The Clampett's Strike Oil

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[Music] J you got to do something about that young and a year how'd that happen fighting with a bulb tap get hurt I reckon so it went limping off on three legs I swear I don't know what I'm going to do about that girl well the first thing to do is to get her into a dress she's getting too big to be wearing man's Duds look at here she's done pop the buttons off of her shirt again well ell May carries herself proud with her shoulders throwed back it ain't her shoulders that's popping these buttons fully grown up rounded out female woman time start at like one well one of these days some boy come along and start courting ear they came courting when she was 12 what did she do she whopped the tire out them well it ain't fitting girl running around as wild as a Cougar wrestling fighting and hunting she ought to be doing Woman's Work helping me with the steel yeah real I'll speak to her oh that reminds me better go down and stomp out the fire under that mes hold on now granny you ain't going to stomp out no fire like that are you huh oh of course not don't want to burn the shoes H granny somebody open the door howy Paul what you got there stranger where'd you get him I be him with a rock he was cooking around down by the slooh figured he might be a revenue he ain't no revenu then can I keep him of course not well I called him don't matter well he won't be no trouble I could keep him out in the smok house ell may you can't keep people like they were dogs and cats that's hurt who's that some fell Ellie found nosing around beinging with the rock so it be easier to tote they're fellas from the petroleum company what's a petroleum I don't know he asked me if he could do some wild catting down by the slooh I said said help yourself we're glad to get rid of the critters what' he say just kind of laughed but the laughs on him there ain't no wild cats down there at that slew no it's too full of oil oh oh what happened where am I this here is a clampet place I'm Jed clampet my young and ell May and granny granny says you've been doing some wild cat there's no need to Mr clampet that's what P of yours is full of oil I could have told you that well my company would like to pump it out yeah I like that too but it just can't afford to have it done no no you don't understand you see you wouldn't have to pay for it oh I don't take favors from strangers no no no no Mr clampet you see uh you're a very rich man I bigger Rock did you bean him with no bigger than a Hedge Apple listen I've got a home my office in Tulsa have you got a telephone a what a telephone or maybe one of your neighbors has one it's a uh well down in this country it's probably a box attached to the wall and uh uh you talk into it and they can hear you in Tulsa maybe you better sit down for a spell oh I haven't time listen where's the nearest airfield Airfield you know Granny that's one of them a Fields sets up in the air oh never mind I'll find it myself listen now don't you sell that swamp do you hear from me I'm flying to Tulsa now he thinks he's got [Music] Wings morning girl wash them buttons [Music] child [Applause] grny them pigs yours got into the corn did they drink much I reckon they did this here little fell was kicking blue blazes out of the mule that's the trouble with razor backs they such a mean drunk yeah this wouldn't happen if you'd stay in the house where you [Music] belong there it is Mr Brewster on the test and surveys I say that's going to be one of the richest pools since East Texas news like this is bound to get out let's go down and get pret's name on a deal [Music] where's the gun where's the gun oh there there there what's the matter you want to see what just flew over blueberry Ridge what the dad blame this biggest bird you ever laid eyes on probably just overgrow chicken hawk chicken hawk nothing that thing could make off of the hog hurry up put that gun together no room to land near the cabin Mr Brewsters to Rocky and hilly then let's get the sling ready to be lowed well Mr Brewster that might be dangerous hang the danger we're going to be the first oil company down there if it kills you me don't worry if it's safe I'll follow you Granny I see it here it is land of Mercy look at that what you doing granny that thing's only got one claw but dang if it ain't grabbed up a [Music] man hry points my stranger where is it just row over the house I'll get it on other [Music] side you killing granny no but I made Dr that [Music] stranger yes right stop this hold on granny granny yes is Granny grab a hold of something and hang on cousin Pearl and that overgrown son of hers is headed right for the cabin in that old truck H and [Music] protected hit us de no but I think they sure want the chicken house I'm sure sorry about the chicken house but nobody got hurt jeffro I told you to get rid of them worn out breaks I did M that's how come we ain't got none get on out and lift the chicken house back on his foundation Jad yeah Jad Ellie May came running over to my place and she said you