The TERRIFYING Story of Still Wakes The Deep

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ever since watching Amazon's the rig I've been desperate for a horror game set on an oil rig well the Chinese room delivered and then this one we'll be diving into a horror game set on an oil rig still wakes the Deep first off a massive thank you to the Chinese room and the guillotine Agency for sending me an early code for this game it still wakes the deep as a narrative horror experience set on an oil rig off the coast of Scotland in 1975 according to the dev Diaries the Developers for this game took inspiration from various pieces of UK media including the Bleak foggy 1983 film Local Hero also set in Scotland there are also obvious Inspirations taken from John Carpenter's 1982 horror movie the thing there's not much more I need to say about the game itself so we'll just go ahead and dive in oh and because this game has only recently released I need to warn you that there'll be spoilers in this video for still wakes the deep but let's begin it's December 1975 off the coast of abedine and Cameron McClary AKA Caz is sat in his room after having received a rather heavy letter from his wife Sue she's talking about him running away from something on the mainland some kind of mess that he got himself into and she's talking of leaving him Kaz is an electrician and he's working on Kadar oil's Bar Oil Rig someone knocks on kaz's door and tells him that breakfast is being served on the way Kaz talks to his friend an engineer named Finley she says that the oil rig isn't in great shape and kadal have basically neglected it and pipes a leak one work at OK Conor's room is basically uninhabitable conditions on the rig are that bad that a union representative on board trotz who represents the North Sea Oil Workers Union has raised numerous safety grievances against cadal that have all been ignored also since it's near to Christmas a lot of the workers on the rig have gone back to shore so the rig is operating with a skeleton crew until the other workers come back the remaining workers would entertain themselves engaging in activities such as a darts tournament in the canteen has speaks with various crew members such as trots gibo o Conor Brody and a young lad called raps who is scheduled to go on his first dive inside the dive Bell he's extremely nervous Kaz also speaks for someone that pretty much everyone dislikes Adair he is a supporter of the national front if you're not aware the national front is a far-right fascist political party in the UK the national front rejected being known as fascists since they took part in elections but their beliefs and policies were rooted in nationalism White Supremacy anti-Semitism and anti-immigration attitudes but let's have a look at what's happening in Scotland at this time in Scotland the' 70s were a bleak time the economy was shrinking unemployment was rising and inflation wasn't issued too it was made worse in 1973 when the conservative UK government decided against stepping in to prevent one of the largest shipyards in Scotland closing down this only added to Scotland's ever increasing problem with unemployment this is issue ended up getting resolved and the shipyard remained open however darker times were ahead the UK government then introduced a 3-day week policy and this was to conserve energy specifically electric the UK couldn't generate enough power to meet the demand and there was an oil crisis which was affecting most of the West and this coincided with minor strikes as they wanted more pay but things were about to change for the better oil was discovered in the North Sea and this meant a brighter future for the UK as a whole but this led to tensions between Scotland and the rest of the UK as the Scottish national party then a fringe political movement believed that the financial benefits from this oil wouldn't reach Scotland at all not whilst Scotland was part of the UK since Scotland was not a sovereign state they couldn't claim the oil was their own so the SNP started the movement it's Scotland's oil this is something that trotz refers to here there's no escaping there's going to be a dozen M rigs up here by the end of next year because the Pricks in Westminster want their grubby we on Scotland's oil Christ no this again the bear is already down to the bear bones this campaign worked in favor of the SNP as the political party grew and won 11 seats in Parliament as opposed to their one in the previous election this ultimately led to a referendum vote in 1979 on Scottish independence from the UK but this did not pass with 51% of Scots voting to remain to be part of the UK but we're getting ahead of ourselves back to 1975 [Music] speaking with Roy the rig's chef who is kaz's friend Kaz hears the rig's foreman Davey renick calling him over the rig's intercom he wants to speak with Caz and it sounds urgent before leaving Cass speaks with Roy and tells him that Sue is thinking about divorcing him Caz is worried that she'll actually divorce him if he goes to jail so basically Cass assaulted someone called Billy Chamberlain outside a pub and put the guy in hospital after he insulted Suz Roy arranged a job on the rig for Cass as an electrician in order to give him some time to lay low Suz objected but Cass went anyway heading out onto the deck Cass speaks with Roper who tells Cass they having some trouble with the drill but Cass gets to Ren's office ah Mr mlar so glad you could join me and sorry to have got you out of bed shut the door and have a seat I'm fine standing set your ass in that chair you [ __ ] liability b i r a tight ship do you understand me a tight ship technically it's no ship shut your G your NE prick I am sick sick to [ __ ] Bing a u e Go's messing with my operation that Chef might be a m yours but he does not run things around here I do do you understand me all right why don't you just get on with it don't