"The Church That Prays" - Anthony Mangun

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ah hey Caleb or Chicana hey Lobo Shikha can feel it on this front row I can feel it on you man I can feel it on you young lady that's anointing resting on you hallelujah buddy would you come up here just a minute you young man here right they do I'm looking to you it's inaudible you know what I want you to do I want you to noise your finger you do that I want you to lay hands on me and I want you to pray for me which our funding for somewhat annoyed that's what's going to happen in the last day this thing you can find a preacher it's going to happen to land tea it's going to happen in this congregation you shall lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover you have an anointing that's going to flow through your lives and an action that's going to follow your spirit I have felt since last night I was planning a little what God had for us tomorrow night I feel like it's going to be something dynamic I believe healing and Holy Ghost is going to be here tomorrow night as well as in the morning but I just feel like God is getting ready to lose something in CC see not only you're going to have a revival of soul but God is going to release you to start operating in the gifts of the Spirit some of you young people are going to use in the gift of tongues and the gift of interpretation and the gift of prophecy and the gift of laying hands upon the sick tonight in the name of Jesus we loose that get to the spirit in this plane we lose a fresh anointing a yellow poaching alibi take a hell hey olive Oh chica a lullaby we claim in the name of Jesus God bless you may be seated say what a privilege it is to be here with the Woodward's no finer man and woman of God than the Woodward's and I thank God for them and they act like what you know all the honor we're very honored to be here with you and with the Woodward's and then how God has placed the Lehman's in the legacy in the DNA of this church aren't you just a blessed Church I'll say more about their their families later but I I just sent such a burden in a desire that's going to grip us tonight that this church that's affecting so many not only through the ministry of your pastor but through your giving I think God has a plan for this church to become a world changing Church and tonight it's going to begin with an individual from individual it's gonna flow to a family and from a family is going to flow to this church we need an awesome force of the supernatural power from on high of a rushing mighty wind and fueled this congregation tonight that it alter our lifestyles and it changed the way we think I was praying this afternoon particularly for poa and we do a lot of Matthew 25 and reaching out to people now I've been praying for so long God just don't let it be two days out of the year but let it become a lifestyle of our people and I think that your pastor felt led to bring Nick and I in for this mission conference I feel like that there are three worlds that's watching this church right now heavens watching what's going to happen here this weekend and hell is watching what's going to happen here this weekend and the earth is watching what's going to happen this weekend it would remind us again that an eternal soul and the value of that and the brevity of time and eternity I really wrestled with preaching a message that I preached it camp and I was getting that I love Matt to help me with with the props but I felt a little different in the Holy Ghost after I got here I'm going to preach a message that I preached at camp meeting three or four years ago time and eternity understanding the brevity of eternity and somehow grasping if we couldn't arrive that what we do in time is going to determine how we live in eternity and how our rating if you may say or may I say happen in heaven transpires I guess what I'm saying is we need something to awaken us to where we're going and what we're missing you will hear too many people preach about heaven anymore you hear hardly any people preach about Hell but Jesus is a savior and he came to save us from something and that's a lake of fire and I stand here tonight declaring I'm glad I'm safe from the lake of fire so the Great Commission must become our number one mission it must grasp us and it's more important to us than any of our possessions brother long spoke tonight how that God moved on him it's got to become more important than any of our possessions if the Apostolic Church ever wakes up to where we are what I preached last night and where God has positioned us and understand that it's later than we think and why on this significant weekend we desperately need a new revelation of where we are in time and where we're headed for eternity we need a sovereign move of God to sleep over this congregation between now and tomorrow night that's going to forever change you as an individual and going to change this church I was in prayer this afternoon and I added a lot of things to my notes that I did not plan on preaching and because I was going to talk a few minutes and tell you how God blesses those that sacrifice and gives