Song of Horror - Story Explained

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hello and welcome to the next installment of Law and Order the video series will we look at and unpack stories from games in this one we'll be looking at the story from protocol games lovecraftian horror game song of horror in keeping with other lovecraftian games of this nature it was very Bleak with paranormal and Supernatural events taking place throughout now there were many playable characters in the game which spread its plot over five episodes it had a perade death mechanic too which meant that if a character died another would take over and have to pick up what the previous character lost with the previous character now having become a ghost the reason I mentioned that is that for these episodes I may have chosen a different character to you but overall the story Remains the exact same in my explanation of the story I'll be referring to the character I chose in my plot synopsis this will also go off the basis that everyone survives finally please note that although this game is 4 years old now there will be spoilers in this video for song of Horror I'll first discuss the plot points in their most basic form and then we'll unpack the full story afterwards with that being said let's get into the [Applause] [Music] video it's the year 1998 recovering alcoholic Daniel Neuer arrives back at his apartment after looking around his apartment he receives a call from a man named Ean Bertrand eten is the sales manager for Wake publishing Daniel had been through some tough times after he lost his business he turned to drink and his marriage to his now ex-wife Sophie fell apart he then got a job at wake publishing as a publicist and as etan's assistant and has been sober for 3 years anyway ettien mentions that one of their authors a man named Sebastian husher hasn't responded to the firm in regard to his new book so etan sends Daniel to the husher mansion to see if Sebastian is there here arrives and Hears A Strange Music coming from somewhere after exploring he discovers a strange door inside Sebastian's office and realizing the music is coming from the other side of the door he goes through it the door closes behind him and the door then disappears Daniel realized that he was trapped and began to fall in and out of sleep he heard voices and it seemed to him like they were coming from the other side of the wall it describes them as desperate cries or tormented screams but there was nobody there they were hallucinations but he keeps hearing the song 3 days pass Sophie van denend Daniel's ex-wife is concerned that she hasn't heard from him so she goes to visit Ean at the Wake publishing offices he replies that he hasn't heard from him Ean says that he will pass by the husher Mansion when he leaves in order to see if they know anything Sophie says that she will go here is where the first character Choice comes into play the player can choose to go there as Sophie who has a personal stake in this since it's her ex-husband Daniel gone missing the second choice is Ean the third choice is Alexander lasin one of the housekeepers at the Mansion along with his wife Masha he's returning to the husher mansion after a trip and the fourth choice is Elina Ramos an electrician working for monolith security who received a call asking her to fix the power at the husher Mansion now I chose Sophie but whoever you chose the character enters the house just like Daniel did they find it completely empty the house is pit black but Sophie keeps hearing noises on the other side of the doors she hears a phone ringing picks it up and hears the sound of a young girl crying on the other end she steps into the office and the door that Daniel Saw 3 days earlier is now gone with only some black substance left in its place along with a note written by Sebastian's two children Julia and Saul which states that Julia saw another door after hearing a music box playing but that no one believed her she entered the door and then her younger brother saw it too the child mentions that he hid the key to the door in a dollhouse upstairs exting the office so if you seees something something dark whatever it is it's trying to get through the door she runs over and fights against the presents in order to shut the door and she just about manages it after getting the power on it's discovered that the dollhouse needs five special ragd dolls in order for Sophie to obtain the key she also finds a voice recording from the housekeeper Masha which states that Catherine Sebastian's wife and the two children Julia and Saul have not been sleeping not only that but they seem to be avoiding sleep alt together the presence also tries multiple times to get Sophie and she manages to avoid it but only just Sophie also finds disturbing drawings drawn by the young son Saul a recording by Saul mentions that Catherine had gone round and broken all of the mirrors in the house Saul keeps hearing a song Everywhere he goes and he says that something is watching them stepping into a hallway Sophie spots loads of creepy drawings on the walls depicting something very tall with a dark Aura around it the those pictures then disappear then Sophie goes into the attic she hears a young girl crying again she approaches her and it's the ghost of the daughter Julia which abruptly disappears finding all of the Dolls Sophie places them into the doll's house and obtains the key to the door in the office heading downstairs Sophie sees the office is inaccessible due to the presence being in there and she spots some hideous looking corpses placed around the ground floor of the Mansion but three pieces of paper near them bear a creepy message the message states to throw the dark one in the fire realizing this refers to the black doll Sophie throws it into the fire this clears the presence inside the office and Sophie enters the door has now appeared and Sophie