The ChatGPT Playbook of EPIC Prompts

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all right so everybody already knows that you can use chat GPT for things like writing articles writing emails writing tweets that's kind of the common stuff that everybody talks about in this video I'm going to show you a bunch of stuff that you probably didn't know or didn't think about that you can do with chat GPT that really extends its usefulness one of the things I see a lot on places like Twitter and Facebook are people asking me you know you talk a lot about all these AI tools but do you actually use all this AI stuff on a daily basis and the answer is yes especially chat GPT or gpt4 now a lot of times I don't actually use chat GPT I like to use the AI playground here and set it on chat and set it on gpt4 I actually am able to type a little bit longer text and it works a little bit better for me but when I make videos a lot of times I like to share doing things with chat GPT because it's a little more accessible to people and a lot of people seem to understand it better after watching this video you'll probably find ways that you can you use it pretty much every day so one of the most basic ways that I use it right now is I use it as an editor so for example here's one of my future tools weekly newsletters and what I like to do every week is I actually write these newsletters 100 myself but then I have chat GPT be my editor so for example here's a tool called run diffusion I wrote a description of run diffusion here and once I've done writing this description what I will typically do is I will copy the description that I just wrote I'll paste it into gpt4 here and then add a couple spaces and then type please proofread for spelling grammar and readability and then so I can tell what it actually changed I'll type then give me a list of changes that you made so it rewrote this paragraph for me so I can go ahead and copy and paste this paragraph into my newsletter here that's been fixed for grammar spelling and readability so I'll just paste my new version in here like that here's the list of changes it made it removed the apost apostrophe from let's it added a comma after mid-journey it changed you'd to you would added a comma after installed and changed that to van so it fixed all of my typos spelling and grammar mistakes whenever I'm writing a newsletter now or a blog post or anything that I know is going to be seen by a lot of people I still like to write it myself and use my own voice but I like to let chat GPT clean it up and fix it for me real quick so the second simple way that I like to use chat GPT is to summarize articles so here's an article I found called jet GPT is coming for your jobs terrible ones at least and I can copy all of this text from this article here copy this bring it over to chat GPT paste it in get rid of this last line because that is not relevant and then add a couple spaces below it and say summarize the above article using bullet points of the main ideas and important elements let it run and now it's just going to give us quick bullet points from this article now this entire article here is summarized in one two three four five six bullets researchers from the University of Zurich compared open ai's chat GPT to Amazon Mechanical Turk workers for text annotation tasks that GPT was found to be more accurate and four out of five tasks now that's just one way the other way you can actually use gpt4 not necessarily chat GPT but gpt4 is by opening up the edge browser going to the article that you want to read clicking on this little Bing logo at the top and typing summarize this article into bullet point and there we go gpt4 summarize this into about eight bullet points this time now sometimes you'll come across articles that are just too long for chat GPT you'll paste them in it'll say this article is too long when you run into that using Microsoft Edge over here to get a summary of the article is really the best way to do it now another way to use chat GPT let's say you come across a sales page and you're weighing whether or not you want to purchase the product or not for example here's a product that I just picked off of Future tools called weight room we can actually select the sales copy on this page copy the text bring it over to chat GPT and paste it in here and then we can type what are the pros and cons of using a software like this and check this out it'll list the pros and most likely these Pros are the feature list that it listed on their website already so things like improve focus and productivity better collaboration equal opportunity reduce meeting fatigue etc etc but then it also lists the cons and this is more where chat GPT is getting a little creative with it because obviously the sales page of this isn't going to list the cons so this is chat GPT interpreting what it believes some of the cons could be of using a tool like this limited spontaneity the structure format might hinder spontaneous discussions potential stress from time constraints time slots might create stress for some participants a learning curve users may require some time to adapt to the new format technical issues as with any software there may be occasional glitches Reliance on technology a complete Reliance on the software may make meetings vulnerable to unexpected Tech issues privacy and security concerns users might have concerns about the privacy and security of their data and costs while the software is currently free it may eventually introduce a pricing