yeah he's there's a post on his facebook and the first thing that he says top 10 turn offs in woman number one is non-caucasian i mean the worst thing that's gonna happen is i'm gonna bust nuts so that's that's racial no no coming back from that one row this man gets worse and was by the second doesn't he and if they were smart they would make me part of that we are two different people tour at least in the la and anaheim show and have me come out as kind of like a little but they don't want to share any money with me okay so he wants to be part of the show because they talked about him once hey do you want to be part of my show it's called jail time every now and again i get you in an orange suit and you just stand there you sit there the audience is the cop that patrols you so hopefully you like that because you didn't do one [ __ ] video that got 5.4 million views in seven months and i was a nobody you've done videos on vin diesel didn't even get two or three million jake paul logan paul whatever that dude you did a video on him he was a legit star he's still a star he should have about three times the views i went on to have give me this give me some of that credit because they saw a good looking dude in your picture that you put up greatest flexer of all time whatever they went back and watch this [ __ ] three times so i'm saying don't be jealous don't be mad just can celebrate the fact that i'm a [ __ ] star and i'm not going anywhere right let me see if i get this straight you're angry that they did a video about you but you're even angrier that the video did well because you are the famous one but you're angry that they didn't then give you money because you because you're because you're celebrating are you saying you've never been with nobody like this you've never been with anybody with green [ __ ] like this i'm sorry i'm losing it i can't don't understand what he's saying what you armenian landlord what are you saying what you're happy that they you're saying that this makes about as much sense as hard rock nick trying to sell you hair products all right so let's move on to the daniel tosh interview i just want to move on to the part where he sits down with daniel tosh and uh they start talking about it if tom likes you i like you yeah do you regret this post turn offs in a woman yep so this is the post where he's in a woman in order of level of turned offeredness non-caucasian that's the first one so he's a [ __ ] bag smoker of any kind vegetarian wears too much makeup ironic coming from a man who looks like he's the embodiment of what james charles will look like in 10 years never says thank you prudish has visible facial hair come on dude you look like someone stuck pubes on your face has a child from a previous man weird won't shop do yoga anywhere unless she has a coupon groupon okay i guess that's somewhat legitimate because that's annoying but wow what a horrible thing to say you can't start with non-caucasian number one it just comes across as racist i know but how is it racist to know what you like well if you put a hood on in the deep south and it's white and then you start saying what you like and what you don't like that doesn't make it a preference that makes it a hate crime okay glad we solved that one i got a big no i want to talk about your huge 11 inches that's what you're claiming i'm claiming that's rock hard that's 11 inch ding dong is what he has i don't want to tell you my size but it's not 11 does that make me insecure sure but at least i'm honest it's closer to not 11. is she a girthy hog it's a good proportion nice so that's that's something that can't be verified i did actually go on stream though and someone said it's like a pringles can i guess they saw it but i used to like pringles cans now i hate them why do i wear paint i wear pink because i like pink you know like inside okay so yes that's the last thing that i'm gonna take from tasha he says that he likes pink gushy [ __ ] you know let's carry on with this man's lifestyle the last video i want to show you is called hard rock nick says he never dates these women and this is from 9th of may 2020 so as you can tell it's been yours literally seven years of flexing and he has not changed in fact after seven years of debuting the weirdest and shittiest beard of all time he brings it back into circulation top five jobs that finance white girls have but you need to get out of the way if you meet a girl with these jobs number one here we go a realtor a realtor is a commission only job there's no salary there's no health care steer clear of women in this line of work a lot of them would rather be a stripper okay so i guess big hard rock fat ass nick is talking about the types of women that you should never date and one is a realtor because if you're not a realtor you want to become a stripper because that's the you know that's the part that you take hey man i wanted to become a minor but you know i said [ __ ] that so i'm just an astronaut i just wanted to thanks hard rock nick a lot of women just get into it for the cash uh and they're not really um women that i would date or marry you don't say bro a lot of women get into the job because of the money do they ah damn i thought they just love selling houses i thought you just get a serotonin boost from selling houses you know it's just like smoking crack every time i make a sale on the house i'm just like