I Tossed My Giant Magnet in the River & Snagged a CRAZY Pile of Old Treasure!!! (Magnet Fishing)

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what is going on today guys today we are back out here to do some more magnet fishing and we're actually going to be magnet fishing on the other side of the canal of the old machine shop Factory now right here behind me guys you can see there's like a little railroad here that goes all the way across this River to the other side now today once again guys I do have Alex out here with me if you guys would like to check out his channel I will leave a link down in the description all right guys let's head right out on this railroad here start tossing our magnet and see if we can find anything here today if you guys would like to pick up some merch or you want to pick up a magnet the links will be down in the description guys all right you guys we are back out here once again today we have our 360 degree magnet with us let's start tossing off of this old abandoned Railroad and see if we can find anything here today foreign I just stuck something good way out there look at what look at how far can you see them bubbles out there look at how far out there that thing is I felt it clunk hard too oh yeah that was definitely magnetic I think there's extra weight on there though because I'm pretty sure yeah dude there's a ton of weeds down here this is a super weedy spot but I definitely got something on here first throw literally yeah it's gonna be a bunch of weeds I know it is yeah but there's something under there somewhere under there oh my gosh that's so heavy with all them Weeds on there I gotta get all these weeds off hold on oh that sucker stanky boy she's a stanky one here we go guys first throw of the day what the heck do we got here honestly I can't quite tell there's so much mud on there dude you got something already yeah but I don't think it's much oh there we go we got steel clam Hotel she's vacant all right guys so we're magnet fishing over here we got the cart on the other side of this fence here so we don't have to fill it up and then try and lift it over this fence so first find of the day guys nothing too crazy there just a little bit of cash money for the cart oh oh okay get this up what are you guys dude is that like the other half of the pipe that I caught do you still have your pipe it's in the I think it's the thing already it looks like the exact same kind yeah see the same thickness [Music] what was that something there oh right here oh yep I think I got it I just sucked it up out of the mud I got something here or maybe it's just oh the sea I had something it just fell off there's just so many weeds on there dude but there is something right here guys I had something on see if I can find that again right there ready to go right here right here come on come on no no it doesn't want to come out look at the bubbles so you can tell that box move around oh I got it heck yeah pulled it right up out of the mud holy cow look at that dude I got here what is this one yeah looks like just the old railroad bracket the heck is that is that part of a rail or something I don't know I can't quite tell kind of looks like it like you know like part of that piece I don't know all right guys we'll take it a little bit more cash money for the cart [Music] oh there's something right here I think this is like right where I just found that last piece yep and there's a whole bunch more bubbles coming up I feel some weight on there probably just a bunch of weeds you know of course oh of course but is there's something on there uh kind of looks like it dude no way I just caught me one of them little them little C pieces what the heck are these things those things it's got to be some kind of clip or some kind of clamp for something and check this out you guys it looks at first I thought these were just random iron scrap chunks but they actually look like rocks you guys look at these things Yeah the more you look at these These are definitely 100 rocks you guys that is so strange super weird oh my clunk I just clunked to something is it coming with heck yeah it is dude I got something decent here oh yeah this has got some weight to it boy yeah of course whole bunch of whole bunch of Weeds on there get these off of here before we bring up bring it up I'd rather not bring all that up but check this out what do we got here oh I already know what this one is you guys oh I can't get it off check this out you guys we got us a railroad plate this is one of these pieces right here so this goes underneath the track and this is where uh uh the railroad spikes go through I'm sure there are tons of these and tons of railroad spikes in here guys this is a nice big heavy chunk of scrap metal plus check this thing out you guys what is this one at first yeah look at there's definitely threads right here so I think this is I think this is bent so this is supposed to be straight but I'm pretty sure this is like a gigantic uh hook that you can screw into like a piece of wood or something and it would hang out like that and you can like hang stuff on it maybe it's something from this dock over here like like you hang your dock rope on there or something all right guys we got some nice little twofer one there these railroad plates are cash money and we got Steel hookarooski [Music] what's that oh oh my oh my that's heavy dude that's super heavy oh that's that's very heavy we got no there's something underneath all them weeds you guys what do we got here I'm just gonna bring it up because I can't tell what's going on here dude oh my gosh super muddy but uh what is going on here man hold on what do we got going on here first of all looks like we got us two more of the magnetic rocks you guys um then what the heck was this I can't really tell but it almost looks like a a flat tip screwdriver honestly but it's missing like the handle or something that is kind of funky looking that definitely looks like a flat tip screwdriver but you guys the big old heavy thing here what on Earth is this thing here dude the more I look at this yup look at the mud's starting to fall out of it it's like a giant coil or like a giant spring or like a shock that could be it uh do you think this is maybe like a train shock I don't think trains have shocks do they don't know right I don't know I don't know much at all about it that's definitely what that is though like some kind of spring or some kind of shock at first I thought it was just a tube all right you guys two more magnetic rocks we got what looks to be some kind of flat tip screwdriver but I don't know what the heck you want to think is going on with the handle there that's kind of weird looking and we got some kind of coil or some kind of shock or some kind of spring whatever you want to call that look at this one you guys look what Alex just found I don't know what the heck is going on here it almost looks like some kind of some kind of pin or something but I don't know what the heck you think is that going through there maybe it's like the bottom of some sort of steering shaft or something that is weird I definitely think that's supposed to be in there that is that is very weird what the heck is that you guys foreign what was that I like landed on something there oh hold on I think I got something or maybe it's just a bunch of weeds I thought I felt something click though it still feels heavy and it still feels heavy but of course there's a bunch of Weeds on there you go I think there's definitely something on here though [Music] dude there's got to be something in there yeah I see it yeah dude these weeds are ridiculous heck yeah you guys check it out I can already see it under all that mud there we got us another magnetic rock that felt way heavier than that though dude but check this one out yeah that's not just a regular rail hold on a second no this isn't a railroad spike this is like a at first I didn't see that on there I thought it was a railroad spike when I seen this end and then I seen this I don't know what's going on here you guys that is really weird I don't I don't think that's like a washer or a nut or nothing I think that's like part of the cast yeah this is like definitely one piece that is really weird you guys that is super strange check that out dude what is that it looks like um the the tool