Living in the Last Days - Anthony Mangun

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you make a joyful noise to the god of our salvation [Music] [Applause] thank you for being here this morning i thank you so very much uh just a fantastic largest crowd we've had since march the 8th thank you for coming to church and i hope we stay social distance and if you're not confident we have the prayer room and we also have the g.a mangan center and you're welcome to worship from there but i'm glad you're in here with us i'm asking this whole church pastor gentry covered it wednesday night to be here because it's from the pastor's heart it's not about our christian disciplines i'm not going to be dealing with that i'm going to be talking about where we are as a church in the future and how we're going to have church and when we're going to have church it's going to be very important for your family to be here but before i get to the instructions that i'll be giving wednesday night god has given me a message about this church and i want you to be here if you have to sit in if you're not comfortable those of you on the web if i'm your pastor i want you here please if you're not careful being here be out in the foyer be over the g.a mangan get out in the parking lot with your ipad but let's try to get on campus wednesday night and see what god's going to do for us we're living in the last days this morning i will date myself i don't apologize because i have before but the way i'm going to preach this message i haven't preached this way in quite a few years in fact i haven't heard any preacher preach the way i'm going to preach this morning in quite a few years so i will date myself so stay with me because it's going to be bible i want to thank god for my wife mickey [Applause] we have been on a journey the last few weeks and i'm happy that as of tuesday we found out everything was benign isn't that just wonderful i'm in trouble now she gave me the fists i'm in trouble for telling you but she's so private she didn't want you to know about it when she was going through it so we pray and i did not sleep last week and i did not sleep much this week so this message is going to get preached so i can sleep okay [Music] thank you all you great young couples thank you my feeling is if your kids can go to school surely they can come to church just a thought [Music] daniel chapter 8 verses 9 through 11. and out of him came the fourth a little horn which waxed exceedingly great towards the south and toward the east and towards the pleasant land and it whacks great even to the host of heaven and it cast down some of the hosts and of the stars to the ground and stamped upon them yea it magnified himself even to the prince of the host and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away by him he took the daily sacrifice away because he knows if he can get the people of god from sacrificing whether it be coming to church tithes and offerings if he can get people to quit sacrificing he can win so he took the daily sacrifice away and the place of his sanctuary was cast down connect this verse with revelation 13 and 4. i'll be in revelation a lot and i will be in daniel a lot today and they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast and they worshiped the beast saying who is life unto the beast who is able to make war with him luke 21 32-36 verily i say unto you this generation shall not pass till all be fulfilled heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away take heed to yourself lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surface and drunkenness and the cares of this old life and the cares of this world so that that day comes upon you unaware you start not realizing or feeling the coming of the lord for as a snare shall it come on thee that dwell on the face of the whole earth so watch therefore and pray always that you may be accounted worthy to escape all the things that shall come to pass and to stand before the son of man my last reading second thessalonians two six and eight and now you know what withholdeth until he be taken by be revealed in his time for the mystery of iniquity it's already working only he who now let us will let the spirit of iniquity can only go so far because the holy ghost stops it until he be taken out of the way we're very blessed with all we're going through we've got the holy ghost helping us and then shall that but when that holy ghost is taken out of the way then you're going to see the wicked reveal whom the lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming my subject is we are living in the last days we're getting ready to pray but before we pray no matter what your political views are no matter what your political party is our president is sick today and we're not only going to pray for this message we're going to pray for president trump and the white house staff that has corona that god will heal their body so would you raise your hands and pray for this message and pray for our president that god would touch him and that god would heal him we speak it in the name of jesus oh god [Music] [Laughter] [Music] would you give one more clap and would you do it with a shout come on would you make a noise to the lord would you make a joyful noise to the lord [Applause] [Music] god bless you great people you may be seated thank you for coming to church we're also very glad to have tandy kristoff here she is a member of our church but she's also running for congress and candy just because you're a member here we don't want to leave you out we're very glad to have candy here today amen we're living in a divided world we're living in divided cities we have divided hearts and it seems like the division is bringing us down to jesus christ or the antichrist we're either going to be marked by jesus christ or we're going to be marked by the antichrist but everybody in this room is going to receive a mark it's just whether it's going to be the lord's or whether it's going to be that man or perdition the antichrist satan throughout the