a mission and how churches moved to another level when they give to Mission I will mention some of that in a moment but I went to first of all prayer it began to grab me how that we need a prayer meeting in this church tonight like we haven't ever seen I was praying that God would raise up for this church safe for pastors safe for the sake of the kingdom of God that God would raise that some prayer warriors among us some of you young men and women tonight afresh and nude for a church without a prayer meeting is not a church Wow boy you great people I've say that people a that sits there and look at me a church without a prayer meeting is not a church the staggering task of reaching this world and every human being with the gospel of Jesus Christ must be accompanied by prayer in the morning your pastor is going to unveil his heart and speak to you about faith promise and what it is and what this shirt and cast vision of what your mission dollar is going to do in 2017 but tonight before you give the dollar let me tell you it's got to begin with prayer a prayer that will bring the sovereign move of God prayer that changes our life prayer that's that is people from the lake of fire it's a terrifying responsibility that is mine in yours tonight and it will not happen without prayer I was raised and by the way my mother told me to tell you hello there is one that where the wood ring I talked to her last night and I will say it this away there is one that has gone before me who's greater than I whose shoes I am not worthy to bear but that lady and my father introduced me to prayer my dad introduced me to prayer brother Woodward is sweating and all of my notes and this is what I'm saying not my notes but dad introduced me to prayer through praying the tabernacle which totally encompassed and changed my life all of my adult life my mother was looking for me something for my birthday and she couldn't find anything that she thought that I needed and she found a lot of things I wanted but nothing she thought I needed so she decided that she was going to give me a gift and so every January the 12th she gives me the greatest gift that a mother could give she goes to the church and it's sunup she praised the sundown for me every January the 12th God privileged Mickey and I when she told me that we were going to have another child we had a daughter and God gave us our next child and we found out it was going to be born in January so we got my grandfather to start praying that it would be born on January the 12th well on the morning of January the 12th Mickey went into labor and our son Gentry was born on my birthday so now I know how Jesus feels when Santa Claus takes away your birthday so it's all about him I don't have one anymore it's the Gentry's birthday so but my mother has given me and Gentry the gift of prayer every January the 12th a powerful prayer so this last year she said Anssi I want to do something but I got asking permission because we have 24-hour prayers since 1972 it's what established our church is what has built our church it's what made poa what it is is the foundation of Prayer and I don't know why I'm on all this other than God is directing me right now but it is what's been the foundation of that church and so we pray since 1972 around the clock at the church and so she said we don't allow ladies to pray from midnight to 6:00 and because of protecting and the protection of the ladies and so me and pray the midnight shifts every night but mother says I just feel that that on this January to 12:00 I'd like to pray from midnight to 6:00 and so this past January the 12th of 2016 mother stayed on her face before God that church at POA most of the all the night long from 12 o'clock at night until sunrise the next morning it was the power of prayer I'm not anything but if I am anything or if I ever do become anything it is because of the power of prayer and it brought to mind this afternoon a message that I preached some few years ago Deuteronomy 33 and 7 and that scripture simply says here Lord the voice of Judah bring unto Him his people let his hands be sufficient for him and be thou a help to him from his enemy in Deuteronomy 33 it is right before Moses death and he's invoking the blessings upon each tribe of Israel except on Simeon because we know that Simeon would soon be absorbed into Judah and so Moses remembered and when he comes to bless Judah here's what he says here Lord the voice of 400 years prior in a courtroom in Egypt you know the story Judah makes a plea which he didn't know it then before his brother Joseph and the life that he is pleading for is his baby brother Benjamin and the teachers of jurisprudence will tell you that Judas plead that intercession for clemency and mercy and compassion is one of the greatest examples of its kind on record whether by law or whether by Bible and when you hear what he did in Genesis 44 32 and 34 I'm sorry to our our people that throw the Scriptures this all came to me this afternoon after I had sent a brother would word for thy servant speaketh himself became surety for the lad unto my father Jacob saying if I bring him not unto thee then I shall