end of like a scraping thing that she would oh yeah definitely is like a scraper it's just missing the the long handle piece that is definitely a scraper you guys check that out this one is super cool you guys check out this little scraper Alex found [Music] [Laughter] flute that's crazy looking the trombone oh I just clicked something as soon as I walked away from him heck yeah I got something here under all them weeds I got a little something oh this looks cool check this one out dude whoa hold on a second you guys let me get this off of here huh check this thing out what the heck is that man that is super cool looking dude it's got like a some kind of ring at the top here what the heck do you guys think that one is man that is super cool looking I've never seen anything like this before what the heck is this Somebody's gotta know what the heck this is used for that is so weird I'm sorry right there something felt like it heck yeah right here yeah nice and easy come on oh I think it just popped off I had something on there or do I still have something on there dude of course every time a bunch of weeds dude literally every single time you guys oh dude I found me the old murder knife yeah and look at it think it imagine how many reasons would this be in the water seriously maybe it was the train driver's lunch knife that is crazy you guys look at that thing the blade is like starting to deteriorate and again we got us another magnetic rock oh that one's like red check that one out you guys super cool you guys foreign I feel like I got something on here for sure of course a bunch of weeds dude get off of there nobody cares about the weeds but what the heck do we got on here guys whoa look at this thing that is kind of funky looking man check this thing out you guys I don't know what you want to think of this that is a weird one you guys it definitely looks like uh whatever was going on here this part was busted off I don't know what the heck this thing would be it's got like a little hole in the side there huh I have no idea foreign Oh Yeah from way down town I definitely got me something there is like a big old lilac bush close by I can smell that thing like every two seconds smells so good again you guys of course there's a bunch of Weeds on there man this is ridiculous you gotta get all the weeds off oh yeah we definitely got something on here whoa dude whoa what the heck is this man that almost looks like some kind of pirate ship steering wheel or something what the heck is that thing dude this thing is super cool looking I don't even know what to think of this like a gigantic uh water handle like a for a nozzle dude I don't even know what to think of that look at that thing super cool that is a super cool piece and you guys look what I can already see on there check it out we got us another C-clamp oh check this out you guys I can already see these ones look at this looks like we got two little pieces of a can on there what kind is that one the old Milwaukee holy cow you know them buggers gotta be old somebody's drinking and driving the train oh I see something shiny you guys heck yeah I see something shiny hold on a second get these weeds off whoa first of all okay that I I see this little shiny piece here doesn't look like nothing at all I wonder what that came off of but dude look at this look at this wrench holy cow man I found like a handful of these now but but this is the biggest one by far why would that be useful and the little teeth here aren't busted up you guys that is so cool I wonder if there's like a special specific use for this kind of wrench or is this just a maybe pretty common wrench back in the day it looks pretty specific what in the world that is so cool you know what like maybe like a gas capped uh like a gas can oh yeah look at like a radiator cap that's definitely some kind of caps got the old twisty handle on there that's kind of cool nice pretty cool yeah you can see the Locking ears on there hardly on that one but cool fine man that's something new maybe some kind of old school metal gas can with a metal top also collapses oh whoa what do you got going on here guys it's it's literally like every throw with the seaweed here come on get out of here leave us alone we're just trying to magnet fish Betty check it out you guys first of all what is this big old long pipe here is it just a pipe or something kind of looks like it at first I couldn't tell if it was like some kind of handle or something it doesn't look like nothing fancy but check it out guys we got us another railroad spike and another can finding these cans is pretty cool you guys if you don't know they stopped making these steel magnetic cans like 50 60 something years ago so these things are old definitely pretty cool and we got us another railroad spike you guys that one is super straight look at that one that one's big old cash money oh look at this on here I don't even think there was anything else on there a couple little magnetic rocks again oh and there's a little nut didn't notice that one either but check this one out you guys look at this little hook hidden in there that's like a keychain type hook or like a lanyard like a key lanyard whatever the heck you want to call that foreign over Alex's magnet I'm taking his spot [Music] oh it looks like something on there whoa dude look at this dude I caught me the old uh what is that the old yard hose sprayer I have definitely never caught one of these suckers the old Hose Master Supreme baby you guys there is so many crazy cool things out here look at all this stuff that I got lined up right here and this is just what's right here on the railing you guys this isn't even what I put in the cart plus Alex is down there finding a whole bunch of stuff you guys we are hitting the jackpot here so is this current Milwaukee oh what is this here oh my gosh you guys it's like back to back heavy stuff here heck yeah there's this one whoa what is that sticking off of the side dude look at what I just found man no way oh I just busted the handle that thing is super brittle check this out oh man I really just busted the handle off now I guess it's not like not like you were gonna reuse that thing or anything anyways but dude check out that thing that's like a gigantic Sledgehammer man that sucks I broke the handle off that was pretty cool either way if you are gonna reuse this thing it definitely needs a new handle anyways but what the heck kind of hammer is this you guys I'm assuming you hit with this side of the hammer head that is super strange man this is crazy dude we are finding so much stuff here and I thought I saw a couple other things on there yup you guys look it again one two three of the magnetic rocks here boom bam pow but check it out you guys again we got us two more c-clamps we're finding just about as many C clamps as we are railroad spikes and I still have no clue what the heck these things are used for oh caught a little something here the heck is this one whoa dude what the heck is it no way dude this is way too cool I can already tell what it is just because of looking at this dude this is like an old school hair trimmer like I'm guessing you you squeeze here and it goes and it like it cuts your hair dude not ah this is beyond cool dude you guys honestly this is like probably my favorite find out of anything here today this is so cool I wonder what's the date on this thing man look at that you guys I wonder if this is something I can get cleaned up and like back in working function that would be so cool and it doesn't really look broken it just looks super rusted holy cow dude we cost the train driver's haircutters the old manual snippers unbelievable dude that is so cool and I thought I saw a little something else on the bottom there yup you guys look at I seen something else shiny sticking off of the end check it out looks like we got us a lock oh look at that one look at how it broke off there it didn't even uh that is weird it looks like the lock part itself actually snapped all right guys today we are back out here once again we got our 360 degree magnet and we are on the abandoned railroad let's get right down to it start tossing here and see if we can find some more cool stuff today [Music] oh what was that first throw you guys I already stuck something here heck yeah that feels pretty heavy too and I