ages has used in a minor aries to war against the people of god when he was in the garden of eden sheltered in perfect bliss in innocence in uninterrupted happiness god placed our first parents in that garden but outside that gate of garden was a sinister being darkly lurking to get in it is his waiting for the opportune moment to find an inroad into the hearts of adam and eve for this diabolical purpose he used the serpent to approach the woman now we know the serpent crawling on his belly eating dust but in the unfallen nature we must have been one of the most attractive creatures that god had ever made i know when i hear preachers preach i'm not real sure i don't believe it but i don't know that we can either all get a real handle on this whether this is a beautiful snake that's just crawling that's making its appeal it's what we've been taught through the years or whether it is some kind of a spirit that is indwelt a creature that is beautiful because the bible said it was so beautiful that it became appealing to eve the original unfallen serpent could even talk to her satan used the serpent to destroy our first parents he is seen again in the story of job the evil one was given permission to affect job satan took the sabians and he destroyed all of job's wildlife livestock satan then took the chaldeans and he destroyed all of job's camels satan used a human agent to demonstrate again in the story of the betrayal of jesus christ this shocked me when i read this because for some reason i just figured judas was bad from the very beginning but when i began to study this the bible says that the lord if the last supper took self i want you to go read it because i questioned it when i heard it first and i it says he took a sop and he dumped it dipped it and he handed to judas and john 13 26 and 27 says at that point everybody say at that point satan entered judas satan used judas then to betray the lord in a general inclusive descriptive statement paul portrays the evil one in the 11th chapter of second corinthians as being a transforms himself into an angel of light that he might bring destruction upon those who otherwise are embracing the truth he knows the only way that he can get to us is that he shows himself as an angel of light this has been satan's program throughout the ages he uses other personalities that are disguised to attack the people of god antichrist he is the satan's masterpiece there is no character or personality that appears in all of the biblical story or human history like the ultimate final dictator who is satan's masterpiece you have seen a lot of things work the devil has deceived me the devil has deceived you there's things we do we knew the devil deceived us as though flip would say the devil made me do it but no one has ever seen anything like the spirit of this antichrist as almighty god jesus christ was incarnate in the flesh jesus was god wrapped in flesh the antichrist is satan wrapped in flesh it is his messiah it is satan's masterpiece it's what he's worked on for his whole life satan incarnated like god was incarnate in the flesh in the final antichrist the last terrible time who will rule over this earth the first letter of john chapter 2 says the apostle speaks of many antichrists and the spirit of antichrist but they are all preparatory to the final dictator that's in the bible for example in daniel 7 8 he is called the little horn in the story of human history after the breaking up of the roman empire who would have ever thought that mike l and mick and i were talking last week when mickey was over for a procedure in dallas and we were talking who would have ever thought that the roman empire would ever fall who would have ever thought that anything could have ever overtaken the roman empire but this little horn rises and it rules daniel 9 27 he's referred to as an awesome desolator matthew 24 he is called the abomination of desolation ii thessalonians 2 he is a man of sin who presents himself in the temple of god in the city of jerusalem showing himself that he is god he appears at the temple and he looks like god and he talks like god and the spirit of deception is there and he's in the temple that god had built for his people and then in the 13th chapter of revelation he's presented as the beast what is the beast like the bible presents a very meticulous detail of the prophetic description of the beast of this antichrist the final dictator if you're following your bible revelation 13 1 and i stood upon the sand of the sea and i saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns european common marking upon the horns and the ten crowns and upon his head the name of blasphemy he comes out of a chaotic turbulent world conditions when the whole mass of mankind seems to be plunged in irretrievable irrecoverable despair when man is weary from jobs and hurricanes and things that's brought our spirit down when we have no answers and everything seems like there is no solution to a problem here this man appears it is out of this turbulent sea of mankind that the ultimate dictator arises he's swiftly he's powerful and he is fully uh we're not recognizable he is revelation 13 and 2 says this beast which represents the antichrist will be like a leper daniel 7 says there's a man there by the name of alexandria the great he is referred to like a leper leper was quickness swiftness he conquered the whole world alexander the great conquered the world the description is he was like a leper and the great foul dictator the bible says will be like a leper alexandria the great who rose suddenly and conquered the whole world revelation 13 and 2 also says not just like a leper but he's like a bear in the seventh chapter of daniel that bear refers to the uh cyrus and the medo-persian empire the bear has great strength earth's found dictator will be like that he will be strong like cyrus revelation 13 and 2 he is an invincible he's a conquest he's like a lion he's like a bear and then in the seventh chapter of daniel the lion represents the golden age of everyone in this