A story of the first Christmas

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- Hi, my name is Dallas Jenkins, I'm the creator of The Chosen and oh my goodness, I am so excited to be with you tonight or wherever you're watching this, we have something really special in store for you for the next couple of hours. But I'm standing right now on the set of season two of The Chosen. I mean, this is really an unbelievable opportunity, and an unbelievable set. Now think about the fact that I said season two, what does that mean? Well, The Chosen happens to be now officially the first ever multi season show about the life of Christ. To date, in the last probably year and a half or so, there have been well over 70 million views in over 180 countries, in over 70 languages around the world. But what you may not know is that this all actually started with Christmas. You see for my Church's Christmas Eve service, I did a short film about the birth of Christ from the perspective of the shepherds and titled The shepherd. And I filmed it on my friend's farm in Illinois. And it was only intended to be for my church, but very long story short, it ended up going viral. And the idea that I had for a multi season show about the life of Christ ended up coming to fruition. So as we wait now for season two to come out, we decided let's put together a little Christmas special in honor of how this started. But also, because we wanted to assemble a bunch of artists who share the same vision we do, to give hope through Christ at the end of what has been a seemingly hopeless year. And in fact, one of those songs actually inspired The Shepherd. I'm gonna share the brief story of how that came to be and the word in that song that sums up what The Chosen and this Special is all about. We also have a few incredible spoken word pieces that are gonna take you through the history of humanity and show that how God story ultimately leads to the arrival of Christ. Of course, we will also show you a very special presentation of the Christmas short film that started it all and if you stick around, we will indeed show you a sneak preview of season two never before seen. So with all that I wanna say Merry Christmas from the set of The Chosen and from all of us who have come together to celebrate Christ. (soft music) - Hey, my name is Phil Wickham and I'm performing Away in a Manger parentheses forever Amen. For several reasons I think I chose singing this version of away in a manger. But I think the biggest thing is I've got four kids and my oldest Penelope when she was one year old like her first Christmas she could actually touch things and crawl around. Her first present for Christmas a little nativity set and when you put the star on top, it plays this lullaby away in the manger. And so this song has been a special song of my house, its the first Christmas song my kids knew, my kids could sing. So when they found out I was recording a Christmas record a few years back, they said you're gonna do Away in a manger, right Dad? And I thought man What if I took this lullaby this Sunday school song but I also made it to something I could sing in my church where the last verse turned to something that was vertical that looked up to Jesus to say like I worship you because of what you did because of the gift that you brought. So because of my kids and because this song has been something that I sing with my community. I just thought man, this would be a perfect thing to do in this beautiful location. (gentle music) ♪ Away in a manger ♪ ♪ No crib for a bed ♪ ♪ The little Lord Jesus ♪ ♪ Lay down His sweet head ♪ ♪ The stars in the sky ♪ ♪ Look down where He lay ♪ ♪ The little Lord Jesus ♪ ♪ Asleep on the hay ♪ ♪ The cattle are lowing ♪ ♪ The baby awakes ♪ ♪ The dawn of salvation ♪ ♪ Beginning to break ♪ ♪ I love Thee, Lord Jesus ♪ ♪ Oh gift from above ♪ ♪ The King of the heavens ♪ ♪ Forever with us ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Ooh ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ I worship You, Jesus ♪ ♪ For all of my days ♪ ♪ The highest of praises ♪ ♪ Be unto Your name ♪ ♪ My God and my Savior ♪ ♪ My King and my friend ♪ ♪ Yours is the glory ♪ ♪ Forever amen ♪ ♪ Yours is the glory ♪ ♪ Forever amen ♪ ♪ Yours is the glory ♪ ♪ Forever amen ♪ (gentle music) (gentle humming) ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ - I'm Stephen McWhirter. - Jason clay Clayborn. - And you know the song we're doing "Is born a king". And when we were told about the chosen coming on and doing the chosen, I was like, man, let's write a song. - Yeah man. - And so like literally a couple of days before we knew we're coming out, we just set out so let's write a song. We wrote this song, "Born a king". - One of the most important lyrics in the song is, let us come everyone joined this day, and celebrate Jesus, the King of kings. I think that in this time in our country and in our world, we need to focus and put the focus back on Jesus being the king - So we wanted to write something wasn't somber, but like celebratory kinda and just really focused on just lifting him up and having a good time and the fact that because it's good news, - Right, the King is born right? And that was really a heart behind that is to get the church broad all cultures to get focused in on Jesus the King (clapping) - Let us let us come everyone born this day (mellow music) ♪ Can you hear the angels sing ♪ ♪ Peace and hope, good will he brings ♪ ♪ Christ the Lord Emmanuel ♪ ♪ Sent to save us from our sins ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Let us come, let us come ♪ ♪ Everyone, everyone ♪ ♪ Born this day ♪ ♪ Jesus, King of kings ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Let us come, let us come ♪ ♪ Everyone, everyone ♪ ♪ Born this day ♪ ♪ Jesus, King of kings ♪ ♪ Wise men from across the land ♪ ♪ Bring gifts to the Son of Man ♪ ♪ Out the darkness there is shown a light ♪ ♪ Let us celebrate the Lord most high ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Let us come, let us come ♪ ♪ Everyone, everyone ♪ ♪ Born this day ♪ ♪ Jesus, King of kings ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Let us come, let us come ♪ ♪ Everyone, everyone ♪ ♪ Born this day, born this day ♪ ♪ Jesus, King of kings ♪ ♪ Come and worship Him, worship Him ♪ ♪ Come and worship Him, worship Him ♪ ♪ Jesus, King of kings ♪ ♪ Mm, yeah ♪ ♪ Come and worship Him, worship Him ♪ ♪ Come and worship Him, worship Him ♪ ♪ Jesus, King of kings ♪ ♪ Oh, let's worship Him, yeah ♪ ♪ Come and worship Him ♪ ♪ We worship you, Father ♪ ♪ Come and worship Him ♪ ♪ We worship you, Savior ♪ ♪ Jesus, oh ♪ ♪ King of kings, King of kings ♪ ♪ Come and worship Him, give your glory ♪ ♪ Come and worship Him, bless your name ♪ ♪ Jesus, King of kings ♪ ♪ Oh, oh ♪ ♪ Let us come, let us come ♪ ♪ Everyone, everyone ♪ ♪ Born this