The Chosen Special Christmas Episode

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but you O Bethlehem Ephrathah who are too little to be among the clans of Judah from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel whose coming forth is from old from ancient days therefore he shall give them up unto the time when she who is in labor has given birth and he shall be their peace a reading from the scroll of the prophet Micah [Music] [Music] perfect no no blemish nothing nothing spotless no but this one's good teacher I have a question about the Messiah I have studied Torah every day the bird wants to learn yes do you believe the Messiah will set us free from the occupation yes he will make a great military leader are you sure just because last she bought the priest read from prophet Ezekiel and he did not say how dare you I'm sorry teacher he is obsessed he brought this animal I said spotless spotless yes these are for righteous men for the perfect sacrifice very sorry sorry very sorry you wonder why the Messiah hasn't come people like you keeping him away with your stains if you come back here without a perfect lamb I will banish you all from the marketplace I warned you about this Davis Wallace name I'm sorry we are not slowing down for you you take this run back up to the air and try and keep up find your own way back [Music] [Music] [Music] the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness on them has lied sure you have multiplied the nation you have increased its joy they rejoice before you as with joy at the harvest as they are glad when they divided the spoil for the yoke of his burden and the staff for his shoulder the rod of his pleas for every battle tumult and every garment rolled in blood will be burned as strengthened [Music] excuse me friend could you point me to a well in this town my wife hasn't had a drink in hours this other end of the square so thank you brother wait wait wait yeah thank you for your kindness I fire if you come from Galilee mother don't say that too loud here you know they say nothing good can come from I know what they say about nothing I won't tell anyone secret's safe with me [Music] thank you for your kindness my name is Simon out of my way we must go [Music] strengthen the meat hands and make firm the feeble knees say to those who have an anxious heart be strong fear not behold your God will come with vengeance with the recompense of God he will come and save you then the eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the Deaf unstopped then shall the lame man leap like a deer and the tongue of the mute shall sing for joy a reading from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah well next time I will wipe my hands with his robe oh he would faint a Pharisee is so cheap when he writes his will he names himself as the heir when he still doesn't get much finally he's back I lost him or stay with the Sheep he is useless why do you keep him around he's a good boy yeah want some dinner sorry Aaron made dinner tonight so nothing is cool the food is fine it's my grandmother's recipe so leave it alone grandfather I wish that woman wouldn't have left of well she was not with us no your plate is over there though what happened this morning you sleep with the Sheep tonight and pay attention this time and watch out for wolves watch out for the Pharisee might come after you Roman took another sheep yesterday C Mon they're talking about the Romans again but they cook it right in front of me you're not part of this conversation what Romans again and again [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son [Music] and shall call his name Emmanuel [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what will you name it Jesus we will name him Jesus people know [Music] for to us a child is born to us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father Prince of Peace of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore [Music] you I told you not to come back here so where is it have you found a spotless lamb for sacrifice [Music] hi I'm Dallas I'm the crater of the Chosin thank you so much for watching it really means a lot now before you turn this off just let me take a quick moment to let you know that what you just saw launched the number one highest crowdfunded media project of all time the first ever multi season show about the life of Christ now let me explain this short film was originally made for my church's Christmas Eve service and that's all it was intended to be but while I was making it I thought would it be great to actually have a multi-season show about the life of Christ where we can dig deeper into the story and into the people just like the short film did a show where families can binge-watch around the world similar to how people binge watch shows like stranger things or Game of Thrones and a show allows you to dig deeper into these stories from the Gospels in a way that you can't do in a 90-minute movie very long story short Hollywood isn't exactly lining up around the block to finance the Jesus show so my partner's decided to take this short film and put it on social media and see if people were interested in crowdfunding the first ever multi season show about the life of Christ well along with tens of millions of views of this film over 19,000 of you invested over 10 million dollars for season one shattering the all-time crowdfunding record and guess what season one is complete and available right now and has had an impact similar to what you just watched people getting a chance to see Jesus through the eyes of those who actually met him and in turn being impacted and changed in the same way that they were movie guides said about it there is little doubt that the chosen will soon become one of the most well-known and celebrated pieces of Christian media in history and it's all being done completely outside the Hollywood system so check out this trailer for the chosen season 1 and to watch the show just download the chosen app or easy to find in the App Store or Google Play and with our unprecedented technology you can be watching the show within minutes on any of your streaming devices you don't even need a subscription I know it's awesome my family and I use it and I'm awful with technology isaiah 43:19 says behold I am doing new thing and that's been a bit of a model for us the way it was financed is a new thing the content is a new thing and the way it's being distributed around the world is a new thing so welcome to a new thing I hope you'll join us my son there's a lot of wine mother my time has not yet come if not now when [Music] I'm ready father it has begun what has miracles signs and wonders fear not for I have redeemed you I had called you by me if you have experience of the miracle berry I sign it was incredible our Father our Father who art in heaven who art in heaven hallowed be thy name the man has a following he's a rogue who answers to no one you asked me before if I knew his name now everyone knows his name and I fear for his safety throw this down for a catch you think that impossible things can happen that overturn the laws of nature they ought to be explained [Music] nice [Music] raph your son of Alphaeus yes this is different get used to different [Music] life [Music] follow me Nicodemus and you'll see more [Music] God loves the world in this way petit gave His only Son I'm going to tell everyone I was counting money and is possible to appear see I squat I was one way in how I am completely different and the thing that happened in between was him
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 486,526
Rating: 4.9553561 out of 5
Keywords: the chosen, the chosen tv series, bingeJesus, GetUsedtoDifferent, Faith-based, Bible show, Bible study, Christianity, church, Jesus show, what to watch, tv show, nativity, christmas, christmas special, holiday special, christmas episode, birth, mary, virgin mary, away in a manger, joseph, shepherds, the shepherd, merry christmas
Id: paOjgZZDads
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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