Kaveh's VA played genshin impact and i hope his legs are still intact omg that rhymes

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you don't have to give Subs my emotes are kind of bad disaster lesbian thank you for subbing oh wait I hope none of you are children because I swear a lot also where are your parents hello welcome to genshin impact it is me John gunship I should unmute the game audio so we can hear my lovely voice when it comes through I'm all right I've seen so many people pulling for him in front of their house but like I think the the palace is the Magnum opusi as someone just said uh let's build a team of Cave's most favorite people ever uh let's get tinari favorite people Sino yeah he's he's probably the favorite oh this guy you want this guy in fine I suppose I can you happy now this this jabroni here he's just looking at his dumb little notes maybe plays some of the events maybe do a bit of will you shut up scholars in the Academia our prime example I swear to God as you can see I've got a I've got quite the Hefty fun to work with are we gonna get coffee first pull is that what's gonna happen I can't believe people have trouble with this game honestly I got all three of them if I get official C6 before uh before coffee I'm gonna that's gonna be too silly okay kavi there's another Candace no you're the wrong Claymore my friend there's another Candace it's legit aren't going to get C6 let's get at least see one comedy please is it just oh there we go C1 it's another official there's another Candace I swear to God there he is that's C2 right yeah he is everybody in the banner came except for comment oh my God it's just a Luke again oh there's coffee okay oh my God there's gun you can I also get another convey no there's no level you know what we're having fun let me let me just do something real quick give me a second give me a second Gamers this is within my means as cave would say oh Stardust you're right yeah silly me well that's only going to give us like 11 more I don't think we're gonna get too many caves with that like if I can get C4 I'll be happy there's Candice again subscribe come on come on Cave come on baby come on sweet boy there he is I guess going swords he's a cat honestly all Ethan's more of a cat oh there it is that's T5 there we go we should move to their house to go for uh C6 is this the weight of the house I don't remember am I I'm lost aren't I no this isn't no I flew past it oh yeah it's over there I'm an idiot now I'll hate them forgot the keys just come on boy come on who's who's a good architect who's a good architect no top 10 saddest gamer moments right now no not Candace you two I swear to God and it's another tinari lamou what a Candace more like can disgrace [Applause] you could go into single territory like a peasant like a scrub it's just weapons I think the dream is dead all right yeah these things the guaranteed uh four star is right here come on C6 come on oh no no get out of here I swear to God go to Luke's POG Champs I lost I lost what like two 50 50s to dilute you guys you guys think you're so funny with the it's okay it's the game's fault let's just do the honors let's bring out the boy we've earned the boy so let's bring him out where is he there he is where's my oh not again [Applause] I'm so glad that they kept that take because I did a take that was completely non-verbal where I just went and like I that's still funny but like I I feel like a lot of people wouldn't understand that he was looking for his keys because not many people might know the lore um so I was like What if I just have him like Mumble wait personal keys and the knot again was just something I improvised uh at the end because I thought it would be funny if like oh this is this has happened several times now big stupid baby not again oh God just like jump scared by my own name here I'm breathing it in God it's it's me that's me that's my name in the game the ability to appreciate beauty is an important virtue I was so scared that I was gonna sound like Maximilian Pegasus when I said this line the ability to appreciate beauty is an important virtue Yogi boy it's good to get out and stretch your legs once in a while people aren't made to stay cooped up inside all the time I don't know what you're talking about a lot of these lines I'm like God he like me fr he really like me FRFR I could tell you about some of my more redeeming qualities one of the things as I recorded this line that I thought was is my laugh sexy enough for this man do I have a sexy enough laugh for kave this is the kind of [ __ ] that I think about during session have you guys seen that image of like a person lying in bed and they're thinking I have got to get sexier that's what I was thinking as I recorded coffee what instruments can kabe play hang on actually that's a good question give me a second I gotta I gotta pull up a [ __ ] post it's uh just one second all right so I think uh Cave would play something that