Ranking the Genshin Impact MEN on what RED FLAG they are!

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welcome one and all well today I will be ranking the gentian impact man on what kind of red flag they would be now I have carefully hand-picked many different types of red flags that Google recommended for me to use in this tier list so I'll go through them right now gaslighting slash manipulating possessiveness irresponsible Behavior controlling Behavior condescending attitude uncommitted emotional outbursts and emotionally unavailable I've chosen just these few they're pretty General red flags all around so they would be good examples so I think they will work fine for this tier list now none of the men are safe here am I going to be gentle with any of these characters no am I holding back no no one is safe here so without further Ado let's begin Aether oh bad start already this man is so obsessed with his sister finding a sister like come on he's not gonna focus on you come come on bro speak up use your words you've got enough for a reason you're not going to get any communication he won't communicate properly with you at all straight into the emotionally unavailable Albedo man's only interested in things that interest him himself if you don't interest him you can just bugger off he's so secretive about what he's doing as well with all his experiments and research that like how are you going to trust him you can't you don't know what he's doing in his spare time like hello he's very calculating too he could be making this whole relationship a whole experiment for all you know put him straight in the gaslighting one I'll hate them honestly he couldn't care less about you he'd critique every single little thing you do no matter what it is kind words to come out of his mouth towards you or as a vacuum sealed as his shirt always put you down always ridicule you make you feel like shh like come on bro and to top it all off can't even move in with him he's already got someone in his house I didn't think so straight in the condescending attitude Ito oh my God this guy has the same number of brain cells as he has of ABS this means he needs to go back to school like how did he graduate scared of beans oh my word just I can't irresponsible Behavior buys you oh sketchy pharmacist much he'll tell you that what he's doing is good for the greater good but no he even allows a zombie toddler to work at his Pharmacy ironic much yeah straight into controlling Behavior Bennett he's so he's such a nuisance always unlucky always something's going to go wrong can never know what's going to happen or his fault or his fault can't excuse it strain to irresponsible Behavior Chong Ying sometimes he can't even control his emotions he says he becomes so exaggerated he needs to relax by taking a popsicle come on bro emotional Outburst straight up Sino this General can't even take things seriously his atrocious dad jokes show house unserious he is he can't even save his money properly he's too busy trying to collect cards like come on you're gonna be in debt soon D Luke Squidward here you're never gonna have a fun time with him he's always grumpy always cold he doesn't even like alcohol so you know you never ever gonna have a fun time with him he will put you down with his callous words definitely condescending attitude all right Goro he's a part of an army so you know he's never gonna be around so that's one strike this dog man is going to be too much energy to be around so second strike he's going to be very overwhelming he's so loyal that he probably will not even give you a second fourth uncommitted kazuha this poet knows his way around words so you know he's gonna be stirring up all different ideas in your head one with the wind yeah he'll be Gone With the Wind controlling Behavior definitely he knows what he's saying when he talks Kaya oh you know he's uncommitted uncommitted is his middle name he's got his whole window out for the whole world to see this absolute manhole you know he's going to be sneaking around into other people's bedrooms uncommitted definitely ayato he comes from a rich family so he's got that privilege he's got the status he knows he won't get harmed from anything but none of the responsibility will go to him it will all go to you he'll just sit back and relax and drink his Boba ayato Aya no Carvey this man this man he just thinks emotionally he never thinks logically he always has to cause an argument always has to defend himself always thinks that what he's thinking is Right which never is he has the assets to change but he won't he's going to be too focused arguing with his roommate to even care about you emotional outbursts Mika who he who even is this kid I don't know him I don't know I don't even know who he is he's that irrelevant he's not going to be there for you uncommitted see don't even know who he is Razor he has been raised by wolves so you know he's going to have no decency no manners unhygienic as like come on bro take a shower it's not that hard you dirty Hazel he's a detective so he'll be always inspecting your actions on what and what you do he'll go around claiming you as his Prize or as his reward then he'll go around flirting with everyone else seems pretty untrustworthy to me he'll claim you as his own that means possessive Behavior child oh no I'm sorry tartaglia wait what Ajax he's got three names con choose one I want to know your name not all these fake names you know he can't be trusted if he's gonna fake his own name this man is literally delusional no wonder his alternate form calls that his foul Legacy he even has to hide his sketchy job from his family you can't trust him at all he's even got a little bit of his stomach showing off cover up bro utterly sickening or revolting atrocious individual Tomah I'm just kidding get him out of here he'll think you're so so special to him he'll think you're all his he'll never let you leave his sight or he'll say he trusts you but he won't which is why he goes into possessive tinari he is such a huge ego he thinks he's right and he's in the mindset that he knows he's right and he'll make you think that you're in the wrong you aren't right what does the fox say uh do better put him in gaslighting venti he says he's a God but come on bro he's going to be all up in your face bragging about how he's a God and every single night when you come home he's gonna be absolutely wasted on the floor conked out irresponsible Behavior lay off the drinks man you're gonna have a heart attack Scaramouche this guy is the definition of a brat if he doesn't get his way he's gonna complain whinge just in general be a nuisance the amount of sass that you'll get out of him is Indescribable he's such a man child you you're not going to get a decent conversation with him at all without him being an absolute condescending attitude ciao this guy is so shut off from his emotions as if he's going to even think about your emotions too busy reminiscing about his dark past or whatever his angsty ass is too busy for you emotionally unavailable shinchi he can never take anything too seriously always has to make a joke out of something always has to tease someone else but then when you disturb him in his time of reading he's going to be so mad at you where's the logic like I can't even controlling Behavior zhangly where do I even start he faked his death you know he's not going to be there then if he's going to do something that extreme you know you're not in for a good time he's so broke he makes you pay for everything can he try to earn himself some money he could but he's just too lazy what a manipulator wait a minute you thought I was only going to go over the playable characters think again Dane sleeve you'll never be there for you always disappearing when things just get good straight into uncommitted to Toray the absolute definition of a red flag once you go into the relationship with him you're most likely going to come out even mutilated or dead pant alone he is a gold digger without a doubt he is always wanting your money always going to try and find a way to make your money his money controlling Behavior Capitano this so-called Captain won't even show his face to you like how is he going to be there for you when he can't even have a physical connection with you emotionally unavailable Pulcinella Mr Carrot knows here is so up himself so busy training soldiers for the fatui that he'll think his job and everything he does will be better than what you could even accomplish condescending attitude Piero this guy will think he's the absolute chess master he's playing 40 chess in his mind he'll be bending your life he'll be bending your life all around making you his puppet making you do what he wants gaslighting and manipulating Tomo or kazawa's friend this one is so easy he's not going to be there for you he's never going to be there for you you know why because he's dead okay now that that's all over thank you so much for watching please leave comments Down Below on what you thought about my rankings this wasn't meant to be taken too seriously this is all just for fun so I'd like to see what you have to say on this I hope you had fun watching and goodbye [Music]
Channel: Casper
Views: 20,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshinimpact, genshin impact, aether, kaeya, diluc, zhongli, tartaglia, ayato, kaveh, alhaitham, thoma, bennett, albedo, xiao, venti, scaramouche
Id: PA-XW9-6Cfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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