STOP OVERSEEDING! There's a Cheaper Way!!

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the owners of every single one of these lawns have done the same thing every fall every year and it's not overseeding can you imagine having one of these lawns as your own having family and friends over on this lawn having your neighbors spark conversations because they need to know how you went from this to this because you absolutely can by doing a fall nitrogen blitz these are messages i received from subscribers who followed my advice last year of using the fall nitrogen blitz instead of over seeding [Music] some of you are probably wondering by now what is a fall nitrogen blitz and why should i do this instead of overseeding the fall nitrogen blitz is a fall nitrogen plant that professionals have used for decades to keep golf courses athletic fields and home lawns looking great for the rest of the current growing season as well as the following year during the summer months our grass has gone through a ton of stress with all of the heat and drought it has endured and once temperatures start to drop again your grass will start to bounce back and want to recover during this time is when we should definitely be hitting it with nitrogen to help it thicken up recover and store its food supply for next year for cool season lawns when the air temps start to drop below 80 degrees you know it's go time to start the nitrogen blitz with this nitrogen plan we'll be spoon feeding our lawns 0.5 pounds of fast release nitrogen per thousand square feet every two weeks for the rest of the growing season we're gonna do it every week if you have a really thin lawn by doing this we will be thickening up our lawn and giving roots a food supply to store as carbs for the winter which means a faster spring green up and a healthier lawn coming out of winter next year but there's definitely a catch you better be prepared to start mowing a lot but trust me it's going to be worth it so why the fall nitrogen blitz instead of overseeding for one it's much cheaper and a lot less work to do the fall nitrogen blitz rather than overseeding your entire lawn also when overseeding it takes multiple seasons for that grass to eventually mature into a strong healthy strand of turf with the fall nitrogen blitz we'll be using your already mature grass and basically pumping it with steroids for a fraction of the cost of overseeding if you overseed every single year this definitely adds up to a lot of time and money which means by not over seeding you're probably gonna make your wife a lot happier so what type of fertilizer should we use because we want to control how much nitrogen we're putting down over a certain period of time we're going to want to use a fast release fertilizer the most cost efficient fertilizer i've found for this purpose has either been urea which is a 4600 or ammonium sulfate which is a 2100 we want fast release nitrogen going on the lawn because we want this fertilizer to go to work immediately if you have slow release fertilizer laying around and don't want to buy more fur slow release might work for the first application or two but once temps really start coming down it's going to be a lot harder for those fertilizers to break down and feed the lawn by putting down fertilizers with at least some fast release nitrogen we know exactly how much we're putting down and how long it's going to last which means not wasting any at the end of the year if you're not sure whether your fertilizer is slow release or fast release here's a way to figure it out here's a popular scott's brand of fertilizer what you're going to want to do is look on the back of the bag and find the active ingredients right here in the bottom left you can see that the bag contains 32 percent nitrogen to find out how much of this nitrogen is slow release we just need to look a little further down on the bag at the very bottom you can see that this bag says it contains nine percent of slowly available nitrogen that means of the 32 percent nitrogen that's in this bag nine percent of it is slow release which means the other 22 percent is fast release which is perfect for what we're going for [Music] if you're looking to buy urea or ammonium sulfate your best bet is going to be going to your local feed store and picking up a bag you can do this by typing in feed store into google maps and a bunch of them should pop up if the feed store doesn't have ammonium sulfate you can also search out local landscape and seed supply stores you're most likely not going to find these products online for a very good price because they come in 50 pound bags which makes the shipping on them ridiculous you're better off finding a fast release nitrogen source from a big box store rather than spending the extra money on shipping kind of like that scott's bag that we talked about earlier instead of telling you how much both of these fertilizers cost let's call five different stores and get the prices for each first let's start with urea hi do you guys sell urea fertilizer by chance