bear the blame to my father forever now therefore I pray thee let me thy servant abide instead of the lad a bondsman to my Lord which was his brother Joseph whom he did not yet recognize and let the lad go up with his brethren for how shall I go up to my father and the lad be not with me now that is intercessory prayer when Joseph looks them and he sees these fellows that had sold him out he sees the same group of brothers that had given up on him and sold him to slavery and he sees that Judah is there saying sir you don't understand we have a father back home and this is his young woman and we made a promise when we left home that we would bring him back sir if you will let him go I will take his place I will intercede for him I will stand in his gap if you will let him go when Joseph saw that that's what drove him to tears and that's when he gave a revelation of himself to his brothers because he saw in them and he saw in that spirit of intercession hear the voice of Anthony Magna tonight and I say bring us to the kingdom for such a time is this I say spare our families I say bring our children back home tonight the name of Jesus and I'm just going to move in the Holy Ghost here a little bit but I feel led to pray this maybe you don't need it but I'm going to pray it over here anyway in the name of Jesus for every one of our lost children I pray for every m.i.a that's out of this congregation I pray right now in the name of Jesus you move on them and God our children are going to be saved our babies that we dedicated to the Lord they're going to be saved and now God we stand between them and your judgment and we plead your blood and we know that you're going to give us a revival of our children and our children are coming back home hey Kayla boho chic I and álava hiya we speak that in the name if you have a child in this room and they're not living like you think they should be living let me just say would you stand I just want to do this this wasn't in my message look at this look at this I knew that look at this I'm the authority and the power of the name of Jesus don't you let the devil steal your prayers right now through the power of his thing I intercede for our babies our children are coming home our babies are coming home I speak a prayer of intercession I did mother go ahead look at my dead mother go ahead oh this mission weekend will get back to missions in a minute on this mission weekend our babies are going to be saved our babies are coming home it's your faith up get your head up don't fit praying right now go ahead and intercede mama go ahead that intercede get the prayer hahahaha there's a spirit of prayer brother Woodward God's going to pass her God's going to baptize his church with a new burden for prayer and a passion for prayer and our pastors that are missing here and our churches that are visit here God's going to baptize you with a new passion for prayer hahaha hey bozo Colella buy so many of you weeping ID you may be seated but I hate to stop right here it's a great move of God mommy's coming home go ahead sister go ahead and mother he's coming home go ahead mother he's coming home go ahead intercede right now I said he's coming home go ahead cover back there in the scene my baby's coming home say my baby's coming home Glenda Claire my children are gonna be saved if the faith has come in here declare that in the name of Jesus the care that in Jesus name clear that in Jesus name nothing like prayer it's the thing that's going to move this church it's a thing that's going to move the world we need dollars but we need prayer more than we need dollars prayers never die there are no tombstones for prayer prayers don't go to the Graveyard you keep on praying I don't care what hadn't been answered you keep on praying I'm gonna bring you a little hope here tonight you keep on praying I had an uncle his name was uncle Clifford I didn't have one he's still living he's a Gibson and they always live into their 90's and and my uncle since I was a kid I'll never forget my daddy begging him he's the only one of posses children popsie was a early early church building they started in tents and brush harbors and they were in it in the early days 20s and the 30s in those days and times and sometimes the children were neglected in my uncle clever and being a PK resented the way that pops he had raised them and given himself to the church and he had never received the Holy Ghost and it never been baptized in Jesus name and I'll never forget through all of my years that that I would I would say dad what are we going to do he said well we're gonna keep trying and I'll never forget when pops II got Lowen and went back up to clip on clip please get please get the Holy Ghost please get baptized in Jesus name and he never would and I'll never forget when pops II was dying daddy took him outside of that little Hut my dad's to have such honor for building a house for the Prophet and he had put my grandfather and grandmother in there which is my mother's mother and father and he said look he said look clear he said for the sake of your father would you at least consider no sir I'm not going to do it and so