uses the key she comes to a long hallway covered in crosses and strange writings and the rooms in the hallway contain many dead bodies and inside one of the rooms she sees Daniel he's in bad shape and is dehydrated she got Daniel back to the mansion and he was taken to the hospital he describes how he heard the music box it's endless song He swore that he'd seen it there on the other side of the mirror in the hospital Daniel sees a figure standing at the foot of his bed the figure turns around and it's something hideous in the hospital Daniel is visited by Sophie his sponsor Lydia and etan they are concerned about the state of his mind and his overall health but he shows them the note that he found that Sebastian husher who is obviously still missing had received a music box from a man named Isaac Faber Farber owns and runs an antique store and it's clear that the music box was purchased from there Lydia and ettien agreed that they should leave this the hell alone and to let the police try and find Sebastian husher Daniel explains that he saw the box that Faber described in his letters to Sebastian but that it wasn't really there it was as if it was existing on the other side of the mirror itself they all agree that there's no harm in simply going to the shop to ask Isaac Farber a few questions another choice now comes into play the player can once again choose Sophie first of two two new choices is Erica Faber she's Isaac Faber's daughter who is returning home after she'd been away traveling another new choice is Renee arar a police officer the restaurant next door to the store has heard strange noises coming from inside the store so he has received a call through the radio to go and check out the disturbance and of course the player can also choose Daniel now I chose Erica as my character for this episode but again the story stays largely the same Erica arrives at her father's store finding the store spare key Erica gave entry it's quiet and there's absolutely no one there the lights are on which Erica thinks is very strange a list of product Lots left on the counter has a note scrolled on it and it mentions the music box that Isaac Faber had forgotten where he' put it it came with a lot bought from an auction and he placed the items from the lot into a storage room Erica needs to go to these storage rooms but the door leading to them is locked the store itself is situated right in front of some apartments one of which belongs to Isaac Faber however the door to Isaac Faber's apartment is locked Erica enters the courtyard and spots a fridge magnet on a grate but she knocks it down into the basement walkway below the doors to the blocks are flat so all pretty much locked so Erica proceeds down the only open doorway inside a maintenance Hut she spots the uniform of one of the caretakers for the apartments a man named Walter he's a creep and has been somewhat obsessed with Erica she proceeds into her hallway and finds a night shift report filed by Walter which reads that he heard strange noises someone pounding on Doors but when he went to investigate he found nothing he was to detail some strange behavior from Isaac Faber who was in the courtyard dressed in his pajamas and he was holding the music box in his hands and then he promptly headed into the store Erica also spots a key behind the reception desk and aable to reach it she leaves the area and enters back into the store she hears some noises coming from the gallery she puts her ear to the door but the door is too thick so she can't hear anything on the other side but she remembers there are cameras in the room checking the screen she she spots something which then disappears she cannot open the door as she needs a special handle to do so Erica heads down to the basement and in the corridor she finds the magnet she knocked down there earlier she removes the magnet and combines it with a wire hanger her thought is that she can use this improvise Contraption to grab the key from behind the reception desk approaching the desk Erica encounters the horrific entity she saw on the camera it's known as The Silence it's blind and Hunts by sound so Erica has to control her breathing she gets herself under control and the silence disappears after narrowly escaping certain death and thinking she must be hallucinating Erica grabs the key this key opens up the concierge office inside Erica finds the handle she needs in order to get into the gallery back in the store using the key she got from the reception desk Erica gains access to the hallway leading to her father's apartment she finds a voice recording left by him I haded another nightmare last night I was lying in bed and I felt something staring at me me from the corner of the bedroom I knew that there was something there something very real but I didn't dare turn on the light because I didn't want to see whatever it was I was afraid afraid of going mad if I did so perhaps in a rush of panic courage or Folly I turned on the light and woke up I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face attempting to lift away the heavy feeling of something pressing on my chest then I saw my reflection in the mirror the face looking back at me was grotesk it was deformed and changed color and it was jolting about with despair it was banging against the glass time and again trying to warn me or to escape the place it was in it seemed as if it was screaming but I couldn't hear anything the scene was so horrific that well I woke up again I was inside the bathroom standing before the shattered mirror she then discovers a note that she left for her father before she left to go traveling mentioning that a copy of the key to her apartment is inside a puzzle in the gallery entering her father's apartment Erica notices that the mirrors are smashed and looking around she obtains a few items one of which is a piece of the puzzle mentioned in the note on the door and another