you answer me back you might be the height of shite on Shore mlar but out here I I am the [ __ ] King do you understand me you bring the poce to my door to my rank I I can sort this right I just need time shut it you clotty gosh I've got hear some mooki make a more positive contribution to this operation than you look I shut it I'm in a meeting what [ __ ] sake gabble I don't care we're on our schedule it's a [ __ ] drill you've got a [ __ ] drill so drill through it yeah well robers a wh old fud he's got a problem with everything I don't care if it feels off just [ __ ] do it and I'll come down there myself that trouble with the mes you're fired you hear me fired come on man it's only a we bit of trouble with the Polish I'm good with the Ley I keep saying running you said it yourself ouch get off my rig after that Cass needs to board the chopper and leave the rig but approaching the helipad Jesus Gregor Gregor get away from the edge guys guys get back guys help me guys let me die please I don't want to die I don't want to die Jesus just h on [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] has his fish from the Water by his colleagues but they say they found no sign of Gregor they warm him up next to a heater waking up and heading outside complaining of a headache C here's An Almighty racket raaps who was down in the diving bell when something went wrong with the drill has been pulled up and is still inside the bell and sounding very dist stressed Brody needs help getting rafts out so C secures the dive Bell so Brody can get him out Brody says the drill hit an air pocket and it seems like something exploded Brody tells C to head through engineering but he needs to go underneath the rig using the walkways which are crumbling and falling apart C sees the drill [Music] [ __ ] what you then he get pushed out come back and see what C get over here before it falls apart F me and say Jesus is this stuff trying to process what it is that he's just seen C crosses the perilous structure and makes it inside and into engineering he's in one of the rig's legs leg C and descending he manages to find a torch moving through this section Cass here something that he really wishes he hadn't the [ __ ] is that he speaks with Finley she says that the person making all this noise is gibbo Finley has seen gibo and she wouldn't recommend finding him he got something on him after the explosion and tried to attack Finley she says that in order to get back to the accommodation area Caz needs to go through the water tanks Caz spots something in a control room a mess of remains and a fleshy substance with tendrils coming off of it and moving on Caz sees Gio's Shadow he later hears him screaming and shouting and reaching the water tanks Kaz gets a glimpse of gibo yeah he's not right at all Caz then finds Douglas dead he pushes on and makes it to accommodation warming up by heita Caz answers a phone it's O Conor and he's with two colleagues he says that something's wrong in engineering and it's not safe and then the line cuts off there are growths on the rig now and whatever this stuff is it seems to be spreading in the crew Lounge C sees a bright light TR TRS is that you can't hear you man open the door TRS the door's blocked I can't get here what's up we man you hurt Jesus Christ Jesus chice char the light then Fades and everything goes quiet in the cen's kitchen C speaks with Roy Roy's absolutely terrified and he says he's going to stay there in the pantry Kaz is going to head out onto the deck and see if there's a Lifeboat available it's not long until Cass sees another horrific sight when he's near the strange growths kaz's head starts to hurt outside Kaz sees a Lifeboat but it's out of action as it has a massive hole in its Underside C he's Davey renck telling workers that they'll be back to work shortly he finds a usable Lifeboat but as he prepares it into the boarding position the lines give out and the Lifeboat falls into the sea a call from renck sees him informed C that there's a chopper on the helipad ready to leave and he tells Cass to bring anyone that's alive with him Cass heads back through the laundry and sees trots he seemingly attracted by a bright light inside a washing machine he's in a terrible State part of some sort of biomass and Caz has to sneak around him and after a tense Chase he escapes trots speaking with Roy again he says that he won't be able to make it across the deck to the chopper royy is a diabetic and needs his insulin casses will go to the helipad and make sure renck doesn't leave without Roy outside a thick fog is enveloping the rig Cass Hears A groaning sound and speaks with an absolutely terrified iners who is being stalked by what used to be but still kind of is M sneaking around M Kasen inas make it to the lift but inas is taken by the monster heading towards the helipad C over hears that renck wants to take off now leaving everyone else there on the rig he's arguing with the the pilot who says that they can't just leave everyone there Caz tries to get them to stay but he's too late the chopper takes off but in what seems to be a struggle in the cockpit the helicopter crashes into the rig after being knocked out Cass has a flashback of a conversation he and Sue had before he left thinking he's losing his mind Cass needs to get back inside the rig in Ren's office he discovers a letter from Strath Clyde police regarding the assault on Billy Chamberlain four months ago and that's how renck found out about kaz's misdemeanor a phone call from Brody season tell Cass to get to the radio room and call the support ship the generators need restarting so you guessed it Cass needs to descend into engineering again on the way though Jesus [ __ ] Christ CLE help me [ __ ] after being chased by what appears to be Davey renck Cass heads outside and climbs up the chopper which is perilously hanging inside Caz is in engineering and speaks with Finley