yes [ __ ] right are you living in that house with your family thanks nick definitely how house sales go i would love my realtor to be that happy that i moved in number two goes hand in hand loan officer suit and tie dorky types a lot of them are in it for the cash they're very irritable mean cranky people that are really bottom line driven a hard rock nick doesn't like women who make money that's the first thing that we can get from him if you're a woman and you're making money get away from me you're very mean and cranky don't be a cranky meanie can you imagine a guy with that beard and those eyebrows coming to a lone office and being like you saw me you saw me i would never date you if he says people at the dmv i'm gonna flip out number three pharmaceutical sales rep pharmaceutical sales reps are usually very very attractive women in their late 20s to 40s they are sort of stripper or porn types is that right because the pharmacy i go to has an ethel she's not 20 or 40 she's 20 plus 40 plus 40 again then plus 20. she's not a stripper but she does have a pole but it's more like a cane so it can help her walk upright i wouldn't call her sexy she's beautiful but the same type of beautiful i see when i see an old tree i just admire the fact that it's been there for so long i don't know what pharmacy you're going to but you need to give me that number number four women that are bartenders bartenders work miserable hours okay they come home at like 3 a.m it's mostly a cash job they are coming home with all kinds of ones and fives and they have to sit on that until the next day when they go to the atm and deposit it or go to the bank yeah what a tough job when your wife comes home with all these ones and fives and tens and fifties just comes home with all this money and you're like ah why'd you put that away you flexer such a weird job bartenders like the worst people she could be banging other people at the bar i don't know that's why i go to the bar every day and just sit there and watch her because i have jealousy issues i have very fatal issues i'm hard rock nick number five personal trainer let me explain imagine if you're a trainer most of them have to get up at god-awful hours like i'm talking 4am to train some of their clients and then they may not have their second or third client until like one so what he's saying is he doesn't like a girl who earns money or works hard because he wants her to work modestly hard and only be there certain times of the day if she walks extra hours or does things that are above and beyond he doesn't like her and i'll tell you what he's right i hate a goal that achieves the well in life i hit goals that overachieve that's so like embarrassing like what are you doing honey winning awards oh what am i supposed to be proud of you for doing well you should just shove it up your arse okay it's also a job that makes a woman very selfish think about it you know are they ever going to want to have your kids of course not it's gonna ruin their business card which is their six-pack abs and even if she is gonna be a mother she's gonna expect plastic surgery for once you have a couple babies with her because after all you ruined her body sorry i can't sit here and just listen to that um my friend has a kid and she has a you know exceptionally good physique so that's not true also please don't say the words having kids will ruin a woman's body don't that's disrespectful on a whole nother level they're carrying a child that's probably the most beautiful thing you can do on earth if women don't exist men don't exist i mean come on bro that's a weird thing to say man i don't know that doesn't sit right with me out of all the things he said that's the worst one to me i'm sorry but when it comes to dating or marriage i would get away from these women they're never going to have your kids they're very selfish when somebody sends something oh the video just cut off like that lovely good to know that hard rock nick doesn't know how to turn off a camera it's weird because he knows how to turn off every goal anyway that is the end of chapter two chapter three exposing the fake flexing so we've had a look at hot rock nick and i know it's been a lot to take in you might want to have a water eat something just brace yourself because now we're going to expose all the stuff that he's said and done what i did find were two amazing twitter channels one called deep throat bdn i know that's the name and the other one called fake flexing felicia both of which who have done like extensive research to help put ali jash or hard rock nick into the ground and with their help and this video i wanna start like showing some of the exposing so let's talk about the video called hard rock nick dave uses new construction site for posh new casino what's up hard rock nick nation what does hard rock nick like more than pink dick balls getting your balls tugged one by one he likes construction we will be bringing a three-story casino and i will be soon fantastically wealthier than i already am thank you so much for following me and making me a rich white man right okay rich white man got it um let's debunk that okay so i found this post that says there is absolutely no record of nicholas rock johansson on california's gambling control commission site also there's no ally jash so he has nothing to do with any casino in the california area furthermore