CAT goes WILD for DAVY!

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i have woken up to the most beautiful morning at la land it's slightly misty but you can tell it's going to be a beautiful day and i cannot wait to go downstairs because there are so many lovely people in the house phillips parents are visiting my aunts and uncle are here and there's a surprise guest arriving later today i've come out from my morning walk around the new garden i always come out with my cup of tea in the morning to see what's been going on oh i wasn't expecting anyone else to already be out here with my uncle's there i'm confused it's fast thing in the morning what are you doing up or even outside well i've been up and outside for two hours since oh no i'm not no i'm not a vampire it's not the best time to to water but i'm trying to get all these sprayers working so the water gets onto the plants and not all over us but as you can see i am a bit wet and so you've been testing the the sprayers out very refreshing oh can we see sprinklers in action later i would love to see sprinklers in action oh here we go and then we should have one working yes and then you can switch it off [Music] there we are wow i mean it's the versailles fountain we've got them without the color and then so all of the bushes all the way around they've got a drip a little drip strip yeah very slowly and these things are working quite well quite happy but getting them positioned so that plant up there gets wet that one that specific one [Music] cheap and cheerful yes what we should have really done go for the rolls royce oh how come we've even got one of the rolls royce we have two i don't know but without a bit but i pinched that off from there so that's going to go in the middle and yeah do a full circle and then all will be good so i should probably explain this isn't the final look of the watering system uh that's because there will be no final watering system here maybe planned a garden that would be completely self-sufficient after two years and not require watering but for the first two years especially in these early stages and in the height of summer we have to look after these plants as much as possible but davey told us that there was no point in spending a lot of money to get a permanent watering system which we then won't use in the future oh it's there's no more water there in the palm the bowser is empty the well is dry well that means you're on a dumper to drive around yeah please would you mind no okay here we go just let me take things off this why is the seat wet thompson where was your spring uh oh i'm gonna get soggy pink pajamas i am now an average dumper driver but i've never tried the dumper plus a trailer i think i needed life insurance as well [Music] can't you reward yourself you helmet i'll sing it [Music] oh no will you racy lady [Music] oh my god what a woman [Music] not quite lewis hamilton speed but the happiest person on the planet driving towards me yeah breathes a sigh of relief that bowser has got to be there so we're good we're now we're now we're going to admire your reversing skills [Music] i had to reverse it daniel why are you dragging the dumper in your pajamas well it was in my pajamas when there was a dumper emergency what was i supposed to do the bowser emergency yeah well and the bowser was attached to the dumper so what yeah i just handed my bowser isn't it you know what you mean my bowser my digger yeah today i see a second mini digger here is the day this is your bowser so what's the plan for today um we've got that little triangle still to plant behind the head oh yeah the mystery triangle so we've got the last bit of earth there we'll put in take ground and then plant the last plants more planted why is it that every time i see you i end up oh where davey said go crazy i don't really know what that means i feel like here's crazy his plant exactly how i said in the planet i'll go crazy is what but what did you do last time go to lidl buy all of their half-price plants and then make some kind of underground bunker that the only two people in the world can fit into it are you and philip that i think was going crazy yeah if anyone hasn't seen dan go absolutely crazy on his videos uh i'll post a link to it here because it's it's really quite something okay i'm changed and now i am definitely ready for gardening these are the plants that davey has said we can go wild with anyone have any ideas how to go wild with plants do not hesitate to let me know in the comments below because i am pretty short on options planting them i thought was was about as wild as i get i didn't know what dave you meant by go wild and i thought it might be different from what we yeah for example so i've just had the following text exchange with him he said follow the planting plan ah so that kind of wild yeah that's what i've lost so what go wild go yeah you mean follow the planting plan precisely uh he said yes we're the ones in the triangle so i've asked him what about the others and he said go wild no with a question mark i don't know what that means though so we're none the wiser but get ready for wildness it seems like a lot of plants to do again on our own i'm pretty i think we need pretty bored