A Chateau EASTER with @How To Renovate A Chateau!

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welcome to a glorious easter weekend at la land where a lot of my friends have already arrived we're still waiting for some more guests we're really excited because philip and anna and the girls from how to renovate a chateau without killing your partner are coming to join us it's their first visit to la land my aunt and uncle are here so many of my old friends that many of you won't have met because i haven't seen them since before the pandemic so it really is like the old days at la land and excitingly i'm about to turn on the fountain easter weekend is the weekend that we traditionally turn on the fountain for the season as usual i've been told that the fountain is broken so i'm hoping it's as easy a fix as it was in previous years in the past it's been this ganging up with lime scale [Music] yes let's try that oh yeah baby i can feel la land shrugging off winter and starting to live again in the spring you might notice a little something different about me right now i am feeling especially glamorous we are having the best time outside because dana's friend marie alexandrine iverno who is from this region of france really nearby makes the most exquisite jewelry i'm just going to show you this bracelet as well it's amazing it's with precious stones and gold and everything is beautiful and she has brought lots around for us to have a look and said that we can borrow whatever we want to wear for the party tonight which is just amazing we have a lot of very happy women here at the moment what are you talking about look at you you're having a heavenly moment what whatever whatever could you mean no no i didn't no i didn't it was very way down oh oh look at this one this is very nice yeah there's such works of art i've decided to go for this one oh it's elegant i like it yeah it's a nice ring it's very simple but i really like the color of the stone actually it's a really nice color it is really pretty oh my goodness we're going to look so glamorous tonight yeah i was just going really good with my dress tonight so i'm not very happy it will be wrong to say i have chosen as philip our philip chose i've decided to wear villoti's gown the irene for those of you who saw my vlog in south africa when i was at the village fashion institute sparrow gave me so many extraordinary dresses that he designed and one of them was designed for a very good friend of his irene who has passed away and i'm very honored to be wearing that it's a gold shift dress it's beautiful and i think this jewelry will set it off perfectly i'm having a lot of fun preparing the girls room and i found two little treasure chests this is the bigger one there's a little one and i'm lining them with an old draw liner like this with little roses on it because as we're all borrowing amazing jewels for the evening i thought it'd be fun for the girls to be able to join in as well so i've found lots of little jewels and i'm going to put them in here so this is just going to be all of the bangles because i remember that as a little girl i love bangles in this one i have clip-on earrings some hair clips a couple of rings and some cameos and over here i put the princess playmobil set which unbelievably i received for christmas from michael potts and it is amazing and then just at the bottom i'll put the little treasure chests and they can explore those and i've changed everything on the bookshelf we have fake candles this is really fun the gruffalo pop-up theater book an absolutely beautiful twilight mouse one of my favorite pop-ups of venice the books that i used to read in french when i was growing up so in case they enjoy those of course aloysius the ram and a beautiful doll that we were sent this spectacular book the boy the mole the fox and the horse and here we have a little princess looking down from her balcony i think we're ready we have little floral water glasses and a calf of water and that's it i think the room's done and whilst i've been getting on here philip's been working next door how's it going in here very well oh it looks so pretty that's really lovely phillip are you giving them death in sanchati slightly different reading matter from the girls next door we've got cinderella next door death in sanchatia here and i've added some more uh lights here lovely amazing thing is that those are the two sockets that work on the light stick oh the glamour right we're ready i think so yeah we can go and have a glass of wine waiting for them i think anna and philip have just arrived [Laughter] the girls were literally like what is this i love dogs philip has been saying over and over again ziggy's coming ziggy's coming ziggy's coming [Music] you're coming with us the dog i know ziggy's got a big fan club yes and ziggy's a boy yeah this is a beautiful moment his first girlfriend he's only 12 weeks old oh look at it look at the tail it's just a great heart going home these are two of my oldest friends siska and jen and you've been coming here ancient ancient and you came to how many easter's before this one i don't know you've been here since 2014 2013 2013. it's insane and then we just missed two because of the pandemics so and when we like to decorate we like to wear extravagant jewelry because you cannot lay a table no you can't have it no of course you can't get a peacock should run astray anybody to protect myself okay you fought a geniuses okay seriously team dining room team dining room amazing i can't believe you found space for 32 people it wasn't just me it was a team effort it's impressive this is amazing this is the girls room [Music] is me too and we've found a company that reproduces it so we can we can replace it with the same beautiful i love the color oh you found the jewelry for tonight are you going to dress up for this evening yeah lovely yeah structure there is the mill it's the oatmeal it's beautiful oh my