pops he died and never got his prayer answered and that prayed since he was born they felt like the inori of God was going to rest upon his life and so mom's had kept on praying in Mom's it gets low and clib comes and I take him outside nope I'm not going to do it and momsie dies and kids not baptized or feel the Holy Ghost three years ago we started we were going to start of our Daniel Fast and I I told our church I want you to write down a request that you believe that God is really gonna answer and so I wrote down I would like to baptize my uncle Clifford in the name of Jesus and so I wrote that name down and it got to Friday before we go in the fast that mean we'd gone about I guess 19 days and I picked up the phone and I called him said uncle if you had heard from him from Wahab potentials answering lives in Kansas City say Anthony how you doing I think he was 91 years old at that time I said well cliff I'm doing good he said well why are you calling is anything wrong with your mother and I said no she's fine I said why I'm calling is I've been on a fast and I'm going to end it Sunday and uncle cliff I would like to just ask you about being baptized in Jesus name he said well I don't think I'm gonna do that I said well can I ask you to do something would you just least pray about it and I'm going to call you back Monday and I'm going to call you Monday and when I when I broken that fast and I'm going to see what you still say said okay that's fair enough with me so I pick up the phone Monday morning and I said I'm too glib this is Anthony or you can allow me to baptize you in Jesus name he said well we can't go to the river of Jordan so I thought it through in three or four weeks five weeks it's going to be Mother's Day and I'll be down there and I'm gonna let you baptize me in Jesus name on Mother's Day ninety-one years old my grandfather and grandmother in the grave but those prayers were still living home those prayers were still alive those prayers were still going and he came up out of the water and was speaking in tongues at 91 years old been dedicated when he was a baby ninety-one years later after being dedicated to God you hear me tonight it may take 50 years it may take 60 years but God is going to hear your prayer lift up your head let your faith be lift it up God is going to hear your prayer and the thing that's going to get this started it's apostolic praying and when we get to apostolic praying it brings us to the Apostolic message and it brings us to the apostolic mission and when you put prayer and you put passion for lost souls together we can knock down hell's gates and we can establish churches and we can establish congregations all around the world there is something bigger than any of us that's in this mission conference I felt it before I got here prayer and fasting has gone forth poa has been praying about this meeting because I haven't approached this as just a normal median not saying because of who I am or what I am but I don't go out to just a lot of churches anymore because of my schedule and my responsibilities at POA but I felt a certain feel when your pastor asked me to come for this weekend and I know you've had some powerful conferences and I will never compare this conference with any other conference but I have come to tell you that God is going to do something he did something last night he's gonna do something tonight he's gonna do something tomorrow he's gonna do something tomorrow night that you didn't think could be done but the Holy Ghost is going to invade this wait they're gonna be tacked to the spirit of god that's going to consume world evangelism and not some obscure by-product it is the main event for the long we respect you we love you for selling your house and going to France it's a call from another world the Apostle said I covered all of Asia I cease not day or night we begin their streets from house to house and then he says this he said in acts 20:20 26 and 27 wherefore I take you to record this day that I am pure from the blood of all men for I have not shunned to declare unto you the counsel of God I have not shunned to declare unto you the counsel of God and God has raised your pastor and his wife up and God has raised CCC up and all of you guest pastors and preachers here the eye is on the northeast it's a star that has risen in the east this district in this church and this pastor that the hand of God rests upon that but with that comes great responsibility and God is raising this church up has a church in the last days there's gonna be many of them but as a church and you pastors that are here from the Atlantic District God is raising this district up and God is raising your church up for the last revival and the great revival and it's going to begin in this district for the nation of Canada this chairs can start something in Canada that can change the world I am preaching tonight and preaching with a passion I you say why why because I am preaching to you what I pray that somebody we can preach to Pio Eddie and I am preaching because this is what I would want somebody to preach to the people that I know their lives and it's like the rich young