Call of Cthulhu - Explained

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time for another foray into the world of HB Lovecraft we've previously taken a look at the stories from call of cthulu dark corners of the earth along with the sinking City and now we're going to tackle cyanide studios's 2018 horror game Call of cthulu this was a game on the shorter side in comparison to the others at around 10 hours in length but was still an interesting experience I didn't enjoy it as much as dark corners of the Earth but maybe that's just the Nostalgia talking the story was a little bit difficult to keep up with whilst playing the game but everything was explained a little bit better through the in-game menu along with small Recaps at the start of each chapter Please be aware that there will be spoilers in this video for Call of cthulu before we dive into the story a quick word from the sponsor of today's video Atlas VPN Atlas VPN are coming in hot with yet another huge deal this time they're offering you an absolute steal 3 years of Atlas VPN for only $183 cents 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named Steven Webster Webster is a wealthy industrialist and an art collector he's there because he wants Edward to investigate the death of his daughter Sarah Hawkins who perished in a fire alongside her husband Charles and their 11-year-old son Simon at their home he walks in with the only clue a painting Sarah was an artist wellknown but considered to be tortured and it was often reflected in her work the painting brought in by Steven Webster featured the image of a mysterious entity sporting a strange symbol The Entity appears to be threatening a woman and child Webster thinks that the painting is linked to the death of his daughter this is because the painting in question was painted by Sarah shortly before her death after asking Webster some questions Edward B a boat and travels towards the town where Sarah and her family lived the town of Darkwater Dark Water itself used to be a successful wailing town I say used to as in the year 1847 whales suddenly became more scarce in 1847 a wailing ship known as the Silla now destroyed returned to dark water with what was considered to be a miraculous catch this catch effectively saved the island from famine arriving in dark water on the the caribdis Edward speaks to the ship's Captain a captain Fitzroy Fitzroy is the last surviving captain on the island he's the self-proclaimed expert on anything that is going on in dark waterer he tells Edward that the best place for him to start his investigation would be a nearby bar called the stranded whale going off of an address on a shipping label in the case File Edward gets to work in trying to find out the location of a warehouse 36 Edward speaks to a police officer and officer Bradley he's guarding a large Orca which is not only recently washed upon the dock but has also been attacked by something very large the officers are trying to put it back into the water but the fishermen are protesting against it claiming that the killer whale is a sign of something bad coming and that it will bring about the end of the world Bradley says that the fisherman will only listen to Captain Fitzroy he also tells Edward not to go anywhere near Warehouse 36 but he doesn't elaborate as to why Edward goes to speed with Fitzroy it turns out that the ship shipwreck in the harbor the Silla is a ship that belongs to Charles Hawkins Fitzroy gives Edward the cargo manifest from the Silla they've been signed by Charles Hawkins but someone has blacked out some of the documents Edward also finds a photo of a man that looks strikingly similar to Captain Fitzroy Fitzroy says that this is a photo of his father hence the wooden leg anyway Fitzroy claims to know nothing about why the Manifest to unreadable he does mention that Charles Hawkins could potentially have been taking on other contracts Fitzroy then points out Warehouse 36 to Edward the warehouse is revealed to have belonged to Charles Hawkins before going to the warehouse Edward stops for the stranded whale he meets with various locals but one particular person of interest is a woman named cat Baker she is the leader of a gang of bootleggers she doesn't seem interested in anything Edward has to say so he heads towards the warehouse cat herself along with her gang are actually at odds with Captain Fitzroy as his men the fishermen in the port have been provoking her men so she sent Fitzroy a threatening letter she also mentioned that Fitzroy should just make his payment to the carrier arriving at the rear entrance to the warehouse Edward sees two of The Bootlegger gang guarding it it seems they have an interest in it likely guarding their racket in an adjacent Warehouse depending on what Edward manages to say or do he can either go through the guards or find another way in the other way is through a different Warehouse he enters an underground area which is filled with a strange greenish yellow gas derived from mysterious kind of oil avoiding it Edward moves through a waterfill tunnel and is attacked by a creature which subjects him to another disturbing Vision he also discovers ancient markings on the walls he then gains entry into warehouse 36 inside he uses an ability to reconstruct a previous scene and find signs of someone having punched a mirror in frustration resulting in bloody bandages along with that someone sleeping in there next to a