goodness this is stunning i love another beautiful wallpaper oh this is one of my favorites yeah this is from we think the 1920s from a company that doesn't exist anymore yeah but a really old print that they were still making then and i love that you have the matching um fabric yeah we just had a little bit just enough to do the pelmets the furniture is beautiful as well everything is thank you i mean nowhere near as organized as your place no so like ours is very empty compared to yours it's very we have not had the time to sort of source as much as you but this is it's beautiful but you've got the fun bit ahead of you the saucing on yeah exactly i'm kind of waiting to be able to have time to go brick hunting and yeah we should go together yes because phil has been talking about going void constantly and this view this is stunning one day it will be a lake for now it's a wetland i think sorry i mean it's already beautiful without the lake but imagine with the lake it's going to be lovely incredible i wish we had something you know that i mean we've got a little bit of shadow envy because you know we do not have a view like this out of our we had so much shadow everywhere we came to yours and it was warm and it was so clean and tidy your bathrooms are so perfect no honestly we were driving home going maybe we could swap so i wouldn't mind something this sucker is so comfy in the chat really oh yes ready for the ball are you ready for the party it's time to get ready for the party and honestly i feel like a princess this evening because i get to wear sparrow's amazing gown and i get to wear the jewelry that mario alexandrine has lent to me it's just it's amazing it's like a fairy tale now this takes some getting into i remember that irene had a much smaller waist than me but let's see how it goes yeah and do you know what you're wearing yes what are you wearing you'll see oh exciting you've seen it before what do you think you look amazing thank you sparrow and thank you marie alexandrine because i i feel yeah i feel a million dollars i've given the other bracelet to anna to wear because she wasn't here when we were trying on all of the different jewels and she's also wearing the ring that you had chosen i love that ring so much it's beautiful and we feel so glamorous okay let's go and see everyone so we brought a few little gifts to you from on flat um we have some little chocolates from a little chocolatier and the yes salted caramel yes caramel salad it's like the best yeah the best in the world especially on crap and this is our favorite yeah yeah accuracy and they're made in uh normandy i didn't know they were no no didn't we we just figured and it's the oldest french candle maker and we absolutely yeah which one is this this is an estate oh the cuban cigar one yeah so hopefully i've never heard it i've smelled it i've never had it's very funny because i really like i don't know i i think it's like an aftershave smell masculine yeah i really like yeah look how beautiful that is i know you just buy it for the packaging yes exactly with the ring i've got a few a bit of bling as well i love the green on youtube yeah a jewelry designer dropped off some pieces yeah oh yeah they're all very good and these are yes they're delicious these are caramel today yeah definitely thank you that's so kind may be one of the best outfits i've ever seen in my entire life no honestly the bees keep falling off you look fabulous oh my goodness okay i wish the gun as well yeah i was a little confused by the whole gun accessory what is that for um i think i'm keeping the gun for my son who isn't sure if one of the adults here is going to want this gun so i'm just a safe keeper for okay okay you never know if there's there's glasses i guess it's this one so it's a vodka base and we add some angestura which is a really nice video don't tell anybody because it's a secret can you pronounce it right okay and we added so you just invented the easter bunny oh yeah i invented the easter bunny it's kind of a long drink we put it in a shortening class it's perfect i actually have one and it is delicious [Music] it is so magical to see everyone here annalise i like the fact that it is you tonight and dan is doing the babysitting definitely nice you win sexiest dress of the night i don't know why you're saying that oh well no one can see it because of that shawl but are you going to show everyone the uh the dress beautiful ordeal made this show for me i don't know i love the shawl i have it in yellow i love it but at the moment it's hiding world's sexiest dress good luck i feel like the person at the oscars is like and what are you wearing you look amazing tattina but always you always look amazing i saw all of us could this be the most glamorous chef in france oh thank you i never thought you would make a vegan dish you really are a multi-talented friend and it was very easy so let's see how it tastes though you told me it was a no no it was a challenge for the taste but it was we'll see how it tastes [Music] just get back up [Music] and whilst everyone is dancing like crazy i think i found the cause it is full moon at la land we have woken up on the most perfect easter sunday i cannot believe the weather i think this might be the most beautiful easter yet philip's already setting up the tables for our lunch and look at how the sunlight is glinting on the fountain the first morning of the year that i've woken up for the fountain being on and i've been clearing up from last night's party with my curls all just pinned to my head so that i have them for the easter lunch never mind how i look right now i just saw kirsty arrive with a trailer and i don't know why so i'm gonna go and find out what is happening it was going to be a surprise oh no no what have i spoilt i bought a little something to make it very eastery at the land just for the day you're here now i'll show you okay really really nasty was another farm oh oh my