ruler he said if you want to make your life count this is the way to do it this is the way to go the church life the living the disciplined life living full of the Holy Ghost that's the way to go he said if when you follow me and you come after me he said the foxes have holes and the birds have nests but I don't have a place to lay my head in other words he's saying count the costs before you say you're gonna follow me because following me is not just getting in a line behind me with that become sacrifice and consecration and dedication you will find two men that we're really three but two that came to him specifically one asked to come and said I want to follow you and that's when Jesus told him you don't know what you're saying sir foxes have holes but I don't even have a pillow to lay my head on you don't know what you're saying the second one Jesus went to him he said I want you to be my follower you may be one of those apostles and he's the one that said I'm gonna go left I gotta go bury my parents rod and Jesus said let the dead bury the dead he wanted them to know he wasn't a Jesus friendly Church Jesus wasn't really Church friendly I mean he just sort of laid it down if you don't follow me this is what its gonna take to follow me but what you're doing is you're trading time for eternity you're getting your eyes off of the temporal and you're looking at the eternal and all of a sudden all this thing that we thought really matter it doesn't matter nearly as much as we thought it was when that golden moment when he reached in that eternal place and he looked at that rich young ruler he said you had a chance to become part of the Apostolic man you had a chance to have your name written on the foundation stones of heaven and tonight I know the apostles have been laid and there are no more foundations in heaven and we don't have a chance to have our name on a foundation stone like they did our the patriarchs of the Old Testament but what we do have we have a sketch you'll date at the marriage supper of the Lamb we have a scheduled date at the judgment seat of Christ I believe your pastor believes like me if he doesn't then he is right and I am wrong but if I understand what what I believe about the Word of God is the people that's been born again and that makes the rapture they're not going to be at the white throne judgment they've had it made if you make the rapture you got it made but there is going to be another judgment and it's called the judgment seat of Christ and that's where God's gonna look down at me and it will look down at you this was in none of my notes I'm just so in to the Holy Ghost he's gonna look down at me and he's gonna look down at you and say what have you done with the gifts that I have given you and what have you done with the life that I've given you to share what have you done with that gift sir that I have given you it's that cry that we're gonna look back at that marriage supper of the Lamb you say well how is it that he can love us anymore it's not that he will love us more but when we get through with the judgment seat of Christ and we see what we could have done and we see aha yellow chica ella ella ella la sala buyer we see the smallness of our prayers we see how we've condensed our prayers or when we get to the jackman seat of price and we see what we really could have done maybe when he says he's gonna wipe away our tears in heaven maybe it's at the judgment seat of Christ when we see what we could have been or could have done if we would have understand this is more than just believing the doctrines and living the Christian disciplines and principles this is selling out Jesus Christ this is letting it become a lifestyle this has been consumed with a lifestyle for the passions of Alma remember the Woodman and then brother one word he's gonna take us to the marriage supper of the lamb right now we're just a spouse to him and you're sitting this congregation oh I wouldn't question God no I don't question him either but we do question God I know some of you've lost children and you've been to casket you didn't think you were going to and you'd say he'll question God get I know in the back of your mind there's always a why but let me tell you this is a preacher and if your pastor doesn't agree with this he's right and I'm wrong but this is a preacher tells you it's okay to ask why because I think I read somewhere of this man his first name started with a J and he was on a cross one time and he said my God my God why so then it's okay to have a why but when we get to that judgment seat of Christ and we get to the marriage supper of the Lamb it's not gonna be that you're going to love him more or he's gonna love you more it's gonna be the intimacy of the consummation of us being engaged to him as his bride that's called by his name and it's gonna be that time where he's gonna expose himself to us and he's gonna open up himself and he's gonna explain why he did this and why he did this and why he did this and why did this and all those things that you word about her all those things that you question about God's gonna lay it out before you and he's gonna say okay now here's