The Chant - Story Explained

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hello and welcome to the next installment of Law and Order the video series where we look at and unpack stories from games in this one we'll be looking at the story from brass token 2022 Cosmic horror game the chant a single player third person game the chant was set on a remote island retreat and involved a group of spiritualists the game actually draws and takes inspiration from The Works of HP Lovecraft and fits nicely into the subgenre of survival horror it was met with mixed reviews with the story having a few holes in it some characters and story beats felt unresolved and explained but overall it was a fairly positive experience the game was updated in December 2023 in order to make it more vibrant and whatever they did it worked because the game was absolutely stunning in places there was a DLC release in September as well and I'm glad that I left this game on the metaphorical shelf so that I could talk about the main story in its DLC in one video before we begin I need to let you know that there will be spoilers in this video for the channel so keep that in mind before watching with all that out of the way let's [Applause] [Music] begin a young woman named Jessica briers is out on a run her run comes to an abrupt halt when she sees an apparition of a woman lying fac down in the water I say Apparition as the stricken woman disappears Jess appears to be hallucinating suffering some form of trauma she contacts her friend Kim and mentions a retreat and that she's in a short while later after a boat ride Jess arrives at the location of the retreat an island called Glory Island the idea is that Jess will attend the retreat based on something called prismic science which is focused on the restoration of the Mind Body and Soul the reason for Jess's sudden attendance is that Jess's younger sister died as a result of drowning and Jess carries trauma with her hence the hallucination While She Was Out running Kim meets Jess at the dock and they begin the short walk up to the retreat they come across some flies which is a trigger for Jess's trauma and after dealing with the Flies using a stick of sage they arrive Kim invites Jess to explore the area and Jess meets the other people at the retreat there's Tyler the spiritual Guru running the retreat Hannah Tyler's right hand Sunny who handles everything in terms of logistics and Maya who is the retreat's cook after settling in Jess changes into something a little more cultish and joins a ritual Jess drinks some sacred mushroom tea which Tyler claims will open their third eye and he talks of something called the Gloom pouring forth from their souls Tyler talks of the prisms around their necks being charged by the chant which allows the wearer to tune into the energy that surrounds them then all of a sudden with the ritual in full swing Kim begins to freak out she appears to direct anger towards Jess saying it wasn't her fault and Jess runs after her on the way Jess sees another man manifestation of her deceased sister Angie who appears to be made up of the very thing she fears flies running frantically away from the horrors she's experiencing Jess speaks with Tyler he mentions that everything that is happening is Kim's fault as she broke the circle Tyler expresses that he doesn't really know what to do so with him being absolutely no use Jess manages to track down Kim via a camera who is slightly Disturbed but then something attacks the camera Jess also has to fight off strange entities such as Amanda and cultists who look like they're decaying and who are wearing strange masks she also finds a film Real titled welcome to the family it features a man who introduces himself as Monroe Anton the founder of prismic Sciences he introduces a woman named Babs and mentions cosmic energy calls prismic science a sacred wisdom and that he can guide people on how to use it finding geometric key pieces and placing them together Jess reaches Kim and she's seemingly possessed after creativ using Kim's face to extinguish ritual candles and slamming her face into a mirror Kim is knocked out Jess and Tyler take Kim back to the geodome and Tyler rejects the idea that Kim was even possessed instead calling Jess psychotic for slamming Kim's face into a mirror Hannah tells Tyler that she's been seeing things too and she mentions Tyler's mother and that what she said is true Tyler doesn't take too kindly to the mention of his family and he walks off needing time to think Jeff speaks with Hannah who says that the boat backs the mainland won't be arriving for days desperate to get control of the situation Hannah hands Jess Kim's orange prismic stone and tells her that they need to complete the ritual in order to seal off the Gloom in order to get Kim back Hannah tells Jess to go and get Sunny so they can complete the ritual approaching Sunny something's up with him and he's babbling on about a mine he mentions the power of the prismic crystals around their necks and says there's an old mine nearby that is filled with them he runs off shouting that he told Tyler that Jess would