photo of Charles and Sarah Hawkins and also a painting one of Sarah's paintings and finally a newspaper article featuring a story on you guessed it Sarah Hawkins officer Bradley enters the warehouse and despite being unhappy about Charles being in there he spots the painting and mentions that it was in the Hawkins manner when they investigated the fire there the painting has since been removed from the crime scene Bradley agrees that what Edward discovered is significant and after being threatened by cat Baker they both leave by car to reach the Hawkins Mansion which sits on top of a [Music] hill arriving at the Hawkins Mansion Edward and officer Bradley will call him Ethan see the graves of the family the Mansion itself is boarded up but upon finding a side door Edward is confronted by a man who is the caretaker of the property a silus Winchester who threatens Edward with an axe Edward tells the man he is working for Sarah's father and eventually the man backs off giving Edward a key for the door entering the property Edward and Ethan enter a dining room where Edward investigates and surmises that a disagreement took place between Charles and Sarah Hawkins not only that but a strange meat sits on the table Edward finds a number of items which show that Charles Hawkins liked to explore and travel leading to the assumption that his inherited Fortune was fritted away on these trips moving on to another room where the fire took place Edward discovers that a number of things could have happened Edward finds evidence that Charles had been drinking and that the oil lamp wasn't just smashed but was thrown and the fire spread the young son Simon perished in the fire as did Sarah and Charles bever would find signs that someone managed to run out of the room Charles also finds the spot where the stolen painting had been hanging moving further into the Mansion Edward discovers many things he discovers a letter of complaint from one of Sarah's clients to Charles stating that her behavior has become erratic in their child Simon's bedroom it appears that the kid has been having some strange Visions himself this led to Charles and Sarah giving Simon sleeping pills he also finds a sales Ledger for Sarah's paintings most recently Sarah appeared to have given the painting away for free to a man with the initials FS a gift a painting called the shambler entering an attic which is full of old paintings Edward finds a painting of himself understandably intrigued Edward is then surprised by a hooded individual who runs past him and Edward gives Chase Ethan didn't see the man at all but after going to an office Edward discovers a map with some coordinates along with a photo of Charles Hawkins Captain Fitzroy and a third an identified man Edward also discovers a secret doorway behind a bookcase which leads down underground he comes across a room where in a reconstruction Edward is able to surmise that a meeting took place and that Sarah spied on it these people had been studying strange symbols and objects of an esoteric nature further into the caves Edward finds more ancient drawings on the cave walls depicting what seemed to be a city going even further into the caves Edward finds bottles of the strange oily substance that he encountered underneath the warehouse he then comes across an altar with the painting of himself on it taking a closer look Edward is grabbed from behind by someone they both end up falling down into a hole where Edward is surrounded by deceased sea life he starts to freak out so he quickly leaves the area and he stumbles across a bunch of cultists it seems the person that attacked Edward was one of these cultists this cult are taking part in a ritual of some sort and some other cultists appear to have died as a result I say appear as they actually seem to be in some kind of coma they've seem to have been sacrificed then Edward comes across a small group of cultists chanting Ethan appears and his loud mouth gets himself and Edward into a lot of trouble the cultist leader approaches Ethan and Ethan shoots him the cult leader is revealed to be a very different and mutant looking Charles Hawkins Charles then attacks Ethan fatally wounding him Edward runs in an attempt to escape and Charles causes a cave-in to occur Edward has to run for his life he nearly makes it out of the caves but is injured by Falling debris nonetheless Edward can see an exit so he limps towards it but he's halted by yet another cave in Edward is then rushed to the Riverside Institute in critical condition the Riverside Institute is a huge mental hospital run by doct Fuller the nurse injects Edward with something and Charles suffers a seizure and starts to see horrifying Visions what's more is that when Charles comes round again he sees a fully alive and not even injured Ethan despite being disembed by Charles Hawkins he is fit and healthy Edward starts to freak out again and his inject Once More by Dr Fuller Edward then wakes up inside a padded cell across from him he sees a blinded man called Francis Sanders being led out of his cell Sanders is talking about the fact that he can't leave his cell as it will see him though he doesn't want it to find him despite Sanders's protestations he is taken from his cell and led away sometime later whilst Edward is asleep he has a dream in which he is walking through a hospital Ward and encounters patients in beds and he has a deep and otherworldly voice communicating