sold the swamp to some small company well yeah I guess I did what did they pay you first well he ain't paid me nothing yet a broster fell said he'd bring the money later how much they going to pay you well he said I'd depend some on how much oil they could pump up well he must have mentioned some figure what was it well now Pearl you know that old swamp went where shs J clamp it you got Slicker in your shame to admit it that's just what I told you Granny how much they going to pay him all right I'll tell you you said run somewhere between 25 and 100 25 and 100 I know it don't sound like much but Mr Brewster seem to set great store by the fact he's going to pay me in some new kind of dollars that ain't no new kind of dollars well it's new to me I've heard of gold dollars silver dollars paper dollars but he say he's going to pay me in uh what do you call him Granny million dollars yeah that's it million dollars he R the whole thing out on his piece of paper here you can see for yourself I don't know nothing about that see here thans and Heaven granny give me The Jug it's empty but I'll fet some I'll go granny you're a millionaire a millionaire yeah that's what that Brewster fella kept calling me I didn't know just how to take it you me you're rich me the richest man in these Hills maybe in the whole state oh J you can have anything you want do anything you want go any place you want yeah that's another thing he kept saying he said he reckoned I'd be moving away from here soon well what do you think BR you think I how to move Jade how can you even ask look around you you at miles from your nearest neighbor you overrun with skon pums coyotes Bobcats you use carine lamps for light you cook on a wood stove summer and winter you're drinking homemade moonshine washing with homemade Li soap and your bathroom is 50 ft from the house and you ask should you move I reckon you're right man be a dang fool to leave all [Music] this oh there you are Jad you misunderstood me I meant you should move away and you know where I'd go if I was you where Califoria California yes are Beverly Hills California Jen remember the time that your PA took us to ure's FRS to see the movie picture yeah well the actors that make their movie pictures live in Beverly Hills go on yes where doggies be something living in the same neck of the woods with Old Town mix it's show good and we could come visit you you know what else they say about Cal for what it don't get cold out there what don't get cold out there nothing don't get cold out there they don't have no snow or no ice can't they bring some in they don't want it that's why I'd be so good for granny remember last winter when she slipped on the ice and broke her hip yeah poor old woman she was limping for two days wait that couldn't happen in California cuz they don't have no I how come I don't know how come but grinding sure like it and we could visit you you know what else they say about California maybe Jethro know how come there's no eyes he's going to school we could ask you J yeah Ma come on over here speaking of school Ellie May could get herself a fine education out there in Beverly Hill yeah Ma your Rich uncle's got a question he'd like to ask you what Rich Uncle M your Rich Uncle Jade get room how come there's no ice in California don't look look at me I didn't take it you big dum well I didn't M oh get out of here well you always I don't I was saying Jad folks claim California's got it all beat why things grow twice as big out there Jethro would be a Whopper wouldn't [Music] he he could help you move he's awful handy had lifted and totting and he could drive you out my truck I tell you what Pearl I'm going to have to study on this and I bruer Feller comes back I'll ask him what he thinks well your cousin is right about that Mr clampet Beverly Hills is a choice residential area and lots of millionaires do settle there folks like me huh well uh Millionaires and movie stars too go ahead yeah is Tom Mi there no afraid Mr mix is dead oh oh yeah what's the matter with me remember Pearl he got shot at the end of that picture well there plenty other movie stars and that's where Jed wants to live Ain't It J I do like the notion of living in a hill never could stay in flat country Mr clet I I think it only fair that is well I think you may have have a wrong idea about Beverly Hills is that where you live no my home is in Tulsa well see maybe you can get us a place there in your neighborhood Mr clampet let's not beat around the bush you will love Beverly Hills then that's it can you steer Jade on to a good place no I can get the bank out there to handle it for him he'd like a nice big place with plenty of room for his kin folk to visit him [Music] I would like a nice roomy place if I could afford it oh Mr clampet with your money you can afford the Taj Mahal okay I'll take it well no you see I I was just making a little joke oh well uh go right ahead well you see uh the Taj Mahal is in India Mr Brewster you're a nice fell but I've heard better jokes is the fer staying to supper I'm ashamed to say I ain't asked