casinos are only legal in california if they are tribal casinos on tribal land that's why they're all in vegas and not california so that cannot be possible so let's just start that exposing right there let's continue with the next video this is gonna be a fun fun chapter the next one is about him buying a rolls-royce in beverly hills okay and the thing that you want to watch for is his louis vuitton case and the bangle that he has around his hand so i'm always fake flexing huh yes yes you are and let me break it down for you right now cubic zirconia is a potato's best friend so if you look at the um diamonds they're not real that's cubic zirconia for sure just to show you it's about 33 where you can get it like on amazon or anywhere else you can actually buy them in bulk from dhk can i show you what real diamonds look like and this is the only time i'm going to have a flex yeah that's a real diamond right there those are real diamonds they shine okay they also come with certificates to prove that they're real so in case anyone wants to be an [ __ ] about it you can pull out the certificate and be like this is a vs or vvs and this is how many carats it is sorry nick i had to pull one out on you i do have a couple diamonds on me i know what a real diamond looks like as for the case that case that he holds looks fake because it is indeed fake amazon prime brown like designer luxury stylish cover case for iphone 11 to 11 pro 1899 plus free shipping lovely hey nick that's not real louis vuitton i just got one question for all my haters at home where am i and where are you shopping for a rolls royce with a 600 beanie 500 bell 200 nike air max and don't let me remind you about my 14 bank accounts um no that's what happens when you need to take out a lot of loans because one bank account won't actually lend you any more because you refuse to pay it back i don't have 14 bank accounts and i'm pretty sure i'm more well off than you how do i know that because i know for a fact that you declared bankruptcy how do i know that because it's actually a legal statement one thousand four hundred fifteen dollars in assets almost three hundred thousand dollars in liabilities he filed for chapter seven everyone can see it nick when ali filed for bankruptcy in 2011 he had 40 cash in hand and 75 in one of his checking accounts zero in the other his uggs and nikes were worth five hundred dollars as extra frosty ice was worth about 200 bucks i'm just saying the fake flexing is not that hard to disprove where am i and where are you i'm over here commentating about you trying to buy a rolls royce in rodeo drive which i haven't seen you actually buy where am i where are you i have 420 000 people who follow me you have some fake [ __ ] on where am i where are you here's another one from him at bank of america claiming that he's a rich man so i'm always fake flexing huh i just got one question for all my haters at home where am i and where are you why does it sound like people are peeing right outside of the bank of america what are you doing bro it sounds like someone's taking a giant poster i'm about to go in bank of america in calabasas on an 80 degree day to make a 40 000 deposit from a house flip this man is so funny he has to flex any sort of number he flexed the amount of degrees it was i'm going to bank of america today it's 80 degrees i'm making a 40 deposit with 20 tacos in my ass i have two kids in one alimony check that i haven't paid two overdue bulls and three people after me four bounty hunters and two people who just call me ally i have no dignity and one brain cell so if you could give me one more chance i would like to apologize to you three times please take me back honey ally with a custom polo shirt big pony alexander mcqueen leather shorts you already seen them 200 nike air maxis look can you stop flexing shoes that are affordable to anyone who has a job when i was 12 years old i was working part-time jobs and earning enough money to buy 200 shoes it was not a wise way to spend my money when i was a kid but hey i could afford it at 12 years old you're 40 you should be able to afford a 200 pair of shoes that's not a flex bro if you have 350 million dollars that's not a flex where am i and where are you this one's just him being creepy what's up emma your lovely brother zach commissioned me to wish you not only a happy birthday but a very sincere congratulations on graduating from college i hear you're a big fan of my disgusting language and sexuality and i appreciate you be more so because you're a girl and most girls are freaked the [ __ ] out so thank you for being a fan now that you're getting a good job with your college degree i guess that means you can maybe be my girlfriend and start paying my bills right nope don't say that you don't know how old she is don't do that to the fans don't try and date them i don't know why everybody seems to do this if they're off age and they're your fans and they become your friends that's fine that is none of my business i don't care i think if it's legal go ahead if she's underage don't do that words from a sage come on bro please don't start hitting on people you don't know and be better than men i'm just kidding anyway much love if you're cute can i get a dm and maybe a naughty picture by the way nope nope nope nope don't ask for nudes over the brother commissioned this message and this is what you're doing