being an ultraviolet light bulb entering her father's dark room he appears to have been able to capture some creepy things on camera the door to her father's office is locked but she turns the corner to find a load of nooses hanging from the ceiling heading to the gallery Erica solves the puzzle and grabs the key to her building entering her building Erica uses the first floor window to jump into the maintenance shed and she finds a clip flashlight she heads up to her apartment it's exactly how she left it rotting food remains and piles of clothes everywhere searching the clothes she finds a key amongst them and unlocking a small cabinet with it gives her some luminol she also finds a bunch of keys which will unlock the basement doors she heads back to her father's dark room and makes the luminol following Specific Instructions in order to do so once the mixture is completed she heads down to the basement and unlocks the doors now she's in the corridor for the storage rooms she follows her father's directions and uses the luminol trail to track down the room that the Wardrobe is in she doesn't get far through the storage corridors before she is chased into a storage room by the presence exiting the room she hasn't safe as the presence is still lurking about nonetheless Erica manages to find the room containing the Wardrobe Erica finds a tape attached to it it's gone the Box isn't here I've got it I've had it all this time how could it be possible what the devil is happening to me I have to get to my office I must WP it and send it to its owners but Grant amsburg they're the ones who my office I'm going to I hear them crawling all over and screaming Erica come to my office we all be there exiting the room Erica is chased once again by the presence but again she narrowly escapes it using a crowbar to pry the door open using the same crowbar ER opens the door to the office and she finds her father dead he's deleted himself to Escape whatever it was that he was hearing and seeing the music box was on the desk next to him and the upside is that they know where it came from now the l Grant amsburg auction Daniel notices an engraving on the inside of the cover to my little ariadne So Daniel visits the l Grant amsburg Manor with Erica word is that ariad l Grant amsburg still lives in the manor and she does she sees the music box and says that's its box she thanks them for bringing it back she then says he has listened to it she's referring to Daniel she takes the box back and closes the door later that evening Daniel visits Sophie whilst he's sleeping he once again experiences some pretty strange and unsettling stuff Sophie Daniel are you all right Daniel just puts this down to more hallucinations similar to the ones described by Faber and certain letters he'd sent to Sebastian husher with Sebastian husher still missing Daniel reckons they may get some joyl looking in huser's office he worked at the University and was researching the origins of the music box Daniel needs to find husher Daniel runs into a student named Grace Richards husher was her Mentor he also runs into an associate of husher a man named Oman Airi they both offered to help Daniel find out what happened to husher since they're both close Friends of the man Grace mentions that the last time she saw him he looked like he hadn't slept in days entering hush's office Daniel immediately finds a note which reads aa375 Omar describes this as the designation for the donations and biographies archive there will be useful documents there that particular archive is in the basement level of the University another player choice comes in here obviously we have two new characters to choose from the player can choose Grace Omar or Daniel and I choose Omar Omar heads into the history Department whilst Daniel and Grace stay behind to continue their own research after entering the offices and solving some Clues Omar finds a letter from a professor Marino saying that he couldn't find the janitor Maxwell to give him back an access card so he hid it somewhere in the library Omar solves some puzzles and finds the access card amongst the shelves using the access card Omar enters a cleaning store room and finds a bunch of slides he also finds a tape recorded by Maxwell I just saw something weird as [ __ ] I was out having to smoke because Miss CLA doesn't like me smoking near the books even though the students do it all the time when I came back the slight machine had switched on by itself Professor husher once mentioned that the same thing had happened to him so I thought it was just acting up again I went to turn it off and I saw there was a picture of the old archive door projected on the screen then the door started to open I couldn't look away and when it opened a bit more I could have sworn I saw the control room from downstairs and not just that there was someone in there holding the release lever it was me I was in there I pulled the cable took the slides and got the hell out of there that's all you want but now oh I'm scared to go back downstairs so something is up with the slide projector Omar needs the power cable and he heads the control room he can't get into the old archive and he finds that pulling the door release lever doesn't work well it does but it seems like something is resetting it Omar finds a note from Maxwell it seems that he is trapped behind the door in the slides Omar then finds the power cable and finds some bolt cutters returning to the projector he turns it on true to what Maxwell said the slides do indeed reveal a door entering Omar sees what remains of Maxwell inside the control room using a hand saw Omar saws off Maxwell's arm heading back through the door and back into the real world Omar heads back to the control room and uses Maxwell's arm to hold the lever down he enters the old archive he finds a book exactly what they were looking for it's a book on European families in this