Can You Beat DEAD SPACE 2023 With Only a Flamethrower?

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foreign hey it's lemon welcome to the backlogs did you miss me no I missed you two today we're gonna play a game that I've been very excited about but haven't had the opportunity to play up until now for those of you who are more familiar with the channel I did play this game relatively close to when it released but uh well yeah I see ya oh I knew it I knew it would happen so yeah I built a new computer with the generosity of the community and would you look at that next gen Graphics maximum settings 60 FPS minimums but hey it wouldn't be a backlogs video if I wasn't several months behind the rest of the internet so without further Ado can you beat Dead Space 2023 with only a flamethrower now some of you who are unfamiliar with the series may be wondering lemon didn't we do this already and technically you're correct we did but this remake is not a remaster they remade large portions of the game changed all sorts of mechanics and basically remade the game from the ground up dang Chen mean mugging me in 1080P now huh but can I just say I love what they've done with the place seriously this game is beautiful in that awful slowly rotting spaceship kinda way and the changes in gameplay story and quality of life mechanics are absolutely fantastic as well but no time to gush we've got a game to beat oh look someone spilled their coffee and the blood do you want ants because that's how this office gets ants hey Chen I know this sounds crazy but something's about to kill you you're gonna have to trust me on this one but it comes out of the vents get ready I knew my ability to see into the future were coming oh no Chen oh God oh God it's happening all over again why does this keep happening to me uh elevator's full wait for the next one please well I did say please well so much for knowing how this game is going to go if you thought beating Dead Space 1 multiple times would help think again don't get me wrong there's plenty of similarities between this game and the original but certainly not enough to help me with this challenge run what the come on Mark that's inappropriate for the workplace I'm gonna have to report this to HR but with Mark avoided for now I make my way to the tram control room where I get vollen told to get the tram system working well sort of Hammond Daniels and Isaac actually have some good chemistry this time around almost as if they're a team and not just a way for the game to give you your next objective huh how about that you know what Hammond I will go fix the tram cars Teamwork Makes the Dream work after all oh look my stasis module ew a bit more second hand than I'd like too soon poorly time puns aside let's get this tram working again I remember this room just launched the claws use stasis to keep them in place long enough to hit the button and you're home free I mean yeah there's a few hiccups between the start and the Finish but Teamwork Makes the Dream Work and so long as I stand next to the stasis machine I've got unlimited stasis which means the chances of getting killed are much lower oh thank God my stasis finger was getting tired now if you could just unlock the door un unlock the door come on come on come on well this is embarrassing would any of you happen to have the key oh God not the face so fun fact that room is impossible to leave unless you kill every single Enemy Inside it and you know what that means all right I was hoping we wouldn't have to do this but it looks like we need to use the same caveats as the original game until we get the Kinesis module melee will have to be allowed and once I get the Kinesis module that's all we can use until we get the flamethrower shame that the Run can't be completed perfectly but it is what it is and I'd rather see how this plays out than stop now so with that room cleared it's time to oh for the all right who Unleashed gerbils into the vents honestly this office gets worse and worse by the day I dodged my way around Mark Mumble some excuses about why I can't go to the office birthday party later today narrowly Dodge having an awkward elevator conversation then Juke passed mark for a third time and get back to the tram control room where I can finally fix the trams and get this show on the road DreamWork makes the team work after that is just a quick jump back to the kelian spaceship where our new co-pilot Johnston is waiting what are you going on here is that blood and ants all right just need to get the ship repaired and what is it Johnston oh yeah we should probably run um Haley that's not how you fix a singularity core or maybe it is it's been a hot minute since I've used my space engineering degree okay definitely definitely job okay new plan find the captain's rig and access the ship's command computer sounds easy enough oh hey a store time to put all that space capitalism to work I sell all my useless ammunition then decided to splurge a bit and get myself some tier 2 Armor better armor means Better Health and inventory space both of which will need if we're oh wow that's incredibly loud but yeah better armor means better stats in general and also gives us some more upgrade nodes when it comes to our suit but more on that later because would you look what I found the Kinesis module my old friend turns out Dead Space 2023's Kinesis module is a wonderful mix of Dead Space 1 and 2. it's not broken and overpowered like it wasn't too but it's also not complete garbage like it was in one rather it's somewhere in the middle because while it does do awful damage with everyday