plan which could be a consideration for budget conscious teams or organizations so you can paste a sales page in that is probably only going to list the benefits of using the tool and chat GPT is going to help you come up with some of the potential cons and just like in the last example you can also do this with the edge browser by using the little sidebar chat now the fourth way that I like to use chat GPT is to have it actually generate mid-journey prompts for me now I've done entire videos about this process so I'm going to just kind of brush over this one quickly and you can check out my previous videos on this but here's kind of the idea you can train chat GPT on a mid-journey formula for example here's a formula for a mid-journey prompt a photograph of subject doing something in setting during time of day taken with type of camera with type of camera lens and then and we want all of our images to be aspect ratio 16 9 and we want it to use mid Journey version 5. and then I ask do you understand the formula and then it explains back the formula to me and then I came down here and I write write five mid-journey prompts using the given formula with the subject being a basketball and then you can see that it filled in all of these different slots with its own creative information so for example a photograph of a basketball soaring through the air being shot in a bustling City Park during a sunny afternoon taken with a Canon EOS R5 with a 7200 millimeter F 2.8 lens and then there's our aspect ratio and it generated four more examples like that and then right five mid-journey prompts using the given formula with the subject being a baseball field and then it wrote several with the subject being a baseball field and then if you want you can even let it choose the subject but let's have us do time of day and so if we were to do write five mid-journey prompts using the above mid-journey formula with time of day being Sunset let it do that and now it's going to randomly change the subject every single time and the time of day in every single one of these prompts is going to be sunset now you can see that the subject changed in every single one a couple walking hand in hand a group of friends gathered around a crackling bonfire Majestic Mountain Range a bustling cityscape and a Serene Lake and all of them the common denominator is that they're taken at Sunset and here's one example of the type of sunset images we get out of that and here's another with the people sitting around a bonfire this generates absolutely amazing images when you let chat GPT actually think of the creative prompts for you now the same exact concept actually works perfectly well using stable diffusion stable diffusion requires kind of a different style prompt than what you'd use in mid Journey so you would change up the formula a little bit for example here's a formula for a stable diffusion image prompt an image of subject doing action creative lighting style let's add in adjective here let's add detailed realistic cinematic HD let's do trending on Art station since that always seems to help a little bit I guess let's go in the style of and then let's add three famous artists let's go famous artist one famous artist two and famous artist three so now I can have it write five stable diffusion formulas for me right five stable diffusion prompt using the above formula with the subject being a baseball player an image of a determined baseball player pitching a ball enhanced by neon lighting detailed realistic HD trending on Art station in the style of Jackson Pollock Andy Warhol and with silly Kandinsky that'll be interesting I don't know how a Jackson Pollock image is gonna look in there but let's just go ahead and plug this straight into stable diffusion here bring up our batch size so we get four images and let's generate four images and see what it does for us and here we go here's the four images that it generated for us of a baseball player pitching a ball with the neon lighting I mean it got most of it right but I don't know how you're going to interpret Jackson Pollock with Andy Warhol with wasilly wisely Kandinsky I don't know how to pronounce that name so I guess this is uh what we're gonna get out of that we can even change up the formula to say right five stable to Fusion prompts using the above formula with the subject being a basketball player use modern artists from the 2000s that create realistic imagery so maybe we'll get some more Modern Art that's kind of more in our generation here and also more realistic images and let's see what it gives us so let's try this one an image of a focused basketball player shooting a game-winning three-pointer illuminated by dramatic Rim lighting detailed realistic HD trending on Art station and the style of dirt zimersky Steve Hanks and Casey ba and I know I probably pronounce some of those names and here's the type of images we get from that prom okay looks a little cross-eyed but other than that looks pretty good that one's not bad either this one they're missing a face but not too bad all right now let's start getting into some more really creative stuff that are ways that you probably haven't thought yet to use chat GPT one of the things I like to do is get business advice from it to help with what I'm trying to accomplish so here's one example I like to explain my business and then ask for advice on how to improve this business so for example I have a website where I curate the coolest and most Innovative computer software in the gender of AI space