case the l Grant family or house l Grant after encountering another form of the presence Omar heads back to hush's office to share what he found with Daniel and Grace they discover note inside the book from husher which says to check out the newspaper archive I chose Omar again for this next section so Omar heads to the newspaper archive whilst there Omar spots what appears to be the ghost of a young girl a sensor is blocking Omar from entering the secretary's office but after blocking the sensor with some red paint he gains access inside Omar finds a key he finds a note written by Sebastian husher which mentions a date the death of an Argos l Grant the 17th of March Omar searches the archive and takes a microfish film with him opening up the newspaper archive offices he uses the microfish and searches he finds what Sebastian husher was looking for Omar heads back to the office again on the way back however Omar is chased by the presence now if Omar didn't grab the bolt cutters earlier on then he will be killed by the presence but if he did grab them then he's able to escape back at the office Omar gives what he found to Daniel apparently Argos l Grant his wife and their 8-year-old daughter elain died in mysterious circumstances at the family home ariadne was the only Survivor fearing it's a dead end Daniel discovers that husher left some documents at the library they may be something there another choice and this time I chose to go with Grace Grace arrives at the library and checks out the CCTV cameras using the night vision she's able to see where the presence is in the library using a ladder to the upper levels Grace crosses to the other side and down amongst the bookshelves careful not to get grabbed by the presence Grace discovers that husher had been looking at a book titled Natura Tena brosa which is trans St a Sinister nature it's a book of all the investigations and Adventures of Argos l Grant taking the book Grace heads back to the office Daniel reveals that the book contains a location a clue which could lead them to the whereabouts of husher Aros l Grant had been investigating the mysterious and cursed counts of St Cecilia's Abbey So Daniel along with Sophie and etian meet up with NES a former now retired archaeologist and a close friend of husher he had helped Herer get into the Abbey 4 days earlier and hasn't heard from him since which according to nnest isn't out of the ordinary but he mentions that husher seemed more erratic than usual another choice of character here Daniel Sophie etan or my choice Ernest Ernest heads into the Abbey in search of husher or at least to find Clues as to his whereabouts it's not long until nnest finds a note written by husher he thinks he's being followed and mentions he's gone there to find the origin of a cursed song sounds familiar further into the monastery nnest finds a strange door which requires four Keys an accompanying poem mentions these four keys and some rather Sinister Clues as to where they may be surrounding the drawer are the same crosses and writings that Sophie saw earlier the writings seem to be from monks begging for forgiveness nnest spots a key on top of a floating body and after raising the water level he obtains it headed out into the cloer Ernest spots someone in one of the upstairs Windows he thinks this may be husher Ernest then has an encounter with another man of man infestation of the presence this one takes the form of a wraith using a mirror and a lantern Nest essentially has to burn away the entity using the Lantern and the mirror heading upstairs to investigate what he thought was husher in the room there's no one there at all there is a door but it's locked and Ernest thinks that Sebastian may have gone through it nnest finds the first ornate key but it's inside the chest of a corpse using three sets of loose Parts he found in the monastery Ernest puts them together and crafts a surgical retractor uses this tool on the body in the bed opens the chest up and grabs the key that's one out of four now Ernest heads down the well in the cloer and finding his way through some tunnels and after avoiding another manifestation of the presence Ernest comes up into the church using a gear he found erest drops the theable in the church it smashes into the ground and he finds the second key in it the key belonging to the treasurer he then heads outside into the cemetery going off of a page from the diary of the Abbot that he found earlier Ernest finds a cc agus and uses a shovel to open it inside the third key there's one left on the other side of the cemetery erest finds the Abbott's Hut inside it's a horrific sight the Abbot was clearly very disturbed Ernest finds a wax figurine and inside it he can see the outline of a key he takes it to the ovens in the kitchens and melts it a key falls out Ernest now has all four keys he heads back to the ornate door he uses the keys but then is approached by Daniel who warns Ernest not to open the door Daniel says that he will go instead so Daniel heads through to try and find husher he finds himself in similar surroundings the very same hallway and cells that he saw behind the door in the husher mansion in one of the cells he finds the deceased body of Sebastian husher it's the same room that Daniel was trapped in dumbfounded Daniel walks back through the door he came in from and finds himself from somewhere else entirely a little girl sits at a table drawing whilst what appears to be a CT sits at the table with her observing the girl Daniel recognizes her as the woman he's been seeing in his disturbing Visions on the table he finds the Diary of arus l Grant Daniel leaves the room back into the hallway desperate to get out Daniel walks into the cell again and finds mounds of human bones he looks in the mirror and sees something disturbing Daniel's time is running out Sophie shows up and they both leave Daniel breaks the news of hush's death to