sounds a little like uh this [Music] this paper food is alcohol this man has a serious alcohol problem this is the face of a late stage alcoholic right here it's beautiful I bet this would go great with a glass of wine see it's all alcohol thank you wait isn't isn't all haytham's uh Ascension one also just to thank you are they the same person top 10 theories why I'll hate them in cave are just linked by soul Soul linked whatever yes I've seen the demo ass shot people have sent it to me I've seen the pause at 44 seconds I have seen Cave's ass I feasted my eyes are you happy now yes I know the exact seconds because everybody in the comments was like pause at 44. whoa look at that what is that it's his ass yeah it's a great shot okay it's it's it highlights his features it highlights his his uh his vision and now for the sad lines where I'm like I'm gonna make people feel like [ __ ] whenever this kid's injured so many things I never accomplished oh why don't Crush my dreams I was like I wanna I want people to feel really bad for letting him die and also for getting heavy hits I've been through worse is that the client wait oh it's you I just love the the the hint of fear at the is that the client oh geez or my day's number written applications lately silence I'll hate them get out of here friendship ended with all Haytham where is the boy there he is I'll take care of this damn right you will God look at him merak is my favorite character in the game when I recorded uh the lines where I introduced uh mirac to um The Traveler I had no idea what it looked like I thought it was going to be some some fugly ass like ruined Sentinel looking thing so I was like I don't really care all that much about this robot like whatever it's just the tool I it's just the machine I don't give a [ __ ] but then like they made it super cute with a little facial expressions and I felt so bad because it's like I sound a little bit mean to mirac now and I really want to go back in time and stop myself from doing that this little handshake yeah do it again I love him spin uh I guess we could give um Gilda dreams it's not yours anymore I'll hate them thanks for holding on to that I'll hate I don't have sacrifice do you see a sacrificial sword here do you see if evoni is here point on the screen where you think helicopter helicopter helicopter let's go old man coffee I'll hate them where did you put you put Batman glass can't have my feet without my Batman glass I'll hate them it's right over there you old coot I don't see it oh I forgot to put on my glasses oh wait no where are my glasses oh you you took them from me again didn't you honestly surprised people haven't asked me about like what do you think about their relationship I was expecting a billion people to ask about that so tell us then no I don't think I will I feel like if I say anything people are gonna think I'm like making a Canon then uh people in suits are gonna come into my house and break my legs okay look here's here's all I'll say I think that I'll haste them in cave are gonna be a part of each other's lives for a very long time interpret that however you wish that's I think the most that I'll say about it whatever whatever nature the relationship takes you know whatever shape it may take I think they're they're basically Inseparable okay everything I've just said is my own opinion and does not represent the views of any of the companies that I am associated with it is my own thing it is not canon it is just what I am saying that I what I believe in based on my knowledge of the character and the story and my own personal beliefs okay all right please do not break my legs I'm very fond of them fond of my legs I'm not using webcam dude how can you tell if I'm thinking or not he said blinking rapidly is there no shade anywhere we are literally in shade when I think of the cave angst um I think that hardship builds character if you have uh if you go through hard times it makes you stronger and I think cave is a very strong person uh we you know all of them makes fun of him for being emotionally you know sensitive and all that stuff but I think that being able to endure what he has endured and still have this love of life and like love of beauty and love of Art I think that makes you stronger than people that are hard asses and like that are mean because of the hardships that have been that they've endured Cave's gone through so much [ __ ] and he still sees things he still sees the best in everything he still willingly throws himself uh into into the fire for the sake of other people sometimes you just feel like [ __ ] all the time and you just feel like you've let people down and you you're just hard on yourself and um it's tough but I had a feeling that um he would be uh have a lot more depth than people gave him a lot of people are expecting him to just be wacky Wahoo I'll hate them man uh well look at me I'm Mr Al haytham's roommate my entire life revolves around I'll hate