I add new tools to it daily and keep it very up to date however there are many other sites popping up that are copying the exact same idea and making similar websites what are some creative ideas that I can do to make my site unique and build a moat around what I'm creating now after reading chat GPT suggestions I feel really good about my future tools brand it suggests exclusive content offer exclusive content that can't be found anywhere else such as interviews with developers expert reviews or behind the scenes looks at the development process Community Building create an online community around your website such as is a forum or Discord server we've got the Future tools Discord which is very active we're approaching 5000 members challenges and competitions organize regular challenges and competitions for users to create content using the tools you feature we do that inside of our Discord right now about once a month collaboration opportunities partner with developers and creators in the generative AI space to develop exclusive tools plugins or tutorials specifically for your website personalized recommendations Implement a personalized recommendation system we do that now on Future tools with Matt's picks educational resources offer comprehensive learning resources such as tutorials workshops and courses kind of what I do with this YouTube channel right now user generated content encourage users to submit their creations made with these tools you feature and showcase the best ones on your website social media presence build a strong social media presence on platforms like Twitter Instagram and YouTube email newsletter create an email newsletter that offers curated content industry news and updates on your website I got the Future tools Weekly Newsletter that goes out every Friday you can find it over at improve website design and user experience so this gives me some great advice but the point B this wasn't meant to be a Future tools pick but the idea is you can explain your business and ask how do I give myself a competitive Advantage how do I build a moat around my business how do I differentiate there's some great sites out there that curate tools sites like future pedia sites like super tools from The Rundown that have really cool curated lists of AI tools I highly recommend checking out those sites however those sites don't have my YouTube content those sites don't have the Discord community that I created they don't have the competitions that we're uniquely running that's not to say they're not doing that stuff as well but they don't have what I'm uniquely bringing to Future tools which is why we don't really see each other as competition we all sort of bounce ideas off of each other and work together a bit if you have a YouTube channel and you're looking for more ideas for videos or you don't know what video to make next here's a tip for you go to your YouTube channel and look at your most popular videos and feed the titles of the most popular videos into chat GPT and let it recommend some new titles for you so my most popular video has 1.1 million views and it's called This is better than chat GPT with prompting guide but let's go ahead and copy this title here I'm going to paste this into chat GPT get rid of all this extra stuff and I'm going to do that with my top 10 best performing YouTube videos my next best performing has 793 000 views okay so I just copied and pasted the 10 most popular videos from my YouTube channel ranging from 1.1 million views down to about 220 000 views here and I can now go the above list is the titles of the most popular YouTube videos on my Channel please suggest titles that will likely also be successful for new videos on my Channel please suggest 10 new title ideas since most of my popular videos seem to be about chat GPT GPT 4 or mid Journey we're getting a lot of that kind of suggestion so the future of AI chat GPT versus the world generate stunning AI art with mid-journey AI power video editing revolutionizing content creation forever that's a good one I haven't done a whole lot about video editing yet ai's impact on the literary World discover how AI composes music that Rivals the greats AI language models and you exploring the personal benefits of chat GPT so some really good stuff here now if we want to get an even better list of ideas we can come back over to YouTube here since I do a lot with gpt4 let's do a search for gpt4 and then come up to our filters here and then sort by view count and let's find the most popular videos by views that talk about gpt4 I'm going to go ahead and copy and paste the titles of the 10 most popular videos here alright so I just pasted the 10 most popular videos that I came across that are about gpt4 in here and let's type the above list are the 10 most popular videos related to my YouTube topic use my original list of videos plus this new list of videos and suggests 10 new ideas for videos that will likely do well on my channel so now it's going to take everything into account for my original list of videos that are the most popular on my channel plus the most popular videos on all of YouTube around gpt4 and suggest even more ideas for videos and now I have a list of 20 potential titles that I could go and make videos around on YouTube if you want one of the secrets to how I get a lot of views on YouTube you're seeing it right here AI romance how gpt4 and Beyond will impact our love lives inside the mind of gpt4 decoding the ai's decision making process the AI arms race chat GPT vs Google