goodness nasty oh casting oh my goodness i'm dying of cuteness over like oh that is the kindest thing in the world of you to bring them for easter oh no problem and not to be eaten no no just to be looked at just to be looking for the stars of the show oh cast are you angel thank you you're welcome no problem at all i bought the mums because they'd be anxious yeah good idea they're very excited about the juicy grass for the ahead hi thank you so much you will not believe this [Music] all babies can this is the best easter ever pasty [Music] thank you yes i love tomato tarts oh and you've already marinated them yes a bit a bit with some lemon oil and some herbs from the garden and salt and pepper it's delicious i have set up the bunny air station in the entrance hall so everyone can come and collect their easter bunny ears from here whilst we're preparing the table nick has been liaising with the easter bunny in the woods to create the epic easter egg hunt and he's been texting us with some instructions that i just loved so much that i would like to share them with you all this easter crotch productions brings you pathway to exultation the truly adventurous should head to the outer perimeter of the upper woods there in the furthest and most inaccessible reaches is to be found the fabled rabbit temple of amun ra where untold riches and power awaits i really hope i find the fable temple of amun ra i think it's going to be an epic hunt the tables are nearly finished but we've got to stop for a second because it's time for the egg hunt hence brushing my hair out before and after now i'm truly ready for action and nicholas has just called us all together by the chapel i'll just show you how we're getting on with the table so far i can't believe how pretty it is looking it's really easter it's delightful i mean the color is like blue and blue and yellow exactly blue and yellow everyone's happy [Applause] i need you to help me phillip you're on my team good but i do feel like we've got a disadvantage what you haven't got your glasses on there's the section down to the bridge which is for the children and there's a section at the far back the outer perimeter of the upper woods where the most treasured and rare eggs are to be found for the most adventurous rabbits [Laughter] oh we are starting to find some pretty good stuff down here oh antoine spotted it watch down scooby doo is making his way to the egg scooby doo's gonna do it he's trying to find a way oh yeah too late yost yes were you seriously gonna walk all the way along i am so excited that we've got blue bells on this side of the woods for the first time since i've been living at la land i've seen one or two before but nothing like this now we've got blue bells everywhere yay hey sabine you look too pumped thank you it's because i'm wearing makeup for once oh and my aunt and uncle are vision in yellow [Laughter] i have found my first eggs i'm going to start off by eating the cadburys cream egg here we have a canadian bunny going to try to retrieve the egg is he going to manage it ah yes he's using ingenuity wondering how the easter bunny got it up there in the first place yeah i'd like to know that myself he's a keen jumper yeah wow oh and you caught it yeah that's beautiful this looks a little bit like the use of child labor to me yes i've said it before and i'll say it again yes your son is very like you i've taken i haven't seen any eggs for a while i feel as though we've maybe left the trail of the eggs but it is very beautiful this is the route you suggested well i was trying to get the outer perimeter of the woods to try to find the temple of ammun ra is this the way to yeah i don't know i'm completely lost phillip and i think we've taken a big detour big detour i think we just went into the woods and now going back there like that through three three eggs what a fortuitous day this could be the little eggs that lead us to almond raw the people ahead of us have got a full bag haven't they they're picking up all the eggs before we get to them i think we need to overtake i've got i've got to learn i should have known this from past easter's never walk behind jen never and wear boots i know that's not what anything i've learned from past easter's we found a dark chocolate one yes i think this one is nice my mother actually uh bought 20 packets of eggs yeah for today so we have british eggs and dutch eggs and lint bunnies all i wanted was a lint bunny but i'm starting to give up hope the first one i found oh nice you've got another one oh yes so maybe it continues well what's up with the uh oh my gosh i think there might be a bunny [Music] i had totally given up hope we've been walking down this path for so long there's the chicks as well oh that is superb we must have hit the furthest reaches i think we should share the spoils i think the spoils of war yes i'm gonna take a pink bunny i'm truly happy with it oh yeah this is not something i'm going to say no to you thank you you got the hedgehog i picked it for him i don't know if you are coming or not and i have a little a little skit look at all those lovely bunnies crossing the bridge did you find any eggs we found so many look show them oh that's amazing oh your bags they are the best bags aren't they cute they are incredible yeah you did really well and i think oh and more looks already stolen the rest of it yes but i negotiated i carried her a couple of meters and she gave me this exchange fair enough yes i love coming down and this is the perfect day for it before we go back and finish everything ready for lunch i wanted to bring you into the chapel because i've got really exciting news for everybody and i thought this was the perfect place to tell you on easter sunday in the chapel and i know many of you were worried about my mother's eyesight because back in december my mother got covered and although her symptoms were very mild she was extremely affected by it because of the covid