this is like someone's mom saying can you please send a nice message leo to um my daughter she's 22 and she loves your content and me being like hey man can you suck it sorry i'm sorry because you're over 18 and you're like not that old yet so you're like barely legal much love to you and zach and let me hear a dm from you once in a while let me know how you're doing in the world thank you so much if you ever need help paying off your school loans i don't know we can work something out maybe a [ __ ] i don't know cool later this is the hardest video i've ever had to like do on detective leo don't don't don't ask uh you barely legal fan whose brother got you a commission to give her a [ __ ] don't do that don't why do i have to say that you're 40 something years old you should know better oh god uh so in my next chapter i'm going to talk about him being disrespectful to woman but we're not done with the fake flexing i have another video where he's talking about him being a star and this is where he claims he's in a 14 bedroom mansion what's up i want to make a video first of all i mean [ __ ] you this ain't no [ __ ] common area of my building whatever that is doesn't he look like if drake had no talent and hair this would be him if he sung hotline bling like you used to call me on the cell phone that's this is him y'all there's some [ __ ] just [ __ ] bro this is my house i have [ __ ] 14 rooms i mean i'm not giving y'all a tour when you ask like that that's what's up you're gonna pay for it i'm gonna put it in the movie okay so that was a load of bs he claims that he's in a 14 bedroom mansion he's not going to show us his whole room because we're being mean to him it's weird that the camera is facing in front of him and the tv's behind him almost as if it's i don't know a waiting room it's also playing tom and jerry which i wouldn't think he'd watch because he's a sophisticate and a man who likes playing on his face so kind of weird that he's watching a cartoon wouldn't you say well here's some evidence someone actually messaged calabasas dental care and they said it's not a good situation it's all over social media documents restraining orders is this your waiting area then they sent the link to the video and the response was pretty telling did he post that this was his house yes he claims that this is the play room off his mansion he has at least three to six videos in the same spot our office is his playroom kind of bad when the dental care calls you out isn't it nick uh oh spaghetti the next flex that we have is him in his mercedes-benz but hey this one actually is a mercedes so am i wrong what's up ladies don't forget hard rock nick likes to [ __ ] his fans right never forget hashtag the fan holla at me ladies off age and as you can see there's a brand new bands don't listen to the haters they lie they tell you it's a cla all this [ __ ] it is a cla i'm going to prove it just now you've never been with a [ __ ] star so what's there they're not like you're going to live in l.a you're going to sleep in l.a you're going to live in a 14 bedroom house oh no that's the dentist remember dentist room don't not not your house that's the dentist waiting room you can have my chef make you [ __ ] waffle okay remember not chef just just you making horrible food do you remember did you have concussion let all the haters just sit in their rented rooms no not haters not just normal people just calling you out okay okay he's not getting it and [ __ ] die in credit card debt you have 14 bank accounts we we don't okay you get the you get that's what's up you're gonna orgasm nope not really if they don't exist they can't but all right that's not a 20 20 bins i found the post which shows the big small dick nick is pretty desperate the post is actually in the dailies of his local newspaper 2018 mercedes-benz cla 250. i love how he said it's not a cla when it is black on black 95 000 miles original owner all serves records 15 000 call eric but hey how do we know that that's him because it says call eric well in nicholas rock johansson cars for sale he advertises a car that has 97 150 miles mostly highway miles mercedes-benz 2018 cla 250 black on black hey that's the same ad how about that he took an ad in the paper because he was getting desperate 15 000 that's kind of pretty pretty cheap you know for a man who has 350 million dollars i'm just saying now the last thing i wanted to show might or might not be true i'm kind of hoping it is true it would just be funny and comedically ironic but here's the video i thought it was about time for a little flexing video i wasn't lying when i said i get two packages a week so we got a badass pair of nikes and we got a iron man t-shirt it's the end of the month it ain't christmas today my birthday this is how i do it damn you do it like that you spent 200 and maybe 30 dollars at the end of the month on yourself treat yourself mofo that's a lot of money you must be worth 350 million dollars and this must prove it because you average two amazon packages a week i've never heard someone say they averaged this many packages a week before what a splendid thing tell me more nick i got two more packages coming that's four that is how you count correct mofo correct when i [ __ ] flex just for real suck my i will not do that and that's not a flex i average more packages a week unfortunately because of things i need but hey let me