what happened and we're going to have a time with our bridegroom like we hadn't ever had I'm preparing for that day therefore this life doesn't mean anything to me I'm a sojourner and I'm a traveler this world is not my home I'm just a passing through my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue the heavens beckon me from heavens open door and I can't feel at home in this world anymore Glenn talking tongues right here sometimes we get glad speak right now let the Holy Ghost speak right now let the only go speak right now hey yo boho-chic alibi hey shake I inaudible oh yeah behind we're moving from the temple you're getting rid of your time thinking tonight we're going to start thinking with the eternal brain instead of the time brain we're gonna start thinking about the things that our leave but in grasping hey guy in a bow chika desu ka labaki Hillenmeyer psychological hey Kousaka in Omaha such a great you're convicting our hearts you're moving order souls there's a passion that's gripping this church there is a fresh passion in faith there's a new prayer warrior that's being born there's an intercessory prayer warrior that's being born there's some young man a woman putting his eyes Saeko yell Ibaka hallelujah novel say Kahala Lama would go home say Kahala mobile user bhai here I'm living for the eternal I'm just a pilgrim in a stranger I'm not made for this world I'm made for another world don't let time or detection don't let it get a hold of me let me live for yeah Calabar Hoshi column hey Kayla I am Balala lava god bless you may be seated Caja Laboral element la la ba hoshi que la la la muchacha de la bahia say Calabar hi with everybody that's 60 and over would you raise your hand and would you pray over these young people or with the elders of the church would you just lift your hand right now and sort of hold them over the front would you lift your voices in a travail for these men God's doing something with these front few rows last night and tonight I said elders pray over them right now that's it elders of the church picket gahi logic ahead hey Chicago Illinois USA Kahala lemma hayasaka alibi say calle del apoyo de la mancha cahaya would everybody lift their hands in pray right now really what I'm trying to figure out is where God wants to go right here that this is what I'm waiting on see what the Holy Ghost wants to do right now this church has enough word in it this church has the best teacher and preacher of the word you'll want to hear what is God going to do in the spirit tonight but their prayer warriors should be born tonight is there intercessors that's going to be born tonight and the intercessors that's going to be born tonight pastors hey Carlo boho chic AHA hey chica haha sheikha al-abbas chicken alibi yellow boho-chic Al Abbar cha-cha-hey-hey let the intercessor arise let the intercessor arise stand in the gap for this world that's it standing the gap the intercessors arise we speak it over believers we speak that the intercessors arrived that the intercessors arise the DSS's arise o co ll Omaha Chicago Illinois sekai yael abouhalkah here america shake I ain't no yellow boho-chic I had a lover hey hey Baja chica hello Maya I'd say the prayer means broken out in the middle of message glad let's have a prayer meeting right here let it let it remain or break out that's it let prayer break out what you've been praying for let it happen right now I did what you've been praying for I'm speaking like forgiving them ourselves that's it brother that's it elders of the church that's it that's it elders move to some of these some of you feel led let's let the Holy Ghost operate right here let's set the give separate some of you pastors move out let the guilt operator live here yeah Ariella by Hoshi : a guy lmaoo chic ahead there's something break-in in CCC or something right get past on your church's something right get in our churches right now young couples make a commitment to God right now it's not about your pocketbook it's about your lifestyle it's about your living it's about soul winning it's about teaching Bible studies it's about running bus routes it's about lost souls right here it's about well souls right now it's about lost souls right now Hey Kayla butcher if you feel led reach over lay hands on the person beside you I'm not going to try preaching anymore right here the Holy Ghost has moved in I'll finish it tomorrow and tomorrow night the Holy Ghost has moved in here we're sending and we're moving our eyes to Eternity right now I take one pray with them pray eternal prayers right now pre-eternal prayers right now pray tunnel prayer I did ago
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 29,636
Rating: 4.8850989 out of 5
Keywords: anthony, mangung, preaching, preach, pastor, pentecostals, of, alexandria, poa, ccc, capital, community, church, the, that, prays, fredericton, new, brunswick, canada, sermon, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, apostolic
Id: JcwOy3dR9oY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 56sec (2696 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2016
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