bard who will win dark secrets of gpt4 what AI developers don't want you to know chat GPT to AGI tracing the evolution of artificial intelligence Ai and entertainment chat GPT writes a Hollywood Blockbuster script mind-blowing AI applications gpt4 breaks new ground in science and medicine now one thing I do know about YouTube is that it's always best to have about 50 characters or less in your title because after 50 characters it starts to cut off the title based on all of the information above about what performs well generate 10 new ideas for videos that are likely to perform well video titles should be 50 characters or less and there we go now I have 10 titles that are 50 characters or less for ideas of videos that will likely do pretty well on my channel now based on all the information that I gave it let's have it write some titles for a video the day I'm recording this video I'm going to be releasing a video about reverse engineering prompts for tools like mid-journey and stable diffusion and I wanted to use what it knows about video titles that perform well and make me a title related to that today I'm releasing a video about how to reverse engineer AI generated images and find out what prompts were used to generate those images I'll be sharing tools that reverse engineer both stable diffusion and mid-journey images given everything you know about what titles work well and trying to keep the titles at 50 characters or less generate 10 ideas for video titles for my video order them from most likely to perform well do least like let's see what it says uncover AI Secrets reverse engineer generated images reverse engineering AI art reveal hidden prompts all of these are pretty good exposing ai's hidden tricks so one of these is probably going to be the title of the video that I released yesterday now moving on to my eighth tip for chat GPT chat GPT can also help you create ideas for thumbnails so I really like this second one here reverse engineering AI art reveal hidden prompts so let's go ahead and copy that one and say I'm going to use the title reverse engineering AI art reveal hidden prompts for today's YouTube video describe five different concepts for YouTube thumbnails be descriptive in telling me what go into those thumbnails I'd like them to be attention grabbing and slightly clickbaity that's what I do can't believe I'm giving away all my secrets and here we go five great descriptions of potential images I can use for thumbnails and the cool thing is I can most likely copy and paste these straight into mid journey and have mid Journey generate the images for me so concept one they even named the concept mystery unraveled a magnifying glass hovering over a stunning AI generated artwork with a faded image of source code in the background the magnifying glass reveals a prompt within the art giving the impression of uncovering a hidden secret bold eye-catching colors and contrasting text overlay the words reveal hidden prompts create a sense of intrigue and curiosity concept two a half finished AI generated image with a paintbrush and giving the impression that the AI is painting the image a speech bubble appears from the AI containing a prompt with censored sign over it the thumbnail's background features a digital grid reinforcing the AI theme a catchy text overlay with the words AI Secrets uncovered adds an element of Click bait and then we've got three others and if I just copy and paste one of these into mid-journey let's see what happens so here's one of the concepts straight out of mid-journey I'd probably add you know my face to it with some additional text over it or something but not a bad concept I love the colors and the idea of the magnifying glass here's another one of the concepts that was copied and pasted not quite bright enough colors for my taste but I like it conceptually all right now I'm going to move on to the ninth tip that I have for using chat GPT which is having it build a website for you now I've showed this off in past videos about gpt4 so I'm not going to go into too much depth about this I also have another video where I made an entire video game using gpt4 which shows its capability of coding so this has been well covered on my channel but I'll just show you real quick you can literally type something like create an HTML website for me with inline CSS for a business that sells custom frisbees include filler copy related to frisbees as well as headlines sub headlines bullet points and areas where images should be included use a black outline to show off where images should be added into the website okay so it wrote a bunch of code for me for my website here it kind of did some of it inside of this little code box and some of it out so a little funky here but it should still work so the simplest way to do this is I'm going to open up a notepad here and I'm going to copy and paste all of my code into the notepad all right now that I've got it all pasted in the notepad I can save this as let's just call it frisbee.html I'll save it to my desktop for now now if I open this in Chrome here you can see here is the website that it made for me custom frisbee shop it's got a little menu at the top it's got an area for a hero image got some sub headlines here it's got some bullets it's got some featured product images got contact us contact information copyright down at the bottom yes it's a very basic website but now you can continue on with chatgpt and improve upon it so I can say something like the website is a bit too wide I only want