don't see nothing of course that's right this spot has tons of weeds yeah just about every throw you guys what do we got on here first throw of the day looks like we got the old railroad play Baby heck yeah you guys check it out we gotta see old railroad plate here first find of the day is one of these bad boys that is some nice solid steel cash money for the cart now there is like some kind of play or something going on over in this park over here guys so if you hear music in the background that's what that is all right you guys first throw first find of the day we got steal Cash Money railroad plate oh what's that right there oh nice and easy suck that out of the mud heck yeah we got it you guys whatever this is or do we got it no we got it yeah here we go whoa look at all those bubbles what the heck is this I definitely sucked that thing up out of the mud hold on a sec dude whoa oh oh we're slipping come on don't slip no dude this thing's heavy whoa what is at the end of that whoa dude do you guys see that hold on I gotta get this one up what the heck was that here we go there we go I gotta grab the thick end of it instead of the pipe looks like I got the pipe end anyways again what the heck what the this isn't what we just had on dude what the heck looks like we caught us another one of these big old sewer looking pipes dude oh look at that one it's got a little a little lychee on there what the heck you guys we are literally catching the whole sewer system here apparently but there was something else down there that had a tube looking thing on it but that was not what it was where'd that go now now I gotta sit here and fish around for it I don't know where that went [Music] oh what is this right here I got something I sure do oh dude I think this is what we had before heck yeah is that a muffler or an exhaust it sure looks like it dude we're it's gonna slip nice and slow dude I don't want to lose that look at it's leaking water come here I got it dude heck yeah oh my gosh you guys look at this I caught the whole thing that's not the catalytic converter is it check it out guys Alex just showed up if you guys want to check out his channel I will leave a link down in the description what is this that's the muffler ain't it heck yeah holy holy ah you guys check this one out little tailpipe there dude I gotta get my magnet in the water here holy cow you guys I wonder if there's any fish or crayfish living in here because from past experience uh they like to crawl up in there and then they get stuck inside here that is just unreal you guys we have found a handful of Mufflers all right baby we got the old Muffler foreign [Music] oh there is something on there hidden underneath all the weeds there we got the old Cash Money railroad spot all right guys first railroad spike of the day how many of these do you think we're gonna find today [Music] there we go something hanging off of there what is this one looks like we got a bunch of magnetic rocks on there you guys but check this one out that one's kind of cool looking I don't know what the heck you want to think of that one it kind of looks like there's something that it like connects to some here and then the hand Le that's what I was gonna say it almost looks like a little handle goes in there or something I am not really sure what to think of this thing you guys it almost looks like some kind of vacuum piece or something honestly like the hose or maybe some kind of handle goes here I don't even know what to think of that that is super weird foreign [Music] oh yeah look at that yeah we got us another railroad spike all right you guys we got us another railroad spike so now we got two it almost looks like a large gate lock or something you know what I mean like it would kind of open it up and that is weird looking super weird dude what the heck is that look at this thing Alex just found you guys what the maybe it's got some kind of like hook on there yeah what the heck is this it's like a handle yeah that definitely looks like some kind of handle that is really weird oh it's like a wooden pin going through there what the heck is that dude that's cool [Music] all these all this metal stuff oh there's some weight on that all of a sudden I didn't feel like I was dragging that the whole time of course a bunch of weeds oh what is going on here what the heck oh I thought this was a scissors at first that's definitely not a scissors what's that one what do you got there a little washer and we got us another railroad spike holy cow you guys check it out this is our fifth railroad spike here holy smokes oh dude right as I walk down here nowhere he got on the old cow trap Spike holy cow this one's in pretty darn good shape too it is why are there bubbles oh what is that hanging off of there what is this though what the heck is this I don't know what this is what well Alex says he found a gun you guys no way no way oh man you did bro unbelievable no way your first gun dude cool nice yes yes dude that is cool you see that unbelievable holy smokes you guys holy cow you guys look at this gun Alex just found I've never seen anything like that what if someone would come all the way down here to ditch that after that's crazy I don't know what kind of gun that would be I don't know been in there heck yeah wow dude that's crazy Ted is crazy guys so Alex found his first gun ever that is awesome but I don't know what this thing that I caught here is it's got like some kind of knob on there I don't know if that's like a reflector or a light or something that is really weird looking but on the back side I'm pretty sure yeah that is glass on there I don't know what this thing is that is super weird and of course you guys we got us another railroad spike railroad spike number six you've got eight railroad spikes right yeah [Music] oh I think you got something on here kind of feels like it oh yeah something on there oh look what I can see first of all just a little scrap piece here but look at I could see the handle on her we got the old pair of pliers and another railroad spike I think that's nine railroad spikes you guys holy cow this players is so rusted up how long you guys think that thing's been in there sheesh as Rusty as this looks I guarantee you you just soak it up clean it up a little bit and this thing would be good to go nice you guys [Music] foreign [Music] look at this hanging off of the side here you guys what the heck is that thing that looks pretty cool I don't think I've ever seen anything like that one before what the heck do you guys think that is got like some kind of flat stand on there like maybe you can run a tube through there or something I don't know maybe a maybe a flagpole holder I have no clue that's kind of cool thank you [Music] whoa you guys look at this just trying to get all the weeds off there first of all of course nothing fancy there a couple more magnetic rocks we got us one of them long Spiker ruse ouch but check this thing out you guys that is cool man what the heck do you think that is it looks like gears and stuff up in there I don't even know what to think of that man you can see the little gear spinner on the back what the heck is this it almost looks like uh kind of like the inner workings of some kind of clock or something you can tell this was a knob dude that's weird you got something cool too look what I got here let me take yours you take mine check this thing out Alex just fine you guys I don't know what the heck this one is looks like you got a little hinge on there or something that's kind of funky all right you guys this one is super cool Somebody's gotta know what does that even look like I don't know that is super cool if I had to guess though it definitely looks like the inner workings of some kind of clock or some kind of watch piece that is super cool [Music] foreign the heck is going on here you guys check this out um first of all I've seen this on here that is obviously a big old bolt with a washer hanging off the end but this thing here hold on dude whoa hold on let me I'm gonna send this back in the water for a second and clean this up dude this is really weird what the heck is this yeah look at this now it's a little bit cleaner we can definitely see more about what the heck this is dude that almost looks like some kind of button or some kind of handle on there look at that you