The Character Sanity Tier List Genshin Impact

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that way would Barbara snap and just start chucking rocks at them because she's so used to death and stuff oh this is kind of dark [Music] oh no you ever just look at a character and wonder what is going on inside that head of theirs well that would be the inspiration for today's tier list the sanity tier list or the tier list of how much they can take before they just snap the tears are the extremely sane the ones with the highest mental fortitude the ones who can handle a lot of pressure you know the same ones you know just the Average Joe's like you and I the might snap on a bad day that's gonna be the fun one the a little crazy and the insane help is required so let's get into it Aether and lumine are just the average Joe but here's the thing could I see Aether or Lou means snapping yes yes I can see the thing is they're constantly helping so many people and they don't have a stress reliever I feel eventually I think that they'll just kind of one day they'll get one too many requests and someone will be like can you go help and find my puppy and then I can just picture them like something goes off in their brain and then they'll just be I don't know can you help me find my brother and then they'll just be like what what are you talking about and then they'll just pull out their sword and start attacking I feel like eventually what happened so yeah Albedo he definitely has some demons I think he has a good control of those demons though I feel like those trips and dragon spine of him just secluding and resting I think those those would help kinda keep himself in check if you will I mean he has some insane clones for sure but he's he I think he can hold him his own pretty well Amber I think has extremely high fortitude because she's a tour guide of a city and as a tour guide you probably deal with a lot of just bad human beings and she's probably always like chipper and stuff someone will insult her and then her response would just be like oh I'm so sorry she would kill you with kindness you know the type of person that you're upset and you get upset with them and then you want them to match your mood Amber would never do that because she would always be really happy so I feel like she has her stuff together because of that aika's kind of similar because she's the head of an estate besides for ayato she's like really high up there in her clan and I feel like she's used to dealing with people a lot of the extremely sane are gonna be just people who know how to tolerate but yeah ayaka I think can handle a lot Barbara oh what Barbara wait would Barbara snap yeah I think she might because her life is just too colorful rainbows and I feel like one day she might get in a fight with her sister and everything would just come crashing down she would go to work the next day and someone would ask how she's doing and then she would just start throwing Bubbles at the unexplained yeah she would just snap because she's not used to anything bad I feel Beto I feel like has to be a little crazy because of her profession she's the leader of a huge ass boat full of booze people and she's a boozehead herself yeah I feel like to be a pirate Captain you have to be a little crazy but it's kind of like the good kind of crazy you know what I mean Bennett I think would definitely snap one day because of all the stuff he's been through one day his luck will be a little too much he'll have that one trip up too many and Barbara or fish will just come up to him and be like are you okay Bennett and he'll just kind of go into like a state of just rage and just start chucking rocks at them yeah I could see that yeah eventually that would happen even though he has the anxiety thing in his popsicles I feel like he's actually just the average Joe because addictions don't necessarily mean crazy to me and the thing is it's a stress reliever and I feel like if you have the stress reliever for him eating the Popsicles you're less likely to snap because you have that thing to rely on yeah and just so many people in real life who have just weird addictions that it's kind of normal to me yeah I'm Gonna Keep Them There D Luke I think has his stuff together I think he'll snap it like an abyss Mage or something but that's not really a person right he has a Thai like tolerance because he can deal with Kaya and I feel like if he were to snap he would have already done so with Kaya yeah okay we're gonna keep him there diona I think's a little crazy because of how constantly upset she is I don't think any normal person's that upset all the time actually wait are there people like that no I don't think so if they're already a comment um yeah if she had bad days and good days I would put her higher but she's just constantly ger yeah no she's a little crazy official the thing with Fishel is she has that Eighth Grade Syndrome thing whatever you call that is literally called eighth grader yeah 8th grader syndrome is her thing but the thing with visual is she's still really young she's not an adult yet it's kind of like her coping mechanism and her Detachment from the world and that's not insane I put her in a little crazy if she was a full-grown adult acting the way she is yeah she would be insane but since she's still young I'm gonna put her in a little craze yeah ganyu is I feel like she has a lot of fortitude extremely high mental tolerance because she's dealing with so many people in her line of work and she's always overworked that's the thing if she were to snap she would have snapped already she would have pulled out her bow and just eliminated half of Liu at this point but she hasn't and because of that I feel like she has a big brain a big sane brain who tells our first insane yeah because no funeral director should be that happy all the time and the thing is I feel like she doesn't know how to process other emotions