them uh it's it's it's funny I'm gonna yell at him but he's so much more than that he's he's he's his own person he's gone through his own stuff he's got his own story and I'll hate them as just somebody that I think uh helps to ground him to keep his feet on the ground and I think being challenged by someone the way that Al Haytham challenges him uh I think is it's important to have someone like that in your life to remind you hey you're kind of [ __ ] up like like you're being dangerous like damagingly selfless and I think that you know that's that's you're hurting yourself and that's gonna hurt other people but the thing is all hate them doesn't phrase it in like the nicest way and I think that you know it get you a realist that can that can maybe soften you know pull their punches a Teensy bit because what I what I'll hate them says is true but the way he says it is is wrong I'm gonna get real close to the mic everything I'm saying is my own opinion this isn't Canon none of this is real please do not send a group of people to break my legs I don't want my legs broken for talking about these two characters in the relationship I'm gonna remind people every now and again for legal reasons everything I'm saying is parody okay let's invite him to the house I'm pretty sure he's gonna light me up for having shitty decoration I put him here so he would be waiting for for him to come home and it has happened put him side by side how do I free rotate I don't know whatever well convey I didn't feel like oh I'm gonna do it as I hate them I didn't feel like the Palace of alcazari was all that impressive what did you say I am it's fine it's fine people have different tastes I can't force you to like my style besides some aspects of it are difficult to appreciate unless you have a certain level of understanding about Aesthetics hmm I'm not so easily offended and he glances away a lot of people are not gonna hear that line because they don't want to insult it and like that's the best but I just love how it like immediately defensive he is try just a little don't let such a wondrous space go to waste I really wanted him to sound desperate there like come on like you've got this you've got this amazing Infinite Space to play around with as much as you want and you're not using it like come on why would you just put things together on a whim none of this was planned when it comes to design placement shouldn't be arbitrary oh don't tell me the boundless potential of this place has robbed you of your principles and pride as a creator it's okay I'll chalk it up to you having a unique sense of style that's right he tries his best to not say anything hurtful he really doesn't want to mean to you I guess what I really want to see he's only mean to all hate look at these two bozos ah why is my wisdom orb just sitting on the ground where Where'd I put it oh yeah I didn't have another table you can copy someone else's teapot I plan on it so much to do but of course I have plenty of dogs because I love dogs yeah I'm a dog person I love all animals but dogs are my favorite and monkeys and bears and apes probably be a dog person or a cat person um I mean there was like official art right of cave building a little house for cats so I feel like you'd be a cat person Fox person yeah he would probably adopt everything under the sun would you mind if I gave you a brief explanation of the event I already know I recorded the whole event I know what happens how do you think Al Haytham would feel if kave moved out that's probably a question from Z what's the best thing about being VA I get to do funny voices and nobody can tell me to stop I mean like unless they tell me to stop I thought for a second pymon was gonna say sheesh and that would be really funny I'll say sheesh as cave sheesh I feel like I shouldn't play characters that are very popular because indeed I keep like fearing that I'll accidentally say something and people will think it's Canon and they'll be the dumbest thing imaginable nightmare is that I'll say it's Canon that cave can do backflips people will post that everywhere and then they'll come to my house and break my legs have you heard him Sprint have you heard his like running he that boy has no stamina he has the the physical aptitude of of a chess club member gymnast cave no highly unlikely I love how he likes crackles with lightning to make him cooler representing Layla please take a nap Layla representing her it's Hatsune Miku oh yeah let's just get this over with oh it's the best character of the the game everybody it's Don Sombrero look at this dude I'll hate them good special treatment I hate them whenever uh I was working when I was recording for stuff and uh we got to a point where um like I like there was a line and I I would ask is Al Haytham the person telling me this line and if the answer was yes I would immediately shift like gears there's a switch that I flip whenever cave is talking to all hate them um it's like a