with him Edward's dream sees himself walking towards a massive door which is locked shut something large bursts through the door and then Edward wakes up a doctor approaches him a doctor called Dr Marie Cen who tells Edward that she is a friend of Ethan she says that they don't have much time and that Edward needs to leave as soon as possible Edward tries to push Dr Cen for more information on what is happening there at The Institute but she doesn't share much after getting changed Edward checks out Sander's cell it's covered in Elder signs Fuller had been injecting Sanders too the name Sarah is scrolled on the walls as well as she was an authorized visitor then another scroll message on the wall States the paintings are cursed Edward sees Dr Cen being escorted upstairs Charles in his efforts to get upstairs discovers many things there are strange experiments going on at the Institute tucked away from the rest of the Institute as a way to hide whatever is going on Edward finds the medical record of Francis Sanders it seems he actually gouged his own eyes out and along with that it was francis's own wife Irene that had him intered there at The Institute after he showed signs of madness he finds Sarah Hawkins medical record too appears that she too was intered there after suffering fits of insanity Edward also sees some strange Rotting Flesh inside some cylinders and those cylinders are hooked up to a device that seem to feed a liquid into patients he sees a hallucinogenic gas being pumped into the inmate's cells too on his way upstairs Edward comes across Francis Sanders Edward tells Sanders that he'll untie him and they can get away but Sanders is so keen on going anywhere because it will find him as it found him there he mentions that the it he's referring to is some sort of Beast Sanders says that he isn't scared of Dr Fuller as Fuller actually seems to want to heal him and restore his sight Sanders however told Fuller that he didn't want to see it again he mentions Sarah and her cursed painting this is the painting listed in Sarah's Ledger Sanders mentions the shambler the Beast that he's been referring to some unseen Force then brutally kills Sanders Ed then goes to head upstairs but is knocked out by the gas Ethan is standing over him and both he and Dr Cen take Edward back to the Hawkins mansion and then you hide out after dreaming of a huge squid-like creature Edward wakes up and goes to talk to Ethan and Dr Cen it seems that Ethan doesn't remember many of the details of his supposed death and appears to know nothing of Charles hawkins's miraculous recovery and transformation Ethan doesn't even remember the tunnels underneath the Mansion Dr says that the Riverside Institute was founded in 1904 by Dr Fuller's father who is a surgeon on board the Silla The Institute was funded by the Hawkins family then Fuller senior passed away and Thomas Fuller succeeded him she shares that Captain fitzroy's father was also aboard the Siller Edward tells the pair that his next plan is to visit the wife now the Widow of Francis Sanders Irene Ethan says that Francis was an art collector Edward travels to the Sanders residence being welcomed in Edward sees that gang leader cat Baker is also there after some jibes thrown at each other Edward asks Irene about Sarah Hawkins it seems that Irene wasn't too fond of Sarah or her paintings she tells Edward that she wasn't allowed to see Francis whilst he was in hospital hell it turns out that she wasn't even allowed to obtain francis's body as Dr Fuller had her sign a discharge allowing him to dispose of francis's body as he saw fit Edward asks Irene about the shambler and she reveals that the shambler is a painting and it's located at the center of the gallery within their home Irene off for Edward to go and take a look at it and she plans to get rid of the painting with the painting being his only lead Edward goes to the gallery to take a look on the way Edward finds a voice recording from Francis telling his wife to burn all the paintings he mentions that he keeps seeing something even when he shuts his eyes further evidence shows that Sarah didn't want Francis to have the painting she knew what it was but why does she just give it him for free Edward speaks with cat Baker she's there to help Irene sell her late husband's AR collection entering the gallery Edward sees a plethora of artifacts collected by Francis one in particular a knife which seems to be ritualistic in nature Edward approaches the accursed painting all the shutters slam shut and something starts to emerge from the painting this is the shambler the shambler Hunts Edward he runs over to the dagger he saw earlier grabs it and runs towards the painting he drives the dagger into it and the grotesque Beast is pulled back into the painting it grabs Edwood who manages to free himself before the shambler is pulled back in but Edward notices that something isn't right with his hand he thinks he needs to cut it off but he's safe from Gravely injuring himself after being interrupted by cat curious to know more about the dagger that saved his life cat tells Edward that he should seek out an antiqu stealer on the island by the name of algen and Drake he'll know all about the dagger since he was the one that sold the dagger to Francis Sanders he's also an expert on E teric phenomena as a side note the dagger was imbued with the Elder [Music] Sign Edward heads to the nameless bookstore owned