because she's so used to death and stuff oh this is kind of dark but yeah she's never like can you imagine who Tao being upset or sad because I can't and it's kind of making me sad thinking about it I want to give her a hug and say it's okay to let her emotions out you know Gene yeah when you're a leader of an entire group of people I feel like similar to ayaka kind of you have to have a high tolerance of and I feel like she definitely has that yeah Kaya kayakaya I think he would snap on a bad day but not in the traditional sense I feel like you you say something mean to him at a bar or something and then he'll laugh it off right but he's cooking something deep down and then you're walking home and you hear a noise behind a dumpster and then you just run home and you find Kaya there waiting with his sword in hand ready to just chop you to throw you in a bathtub of ass okay this is kind of messed up because Shing I think is she an insane because she has little snaps she'll get upset with you a lot but it's not like a full out rage and I feel like since she has those normal slight outbursts she would never snap because she has a coping thing where she's just a little angry a lot yeah she's an average Joe I think for sure Clee I think is if she was an adult blowing stuff up Fallout insane shouldn't she's a child a little crazy because I don't think children usually commit acts of arson and blow up carriages and have the entire city running after them yeah that's not really the most normal thing even for a child you know Lisa might snap on a bad day but not in the angry way more in the just she would smile and just electrocute you with 10 000 volts I can imagine that like you say something mean about gene or something and then she would just smile and do like the ARA ARA and just zap you to death yeah Mona I definitely think is an average Joe she has a job she's down on her luck a lot she I can't picture her snapping either because she she's very witty and like she gets angry a lot and when you get angry from time to time you're less likely to snap you look at these people in the might snap they're not angry people and some of the same average Joe people are more Angry yeah ning Guang has to have high fortitude she's the leader of a Nation you have to be able to deal with a lot yeah I feel like she probably has an under the table coping mechanism that she has like a stress reliever but the thing is that's a very normal thing I think Noel also yeah extremely high fortitude because she never gives up and keeps on trying to become a knight and honestly she's too good for that at this point like come on I could never imagine her snapping Noelle would not snap she's too precious and kind to snap so yeah she she's extremely tolerable of just negative things and I respect that Chichi oh this is a weird one because she's I don't think she's insane I'll put her in a little crazy this is a weird one because she obviously wouldn't snap because her emotions are kind of whack I feel like she can read the room in her own weird way but she's definitely a little crazy in the sense that she's not like a traditional person and her brain is probably you know a little fried because she's kind of dead razor I think Razer is insane and no not I don't think razer's insane I think he needs help because he's been raised by wolves and I feel like he doesn't really know what Society is he has good friends like Bandit and stuff but if someone says something messed up and he doesn't understand the situation I feel like he'll just pull out his sword and start attacking the person and it'll just go up to the razor after and be like what did you do and then he's like he insults friend and you just be like no ah but no yeah yeah I can picture razor doing that sucrose she sucrose is so attached to her war and I feel like it's definitely a normal thing and she has anxiety and stuff but she wouldn't snap no because her work is her Detachment from the world it feels and when you have that detachment as a stress reliever I feel like you'd be okay that's a normal thing to do I feel yeah tartaglia is a little insane for sure no normal person is that obsessed with beating the absoluting schnot out of people it's one thing to enjoy a fight right as a sport and I feel like he does kind of see it as a sport but it's a little too much if he could control himself a little more I feel like it would be all right and he does have a family and stuff right yeah I still see him prioritizing his family over violence but the thing is he's not around his family enough for me to separate who you know what I mean like we don't know but he is a little too combat obsessed venti I think see I think a lot of the gods have an extremely high fortitude because they're Gods right they can obviously deal with more like ning guang's leader of a Nation but the gods are on just another level and yeah he has his drinking thing and he acts a little strange sometimes you can definitely say that but at the end of the day I feel like he has his stuff together a lot and the thing is having an alcohol addiction is one of the most you can say it makes you a little crazy but I think that's one of the most normal things it's weird addictions don't make you crazy guys I I don't think that's the case Zhang Ling is very normal and I can't picture her snapping because shinsi's a chef I think she can take constructive criticism towards her food and I don't think she would snap either no no jingling is very like an average Joe hisao just needs help I wouldn't even put him in necessarily the insane aspect although he might be a little cray-cray but he just needs the help of a lot of people because he's so far gone and it's kind of sad because he's just constantly protecting everyone he's falling into the abyss it seems and it's getting more and more difficult to see him ever becoming a normal person but I feel like he just needs Like A coping mechanism right