room that knows any bible at all will know the name he represents the golden age of nebuchadnezzar that one that no one had been able to describe no description has ever been able to put on a man with such a hateful horrible destructive attitude as nebuchadnezzar and they were eyewitness of this man it defies all description likewise this final dictator that i'm preaching to you about today he will be regal in his demeanor in the way he holds his scepter in the way the antichrist walks in the way that he carries his head in the way that he performs his gestures he will be a king that many will fall in worship and the scripture says this lion like man will be wounded unto death but then miraculously he'll be wounded he'll be left for dead but miraculously he will recover and the whole world will wonder after him he'll be one that is left for dead and all of a sudden he'll rise up and the world will see this is a miraculous miracle-working man this is a man that has been raised from the dead and the whole world said he's got power he's got glory i want to be careful how i preach this because i sure don't want you to be afraid of the supernatural but the devil has a counterfeit to everything that god has he has counterfeit faith he has counterfeit miracles and terry clear i would love to see terry clear get out of that chair don't ever think and don't ever sit there and say well that miracle happened was that of god or that was the devil my message failed if that's what you think always it is to be of god but the antichrist came up from a man that was dead you're talking about a miracle and he came up and he began to walk and the bible says that they begin to follow him that dragon that old satan o lucifer the devil himself will give unto this man the devil is going to give to this man this handsome man he's going to give to him his power his throne and his authority here mr antichrist here sir here is all of my power there was another man that came down to this earth his name was jesus let me tell you about him i took him to this very spot i showed him all the kingdoms of the world i wanted to give it to him but he said no he was going to a cross and being that this man jesus didn't accept everything that i had to offer him in this world i am going to offer to you sir jesus didn't want it he didn't want to be the ruler and the power of this whole world he didn't want to be a man of influence i offered him to him but jesus said no after 40 days of fasting so sir i am offering this to you i am going to give you power to rule i'm going to give you authority that i have you will have my authority i'm the prince hey hey hey sir i'm the prince in power of the air that's who the bible says i am sir the bible says hey be the devil the satan i'm the prince in power the heir and what i'm going to do is sir i'm going to give you mr antichrist i'm going to give you all the authority that i have in fact you are me i'm going to get inside of you and we're going to work in the last days and matthew 4 satan offers him all those kingdoms if you'll just bow down he offers him all of those kingdoms the glory of the kingdom of the world will be placed in his hands and that's why no one in this room should love this world system nobody should want anything to do with this world get as far away from this world as you can we've got to work in this world we got to live in this world we got to go to school in this world we got to move in this world we can't be just come here and live we can't go to colorado though that'd be nice and move in caves we can't do that we got to operate but let me tell you something you better always remember it's a world system you better always remember the day is coming you multi-millionaires in this church or those of you that can't even pay your rent this month let me tell you the day is coming where you're going to throw your money in the street the bible says that the day is coming where your dollar's not going to be worth a dollar you better not put your life on the dollar you better not put your lie i want us to have it because that's what keeps the church going i want this church to be blessed over and beyond but don't lose your soul working 15 jobs a week where you can't get to church where you can't serve god well you can't give god you all that's going to all be thrown in the streets it's going to be thrown in the streets whole earth will rejoice to yield all its grandeur to him the reason is very very obvious when the world is in turmoil we will turn to his direction for an answer and for our solution to this great man that is solving banking problems that is solving your personal problems and some of you are so heavy it's almost like pastor if he was here today i probably would follow him because you're beaten down so low and that's why pastor is here to awaken you this morning it would be difficult for me to believe such a tragedy could come to pass we did not have a historical record already on account listen to me right here please listen to me right here we have a historical account of where this happened in history that was right in the word of god it was a man by the name of adolf hitler in those days the german nation comprised one of the culture centers of the world if anyone sought a degree in a university especially in the advanced field of specialized medicine everyone went to the university of germany the germans were a cultured educated civilized people but they lived in poverty after world war one they were depressed people after world war one into that depression into that day of where their hearts were broken there comes walking into their poverty in shame this man by the name of hitler he came and he promised them a place in the sun a super race with supermen and to the astonishment of the world hitler became the absolute fear of germany that is the kind of thing that will happen at the end of time the time that is upon us as the world becomes more turbulent as they did in germany as it becomes more chaotic as it becomes more out of control and is finally