Searching a Drained River for Hidden Objects! - Diving (Unbelievable Finds)

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what's up guys Jake here today we're back down at the river and we're going scuba diving to see what else we can find I'm so excited because I know we're gonna find some incredible stuff but before we get out there I have to address some things real quick so my channel was taken over by some hackers a few weeks ago and due to what they live streamed it was against YouTube policy and they deleted my YouTube channel and that moment I thought I lost everything and it was very sad I was super worried and I just kept you know a positive vibe and YouTube actually helped me get my channel back which I'm super grateful so here we are back on the channel we're out on the river and I am so excited to see what we can find I'm sorry for the inconvenience just be aware you know things like this can happen to anyone and it's just it was out of my hands and out of my control and also be aware in the comment section below because there are people scamming people and pretending to be me and other people so just know who you're talking to before you give out any information I will never ask for anything private so with that said let's get back underwater I am so excited to be back on the channel and hopefully we can find some more amazing Treasures who knows what's underneath the water beneath this bridge and Brandon and I are gonna find out in the past Jake and I have found some guns and I'm gonna lie to you it's very similar Vibes to this everything around is just kind of gross dingy and then you have a bridge that's perfectly set up for pedestrians to toss stuff over so there's no car traffic it's a good time if you want to toss a rifle or a gun or something like that it's a good spot for it so we just made it underneath the bridge and we already found a couple cool things before diving in the water we just got here I got to get all my camera stuff ready of course Jake just runs off into the water he's like look what I found Brandon he's already found a bunch of bangers found a fidget spinner haven't seen one of these in a while CD it says Booty Talk 64. there's 64 hours of talking about booty on here and the Holy Grail literally I found this right when I got here a phantom and I thought honestly he was gonna like that gotcha but he didn't he actually did legit find a diamond ring we have a diamond tester I'm gonna test these diamonds on this ring to see if they're real I don't think these are real but who knows so Jake found some absolute Banger so I decided you know what maybe I should walk around and see what I can find you know Jake's got a diamond ring he's got Booty Mix he's got no you won't believe it I found this right yeah a brick zip ties can you see the cage on the other side yeah you will not believe what kind of apparatus I just found you Kobe Rock trap oh man let me tell you this dude is loaded down bro he could not stuff one more rock in this trap I really thought I had something good this is fine does Rocco I mean it's a mix between trap and rock though to be honest you're trying to like set a genre for this Vine it's honestly got me bricked up now it's time to get suited up with our dive gear go underwater to see what other stuff May lie at the bottom of this River who knows what we're gonna find today I am so excited if you love scuba diving videos you want to see more drop a thumbs up if this video reaches 50 000 likes Brandon and I will team back up here at the river and see what else we can find Jay got lucky and found a ring in the shallows but now it's time to hop into the deep dark murky water and find the bad stuff all right so Brandon and I we're all suited up here we have all our dive gear let's get underwater and hopefully find some scary and amazing stuff foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] I did too I just turned the corner I was gonna squeak at you dude I saw you I was like so we both found it yeah it's an iPhone how is it no it's a Samsung it's a Samsung the best sound in the world is thank you why is there always Samsung batteries yeah dude look at that that feels so weird foreign [Music] [Laughter] oh all right [Music] what is that it's all radio I bet you we could play Booty Talk 64 on that yeah if we're lucky we got our radio okay we got our fans we'll teach our fans the receiver to the radio oh that still works look I'll turn the music up hahaha before we continue this adventure this video is sponsored by hellofresh hellofresh is a meal kit service that provides you with fresh pre-portioned ingredients and recipes straight to your door hellofresh is a great service because it works with your schedule and you can choose between flexible plans and meal options to fit your needs I know a lot of families are really busy during The Fall season so hello fresh makes it easy for you to quickly prepare delicious meals with step-by-step instructions without ever needing to go to the grocery store plus if you use my code d almighty65 right now you can get 65 off and free shipping I love cooking dinner with my girlfriend and hellofresh makes it so much fun to prepare these meals it is a blast we're always excited to see what's in our new box each week so that we can try out all the different recipes our favorite thing about hellofresh is that it helps us reach our fitness goals even with our busy schedules we can easily swap out proteins or add veggies so that we can make sure we're hitting those meal requirements to stay in shape hellofresh also offers a lot more food than just for dinner they also have breakfast snacks and dessert so it's perfect for us when we're busy filming videos and Diving if you want to try out these amazing recipes go to and use my code D almighty65 for 65 percent off and free shipping thank you hello fresh for this amazing meal Kendall and I are gonna enjoy it and get back out there and hopefully find some more amazing Treasures but it looks amazing and I'm so excited [Laughter] today so what kind of gun is this Crystal yeah no it really is yeah it's a mega launcher pistol I mean it's actually a Maverick Rev six I mean gosh Lee are you coming to a bank with that you're taking everything and going honestly there's a story behind that this is this is insane wow oh my gosh dude how is it we always find toys [Music] [Laughter] check it out we've got a a bullet here nine millimeter bullet