of it what how could you be born look how destroyed i was last time okay what would make this better at least one other person a fun person i do a really can we get a really fun fun person the funnest what do we need to do to achieve that do we what about ring the bell yeah alright let's do it ring for fun that's how happy cat was to be asked to jump into shots this is basically cat torture isn't it perform perform for the vlog [Laughter] say hey we've got help and she's fun honestly if honestly i would know the great outdoors if it was absolutely decking me in there no no we looked at each other what we need what we really need is a londoner yeah yeah and now we've got one that is true let's go out parts maybe it's because okay it wasn't really the bell that called cat i know a lot of you will believe that the bell has those powers she actually arrived yesterday and this is the moment she got here okay now phillip just pop her in the cellar where she can't leave it's your favorite place isn't it it feels like such a long time since i've been here i mean i left in september stuff's happened i know you didn't even notice the courtyard there are 2d trees i know yeah we insist all trees must be two-dimensional around it's like a storybook yeah yeah it is well like what i saw you've got your part from the center card to the side part it's not that's the things that he notices i would never have noticed cam so true right i'm so sorry honestly you could have had a facial piercing but oh your hair's gone from sims faster so that's nice i don't think it was even on purpose okay you're looking magnificent thank you thank you thank you well you know when you're gonna be on youtube let's make an effort okay this is not good someone told the peacocks about the new garden no no no no no no no no no no no can we put the sprinklers on i'm afraid absolutely not we're gonna have to get the disco tape out here what on earth is this what is this don't look at me daniel who did it did i did i ever say i like gnomes there was a gnome conversation there was when we said that it might be fun to have a gnome area in the far reaches of the forest that people could discover like there's a little surprise there's there's only rouge gnomes this is definitely a little surprise this guy where did you even get them what's that one i think he's drunk a bit and he's gone for a wee in the garden it's good to know someone's in charge of watering okay you are not in charge of choosing the statues for this garden i thought i did a good job [Music] okay we're off the dumper we brought it round to the front and we're stopping for lunch but first i thought you might like to see how kirsty has been getting on in the garden because it's amazing coming out here it changes on an almost daily basis i am following kirsty who has told me this something very exciting i need to see in the garden yeah the whole garden is honestly so exciting right now it's so pretty well these were planted last year so there are any baby plants but look how many flower heads we have and they're all going to be blackberries i hope so i hope so but it's covered absolutely covered i've never seen anything like it from a little plant i didn't expect that this year in business what lewis is doing for me today he's trying to train these very rebellious climates to the frame again how's it going with the rebellious climate it's clematis it's so breakable it's so fragile yeah be very careful but not but normally if i do a loose enough um loop and attach all um dead wood with a tight knot it should just keep going straight up straight up great that's the idea yeah yeah that's good theory what i do is the the areas that um have got like a dead stem yes they will support the plant and yeah they're stronger later so i'm trying to use them rather than just cutting it all away um we've got some flowers already we've got flowers i saw buds i haven't seen a flower yeah i um i have to find them first kilometers where did we see it before kilometers hunt that i don't know what the prize is for the first person to find a clematis flower drat i found a bud does a bud count no bud does not count chaos in the garden as we try to locate together actually i saw one in the greenhouse but i don't know if that counts i'll claim that one i saw it first [Music] see it wasn't making it up you got one you win louis i guess so oh yes i was just starting to unfurl and look what the rotavator found every single jerusalem artichoke that was ever planted oh but you know what i really like jerusalem artichokes so what's that was that you're saying you really love them i'm not sure they entirely agree with me well now we have a jerusalem artichoke plantation so i hope you do enjoy them i did hear that once you've planted them you have them for life they are permanent it's food for free i'm not having to do anything other than attack it with a rota base but roasted with salt uh oh oh they'll be lovely in the autumn we'll see if i can persuade you maybe maybe soup no no i'm not i'm not getting anywhere we do grow um but her savory that's in the greenhouse and apparently savory withdraws some artichokes prevents the um the after effect the unfortunate side effect of jerusalem unfortunate but