objects Dead Space 2023 purposely puts sharp objects around the maps now reintroduces the concept of throwing sharp limbs from dead enemies at the slightly More Alive ones and even lets you upgrade your Kinesis modules damage and reach if you put enough nodes into your suit not that we will my flamethrower is going to need every note I could find but hey the option is there huh the heck is this thing a stapler yeah probably a stapler oh hey look it's me trying to come up with new challenge runs moving on I make my way around the ship throwing a multitude of vent pieces at enemies when I can find them and literally anything else when I can't briefly consider upping my Kinesis damage before realizing I don't have a good enough suit for that yet then continue on my way through the office delivering coffee like the good intern I am here you go Pam one latte extra cart ooh the flying in this game got improved we're talking full control no more of that aim and launch crap we had to deal with back in 2008. I delivered the rest of the coffees that I brought for my co-workers then scoot my glutes as fast as I can down the Hammond oh uh sorry guess you'll have to catch the um next door in a bit of Dead Space weirdness it turns out that bodies are actually the best thing to throw at enemies is it just me or is that true of every game with telekinesis yeah it must be a physics thing I don't know what I do know is that so long as I've got my good friend cuerpo by my side there's nothing I can't handle the only problem is that cuerpo is a little hard to see sometimes with all the lights turned off cuerpo cuerpo where are you honestly of all the days to wear black on black oh fine be that way I'll just do things the old-fashioned way and after clearing out all the Necromorphs in the area I find myself a shock pad hey you well done then using my knowledge gain from the firebomb Academy I do what comes natural this is the way and after a little more capitalism I finally find Nicole well sort of this is actually the start of one of several side quests that the game now offers doing them will net you a bunch of new lore as well as several items and potentially even upgrades for your troubles but we didn't come here for lore we came here to burn away everything and anything that moves a task I am very much failing at the moment what the oh God I remember this room nope not this time dead space I remember what happens here let me just pile these up here then open this door and quickly grab the captain's rig oh wait it's a cutscene now huh okay um guess I'll just take this then it's kind of strange in the original you had to fight off an entire horde of necros because of ah space pigeon oh good cuerpo's back just in the nick of time and after an intense game of Ring Around the Rosie I finally managed to kill all the nekomorphs with um more Necromorphs look I don't know man if it ain't broken don't fix it first try but definitely just as hard as I remember yeah that pretty much sums it up a little more capitalism a little more Zip Zap zupin and before you know it we're in the control room oh for the love of Pete why is everything in this ship broken and who left this miter saw lying around honestly what kind of operation are you guys running here I'm starting to wonder if getting a degree in Space Engineering was the wrong choice after all maybe I should have been a firefighter like dad wanted lights life support lights life support you know you'd think this would be an easy Choice oh God I should have turned off life support I make my way through decontamination coffee and carts in tow which I Faithfully deliver do some Space Engineering nonsense that requires a master's degree to understand no it's not just a single button press shut up then make my way to oh no oh no I can't Kinesis grab anything during this section man this game really doesn't want me to win this challenge run speaking of where is my flamethrower Dead Space honestly it was in Chapter 2 in the original how am I almost three chapters deep and still missing my weapon of choice oh it's right here asking you shall receive I suppose wait a minute I don't remember giving corporate permission to use my likeness that is a pretty good poster of me though but in any case we can finally finally start the Run uh God's teeth and would you look at what I found in the Next Room a workbench let me just put these in here there we go and let's see what we're working with oh yeah that'll do now it's not perfect it still takes about 13 bits of fuel to down a regular Necromorph but it's far better than what we were working with and considering it can keep enemies like the burster here from you know bursting I'd call it a win oh it also automatically flings out the loop that an enemy would have dropped when you curb stomp them too which makes the speedrunner in my brain very happy now I did run into the issue of having a full inventory when I initially picked up the flamethrower and because of that the game didn't want to drop me any fuel tanks but when there's a will there's a way and after clearing out the break room it was just a simple matter of invoking my right to capitalism before my ammunition problems were solved oh what's this a flamethrower upgrade huh don't mind if I do now we just get some ammunition and a few power nodes and there we go right time to find Hammond and figure out this whole asteroid met Jesus wept Hammond you wouldn't believe what just had hey whoa watch where you're pointing that thing you know I like to take my helmet off at inappropriate moments oh hey would you look at that it's Chen and he's still mean