by Drake and arriving he discovers that the place has been broken into someone was here and they were definitely looking for something a specific book through some detectives intuition Edward finds the safe protected by an elder sign and realizes that Charles Hawkins wanted what was inside the safe but he couldn't handle the Elder Sign upon opening the safe he discovers that the book that Charles was looking for was a book known as the necron which Sarah Hawkins helped hide the necron is also known as The Book of the Dead and is covered in human skin it's likely one of the things that Charles Hawkins traveled the world looking for Edward reads the book and experiences an outof Body Experience he is now Inside the Mind of Marie Cen at the Riverside Institute Dr Cen is talking to a nurse and Dr Fuller is there having an animated conversation with Captain Fitzroy Dr Cen sees to patient Mr Blake who appears to be in a catatonic State his temperature has been dropping his skin is drying out and his body is rigid the nurse says that Dr Fuller has taken the patient's file meaning that Mr Blake's true illness is being kept from them the nurse states that when they bathe the patient he seemed to feel better like a miraculous recovery but then regressed again when putting him back into bed his bones are soft and he has sticky Rings growing on his fingertips confronting Fuller about the man's symptoms and exhibiting the characteristics of an animal Fuller plays them off as Dr Cen overreacting intrigued enough Dr Cen sets out to find what Dr Fuller is hiding Dr Cen needs to get the medical files from Dr Fuller's office also there at the Riverside Institute is Ethan he's complaining of headaches and insomnia as well as that he's been suffering from nightmares to such an extent that he believes himself to be going mad Ethan suspects that it might be connected to what Fuller is doing Dr Cen reveals that everyone on the island is suffering from nightmares more patients on the ward reveal that Fuller has been able to miraculously heal people even saving this lady's kidney when removal of the organs seemed inevitable Irene Sanders is also there she's there for psychiatric care Dr C manages to make it to Fuller's office and finds a multitude of interesting stuff she finds a photo of Dr Fuller's father taken in the year 1849 and the father son resemblance is uncanny Dr Cen finds the patient files along with a recording of an interview between Dr Fuller and Sarah Hawkins where Dr Fuller mentions Sarah's understanding of something called the Mythos then it reveals a scene in which Dr Fuller injects Sarah followed by a meeting between Fuller and Fitzroy Dr Cen tries to work out the connection between them and Sarah Hawkins she then discovers a partially burn shoe which belonged to Sarah meaning that Sarah's body was probably there at The Institute it was determined that Fuller had a slight obsession with Sarah hawkin's abilities most notably he believed Francis to be suffering from stendhal syndrome a psycho trtic condition involving fainting hallucinations and confusion which occurs when exposed to artwork amongst other objects Dr Cen realizes that the heart of Dr Fuller's work lies down in the basement so she heads downstairs however she is attacked and knocked out by do Fuller Edward returns to his own mind again and finds algen on Drake there Drake calls Edward a fool saying that now he's read the book he has seen him and that Edward won't be able to escape his will nonetheless Drake says that the necron chose to show Edward Dr cen's life for a reason so Edward tells Drake is going to The Institute to try and save the doctor Edward can choose whether Drake tags Along on his investigation or not but regardless Edward arrives at The Institute and Drake heads to the Hawkins Mansion sneaking around the Institute Edward is chased by the shambler and once safe he appears to be able to travel between two different versions of The Institute One Shining green and the other containing an otherworldly Mist Edward here's an Otherworld ly voice almost as if it's guiding him and the voice is asking him to free them eventually he leaves the alternate versions of The Institute and heads downstairs he is clearly still tripping as he walks down what appears to be an endless Corridor and sees himself in one of the cells and then inside it starts to freak out again he hallucinates some more and sees Dr Cen he walks towards her and she tells him that she found Sarah Hawkins and that Charles must live and find out the truth she says that it is already too late for her walking through the door in front of him Ed would finds that Marie Cen is dead killed by Fuller and he's experimenting on her Edward confronts Fuller who tells Edward that he wishes he could have done more experiments on him while he was there then as Edward is about to shoot Fuller Maurice brings back to life and stops him however when Edward comes to Marie is sure enough Stone dead what on Earth is happening on Darkwater Island it gets wackier though whilst exploring the Institute some more Edward comes across someone he never thought he'd meet it's Sarah Hawkins Fully Alive she's not all there she snaps out of whatever trance she's in when Edward shows her her son's toy soldier she's talking UT to gibberish about her and someone else's Minds melting together but the crazy thing is if Edward's sanity is low enough on account of the horrific and