The Chateau Diaries: AN AWFULLY BIG ADVENTURE!!!

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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter today is a very very exciting day at la land because i am going on an awfully big adventure with mahi and philip amazingly we are getting into the car and leaving the chateau it feels like a really long time since this has happened matthew's making hot water bottles for the journey hello hello this is great yes and would you like to explain why you feel we need hot water bottles for a journey in a perfectly warm car because the cup won't be warm yeah yeah you see what i have to live with no it's just because i have flowers a lot of flowers in the back of the car and i just do not know even two feet sweat a little bit on the feet or we might die i've brought extra socks though i've got special warm socks blankets as well in the car yeah to put this in perspective this is six hour journey and you claim we can't have heating in the car yes [Laughter] why we are going on this journey um well we're going to chateau lehan which has been a favorite chateau of mine for ages yeah this is anna and phillips chateau yeah in normandy yes and they've just been on escape to the chateau as well i think yeah and they have a youtube channel yes and i've been following them for ages and i contacted anna a long time ago actually telling well asking if i could come and you know do some flowers in the chateau so and now we're going because they love that idea and um i think it will be great to go and visit yeah i'm super excited we're going out [Laughter] so we've all had our covered tests and we are ready we're ready to visit and i've been watching their channel and they're fantastic videos and so i'm really excited to go meet them and see their beautiful home but before we get into the car i have to find dan because i think he's got the quote from the tree surgeon for me dan natty told me she'd seen the tractor going this way but actually i spot it over there so i'm going to go back round spotted got him right let's run over there oh wow i cannot believe how much he's done alone this is amazing this is all the trees against the dry moat that we want to take down did not think he could do so much on his own damn hi this is incredible how have you done this on your own well there was a lot of just single big trees so it cleared up a lot of space this is amazing super dan have you seen the christmas ornament that we received from some of you it's incredible so that's you because look what you've done and then suddenly we're able to see that our land carries on over the other side of the dry moat so it just opens up the whole garden we're able to see all the other work we've got to do now i know it just opens up new areas to do so i hear that you have a quote for me to look at from the tree surgeon we're about to go off to normandy but i want to make sure that i've looked at that before i go yeah i'm going to turn the camera off now because you look you look like it's going to be a bigger actually oh really okay so he thinks probably just to take the redwood down yes get it on the floor and he's actually going to drop it in one oh wow because that's the sort of easiest and safest way to do it yeah um so that will take a day in for all the things around the channel [Applause] okay i think that sounds very fair for that amount of work because especially all the trees around the chapel sections okay [Applause] all the native species of the ash and stuff which then you can encourage to oh that's wonderful because actually the previous owners did tell us that when they were children those trees weren't there yeah and that they if they'd stayed as a family they wanted to get rid of them as well that they'd just been allowed to grow up too much uh so that's amazing in five days we could have that clear yeah and then maybe he can uh give us advice and help replant various other things make more of a park land fantastic well please give him the go ahead do you have any idea when he might be able to start he says pretty soon the first thing he'll do is take the redwood and he said he can do that pretty soon great i'm excited well i'm only going for two nights so i should be back before anything starts yeah i'm actually really sad to go whilst you're doing all this exciting stuff because i'd like to see this in motion yeah but the difference is huge what did he say about processing the word he said that he has a rig at the moment which processes wood yes but it's quite rough and to process something like the redwood is bigger equipment so we'd have to invest in something extra so he just wants to chat with you before to kind of guarantee the work is there before he goes out before he goes and gets a machine okay it would be nice if we could kill two birds without a stone and then enable him to get the machine and get the work done so i guess that would make sense if he takes it all we get him in to take it all down and then you can have a look at the amount of lumber you're going to get and you can see if it warrants yeah whether it's worth it or not i definitely think we should be keeping the redwood certainly to use i know someone will be so happy with that and keeping these is fantastic too you say this is oak these are oak that one's ash yeah so yeah absolutely they can be used for beams such a great