again after resetting the protective relay Finley says that this hasn't restarted the generators so they need to be restarted manually only problem is there's more shrieking coming from where the generators are heading there the growth overtaking the rig seems to be glowing brightly and careful to avoid it Cass makes it to the generator room and sees and hears what's left of a dare throwing things in order to create a distraction Caz enters into the control room and grabs a key for the generator heading back out he starts the generator and once again has to avoid a dare whilst making his way out and his way back to the protective relay he makes it back inside the control Hut and turns the power on and the Dare leaves but bro CA and it seems that they have a new problem the rig is slowly sinking Brody needs CS to go down to the pontoons the pontoons are basically structures that provide buoyancy on deep sea oil drilling platforms they get partially flooded and submerged under the surface so that the rig isn't rocking and swaying along with the rough Seas you need to engage the tension winches so Caz heads to the pontoons making his way down leg a being careful not to fall to his death Caz engages one of the tension winches just one more to go the tension winch in leg B Crossing or swimming over to leg b c starts to hear voices Su his voice bodies are everywhere too Caz almost drowns as the water level begins to rise in the pontoons but somehow he manages to make it to safety he sees another of his friends OK Conor he's being assimilated into whatever this growth is and is calling out for someone named Mary the tendrils try to grab Cass but he manages to get away making it to leg be and engaging the winch Cass takes the elevator back up to the top looking round he sees that this thing whatever it is is taking control of the rig he seems to be slightly AED by his Beauty freezing cold Caz is now back in accommodation warming up by a heater he uses the phone and speaks with Roy who's getting worse as he needs his insulin C sees and feels an explosion in the distance and tells Roy to try to get to The Cabins out on the deck outside Caz sees the growth is now completely engulfing the Derek but he also sees oil coming from the Derek one spark and the whole rig could blow up as he passes close to the Derek where the first growth came from Cass hears more voices making his way across the deck he sees and speaks with bro there's another issue it's the flare stack the flare stack is basically there to stabilize pressure and flow from a well through controlled burning problem is that the Stack's Main feed is ruptured and this means that it's burning out it could spread to the Derek and cause an explosion Brody has an idea to switch the flare onto the auxiliary gas pipe but of course Kaz needs to go do it Kaz needs to find the diverter valve heading through the processing quad kaz's old pal Adair shows up sneaking round the monstrosity Cass diverts the feed to the auxiliary and heads across the stack to light the auxiliary feed manually he gets chased by a dare and with the creature climbing the structure Cass launches the flare and kills a dare but more importantly the stack is lit unfortunately the stack is collapsing and Cass doesn't make it to the end of the stack after being knocked out and after another flashback to an argument he had with Suz Caz comes too finding himself on the underside of the rig Caz makes his way inside and on the way sees the state of the drill he continues to hear suz's voice terrified of what this stuff is doing to him he also sees the remnants of waphs in the dive Bell and this stuff had affected him too in engineering again Cass speaks with a very surprised Finley and Brody who both thought for sure that Cass was dead anyway there's a new plan Brody will dive down and release the tension cable so they can float the rig and hopefully this will balance the rig out C and fley need to go to Marine control they hear Roy over the intercom he's in even worse shape now he made it to the cabin on the roof of accommodation Kaz wants to go and help Roy but Brody insists that he needs them mm Marine control Kaz heads towards accommodation in order to find Roy's insulin but he needs to do some more swimming having allegedly swim through the ruins of the engineering sections Kass ends up back in accommodation in what was the crew Lounge well the side of it is now completely gone using the vents moving around the corpses of his former colleagues he has to avoid his friend trots who chases Cass through the vents C finds Roy's insulin in his room and upon leaving trots is eventually killed by Falling debris now to head outside to the cabin and to help Roy the growth whatever it is is now even bigger Kaz enters the cabin and finds Roy there unfortunately he's fallen unconscious and has passed away after mourning his friend he speaks with Finley on the phone she tells Cass that she couldn't get to Marine control so Caz needs to get there from where he is crossing more perilous structures that are falling apart Caz makes it into Marine control and finds a colleague there fighting to retain his sanity it's the drilling Foreman Roper who K had spoke with only hours earlier taking the key off rer he appears to be trying to help Kaz and tells him to keep renck away Kaz needs to flood the forward pontoon but is concerned that this action could cause oil and gas to be pushed up to the deck and is concerned that Brody is still down there but finally told Caz that Broody would be out of there by now Caz then floods the forward pontoon to the brim and this actually works as the rig levels out Finley tells Cass to meet her in Brody and drill Ops leaving whatever it is that is engulfed Roper tries to attack Caz but he leaves the area Kaz is still hearing su's voice louder than ever now water rushes into where Kaz is and he's carried down the hallways but surfaces he