something to detach himself from protecting an entire nation right Zhang Chu very normal very normal guy I don't think he would snap either I think since he's an author similar to zhangling actually they both have that tolerance of constructive criticism that they wouldn't snap and they're just kind of normal people at like a novelist and a chef they're both very normal jobs you know you know extremely high fortitude why because she's a musician and musicians go through so much trials and turbulations and even in her backstory she kind of had that thing where no one really believed in her and stuff but it was like her passion and she's stuck with it you know what respect girl respect Zhang Lee I'm gonna put him at the top top because he's the oldest God he has his stuff together so well like sure he won't know certain things about like certain human Customs he won't be familiar with but that doesn't make him look crazy or anything Rosaria I think is a little crazy yeah because half of her is an assassin and half of her works for the church the professions are too far separate like if she was a nun and then she worked at like a bakery or something it would be really normal but no she's an assassin and that's a little her brain has to be a little fried I feel like after that you know Eula ooh Eula you look One Snap yeah you love my snap snap because she has her little witty moments at people but I feel like she has the snapping of the next level that very few people would see like if you insult Amber or something like you can insult her clan and her family and she'd be like yeah whatever those guys but then you insult Amber and she'd be like so you've chosen death like literally she would instantly do that it's kind of wholesome I like that oh Yen FEI I think she has a very normal job is she too into her job kind of but I don't think she would snap is she a little crazy no we're gonna put her in the same average joke because there's some people in real life that are really attached to their job and that kind of like when you have that Obsession like because you can be obsessed with your job just as much as you can be obsessed with booze and her job is her booze you know kazuha I feel like has a lot of fortitude because he escaped like he's been through so much he'll never get angry I don't think like he'll get upset but he'll never snap you know yeah kazuha has a high tolerance of very poor situation you're a Mia I'm gonna put in a little crazy but it's the good kind of crazy because her obsession with fireworks is it's such a far out there Obsession and she's so eccentric like I can't realistically see that many people being this eccentric so I feel like she has to be a little crazy but she definitely knows her limits and she's good at reading people in her own weird way so we're gonna keep her there asayu is a little crazy in the sense that no normal person is that obsessed with sleeping people have addictions and her addiction is sleeping but when that addiction just becomes her life that's a problem yeah she has a problem should I put her you know we're gonna put her in the help required tier not the insane aspect just the help required Ryden see I would definitely snap on a bad day instantly and the thing is she's in the process of getting introduced back into society so I'm gonna put her in a little crazy but I feel like as time goes on she'll like climb the tears and eventually be on the same mental state as the other gods yeah Sarah is funny enough I'm gonna put Sarah in the same average Joe because she's just kind of like if this was a real job she'd be a police officer and as a police officer I feel like you have to be a little strict and you have to be a bit of a hard ass and she's both of those things and she has her weird like side addiction of being a little obsessed with her God but it's in like a respect way I feel so yeah okay we'll keep her there kokomi I feel like has an extreme tolerance of people because she's a military tactician in general and you're dealing with a lot of different people who probably all have reasons for joining her and a lot of those reasons are probably negative and stuff and she's probably like she knows how to deal with people I feel so we're gonna keep her there Eloy I don't know she seems like an average Joe so we'll put her there Toma definitely has a high tolerance of people and a lot of people did you play Thomas character Quest so many people were just on his ass and didn't like him but then never hindered his mentality he was always just like yeah there's people like that it's fine and I respect that yo he's a good man good for you Tomah ito's a little crazy similar to yoy Mia he's definitely the good kind of crazy though you feel me like he's not insane but he's out there like he's definitely not a normal person he's the fun kind of crazy yeah he tells he tells the Chad crazy friend you know Goro would snap on a bad day if you insult kokomi or like his brothers in arms even if you're just a normal civilian I feel like his hair was stand on end he'd start hissing at you and you'd have to run away from him like he was a stray animal yeah yeah he would snap I feel like she would snap because she doesn't know like she's not that into human society yet and I feel like it's kind of similar to ride and actually except she has her bearings together more I feel like she's awkward awkward and weird in a good way but I feel like if you insult honestly just the main character because she seems to be really protective of just you in the game actually so I feel like if you insult you she would just like kick you in the face randomly and you'd just be like whoa whoa what are you doing and then she just be like do not speak ill of my best friend and it'd be a nice thing yunjin similar to Yo these two are always going to be together yeah cause she's a performer you have to deal with critique and stuff and your brain has to be a little