it to stretch 75 percent across the page I'd also like the headlines sub headlines and menu to be centered on the page what code do I need to replace to fix this okay so it gave me a bunch of new code to copy and paste so I'm just going to go ahead and copy it all and replace everything that I've already have inside of my website with the new code go ahead and save my HTML file here and now if I reset this now everything is centered and it's only taking up about 75 percent of the page and so you can just kind of keep going back and forth with chat GPT telling it what you want fixed and then over time you'll get closer and closer to that website that you're looking for now another cool use of chat GPT is you can do literally the opposite of it let's say you're running into a bug on your website and you don't know what's causing that bug you can have chat GPT look at your code and make suggestions on how to clean up the code for example let's say this was our existing website if I go and view the page source of this website you can see here's all the code that was written for us if I go command a and then copy all of this we can come to chatgpt and then paste all of our code in and say here is the current code for our website let's say I want these featured products to be in three columns instead of on top of each other I could come over here and say Here's the current code for our website please show the three product images in three columns instead of stacked on top of each other don't rewrite the entire entire code tell me which parts to replace so it tells me to add a new class called Product row inside of the style section so I can copy this code up inside of our Styles section we can add this to the bottom right before our slash style here like that doesn't need to look pretty and then down here it says replace this part with this so let's go ahead and do a quick search on our document for this part so if I go command F I could just search for this whole thing and it found it right here so it wants me to replace from this div to this div where it shows the three product images with this code so let's go ahead and replace that whole section with this now if I hit command save refresh our page scroll down now it fixed it so our three product images are in columns and this was sort of the reverse I gave it code and said here's what I'm working with with my website tell me how to fix this thing so not only will it build a website but it will also help you debug or fix an existing website so there you go there's a handful of really cool ways that you can use chat GPT right now to in improve a lot of your workflows you could have it be your grammar spell check and readability checker for you you can have it summarize articles into bullet points for you or have it give you the pros and cons of using a specific product you can have it generate prompts for you for mid-journey and stable diffusion or you can tell it about your business and have it give you ideas to improve your business you could load your YouTube titles into it and have it suggest new YouTube titles you can have it create thumbnail ideas for you that are likely to get clicks you can have it generate entire websites for you or you can have it fix up or change existing websites that you're already building and this is just the tip of the iceberg this is just some of the basics that you can do with chat GPT in fact you should check out the video that I made about how I built an entire game with gpt4 and broke that whole process down this is literally just scratching the surface and if you like videos like this and you want to see me nerd out about other cool stuff you can do with things like chat GPT and gpt4 and mid-journey and stable diffusion and AI music and all of the cool AI 3D World building and all of the cool AI stuff that I love to nerd out about consider subscribing to this Channel and giving this video a thumbs up those two little things will make sure you see more cool content like this inside of your YouTube feed and if you haven't already you should head over to and join the free newsletter every single Friday I send you just the five coolest tools that I've come across a handful of news articles in the AI space a handful of YouTube videos about Ai and one cool way to make money it really is the tldr of the week in AI I send it every single Friday and you can get on the list over at alright thank you so much for tuning in I really appreciate you hanging out and nerding out with me over some more cool AI stuff and I hope you come back and check out the next video anyway check out this video that's up above me right now about how to make a game using GPT for and that'll show some really Next Level stuff that you can do with this all right thanks again I really really appreciate you I'll see you guys in the next video bye thank you [Music]
Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 642,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, FutureTools, Futurism, Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, ChatGPT, OpenAI, Open AI, GPT-4, GPT4, GPT 4, GPT3, GPT-3, GPT 3, Prompt, prompts, prompting, prompt engineering, prompt engineering chatgpt, chatgpt, gpt-4, chatgpt examples, chatgpt explained, how to use chatgpt, chatgpt prompt engineering, chat gpt, chatgpt tutorial, chatgpt prompt, prompt engineering course, openai, openai chatgpt, gpt-4 demo, openai chat
Id: ka1Pqk2o3tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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