conscious choice that I that I make and I really like it when people like point that out that it's like oh his his his voice dropped like an octave because like I try to make them the only person that he does that with but there are moments where he does get heated but like I I try not to make it the same kind of heated as when he's he's talking to I'll hate them and like I as I started recording the the character I was like if people can tell that kave is nice to everybody and he only acts this way to all hate them then I'll have done my job correctly and that's what people are saying so oh [Applause] knows he can't do backflips he can't he's he's a nerd guys he can't do backflips he just can't he just face plans he gave it a try once he landed on his face he doesn't want to do it ever again what am I going to need my Wanderer um yes wondered oh my God that's so good oh yo I'm stealing that I do love this story angle for Wanderer because he's a redditor he became a he became a scholar start to finish someone's about to get very unlucky wanna guess who is it is it convey I call it the Biryani Factor oh guys here comes the funny joke here he comes you ready because it's always rice to meet stew again oh has been so nice to me and I'm really grateful to them and that's why I'm so like frightened to say anything that might get me in trouble with them because like they they've been so nice to me and I want to be nice to them back and that's why I spent money on their game uh also so I can inflate the uh the banner numbers uh so people think that copy is a success and they give me more work as a result aside from the sumero gang who are your favorite characters if any [ __ ] I feel pretty exposed to being asked this question uh I think ayaka is pretty cool John Jean excuse me kokumi is all right kazuha is cool I really like him I'll hate them hate him cringe character cringe terrible character Zero out of ten who cares about that who has like a nerd man and use buff that doesn't make any sense negative a billion out of what's my favorite boss um I've only really unlocked child and signora I like Sig Nora's music I'm gonna I'm gonna be real with you gamer I know it's pronounced Senora I'm just being difficult I'm just taking the piss I Bamboozled you I tricked you you've fallen for my ski how close so my what I say I'm within the Z uh we have a special bond that cannot be broken every time I look at the Moon I think of him sometimes I wish I could clap a few of them over the head and tell them to spend that time on studying instead did this man just say sometimes I wish I could clap a few of them hello let's listen to some more of this incorrigible baby man oh it's you why are you here sensitive even delicate Soul he's a delicate boy you tell him Miku wait why does it say why is they they misspelled mikuyu or is it for forson 's like default expression is God just kill me Layla is literally just every single college student trying their best not to die and I I love her for that stop poaching Madame faruzan I'm quite sure this counts as poaching yeah I remember I wonder if he is cave VA I wonder that too honestly I voice this guy some people seem to like him I don't understand why though what's your story cave must I say yes well you know right I want to buy some property in this market dude it's not gonna happen my father passed away many years ago they say he ran into quicksand while traveling in the desert [Applause] no I'm sorry I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that I'm sorry that was not no I'm sorry foreign [Laughter] I'm sorry listen I'm the only one allowed to do that you guys can't do that I can I also heard you mention I'll hate them just a moment ago from her habitat something from me no no just ice no we don't I love the stuff that all hate them says in this event like he he just doesn't give a [ __ ] about any of it he's literally just going through the motions it's really funny hey traveler pymon long time no see you you ruined my C6 Cafe also I was one of the people that uh really wanted Daya to be good and um good clothing and fabrics are very much yeah and see what's going on oh fine I suppose we can go up and talk to him we've released a hundred monkeys have fun oh look at this nerd is no lover of social activities and is not very close to his colleagues yeah if you need clarification ask anybody else a champion walks the road to Victory look at this gamer dude Alejandro you you that's some of the best reads I love when he's just like but it's limited edition like that [ __ ] is just I I loved it yeah the rent for God there are so many Banger cyano lines it's good [ __ ] yes I have been told I've got a nice ass or rather I've seen comments about my ass and I've seen the screen caps and I've seen the gifts 44 seconds into the video that's where it is I'm just gonna I'm just gonna let you guys get it all out oh foreign [Laughter] I can jump I can fly I can plunge attack you hurt your hand