Earnest and they all leave the area back at home Daniel thinks about what he saw in the mirror he falls asleep though and he has a vision a dream of a strange Place Daniel reads the Diary of Argos l Grant he discovers that Argos l Grant was tricked into murdering his wife and his daughter Elaine as the presence made him think that they weren't his family that they were in fact taken by the presence and were trying to take baby ariadne away from him realizing that he was tricked Argos ended himself Daniel does however amongst the tragedy find a note from someone called baroness prestgard she was a therapist working at a mental hospital called the Jeremy Hartwood mental hospital thinking that she had read L Grant's journal and assuming that she may have been the one observing young ariadne's mental state he thinks that this is his next lead Daniel can call one of three possible people to help him Ean Sophie or his sponsor Lydia I chose to call Lydia Lydia enters the hospital since the hospital was abandoned shortly after World War I the hope is that everything there will be largely untouched Lydia discovers a dismantling notice and it's revealed that the workers dismantling the hospital were taking everything out of it but that they canceled the job and abandoned it after some workers refused to go inside Lydia eventually manages to find a pull cable so she can get the power on she is almost taken by the presence as well after getting the power on she heads deeper into the hospital Lydia encounters a piano puzzle and she plays the notes she mentions that the notes from the melody give her an Indescribable feeling something terrifying downstairs Lydia finds a projection room along with the film reel the film reel was recorded in 1920 it's Dr prestgard observing ariadne assessing her mental state Dr prestgard asks ariadne questions ariadne didn't feel like talking so Dr prestgard says she can draw ariadne responds by saying it doesn't like the light so press guard turns the lights off and ariadne begins to draw an old lady ariadne says that it's herself Dr breard offers to play the music box for ariadne ariadne tells Dr prestgard that she doesn't see it or understand it she speaks cryptically but says that she doesn't want to sleep alone she also says that she wants Dr prestgard to sleep at the l Grant Family Home and listen to the song from the music box then ariadne draws a man she says the man's name is Mr Neer the film ends and as expected Lydia is very confused further into the hospital Lydia finds a phonograph a recording plays it details more experiments and observations by dog Prest guard she did indeed go to the l Grant household and slept there for the night she reports that she started to see things and that she can hear the music from ariadne's music box in her head an unbroken mirror sits on the dresser Dr progard has a dream she leaves the room and sees some disturbing paintings depicting herself Sebastian husher Isaac Farber and finally Daniel Neuer she reads a stone Tableau which details her past that she lost her fiance during World War I she reads about seeing something and dreaming of a crowd watching her at the stone tablets speak of an otherworldly place an Indescribable place she finds a bust on a plinth that resembles herself with bleeding eyes and it seems to warn her telling her to wake up she eventually comes to a figure in a wheelchair and she removes the bag on its head the recording ends and Lydia finds a second cylinder playing it gives another glimpse into prig guard's investigations Dr prestgard was desperate to understand the dream dream she was having she details another dream and this time she exits the room and finds herself in the hospital she comes across a cell containing a patient it's herself in a wheelchair another patient sits in another cell and they say that they want a dream catcher so Dr prestgard gives the patient her own dream catcher in return she has given a key the patient pleads with Dr prestgard to keep going and find out what's going on eventually Dr progard is attacked and taken by the presence but she isn't killed she is placed ins a cell only one way out is scrolled on the wall and she has presented with many different methods with which to delete herself she drinks some poison and wakes up again the recording then ends finding the third wax cylinder and playing it it details the third and final dream experienced by Dr pres deard she mentions that she may have found a way to solve this to burn the bridge in order to cut the presents off from this world by returning the song to where it came from a place called there she needs to take the music box to the the other world and leave it there with the presence walking out of the door again Dr pres guard finds herself in an area with a large lift she takes it down and comes to a large area with a massive door she spots a figure standing in front of the door holding a lantern it's herself or rather the horrific version of herself Dr PR guard goes to turn the lantern off but the large doors begin to open and the recording ends Lydia calls Daniel to share what she found out and how to get rid of the song and Daniel tells Lydia to leave the hospital and that he'll take it from there Daniel heads over to ariadne's home he goes into the living room and ariadne has sat there he tells her that he needs the music box back she replies and says that its box is upstairs so Daniel heads upstairs to get it he enters the room the same room from Dr PR guard's memories Daniel turns the light on and off and finds himself there in the otherworldly place he approaches the large door Daniel has to enter some smaller doors and relive other people's nightmares he can experience what Dr pigard went through as well as Argos l Grant also what Sebastian husher his family and what Isaac Faber went through too after extinguishing two of the lamps by reliving memories Daniel enters