unfathomable things he's seen he understands what she means saying that he has experienced the same thing Sarah agrees to leave with Edward why was Dr Fuller and by extension Charles Hawkins trying to hide her away from the World by keeping her there whilst escaping they're spotted by some gu guards and have to run for it and they eventually block a door and reach a boiler room inside said Boiler Room is the system used to deliver the gas which is being pumped into the inmat cells Edward shuts it off just as this was done though and like clockwork Charles Hawkins shows up Sarah tells Charles that she is no longer his puppet Charles uses his freaky squid arm to choke Edward out and tells him that Sarah's power is the greatest danger to herself that she's seen things and that she's more dangerous than Charles that's why he had her kept there at The Institute to protect her from the cult and from the influence of the myth he also says that she's been in the presence of the myth for too long he says that the cult will always be there on Dark Water if Sarah succumbs to the cult she will lose her Free Will and will eventually surrender to his power whoever he is and that the world will fall as a result then Sarah sticks Charles and wounds him and Edward finishes him off returning to the Hawkins mansion and after helping Sarah pay her respects to her son she opens up to Edward it was her work that lured her to Darkwater island in the first place she was shown things that she should never have painted and that Charles shouldn't have seen them either it was Charles that attacked her on the evening of the fire she threw a lamp at him and he caught fire running off it was the estate's caretaker Silas Winchester who found Sarah and saved her on the other hand Charles attempted to steal the necron from Drake's safe and that was when he transformed into the creature we see him as after more weird dreams involving a fishy creature Edward wakes up and speaks with Sarah speaking with her she states that she needs to Kill The Wanderer her word for the shambler interestingly Sarah had an encounter with the shambler herself during a ritual and using the necron she attempted to banish the creature but she was disturbed by Charles and the ritual failed Edward agrees to get rid of the shambler himself speaking with alganon Drake Edward learns of an amulet The Amulet can help Sarah to resist the influences of the myth and the cult it's called the key of relia RI being the sunken city in which the great old one cthulu lies in tuned and asleep engraved on the amulet is the Elder Sign Drake explains that Sarah has a connection to creatures that live beyond her reality when she created the shambler painting she inadvertently summoned It Anyway their plan only grows their need for the key of relia as to help banish the creature alganon will need protection from it the amulet will allow this child hid it somewhere in the Mansion after some more investigation Edward finds it and returns it to alganon now they have everything they need Edward speaks to Sarah who has agreed to stay there and he gets ready to leave however upon leaving the Mansion Edward is arrested by the chief of police as they say he started the fire at the Riverside Institute now locked up Edward hears the otherworldly voice in his head again suffering another hallucination Edward sees the cells flooding and once underwater he is approached by the owner of the voice they introduce themselves as Leviathan Leviathan is one of the stars born of cthulu one of his offspring Leviathan speaks to Edward about about embracing someone's power they ask where the Oracle Sarah is leviathan then projects Edward's mind into the mind of Sarah Hawkins she's with algenon Drake turns out they left the Mansion together to go after the shambler after Edward got arrested they then arrive at the Bootleggers Den it's an abandoned mine as we learned earlier cat Baker's gang had moved Francis Sanders's art collection to their cave to export off of the island and that obviously includes the shambler painting Sarah passed out but came to again not long after she entered into the Bootlegger's mine where a lot of The Bootlegger crew have been brutally maimed this is the work of the shambler Sarah then comes across alganon cat and what's left of her gang cat decides to betray her colleague and locks him and alganon in the area to save herself the shambler reappears and takes the gang member out Sarah and Drake get to work wearing the amulet Drake draws the barrier as a safe Zone Sarah needs to destroy three glyphs which the shambler uses to travel whilst avoiding certain death by the shambler Sarah achieves her goal and destroys the glitch lifts then Sarah draws the shambler into the Trap and it is pulled back into the painting again the Beast grabs alganon attempting to drag him back with it Sarah may or may not save alganon but either way the job is done and the dimensional shambler is gone the problem is that since Sarah wasn't wearing the amulet this took a lot of strength from her and as a result she has succumbed to the call of the myth Edward now back in his own mind as you'd imagine is fuming Chief West learns of trouble in the port chaos has ensued and the stranded whale along with other places have been ransacked this is just the beginning the two officers then leave not long afterwards Edward hears Leviathan again it seems that Edward is losing his mind and fast