guys what the heck is that I've never seen anything like that before huh oh hold on look at the inside of this thing you guys look at that there's like gears and stuff going on what the heck is this thing you guys ever seen anything like that is that like a button that is super weird what is that huh pretty cool you guys foreign [Music] the heck is this dude that's like super heavy whoa dude look at this thing oh is that a chunk of a railroad it is look at that heck yeah it is you guys check that out we literally caught us a chunk of the railroad that's crazy you guys that is such a tiny chunk because if you look at these rails here I mean they come in Full Long sections I mean they're probably 20 some foot sections unreal you guys that's a nice chunk of change but I assume we had a couple other things on here you guys first of all look at this we got us another railroad spikarus get where's our collection I don't even know we got like 10 different collections going on here we'll throw it with this one but check this thing out you guys I didn't I at first I seen this and I thought it was a lock because that's what it looks like but then when you look at the top part there I don't know what the heck that is that's no lock I've ever seen before we gotta see old funky looking lock [Music] oh couple things hanging and dangling baby dude really of course we got us two more railroad spikes you guys my goodness it almost seems like there could be more railroad spikes in the water than are actually used on the track and I'm not even lying when I say that I mean look at each one of these plates look like they have two spikes in them so I mean if you count all the railroad spikes we're probably gonna find here I mean just gas maybe a hundred so two four six eight ten twelve you know what I mean if you keep going there's probably enough railroad spikes in the water here to build this whole railroad that is bizarre two more cash money Spiker Ruth [Music] [Music] oh a couple of something sticking off of here oh look at this you guys first of all what the heck is that like a little the little seam on the on a can that's exactly what that is but you guys look at this thing what the heck is this I'm pretty sure last time we were here Alex found a couple of these and this is at first we thought this was like a rubber cone or something but no that is wooden that is super weird looking you guys there's definitely threads right here there's some kind of like washer or some kind of stopper there and some kind of wooden cone that's got like like ribs or grooves on it I don't know what the heck to think of that thing what the heck you guys think that one is that's kind of cool looking thank you oh I just stuck something for sure right there heck yeah a whole bunch of something sticking on here what the heck do we got there what is that just a bunch of magnetic rocks it looks like but again you guys look at two more railroad spikes they're like endless it doesn't even seem like you could find them all in here look at these guys there's even some that I found that I didn't even show on camera look at this I'm gonna grab them all right now and see how many we got holy cow I got piles of these all the way along this track here here we go you guys check it out look it yeah there's a ton that I didn't show on camera because I don't want to bore you guys to death with spikes here but dude look at oh my goodness look at all these dude this is ridiculous we got one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 railroad spikes [Music] foreign [Music] dude I don't even see anything on the bottom there what the look at this thing what the heck is that I just saw a bunch of weeds and of course another magnetic rock oh and another C-clamp on there check that out guys but this thing was dangling off the bottom and I didn't even see that one on there look at that what the heck is going on there it almost looks like like a couple little buttons or tabs I don't know what those are but it almost looks like if it wasn't so rusted up yeah like this one here it almost looks like you could take these and slide them around on here what the heck is this huh looks like we caught us the old something something foreign [Music] something from out there that's got some decent weight to it heck yeah what do we got here guys oh first of all look at this we got another railroad spike at this point I'm not even surprised to be finding these that is Cash baby damn looks like you guys the old scrap little banding piece nothing too fancy but this thing here you guys what the heck is this one man it's got threads on the end here something going on here and a big old hole in the bottom what in the world do you think that thing is and it's pretty heavy too oh look at that there goes the chopper they're taking off [Music] ah yes the old tracker rooskis all right guys we are back out here once again on the old abandoned railroad we got the 360 degree magnet we have found some seriously cool stuff here already you guys so let's get right down to tossing and see if we can find any more [Music] oh here we go first find of the day there is something sticking on dude look at this no way the first find of the day you guys look at that that is literally the head off of a hammer first find of the day baby we got to go Hammerhead and of course if you guys have seen a couple of our other videos here we find these magnetic rocks on almost every throw all right you guys first finds of the day there we got the old magnetic rock and we got us a hammer head foreign [Music] oh what the heck you guys look at this I thought it was just another little magnetic rock couple little scrap pieces on there nothing fancy and then I seen these wires here didn't think that was anything fancy but look on this side guys yeah I'm pretty sure we found one of these here last time like this almost exact same type of thing it's like some kind of wire clamp or something it's got wires going through it and this is like pinching them down I still don't know what the heck is this for [Music] where is that something right there heck yeah we just sucked something up out of the mud guys that had some weight to it and I don't even see anything there's gotta be something on there heck yet or is something hanging off of the bottom here we go what is this one I couldn't even see that one on there she was heading on the bottom what the heck is that look at that one is there like holes in there yeah okay hold on a second check that one out guys I don't think I've ever seen anything like that before either it's got two holes in the top here and then it looks like some something was broken off there for sure I don't know what the heck was going on there all right you guys we got the old Cash Money scrap bracket [Music] oh oh what the heck is that oh something popped off I had something on there I think oh what is this dude check this oh whoa oh my gosh there's a lot going on here holy cow first of all you guys look at this is the first thing I've seen coming up what the heck is that is that a hole punch dude that's definitely what that is like you put a piece of paper in there and you you can put a hole in there holy smokes dude that's kind of cool I haven't seen one of these since I was in school and then check it out you guys of course we got the old magnetic rocks on there but check it out we got us another railroad spike the old cash money but you guys look at what this is bingo buddy you guys we found another civil war cow trap Spike I still haven't gotten it 100 confirmed if this is exactly what it is I seen somebody down in the comments say some of these go for like 300 a piece just amazing you guys super cool huh oh what was that I just sucked something up out of mud heck yeah what do we got here guys whoa whoa dude look at this look at what I can see on there this little handle looking piece hold on dude this looks cool holy cow hold on is that is that a maybe that broke off or something maybe that was supposed to be flat or maybe not but look at this you guys this little handle on there what the heck do you think that thing is dude I was gonna say if this was flat maybe this would be like some kind of like pry bar you could pink or something like that you know dude that one is super cool you guys that's definitely like some kind of hook or some kind of handle