plunged into the terrible indescribable war men will turn to anyone anyone including you and me if we're not prayed through and full of the holy ghost i'm telling you this morning you will oh no not me you will if you're not full of the holy ghost the only thing that's going to keep you from going the antichrist is going to be the power of the holy ghost that's why this morning everybody needs to talk in tongues in this building that's why everybody in this room needs to have an experience with god jimmy the only thing that's going to save us jerry is the holy ghost inside of us hey yeah you will follow him if you're not full of the holy ghost he won't deceive me he'll deceive you if you're not full of the holy ghost the only thing that can recognize the antichrist is going to be the holy ghost inside of you because he's going to offer you peace he's going to offer your bills to be paid he's gonna offer unity in your marriage he's gonna bring your family back together he's gonna work all these miracles you will follow him if you're not full of the holy ghost in the sixth chapter of revelation he comes riding on a white horse it's amazing he has an arrow but he doesn't have a bow because he realizes that the whole world begins to bow down before him it is such turmoil and agony that men seek someone anyone who can bring an answer of peace and the antichrist will offer them peace i remember as a kid preacher back in the 70s even before i married mickey of preaching a message like this and it hadn't been that long since i preached like this but it almost feels like i had i remember a headline in the new york times where the whole state and the city was messed up in new york and they cried give us a leader up here whether he be the devil or whether he be god just give us a leader and where we are living in america that's where we are right now we don't care who it is we don't care what party they're a part of we don't care what they do the only care we the only thing we care about is that they bring us peace and that they give us financial help and that they bless us and that they take care of us that's the only thing that we care about we want somebody that can help heal in jesus name we want somebody that can help heal i'm going to ask this morning no one moving around please anymore i'm at a very critical point right here in the hand that god is on this message and i don't want anything distracting anybody for the book says that out of the sea of turmoil trouble trial tribulation and terror the antichrist the great and final dictator rises and he comes as the answer to all the problems of mankind he will have the answer to you anybody got problems would you raise your hand if you got a problem let's do it this way put your hands up anybody in this room don't have a problem good i don't see a hand this man is going to have the answer to your problem pastor i've said sleepless i've been miserable this problem has come shut up this man has the answer to your problem think that you've wrestled with think how low you've been and i know you haven't been there but so much suicide going on people can't want to live to face another day what would they have done if there had been a man that could solve that lonely nagging feeling that was inside of them this man of sin this final ultimate antichrist and dictator will come with a watchword of peace unity and prosperity and the whole world will receive him and they will see it as a way out as an answer to the problems of all mankind and we're told what happens when the antichrist rises in power he gives to the jews their homeland here i'm going to give you your homeland he makes a covenant that's why i've been happy about the peace treaty but what's going on he makes a covenant of peace with the jewish nation he is their defender the antichrist defends the nation of israel he's their benefactor the antichrist becomes their protector he brings unity and peace and prosperity to israel then suddenly read your bible suddenly suddenly he's in peace he's in covenant chapter 8 of daniel he turns into something else 8 26 and 27. he's in the midst of the 70th week this ultimate dictator this final antichrist breaks the covenant with the people of god the jews and he turns into their most fierce enemy and persecutor and he plunges the entire world into a war and in revelation 6 he first comes riding on a white horse the great and marvelous answer to all of humanity's needs the second horse he comes on is a red horse and that is the horse of war the third horse he rides is a black horse that is the horse of famine and the last horse he rides is the horse that is pale and that is the death angel the whole world is plunged into a field of blood that leads us to the battle of armageddon pastor i come to church to be encouraged today pastor you provoked me to thought you got me feeling heavy i'm into because i'm not a harley i came to make sure you got your soul right with god i came to knock the world out of number one position in your life i came to tell you jesus christ has to be number one in your life i've come to knock this world system out of your life oh lucky entry horrible tribulation which the bible calls the great tribulation there's the persecution of the jews unexcelled and unparalleled over and over again the scripture says that as the end time approaches as the great consummation of the age draws near the jew will suffer unparalleled trouble and persecution like the jews have never seen that great weeping prophet that's why he wept because he saw all these things and in jeremiah 30 he described these awesome days he said they're just overwhelming he says it will be as if every man has his hand on his loins ladies how many of you have had childbirth would you raise your hand you've birthed the child he says there in jeremiah he said it's going to be like when you have your hands on your loins and you're giving birth to a child i'll never forget when i was with mickey and all those pains i was feeling when we were giving birth to that baby no i saw my baby