bring bad energy to the island so Jess runs after him after a long detour and after avoiding more manifestations of Angie Jess finally catches up with sunny who runs into a long tunnel he shuts the lights off leaving Jess alone in the dark along with more Gloom creatures called canker toods heading back outside and chasing Sunny once again J descends into the mine when down there she sees Sunny being carried off by a creature called a Strider using some Dynamite just blows up a portion of the wall allowing her to get to Sunny she finds sunny and then has to fight off a load of hatches and The Strider but eventually she defeats them all Sunny is released but something happens to him Sunny dies in a shock just leaves the mine she is chased by the manifestation of Angie once again but Jess manages to make it back to the geodome and she speaks to Hannah she shares the bad news regarding Sunny Hannah tells Jess that they needed everyone alive to complete the ritual but that the founder of prismic science Monroe Anton who is Tyler's grandfather used a lighthouse on the island to control the gloom and the creatures Kim is still not responsive and Jess remarks that it's likely that Tyler has been lying to them all and misleading them Jess speaks with Maya she mentions the death of Jess's sister and Jess mentions that when they were younger her Kim and 10-year-old Angie were at Jess's family's cabin and her sister was by the lake Kim told Angie that there was sunken treasure at the bottom of the lake so Angie Dove down to try and find it and she drowned Jess and Kim were listening to music and didn't hear Angie jump into the lake May reveals that she too had lost someone close to her she had a son seven he got sick but she refused to listen to doctors and instead listened to people who didn't know what they were talking about and S passed away she said she'd do anything to hold him again walking with Maya she reveals that Sunny had been speaking to her from the Gloom and Maya begins to speculate that the Gloom may be showing you things that you want Maya then sees what appears to be an oparation of sa she's very confused but says that she can hear sa calling to her she falls for it and walks away leaving Jess to find another way to the lighthouse following the Lighthouse Trail she fights off more cultists and creatures but she does eventually reach the lighthouse inside the lighthouse Jess speaks with Maya Maya places a green prism into a device and the Machine emits a powerful Green beam Jess heads down and whilst fighting more Gloom entities and cultists she realigns the crystals in order to redirect the beams towards the lighthouse this increases the resonance by a large amount throughout this time Jess has been hearing Meers inner thoughts her inner torment at her inaction when it came to the health of her child Jess then hears May stating that she's going to try and resurrect sa Jess then has to fight Maya after defeating her Maya is finished off by a Gloom creature Jess then heads back to the camp to speak with Hannah Jess explains that Meer is gone now too but while Jess was gone Tyler told Hannah that he can use his prism to control the Gloom but that they need Monroe's mask not knowing what Monroe's mask even is they go and speak to Tyler he's unwilling to talk so Hannah distracts Tyler and Jess manages to sneak into his tent and takes his prison after attaining the red prism Jess and Hannah run off and Hannah says they need to head towards the old commune Hannah reveals that in the' 70s there used to be another group there on the island headed up by Monroe Anton hence the cultist Jess has been encountering further up The Path they get separated Hannah's prism is preventing her from walking back through the veil so Jess has to go around and follow the spirit Trail using Tyler's red prism to be able to do so all the while hearing his thoughts eventually Jess meets up with Hannah again they Overlook the old commune and try to head down to it the door in the greenhouse is covered by plants so following instructions left by a guy named Vincent Jess concocts a solution to get rid of them and they head down the path to the commune the area is swarming with cultists but they arrive at the entrance to the old geodome and Hannah says that the mask is likely inside the commune there are slots for a number of orbs so after obtaining one of each color Jess and Hannah gain access to the Dome inside as expected they find the mask that Monroe Anton had made the mask that for facilitated him being able to control the Gloom it's being warned by what seems to remain of Monroe Anton though he throws Hannah across the room and he seizes the red prism around Jess's neck calling it his prism Jess defeats Monroe and his band of devoted followers Tyler shows up right on Q and says that the mask is his that it belongs to his family Hannah tries to tell Tyler that the mask will destroy him but he says that it's his right Hannah reluctantly hands The Mask over to Tyler and when roast stands up and grabs Tyler demanding that he return to him that which is his Tyler tries to tell Monroe that he's his