or something I have no idea foreign feels like I got something on here yeah sure does oh whoa yeah dude look at what it is no way I caught me the old shobarusky dude look at that now I wonder if back in the day did they like run their trains on coal and maybe this is like a like a coal shovel could you imagine that is super cool you guys check it out we got us the old shovel nice dude foreign [Music] what's that there oh I see a big fish underwater it's a carp dude he's checking out my magnet I swear to you no dude no kidding where's the fishing pole when you need it he's literally checking it out I'm probably stirring up all the bottom all the dust on the bottom all the dirt and he's probably like trying to figure out what that is whoa what do we got here whole bunch of something whoa look at this one dude look at this thing what the heck is this at first it just looks like a piece of tubing nothing too fancy but uh that definitely looks like some kind of handle on there dude look at that thing that is definitely some old school type stuff right there you know what I'm talking about like what the heck would that be for I don't know whatever it was the head of it definitely broke off maybe this is like what the shovel went on could you imagine let me see the way that it's shaped like a cone there it almost looks like it would slip onto something like this I don't know you know what I'm talking about like this would be the shovel handle here I don't know maybe not that's kind of crazy though foreign what do we got here oh couple cool things first of all look at this thing what the heck is that you can see like rainbow colors there is that like oil or grease heck yeah what the heck is that there I can't quite tell what the heck that is it almost looks like some kind of bearing piece like this would spin inside there and if I remember correctly I'm pretty sure we found something kind of like this the last time we were here but check this piece out you guys what is this here it looks like maybe just a piece of a can or something but this thing you guys this looks kind of cool what is that there's like numbers on there look at the top there it says 54. and there's it almost looks like a mini license plate like like a really tiny license plate seriously I can't think of what else that even looks like you guys that's super cool this might be worth cleaning up to see what that says [Music] and here come the sprinkles again can you see it on top of the water dude come on stay away stay away we've been pretty lucky so far we found quite a bit of stuff already oh something else hanging off of there oh can you tell what it is from here Bingo baby the old Cash Money railroad spike and another magnetic rock all right you guys another cash money spikaru [Music] oh I feel something here unless it's just a big old bunch of weeds [Music] um whoa dude I see something is that a bag yeah I got a bag or something and a you know what is that dude what the heck is this hold on a second um oh dude is this one of them like Flags yes like the old American flag um like flyer thing what do you call those yeah what the heck there's a there's like a little metal ring in here that must have been how I caught that dude look at that thing that's kind of cool you guys holy cow wow we're gonna hang this right here for now [Music] oh look who it is hanging off of the side there you guys check it out we got us another one of them c-clips dude no way underneath that look at what it is another magnetic rock of course but dude look at ah we got us another civil war cat trap Spike where the heck did I put that one I got so many different piles of things along here there it is right here you guys look at now we got two of these suckers unreal thank you [Music] oh I think I'm pulling something here that definitely feels like it [Music] might be just a bunch of weeds but no I feel something something's definitely got to be on here there's some weight there dude heck yeah whoa what do I got here guys check this throw out holy cow there's a lot going on here first of all looks like we got just a tiny old one of those one of those nail type things we got a big old magnetic rock that fell off of there holy cow then we got us what looks like two more railroad spikes here you guys check it out look at this thing is that a horseshoe it sure looks like it dude yeah that's got to be a horseshoe holy cow man this thing's got to be old this is crazy and then this thing here and now that I'm looking at this thing I think I've seen some of these before I'm pretty sure I found some of these so this has definitely got to be some kind of railroad piece but exactly what I have no idea definitely looks like like some kind of clip or something some kind of clamp to see all the weeds on the Rope that's how you know there's weeds down there dude whoa whoa my what is this yeah it's on there yeah what do we got that was Heavy Dude Looks Like A couple things again look at right on the top you guys oh my gosh we got another railroad spike dude but look at this thing this one's pretty cool looking man I don't think I've ever seen anything like that one it almost looks like an hourglass kind of that's kind of cool you guys what the heck do you think that thing is used for all right guys today we are back out here once again we got our 360 degree magnet with us today let's get right down to it here start tossing this thing off the bridge and see what we can find [Music] oh first throw of the day here we already got some stuff what do we got oh check it out you guys it's one of them c-clamps and holy smokes have we found a lot of these you guys and what else we got a little itty bitty magnetic rock the old I don't even want to say that's red that's like orange what the heck and looks like we got the old nail type Spike here all right guys not bad at all literally first throw of the day here we got steel three for one I'll take her baby check it out guys look who has arrived if you guys would like to check out Alex's Channel I will leave a link down in the description guys [Music] thank you what's that song Rain rain go away come again another day something like that get out of here oh dude look at that hanging off at a side what dog whoa look at that you guys that's kind of cool looking I don't know what to think of that thing definitely it's got threads on on these things on the end here so like it screws into something but what the heck is that it's definitely some kind of canister or some kind of can there's like a label on there too but yeah I can't even rub that off you can't tell what that says huh what the heck is this thing dude that's pretty cool [Music] that feels heavy again dude it's like every throw almost holy cow that's all I can see is weeds though and it's coming up what the heck is this dude whoa duh world dude look at this let me get this off of here I've never seen nothing like this before look at that is that wires hanging off of there heck yeah that's definitely wires hanging off of there you guys what in the world is that thing dude it's definitely got to be electrical but what in the heck all right you guys that is a super cool find I I don't even know what to think about that one [Music] today guys did I just suck something out of the mud sure felt like it what is this here what the heck is that one there you guys check that out is that like a handle for something heck yeah awful what who the heck knows but check that out that's definitely like a like a handle maybe something off of the train I have no idea you guys that's pretty cool we got the old handle [Music] oh dude look at this one you guys what the heck is that hey is that uh look at this is that like the sprinkler system um like you would see in a factory or something yeah there's like a half broken pipe here and then if there's a fire or something this is the thing that goes off and it's like the sprinkler part we got the old fire sprinkler check it out I found a skateboard wheel ah check that out no way that's kind of cool look at that guys Alex found himself a skateboard wheel holy cow you guys check this thing out that Alex just found what does that say m m yeah right I can't really tell what that says it kind of just work that around you could probably make soak this and clear real easy that's a super cool piece dude sure [Music] oh what's that