through the large doors he walks forward and places the music box down but just as he attempts to leave thousands of bodies previous victims of the presence chase him he just about makes it back through the large doors and to safety he's back in the real world again he heads downstairs sits on the couch and tells ariadne that the song will never play again he falls asleep but then he wakes up later and ariadne sits there in the dark she hasn't moved an inch Daniel asks her to turn on the light but she responds and says that it doesn't like the light but that it likes the song she pulls out another music box identical to the other one but for an inscription which says to Elaine my first born and my pride there were two music boxes the presence then appears in the room with them as Daniel screams and is dragged into the other world Daniel then wakes up amongst the massive bodies he he Sophie or whoever the player chose in episode one calling to him he tries to get to her Sophie help me please somebody help me please help let me out help Okay so we've got a lot to look at and unpack here so let's dive straight in we'll start by looking at the presents the game's antagonist now the game is a bit fuzzy on the origins of the presents and where exactly it came from so I need to mention that some of this section will be heavy speculation the furthest back we can trace it is potentially as far back as ancient Egypt a photocopy in the library in episode 3 speaks of one of the Pharaohs akatan akatan was responsible for abandoning the traditional worship revolving around polytheism which is the worship of multiple deities and instead introduced atenism a worship revolved around one God Aton Aton was the ancient Egyptian deity associated with the sun and the sun's dis in terms of ancient Egyptian mythology Aton was considered to be a manifestation of the sun god Rah one of the most important deities now why is this relevant well it's recorded that no one knows why akatan decided to abandon the religious Traditions that were in place but he also decided to transform the way temples were it says here that temples were closed off and dark in order to conceal that which was divine he brought forward open air temples with good lighting some thought of him as a revolutionary and some thought of him as a heretic Aton in particular was depicted as the disc of the Sun but with many arms coming off of it with hands at the end normally each hand held an ank a symbol of life but there were strange depictions which showed some entity replacing Aton and in these depictions the anks are not visible now one theory is that given Aron is a manifestation of the sun god rah it's possible that the presence could be a manifestation of the Egyptian god of chaos known as apep apep took the form of a great snake R would Carri the sun on his crown and a pep would attempt to devour it and this led to many in ancient Egypt to hold the belief that if there was an eclipse that meant the Sun God has forsaken them the end of the eclipse obviously meant that Rah had escaped with the sun intact now this could be why there is an eclipse visible in the world of there the snake or the serpent is of course the symbol of evil the serpent being in League with the Devil there was also the fact that the devil before he was cast out of heaven was the angel in charge of music and worship and this could bear some meaning and give a connection to the song the other theory is that given the game and its Horrors are eldrich in nature lovecraftian the presence could be the King in Yellow some accounts see the King in Yellow as an avatar of hasta some others consider the King in Yellow an avatar of nilp very similar no whilst Dr prestgard was investigating the music box she'd receive a letter from a friend who' come across an article in the history magazine they noted that the drawings that ariadne had drawn to be very similar to drawings found on walls in the cave of alamira in Spain they were thought to be from the Paleolithic aged over 40,000 years old so they stretched back even further than the time of akatan which was only just under 3 and 1 half thousand years before the game takes place in terms of the place there the origin of the song well no one really knows what it is it's really just a pocket dimension on the other side of a mirror but that's part of the Mythos though isn't it there's so much we don't know and it should probably just stay that way there obviously doesn't follow the standard laws of time as Daniel was trapped and part of the presence when Sophie was in the husher Mansion when he was actually inside the cell beyond the strange door having been trapped there for 3 Days the presence of course is not its official name that was just the name that Aros l Grant gave to it it's mostly just a collective Consciousness as it seems that each victim is very much aware of what happened to them as seen with Daniel when he's trapped as part of the presence of the end of the game so we looked at the potential origins of the song and the presence but the place where all of this kicked off was St Cecilia's Abbey in 1912 firstly St Cecilia was a Roman martyr who became the patron saint of Music an annual Feast is still held on the 22nd of November along with concerts and festivals she also goes by the name Cecilia of Rome anyway at some point when the Roman Empire was split the song had made its way to the bantine Empire specifically Constantinople which of course became modern day Istanbul in 1930 one of the monks named Wolf Gang had been in Constantinople and had been looking somewhere they shouldn't have been and came across an interesting piece of music they had an upcoming recital for the feast day of St Cecilia so they took it back to the Abbey with them the music was notated in saltic a form of orthodox music used by the Greek Orthodox church it was transcribed by a violinist who noticed that when he