job let's go and have a quick look in the dry moat and then i better run because mary and philip are waiting for me well i say dry it's got a micro stream it's a bit wet at the moment we should definitely make a garden down there a sort of lowered wild garden you're beautiful and then a bridge going across it's getting exciting hopefully davey will be able to come back soon because i mentioned him about the bridge idea yeah just because we walked around and he looked at that which he was a bit scared of as well yeah um and he did say if it was something from wood probably there's enough he could create a couple of beams out of that but i said it probably wouldn't be wood would it or i haven't decided yet it's actually a possibility so it's good to know that we would have the wood if we need it i'd just be nice to use wood from our own forest much better okay i better run really good seeing you great job i can't wait to see what it looks like when i get back bye i'm gonna miss you so much two nights that's all two nights okay i will be counting bye bye the entire boot is your flowers yes wow and we've caught a mouse in a humane trap and he is coming with us philip has named him geronimo and yeah he's coming to be relocated not i would like to add at the chateau de fleur anna and philip i promise that we are not bringing you a mouse we're going to leave him on the way here we go it's really happening mali how are you in the back carefully we've just pulled over on the side of the road to say goodbye to geronimo it's so sweet it's been good geronimo it's been really good but it's time to find a new home can you get off the border you'll be fine he's had a lot of food in that cage so he's quite full yeah i fed him as well okay good thank you all right let's go that must be quite hard for you phillip to say goodbye to a mouse but i mean like one mask goes out of her lines and another one from rico that's not how it happens how it happened i mean no you keep discussing it and everyone cares 62 sent money in the chat for the mouse yes she did she's a very generous woman and you could have that money but you're not getting that amount [Music] well we were talking about getting a hedgehog instead okay i think i could get behind a hedgehog more those really cute white ones please we have mice maria's has just been proven by geronimo i feel that he has mice why does he want more mice it's different he likes to collect them i guess i don't yeah maddie doesn't understand either there's the chateau de valencia again we keep driving past this don't we and we never actually stop and go in i've been before but you two haven't been i've never been there [Music] god singing hasn't upset them they're upset the flowers are upset we've stopped in little to get some goodies for the road we're just going to eat in the car and keep on going and i'm happy because i've spotted they've got the olive bread that i love this one is really good that's going to be my lunch get some ham as well yeah i'm thinking of going wild okay breaking the bank oh yeah how card will spend did you just buy more flowers in little yes that's a good idea yes the colors go really really well [Music] okay we've got tons of snacks so back on the road we decided to avoid the motorway so we're going through all these pretty towns it's really wonderful oh wow france truly is beautiful oh look you can't miss it if you look this way just extraordinary whoa that's a serious castle you'll have to shut not messing around wow look at that place that is amazing with a tower we've been driving all afternoon the sun is setting we've still got half an hour to go at least we're nearly there philip and i have been sharing the driving and we didn't even stop other than just to run into little and buy some food and we ate on the go um manly does drive but she doesn't drive manuals which is why she's not driving today we haven't got an automatic at the chateau and i think i know i found it quite easy what about you two yeah quite tired quick yeah i think we're all going to sleep really well tonight yeah i cannot wait to see the shadow i know me too and we're not going to eat with filler banana tonight because uh they've had the results of their cover tests they're negative but we won't get our results till tomorrow so tonight we're eating separately um and then tomorrow we're going to be able to have dinner with them only half an hour now i'm nice yeah really close wow it's beautiful is that look at this this is it it's stunning did you get the chat i did a bit wow it's very inviting doesn't it does lovely lights [Music] [Music] nice to meet you [Music] um get your pajamas on and then you can come down and say hello fantastic even more beautiful than on the video yeah thank you [Music] so much oh thank you oh i love that yeah i know it's um yeah we're finally at a stage where it's a little it's a bit more presentable now yeah i remember seeing stories and pictures on instagram you doing this really yeah it took a long time it feels even bigger it's just like it's the height yeah yeah yeah because here the the our shutter is fairly small in comparison to your shutter speed we haven't got the height and that's the big difference because yeah our rooms are quite small it's not at the surface but it's just that we've got yeah at least on this floor we've got really high ceilings yeah should i give you