Sanford | Jury Duty | Season 2 Episode 9 Full Episode | The Norman Lear Effect

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[Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Bale will you proceed state your name please my laferty Mr laferty do you have any legitimate reason that might excuse you from jury duty yes I do your honor not only do I support my family but my sister and brother-in-law live with us buddy you you got a cup of Nickel D courts in session please lower your voice okay do you have any [Music] change nickel are D what's going on over there well Jud I need some money uh for the parking meter and my party down there by the truck we ain't got no chain I must ask you to please be quiet or remove yourself from this court get that to the judge tell him I can't make it J just a minute are you Fred G Sanford right you're supposed to be reporting for jury duty yeah but see I got a business run out junkyard if I'm not there it'll Rush have a seat and wait until you call [Laughter] move that can out the [Applause] way don't you hit me I told you about that don't shush me you'd be glad try to jury duty Ain going to get out of this ain't no way since my back injury I haven't even been able to work fulltime I understand Mr laferty this man is excused from jury duty thank you your honor you what I'll get away with it Court calls to the stand Mr Fred G Sanford right here your bale of ship you approach the bench please maybe this kind heavy set gentleman give me a hand Ain't No Way partner I ain't going to get involved in this crazy scheme of years young man yo are you refusing to lend a helping hand to one of our senior citizens I'm sorry your honor uh I'm GNA get you for this don't tell me I ain't doing that you going make a fool of yourself yes you are too thank you kind [Laughter] sir left hand on the Bible please raise your right [Laughter] hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth could you repeat that Mr Sanford I do do you have any legitimate reason that might excuse you from jury duty absolutely not I'm ready to go your honor to do my duty as a citizen very good you got any batteries up there batteries I think my pacemaker is trying to slow down on there it goes it's all right never mind to hear you tell it you don't seem to be in the very best of health that's true your honor I mean I've been having headaches and backaches and Disney spells and blackouts and early this morning I coughed up a hair [Laughter] [Applause] ball I'm surprised you got here at all all right Mr Sanford I'm going to excuse you from jury duty thank you your honor oh there's [Applause] C I should remind you that if I find out you've been lying about your health I'll lock you up and throw away the [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] key will the prosecution please examine this prospective juror name I know I never you I have it here Fred G Sanford right self-employed independent businessman Tycoon age [Laughter] 49 Mr Sanford do you believe in capital punishment absolutely I believe everyone in nation capital should be Mr sford do you believe that a man like that one over there could strangle another human being with his bare hands in Cold Blood I believe I'll be leaving tell me his room was full of killers no further questions your honor I find find this juror acceptable very well the defense attorney may now proceed Mr Sanford I'm the attorney defending Mr Tarion you got to be kidding Mr s do you believe that a man's race his religion or or the color of his skin has anything to do with his innocence or guilt absolutely not always judging by the eyes a man's got small beady eyes they're guilty sir are you the kind of man that believes that all orientals are sneaky no that all Polish people are dumb no that all blacks are good dancers you damn right I'm [Applause] all right your honor I guess I find this juror acceptable he seems to be an honest man fine now let's get on with the trial Mr Sanford and those of you who have already been selected you'll report here tomorrow morning are there any questions yes sir judge how much we make of this $5 a day $5 a day that's all that's all the state can afford to pay well how much you make my salary is none of your business you making more than us ain't you plus we pay your transportation 5 cents a mile from your home 5 Cent a mile from home well judge I might be a little late tomorrow it's a long drive in from PI Del huo [Applause] ladies and gentlemen the jury I know that you've all been here for five grueling days therefore I will keep my concluding remarks short and to the point Mr Sanford show a little respect you're not supposed to doodle in court never huh I never never ladies and gentlemen of the jury Nick Tarion is a killer I ask you to return a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree and rid Society of this Mad Dog killer and spinach on your [Applause] teeth before the jury ties it is my duty to remind you of the law if there's any reasonable doubt as to the defendant's guilt you must not convict him but uh what happened if he is convicted Jud well the gas chamber is now legal in the state of California so that's one possible alternative you mean because of us he can either be set free or send to death that's correct Mr Sanford you all face a very grave responsibility a human life is in your [Applause] hands three guilty four guilty five guilty I told you we'd be out of here in no time six guilty seven guilty eight guilty nine guilty 10 guilty 11 guilty and innocent innocent all right who's the practical joker Fred you can't be serious of course I can watches [Applause] do you really think this Tarion is innocent I'm just not sure he's guilty oh nonsense tar only killed that man because he was jealous over his wife are you kidding I saw his wife on the witness stand nobody would kill over that much ugly all right all right all right calm down everybody calm down come on now I have no out that after we've talked to Fred for a few minutes he'll change his mind now let's just sit quietly and reason this thing out together guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty [Music] guilty guilty [Laughter] innocent as me again Fred we have been over and over this how could you possibly think that Tarion isn't guilty because there were no Witnesses okay Sanford if you're so sure what do you think happened in that bar you mean you want me to reenact the crime no thank you so much I'd be happy to please you got to get other people p now here's the way I see it now let me fix this now just say prin this is the little dingi bar in ela gundo and uh ginini walks in meets his ex wife she p a wife any think got us out of here just humor him I'm Tanuki and I walk into this bar nice place now I turn around and I see my ex-wife sitting in the booth with another guy that's uh wife Mr Sanford you said ex-wife at the trial they said he had been divorced two years you're right Fred go on go on what so petrini sits down in the booth with his ex-wife and this other guy he says to his ex-wife hi baby I'm see you long time man I'm really surprised to see you with another guy ugly as you [Applause] are I don't have to take this let him finish let him finish this other guy says don't you call my woman ugly and trapini said if you think this woman is good-looking then you should be a dog catcher that makes the other guy mad he said you want to go outside with me and terapon say yeah I go outside with you anytime Outside Inside upside your head anywh you like so the two of them go outside into the alley when they get out into the alley Teto he says look maybe I was a little Hasty in there you know I was hadn't seen my wife in a long time and I was a little jealous so other guy said oh that's all right pal don't NE you and me fighting over old fish face in there that's it Mr Sanford will you get to the point now Tony Rooney it's cold and I'm going on inside and the other guy says well I'll wait out here a while because I got to go to the toilet there's no Men's Room in an alley this when you got to go real bad it's a men's room anyway so this other guy goes over to the lamp post and he's mad because his shoes are wet he's standing there alone and a burglar sneaks up behind him gra around the neck and choking him and he's struggling actually he's not struggling he's trying to pull his zipper Rober panics and chokes him to death then he takes the wallet and disappears up into the alley now wait a minute they never said anything about his wallet missing they said he can identify him so someone must have stole his wallet Mr Sanford all you got to do is look at him and you can see that he's guilty see that's what I'm talking about none of you people know what it means to be pushed around because you're different I don't understand well I try to explain to you now say for instance if you and I are in a liquor store you're in there to get a bottle of champagne I'm in there to get a bottle of wine now you pull out a gun and stick up the liquor store and we go outside and there's a cop you run one way and I run the other way now who is the cop going to chase me or you I don't know I'll give you a hint the guy with the permanent suntan and the ri come off it's Sanford yeah that's just your personal hangup I really don't see what that has to do with oh no what's the matter this my purse it had $200 and it it's gone you got to be k your Pur miss it must be was under my chair just minutes ago I don't see it anywhere well the person who took it has got to be right in this [Laughter] room what y'all looking at me for well Fred you are sitting next to her and we know the two of you didn't get along and of all the people in this room you probably need the money the most I want my purse we know you took it see there yall saying I'm guilty just because I look guilty but anybody here could have used that money now take for instance you buddy now you're a married man but all week long you've been making kissy lips with with with her I know you need the money cuz you should have your eyes [Applause] examined what about you you crook what are you talking about I'm talking about you turning in those expense slips for your automobile so what I saw you getting off the bus everybody does that right on anybody here could have been a crook and they got nothing to do with the way you look well maybe we have been a little Hasty I think we all owe Fred an apology sorry sorry sorry still well I'm glad you apologize because really hurt but I prove my point that looks don't have nothing to do with being Guilty By the way here's your purse has the jury reached a verdict we have your honor has the jury been pulled and is this verdict unan us it is your honor will the defendant rise and face the jury I'll find you guilty or not guilty we the jury find the defendant not guilty [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] hey buddy how you doing on behalf of my client I really want to thank you I heard that you were the lone juror that held out for my client's innocence no kidding yeah Mr sford was the one that convinced all the others that prejudice and bigotry have no place in a court of law all right I'm proud of you friend Sanford Nick tone I just want to thank you for helping me get out of this Jam hey I'd like to show you my appreciation huh how would you like to go across the alley to that nice little bar for a drink let's get out of here before he starts again [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] p for
Channel: The Norman Lear Effect
Views: 401,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Norman Lear Effect, Norman Lear, Norman Lear Show, The Jeffersons, All In The Family, Maude, Good Times, Sanford and Son, One Day At A Time, Palmerstown USA, Sanford and Son Best Moments, Sanford and Son Season 2, Season 2, The Infernal Triangle, Sanford and Son The Infernal Triangle, Sanford and Son Norman Lear, Fred Sanford, Lamont Sanford, Fred and Lamont, Redd Foxx, Demond Wilson, Fred Sanford Best Moments, Lamont Sanford Best Moments
Id: n3J2o3W49Xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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