it's me I get to run around and be a man beautiful man those little jump efforts he's got delicate little hands because he uses them for writing guys he can't he can't do I I can't he can't do backflips he can't it's not happening maybe with some practice he can maybe he can pull off a backflip I'll hate them definitely can do backflips this dude does five back flips he can jump off a roof do three back flips and land it perfectly he didn't even work for it he could he can just do that wait is that is that the loophole can I like say canonical statements about other characters will they not break my legs if I do that will I get in trouble if I say I'll hate them has canonically never farted in his life don't actually don't actually don't actually okay don't don't actually um don't tell don't don't take that out don't like clip don't guys don't no no no no no no no no no no I don't want my legs broken I don't I'm not getting my legs broken why am I in combat I'm going to helicopter helicopter this guy I like think of how healthy they are and how how unbroken they are no I don't want to do this no markave's pants attached to his shoes someone clipped it well good night everybody I'll see you uh in the broken legs Anonymous the society for people with broken legs we had a good run and a good walk and a good other things that people do with their legs but now I can't do any of those things I'm not saying goodbye I'm being facetious stop saying see yeah you can say goodbye to my legs because you're never gonna see those again do I voice any other characters nope just cave actually no I think I'm allowed to say this in uh baiju's demo I'm the first guy that gets taken out like in the very beginning of the demo like that dude that's like and then it gets beaten up I'm that guy yeah advise you broke it broke baiju was just a taste of what's gonna happen to me I'm gonna press the pressure plates on my uh pressure points of my legs and break my legs that way fine it just just this once there you satisfied [Music] well timed ooh good job let's park this guy back home let me in let me in I can do that now I want you overworking it's a little too late for that one buddy but I appreciate it much like Ave I'm overworking to my own detriment I'm not copy but not broke who said I wasn't broke do I still feel like Cody versus gonna break my legs probably I accidentally completed the First Act of the uh event because I kind of went into autopilot mode and then I finished it and I'm like wait I was supposed to stream this I'm an idiot if you guys want to see act one and want to hear my reactions you can play a video of someone playing through act one and have these audio clips of me reacting Sino caught the wrong butterfly tinari knows a lot about butterflies Lilla is going after the butterfly wow look if she cut it look it is it's uh it is uh they they are and Candice thank you for gifting the tricks it's up to Twitch like I guess I guess the website price guys you need to calm down with these Subs I'm gonna have to like start putting so much more effort into my streams to make up for it do you ship any of the characters what a dangerous question to ask who's my favorite character um I'll hate them is my least favorite character no I'm just okay beginnings and endings oh well emerge a champion this round of the event so hot oh oh poor baby you came back to check on you will you be able to go on and they were best friends they were besties I should probably just returned I'm not suggesting anything Chad I don't know what you guys are talking about they were colleagues can't believe tynari's dead what's my favorite five-star probably you've all hate them he's cool I'm allowed to say he's cool what was it like lurking in the coffee Mains Discord before you were announced really funny it was fun to like see people guess who they think is the voice of cave they don't know I'm kavi's it was literally that Bojack meme everyone's talking about how great cave is and it's like they don't know I'm his voice actor do I like Lana Del Rey uh that's a music person right I listen to Industrial noises for my music tastes I don't know real people music God I really wish I had that pipe falling down sound on my soundboard Mozart and Beethoven I mean I grew up listening to Mozart did I just out myself as a [ __ ] nerd but um actually I don't listen to Lana Del Rey I listen to It's a [ __ ] Tchaikovsky who actually reveals my favorite impressionist composer where was coming [ __ ] oh there you are what do you have to say for yourself nerd oh for oh for the love of God he died oh and why is that dehydration would listen to Hatsune Miku yeah he would probably is no faruzan is oh here we go so I wanted to play the scene so much more gentle when I talked to the foxes but they were like no be more annoyed at them and I felt so bad about it they're so cute I don't want to be mean to these things mirac can you help me out here keep them away and also I didn't