grandson but Monroe is too power hungry and he simply replies that his [ __ ] mother abandoned them back in the 70s Tyler then disappears and are now fully restored Monroe Anton stands before them telling them that he's now complete another fight takes place and once again Jess defeats Monroe by using prismic energy against him and she takes the mask from him hearing all of Hannah's thoughts thanks to having her prison rich reveal her plans to bring everyone else back from the Gloom Jess returns to the camp Retreat Kim is back up and about and seems to have no knowledge or memory of what happened to her sure enough Hannah outlines her plan and she attacks Jess and Kim running off with the mask avoiding every obstacle that Hannah puts in her way Jess catches up to Hannah on a clifftop in front of a massive portal Hannah then gets assimilated into a massive grotesque entity which exits the portal which is made up of Hannah Sunny Maya Tyler Kim and herself that Jess has to fight and she eventually manages to defeat it now there are three endings for the game mind body and spirit in the body ending Jess returns home and is out running she tells Angie to be in peace and Carries On Running but the manifestation of Angie is still following her in the spirit ending Jess is seen laughing hysterically and is hallucinating with what appears to be Monroe Anton performing a ritual in the mind ending which I got Kim is okay and her and the Jess board the boat leaving the island for good but they approached something thing in the water which leads us into the DLC the Gloom below we'll now jump into the DLC titled the Gloom below it pretty much confirms the Mind ending as the cannon or true ending in the Gloom below Jess and Kim pulled into the Gloom Dimension after falling into a Vortex after coming to their senses they find Monroe Anton down there he says that he's been there for 40 years he speaks to Kim and reminds her that he told her she needed to charge the crystals so that explains what Kim was doing while she was knocked out she was there in this place called the Nexus it was Monroe who opened the vortex and dragged them in he wants them to help him get out if they can recharge the crystals in The Mask then they can tear a hole in the Gloom and will actually be able to escape this time Monroe explains that his acolytes are down there with him trapped inside the gloom and they were tuned to the crystals justess needs to take the mask to all six acolytes and this will charge each crystal in The Mask also inside the Nexus is some of the research conducted by the man who left the instructions at the greenhouse Vincent he left a map and a diagram the island was split into Parts each divided by way of different colors or prisms and this explains how people when wearing their prisms were only able to access certain parts of the island Jess as well as finding the acolytes and charging the mask needs to find different materials in order to dissolve various Moors which block access to other areas so Jess takes the mask and heads off into the Gloom in order to track down the acolytes there are many Gloom creatures down there but eventually Jess manages to reach the first acolyte she draws the energy from them and the prism is charged she finds the other acolytes in the orange and yellow areas too in the Blue Area she finds an egg sack and back in the Nexus she uses this to craft some sulfur slime she then uses the sulfur slime to dissolve the Green MO inside the green area she finds the acolyte charges the Crystal and finds some gloi fluid taking the glumi fluid back to the Nexus Jess creates glumi powder and she uses this to dissolve the red Mo in the yellow area after finding the acolyte in the red area Jess also finds the final thing she needs a human bone coated in cinear taking it to the Nexus she turns it into enriched Mercury and uses that to dissolve the more in the blue area and she goes into the Indigo area and charges the final prism and the mask is now fully charged back in the Nexus mixing all three ingredients allows Jess to create the rabis poison and she dissolves the iridescent Mo inside she finds Vincent there he's attached to the heart of the gloom and Jess places the mask on him one by one the Gloom attempts to send creatures Jess's way and gradually the heart is overloaded and is destroyed Jess is then sucked into the Nexus and everything in there is dragged back up to the vortex and just like that Jess and Kim are back on the boat as if nothing had even happened the driver of the boat states that the air felt really weird all of a sudden but they head on back to the mainland after disembarking Jess and Kim part ways and the driver of the boat is revealed to be Monroe Anton and he says that they will be in touch and the game then ends all right so my plot explanation was fairly ambiguous and for good reason as we'll now get into looking at the many documents and items scattered around Glory Island that explain the backstory and law in regard to what's going on and what happened decades before the game took place so according to supporting media created by brass token Glory