it looks like we do have some urea here okay how much does that go for that is 40. yeah i have 50 palm bigs for [Music] how do you guys sell fertilizer uh we only have a few bags left do you have ammonium sulfate by chance uh no i don't ammonium sulfate yeah it's another type of product i don't i can get that i have it in small bags i believe how much would that go for for a 50-pound bag i have no idea 19.99 for a 20 pound bag it's called ammonium sulfate yeah we have that also oh you do how much is it yeah how much does that go for 30.95 perfect thank you very much you're welcome all right all right so basically you can see the prices are all over the place um anywhere from 30 to 50 bucks for urea and it looks about the same price for ammonium sulfate but ammonium sulfate is way harder to get in my area i only got two quotes one for 20 bucks for 20 pounds the other one for 31 bucks for 50 pounds and the other guy said he can order for me so i called probably like 12 different places i'm not going to sit here and go through the whole list but you kind of get the idea around 30 to 50 bucks for a 50 pound bag [Music] if you have the option to choose between both ammonium sulfate and urea here are some things to consider first off there's more nitrogen in a bag of urea so you'll be getting more bang for your buck when it comes to actual pounds on the ground of nitrogen but just because there's more doesn't always mean it's better because urea has so much concentrated nitrogen in each prill it's much harder to spread evenly across your lawn compared to ammonium sulfate on the first few applications you're going to notice dark blotches of grass in your lawn because the prill size is just so big it's just impossible to hit every area of your lawn because of the small number of prills you're putting down ammonium sulfate will do a much better job with this because there's more pills to spread out across your lawn because it has a smaller amount of nitrogen in the bag but if you have a low ph ammonium sulfate might not be for you because it's been proven that it will lower your soil's ph over time it won't be a drastic change but it's definitely something to keep in mind if you're going to be using it year after year because both urea and ammonium sulfate have such concentrated amounts of nitrogen in each prill it makes things very difficult to spread across your lawn in a perfect world we'd be able to dissolve these fertilizers into liquid form and put it down in a backpack sprayer to get uniform coverage but because we want to put down a lot of nitrogen at once we just can't do that without burning our lawn or watering it in right away so the best way that i've found to put these products down is use a hand spreader with urea and a normal granular spreader with ammonium sulfate you'll want to use close to the lowest setting on each of these spreaders and just go over your lawn multiple times in multiple different directions this may seem like a lot more work than that's actually needed but you'll definitely get the best coverage by doing it this way [Music] one of the most frequent questions i get about the fall nitrogen blitz is how much fertilizer do i need to put down and how do i calculate it i recommend putting down 0.5 pounds of nitrogen per thousand square feet every two weeks if you have a decent to good looking lawn if your lawn's in really rough shape i'd recommend throwing it down every week now that doesn't mean put down 0.5 pounds of product per thousand square feet that's just how much nitrogen we want to put down to calculate actual pounds on the ground we're going to use a simple calculation say we want to put down 0.5 pounds of nitrogen per thousand square feet of ammonium sulfate what we're going to do is we're going to divide 0.5 by the nitrogen content in that bag since ammonium sulfate is a 2100 that means it's 21 nitrogen so we're going to divide 0.5 divided by 0.21 and that's going to give us 2.38 pounds of product we need per thousand square feet if we have a 6 000 square foot lawn we need to multiply 2.38 times six that's going to give us 14.28 pounds which we need to spread over the lawn evenly [Music] as soon as i notice my grass is done growing for the season i stopped the fall nitrogen blitz there's no need to put down after this the grass should have everything it needs to come back crazy strong in the spring and have a great green up and what's even crazier is that even by putting down this much nitrogen you can still get your grass much darker green all you have to do is follow the steps i give you in this video right here i'll see you guys over there
Channel: LAWN LIFE
Views: 552,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fall fertilizer application, fall fertilizer for grass, fall fertilizer for lawns, fall lawn care, lawn care, lawn, lawns, fall nitrogen blitz, fall lawn fertilizer, overseeding lawn, overseed lawn, fix ugly lawn, over seeding, kentucky bluegrass
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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