that means there could be more ammo or possibly weapons out here to find I've been in there a long time yeah that's crazy all right I'm gonna put it in the bag we'll see what else we can find it's been a fun day so yeah no it's been fun and we haven't even down to the deep end yep [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] hello [Laughter] you dropped he broke my phone hey dude don't break my stuff I cannot believe him oh yeah that was my favorite part of the day let's see this dude okay still works you're lucky you're very lucky [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] oh my God [Music] I can't get it that's a big round that's a rifle round right bigger than a 308 camera I think maybe lucky 270 or something it's a big round though stuck right in that Rock's been down there for so long it's like uh rusted into the Rock I couldn't get it it's weird yeah it's Gotta Be I didn't want to hit it with a rock yes that wasn't my favorite part all right you know when I saw that first I was like there's no way but that's hilarious you found an Xbox 360 yeah in the river yeah that's my very first Xbox right here that's your first one yeah man that's a shame I think it has the red ring of death let me see let's turn it on paper yeah all right no yeah okay okay there you go yeah yeah sure enough it is the red ring of death that is the cause of why it's not gonna work anymore yeah that's probably the only reason it wouldn't work the only reason it's fully operational yeah the hard drive's still on top that's cool that's an awesome time I'm actually super jealous you found it it's so awesome foreign foreign [Music] [Music] just got done diving found some cool things let's see what Brandon found and called it that was awesome Water Rising proceed immediately to shore you can just put that on a loop thank you man I will I look good yeah thanks man so the alarm just went off for the damn and that means they're starting to release water it's low flow right now which means we can go diving but here in a second it's going to be high flow with Big Rapids all the islands we're standing on will be underwater so we have to get out of here as quick as possible but when we do I'm going to show you guys my best finds of the day before I show you the whole this is my best find of the day it's a diamond ring and I'm gonna test these diamonds on this ring to see if they're real check it out if they beep that means they're real ah yeah that's real what all right let's test this one right here what I'm saying there it is both are real both diamonds are real the middle one's missing but that is awesome this is like one of my first finds of the day too you weren't even scuba diving I wasn't Brandon was so jealous but also we found all this amazing stuff I got some Beats by Dre headphones some purple ones an old iPhone a couple old Samsung phones here and here this is my favorite phone though check it out it has a pop socket hey okay oh wait I'm getting another call hello season again yeah no I'm trying to We're just trying our best she said she's gonna hook up this video again with a lot of views she told me to tell everyone to like the video love you too bye-bye that's one of my favorite ladies glasses right here Someone Saved these things that's like some out of a movie some bullets a knife a fidget spinner I haven't seen one of these in so long and of course Booty Talk 64. can't forget that these are my best finds of the day and let's check out some of Brandon's favorite finds Jake absolutely crushed it but I've got some pretty unique finds too this kid gun stuff is getting old the Nerf gun thing it like it gets me excited and breaks my heart every time and then I found this right here which this is an Xbox 360. yeah you know what's special about this one Jake this is my first one I've ever owned that's pretty crazy it's my very first Xbox 360. my absolute best fun is this is the rock trap yeah I know you might have thought it was the Xbox it's not it's that rock trap only because it's so unique what game do you think is in the Xbox probably scuba diver San Diego part three I'm gonna say all of Duty or Halo we should open it up you know this guy had a bad day his Xbox probably got the red ring of death he tried to turn on it wouldn't work he took the Xbox took it in his car drove all the way to the bridge you can't drive on the bridge so then he had to run all the way down the pedestrian bridge take his Xbox out of his back and toss it into the river like that's just a lot you know earlier we told you how sketchy the spot is you guys can see all the finds there's a bunch of weird stuff we actually found a lot of ammunition this is a 38 Federal round that I found this is unfired Jake found a couple bullets as well and then we also found a really big I think it was like a 270 rifle round and it was unshot but it was rusted into the rock that Jake and I tried to get out there's a lot of sketchy stuff down there if you're finding that much ammo there's gotta be the guns down there too we don't run across them today but I'm sure they're under there we had an amazing day scuba diving we found a bunch of cool stuff in total we found five phones of one iPhone a fidget spinner a knife some Beats by Dre and my personal favorite find the Xbox 360. who knows what's inside here we should pop it open and I will here in a second guess what game is inside this Xbox 360 right now in the comment section below don't cheat don't skip ahead list whatever game you think is in there I personally think Halo or Call of Duty we're gonna open it up and we're gonna see what's inside here in a second to see what's inside the Xbox 360. head over to my Instagram and that's where it will be shared
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 845,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diving for treasure, found jewelry underwater, found iphone underwater, found gun underwater, found gun in river, river treasure, treasure hunting, scuba diving, scuba diving for treasure, found iphone in river, found phone underwater, found phone in river, scuba diving videos, found wedding ring, best river treasure finds, dallmyd, found in the river, searching, exploring, finding, swimming, swim, snorkeling, freediving, fishing, dive, underwater, funny, comedy, nerf gun, found nerf gun
Id: FeoARt-BS40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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