quarantine she had to stay quarantined for 10 days but on the first day of her quarantine she started to lose the vision in her only good eye because my mother was born blind in one eye as was my grandmother as well as a family thing and her one good eye the vision started to fade but she couldn't see the specialist until she was out of quarantine by which time she was down to 20 vision in the only eye that she could see from so it was a real crisis and she had treatment for months it wasn't improving it very much and they decided that they would have to change the lens in that eye and it was a big success she got 60 70 vision in that eye but then the doctor said well as this could happen again if you get a hemorrhage in that eye again i think we should try and change the lens in your blind eye just in case it makes a difference it's worth a try you've got nothing to lose it could give you maybe 10 vision in that eye so my mother decided to go ahead with it and just recently just a few weeks ago my mother underwent the operation and woke up the next day to find that she had 80 vision in her blind eye my mother is in her 80s she's been blind in that eye her whole life and now she can see to me that is a complete miracle it is amazing and admittedly it was a bit difficult at first because she had complete double vision her brain was not used to it it didn't know what was going on and she was told it could take up to two months to sort out but within 10 days her brain had sorted everything out and she can see and it's amazing and i wanted to share this news with all of you on easter sunday and to thank all of you for asking me about my mother and her vision and how she's doing and i'm really really happy to be able to share this news with all of you and now i have to go and finish the tables for everybody kim it's magnificent thank you thank you so a great help in the kitchen oh this is easter look at that eggs and these onions and pate which i love [Music] well this is one of the cutest moments of the entire easter day ziggy absolutely loves meeting the lamb yeah ladies and gentlemen i think the easter bunny says that lunch is ready to be served it's an idyllic sight everyone's eating or grabbing their food and we are bringing out champagne and pink champagne for everyone i'm loving today we have a winner for most eggs all that chocolate oh well done 66 eggs you've got a new friend haven't you i do it's so beautiful you know you're going to have to let ziggy go home i know well we could swap him one of the laps sure oh yeah they're not even our lambs but we're happy to make a swarm i think we're the peacocks as well yeah okay yes all right you drive a hard bargain you'd have said yes to anything to keep them given a wing of the shadow also not mine i see some of the party have gone off onto a picnic blanket over there to lie in the sun the rest are just finishing up dinner the children are extremely busy today there's a lot to do and having had a huge lunch i'm going to go upstairs and edit this video for you all there's a pretty tense game of penalties going on outside my study window yo sun is in goal and the others are attempting penalty strikes there goes joe's daughter sadly she didn't make it through and now over to lily how is lily going to do oh again stopped by case in goal and now i'm back at my desk about to edit this for you this evening and to give me strength i have made special fortnum and mason easter tea that emily had brought for us in this oh i think there was a girl outside in this beautiful spode mug that comes with its own tea strainer and i've devised this method of using the bernard cup to hold the strainer when i finish with it and the only thing i need to make my snack complete is my easter bunny happy easter everyone if you enjoyed this video then please leave a like because it helps us enormously with the youtube algorithm and for more shadow content don't forget to subscribe a huge thank you to all of my patrons especially the dolphins and dauphines of la land yayland ether alice allen bill ballard dan banda whaling banshee cecilia begum denise behrens lauren bell amy bennett jill bidwell candice blackburn dan albanacovich candace and ed burkowski kevin burrowbridge brandon and john michael paulina calabro matthew chop gregory claire linda concepcion erin conklin zoe dork sylvia dem jim demersman and richard patternord sicora dennis jason dube jackie allison nicholas w fairfax kevin fossum fifi greenberg donald goodmiller crystal hardy delaine hallbrook kim hasselhoff david and tong henderson camila herrera jacqueline holmes and ken bates karen mike hopper sandra hawley john hostettler melissa johnson van der kammerth sandra carafa brian kelsey and phil burnt jimmy kemp david and summerland morgan lawley angel leonard lisbeth and eno shelly little janet huff lombard radika madala marina frank martin grant and erin mcloone jerry mullen karen nicholson kathy nori jco ward ellen person wendy piatek frank popovsky and james snow tamara price carol quimby bonan amin rahm and tony renee collette retif hani ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlan sven schreiber jennifer shanks sharon rebecca shorek carl and laurie sieber teresa sloane sabrina sowati nanette silverson susan stevens montesterpura rene valerie victoria jessica walker laura watkins lucas wallen april westerville james whalen linda beast christine wilson greg wood david young and ludovico's ordonazo and thanks to all of you [Music]
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 157,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stately home, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, stephanie jarvis chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, easter, easter celebrations
Id: B8kpo7eM7CE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 1sec (1861 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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