island is likely situated somewhere amongst the sanan islands in Washington state it has another Island within its archipelago called flea Island connected by a wooden walkway which is the location of the lighthouse the island was also home to a mine now this is significant as this mine contains strange crystals the glory Island mining company was set up and miners moved to the island in the 1800s along with their wives and kids and work would begin in order to excavate the crystals but then well things began to change accidents began to happen a worker named McGregor died after a localized collapse but his friend found that someone had stolen all of the fuses for the dynamite so he wasn't able to help McGregor and he mentions that no one was remotely interested in helping the conditions in the mine weren't great and the miners began to grow agitated they began to fight one another some miners even died as a result of disagreements they even at some point considered that the unrest amongst the workforce may have been the work of a union but their investigations revealed nothing of the sort as a preventative measure unmarried women and alcohol were banned from the camp armed guards were also considered the manager of the mining company imagined that any sort of security presence would bring the miners back into line the four men then resorted to beating the miners to try and keep them in line but the miners would die and the four men would steal what the miners had on them the crystals this note details how it seems that every man had become obsessed with the crystals and it wasn't just the miners either the miners kids had also become obsessed with them well the preventative measures that were going to be put in place either didn't happen or their preventative measure simply didn't work the hups had a theory that it was the crystals that were affecting the minds of the miners one note states that the crystals were also connected to many strange things that were happening slowly everyone in the company went mad for the crystals the thieves were being dealt with but the manager had a conundrum if he deals with all the thieves there'll be no miners left to get him more crystals this note also mentions masked strangers and the creatures that accompany them that if they can control them the other miners will fear him it's safe to assume that all the miners were killed or taken into the Gloom the rising Cults in the USA during the 60s and70s came about largely through events like the Vietnam War there were other things like young people wanting to get away from their families but the Vietnam War was a turning point this war changed the way people sought government if you know anything about how the Vietnam War was received back in the US then you'll know it wasn't very popular there was the the draft the lack of government conviction as to why the US even needed to get involved in a conflict that was so costly for the country and this saw riseing riots and anti-war sentiment protests were many and the Civil Rights Movement also kicked off around this time as well the young people of America as a result looked elsewhere and fell into the arms of Cults the use of psychedelics also didn't help as the drug boom and the use of substances like LSD and barbiturates saw these young people seeking a deeper understanding of how they felt and the things they thought of when they were high this desperation saw a riseing gurus starting their own Cults the rise of the internet in the early '90s then saw a reduction or a fall in popularity when it came to Cults people were able to look things up for themselves and the cult leaders weren't as easily able to control flows of information but let's lead This Thread back into the [Laughter] story the very wealthy Anton family had come into possession of Glory Island during the 1800s and ran a successful business from there with the canary along with the mine the canary shut down and was abandoned for a long time then in the 1970s a cult was founded by a man named Monroe Anton he believed in experimental prismic healing practices which utilized the crystals from the miners conduits for Ascension to Enlightenment and spiritual cleansing or healing calling it prismic science Monroe's belief was that the six colors of the crystals or the prisms would match with an individual's characteristics he believed that human beings were born to one of six Prismatic frequencies blue green Indigo orange red and yellow the blue prison was cut from aquamarine and promotes Clarity and understanding but negative energy stored in this prism keeps one stuck in the present unable to move on the green prism was cut from raw mulite and promotes transformation and spiritual awakening the Indigo prison was cut from amethyst and reduces anxiety and helps build connections the orange prison was cut from citrine and promotes positivity but absorbs negativity overcoming the user with heavy emotions the red prison was cut from red garnet and promotes power and influence and the yellow prism was cut from appetite and fuels ambition and confidence rro also had a commune design specifically