giving birth to my baby and we were going to use she wanted to do it natural i bailed out on her i said doctor just a little bit of epidural because of the pain mickey would scream scream remember when tanya was having one of hers and she was kicking and throwing sheets right before the birth of her baby the birth pains you feel right before you birth is some of the most suffering agony that a woman goes through and we men need to thank them and give a hand clap for that the last for that day is great so that none is like it it is even the time of jacob's trouble but he shall be saved out of it that's going to be saved out of it this is just one passage out of a multitude that depicts toward the end time israel finding itself in unparalleled trouble sorrow and persecution and then he gives us daniel chapter 11 21-35 in daniel chapter 8 verses 9 through 14 and 23-25 there is the man by the name of anticoas epinius it is the description of a tragic era of persecution in the life that he brought against israel years ago it is given in the bible as a meticulous detail of anticus a picture he is of the final antichrist and i'm about done but this is important what is the antichrist like what does he do the answer is found in what antikoas and epiphanus did he is the prototype of the final antichrist he rules the world during this strategic era of persecution of israel he took his army to jerusalem and he sacked jerusalem he turned jerusalem upside down this man killed 80 000 women not counting men eighty thousand women and children he sow forty thousand of them this has already happened forty thousand of them into slavery he also plundered the temple he even took the golden altar where incense of praise had gone unto god and that inner veil and he decided to destroy the jewish religion forever and he was going to substitute the greek worship the greek culture he dedicated our temple god's temple he dedicated the temple of jerusalem to jupiter olympus he took a sow which is a female hog and he offered it on the brazen altar where sacred blood and hunters of god and that tabernacle that we prayed had been altered he took that blood and he spread it and you know we had it set up he took the blood of that hog and he spread it on every instrument gentry that was in god's sacred temple he spread that blood of a hog which is a detest to the jews which is an unclean animal to the jews he took the blood of that sow and he split it to splint spread it to every instrument he defied everything in the eyes of the mosaic jew he forbade the jews festivals and feast days instead of the feast of tabernacles and the feast of passover and the feast of pentecost he forced the jews to worship saturn using highlands in the temple on their feast days he in other words took the prostitutes to the temple they worshiped bacchus the god of pleasure and wine he forbid the observance of the sabbath he would only forbade the reading of scripture he wouldn't allow scripture to be read in fact he burned every sacred book that had anything to do with the bible he forbade the institution of circumcision there were two little mothers that had lived from time back who circumcised their babies in defiance of that law he took those two babies and the mothers that had uh circumcised them and he slew them he hung each baby over the mother's neck he marched the women down through the streets of jerusalem to the highest wall and he flung that mother and all of her babies over and watched them splatter and die this is just a part of the long story of the agony of israel unto antichreneus it is a prototype of the great suffering and persecution yet to come under the earth's greatest final dictator people will want peace people will want peace but my hope today is he's close does anybody recognize anything that i'm preaching today if you do we think our christ is coming before the antichrist and if you already see the shadow of the antichrist you feel the spirit of the antichrist you got a glimpse of the antichrist how much closer are we to the coming of jesus christ to take his church away how much closer are we to the coming of jesus christ to take his church away holy ghost it's the holy ghost it's the only thing holding it's the holy ghost that's holding things back there's expectancy in my heart i've studied this for weeks i've studied it for weeks it is amazing i don't know if she's going to be confirmed i sure hope so but it's amazing that the president has nominated a justice or a justice to be confirmed possibly by the senate that is a tongue talker isn't that amazing that in the last days things could happen it's expectancy there's expectancy i studied all of this it ought to make you be on the edge of your seat today you ought to be saying pastor when's jesus coming could it be today could it be this afternoon if we're so close to the antichrist how close are we coming to jesus christ where can it be pastor the nation of israel is looking the messianic home isra israel and i israel is with us israel is watching when's messiah coming they're they're they're loaded down folks israel is tired they got peace right now a little but they're tired gentry they have fought all these years they know the whole world hates them they're tired and they're saying when are you coming messiah you've promised us they don't know that jesus has come they don't acknowledge that jesus has already been here so they're saying when are you coming messiah when are you coming when are you coming and then there's those of us that have been born again knows that he was born in bethlehem and died on the cross for our salvation we're looking up with the old testament church and the new testament church and we're joining hands when are you coming jesus when are you coming lord we're looking for you it can't be much longer oh god the things we're going through in alexandria louisiana and in america and around the world it can't be much longer even so come lord jesus we're looking for you even so come lord jesus oh you know what i felt like i felt like simeon when