The CHEAPEST Liquid Fertilizer in the WORLD!!

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today I'm going to show you exactly what happens when you apply diesel exhaust fluid to your lawn as a fertilizer and I think you're going to be surprised at the results for those of you that don't know what diesel exhaust fluid is it's a solution that's injected into the exhaust stream of diesel vehicles to turn harmful emissions into nitrogen and water this was implemented by manufacturers to meet EPA emission standards back in 2010 so in other words this solution was mandated to be added to your diesel vehicles on top of the gas you already have to buy which I'm sure made truck owners extremely happy this is the worst what most people don't realize though is that diesel exhaust fluid is actually only composed of two ingredients one being deionized water and the other being Ura and if you've watched any of my past videos you know that I've used a ton of Ura fertilizer on my lawn Ura Ura Ura Ura Ura Ura now for those of you who aren't familiar with Ura Ura is a synthetic nitrogen-based fertilizer it has a very high concentration of nitrogen which is what helps plants grow Ura provides a very quick release form of nitrogen allowing for immediate plant uptake which results in a rapid Greenup and the best part of all is that it's the cheapest fertilizer you can buy period so let's break down the cost analysis of this diesel exhaust fluid fertilizer compared to other FS now just to set the record straight diesel exhaust fluid is not the absolute cheapest way to buy nitrogen 50 lb bags of granular pure Ura Takes the Cake on that front here's an actual breakdown of the price per pound when it comes to granular Ura versus diesel exhaust fluid but as far as liquids go deaf is by far the cheapest fertilizer you can buy in liquid form and it's by a huge margin so where can we buy deaf well we have a couple of options number one is at your local Walmart so back here in the automotive section of Walmart you you have two different options when it comes to diesel exhaust fluid you have this blue def which is 1748 for 2 1/2 gallons or you have the Walmart brand super te for $9.98 both of these defs have the exact same amount of nitrogen in them so there's nothing different in them for our purposes definitely go with a cheaper brand if you're putting it down on your lawn if you guys are wondering why I went with the blue def I actually bought this because it looks better on camera and I wanted it for my thumbnail no other reason now if you want another option instead of going to your local Walmart all you have to do is search your area for local gas stations that have deaf at the pump and voila you have unlimited diesel exhaust fluid at your fingertips that's right you can get fertilizer at the freaking pump and right now it's a little cheaper to get it at my local gas station compared to the cheap brand at Walmart so if you have one of these near you why not this is seriously insane I never thought I'd be able to go to a gas station and pump fertilizer just wild next we need to figure out exactly how much diesel exhaust fluid we're going to need to put down to get the best results without the risk of burning our lawn but first let me interrupt the video very quickly to thank our sponsor betterhelp I thought betterhelp would be a great sponsor for the video because mental health has played a great role in my life I'm not going to lie to you working a full-time job keeping up on the lawn freelancing running a YouTube channel and trying to be a great father and husband all at the same time is beyond stressful but luckily there's Services out there like better heel better help connects you with a licensed therapist who is trained to listen and give you helpful unbiased advice first you just go to their site you can use my link here then you just answer a few questions better help will then match you with a professional who has years of experience helping people with struggles just like yours you can do it all from your phone or computer video chat or messaging however you feel most comfortable you'll be matched with a therapist usually within 48 hours so you can get started fast visit long life or choose La life during sign up and enjoy a special discount on your first month now let's get back to the video so now that we have our diesel exhaust fluid we need to figure out how much we need to put down without the risk of burning our lawn because the yeara is in liquid form we're going to be applying it in a foler application which means we are putting it down directly on the leaves of the grass with foler applications we are going to get very fast results compared to putting it down as a granula so the first thing we're going to need to do is figure out how much nitrogen is actually in diesel exhaust fluid so we can figure out how much we need to put into our mix now most people make the mistake of thinking that diesel exhaust fluid is 32.5% nitrogen because there's 32.5% Ura in the solution but that's actually incorrect because Ura is only 46% nitrogen so we need to actually multiply 32.5% by that 46% to get the actual amount and that's going to give us 15% so the mpk of diesel exhaust fluid is actually a 1 15 fertilizer at 15% nitrogen and no other nutrients today we're going to show you two different ways to apply the diesel exhaust fluid into your lawn the first way we're going to show you today is with a backpack sprayer when we put down nitrogen in a foler application we do not want to exceed 2 lb of nitrogen per th000 sare ft if you apply more than that you are starting to run the risk of burning your lawn so after doing all the math that's going to come out to right around 21 O of De fluid that you need to mix into 1 gallon of water per th000 ft that you put on your lawn now if you're a beginner I would recommend putting down 10 or 11 o per th000 ft until you get the hang of it because you definitely don't want to burn your lawn the first time you do this so just as an example if you have a 3,000 ft lawn to cover you want to put down 63 oz of deaf into 3 gallons of water and spray it evenly across your entire lawn now this is very important if you've never sprayed with a backpack sprayer before you are going to want to make sure that you calibrate your sprayer before you start spraying this stuff you want to end up with no liquid left in your sprayer by the time you get to the end of your lawn so what you're going to want to do is practice a little bit with water in your tank until you figure out the right walking speed to have an empty take by the time that you get to the end of your lawn this is a 100% necessary step if you've never done this before if this sounds intimidating don't worry we'll be showing you an easier way to apply this in a few moments if you're worried about burn you can definitely water it in right away but just know that you won't get results as quickly because it will then have to be uptaken through the roots now another way to apply this is through a hoseen sprayer which might be a little more beginner friendly you're not going to get those super fast results like you do with a backpack sprayer this is definitely the more budget friendly way of applying this if you don't have one I'm not that familiar with hosen sprayers so I'm going to let my buddy George explain how to do this Take It Away George hey what's up Jesse one of the most common ways that people apply de is through a hoseen sprayer So today we're going to be using this Ortho Dion spray which I'm sure a lot of you guys already have and for this application we're going to be applying the low rate of dep which is 10 o per th000 ft and that's going to equal .1 lb of nitrogen per 1,000 ft now this is optional but i' like to add a little bit of water here in the tank as well and if you've never used one of these orthod Dion sprayers before what I recommend is you put it on the 2 oz per gallon setting now the goal here is to try to apply this tank as evenly as possible across this whole area of lung and odds are you're going to have some fertilizer left in the tank because we put on such a low setting but if that's the case all you want to do is just keep on going over your lawn multiple times until that tank is emptied and that's going to ensure not only do you use too much fertilizer but that you get an even coverage as well I hope I was able to help you guys out a little bit Jesse thank you so much for having me on George out peace you're the man George I appreciate you doing that segment and I'm not joking when I say this George has one of the best channels on YouTube when it comes to Lawn Care hands down so if you haven't subscribed to him yet definitely go over there and check them out I appreciate you bro so I measured out a little over 300 ft to put down our diesel exhaust fluid in this test area now I've been purposely neglecting this side of my lawn just for this video so we can actually see what happens when we put the Ura down [Music] so here are the results of my test plot using DEA as a fertilizer and I have to say they're pretty dang good now I want to be completely transparent with you guys and let you know that these results are from about 8 days ago with two separate applications the day I applied the first application it was crazy windy out while we were filming and I think I lost a lot of product due to drift so after 4 days or so I applied another application so we could see the results a little better on camera now deaf would be a great product to spoon feed your lawn every one or two weeks in the summer another product that really surprised me with its dark green results during Midsummer is in this video right here definitely click on it to find out what it is now get off my lawn
Channel: LAWN LIFE
Views: 329,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Zpwo9iAkgX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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