far like ahead of the game to be in that state you know yeah she's good Miko I think is is she insane or is she a little crazy yeah no she's insane I feel like if you were to win an argument against yai Miko she would just make you disappear and nobody would even know that's the thing yeah a lot of these other characters are very obviously insane while she's just kind of on the down low you know ayato I think would he snap no I think he has a high tolerance and he gets up set with people a lot and when you get upset with people I think you're less likely to snap because that is like it's a low version of a normal snap but with him yeah he is the average Joe Elon has to be a little crazy for her line of work because we don't even know how far how messed up the stuff she does are because she does things for the sake of Liu for sure but do you think she's actually killed people because I kind of think that yeah I won't be surprised if she has like a relatively high body count and for that yeah she has to go in the little crazy shinobu has to have a high fortitude because she deals with ETO all the time and she's always bailing him out of trouble and she went as far as to travel to a different Nation to study you gotta respect that right and I feel like she has her bearings together yeah shinoba knows what she thought Hazel is the average Joe he's too swell and cunning to snap I think like his snapping would just be a quick jab to the face and he'd be like sorry about that want me to buy you dinner yeah he would definitely do that Tai nari I think would snap up on a bad day yeah he definitely has his angry moments but I feel like if you don't take like your prescription Tylenol or Benadryl and he catches you doing that for like the humpteenth time he would just force you to take it he'd tie you to a bed and like force feed you and that's kind of like a version of snapping to me if you feel me kalei is a little crazy because of the split personality thing but I think she has her stuff you know no we're gonna put her in the might snap on a bad day because she's very like she's done well for herself to get to the point that she's at but if you like touch if you bump into her arm like the Metro I feel like she'd just pull out her bow and start shooting everyone in her vicinity yeah Dory is a little crazy because she's too obsessed with money you know what no she's insane that's the thing when your addiction becomes your lifestyle that's when you need help and money is all she thinks about like yeah it's a very normal thing to think about but like don't let that Define your character girl like get a hobby you know nilu I think actually you know what because of her character Quest I'll put her in a extremely sane High mental fortitude the way she dealt with that whole situation in the Grand Bazaar was very professional and like yeah everyone had to like give her that little push but now that she has that push I don't think she'll ever go back to just being normal I feel like she has that extra bit of Courage Sino is he insane or does he need um or sorry is he insane or is he a little I'm gonna put him in a little crazy because it's similar to yalon they both have very like dark and edgy jobs that I feel like you have to be a little out to lunch to really like perform you know what I mean Candace is high mental fortitude because she's been in this like Village for her whole life and it hasn't got to it like gotten to her at all and she's so accustomed to that lifestyle of leading people in a small area under harsh conditions even yo she's near the top she has to be near the top nahida what she wouldn't hit a snap the thing is Nikita might snap but it's a very justifiable like if you threaten the piece of her country she would snap but besides for that I think she has a high fortitude similar to the other God besides for a Lila I want to say she has a high mental fortitude because of all the the studious Endeavors she's been through but I think she might snap I think one day she'll like be up all night for her thesis statement or something and then she goes into school hands it in and gets like a c and then like the professor she'd go up to the professor after class and then be like what's wrong Lila and then she would just freeze them in place without explanation and just leave the room yeah she would do that our boy Wanderer is a little insane a little insane I can't lie about my boy like that he's very um how you say if you if you meet him on a bad day and you look at him funny he would just erase you from existence and I think that's you know I think that's a little insane if you catch my draft faruzon is the average Joe like there's normal sassy people like this she's a teacher I can't picture her snapping because she has little moments of anger and when you have those yeah no she won't snap I'll hate them I'll put in a little crazy because he takes addiction a little to the next level because his obsession with knowledge but he no he knows his limit so I'll put him in the average Joe category because he knows not to like get into that Forbidden Knowledge like if it was to Torah he'd be in a little crazy actually no he'd just be insane but yeah we're gonna keep him there yeah yeah we don't know enough yet so we'll just put her insane all right guys that was the sanity tier list this was a weird one I'm not sure like like let me know how you guys felt about this I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep doing tier list or not because I kind of enjoy doing it but let me know if you guys found this entertaining at all because that's kind of the important thing do you guys like it if you do we'll do more but if not I understand but take care guys and have a good one [Music]
Channel: BonkMeGud
Views: 27,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _7reO1R7Wn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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