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welcome y'all it's Wes with DIY food plot pro thank you so much for joining us today's episode we're going to talk about this stuff de can we use this for fertilizer and if so is it going to be cheaper than any of our other forms of fertilizer that we can use Quinton picked up this jug of de de is pretty much a standard ac across the industry it's not changing from product to product they're pretty much all supposed to be the same analysis of what they are we'll get into that a little bit later on uh I've had a few viewers reach out and they wanted to know can I use this as a fertilizer I mean there's a lot of folks running diesel pickups right now and if you run one of the newer diesel pickups you already are buying a lot of this stuff to go in your pickup truck so is this a cheap good way for us to get our nitrogen on our food plots let's dive right into it my name is Wes I run the Channel DIY food plot Pro I've got a Bachelor of Science in Agronomy I farm for a living and I have 18800 acre whail deer hunting outfitter in Western Kentucky where we cannot bait so we rely heavily on food plots that we produce on the channel to hunt the deer that we're blessed to hunt here in Western Kentucky the first thing that we have to do that I'm checking when I'm buying any fertilizer any chemical or any seed that I buy for the outfit the very first thing that I'm going to do with all of those is I'm going to look at the analysis the analysis is going to tell you a whole lot there's a whole bunch of you that have followed the page and you remember me telling you about the inert material or coating material in seeds that can be up to 34% there's also chemicals that will pull the active ingredient down so you looks like you're buying this is a better buy you get in the store and actually this one's a better buy so the first thing we do as we look at the AC ingredient and the analysis on this it says 67% water 32.5% Ura Ura is a form of nitrogen that's basically what de is it is is a form of nitrogen so we do have some nitrogen availability in this product now how much and is it more cost effective let's find out we have to figure out how much this 2 and 1/2 gallon jug of De weighs that is important when we start figuring the MTH a one gallon jug of De weighs about 9 lb that puts this 2 and 1/2 gallon jug at 22.5 lb total weight 67 .5% water 32.5% Ura it's important to note kind of got carried away and weren't really paying attention you would think okay well 32.2% of this is nitrog well it it kind of is but it's kind of not it's 32.5% Ura what is Ura Ura is 46% nitrogen just because this is 32% Ura does not necessarily mean this is 30 2% of the entire product is nitrogen does that make sense I hope it does I did a little quick math that way I could um when I was doing all these calculations I did a little math on this sheet and then uh that way I can look at this while I'm explain this to you approximately 9 lb per gallon 2 1/2 gallon jug 22.5 lb of total product in here okay okay now you've got to break this down in your analysis so if you broke down 7 22.5 lb and you times it by 325 which is 32 1 12% Ura is a product you get 7.31 lbs of Ura and you get 15 lbs of water roughly those are just rough but so essentially most of this is water you know roughly what say a third of it is is nitrogen the rest of it is water not not a problem but we we need to know that so okay now of that 7.31 lb is Ura that's Ura okay so now we've got to look at 46% of that gets us a full pound of nitrogen okay so we can't just say that's 7.31 lb of nitrogen it's not that's 7.31 lb of Ura which is 46 7.31 lb * 46 which is Ura you will get 3.36 lb of nitrogen that's what you're going to get out of one of these jugs this jug cost me $21 so about $7 per pound of nitrogen I looked at your prices of Ura online I haven't priced them yet at the farm store but they're anywhere between $40 and $50 for a 5050 lb bag of Ura with a 50 lb bag of Ura 46 we're going to get 23 lb of nitrogen out of that bag so that is considerably cheaper than using de to get your nitrogen fertilizer do I recommend using def you certainly can um it not a problem at all it's going to give you some pounds of nitrogen out there you could certainly fertilize a a food plot with death now it would take a awful lot if you were doing something that that needed 100 lb of nitrogen you know you're looking at probably putting 30 of these down U but yeah you can certainly do that and and that this is a viable form to get some nitrogen to um your food plots if that's something that you would rather do and not broadcast Ura you could certainly use this right here uh am I going to be using it no I'm not going to UA is a lot cheaper and um I'm going to be sticking with Ura but this is a kind of a fun experiment that I wanted to do for a while and share with you guys kind of what this is and and see what the analysis is and see how this Stacks up price-wise I really didn't know until I figured all the math how close this would be uh but it's it's this is a pretty expensive form of nitrogen if you if you really look at it versus a you know a bag of 46 so thank you guys for watching I really appreciate it I hope you found the video helpful smash that like And subscribe button
Channel: DIYFoodplotpro
Views: 5,975
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Id: caCYtEutF7E
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Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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