whatever is happening to him he's succumbing to it Leviathan takes Edward on a journey giving him another look at what has already happened he has shown Ethan succumbing to the madness and Sarah painting a picture of Edward Edward is then thrown into the mind of cat Baker seems that these two men killed Chief West and left his body in one of the boot Leer's warehouses cat goes and has a look and finds that West was indeed murdered by someone but not the two men a symbol belonging to the cult is there in the warehouse what's more multiple cult members were there a pack of cigarettes leads cat to suspect that Chief West was actually killed by Captain Fitzroy it turns out that Fitzroy is the high priest of the cult and Sarah is also with them then it all kicks off gunshots are heard and the local fishermen have been influenced by Leviathan to attack cat she shoots her way out of the warehouse and finds everyone outside to coming to the mad as well Edward is sent back to his own mind and Ethan is there he helps Edward out by freeing him but he seems to be giving into the madness himself he tells Edward that Sarah went in the direction of the Wailing station in the port after choosing whether or not to shoot Ethan Edward leaves the police station making it to the port the Leviathan inspired fishermen are still hostile so after shooting them or simply sneaking around them Edward makes it to fitzroy's place an old CA map triggers a residual image a meeting in regard to the the miraculous catch it seems that Charles Hawkins Dr Fuller and Captain Fitzroy were all on board the Siller but that was back in 1847 just how old are Hawkins Fuller and Fitzroy some strange meat lies on the table the same meat as was on the table at the Hawkins Mansion Leviathan speaks and tells Edward that they ate his flesh this is the Flesh of Leviathan and that flesh granted the three men Powers Revelations and immortality it even grew back fitzroy's leg this was also the meat in the Riverside Institute the meat produced oil and Fuller was injecting patients with this oil he was saving their lives but at a very high cost of the sufferer as they too would begin to change fer wanted to be able to resurrect people and by extension to create life itself Fuller wanted to become a god this oil is also the substance in the jars and is the oil referenced in a poster referring to the miraculous catch Edward also discovers that Sarah Hawkins viewed Edward as some sort of Savior and Charles forbade her from approaching the cult Sarah Hawkins essentially lured Edward to the island Leviathan then tells Edward to track Sarah and to track the truth from these images it seems that Leviathan wanted to be caught in order to set certain events in motion by having the inhabitants of the island eat its flesh which caused them to abandon their Free Will with those residual images in his mind Edward discovers a badly injured cat Baker there she asks him to get a medical kit for her Edward finds one and helps cat as a side note he can also choose to help the bar owner Roy instead but cat tells him the entrance to the Wailing station is behind the Hawkins Warehouse Edward heads there and has to avoid lots of fishermen who are possessed by Leviathan inside the Wailing station Edward sees the door that he dreamt about he also finds ship's logs detailing the miraculous catch and how events transpired Edward finds a way through the door and inside the Wailing station is leviathan even looking at the large creature is enough to mess with Edward's sanity Leviathan is linked by its dreams to the great cthulu and its one goal is to facilitate take the freeing of the great old one its dreams serve to bring about Madness and Insanity until the people it affects are its puppets the cult were chopping off Levan's flesh and were feeding it to the town the town's folk eating the star spawn founded the cult shortly afterwards calling themselves The Cult of Kulu and you can see where this is headed Edward pushes on through the Wailing station and sees visions of Sarah Hawkins and Dr Fuller he sees the cult feasting on the Flesh and can choose to partake himself in this hallucination Edward pulls a gun on Dr Fuller and shoots him but discovers that he shot him for real a necessary sacrifice according to Leviathan Leviathan then jues another hallucination and Edward inadvertently sets off an explosion destroying the Wailing station and freeing Leviathan Edward is confronted by a few cultists during his Escape along with Fitzroy a tent standoff takes place but Edward escapes by falling into the water whilst underwater Edward comes face to face with Leviathan who tells Edward to call him and then Leviathan swims away Edward washes up on the coastline near Alabaster point after more Visions Edward arrives at the meeting place of the cult a vicious storm is brewing and a large tentacle sways from Beyond the Veil the Cults are seemingly prepared for something Sarah Hawkins is there and she tells Edward that one man prepared by the trials and tribulation he's experienced now holds the power to change the world and that man is Edward Sarah had seen Edward in the dreams she shares with the one who sleeps the cultists then start chanting and one of them brings forward a ritualist dagger and depending on the choices he made Edward now has a [Music] choice if Edward managed to Shield himself from the occult and hadn't descended into Insanity Sarah Hawkins will