know merak would be this cute I thought it would be an ugly horrible machine so I also sounded mean to mirac and I wish I wasn't I wish I could go back in time and be nicer to mirac Le look look at it look it's so happy people I was accosted by these fellows by these fellows I like the implication that he doesn't know what to call them so he's like these these fellows over here you had one job but those cute little noises that they make can you understand us we poop most importantly I can't talk so it can't give me any attitude I felt so bad saying that line because like this is sad I wish one of Cave's Idol lines was padding it's a long story when I was working in the desert I ran into a merchant group who had a machine core they excavated from some tomb it was clearly from King deshret civilization his technology still isn't fully understood and kasharawar has many different opinions on this topic I love how cave said it's a long story and then proceeds to tell the long story now that I think about it I guess we're all unlucky here we've all suffered a great indignity isn't that right small desert foxes I'm off There He Go I just the fact that they follow after him with the little hops is the best thing in the world but he seems like the kind of guy who'd be really easy to take advantage of pymon's like well if it isn't me who are you I'm me I'm me he says you think Cayenne cave would go along probably they both have a five-star character that they can complain about what music do I listen to um [ __ ] I don't listen to [ __ ] wasn't there an animal animal win thingy to get up easier probably but I don't play by the rules yet oh no she's cool she's slayla girl boss time sleepwalking Layla other Layla based Layla Giga Chad Laila live laughs Layla artifacts some are running on my cave bad ones speaking of cave it's like he's smiling on the outside but there's no Joy inside only sorrow the light inside is broken but I still work quote from a vending machine yeah she just casually psychoanalyzes this dude like it's [ __ ] nothing what is time a social construct oh Fiddlesticks don't mind watching your chocolate milk yeah sure [ __ ] I spilled that [ __ ] who's my least favorite character you I'm just kidding uh it's that guy in leeway that uh says could you find three things that make me think that there's Good Vibes and you have to run around and look at the three things the love guy yeah [ __ ] him worst character in the game zero out of ten wait was that all is that Alejandro oh no no I I Love Alejandro when I came back I was absolutely parched and then I blacked out probably from the heat you know this man just casually was like yeah I passed out in the in the desert alone out of dehydration like he almost died the way I did things wasn't optimal but I wouldn't have been comfortable [ __ ] didn't mean to do that I'm sorry the way I did things was an optimal but that's that's how life goes that's what the line was right it is what it is you you Rascals you both need some water and rest time on this dude almost died I totally missed it but there is one like dialogue you can have with nulu and I'll hate them when you lose like so who do you think who who do you think is going to win this I'll hate them and he's like I think the winner will be the one with the most points he's like a fun sucker he sucks the fun out of everything get caught up in something so easily like drawing lots I'm [ __ ] activated in anything I'll go get the Box in slips of paper for the Lots please wait a moment immediately is like I need to stop this I I really enjoy doing that line after you know everything that happened finally [Applause] the subtle reaction what does he know what is the reason behind this hmm and the little eye movement what does it mean I guess he was worried that cave almost died no that's actually just how I'll hate them um expresses Joy just he just goes I'll hate them you just won the lottery and got yourself a new car I'll hate them your son died hmm no that was a sad there's some subtleties they're shopping together what does it mean vote now on your phones thank you for subscribing with your Prime gaming sub Prime gaming sponsored by Jeffrey Bezos go get drunk what if we kissed flushed Emoji oh it's YouTube go away or something I wouldn't call it that he's just incapable of saying anything Pleasant at all this man's about to get activated I told him how the second round went I won the lot draw remember because of Good Karma of course my luck's on the ride here we go but him being him activate you and now for probably the hardest line that I had to record for cave so far you're always quick to remind me that you're my upperclassman and yet you do not problem solve in the manner becoming of an upperclassman this begs the question of why we attach Prestige to seniority at all what what does he mean manner becoming of an upperclassman what am I supposed to earn the title of upperclassmen because what I wanted to do was