in order for the buildings to be able to align with sacred geometry involving physics and cosmology and was a place that could be inhabited for a long time it's thought that the cult grew to around a 100 people fairly quickly and they moved into the spiritual retreat they had a researcher Vincent who would look into and well research what they were experiencing they would grow psychedelics in the greenhouse above the commune and Monroe would brew a mushroom tea a sacred tea that was really just a hallucinogenic people who had joined the prismic science movement were initiates but not all were chosen to wield prismic energy however people began to see Monroe as a genius a guru but again things began to [Music] change so it was said that Glory Island sat on top of a Vortex of spiritual energy and this bed of spiritual Energy is known as something as the Gloom the Gloom is an other-dimensional horror that feeds off of negative energy and it seems to exist in parallel with the real world a mirror of it it contains creatures that are the living embodiment of negative energies it's not exactly clear as to when or how the Gloom came to be but it existed way before the events involving the miners as they reported seeing masked individuals way back in the 1800s so the Gloom is extremely old monroea discovered that the negative energy around them cannot actually be extinguished that the Gloom was created from the Nega energy and that the human species was designed to feed the gloom and that their presence isn't limited to Glory Island that it's everywhere when Monroe discovered what the Gloom actually was he started to Center prismic science around it in the hope that he could control it he created a special mask which had a unique spectral code he realized that people will have to die for the chance of true Transcendence he began to manipulate things he tasked his administrator with noting down cult members needs and moods internal conflicts who hates who Etc he wanted this information so that he could assign tasks to members based on his principles of Prismatic science one of these tasks was to go to flee Island and set up a network of crystals a functional Beacon aligned by Cosmic and geometric design there was to be part of the Cults ritual they obtained the metal for these Contraptions from stripping metal from a shipwreck that wrecked after the Lighthouse Keeper messed up during the construction of this network people would get sick and one particular male Quinton who outraged at the amount of meat there was to feed the workers would try as hardest to get the other members to convert to vegetarianism feeding them lentils and claiming it was the path towards a more pure Transcendence and this didn't go down well with the workers and they showed anger towards Quentin people would argue and they were outrage that women were not allowed at the site nonetheless the construction of the beacon network was finished and everyone returned to the commune whilst the construction was going on other sections of the cult were busy at work Monroe made a series of video reals explaining to his cult members about different elements of the Gloom prismic science and about the creatures from the Gloom Monroe had come into contact with creatures from the Gloom one of these was termed a mind eater these tiny creatures would attach themselves to people and would feed off of negative energy guidelines were written up in case of possession to burn the attached mind eaters off of the sufferer with candles and then to render the person unconscious so that they can meditate and that's exactly what Jess did to Kim another one in particular was the crawler their face opened to reveal a flower which is pollinated by parasites Monroe deduced that these Gloom creatures must reproduce somehow however this was not voluntary through further study Monroe's researchers created a besty which detailed the creatures they had encountered they discovered entities they named mandor the researchers considered them to be the most important Gloom creature they act as a tether to the Gloom Dimension and this allows an overlap of both realities to take place due to its importance it's well guarded by other Gloom creatures another particular creature they' studied was a creature named The Strider The Strider is the queen of a nest of relative creatures known as latches The Strider can lay thousands of eggs and The Strider also captures prey and Carries off to the hive as seen with sunny mroe wished for This research to be kept from society they then after the ritual involving the crystals on flee Island encountered another creature which appeared to be a relative of the mimik rler this one not having a flower on its face for reproduction thus the creature was infertile these creatures were able to slip into and enter a dimension separate from both reality and the Gloom another creature named the truder was noted to have separated Monroe and his people slaughtering members of The Cult also infertile like the toxi tile was highly charged with prismic energy a researcher seemed to see what resembled a human skull prompting them