Odd “autumn ritual” fixes ugly lawn in 1 week

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this is my lawn coming out of Summer and it looks like crap it's brown it's ugly and frankly it's embarrassing So today we're going to fix this lawn by performing one of the oldest running lawn Traditions known to men and by doing so we're going to take this lawn from this to this and it all starts right now in the fall So today we're going to be performing an annual ritual called The Fall nitrogen Blitz and the blitz is just an aggressive nitrogen fertilizer plan that involves fast acting forms of nitrogen fertilizer applied consistently to your lung and today we're going to use one fertilizer that's in granular form and then one fertilizer that's in liquid form but before we do our Blitz I would highly recommend that you guys dethatch your lungs first because the last thing we want is a bunch of thick thatch preventing our fertilizer from dropping down into the soil you know no matter how many times I dethatch my lawn it never ceases to amaze me how much dead material we get out of here you know I didn't really have a thatch problem but we still managed to pull out four contractor bags full of dead material out of here so to kick off our Blitz we're going to apply a fast form of liquid nitrogen fertilizer and this is going to give us a fast color response and it's also going to help us kick start our lawn in motion and the fertilizer we're going to end up using today is technically not even a fertilizer but ironically it's it's actually one of the cheapest liquid nitrogen sources on the market and it's this stuff right here and it's called diesel exhaust fluid now before you guys think that I'm absolutely crazy I just want you to know that that fluid is comprised of only two simple ingredients water and Ura Ura being the most common source of nitrogen that's found in almost every fertilizer on the market so no def is not any type of solvent or gasoline product it's actually one of the purest liquid nitrogen sources on the market and the reason why it's so pure is because this stuff goes into trucks versus versus with regular Ura that's inside fertilizer that's fertilizer great stuff God knows what's inside it but when you're putting stuff into cars the EPA tested to a much higher standard so you can be rest assure when you spray de on your lawn you are applying the cleanest type of nitrogen that your lawn can have So today we're going to apply 10 oz of dep mixed with 1 gallon of water and apply it over 1,000 ft and just as an added bonus we're also going to spike it with an iron supplement now this is totally optional but by adding this this is going to give our lawn more of a bluish green Hue versus just a dark green [Music] Hue all right guys so it's been exactly a week and if we take a look at the lawn it is recovering nicely I'm loving what that feature in that de did to the lawn but we're not done yet now we have to apply a granular fertilizer but we can't just use use any old granular fertilizer we have to apply a fast acting one now when doing the nitrogen Blitz it's important that we stay away from fertilizers like this Morganite which is a slow release fertilizer we want to use strictly only fast release fertilizer So today we're going to apply a fertilizer called ammonium sulfate and guys I'm actually really excited because this is one of my favorite fertilizers of all time and just to make things super simple for you guys we're going to apply 2 lb of ammonium sulfate per 1,000 ft which is going to deliver us just under a half a pound of nitrogen per th000 square ft now when it comes to getting the darkest green grass possible there's nothing else that can compete with this stuff and the best part is that it's Dirt Cheap especially if you guys buy it from your local Farm and Feed Store you guys can get this stuff for much cheaper than your average fertilizer at Home Depot and if you guys would like to learn why ammonium sulfate is the king of all fertilizers I actually did a video last year about it where I compared ammonium sulfate versus Ura and hands down ammonium sulfate delivered a much darker green color I'll leave a link to that video up here if you guys want to check it out all right guys it's been exactly 2 weeks since we started the Blitz and I'm super excited because if we take a look at the lawn it looks like it's fully recovered 100% you know it's amazing what happens when you put a little bit of effort into something a little bit of consistency how quickly things could recover and we're not even done yet we're actually just getting started for the fall so the real question is how much of this stuff do we apply and exactly how often do we do it so in our case we're making bi-weekly applications of De at 10 oz per gallon of water per thousand square ft and if we total that up throughout the month that equals out to2 lbs of nitrogen and on top of that we're making bi-weekly applications of ammonium sulfate of 2 lb per th000 square ft each application which will give us approximately 80 lb of nitrogen per month so when we take that 80 lb of nitrogen we add it to the20 lb of nitrogen that equals out approximately 1 pound of nitrogen total per month and the burning question is when do we stop applying fertilizer well I'm going to make this super simple for you guys as soon as you notice that your grass is slowing down enough that you're backing off and you're mowing that's when you cut the fertilizer and if you guys want to learn more about the liquid fertilizer that we appli today then make sure you check out this video right here in this video I cover exactly what deaf is and why am I opinion it's the best kept secret in lawn care and with that this is George from princess cut peace
Channel: Princess Cut Lawn Care
Views: 258,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fall Lawn Care, Fall nitrogen blitz, Lawn Care, Lawn, Fertilizer, Fall Fertilizer, Lawn Fertilizer, Fall Lawn Fertilizer, Fall Fertilizer for lawns, Scotts fertilizer, Fall fertilizer application, Fall lawn care tips, Lawn food fertilizer, Milorganite, How much fertilizer to put on lawn, DEF, DEF fertilizer, Diesel exhaust fluid, Overseeding lawn, Princess cut lawn care
Id: Rd4YOhbCybQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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