slightly hilarious well actually that's great i would very much like to try it whatsoever can you show me what savoury is actually don't know what it is so growing at the back here we've got the uh one of the remaining plants from the original cocktail corner this is uh savoury or i think the french is cerealette oh yeah it smells delicious it does smell good let's let's have a piece let's try it smells amazing a little bit like oregano is it quite minty it is it's much stronger than oregano it tastes like italy with mint i'm gonna go for a cross between oregano and mint mmm what are the benefits of this again what did we just discover on the internet yeah well apparently um it helps prevent having pleasure too early we just discovered as we were just double checking but this added to jerusalem artichoke helps prevent the unfortunate side effect yeah it's meant to uh sort of alleviate the gas that through some artichoke gas issue yes it's amazing what you're doing in here i've got three different colors of lupine this year those are the loops they're going to be so pretty and imagine then in the house in vases oh yes well the mature plants outside um because the grass around the where the pergola is going has been left to grow i found a load of baby um baby lupines yes because they haven't been mowed and streamed so i'm going to rescue them and um and relocate them because the lupines do so well against that wall i think yeah actually i noticed that there is a lupine that's in flower outside so i'm going to grab a vase and then we can make a nice bouquet for the kitchen so for the lunch i prepare a little salad with cucumber avocado avocado and apple fantastic with a magical vinaigrette magic vinegar has to be of course magical lemon juice and cider vinegar yum little spice mustard and at the end oil olive olive oil yes yes and for the little helps from the garden oh the fennel yes it's like annette yeah i love it love it and it's a very good wedding between cucumber and annette yeah yeah in the garden they love to grow together do they yes and in the in the salad it matched too yeah and in the mouth yes and chives yes because uh the flower the flower begins after the the tish was will be too strong okay so you have to pick it now it's time to and do you use the flower tops yes yeah because they taste very um oniony don't they yes really garlicky it's the same family of onion shallots and garlic i love it fantastic i'm looking forward to lunch see you as cyril's making such an amazing looking lunch we do need those flowers that i saw sooner rather than later because i want them on the kitchen table for lunch so i'm back out with my speciality gardening gear kitchen scissors these are the lupines that i spotted earlier how pretty they are so i'm going to take some of these and i spotted some other purple flowers over here i think they'll look really pretty with them the flowers are just starting now it's getting exciting coming out into the garden pretty these are yes this is coming together and i think spud is just pointing out those pink flowers to me going hey steph would you recommend a little bit of pink oh you're right spud i think so you tell you're very wise with that white tail feather oh let's have some of these okay spud what do you think good color combinations yep yeah i think that is the seal of spud approval hard to tell very inscrutable cockroach and for the scent as much as anything else we have to add some lilac they are so pretty i'm really happy with how they turned out i think they look incredibly pretty so perfect for our lunch hello dan what do you think of my bouquet yeah shook and all right very merry wick do you want to just sit down and maybe contemplate it for a little while no i'm good i've seen it now it's good it's really good have you tried the salad that was even better oh i'm gonna have some now i'm happy we did leave a little thank you enjoy it oh this salad looks so so good you're staring intently i'm trying to find the lilac flower with five petals it has to be online yeah it has to have five petals if you find it you can eat it and make a wish and then it will come true okay they are edible so yeah oh these have all got four yes so it is hard to find one okay let's see so ukraine basically specializes in special magical five-petaled lilacs well i think that uh if the larvae has five petals like genetic genetical error or something you know oh so the la land is [Laughter] you have you have you've got to eat it and make a wish have you ever sprayed lilacs with any chemicals never never you're saying yeah i'm making a wish perfect look at this idyllic site we just need mummy and percy and gerald family will be complete this is good i've delegated you've delegated yeah oh well done well done i don't know what to do i've told natalie where to go where'd to go what the what happened after you told me what to do then you kicked me in my backside so you won't be doing that again [Laughter] [Music] me and davey there's a photo of us in venice that steve took that he sent me and just staring adoring me at him but everyone does that with baby how tall he is [Laughter] i've already told you how i think about him every time i have a bath or specifically you might