to believe that this creature was actually once human however this is only hinted at and never confirmed then there were the Toads these were canker toads that were once once ordinary toads native to Glory Island what happened was that the Gloom worms parasites found near prism deposits found their home inside the Toads then the presence of prismic energy resulted in the Toad's swelling and the parasites replaced the Toad's tongue amongst other organs the Toads seem to react to storms based off the testimony of a couple of campers that stayed on Glory Island at one point giant versions of these toads came about giant canker toes they are heavily swollen with matured Gloom worms and can lay egg however the Cults researchers weren't able to learn what actually causes the eggs to hatch on the occasion that the eggs would hatch the Toad's body would be consumed leaving what the researchers termed a corpse [Music] puppet Monroe Anton had a daughter named Babs Babs Drew up a ritual involving chanting in the prisms she also had a method for how to help people they were to understand the person's fundamental needs to isolate them from sources of comfort attune them to the the Gloom guide them to fulfillment using Prismatic science give or withhold that fulfillment from them to establish control and then perform a binding ritual these rituals were pretty devastating to the individual though as seen through a member named Sarah Anne the rituals left people a dead husk someone wrote a note stating that they suspect that Monroe was feeding people to the Gloom creatures Monroe claimed that the cult members had transcended but some members were not buying that at all when members would as Monroe puts it act out such as abandoning rituals he would discipline them welcome children you must be wondering why you were all here every one of you is special and has been selected based on your distinct frequency but some of you my children have begun to act out at inappropriate times and as a father I must discipline my children when they misbehave I love you all but if any one of you interrupts or leaves a ritual while it is in progress I will sling you over the shame stump myself and give you as many whips of a fire lash as I think you deserve through prismic science we can channel that energy to become a positive force in the universe turn your Gloom to Glory he would lock certain members of The Cult the ones that acted out in the stables at a nearby Farm ostracizing them from the rest of the community monu would also be manipulative in that he would arrange for negative energy to be attached to those that were asking too many questions one particular cult member named Lori a good friend of the unfortunate Sarah an was subjected to this so what would actually happened to the lifeless husks after Monroe was done with them well he and his acolytes would burn the bodies then came the down fall Monroe and his acolytes were making progress but their third eye had been straining to Glimpse through what they called the veil of Gloom Monroe then realized that it wasn't a veil it was a door baps have been hard at work researching the Gloom and eventually Monroe claimed that he'd obtained the sacred key to the cosmic gate Monroe figured that his cultist connections to a prism and its energy forms may be difficult to maintain so he had them wear cult masks adorned with prisms so as to strengthen their connection through the sacred animals that the masks represented Monroe then discovered the Gloom Gateway the time had come for him to step into the Gloom Dimension he' created a mask loaded with each of the prismic crystals charged with prismic energy judging from Sarah an's note it appears that the energy was sucked out of the unfortunate person and stored inside Monroe's mask Monroe then gathered his acolytes they were to witness Monroe's passing into the cosmos and his plan was to create a sacred Covenant with the Gloom on behalf of his cult members and that soon their energies will follow his own into enlightened Purity by this point they built a structure which harnessed the power of the sea it sat at top the Sea Cliffs mon Rose daughter Babs were there to take part in the Chant and they started the chant and the gateway to the Gloom was opened however heavily pregnant Babs started to have second thoughts and abandoned the ritual fearing for the safety of her unborn child Monroe was very concerned as the circle had been broken and he needed bab's back but she ran to a clear for vading the cultist who are trying to capture her and she jumped into the sea as a result of babs's actions and her breaking the circle the ritual wasn't completed and as we see in the Gloom below Monroe Anton was condemned and imprison within the Gloom Dimension as punishment for trying to control the Gloom for his own ends his acolytes also got in prison too to remember Babs legged it and left the island well as a result of her breaking the circle babs's husband researcher Vincent was also dragged into the Gloom Dimension he was trapped and had to find a way out judging from his notes found in the Gloom Dimension the Gloom