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what do all the most beautiful lawns major league baseball fields and golf courses have in common lawn stripes and today we're going to talk about how you can get beautiful stripes in your own lawn [Music] first let's talk about what lawn stripes are and how they're created a lot of people think either it's two different types of grasses that give that look or it's being mowed at two different heights but when in reality all the grass is the same it's being cut at the exact same height but after the grass is cut it's laid down in a certain direction so bending the grass like that causes the light to reflect in a different way grass blades that are leaning toward you end up looking darker and the ones that lean away from you end up looking lighter and that's what gives that contrasted look so there's different ways to get this done major league baseball fields and golf courses cut the grass with what's called a cylinder mower or a reel mower and that has a blade a reel that spins it cuts the grass and then it runs it over with a roller and lays it down nice and smooth that's what gives that contrast in color the price on that if you're to buy a cylinder mower brand new even a walk behind is about twelve thousand dollars a riding reel mower is gonna cost you upwards of twenty five thirty thousand dollars so that's not realistic for the average home buyer you could buy a walk behind real mower used if you wanted to but still that's gonna cost you around fifteen hundred dollars to do that so it's not the best option for most people there's also things you can do add-ons that you can put onto your own mower called striping kits there's three main type of striping kits that you can buy online the first one is made by toro the toro striping kit on amazon at the time of filming is 115 dollars the second is called the lawn striper the lawn striper goes for about a hundred dollars on amazon and the last is called the checkmate striping system and again that goes for about a hundred dollars any of those can be added onto your existing mower they're an add-on in the back so after the grass is cut that roller goes over the grass it lays it down and it gives that contrasting color that makes the lawn stripes if you don't want to spend the money to buy a cylinder mower and you don't want to go with one of the hundred dollar striping kits you can actually make your own which i've done for about fifteen dollars and here's the things that you're gonna need first you're gonna need three inch pvc i got mine at home depot is five dollars for my pvc you're also going to need what are called knockout end caps those go on the cap they encapsulate the sand or pea gravel or whatever you're going to put inside your striper and you're also going to need two eye bolts with the eye bolts you're gonna have two lock nuts the lock nuts are important because if you don't get lock nuts those nuts are gonna come loose and there's no way to get inside of the thing to tighten them up once you close it all together also you're gonna need two carabiners that's it that's all it takes and you can connect it onto your mower i'll show you how i've done this on mine so to start we're gonna take our pvc and we're gonna measure between the back wheels of your mower standard mowers 21 or 22 inches minus 21 and it doesn't have to be perfect but you want that pvc to end up somewhere between both wheels [Music] next you need to figure out where you're going to attach this to your mower and in my case there are two thick plastic parts on the back of my mower near where the bagger goes and that's where i drilled two holes where i can put my carabiners that are going to attach onto the eye bolts that are connected to the lawn striper on your pvc you're gonna drill two holes for your eye bolts to go into [Music] and you're going to connect the lock nut to the eye bolt to connect it to the pvc so i've got the eye bolt into the pvc we've got a washer right here with that too make sure you put a washer on here and then we just take our lock nut and that lock nut is going to secure it from the inside make sure you use a lock nut though if you don't a regular nut is probably going to come loose so make sure you use a lock nut all right so the eye bolts are in the pvc we've got the lock nut holding it into place right here what we're going to do next is we're going to take our end caps our knockout end caps i'll put one on with some super glue i'll secure that into place [Music] next you're going to fill up your pvc full of whatever it is you're going to use to add weight to this i use pea gravel because that's what we have on our beach so i just go down to the beach and grab some pea gravel and fill it up once it's filled up with either pea gravel or sand or something that's going to add some weight to that you're going to cap the other end using super glue once you get to that point you're good to go all you need to do is secure that using the carabiners through the eye bolts and you've got it attached backing up is a little bit less than ideal with this so if you have to back up all the time you might not always want to have your lawn striper on but if you got company coming over you want to make your lawn look really good putting that lawn striper on is going to make your lawn really stand out even if you don't have the best grass in the world if you use this lawn striper it's gonna make it look good so thanks so much for watching this video i appreciate it and i'll see you next time
Channel: Lakehouse Lawn Care
Views: 1,165,696
Rating: 4.8746791 out of 5
Keywords: lawn striper, lawn stripes
Id: 3gVgz8OgXNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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