day, born this day ♪ ♪ Jesus, the King of kings ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Let us come, let us come ♪ ♪ Everyone, everyone ♪ ♪ Born this day, oh Lord ♪ ♪ Jesus, King of kings ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Jesus, King of kings ♪ ♪ Jesus, King of ♪ ♪ Kings ♪ - I'm Mandisa, and I'm doing a new song called "Get Used to Different." I am obsessed with The Chosen. And so when I heard the tag line, and saw the scene where you see Jesus saying, "Get used to different," it just hit me like wham. I think understanding how Jesus was not trying to do what everybody thought that He was going to do. He came in a very different way than people were expecting. And I think this year is a lot different than people were expecting. The first verse is me talking. Like, saying, "God, this year is a lot different than anything that I've ever experienced before." And I think all of us can understand that. We've never experienced the kind of pandemic, or even the kind of division that we're seeing a lot in America, but also everywhere. The second verse is Mary talking. And I think the similarities between what I am saying to God now, and what I imagine Mary was saying back then, they really line up. That God is doing a new thing, and that's a scripture in Isaiah, that He is doing a new thing. And so I feel like He's saying, "Don't get used to what you've seen me do before. Get used to this new thing that I'm doing right now." (gentle music) (soft instrumental music) ♪ This year doesn't look at all the way I thought it would ♪ ♪ This year I've been looking hard to find a little good ♪ ♪ I see the world on fire ♪ ♪ I find it hard to breathe ♪ ♪ It's like a cloak of fear about to smother me ♪ ♪ Oh God, my God, are you still here with me ♪ ♪ Please say something ♪ ♪ I need to hear you speak ♪ ♪ Don't you see ♪ ♪ That I'm doing something new ♪ ♪ You can trust ♪ ♪ That I'm working for you're good ♪ ♪ I'm not doing what you've seen before ♪ ♪ My favor is on you for so much more ♪ ♪ Do you perceive it ♪ ♪ Get used to different ♪ ♪ The angel told me not to fear this thing ♪ ♪ That God has planned ♪ ♪ But how can it so cause I've never known a man ♪ ♪ I could be rejected ♪ ♪ I could be disowned ♪ ♪ Treated like an outcast, likely even stoned ♪ ♪ Oh Lord, my God, are you still here with me ♪ ♪ I am you're servant, I follow where you lead ♪ ♪ Don't you see ♪ ♪ That I'm doing something new ♪ ♪ (yes I am) ♪ ♪ You can trust ♪ ♪ That I'm working for you're good ♪ ♪ I'm not doing what you've seen before ♪ ♪ My favor is on you for such much more ♪ ♪ Do you perceive it ♪ ♪ Get used to different ♪ ♪ Get used to different (oh-oh-oh) ♪ ♪ And my ways are higher (your ways are higher) ♪ ♪ And my ways are always better (so much better) ♪ ♪ And though sometimes strange ♪ ♪ What could be stranger ♪ ♪ Than God in a manger ♪ ♪ Don't you see ♪ ♪ That I'm doing something new (I see) ♪ ♪ Something new (I perceive it) ♪ ♪ Yes I see ♪ ♪ That you're doing something new ♪ ♪ (oh-oh) ♪ ♪ You can trust that I’m working ♪ ♪ For you're good (yes I am) ♪ ♪ (For my good) ♪ ♪ I'm not doing what you've seen before ♪ ♪ My favor is on you for so much more ♪ ♪ Do you perceive it (I perceive it) ♪ ♪ Do you perceive it (I believe) ♪ ♪ Get used to different (I'll get used to different) ♪ ♪ Get used to different ♪ (soft instrumental music) (ding) - [Woman] Before all this rock we're all floating on in the middle of space, knew the feeling of feet on its surface. Before Paul who was blinded on the road to Damascus. Before divided tongues of fire lit up a room and the eyes of everyone watching. Before David plucked a harp, or reached his hand into the cool water of the Brooke to select five smooth stones. Before animals had names, or the first pair of lungs drew breath. The earth knew only one thing. Darkness. Which isn't even a thing. Its a state of being. It is made of nothing. It has no scientific definition other than the absence of visibility. It's a void. Something you can feel, but not touch. Something you can sense, but not see. In the beginning, darkness was over the face of the deep. A blank canvas. Onto which God could paint whatever He wanted. He could have made anything. Created anything. Spoke anything into being. And he choose to begin with light. Which got things off to a good start. He even said so himself. The world was a primeval, disordered chaos. So he fixed the place up, and organized it into dry land, sea, sky, gave it some shape. He added vegetation. Which turned the surface onto a kaleidoscope of color. He added more than nine million species of animals to populate and add dramatic movement to this growing masterpiece. Each one, more fabulous and spectacular to look at than the next. And he called them all good. But, it still wasn't enough. God wanted to make something that looked like him. Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness. And so up we came, from the dust of the earth. Formed out of clay or a rib. Each of us containing 45 miles of nerves, that enable us to experience the sensation of touch. A mind to think. A tongue to taste all the goodness that had just been made. Ears to hear. And most of all, eyes to see. Mineralogists, who study the worlds' rarest gems, have never been able to identify anything more outstandingly mysterious, or indescribably beautiful than the human eye. If you peer deep into irises, they seem to contain whole galaxies. Nebula, and interstellar clouds. Expanding and contacting with the dilation of the pupils. They can also get us into trouble. Which they did. The forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, was not only said to be good for food, but also pleasing to the eye. It was attractive, and so, we took it. And then everything blew up. Which is what tends to happen when we take something attractive, we were told not to take. And soon, we found ourselves naked and alone, separated from God, and locked out of paradise. The first of many exiles to come. What would happen next? What would we found in that howling wilderness east of Eden? For being called the tree of knowledge, it certainly didn't live up to its name. We gained no new knowledge, except the fact that we were lost. In the aftermath, when God cursed the deceiver, he eluded to an offspring born of a woman. Who would crush the serpent, and set things to right. But when? How soon? Who would this saving person born of woman be? And how would he redeem the broken world? Would have to wait. And see. - Hi, I'm Matt Maher. And the song I chose to perform for tonight is a song called "Hope for everyone." The four weeks preceding Christmas is traditionally known as the season of Advent. Advent comes from a Latin word Adventus, which means arrival. A lot of times, when we think about the birth of Jesus, we think about it sort of being a singular