need to explain that part of it well he fixed the tower bathroom bath and yeah so every time i sit in the and now he's driving me wild with planting okay you've got the plan dan is the man with the plan in his hand actually now i'm the one with the primer yeah it would have been good with that um all right so as long as we can tell these apart we'll be absolutely fine okay so behind those are the corelopsis sinensis yeah grab the coral opsis um they are yeah really is that um where's the label where's [Laughter] good boy spud is phillips parents dog and they are visiting at the moment and spotty's being extremely helpful with the planting uh by just tying everyone in knots yeah just go round cat just carry on round cat that corian lopsis oh you've decided not to find the coral opsis have you okay by power of elimination we'll wait to see what's left can you hurry up with the geranium macro rhizome special please okay do we feel like this is it yeah you're the gardener here in a clump i think that's it so you better find that corial opposite just get the coriolopsis let's skip that one no wait that's it we can go wild with the rest oh no they're not labeled the only one not labelled oh marie used to have an excellent app for like finding the app have you got the app use it use it use it where you point it at a palm and it tells you what the plant is that is thinking about it thinking about it uh cystopteris fragilis i thought it was a firm but it's a stop sign it's a bladder this is why kirsty is the head gardener we should get her expertise out here what's this one right we don't have them should we ring davey yeah okay so davey do we have all of the plants even though we don't have a another shrubs there's three blobs and three shrubs and there are two two shrubs missing is there a blob missing no come on oh hang on with three blocks we've got three blobs look damn we've got three different types of plants therefore the other missing one is a shrub not a blob ah okay we didn't know it's a shrub not a blob we're we're sorted now and what about all the things that are left over the all the other plants you can go wild with that's the bit we're looking forward to cats here and she's very much looking forward to going wild with the plants and they can literally go anywhere else all right thanks davey okay i'll send photos later bye bye oh i wasn't expecting the trial to go into that very fertile this is gonna work davey said it's a ground cover that will be good at the edge of the forest path so i'm gonna focus on the edge of the forest path and i'm gonna go wild whilst you lot stick to the plan like the little sheep that you are i never said i was a sheep what are you goat philip's father and cat and i have focused on this little section here which i think davey would be absolutely proud of our clumping skills and that's really pretty because it's just on the edge of the woods and dan nicely done delica i thought very delicate spot approves by bernard is a national ukrainian what everything is a national ukraine that's why when i asked you is it the sunflower you're like yeah yeah and everything else that's almost everything else okay well welcome national ukrainian bush it's very pretty super pretty yeah it is a vibram yeah was this fun [Music] yes we could give that side no come on stop trying to give the wildness to other people just because you're feeling a bit tamed today i'm being serious do you want a pipe some slippers yes how about you i mean i'm very busy in a type of war are you ready to go wild mm-hmm what are we going with all the other plants you're making me lose my water yeah and we can do exactly what we've done yeah and we can do anything anything we want and david um i don't know what did david did make some like light suggestions though maybe as a border to the entrance is that davey jackson yes it's really good it's like he's in the room i thought he was with us i've gone wild yeah yeah yeah you went rogue yeah what have you done burns in between rocks what have you at least clumped them what tommy you clumped them down come on the go wild situation look whoa we've actually gone fast very natural we better get on with our wild planting at la land and make davey proud of us i hope you've enjoyed joining us today for some chateau life thank you to all of my patrons who are making the transformation of the gardens and the forest and the chateau possible here at la land before i go i would like to take a moment to say a special thank you to linda sue concepcion erin conklin zoe dorks sylvia dem jim demersman and richard paternord sakura dennis jason dube and jackie ellison thank you so much to each and every one of you for everything that you're doing for us here at la land thank you to everybody and i'm really looking forward to seeing you from la land again on sunday [Music] you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 172,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stately home, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, stephanie jarvis chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, gardening, forest garden
Id: SDqmvZFn15Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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