not be able to break Edward's Free Will as a result she steps off the cliff Edge falling to her death returning to Boston afterwards Edward is seen in his office drunk and very affected by the events he'd gone through on Darkwater Island he sits staring at a painting depicting Sarah's death if Edward had completely lost it he can choose to pull the plug on life this stops the cult from performing the ritual back in Boston Edward's office is being cleared out as a result of his death of which a painting depicts back during Sarah's battle with the shambler if she chose to save algen and Drake he will be there with the cult and held captive Edward frees Drake by shooting Fitzroy through the eye and Drake performs a counter ritual leading to the cult disappearing along with the storm however this comes at a cost to Edward as he descends into full insanity and ends up as a patient at the Riverside Institute being treated by Dr Fuller meaning that after Edward shot him in the Wailing station he was likely resurrected using the oil of Leviathan or Fuller was just a hallucination providing Edward lost enough of his sanity he can choose to go along with the ritual using the ritualistic dagger Edward's blood spills onto the ground and the storm picks up then the great old one cthulu is summoned this causes everyone present there to go absolutely mental and they fight and kill one another Edward looks on and kills Sarah the game then ends okay so there are a couple of things not touched upon that need covering before we close this video out in terms of Charles and Sarah Hawkins in that fateful night regarding the death of their son Simon during this point Sarah wasn't a part of the cult she had powers and had heard the call of cthulu but she still retained her free will after she'd effed up the ritual and summoned the shambler by mistake Charles realized just how powerful Sarah actually was and he tried to have her locked away at The Institute for her own safety Charles was one of the original cult leaders sure but he was actually working against the cult as his one true goal was to protect his wife as he knew that once her Free Will was broken by exposure to the Mythos she'd become a powerful weapon in the cult's hands this is what led to the fight in the Mansion it's likely that Sarah was taken to the Institute by Silas Winchester and Fuller had kept her there at the request of Charles in the hope that Fuller would be able to cure Sarah of her gifts now on to cat Baker it appears that cat had a a large but unknowing role in what was happening in dark waterer due to her bootlegging contacts she and her gang of bootleggers were transporting oil and booze off of the island and to the mainland I.E Boston the secrecy was because of the prohibition these deliveries to the mainland included the sleeping pills too now it's entirely possible that Dr Fuller had infused the sleeping pills with the leviathan's oil Edward due to his PTSD from the Great War procured these sleeping pills and taking them is what opened him up to dreams and Visions involving Zulu and Leviathan another small point to cover is that Dr Cen did in fact survive being killed by Dr Fuller she was resurrected and Edward meets her near the cultist ritual spot Dr Cen as a result of her Resurrection had lost her Free Will and was now devoted to The Cult of cthulu this is shown through her personality being completely different in this scene and lastly let's look at the subject of free will it's clear throughout the story that Leviathan and by extension cthulu rely on the erosion of a subject's free will in order to get them to do their bidding we see that through Sarah that after she banished the shambler her exposure to the Mythos caused what was left of her free will to be shattered and resulted in her being controlled by Leviathan and to become devoted to the cult as Edward descends further into Insanity his Free Will is being eroded bit by bit and this is shown through additional dialogue options the speaking or reading of the language of the sunken city an esoteric language called AKO throws the speaker or the reader further into madness there is a game mechanic where Edward can choose to drink and this actually helps protect him from the effects of the Mythos this links into how Charles Hawkins was able to resist the cult and Leviathan and maintain his secret ulterior motive in the stranded whale bar Edward can see Charles Hawkins bartab Which is far in excess of anyone else's it's pretty certain that Charles was aware that drinking would help him block out the influence of the myth and that is it for the story of call of cthulu there are lots of other love crafty and horror games out there which I may do videos on in the future but the three main ones I wanted to cover were dark corners of the Earth the sinking City and call of cthulu if you enjoyed this video then please leave a like on it and comment down below your engagement does help and I enjoy reading your comments subscribe if you aren't already but for now take care and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Gaming Harry
Views: 241,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: call of cthulhu explained, call of cthulhu lore, call of cthulhu game explained, dark corners of the earth, sinking city, lovecraftian horror games
Id: IZFg41SeAZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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