hears loud banging noises and the place continues to flood with water he continues to see grotesque Abominations that used to be his friends Kaz is eventually chased by Davey renick but underwater renick drowns and Kaz is able to escape heading into drill Ops he finds Finley there but no bro what's going on who are you talking to go you made it Ry what was wrong with Finley she's freaked out here listen Cass there's no much time there's oil and gas getting in here when it fills it will be headed right up the drill pipe you on a bit I'm still in the pontoons I've only got a couple of minutes I can't even stop it there rigs a time bomb now you understand one spark and you need to find a way off just get back up here and we'll work it out yeah I can't do that what I can't get back up no way I'm sorry wait listen you're on your own now I'll come to you all right no you won't you wouldn't even get halfway to me the legs flooded and the gas it's not possible you got your dive gear I so you can use that it's oil cash there's nothing to be done [ __ ] see that I knew the risk when I came down here [ __ ] can't he lose you as well listen I'm all right cuz I'm I'm already back on Sky You' never seen water like that guys clear peaceful he just let go and everything's fine he that sounds beautiful you go one day all right oh [ __ ] that I'm never swimming again after this Caz you and Finley you could do this all right I'm sure she wouldn't do something so stupid you there C what's stupid talk to me it's getting higher I'm here Bry I'm not going anywhere all I'm here get him FR [ __ ] FR [Music] Jesus what was [ __ ] how do this happen what we there now F didn't he [ __ ] matter he's de you don't think that matters he was always going to die Bo them always you see that we [ __ ] about with a ly and pontoons and I hell watch new PS turn into monsters never once never [ __ ] once have we tried to do what needed to be done Oh Captain all right with you you mean I'm in I'm in the N fing fin no come back finally Finley runs off with a lighter sensing that they only have one option left to destroy the rig and the thing on it chasing her across the rig Cass sees that Finley has been crushed by a falling beam Caz understands what he needs to do he takes the lighter and walks into the Derek he sees more of the growths it appears to be a living breathing entity with a heartbeat C then drops the lighter Into the Depths as expected the Flames quickly rise up the drill pipe and the rig blows up of all the people of the bar no one survived Cass then moves towards a light reminiscing about how he met Sue how they fell in love and got married after this K wakes up in what I'd assume to be some kind of afterlife and in between Purgatory he tells sus to kiss his kids goodbye for him then he leaves passing on the game then ends with Sue reading out a letter that she'd written for Cass in start cont to the angry letter at the start of the game this one talks of her love for him and how she wants to make their relationship work all right so a pretty basic but very cool story but what is this thing on the rig all right so the short answer is who knows it's never actually explained in the game but I don't mind that as we saw when Caz was on his way up to Ren's office they were having an issue with the drill well not the drill they'd hit something as seemed with the conversation renck was he informed the drill team to punch through whatever it was bad idea because it quickly came up the drill pipe and started growing all over the rig it obviously lived under the seabed now I'm not sure how it managed to breach the dive Bell with rafts inside it but he was affected pretty early on the growth or the entity itself seems to be getting into people's heads these victims retain part of their personality trots were still grumbling about the state of the rig Adair was still an [ __ ] and gibbo didn't want people to look at him indicating a fear or a self-consciousness may be touching it infects the person and going near it causes one to have strong and particularly Vivid hallucinations and visions of their life one particular hallucination Sor has being tormented by either a memory or a madeup scenario of hearing Su calling out for their missing daughters another thing is that it seems to be some sort of cosmic entity it appears to be living and breathing too judging by the heartbeat it's probably best described as an otherworldly biomass absorbing other human biomatter in into it and finally it could be some sort of hive mind maybe because renck touched the stuff The Entity tried to stop them from leaving in the chopper so made renck freak out in the chopper causing it to crash it could also be producing spores judging from this sha here when Caz is looking up into the legs other than that I'm not sure what the entity could be although that's kind of the beauty of the mystery the oil rig workers drilled through it it took over transform them into monsters and there's no one alive to tell the tale but it makes you think what happens when someone comes investigates or will the oil rig be at the bottom of the North Sea by then and how will this change the future of oil given that underneath the sea there's this entity just living there let me know what you think but that's it for this video decent story amazing atmosphere great graphics and top-notch voice acting made this a really enjoyable five or 6 hours if you enjoyed this video then please leave a like on it and subscribe if you aren't already but for now take care and I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gaming Harry
Views: 869,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: still wakes the deep explained, still wakes the deep story, still wakes the deep, gaming harry still wakes the deep, gaming harry
Id: K9oFTIuNJ9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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