event, but anyone who has kids knows, that there's a lot of waiting involved. There are months and months of preparation, there's the miracle of watching a child grow. First time you feel a baby kick, sleepless nights, all these just small changes that happen along the way. And they help reinforce that sense of joyful expectation. And that's really what the season of Advent is about. And the first week of Advent, is dedicated to reflecting on the gift of hope. More than ever before the world needs a supernatural sense of hope, that isn't just rooted in optimism or wishful thinking, but it's rooted in the knowledge and expectation that God's gonna come through. And I hope the song blesses you tonight. ("Hope for Everyone" by Matt Maher) ♪ Hear the angels sing ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ To announce our King ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ What good news they bring ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ Angels sing ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ They came from afar ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ Wise men saw the star ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ Shepherds heard the choir ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ From afar ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ We are waiting on the promise ♪ ♪ For the One who lights the darkness ♪ ♪ Bending low to be among us ♪ ♪ Bring Your glory in the highest ♪ ♪ Jesus ♪ ♪ Come let us adore ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ On the manger floor ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ What are you waitin' for ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ Come adore ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ We are waiting on the promise ♪ ♪ For the One who lights the darkness ♪ ♪ Bending low to be among us ♪ ♪ Bring Your glory in the highest ♪ ♪ Jesus ♪ ♪ Come then, on the clouds ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ Hear the trumpets sound ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ All of heaven shouts ♪ ♪ Heaven shout ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ On the clouds ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ We are waiting on the promise ♪ ♪ Jesus ♪ ♪ For the One who lights the darkness ♪ ♪ Jesus ♪ ♪ Bending low to be among us ♪ ♪ Jesus ♪ ♪ Bring Your glory in the highest ♪ ♪ Jesus ♪ ♪ We are waiting ♪ ♪ We are waiting on the promise ♪ ♪ For the One who lights the darkness ♪ ♪ For the One who lights the darkness ♪ ♪ Jesus ♪ ♪ Bending low ♪ ♪ Bending low to be among us ♪ ♪ Bring Your glory in the highest ♪ ♪ Bring Your glory in the highest ♪ ♪ Jesus ♪ ♪ Jesus ♪ ♪ All of heaven shouts ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ Heaven shouts ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ Heaven shouts ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ ♪ Heaven shouts ♪ ♪ There's hope for everyone ♪ - Hey, everybody, It's Matt and Jad here from Hillsong United and we are so excited to be here for this Christmas special and we are about to sing "Oh, Come All Ye Faithful". - I love this song and the reason why we would choose to do this song is because it's simply just so worshipful. Um, "Come let us adore the newborn King" and I think we're not, you know, it's exciting because we're not singing about mistletoe or snow or Santa which are all great Christmas-y things but, you know, obviously the reason that we are here, the reason why we celebrate Christmas is to remember the newborn King and it's a 200 year old song so there's so much history. People have been singing this song for years and that's what I love about. - That's right and any opportunity we get to join in that song and sing with people around the world like this tonight, we're gonna do it and we are so excited to be part of this. Wherever you are, sing along with this, join in and we'll see you soon. - Merry Christmas. ("Oh Come All Ye Faithful") (smooth music) ♪ O come, all ye faithful ♪ ♪ Joyful and triumphant ♪ ♪ O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem ♪ ♪ Come and behold Him ♪ ♪ Born the King of Angels ♪ ♪ O come, let us adore Him ♪ ♪ O come, let us adore Him ♪ ♪ O come, let us adore Him ♪ ♪ Christ, the Lord ♪ (smooth music continues) ♪ Sing, choirs of angels ♪ ♪ Sing in exultation ♪ ♪ Sing O you citizens of heaven above ♪ ♪ Glory to God ♪ ♪ Glory in the highest ♪ ♪ O come, let us adore Him ♪ ♪ O come, let us adore Him ♪ ♪ O come, let us adore Him ♪ ♪ Christ, the Lord ♪ (smooth music continues) ♪ Yes, Lord, we greet thee ♪ ♪ Born this happy morning ♪ ♪ Jesus, to thee be glory given ♪ ♪ Word of the Father ♪ ♪ Now in flesh appearing ♪ ♪ O come, let us adore Him ♪ ♪ O come, let us adore Him ♪ ♪ O come, let us adore Him ♪ ♪ Christ, the Lord ♪ ♪ You're worthy, God ♪ ♪ We worship, we adore you, Lord ♪ ♪ O come, let us adore ♪ ♪ O come, all ye faithful ♪ ♪ Come, let us adore Him ♪ ♪ O sing hallelujah ♪ ♪ Come, let us adore Him ♪ ♪ O come, all ye faithful ♪ ♪ Come, let us adore Him ♪ ♪ O sing hallelujah ♪ ♪ Come, let us adore Him ♪ (soft music fading) - Things went downhill pretty fast. Abel's blood cried out from the ground and when God asked Cain about it, he replied, am I my brother's keeper? Every man for himself, every woman for herself, self, self, self and soon the storm clouds gathered, swollen with rain. Had the human experiment been a mistake? Maybe a reset would do. Noah's hands stripped bark from gopher wood to build an ark quickly filled with twosomes of fur, wool, scales, feathers, hooves, talons, claws, teeth and horns. How does that sound for company on a 40 day sail on rough seas? The earth was baptized by water, cleansed and rinsed. Noah's trembling ancient hands carried a squirming dove, cooing and agitated to the ship's edge, sent it fluttering into the wind to look for signs of hope. She returned with an olive leaf, ever more to be a symbol of peace, renewal and new beginnings. If only it had lasted. We got it in our heads to burn bricks and build a tower to make a name for ourselves, to declare our empowered independence, a ziggurat of stone, bitumen and mortar, on chalky and sticky and hard like our hearts. Of course, that didn't work and as a result suddenly we couldn't understand each other, we couldn't communicate. It sharpened our divisions and left us scattered, hunkered down and resentful but God didn't give up on his children. There was one man, Abraham, who lived in a place called Ur, a word that sounds like hesitation, which is too bad because the first thing God told him to do was leave, abandon his father's house and go someplace not specified, just a land that I will show you. To leave Ur of the Chaldeans was a step of great faith, on that God rewarded by giving Abraham a series of promises and covenants and changed his name to