do you guys want anything to drink this is our breakfast salad and also now for evening meals it's beautiful [Applause] we've only just recently finished this just before christmas today yeah we watched the video yeah oh thank you yeah that's the one that you were installing yeah so it's a bit bright with the chandelier but well we did the same thing we put one in the dining room and we've got they're just way too bright yeah because it's so nice when it's really ugly lovely lighting yeah really it's really nice really beautiful and um actually it's a little bit like you did in one of your rooms where you had a cupboard and you made it into a bathroom and we had a similar idea so we had this paneling and it was covered behind and basically oh nice and then on this side we have a shower oh my goodness beautiful tiles that's brilliant yeah that's really beautiful that way it was you know we wanted to keep the integrity of the you know in the character of the old building without but then bringing it up to kind of yeah yeah contemporary standards and and having a bathroom in each room it's a little bit tricky it's hard to do without spoiling the proportions and that's why everything stays packed yeah yeah so yeah this is the same in the in the pink room as well a pink room yes what are our color choices so we have the green room oh i don't know do you like the green room i think the full poster this is um this is yeah our biggest room this one has a separate bathroom with the car sign bath which we restored didn't you order them it's the same thing how are you feeling about pink it is a very it's a kind of toned down pink it's not too in your face girly pink and you'll see in a second isn't that the same sink you ordered for the dancers lou yeah i think it is i haven't seen it out because it's just arrived in pieces but i think it's almost identical today yeah yeah really pretty absolutely stunning yeah that's great and over here we have a wardrobe for your clothes if you want and we have tea and coffee because it was just never there wasn't one there and we didn't want to carry in the ceiling and um upstairs we we couldn't because it's to me tiles so we just had to light it with lamps so it's like cozy yeah because the other rooms they had it but this one didn't and we were thinking how do you do because that's like a beam so we just decided to just have it like cozy and dark yeah it's really nice oh my goodness so yeah we're trying to tone it down with a bit more masculine color so it's not too dearly but yeah surface is calling you the green room's actually because this is such a similar paint to my bedroom is it yeah it's a really similar thing to the one that i've got uh yeah on the oh i love this absolutely thank you yeah we've well a lot of our um furniture and deco has come from le bon juan or emmos so that was philip that found that one i speeded up yeah i love it painted no it was it was already like that yeah and it was local so we didn't have to go very far we were you know sometimes you just get really lucky and you're like oh yeah yeah absolutely and so this this room looks onto the back um grounds and if you're lucky then the last couple of days we've had deer coming so oh okay so yeah you can spot some deer from this side i'm happy to take this one whilst you're here and yeah we're on the second floor and then through that door is i mean i don't know if you want to do that maybe tomorrow or whenever but that's all the part that we have to renovate still so i would love to see that tomorrow yeah yeah yeah so we closed the door it's quite handy how it worked out because we cannot have you know that completely separate at the moment and then you'll see that's the next stage how exciting that's wonderful [Music] are you going to come and say hi girls hello hello hello [Music] stephanie marie and phillip nice to meet you so excited to come okay see you in a second this is such a beautiful sight at the end of a very long journey and i love my bedroom thank you so much it's amazing you like it i feel like a princess and a four poster bed [Laughter] and you're very happy in your blue room aren't [Laughter] [Applause] i would like the blue room but i have to say honestly i think i'm in my favorite of the rooms i really love the green one the bathroom's amazing in there it's so luxurious that used to be a bedroom when we sacrificed it was like a very small bedroom it was the one room where it was an obvious okay well that would be the bathroom but yeah that was it's fantastic yeah i love all the bathrooms with little uh tiles on the floor and very well done oh thank you yeah it was a lot of work and yeah it's um we haven't finished but you know at least we're able to receive guests now you've done a beautiful job really beautiful well cheers thank you it's lovely to have you here yeah because i've been watching your videos so i had a vague idea of what your style was okay we might have something to do we really hope you like it and thank you for looking after us thank you we've never had such a nice place actually no no basically it's like ikea but the tricky thing is you really need to cook really well because you can't serve like a mediocre spinach feta a little bit of mimolette it's a little bit like cheddar oh i really like it normally the recipe has ten of it you can't find that it's that sort of aged orange juice thank