like straight up be like this is what I'll hate them sounds like yes I'm here to do this thing but like cave can't go that low so I had to like make my impression less accurate to make it sound like it's cave doing it not just me I had to Nerf myself basically I wanted to do like this the next part of this also and I'll hate them as a voice but they're like no you just need to do the first line and that made me angry I'd encourage you to reflect on why you've ended up having to rely on luck every round frankly it's incomprehensible to me how you've managed to make it to this age without acknowledging the proverbial elephant in the room of your life but just for you guys I'll do an Al Haytham impression for this I'd encourage you to reflect on why you're let me try it again I'd encourage you to reflect on why you've ended up having to rely on luck every round frankly it's incomprehensible to me how you've managed to make it to this age without acknowledging the proverbial elephant in the room of your life that doesn't would say why thank you pymon I'm proud of it if his life wasn't utterly devoid of artistic sensibility already it certainly will be after today all he'll have left are his um his Funko Pops I'm not taking those because I think they're aesthetically not pleasing I prefer nendoroids I do want to carve a [ __ ] go though if that ever happens do I want kavi to move out of all haytham's house if I answer that question they're going to come and do horrible things to me I think it's really worth it yeah I help those foxes out I'll get therapy when I need therapy my favorite part about some story is when you said it's it's hating it's Haytham time and he haste all over those guys stand back kavi I'm going to eighth I'm sorry that's my secret cave I'm always hating meant by all this I'll hit them secret messages you're dumb you're a stupid baby man coffee you're a beta male coffee why is I'll hit them Andrew Tate no please no I think that all hate them embodies the sigma male grind set more than anybody else in this game I cannot do a good impression of Anjali they are too good and I am too bad well oh well you better blow that Palace about his eyes ring Maura let's get to the ass of the situation I'm arresting them all and taking them back to the Academia for further interrogation oh yeah I've got a question for you if you're if your soulmate dies before you meet them do you get like a backup soul mate oh questions about Sachin right being a backup soulmate would suck I already thought you still have any lingering concerns yeah what is it with sumero and daddy issues this is uh my favorite character in the event unironically I wonder why they're my fave no right I have no idea what you're talking about they just have a great voice am I not allowed to enjoy a good voice and no I'm not getting abnormally defensive you're getting abnormally defensive get out of my house yeah we're about to see kave more about I'll hate them stand back I'm going to more I can go see all hate them why would I want to do that competition is heating up [Music] [Applause] I mean no disrespect to sachin's voice actor I think that they did a fantastic job with them but for some of his reads it does sound like he's being very gently choked yeah I guess because he is old and dying as I said the actor did a great job how would I even know what that sounds like this isn't an AMA stream as I thought the contract you signed with the Academia was in essence your will you can you believe this guy hearing all this and he's like yeah I knew that all along it's exactly as I thought are you are you serious like this is the first time anybody's ever heard this conversation he's like yeah I knew all of this what if he like accidentally triggered this this ghost to appear and he was like oh [ __ ] actually wait let me let me listen to everything he says then I'll look so cool later on when cave wins the event cringe I don't want that you are absolutely certain that you want to give me everything you owned for me to do with this I please do you have an Xbox I've heard enough didn't you say that you saw a lot of people in pain your wealth can go to them I'm fine I have a tummy ache Javier won and literally said GG no re he and I we're not the same all right as the Scribe I will make a record of this incident on file copy out here like he and I we're not the same I'll hear them's like okay unless future Scholars will follow in our footsteps I noticed that the the light like the Shadow from the cloud moves exactly in this shot and I'm like that's that's some cool that's some cool visual storytelling at Play Out of The Shadow into the light we love Cinema topography hmm hmm in my view it's quite ridiculous you have long been aware of what your flaws are but your pride alone prevents you from admitting it man really said hmm that's a nice Viewpoint kave too bad it [ __ ] sucks on behalf of the organizing committee it is my honor to congratulate you on your