Abraham. Seems like God changes people's names a lot but it's never really about the name itself, it's about transformation. He loves flipping people, the way you might flip a house. He loves giving people a spiritual makeover, a fresh start. That didn't mean it was easy. Course rope, rug burn that Isaac's bound hands as Abraham laid the cold blade to his neck before an angel cried out at the last second and a ram was provided instead. We should have seen it coming all along, salvation at the 11th hour, an alternate sacrifice offered on our behalf, an undeserved emergency exit, redemption against all odds. Not that we noticed, we still try to do things our own way. Jacob wrapped his arms in the shaggy fuzz of goat skins to deceive Isaac and lay hold of his birthright, tooth and nail. He ended up laying hold of himself, in the sweat slick strain of wrist locks and half nelsns and a blinding pain of a hip joint popped out of socket, when he wrestled with God, demanded a blessing and received a new name, Israel. From then on the name used to describe the people who follow God. He limped for the rest of his life and had 12 sons who would become 12 tribes, through whom it was said the earth would be blessed but not before those 12 tribes were enslaved by Egypt in a cruel nightmare with that involved infant boys being drowned in the Nile, because Pharaoh felt threatened and insecure. Wouldn't be the last time a tyrant ordered the genocide of infant boys but there was one woman, who hid her son from the terror and when she could hide them no longer, placed him in a basket made of bulrushes, doped with pitch, set him afloat among the reeds of the Nile, the act itself of watery whispered prayer for someone to deliver God's people from bondage. Enslaved, burdened and full of despair, we waited. (calm music) - My name is Joshua Aaron and I'm singing Oh come, Oh come, Emmanuel. The song Oh come, Oh come, Emmanuel is just a powerful song. It goes back as probably as late as the ninth century, written by a monk, nobody knows who he is but all we know is that he took the story of Jesus and went back to the Old Testament, saw the fulfillment of who he was and how powerful that was. And you can tell, whoever this man was, he got it. He wasn't just singing about a Christmas tree, he wasn't just singing about something on the surface, he was seeing the depth of who Jesus was. And I think that's why this song was one of the most powerful songs sung in the church among the nations in this time of year. Man, it's so good to get to sing this song here, on the set here of The Chosen, here in Utah. Usually my drive to Jerusalem is about two hours from the Sea of Galilee, this time was about 20 hours of flying but to get to come here, not just to sing in English but just sing it in Hebrew, parts of it. So the chorus is rejoice Emmanuel shall come to you all Israel but I added at the end because it's just so profound that I just had to sing has come to you because he has come and I believe he's coming again. And I'm just floored that I get to be a part of this Chosen Program and as I'm watching it, I feel like it's blessing so many people around the world, especially me as a Jewish believer in Jesus and Yeshua, to live a life knowing that our rabbi came, he died, he rose again but he's coming back again. (epic music) ♪ O come, O come, Emmanuel ♪ ♪ And ransom captive Israel ♪ ♪ That mourns in lonely exile here ♪ ♪ Until the Son of God ought to appear ♪ ♪ Rejoice ♪ ♪ Rejoice ♪ ♪ Emmanuel ♪ ♪ Shall come to thee, O Israel ♪ ♪ O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free ♪ ♪ Thine own from Satan's tyranny ♪ ♪ From depths of hell ♪ ♪ Thy people save ♪ ♪ And give them victory o'er the grave ♪ ♪ Simchu ♪ ♪ Simchu ♪ ♪ Emmanuel ♪ ♪ Yavo lachem b'nei Yisrael ♪ ♪ O come, Thou Key of David, come ♪ ♪ And open wide ♪ ♪ Our heavenly home ♪ ♪ Make safe the way ♪ ♪ That leads on high ♪ ♪ And close the path to misery ♪ ♪ Simchu ♪ ♪ Simchu ♪ ♪ Simchu ♪ ♪ Emmanuel ♪ ♪ Yavo lachem b'nei Yisrael ♪ ♪ Simchu ♪ ♪ Simchu ♪ ♪ Simchu ♪ ♪ Emmanuel ♪ ♪ Yavo lachem b'nei Yisrael ♪ ♪ Yavo lachem b'nei Yisrael ♪ ♪ Has come to you O Israel ♪ - I'm Joel, with the band for King & Country. And I'm one half of the Band for King Country I should say. Originally from Sydney, Australia and live now in Nashville, Tennessee. I like to say, "Little Drummer Boy" sort of found us versus us finding it. The song was written obviously in the 1940s and it was right actually in the middle of the Second World War. This boy and these lyrics and the intent of the song is basically that this child feels very ill-equipped to sort of approach Jesus and all he has is music and this rhythm and this drum and that's his offering. And we felt like as young men and as musicians, Australian Americans, that there was something sort of apropos about where we find ourselves. Like as humanity, this is all we really have to bring is whatever that gift is. And that's enough and that's what's beautiful about this. Is that it's not what we can do but what's offered back to us. So we resonated deeply with the sentiments of it. My parents-in-law came and basically sat Mariah, my wife and myself down on the couch and said, 'We've just found this television show. And you have to watch it with us.' We just binge the whole thing and it's marvelous. Here you have the greatest story. The greatest news of the world has ever known. And yet there's been this void of depicting it in all of its breadth and width and beauty. These are living and breathing people that had a real journey, real hardships, real fears, as did Jesus Christ and really in taking it off the page and giving it a whole new life. That's what we try to do with music. It's taking a song, taking an idea visually, through a music video, through live performance. And so we really connected with Dallas and the whole team on them trying to do that as we're trying to do it as a band. (wind blowing) Come, they told me Pa rum pum pum pum A newborn king to see Pa rum pum pum pum Our finest gifts we bring Pa rum pum pum pum To lay before the King, Pa rum pum pum pum, Rum pum pum pum, Rum pum pum pum So to honor him Pa rum pum pum pum When we come (Yeah, yeah, yeah) Little baby Pa rum pum pum pum I am a poor boy too Pa rum pum pum pum I have no gift to bring Pa rum pum pum pum That's fit to give a king Pa rum pum pum pum, Rum pum pum pum, Rum pum pum pum Shall I play for you Pa rum pum pum pum On my drum (Yeah, yeah, yeah) (Yeah, yeah, yeah) Mary nodded Pa rum pum pum pum The ox and lamb kept time Pa rum pum pum pum I played my drum for him Pa rum pum pum pum I played my best for him Pa rum pum pum pum, Rum pum pum pum, Rum pum pum pum Then he smiled at me Pa rum pum pum pum Me and my drum Me and my drum Me and my drum (Yeah) Me and my drum All I can give Ooh Me and my drum All I can give is me