you yeah it looks so delicious i can't believe you made this for us honestly uh it's amazing it was like pleasant thank you well this is your this is your place for lectures and she made a gluten-free version for marie yeah it's incredible [Music] that was the most delicious meal but before i go to bed i want to go and see how mary and philip are getting on in their rooms hello hello oh oh it's so beautiful oh you look so happy it's incredible i've got my own bedroom i love your shower can i go and have a closer look at your shower yes it's amazing this water pressure is excellent oh i'll have a shower later tonight so well done just inside the cupboard really lovely i love this place and phillip and anna are so nice [Music] i knew they would be nice look at you in that huge bed you look adorable yeah i'm gonna speak very well here yeah sleep really well and i'm gonna go and see how philip is in his pink princess room this is a perfect instagram view the camera the laptop the phone working in the most beautiful bed in a chateau i couldn't have it any better right this is the most gorgeous i'm gorgeous room yeah me too i feel as though i'm just on the most luxurious holiday sleep really well matty and i'll see you tomorrow eating this night tonight the princess room is just next door to mahi hello oh [Music] oh it's actually really nice with the music on it's so nice in here okay did you plan your robe to go with this room no i didn't seriously that's i think you need to put it on just to show us how well it goes what do you think of the place yeah right completely amazing that is the thing that has struck me more than anything as well ceiling height incredible season height which i love probably similar to our bedroom height but downstairs is a ton higher than thailand paneling is gorgeous it's yeah yeah but it's warm beyond all things have you seen the bathrooms like the bathrooms i haven't seen yours yeah so my bathroom's unbelievable wow it's beautiful it's really lovely and mari's is amazing i just went to see hers is the liu on the other side yes have a little look it's just lovely a lovely sink yeah even paneling here in the bathroom it's fantastic and you have the robe yes good yeah yeah well sleep well in your beautiful princess room i'll see you at breakfast i'm going to work a little bit yeah me too i'm going to go make my patreon video now thanks sleep well night and now back to my lovely room where i am going to make a cup of tea it's a lovely teas over there lots of different types and i noticed there was a good evening one of mint and verbena and lego set all of my clothes out in the wardrobe i feel really settled isn't it a beautiful room i feel so cocooned and the bathroom is gorgeous let me show you i've made it a bit messy because i put all of my toiletries out but it's huge it's really vast there's a big bath the loo is just around the corner here and then there's a big shower so i'm gonna have a shower before bed but first let's get the kettle on i've chosen this tea mixed teal and velvet i feel like the kettle too the spout looks amazing it's incredible it pulls perfectly i love it that's going to be very relaxing whilst i make my patreon video it's two o'clock in the morning and if you think my face is looking a little bit greenish then you're not imagining things i've just put a face mask on because i had quite a lot of videos to work on and upload tonight so i've been working really late and i thought what better way to relax whilst one is uploading than to have a bath and turn it into a spa experience in the middle of the night this is the perfect place for that i have a lovely bubble bath waiting for me and i'm going to read in there whilst my video uploads it's four o'clock in the morning and i'm finally all tucked up in bed i've been finishing editing and uploading videos all night but the great news is that that means tomorrow i am completely free and i'm going to go and explore the local area so it's an exciting day ahead and i have no other commitments all of my work is done i sense i'm going to sleep very well now a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land jaidel and ether alice allen brandon and john michael dan banda lauren barnes vince perrone denise behrens jill bidwell candace and ed borkovsky clara butcher paolina calabro chloe chalakhani zoe dorksycara dennis jackie ellison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first abigail grant fifi greenberg brenda harris delaine holbrook kim hasselhoff david and tong henderson jacqueline holmes jimmy kemp nadia kennedy lisa laforge david and summer la land morgan lawley victoria lepine janitor flombard marina frank martin meredith robert miller kathy nori jc award maureen palmer tamara price armin rahman tonya renee rjb bettina rojek hanny ross elizabeth scanlan sven schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks patty suhu susan stevens sarah thornton colleen troyer renee valelli jessica walker brandy walton laura watkins james whalen greg wood david young and ludovico zordon and thank you to all of you you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 121,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, restoration, diy, le fleur, le fleur honfleur, how to renovate a chateau
Id: SpgHcxyTLVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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