one yep just grab something there oh that's kind of cool looking whoa dude look at this thing what the heck you guys check that thing oh it's like a it's like a twisty coil what the heck is that like a heating coil or something I don't even know what to think of that thing that's a really weird one it's like a what do you call that the old school metal heaters right in their homes like the old heater coil I guess I don't know what the heck oh the proper turn of them but I know what you're trying to say man that is a weird one guys what the heck do you think that thing even is pretty funky oh I'm on my my little screen wiping rag here almost just went flying in the water that'd have been the end of that at least I'm wearing like somewhat light clothing so like getting wet it's really not like that I'm not that soppy heavy and clunky I'm just kind of just kind of wet just a little wet [Music] I just sucked something up oh yeah that came out of the mud real nice the heck is that sucker I'll watch our weeds of course but what in the world is this dude I'm pretty yeah I you know I definitely found one of these here the last time I was here you guys it's got like a like a rounded off bottom there and I don't know what's going on with the hand it almost looks like a like a mini ball hitch like a trailer hitch or something kind of that's the way this is shaped but I don't know what to think of this thing you guys maybe like a like a massive industrial sized pin that one's pretty cool foreign that was heavy that sucked right out of the mud real nicely whoa oh there's something stuck to it is that fishing line too it is come on fishing line come on fishy land I got it dude heck yeah first of all hold on we'll take a look at that in a second we got to get this line up here is there is there a nice expensive 10 lure on the end of there or is there maybe a fish and we're gonna find out definitely feel something on there it feels what is going on here dude wow this is a lot of line look at this guy oh we're stuck right here right directly below us it's like a dead stop here [Music] um what is going on huh huh we're unstuck it's still coming you guys what is going on here look at this line and now it's way all the way out here come on don't come on dot or don't snap on me here comes for a second anyways I don't know what is going on here man don't snap I don't know how it hasn't snapped yet this is some strong line what is this braided line heck yeah dude it's still coming up this is this guy lost like his entire spool of line he had two of them did it it just keeps coming what is going on here there's no way there's a fishing lure on the end of this anymore after all that there's nowhere not a chance what do we got going on here guys check it out heck yeah look at that oh it's not even a lure you guys all that for just a little Sinker and a Red Hook are you kidding me that's all right still pretty cool you guys and it's good to get this I mean look at how much fishing line is in there that's like that's like 100 plus feet of fishing line dude dude check out this piece that I found it's like completely made out of whoa I just stuck on the nail that was poking through there wow I have no idea what it is it's like old solar light that you stick outside you know what I mean and it lines your driveway or walkway see that oh yeah what is that there's no idea what that Heming gray yeah so that must be the company Heming grade Dash 42. wow you guys look at this thing Alex just found I don't know what the heck that is unreal but you guys track oh this other stuff we had on here yep look at that we got us another one of them a little bit of c-clips but check this thing out here let me get this off what the heck do you think of this thing at first I thought it was just a piece of rebar but I don't know if it's supposed to be shaped like that or what's going on there but this end has threads and so does this end at this point it's just the old Scrappy rooski thank you [Music] that's definitely something heck yeah it's gonna say It's gotta be that feels heavy foot is under all these weeds I can already see you guys one railroad spike two railroad spikes what else we got on there one two three railroad spikes and one big old magnetic rock holy smokes you guys we just about doubled our railroad spike count on one throw we already had four and now we just caught three more [Music] thank you [Music] oh what the heck we got going on here you guys look at this of course it wouldn't be a throw from the bridge here if we didn't have a steel magnetic rocker but check this thing out you guys what the heck is this is that's a lock no way dude oh my gosh that thing's got to be old it definitely ain't your average Master Lock that's for sure you know that sucker's old geez [Music] foreign [Music] oh my gosh you guys no way it is too dude look at I got me the old Civil War cow drop Spike I've literally found these every single time we've come here heck yeah dude unreal foreign anything no no I got something on here boy that sucker is heavy yeah heck yeah oh my God look at everything on here there's a lot of weeds it's probably adding a lot of weight but dude holy cow there's a lot of stuff on here hold on get the sucker over Dude holy cow man is that mine yeah check this out you guys first of all right off the bat here we got us another bolt and that one's got a little washer attached to it man what else we got in here a little Little Couple scrap hey I think I found one of these here before heck yeah yeah this is like the exact same thing as the last one that I found here still don't know what the heck this is that is a weird looking something but then you guys check it out you can already see these hanging off the sides here boom bam pow we got us two more railroad spikes all right baby some more cash money check this one out I don't know what the heck this is oh my gosh I can't even get that off of there staying right here what in the world do you think that thing is it definitely looks like it broke off something right there whatever it was got a little hole on the side there I don't know that thing is definitely heavy duty solid steel though that's for sure we got the old mystery piece all right guys today we are back out here once again we got our 360 degree magnet with us today and Alex is going to be throwing the exact same magnet let's give it another shot here today let's start tossing and see what we can find here thank you [Music] oh there is something I know you guys check it out I bet you hope it is too first find of the day we got us a spikurusky all right you guys a first find of the day here we got us another railroad spike to add to our collection what the heck was that dude it like almost ripped the magnet out of my hand what is this is this going to come up or what's going on here oh my goodness that's heavy holy cow dude what in the world oh my gosh it just keeps coming up holy pipe dude this is the biggest pipe I've ever caught I could stick my whole arm in that sucker look at that oh my gosh you guys what the heck would you think this would even be used for I don't think something like this has anything to do with the railroad at all well holy smokes you guys look at this thing it's literally almost as tall as me holy tube you guys that one is no joke [Music] oh oh what was that that sucker's heavy got some weight to it what is this oh my here we go at first I thought I was stuck to that little that big old pillar over there but no I got something heavy here guys what the heck do we got [Music] oh oh whoa what the heck is this oh dude check it out you guys it's one of them uh this is one of them brake pads for the train wheel that's exactly what this is because I've caught one of these before holy cow you guys look at this thing this is super cool [Music] oh as soon as I lifted that off the ground there I feel some weight heck yeah dude oh oh hey look at this is one of them things we found a couple of these here already you guys it's got like the like the little wooden cone shape thing on there I still don't know what the heck these are did you ever figure out what these are yeah I have not but all the ones that I've pulled up the handles as soon as I grabbed them they just like completely right yeah because they are made out of wood there you guys this one is super cool too you