would practice the melody on his own it felt disturbing during their practices the song's effects would multiply the more people were playing it then in 1912 what would become known as the cursed concert took place they started to play the music and everything started to go Haywire the Abbott father agono writes in his diary that he considered doing something in order to stop the horrors his answer from what it seems was to create an effigy of worship an idol bearing the resemblance of the presence itself he got frustrated when his fellow brothers didn't Bow Down In Worship to this Idol he speaks of Brother enino The Librarian brother ER know was actually the lucky one as he wasn't present in the church when the song was being performed he was tasked with guarding the sacred texts in the library he reports hearing the screaming coming from the church he went there and saw the people there turn into a demonic form and then back to normal the monks and Priests who were affected were taken to the cells on the Upper Floor and were locked in then they locked the cells behind an ornate door requiring Four Keys each entrusted to the Abbot the prior the librarian and the treasurer the prior father malachias wasn't as lucky as father anino he would be haunted by the screams of those on the other side of the door and his guilt would grow brother anino wanted to open the door and free their brothers he was suffering from the guilt of abandoning them so the Abbot killed father anino and he was buried along with his key inside the sarcophagus in the cemetery father agono considered the idol their only path to Salvation the Abbot slipped further into madness and Insanity he killed more of the priests purifying them he thought he was saving them but he was being deceived the Abbot was then committed to building an altar for him he is of course referring to the presence before they all died killed by the Abbot or deleting themselves from existence the key bearers all wrote admissions of guilt on Scrolls the Abbot would gradually come to be taken by the presence completely and he became a grotesque version of his former self haunting and hunting anyone that stepped foot inside the Abbey one year after this event in 1913 and that is when Argos l Grant would go to The Abbey to investigate par Paranormal Activity but he found something far worse the l Grant Family were very wealthy they were industrial tycoons Argus lant was the surviving heir of the L grants and he married lady natal of house amsburg they had two children Elaine and ariadne there was a vast fortune that was left for Argos but he was obsessed with the Paranormal and traveled the world exploring paranormal events which were documented in the book found in the University Library Natura Tena brosa of course inside that book would be his final Expedition he went to St Cecilia's and I'll let Dr progard explain the rest after spending a considerable amount of money he got his hands on the only remaining Sheep music from the concert and convinced an acclaimed musician to play the music One More Time the new cursed concert would take place on a steamer that would sail down the rine a few weeks later and both l Grant and his assistance would be there to contemplate the true effects of the song after the concert the Tycoon wrote The Following in his diary those ignorant illiterate fools I can only laugh at their curse and their stupidity the only Misfortune that damn song has brought is a hole in my bank account alas at least I take the melody with me I will have it recorded and play it each day for my family those drunk lazy bastards their Misfortune was caused by their own stupidity and bad blood wanting to put the blame on a song is yet another sample of their total lack of culture arus l Grant never knew that the steamer suffered a strange accident just hours after he got off that killed everyone on board and yet his thoughts on the melody eventually changed they did indeed change so with the steamer AC accident unknown to him Argos l Grant returned home from his travels without the equipment he took and had pretty much spent all of the wealth he' inherited from his family as we know he had the melody crafted into a music box making two identical ones each for his young daughters as gifts to 8-year-old Elaine and to Baby ariadne the song would play Then argust l Grant died in mysterious circumstances he killed his wife whilst being tricked by the presence along with 8-year-old Elaine and then racked with guilt he ended himself the police deemed the incident to be a violent robbery and ariadne was the only Survivor ariadne was initially in the care of police officers was then sent to the Jeremy Hartwood mental hospital and that was where she was observed and examined by Dr Baron's press guard you see Ari Adney given that she had been subjected to the song since she was a baby was kind of immune to its Horrors as her mind was already warped by it and she was I guess used to the horrors she saw each and every day and she essentially became an agent of the presence it's entirely possible that since Ari Adney was an agent of the presence she was purposely sending the box out and trapping people in order to add to the presence his growing number of victims as a result it's possible that ariadne was able to see into the future which is how she was able to draw pictures of future events such as the paintings that Dr prestgard saw in her dreams and VI drawings that were discovered in the mental hospital okay so finally we'll look at the Journey of the music box and how it ended up where it did firstly as we've already discussed two music boxes were made by Argos l Grant when ariadne was older she'd been getting rid of a load of old furniture and got rid of the Wardrobe and her music box which was sold at auction and bought by none other than Isaac Faber owner of the antique store but she still had her late sister's music