show you something that i found funny i found an amazon fulfillment thing that actually looks like he worked there for some time there's also some dms between him and possibly a former amazon employee so it looks like nick hard rock thick face nick i guess you can average two packages a week when you walk there huh buddy fake flexing much i think so chapter four girls wives and fake fans so we've got through the flexing we've got through showing how nick actually is this is gonna be the hardest one and it's not a long long topic but it's something that i thought was pretty pretty weird so like i said someone called deepthroatbdn on twitter actually did amazing walk and found this thread where it sort of chronicles hard rock nick's timeline his real name is ali ashley jash he dated uh jeff goldblum's ex-girlfriend whose name is katherine reford i don't really want to get into her story too much she has had a tough tough time but it turns out that their relationship went sour now relationships do go sour and that's just how things go what is not usual about the situation is that ali ashley jash is not a good person in fact he is a very bad boss and after catherine filed a restraining order and opted for divorcing him he broke into her house and brace for yourself brace [ __ ] in her sink not even joking this is the actual report in about mid-may 2008 josh instigated a campaign against redford designing to harm her personal and professional reputation as well as disrupt her relationships with her employer allstate her boyfriend her business associates and acquaintances and family in 2008 josh without reforms consent entered reford's residence and destroyed a number of items created a significant mess and defiled the sink by defecating in it that's just a fancy word for saying i took a dump in your sink he left her personal notes about this act he made it clear he wanted revenge with her and those she associated with from that point forward josh has not abated his malicious actions towards referee this man is a clown in all senses of the word unfortunately his ex-wife had contracted cancer which is very very sad it's a very very hard thing to deal with and something that nobody should have to go through but it happened now she's semi famous so she has a wikipedia page and i found an article in which he actually changed the wikipedia page to make it seem like he was a hero it is probably the most vile thing you will see and i'm going to read it for you brace again she married ali ashley josh in november of 2007 and remains legally married to ali ashley josh that's not true but he changed that suffering alternatively from anorexia and bulimia for 11 years she is currently a party in a bitter civil litigation lawsuit with separated husband married to ali ashley jash from november 7 to may 20 2008 her bulimia was in recovery and significantly improved while married to ally ashley jash but has since returned a dramatic fashion causing her recent weight loss that's just low i'm sorry but like tweaking someone's wikipedia to make yourself seem like a hero and saying that someone's significant improvement in their condition is only better because of you it's one of the worst things i think i've ever heard in my life that's so messed up that is so so messed up i am just so sorry that she ever had to deal with this clown of a human being if you want even more proof here is some screenshots from nick hard rock thick face big ass nick talking to a girl he says i find you very attractive she says the opposite he said i will make love to you she said i have fake boobs and i'm far from barely legal plus i've already got an actual rich guy thanks he says i will still make love to you you are very much my type no thanks ali rude it's nicholas johansen i will make a video showing my birth certificate stop we all know your real name it's public record mr jash no you choose to believe whatever suits your pre-existing hate for me and you choose to keep believing your own pathology ally seek help then he says rude rude rude is posting some kid considering but your page saved him dude you're going off the rails then he says you're mean and then in the next slide and you're a pathological lie with infantism and malignant narcissism not to mention delusions of grandeur he then says get cancer again he then shows a picture of him looking like he's jesus without the cross but jesus would be crossed if he ever saw this man so i don't think there's ever a situation in which you should be saying that to a person that is obviously something that is just beyond stupid and just deserves all the hate in the world to ever tell someone that they should get that again if you want more proof on his stupidity with woman here's a post i found from his instagram saying once you've dated me it's mathematically impossible to do better than me in selecting another mate after breakups and he flexes us my exes have endured the likes of terminal brain cancer by lethal injection decades of psychotherapy prison time or in other milder examples have become gay or settled for men in some way or another who reminded said x of me you will never do better than me it says a lot about you that every girl that ever dated you is suffering and in giant trauma after dating you if every single person you've dated is going through trauma after they dated you maybe you are the problem you big sack of [ __ ] i cannot believe that he actually said this to this woman but yes this is ali jash for you not hard rock nick and i have reason to believe that this man probably wanted to change his name so that he could start over new and it would be harder to search his public records because of all the bad stuff he'd done in the past the last thing i have for you is just pretty funny these are screenshots from his from his instagram account thanking fans who seem a little too hot for his liking if you know what i mean how about this one i see you kaylee from west virginia but then if you just reverse engineer that college selfies bing images i see you lindsay from sagnore michigan 195 best cute images on pinterest 2018. even volleyball players love that hard rock nick 32 facebook wins and sexy af yeah there's more i love this picture except i might die from the cuteness thank you for being fans instant fap running rebels oh oh spaghettio caught you out again huh nick none of that is true and the one other thing nick has also been allegedly in groups with 15 year olds doing chats and things like that which i find very creepy i don't have significant evidence on that so i'm not going to go further into it but we can safely say this man is a creep show right really horrible person towards females degrading sort of that red pull mindset where he thinks every goal is against him and therefore treats them really badly if you just turn yourself into a gentleman maybe things wouldn't be so hard for you and that is the end of chapter four chapter five conclusion [Music] so we've done it we've almost sat through well i've almost sat through two hours of this man and i personally don't want to see him again unless of course i can do an interview with him but he would have to agree to my terms again nick if you're watching this don't get your ding-dong too hard i said if you agree to my tongues i'm going to roast you if you ever agree to do an interview with me so keep that in mind so yeah let's get to the conclusion i have no more evidence for you hard rock nick was a man named ali jash who turned his name into hard rock nick in an attempt to brand himself and turn into a celebrity influencer it's very obvious that his flexology and flexing is an attempt to get him both rich and more well-known and recognized so he could be better with the ladies all that he says he isn't and it's just like that classic saying fake it till you make it which is what they do in hollywood on one hand it's easy to say this man is a complete waste of space a real douche bag and 90 of that is true but on the other hand i think in conclusion i had to think about the opposite part it's kind of sad that in society someone has to feel this way because he obviously feels a sense of insecurity about his actual life and i guess low self-esteem maybe he's got a big ego that compensates for all the issues that are like italy built in him the fact that he needs to flex his fake wealth and show off and think that those are the merits in which to earn a relationship really says a lot about the way society walks in 2022 and how a lot of people think that they need to overcompensate in order to get a relationship or to live a healthy life there's this weird misconception that being rich or being wealthy in society makes you a better person or makes you more successful when i think it couldn't be further from the truth happiness has no monetary value believe it or not and respect can never be bought it can only be on so the only way to actually get through this and to get to being someone who's respected and well liked and to have a happy life is to be a good person and to put good things into the world and then get them back i really hope that nick finds peace and that he changes his ways or at least stops being misogynistic towards woman i don't mind the fake flexing but i do mind the misogyny and the other things that he says i hope that he learns to better himself when talking to others and be more respectful of people because i think that's the key to success and the key to more happiness in life and i think if he does then he definitely will at least enter a part that's better than where he's going because right now in your mid-40s flexing and pretending that you have girlfriends and other things is not going to get you to where you want to go i'm sorry but this seems to be your last claim to fame so how's he doing now i guess we don't know he seems to be the same old person he is and really the only theory that i've ever worked out in my two hours of actually doing this video is it's the beard once this comes off he's gonna be a completely normal person so hey hard rock nick if you're listening to me right now shave that beard and i think you will be fine that is my assessment of the situation i've been detective leo thank you so much for watching the video i'm outta here please subscribe i'm gonna see you on the next one bye
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 1,355,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sixteenleo, sixteenleo comedy, 16leo, hardrocknick, flex, brag, this guy sucks, The World's Hardest Flexer (with Danny Gonzalez), 0:02 / 11:44 The most insane man on instagram
Id: wULSaL-w_ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 12sec (3852 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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