guys and I still don't know what the heck this thing does pretty funky foreign just went over the top of something kind of felt like it maybe not if there is something on there it's it's pretty light [Music] here's something oh oh what the heck is going on here dude check this out there's like some kind of eye bolt here but there's like a like a wire or some kind of cord attached to it dude that is really weird looking you guys I don't know what the heck this could have been used for guys that doesn't that looks like somebody rigged that one up and what the heck for I have no idea that is super weird you know what I think I'm gonna do here I think I'm gonna do the old switch to rooski and I'm gonna throw from this side for the first time the only thing that scares me about this side is these big old beams and just some stuff right here like we got this big old metal thing right below us we gotta watch out for that all right you guys first throw on this side let's see what we come up with and hopefully what we come up with is not a lost magnet oh what the heck was that immediately something heavy dude no no whoa whoa no that was magnetic yeah I pulled hard enough it popped off first throw already got me spooked out oh here's something else oh my gosh I just clicked something again dude okay this is this is this has got me a little spooked out here oh yeah there's some dude again dude there's some seriously clicky stuff I got something on here this is heavy I don't want to hit this uh what you call it that bit this big thing right here I don't want to hit that guys but I have something this is heavy dude oh what is this dude look it hold on hold on hold on get off of this metal great dude hold on hold on I know that's all I'm thinking right now is what the heck dude what is this white thing in here what is this that's what I was looking at um what is that you guys there we go guys I cleaned this off a little bit here maybe you can read that a little bit better but check it out it says patent uh July 91901 is what it looks like whatever that means July 9th 1901 could you imagine holy cow I don't know if that's what that means but that sure is what that says on there dude what the heck is this thing you guys I've definitely don't think I've ever seen anything like that that is super duper cool but check it out you guys we got two other things and this one right off the bat I already know what this one is because we found a couple of these you guys I'm pretty sure this is like a train um link like this is what links the train cars together holy cow you guys that is some heavy duty stuff right there and there was another thing on here at first I thought this looked like just some kind of regular old bolt but no you guys check it out I literally found one of these on this side also I'm pretty sure the last one I found I tried to describe as like a it had like some kind of trailer hitch type thing here I don't know but that's kind of what that looks like there is so much cool stuff coming out of here you guys first throw on this side here we got the old three for one baby [Music] oh oh no don't do that there's something really really big in there I don't know what that could be but it's got me spooked out [Laughter] of a piece of Santa sleigh that is crazy what the heck is that dude I have no idea some big bracket with a a bolt hole through it I don't know dude you guys check this thing out that Alex's phone I don't know what the heck that one is but that is kind of cool looking so maybe some kind of some kind of something I don't know what the heck that is you guys that's pretty cool foreign [Music] yup that's one of them it's like it's like a train link dude I'm pretty sure this is what links the train cars together check it out guys now we got two of these bad boys yup holy cow oh man that's probably exactly what yeah these are some heavy duty steel links what did you get another freaking couch no way you guys check it out Alice caught himself another civil war cow chop basically right where I found my pristine one holy cow you on something yeah see I don't know what it is but there's some like clicks oh yeah that's what I'm saying there's some big heavy stuff in there dude well I got something on here guys this is definitely heavy oh something hanging out for the bottom what do we got here guys dude now uh check it out you guys look it I got me another one of of these things right here boom check it out you guys this is the exact same thing the little the little trailer hitch thing what the heck are these things you guys and check it out saw a little something else on there guys dude yup okay I'll try baby dude immediately know what it is holy cow you guys check it out we found another cow drop Spike holy smokes you guys we're gonna add this to our collection there and I'm pretty sure I got somewhere around 20 of these things by now unreal man that is so cool you guys they just keep coming out of this area check this one out dude what do you think about this one whoa you guys check this thing out that Alex found what the heck is that I know there's really not much sun you guys it's starting to duck behind the building there and the trees but uh what the heck do you think that one is it's definitely like some kind of key or some kind of pin or something super cool but you guys there was a little something else on there yep check this one out we got like a little a little spring or some kind of coil or something wonder what the heck did that come off of that's just a tiny one yeah yeah there it is Alex is stuck again you guys all right I'm telling you did you get it yeah if you pull from a different angle I'm telling you there's something big out there but whatever it is if you're catching it over there if that's the same thing I mean it comes down this far like what if it's one of these things these big old right I mean we don't know what the heck's under there oh right here something right here yes sir I just grabbed something let me go out here oh oh we're bumping on something anyway oh my goodness what the heck was that is it just a rock or something I kind of feel something on there still heck yeah what do we got here guys whoa dude first of all check this out you guys first of all this one's definitely just some kind of like like pipe ring or something you can see the threads on there nothing too fancy on that one but you guys look at this piece if this is what I think it is you guys I actually found one of these on this side also like some kind of Knob do you like turn on the the water it could definitely be something else there all right guys [Music] oh I got something here guys I definitely just went over something yeah that's got some weight to it heck yeah that's got some weight to it look at that what the heck is this one holy cow you guys check this thing out what do you think this is dude it's like a double like a double hooked something dude what in the world would that be used for dude the cool finds in this spot just keep coming [Music] thank you [Music] oh oh like immediately oh my and that's heavy that was like as soon as it landed what we got here looks like you see the old piperusky the old crayfish Hotel hanging off of the side but she's fake it looks like all right a little bit of cash money but check this thing out dude oh I better be careful with that I actually don't know what the heck that is it almost looks like a like a bear trap or something hold on you guys check this out what the whoa heck do you think that thing is man look at this antique freaking dude yeah what do you think that is dude that's super weird it almost looks like I don't even know dude I don't know man super cool you guys what do you got this time I don't know dude look at this one dude the shape on this is super weird that is super cool I don't know what the heck is that I have no clue dude I've never pulled one of these out of the water yet around here holy cow you guys check out this thing Alex just found oh what the heck you want to think of that but holy smokes there is a lot of holes in that bad boy [Music] oh oh my God I don't know man there is something out there something spooky there's a magnet killer lurking below I got something on here I definitely do but I saved myself again from whatever that was oh boy this is heavy what is this dude what the heck is that oh