him how about it oh I I don't think so oh no trouble what you cooking tonight granny mustard greens and Pome innards did you hear that Mr Brewster very clearly want to change your mind uh not this time well if you should happen to come back tomorrow we'll be having leftovers that's the thing about posin he's just as good the second [Music] day Ellie if Old Duke sits there with you there ain't going to be room for granny oh that's all right Paul granny ain't going who say she ain't she says she ain't that's right Uncle Jade she's just sitting on the back porch in her rocker and she says that's as close to California as you're going to get her we see about that D I ain't got me the mest women for we ain't never going to get there [Music] there now what's all this nonsense about you ain't going to California Ain't No Nonsense to it if the good Lord had have wanted me in California he'd have put me in California maybe he's just getting around to it the book says he moves in mysterious ways well if he moves me I'll go but you and big Jethro ain't a budging me gr this your Beverly Hill sounds like the kind of place you'd like that Brer fell says they got smogs out there what a smog well me and Jethro figured out that's a small hog and you heard what pearls said it ain't got no snow out there you could run your still year round run it the year round here yeah but walking down through the snow to the still always makes you feel so miserable I might feel miserable walking down but the way I feels coming back makes up for it hey Dam it friend we've been planning and talking about this trip for days you never said you wouldn't go never said I wouldn't either but that Brewster fell has bought us a house in them Beverly Hills he sent our 25 million to the bank out there well you just Chase on out after it I'm staying right here and I ain't a feared neither granny I ain't a leaving you here alone and I ain't a budgeon out of this rocker [Music] get through what does that sign say it says Beverly Hills you share that Granny with bu they call them Hills why we got moles that can push up higher ridges than that well least way this Hills we'll be among our kind of [Music] folks this deposit of $25 million to the account of JD clampit JD as in Rockefeller elevates us to third position in capital assets and assures our bank of come in oh I'm sorry to interrupt Mr Dale all right Taylor well are we all set to give the clapet a red carpet reception well I'm afraid Mrs Dale still isn't too happy sir yes I know oh my wife is very upset that I got the estate next to ours for the clampets says I don't even know what kind of people they are do you I know to the dollar what kind of people they are they're my kind of people voted Taylor that the garden has got the grounds in order yes sir but I'm afraid that's another thing your wife is upset about oh well you see your gardeners have been working on their lawn all week they've mowed it trimmed it fed it clipped I don't care if they lather it and shave it this is the most beautiful mansion in Beverly Hills I want every square inch of ground within those walls and apple pie or yes oh hello Margaret now dear I'm very bit what well good Heavens did you call the police I'll be right there what happened the clamp of the state is being invaded by a band of Outlaws invaded yes they're holding the garden at gunpoint sure is lucky we come along we did that's the truth wether we slipping through that gate another 5 minutes and that whole D prison would have been [Music] empty get you sure that's a prison yeah Uncle Jed I seen pictures only thing is how come they no guards on them wolves probably done them in with them knives and things these killers if I ever did see any fine neighborhood we's moving into you hear that hot D there's Bob Cats in these heels they s somebody's called law I reckon it is going to be Mighty grateful for what we done folks out here you got a strange way of showing that grateful you've locked up one of the richest men in the country Mr clampet I don't know how to apologize I'm deeply humiliated what if you cut throat St with JD clampet I'm Jed clamper and I'd appreciate it if you let go of my Sunday shirt you're JD clampet the oil millionaire Yep this year is my n you Jethro Hardy quickly man unlock yourself Mr clamp on behalf of the entire city of Beverly Hills I extend our deep and humble apologies for this unfortunate and embarrassing incident oh I mve in Dale president of the Commerce Bank of Beverly Hills my car is waiting to take you and your family to your new home we want you to know how happy we are to have you your handsome nephew your lovely daughter and your beautiful money mother wait a minute got this car Mr BR Dale you tricked us you just took us out of jail so you can bring us back up here to prison head for the hills everybody [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ok Movie Stream
Views: 199,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 18U-8JP68-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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