victory [Applause] it gives me great pleasure to invite our champion cave to the stage to receive his award the six people clapping is just the funniest thing this giant interdarshan championship and like the crowd is just one guy going yeah whoa all right many of our audience are curious to learn why you decided to give all this wealth away I did it because I thought it'd be fun coffee is Mr Beast let's give our champion kabe one last big round of applause the sum of Moro would have been enough for me to live in luxury for my entire life that just means you're not strange enough to understand the way that Geniuses think that that seemed like an uncalled for comment you just gotta be a weirdo to understand how Geniuses think no you don't have to no it's wrong to be fair you need a very high IQ to understand the inter darshan championships limited edition invocation TCG card sign I was just like are you sure you want to give it to me I have no use for it I play Magic the Gathering Sino in that case I accept your generosity bro is flabbergasted what deck does cave play find out next time when we play the card game of course kavi has a deck he's got the starter pack yeah probably living with debt is miserable sounds like you're speaking from personal experience I don't want to talk about it maybe you're the one who should be listening to your advice oh as well or is it Gamers I'm running out of time I'm sorry I have to skip through go with the plain fabric as our baby oh wait a sec with you to have a look I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry lesbians I'm sorry let's go lesbians to give a summary of this event Layla's classmates give her a very nice pep talk that she deserves she's a wonderful person still have questions about that note he left how he called me dumb well let's eat has in fact been here with us all along he's here where why didn't you tell me he lives rent free in each of our hearts well uh good stream everybody thanks for coming by wait this is a good line everyone's stand back I'm surprised that they let me get away with that delivery because I'm like is it like do people in this world say oh my God oh my God was in the script that's what confused me I thought there would be like oh my archons or something but no they just let me say that I think cave is the only one that gets to say that like there's gonna be some big event happening and everyone's gonna be like by the archons or oh by the by the Sarita and kavi's gonna show up like oh my God Jesus Christ what is happening will convey be the first character to say [ __ ] what [ __ ] wait to find out next time on genshin impact read Cave's mind with nahida okay oh I don't have nahida no I won't skip I'll hit them everybody else though let's do [ __ ] reading reading out in the street if you really want to achieve your goals you have to be prepared to make enemies along the way not everyone can deal with that reality all Haytham is basically just describing Twitter what are your thoughts now that you've read it read it things can only ever get worse yeah all of that's true yeah sometimes being correct means nothing at all wow so true so real but sadly or I'm 14 and this is deep I do really like this scene just because of like nahida's ribbing on he literally got into the darshan because he wrote a Reddit statement ultimately saying um actually that wasn't and then turned it into a thesis and now he's a scholar I'm actually someone so hard he got a [ __ ] tuition I think I'm gonna pick the first option on this one guys I appreciate all the people saying to pick the second option I know all right guys uh good Street no I'm just kidding I'm just [ __ ] with you what's past has passed we need to look towards the future oh I don't have to do anything else he's just right there [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah it's okay it's fine you need to change your ways you know you can't survive on books alone surviving on meals paid for by you would be harder still oh God the way traveler you're in the shot the issue we're debating has long since moved on from who's right and who's wrong thanks for letting me know all this uh what I said thanks for letting me know hey stop acting like you didn't hear me oh you're doing this on purpose aren't you they say that Earnest thanks should be given Thrice so one more time please and that was it that's the event what the [ __ ] they got replaced by two NPCs am I copies V8 no another coverage landline all right just one okay there you go to non-spanish speakers I did a thing where cave is asking ahitham where he put his hot dog is no no no no no don't no not that kind of hot no no I already know what you guys are thinking no bad
Channel: birdy brid
Views: 272,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p4sfhIlG1HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 23sec (2843 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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