box anyway Isaac listened to the music box and he was dumbfounded the music box was ornate in appearance but the melody struck him as peculiar so Isaac sent the Box along with a letter to his friend Sebastian husher Sebastian was was a best-selling author of historical fiction who of course also worked at the statea University of Arts and Humanities he was married to Katherine and they had two children Julia and Saul Isaac's Hope was that with Sebastian's connections and his contacts at the University he would be able to trace the origins of the box and what the melody was so Sebastian got to work in researching the music box and its Melody about a week later Sebastian would receive a letter from Isaac which mentioned that he's having trouble sleeping and that the antique store will be closed for a while at least until Isaac 's daughter Erica returns from her travels Sebastian would then respond to Isaac telling him that he too is having trouble sleeping but that he put that down to the stress he was feeling over his latest novel he did however find out something about the box that it was European late 19th early 20th century and he considered it to be a luxury item 2 Days Later Isaac had written back this time he warned Sebastian not to listen to the music box that something is wrong with the melody he's hearing it over and over in his head he feels like something is watching him and that it's there with him he apologizes for sending him the Box 3 Days Later Sebastian responds and says it's too late as he's already listened to the melody not only that Catherine and his two children listen to it as well he's worried now that his family are in danger he is forced to send the music box back to Isaac he does however say that he will keep researching it just over a week later Isaac received the box back he asked Sebastian if anything has changed if he feels better at all he considers that maybe he should do the same to send it back to where he got it from he will await Sebastian's reply but he mentions that he still feels a presence like he's being watched 4 days later Isaac would receive a letter back from Sebastian he says that he knows who made the box but that that person is dead the man he's talking about is of course Argos l Grant he believes the key is in returning the Box Sebastian mentions that things have improved since sending the box back but the reality is that they haven't improved at least not for Sebastian's family Sebastian would go to the university and attempt to discover more about the box and its Melody and this would lead him to St Cecilia's ABY and he would head there Isaac my dear friend you don't know what you've done with that cursed Music Box by the time you tried to warn me we had all heard the music now I find myself trapped in a tragic Race Against Time I had a hunch I thought that perhaps by returning the box to you damn it I've been such a fool I lied Isaac that I'm sorry I just need you to hold on while I find a way to make things right I left the house without telling Catherine how could I possibly explain something like this I thought she'd never believe me and I was wrong but now it's too late I only hope you're all safe and that you will find a way to forgive me I must put an end to this once and for all all for my family for you and for my own sake back at the husher Mansion Catherine and the two children Julia and sa were being tormented by the melody Julia saw the mysterious door in the office but no one believed her and the door disappeared so she decided that to make people believe her she would find the door again and this time would leave it open the torment got so bad that Catherine and the children would even go as far as voiding sleep allog together this baffled the housekeeper Masher who knew the children since they were babies and said that this Behavior was totally out of character she says that she hears them crying in rooms but that she can never find them she eventually attempts to leave but as she heard the music box she too was taken by the presence so 4 days before Daniel went to St Cecilia's Abby Sebastian went there to follow in Aros L Grant's footsteps this section was seen through a bonus section in episode 3 Sebastian went to investigate and found a way of testing what the prior wrote down as a strange ritual the trick is to sit in front of a mirror observe one's own reflection and to dim the lamp until the eyes can no longer see if Done Right the reflection in the mirror is not what it should be they also write that the more the horrors appear the less time the person has whilst in a room Sebastian got chased through a door by the ghastly Abott unfortunately this room's Corridor led to the cells and Sebastian enters one of the cells where he can test out the method that he'd found Sebastian ends up alone in the dark and as we know he died after being trapped there for 4 days until he was discovered by Daniel and that's pretty much it this was a very good game and I enjoyed a lot I loved the ending I have seen a lot of people saying that they didn't like the ending as it feels like they were robbed that they went through all that for nothing but that's the true Spirit of a lovecraftian game they traditionally have a grim outcome for the protagonist who usually succumbs to Madness or death at some point but anyway if you enjoyed this video then please leave a like And subscribe to the channel leave a comment below with your thoughts but for now take care and I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Gaming Harry
Views: 264,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: song of horror story explained, gaming harry song of horror, lore and order, gaming harry, song of horror, song of horror lore
Id: Lpi_G08obOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 16sec (2776 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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