and my drum, yeah All I can give Is me and my drum Me and my Is me and my drum (air breezing) - What happened next is a story off repeated and repeatedly forgotten. A burning bush, a stick turned to a snake, a leprous hand, a lot of back and forth and 10 plagues later, Israel finally tasted freedom when Moses led them out of Egypt. Years after, some would say, they could still smell the salt mist swirling violently up from the pot of Red Sea. Could still see Miriam leading the women in a dance with their timbrels after the waters closed in on the chariots. Could still tastes the provision of manna and quail in the wilderness. But the memories faded. And we soon forgot all that God had done. We lost faith, lost direction and wandered around complaining for years. To get us back on track, God gave 613 commandment, the law, a cartography for how to move safely and healthily through a savage and sick world. A guidebook for worship in holidays, all of which were kind of a sensory overload. Incense in the tabernacle, the smoke of burn offerings on the altar, the blasting of trumpets, the eating of bitter herbs in the Passover Feast. After many wars and heartaches and miracles, God's people at last made their home in a land flowing with milk and honey. A boy who spent his days in the field with sheep played the harp before a brooding king. He later exchanged the pit animal stink in his hair for the cinnamon and cassia aromas of the holy anointing oil poured over his head when he himself became king. It was later foretold that a very special king would come from the line of David who would save us from our oppresses, once and for all. People took this very literally which led to a lot of confusion and in general, having earthly kings was a headache that ended in disaster. Remember those inimitable luminous eyes we talked about at the beginning? The ones that can wander? They did. Under a series of bad kings they drifted too and worshiped false gods in the surrounding nations Baal, Ashtoreth, Dagon, Marduk, they tempt us still to this day, we just call them by different names. This led to a new kind of sensory overload the cup of staggering, the stench of death and the massacre of Jerusalem. Smoke rising from the ashes of Solomon's Temple destroyed. The wailing of God's people as the Babylonians carried us into exile, cut off from our land of promise. On the banks of the Euphrates River, we were so homesick that not even singing songs from the old country could lift up our spirits anymore. So we hung up our instruments in the willow trees, heaped ashes on our heads and wept. Our captors wanted to torment us. So they taunted, their acidic hot breath like toxic vapor demanding in our ears, "show a little mouth, come on. "Sing us one of the songs of Zion." How could we sing the Lord's song in a foreign land? Our mouths went dry, our souls went dry. Who was he? This supposed conquering king from the line of David? How long would he hide his face? This rod of Jesse, this key of David, who would pay our ransom. - Hi, I'm Steven Sharp Nelson. - I'm Jon Schmidt. - And we're with The Piano Guys and we're going to be performing "What child is this?" This song for me is about discovering Jesus. And I think that is what I felt as I was watching The Chosen series, especially with my daughters. And as they were jumping up and down clapping for joy during the fish miracle scene, you know, and at the end, they said "I want to be best friends with Jesus." - It's just so awesome to see teenagers and college age kids in my family, getting their friends, inviting friends over for a Chosen-- - [Steven] Series watch. - Yeah, it's awesome. - Yeah, right? - And then we talk about it afterwards. And it's just me makes everything come to life. I think The Chosen is absolutely a godsend to the world right now. - And to me, that discovery of Jesus is why the song shifts from minor to major. It's this epiphany, this illumination moment that just can't be described with words adequately and yet music somehow portrays this moment with perfection as it moves from this enigmatic despondent mood into this illuminated transcendence song. (soft music) - Hey, I'm Zach Williams, and today we're gonna be playing "Go Tell It on the Mountain." It's one of favorites, and when we were working on songs for the record, we decided we wanted to take some songs and try to give them this older kind of throwback sound, and it was just kind of the appropriate song to kind of take and kind of have fun with. And so that was the whole idea behind it. I think the whole last verse of the song, you know, when I was a lonely seeker, I saw both night and day. I mean, I can go back to that story of my own life when I was lost, I was searching for Jesus, and I love that. And he made me a watchman, that whole kind of, like, once I became a Christian, he made me a watchman above the city walls, and then if if I am a Christian, I am the least of all. I just love the picture of what that says. I mean, just being able to be a part of the chosen, the stories that they're telling, and they're telling them in such a different way, and for us, I wanted to be a part of something that obviously has a chance of reaching the lost, and being a part of something like that, and so it made sense for us to get here today and to make this work. Last year we were in Israel, and Jerusalem, and I mean, they've done a great job of making everything here feel legit. Like, this feels like we could be there, so it's really cool. And you've got all the smells around us, so I've been catching a whiff of that all day. (chuckling) Don't put that on there, bud. (chuckling) (men laughing) (upbeat music) ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Uh ♪ ♪ While shepherds kept their watchin' ♪ ♪ Over silent flocks by night ♪ ♪ Behold throughout the heavens ♪ ♪ There shone a holy light ♪ ♪ Oh I said ♪ ♪ Go tell it on the mountain ♪ ♪ Over the hills and everywhere ♪ ♪ Go tell it on the mountain ♪ ♪ That Jesus Christ is born ♪ ♪ The shepherds feared and trembled ♪ ♪ When low above the earth ♪ ♪ Rang out an angel chorus ♪ ♪ That held our savior's birth ♪ ♪ And down in a lowly manger ♪ ♪ Our humble Christ was born ♪ ♪ And God sent us salvation ♪ ♪ On that blessed Christmas morn ♪ ♪ Oh I said ♪ ♪ Go tell it on the mountain ♪ ♪ Over the hills and everywhere ♪ ♪ Go tell it on the mountain ♪ ♪ That Jesus Christ is born ♪ ♪ Ooh, yeah ♪ ♪ Go and tell it on the mountain ♪ ♪ I was a lonely seeker ♪ ♪ I sought both night and day ♪ ♪ And I asked the Lord to help me ♪ ♪ And he showed me the way ♪ ♪ He made me a watchman ♪ ♪ Upon a city wall ♪ ♪ And if I am a Christian ♪ ♪ I am the least of all ♪ ♪ So I said ♪ ♪ Go tell it on the mountain ♪ ♪ Over the hills and everywhere ♪ ♪ Go tell it on the mountain ♪ ♪ That Jesus Christ is born ♪ ♪ Go tell it ♪ ♪ Go tell it ♪ ♪ Go tell it ♪ ♪ Go and tell it ♪ ♪ Go tell it ♪ ♪ Go tell it ♪ ♪ Go tell it ♪ ♪ Go and tell about it ♪ ♪ Go tell it ♪ ♪ Go tell it ♪ ♪ Go tell it ♪ ♪ Go on and tell it ♪ ♪ Go tell it ♪ ♪ Go tell it ♪ ♪ Go tell it ♪ ♪ Go on and tell it ♪ ♪ Go tell it ♪ (calm music) - I wish you could have heard it. The shouts of jubilation and singing through tears of joy when the people came home from exile. Deliverance had come by unusual means. The Persians, led by Cyrus the Great, defeated Babylon and let God's children go back to their country, rebuild their temple, restore their way of life, and try to put things back together. Remember those 613 laws we talked about earlier? Determined not to let what had just happened happen again, some people became obsessed with the commandments, observing them more strictly, even adding to them, heaping up new rules and requirements, too burdensome for anyone to bear, and imposing them on others. Some became ostentatious in our appointed feasts, and showy displays of vain offerings and over-the-top convocations. Even God himself grew weary of the whole charade, wishing only for the fidelity of our hearts, not our expensive performances of worship. We were missing the point! Again. Others became complacent and fell back into our old ways. Amid all of it, barefoot and wild-haired, the prophets stood in the highways and byways, raising the alarm, channeling God's wrath, his heartache, his desperate prodigal love longing for us to return to him, with right hearts and pure spirits. The prophets begged and screamed, they tried. They tried to make us listen. But by the time Alexander the Great conquered Persia and then captured Jerusalem, their vocal cords had gone hoarse, in futility. They, they faded into 400 years of... Silence. (calm music continues) Silence, like darkness, is an abstraction. It's invisible, untouchable, and when it's coming from God, unbearable. There's a kind of violence in it, a soundless slammed door that suggests abandonment. Deus absconditus. Rulers, they came and went. The Seleucids, Hasmoneans, finally Rome, with her onorous taxation and violent contempt. Still, none of it was worse than the silence of God. Until, one cold night in the city of David, all of that crushing absence of the divine voice, all of that bottomless spiritual darkness that enveloped the world, was shattered, by the cry of a baby. A song in the heavens sung, to the blue-collar third-shift workers of the night, and later their own voices proclaimed the news to anyone who would listen. Hope was finally here. The curtain of the temple had not yet torn in two, but something else was ruptured, something imperceptible yet momentous was punched through with lights and possibilities previously unthinkable. I really wish that you could have heard it. Oh, wait, actually, uh, you can. The piercing rapture of that baby's voice cutting through air thick with the smell of straw and barn animals and blood, proclaims itself ceaselessly to the world over, inviting you to step through that door first opened by that tiny gasp of breath. It's everywhere. It's everywhere, and it's all around you. Forever expanding and amplifying the songs of the angels whose simple message was, "Don't be afraid. We have good news." It's about great joy. And it's for all people. It's for you! And everyone you know, and everyone you don't know. It's for anyone who's ever been, or whoever will be. It's about a savior in the form of the most vulnerable thing on earth. A new-born infant, in the place you'd least expect to find him. Hey, whoever you are, whether you know it or not, (sighing) He's the one you've been waiting for. - So, I'm Yahosh Bonner. - And I'm Clotile. - Of the Bonner family, and we're singing "O Holy Night". I especially love just the way it starts out. "Led by the light." - [Clotile] Yes! - [Yahosh] That is one thing that connects our whole family. There's so many of us, and we have different personalities, and we praise different-- - [Clotile] There's eleven of us. - [Yahosh] Yeah. (laughing) - [Clotile] In the group. - [Yahosh] Yes. (laughing) - And "O Holy Night", it was the most fitting song, - [Yahosh] Yeah. - That we know. - Yeah. It's, it's very real, you know. - Yeah. - And, my parents, I mean, they love Jesus. (laughing) They love the Savior! - [Clotile] Yeah, they do. - And, and He's real in our lives. And "The Chosen" really helps bring that to life. - The story is told just from such a different angle, it catches you off guard, and you're just engaged. - And for us to be here, - [Clotile] Hey! - on the set where it's filmed, like. You know, our parents talk about creating an atmosphere where, where the spirit can dwell. And here, we're looking around, and, you can't do anything but feel the spirit and gratitude for what He did and what He's done, and what He's going to do. He is our light, and we will never want to leave him. - So as a family, getting to sing about that, oh, goodness! What a-- oh, what a pleasure. - Yeah. 'Tis the season. He's the greatest gift we could have ever received. (gentle rhythmic music) ♪ O Holy night ♪ ♪ The stars are brightly shining ♪ ♪ It is the night of our dear Savior's birth ♪ ♪ Long lay the world ♪ ♪ In sin and error pining ♪ ♪ 'Til He appeared and the soul felt its worth ♪ ♪ A thrill of hope ♪ ♪ The weary world rejoices ♪ ♪ For yonder breaks ♪ ♪ A new and glorious morn ♪ ♪ Fall ♪ ♪ On your knees ♪ ♪ O hear ♪ ♪ The Angel voices ♪ ♪ O night ♪ ♪ Divine ♪ ♪ O night ♪ ♪ When Christ was born ♪ ♪ O night ♪ ♪ Divine ♪ ♪ O night ♪ ♪ O night divine ♪ ♪ Led by the light ♪ ♪ Of Faith serenely beaming ♪ ♪ With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand ♪ ♪ So led by light ♪ ♪ Of a star sweetly gleaming ♪ ♪ Here come the Wise Men from Orient land ♪ ♪ A thrill of hope ♪ ♪ The weary world rejoices ♪ ♪ For yonder breaks ♪ ♪ A new and glorious morn ♪ ♪ Fall ♪ ♪ On your knees ♪ ♪ O hear ♪ ♪ The Angel voices ♪ ♪ O night ♪ ♪ Divine ♪ ♪ O night ♪ ♪ When Christ was born ♪ ♪ O night ♪ ♪ Divine ♪ ♪ O night ♪ ♪ O night ♪ ♪ Divine ♪ ♪ Ooh ooh ooh. ♪ - So as you watch this Christmas special, we are actually halfway through filming of season two of the chosen. The first six weeks we've done here in Utah, on this extraordinary set. The second half is gonna be filmed in Texas, in January and February. We got excited about it. We wanted to give you a little bit of a sneak peek, of what we've been doing here. So we put some highlights together. Now, no one has seen this yet. You are the first, and I hope that it gets you as excited for season two, as we are. - I sit down like a poor in spirit. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (soft music) Blessed are those who mourn. (soft music) For they shall be comforted. (soft music) Blessed are the meek, (soft music) for they shall inherit the earth. (soft music) Blessed are those, who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. (soft music) Blessed are the merciful, (soft music) for they shall receive mercy. (soft dramatic music) Blessed are the pure in heart, (soft music) for they shall see God. (soft music) Blessed, are the peacemakers, (soft upbeat music) for they shall be called sons of God. (soft upbeat music) Blessed are those, who are persecuted for righteousness sake, (soft upbeat music) for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (soft upbeat music) Blessed are you, (soft upbeat music) when others revile you, (soft upbeat music) and persecute you. (soft music) And utter all kinds of evil against you, falsely on account of me. (soft upbeat music) Rejoice, and be glad, (soft music) for your reward is great in heaven. (soft music) For so they persecuted the prophets, who were before you. (birds chirping) - And then? (birds chirping) - You are the salt of the earth. (birds chirping) (man laughing) (soft dramatic music) (soft music) - So I'm gonna say something that doesn't normally get said in this kind of a context. And, that is that, The Chosen and The Shepherd, the Christmas short film that started it all, actually were birthed from failure. I had done a big Hollywood feature film that ultimately bombed at the box office, and in my lowest moment, I was alone with my wife and we were crying and praying and confused. And I was genuinely wondering, what my future was. I had gone from, in just a couple of hours, being a director with a very bright future, to a director with no future. And in that moment, God spoke through my wife and through someone who I barely know who shared with me this concept that changed my life. Which is, "It's not your job to feed the 5,000, "it's only your job to provide the loaves and fish." Now, for me that was life altering because I was always someone who felt responsible for the results and everything that I did. Even the ministry oriented to things that I did. And so when I finally got ahold of that concept and realized all I want to do, is whatever God wants from me. And all I have to give, are the loaves and fish that I can bring to him. And the rest is up to him. And the results are not up to me. So as I stand here talking to you, on this unbelievable set here in Utah, for season two of The Chosen, in the middle of the Christmas special with all of these extraordinary artists, I'm reminded of the fact of where this started, and how small it was, and how low I felt at the time, and what God ended up doing with that. So, here is the short film, The Shepherd, that started it all, filmed on a farm in Illinois. And I hope it blesses you, like it blessed me when we were making it. But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days. Therefore he shall give them up until the time when she who is in labor has given birth and he shall be their peace. A reading from the scroll of the prophet Micah. - Perfect, no? No blemish. Nothing, nothing wrong. See? - Hmm. Spotless. - Good, no blemishes. - This one's good. - Thank you, thank you. - Teacher, I have a question about the Messiah. I have studied Torah every day, and... - A Shepherd wants to learn... - Yes. Do you believe the Messiah will set us free from the occupation? - Yes, he will make a great military leader. - Are you sure? Just because last Shabbat the priest read from prophet Ezekiel and he did not say— - How dare you! - I'm sorry, teacher. He is obsessed. - You brought this animal? I said spotless! - Spotless, yes. - These are for righteous men! For the perfect sacrifice! - Very sorry, very sorry. Very sorry. - You wonder why the Messiah hasn't come? People like you keeping him away with your stains. If you come back here without a perfect lamb, I will banish you all from the marketplace. - Now! Come! Come! - I warned you about this! Are you deaf as well as lame? - I'm sorry! - We are not slowing down for you. You take this runt back up to the hill and try and keep up Or find your own way back. - The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness,on them has light shone. You have multiplied the nation; you have increased its joy; they rejoice before you as with joy at the harvest, as they are glad when they divided the spoil. For the yoke of his burden, and the staff for his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor... - You need to go! - I want to listen - No, this is a holy place - Please! - You are filthy! Go! Get out! - ...And every garment rolled in blood will be burned as fuel for the fire. Strengthen the weak hands... - Excuse me friend? Could you point me to a well in this town? My wife hasn't had a drink in hours. - At the other end of the square. - Thank you brother - Well, wait, wait, wait, wait Here. - Oh! Thank you for your kindness - How far have you come? - From Galilee. Nazareth. - Don't say that too loud here. You know they say, nothing good can come from— - I know what they say about Nazareth. - Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Secret's safe with me. - Thank you for your kindness. - My name is Simon. - Out of my way! - We must go. - Thank you. - Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who have an anxious heart, "Be strong; fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you... Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped; then shall the lame man leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute shall sing for joy. A reading from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. - This way! Hut hut hut hut hut! (Laughing) - Yes, well, next time I will wipe my hands with his robe. He will faint! - A Pharisee is so cheap, when he writes his will he names himself as the heir! - And then he still doesn't get much! - Finally, he's back! - Hello Simon! - Stay with the sheep! - He is useless! Why do you keep him around? - He is a good boy! - Bah! You want some dinner? - Finally! - Aaron made dinner tonight so nothing is cooked! Yes! - The food is fine! It's my grandmother's recipe so leave it alone! - Ah, then that is why your grandfather left! - Again and again - ...they take whatever they want - Oh, I wish that woman wouldn't have left the well! - She was very beautiful - Very pretty, very pretty - Can I have my dinner now? - Not with us! No, your plate is over there. - After what happened this morning you sleep with the sheep tonight. - And pay attention this time! - And watch out for wolves - And watch out for that Pharisee, he might come after you. - A Roman took another sheep yesterday... - Simon! They're talking about the Romans again! - But they cooked it right in front of me! - You're lucky! You're lucky you're not part of this conversation about Romans again and again! - Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. (Crying) - He's so beautiful! - We must tell someone - We must tell