he was in that temple come on simeon you've waited here 80 something years come on simmering let's say oh no no we're too close but you've waited 80 years i don't care i've waited 80 years i heard your daddy preach like this 80 years ago pastor i heard your daddy preach message like this 70 years ago pastor i think no don't leave now simeon simeon said i've been waiting in this temple for him to get here and i'm not about to leave now i've got things discouraging me i got the devil fighting me i got the devil want me to throw my hands up i got the devil want me to fall follow false doctrine i got the devil trying to do everything to me that he can do but let me tell the devil something i'm staying right where i am because he's getting ready to come messiah's getting ready to come messiah is getting ready to come anna eight decades anna eight decades you've waited you've prayed and eight decades you've been there come lord when you come in eight decades when you come and god oh 50 years old god you hadn't come yet 51 years god we just thought last year was going to be the year things have gotten so bad god you're coming you're coming and it stayed there but they saw that day when mary and joseph walked in they had that baby and they said man have seen the glory of the coming of the lord when they walked in that temple with my baby jesus don't you give up people because this time he's not coming like a baby he's coming back as the king of kings and the lord of lords he's coming back glenn praise him let us shout and praise break out in here let us shine a praise break out in here let us out of praise break out in here [Applause] lift your voice man come on man lift your voice to god let there be a shout come from [Music] you may be seated just a moment stay there i'll be done and i'll be done in nine minutes i'll be done in that moment okay ah so israel's expecting him the world is expecting him haggai 2 and 7 jesus said the desire of all nation the world is crying for leadership mankind is weary and i preached a lot of this already but he's going to hypnotize the human race into wonder and worship he is going the whole world wants it the whole world needs him they think right now and he's going to hypnotize you and me if we're not full of the holy ghost into worshiping him and following after him he will he will get you to where you are totally taken away by this man and by his leadership israel is expecting him the world is expecting him creation is expecting him romans 8 read it when you get home i want to read it but i don't have time all these earthquakes that's going on there's a groaning in the world we got environmental problems that everybody's trying to fix the perversion of nature the rape of raw materials is droning for a solution for this day and time we've got massive fires that's burning up the west coast we got one hurricane after another that keeps battering our coastline these mighty convulsions of nature is taking place in this age it's the birth pains it's the millennial that follows it's getting us up to the revelation of the antichrist creation says something something's going happening oh i feel it they said oh there's something happening in my spirit the battle of armageddon is so close so the world is expecting it israel is expecting it creation is expecting it and the last one and i close with jesus the only savior jude says the only wise god he's expecting it he earns for the fulfillment of redemption when his return will complete what he started in bethlehem's manger he knew the price he's got to pay he knew what he was going to have to do he knew he'd come to this world to find him a bride a gentile bride that's called by his name he knew what it was going to cost him and he went to the cross and he came out of the grave and he rose again and he's ascended on high and i know when i've just been separated from that beautiful lady for just a few days how excited and anxious i am when i get to see my bride again can you imagine after 2 000 years rocky is this what we're going to do god is this yeah that's our plan he comes down he's born that manger and then we get in a garden oh god oh god do you have any if it be possible would you let this cup pass from me do you have any other plan i just don't i'm going to try i'm doing my best do you have any other plan if you've got any other plan please pull it out now and the spirit says no other plan and he says not my will but thine be done jesus didn't die on the cross jesus died in the garden he settled it my will is to do the will of the father and i submit my will to your will and jesus looks down here today and he remembers his mother being laughed at he remembers his mother getting on that donkey and riding all the way to that city of bethlehem he remembers that trip he remembers over that mountain the belly of his mother he remembers the pain no doctor finally some shepherds and and wise men showed up to pay a little homage to him he remembers all of that but he said that's okay i did it for a reason and that reason i'm getting be a gentile bride and so i'm so lonely i'm so hungry come on church do your job come on church do what you got to do because i'm so hungry to bring you home with me i'm so hung for us to love i'm so hungry for us to have relationships i'm so hungry to be in love with you i'm so hungry to romance you we started i'm inside of you and we have our intimate relationship we have our intimate time together but i am so hungry to put these nail print hands around you and hold you in my arms and tell you well done thou good and faithful servant you fought a good fight you finished the course and you kept the faith get on your feet and give praise to god with a shout right now get on your feet and give praise to god with a shout right now
Channel: The Pentecostals of Alexandria
Views: 22,522
Rating: 4.9295497 out of 5
Id: CDn1-PEfmUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 45sec (2925 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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