dude I know what this is I'm just looking at it yup look at this you guys yeah it's like a it is it's a big old Barrel top you guys because look at you can see like the the opening there yep that's exactly what that is holy cow dude hopefully that wasn't full of some sort of like petroleum product and there all those oil all in the water right I mean think about it somebody probably dumped this and it had to have residue or oil or something in it so I'm sure that all just leaked into the water holy cow all right guys we are back out here once again we got our 360 degree magnet with us today let's get right down to tossing and see what we can find here today [Music] oh what the heck is that right there and I do see a bunch of bubbles I feel something right here nice and slow don't come off I mean nope it came off what the heck well where'd that go I gotta try and find it again right there there's something down here guys I feel it I just gotta get it to stick right yes give me a second here is there maybe something on there blocking my blocking my stick or what's going on here what the heck is that one it almost looked like a battery at first but I don't know what the heck to think of that one that side looks like it's open but uh the other side is closed or maybe it's not what the heck is that some kind of something there but there is definitely something right here I just have to stick it right was that it right there come on come on buddy I can feel it it just I just gotta stick it right come on yeah there's a thousand million bajillion percent something right here I just can't get I can't lift it I might have to go grab the claw out of the out of the truck you guys because there's something right there oh what the heck is that that's not there's something big down there but look at this one you guys is that the hub off of a bike heck yeah look at that's the sprocket where the chain goes right there holy cow you guys check that one out all right guys there is definitely something big down there so I went to the truck I grabbed the claw we're gonna hook this thing on there and we're gonna toss this down there and see if we can hook on to what that is and I believe where was it right here I don't even remember nope come on where is it oh is that it I think I might have it I feel something heck yeah I got it yep that's exactly what I thought it was too check it out you guys and is it plastic it is plastic that's why I couldn't stick to it holy smokes you guys look at all the clans on this thing dude that thing's been down there forever is that metal no that's definitely plastic dude 100 what the heck you guys checking out we got the old lawn chair or should we call it the clam chair I definitely did not expect to find something like that holy cow oh oh just grab something yep oh now I'm hitting something else what's this oh here we go here we go we got something guys uh at least I thought we did I think there's more than weeds dude it feels kind of heavy oh yeah what's hidden under there what is it oh check it out dude it's the old double Spike herooskis heck yeah you guys we got us a two for one on the spikes foreign what was that I think I just grabbed something here guys heck yeah what is this that grabbed really weird you know what the heck is this oh look at this you guys no is this one of them uh yeah I've caught a couple of these before I think it's some kind of like printing press or something some something from like a paper mill or some kind of printing thing this thing is like foam yeah look at it squishy you guys and it's almost like this is some kind of roller or something I don't it's definitely not it's definitely not a rolling pin we've definitely found a couple of these types of things before oh look at that there's like a little thing on there like it you can put it into something and lock it in place heck yeah what the heck is this oh look at this end though dude at first I thought this was all like rust and debris on the end of there but no these little teeth on there those are like gears what in the world at least I think so those are definitely like metal teeth on there huh uh yeah there's definitely something on there oh baby what is this oh that one's got some weight to it too oh look at this thing you guys look at that the old c-clip is magnetized through whatever the heck this thing is that's kind of cool but what in the world is this thing hold on what in the world I've definitely never seen anything like this before at first it kind of looked like a speaker but uh no there's definitely some kind of Bolt running through it and there's definitely a nut on the top of there what the heck do you think that is it's a plunger from the medieval days oh I got something big again well literally the next throw after oh whatever I'm pulling is getting closer to that wall get away from that dude that was spooky for a second geez what the heck is this one man oh my gosh look at the length on this dude this thing's like 20 feet long oh my God I can't get that off of there what the heck do you think of this thing you guys look at that one again it looks like just some kind of like bar or some kind of rebar type thing but then if you come down to this end here there's like a little a little Loop in that end and it gets a little thicker here and on the other end there is also a little something going on here what do we got on this end looks like you could maybe supposed to be up a hole there maybe you put a pin through there and it and you can I don't know that definitely looks like it hooks something to something well that one is pretty funky you guys I wonder what the heck this thing would be used for foreign look at that you guys I didn't even think there was really anything on there I seen these magnetic rocks here but I thought this was just a piece of scrap but no look at that The Closer you look look at the tip on there that is a little mini file and funny enough we are right next to the old file aisle over there it's for filing little stuff foreign [Applause] oh yeah I think that's something I stocked that one pretty good heck yeah dude look at all those bubbles I definitely have something here what the heck is this one this one's got some serious weight to it I can't be all all weeds is it no there's something under there what the heck is that dude no no way are you kidding me oh yeah baby we just caught us an anchor dude check it out oh my camera was just full of water I had to wipe it off I hope it's better now you guys look it unreal it's one of the double Spiker ones dude an anchor like this is easily 30 bucks dude heck yeah you guys cash money foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] most of you have already taken a scrap yard run with me but if you haven't the way this works is we go on the scale they weigh us then we go dump off all of our metal now we get to go back on the scale re-way ourselves and find out how much money we get [Music] oh you guys not bad at all we actually had a lot more scrap metal in the back than I thought check it out so right here we had 760 pounds of unprepared scrap iron and it was for 11 cents a pound and we got 83.60 that is not bad at all you guys scrap prices are still through the roof normally the scrap iron that I bring in is only like four cents a pound I'm pretty sure it's been up at like 11 cents for the last like five scrap yard runs so we are cashing out right now on the scrap metal all right you guys so that is gonna wrap our video up here for today if you guys enjoyed this video today please make sure to hit that thumbs up button for me and don't forget to subscribe foreign
Channel: The Fisher
Views: 607,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, the fisher, magnet, magnets, magnet fishing videos, magnet fishing usa, magnet fishing uk, magnet fishing best finds, fishing, magnet fishing bomb, magnet fishing gun, magnet fishing gone wrong, magnet fishing police called, the fisher magnet fishing, magnet fishing the fisher, magnet fishing shorts, giant magnet, giant magnet fishing, fishing with a giant magnet, magnet fishing jackpot, fishing magnet, metal detecting, treasure hunting, super magnet, railroad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 14sec (5774 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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