came for everyone in the commune and swept them away like as he puts it an evil fog Vincent was swept away but was unable to find anyone he knew down there a couple of days later being confronted by his own guilt of what he did in Monon Anton's name Vincent tries to hold on to the thought that Babs and his unborn child managed to get out a child they'd agree to name Tyler yep Tyler is the son of Babs and Vincent and Monroe Anton as mentioned earlier is Tyler's grandfather Vincent reveals that it wasn't Babs who ruined the ritual it was actually Vincent not sure how as Babs broke the circle but anyway Vincent figures that he needs Monroe to be able to get out of the Gloom Dimension time then began to blur and Vincent lost track of the date he mentions that the Gloom draws out the worst version of yourself he mentions that his prism color was yellow that he was an obsessive he mentions that when him and mro get out he's going to kill him Vincent eventually found corrupted followers of Monroe and killed them Monroe tried to to kill Vincent Vincent then started to find ways to dissolve Moors that were blocking his access to other parts of the Gloom Dimension Vincent started to unravel he theorized that beyond the final Mo the iridescent Mo would be a portal he' heard Monroe talking about it and he planned to find the Portal kill Monroe and Escape but it didn't go to plan behind them all was the heart of the Gloom he figured that he must destroy it he needed the mask but Monroe still had it whatever he tried didn't work he succumbed and was defeated he wrote A Farewell to Babs and Tyler and would stay there up until the point that Jess came across him inside the Gloom Dimension after The Disappearance of Monroe Anton the ownership of Glory Island passed on to Babs who of course gave birth to Tyler not long after leaving the island it's assumed that Babs had passed away at some point as Tyler would inherit the island himself he had come across prismic science but I'm not entirely sure how maybe Babs introduced him to it but Tyler started to show an interest in spirituality and healing during a festival known as the spirit Ember Festival Tyler met sunny and he discussed recreating the prismic science movement this benefited Tyler greatly as he wanted to leave his mark on the world and sunny being a part of a very wealthy family was the perfect chance for him to make that happen so he and sunny Drew up plans for a prototype Retreat Sunny pitched the idea to his dad a $2 million investment into prismic science for a 40% stake and it's safe to assume that Sunny's dad gave him the money Sunny then got busy drawing up plans for the Retreat the retreat was to accommodate 20 people at $25,000 per week running for 20 weeks of the Year Sunny also mentions the crystals and the mines to his father anyway they needed guinea pigs and sunny had also met a dancer at the Spirit Ember Festival Meer after the loss of her child she needed something to hold on to so she was easy to recruit and then there was Hannah who had just gone through a messy breakup and Tyler helped her she was recruited but Hannah was targeted for a reason she had a $1.2 million Trust fund and she would enter into a complicated relationship with Tyler Tyler was also a yoga instructor and gave seminars on self-help during one of his sessions titled groundwork possibility he met Kim she was a broken individual a psycho as he put it in his notes on them all Kim had obviously mentioned Jess and the incident with Jess's sister Angie and that Jess worked in biomedical science and thinking that Jess may have some wealthy and important connections he asked Kim to invite Jess too the test subjects were chosen and they arrived and they filled out their self assessment forms they all have something that bothers them which we've already discussed it's important to note that Tyler didn't realize the danger that the Gloom posed it's likely that Babs would have warned Tyler about the dangers of the Gloom and not to break the circle Tyler's main focus was to sink his hooks into Rich Young impressionable and traumatized people he was totally unprepared hence him not knowing what to do when Kim freaked out and broke the circle on the first night but that is pretty much it for this video overall the game wasn't too too bad I enjoyed it quite a lot I do wish more was elaborated on in terms of LW and I feel a whole lot more could have been explored in terms of the Gloom and Monroe Anton's doings anyway if you enjoyed this video and it helped you understand the story a bit better then please leave a like on the video and comment your thoughts down below but for now take care and I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Gaming Harry
Views: 168,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the chant story explained, the chant story, the chant explained, the chant dlc explained, the chant storyline, gaming harry, lore and order, horror games explained
Id: Rybx8sHs12Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 42sec (2022 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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