everyone! - Thank you! Thank you! - We've waited for this for so long! So long! Thank you. - His arm! His arm. - His arm? - His arm. - Oh, it's ok. What will you name him? - Jesus - We will name him Jesus - I must go. People must know! People must know. - People must know. - For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. - You were right! You were right all along! - You! I told you not to come back here. So where is it? Have you found a spotless lamb for sacrifice? - Well, I've seen that short film well over 100 times, and every time I feel like it wrecks me because it reminds me not only of how far we've come since "The Chosen" started, but also the message of it is just extraordinary. The idea that the last shall be first, and that this lowly shepherd was able to witness the birth of Christ, it feels like it's the entire message of the gospel. So I have a special guest, this is my wife, Amanda, who is bravely bearing the cold and the wind here on the set of season two of, "The Chosen." There's a very specific moment in the film, and that's where all of the sound goes out. And this is when the shepherd is approaching the stable, and he's about to see the birth of Christ, and we hear the phrase in the silence, and shall call his name Emmanuel. And then out of that silence, Jesus, the Christ child, cries. (baby crying) Now, that moment, and the entire film itself actually, was inspired by the song "Emmanuel," by Chris Tomlin. I remember when I was singing in church one morning, and I started crying, because of these lyrics, ♪ What fear we felt in the silent age ♪ ♪ 400 years will he be found ♪ ♪ But broken by a baby's cry ♪ ♪ Rejoice in the hallowed manger ground. ♪ Now, the notion of 400 years of prophetic silence of people waiting so desperately for the Messiah, being broken by the cry of a baby, just totally changed my perspective and changed my life in many ways, and it's what ultimately inspired that short film. Now, Emmanuel means, God with us. You wrote a devotional, entry in our devotional book, "The Chosen" about the term, it's actually called, Emmanuel, and how it's not just a Christmas term, it's actually applies to much of what the show is all about, and what Jesus' life is all about. - Yeah, I thought I was going to be writing about the miracle in Canaan, when the water changes into wine, but what I actually realized is that, the setting and the need in front of Jesus, which was the potential embarrassment of his friends, and Jesus' obedience to his mom, were all consistent with everything else in his life, that Jesus was normal. He was born in a stable, he was raised by simple people. He learned to be a carpenter like his dad, and all of it was because God's method of rescuing the world was to enter into it. And so, for the next three years, the disciples followed him around watching him do extraordinary things. In everyday circumstances, he was hungry, and he was tired, and he experienced happiness, and he experienced frustration, and even in the garden of Gethsemane, he was afraid. They watched him love on people, poor people and rich people alike. And they saw him use the common to display heavenly glory, like loaves and fish and mud and trees and tombs. They learned to love on people too, and they learned to preach the gospel, no matter the circumstance, because they were following the one who was with them, Emmanuel. - Yeah, that's so extraordinary. I remember when I first read that devotional, I was like, this is the show, this is what it's all about. And so yeah, Emmanuel is way more than just a Christmas term, it refers to Jesus's entire life. So with that, there is no better song to be the last song of this special, than "Emmanuel" by Chris Tomlin who has graciously agreed to perform it just for this special, and I hope that it impacts your life as deeply as it did mine. - Hey, I'm Chris Tomlin from Franklin, Tennessee, originally from Texas, though, and the song is "Emmanuel Hallowed Manger Ground." Of all the songs I've written, I've never written a song like this. And the way it came, I wrote this as a poem, I sat down and just wrote a poem called, "Hallowed Manger Ground" one day, during Christmas. And I don't do that, just writing a poem just with no music, not even thinking about music, just writing out words, writing out my thoughts, and I got together with my buddy Ed Cash, and we write a lot of songs together, and he had this little chorus, and he was singing Emmanuel. And I said, "I wonder if we could sing the poem that I wrote "with this little chorus." And it just came together like that. I just love singing the word Emmanuel, I love what it means, God with us. Everything that, that word means of who Jesus is. I think a lot of people, especially me, have these preconceived ideas of what Jesus was like, and I love "The Chosen", it makes Jesus really like, man he's just like your friend. I wanna be around this guy, and I love how accessible it is. 'Cause if there's anybody that's accessible to people it’s Jesus, and I love that, "The Chosen" has made his story accessible to the people that is so powerful to me, and so any opportunity to be a part of something like that, that's what I've given my life for. So, obviously grateful to be a part in such a special way. (graceful music) ♪ What hope we hold this starlit night ♪ ♪ A King is born in Bethlehem ♪ ♪ Our journey long, we seek the light ♪ ♪ That leads to the hallowed manger ground ♪ ♪ What fear we felt in the silent age ♪ ♪ 400 years can He be found ♪ ♪ But broken by a baby's cry ♪ ♪ Rejoice in the hallowed manger ground ♪ ♪ Emmanuel, Emmanuel ♪ ♪ God incarnate, here to dwell ♪ ♪ Emmanuel, Emmanuel ♪ ♪ Praise His name, Emmanuel ♪ ♪ The Son of God, here born to bleed ♪ ♪ A crown of thorns would pierce His brow ♪ ♪ And we beheld this offering ♪ ♪ Exalted now, King of kings ♪ ♪ Praise God for the hallowed manger ground ♪ ♪ Emmanuel, Emmanuel ♪ ♪ God incarnate, here to dwell ♪ ♪ Emmanuel, Emmanuel ♪ ♪ Praise His name, Emmanuel ♪ ♪ Oh, praise His name, Emmanuel ♪ ♪ Oh, praise His name, Emmanuel ♪ (congregation applauding)
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 2,164,648
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Keywords: the chosen, the chosen tv series, bingeJesus, GetUsedtoDifferent, Faith-based, Bible show, Bible study, Christianity, church, Jesus show, what to watch, tv show, filmmaking, the piano guys, the chosen christmas special youtube, the piano guys christmas songs, king and country little drummer boy, Mandisa, Hillsong United, Joshua Aaron, The Bonner Family, Phil Wickham, Matt Maher, the chosen christmas special, christmas music, for king and country
Id: T5ftnTK9-3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 32sec (6452 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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