mugging me you know this may sound like a bad idea but what if we kept him here on the no that's fine we can just ignore my pre-cog abilities you know whatever in any case I upgrade my security clearance then get the side quest where I need to find all the higher clearance officers rigs all around the ship and while I don't care about the lore at the moment I do care about the fact that two of the doors I'll need to open later for flamethrower upgrades require some pretty heavy security clearance okay as we're going hunting might as well test out our new clear oh you know I thought this room looked familiar hi Paul can I interest you in some smoked jerky no all right well slow down for a second you might be interested in my special rump roast no you sure your loss it's cooked on an open flame and everything okay I'll stop but yeah the flamethrower secondary fire is a firewall now works pretty good though it eats through ammunition like nobody's business but with the brute Necromorph taken care of we can finally access another workbench which means it's time for more nodes you get a node and you get a node everybody gets a node oh what's this firewalls last longer now you say well don't mind if I do pretty cool that the weapons get whole new Buffs from Power nodes it almost makes up for the fact that my flamethrower despite its original description stating otherwise still can't shoot in space but there is one silver lining I just found my second favorite weapon in the entire game and while we won't be using it this go around if there was ever a gun that I would go through New Game Plus with it's this one right here anywho Let's test out that new firewall ability huh yep seems to be working unfortunately the damage is still a little low so it's not exactly a solve all solution but it does help keep larger groups at Bay but for now I think I'll just stick with the tried and true method of spraying and praying what the heck is this room oh I've heard about this apparently this room was added just to show how horrifying game development is truly there is no greater plague upon the mind of man than video game crunch time but enough of that I roast up some more brutes then after making sure the room is fully clear decide to play around with my secondary weapon a bit before I inevitably throw it in my storage locker yeah unleash the base cannon ah in another life well back to work I reroute a bunch of power to the Asteroid Defense cannons then ah crap hold up I gotta get my tea all right sippy break time oh geez come on man it's in the keyboard right time for the infamous asteroid mini game except Dead Space actually has a neat surprise for us rather than getting behind the wheel of a giant turret with terrible controls the game just lets us aim like normal with the aforementioned turret shooting instead of us and while I can't deal with the enemies that currently surround me since I don't have a weapon that works in space I can actually float around while shooting this here this is good player friendly game design I like this oh and I found an officer rig one down only a bunch more to go all right look I wasn't really paying attention when they told me to find him look I just want a burn thing all right chapter five we're making some heavy progress what did I just step on oh hey suit level 3 is available for a limited time only I know we don't really need the extra space or the extra health I mean not really but hey you only live once and we might as well take advantage of the coupon I found and oh wow this one's even louder but with new suit equipped it's time to go to medical and all the doors just locked you'll be safe here yeah heard that one before next thing I knew I was missing four wisdom teeth in my spleen can I just say how much I love that the baby morphs become wacky wavy inflatable arm flailing tube men when they burn oh I also like that I only have to use about 10 ammo on enemies but more often than not they dropped 25 on death the gift that just keeps on giving now crap it's the fate of my existence these things were impossible to kill with the original flamethrower run could only imagine the pain I'm gonna have to endure on the Remake and he's dead I solved some puzzles found out that my girlfriend was actually a malfunctioning hologram stupid chat gbt never works right talk to the good doctor about my ever increasing carpal tunnel probably should have asked him why he had that nail gun actually then break out of my stupor just in time to be torn to bits by the regenerator so good news bad news the good news is that the game does register that I'm doing damage to it this time around which means if the only trigger to open a door is to do a specific amount of damage to our boy here we'll be able to keep going the bad news is that the damage doesn't actually injure the regenerator at all so we're constantly playing keep away from a fully limbed full dangerous murder boy but at least he's pretty slow and if there's one thing I know about dead space enemies is that they can't open the door well well okay at least I'm still faster than he oh God not the face okay finally found the story door he can't make it through that one thanks for the save Daniels all right so I guess we just what poison gas already not even close to food storage well at least the flamethrower Works in here not exactly sure why considering it doesn't work in space but hey consistency is overrated let's see liquid nitrogen liquid nitrogen ah there we are now we just need to oh God not you again uh Sit Stay cryo freeze in progress good boy and with that taken care of it's time for Pang yeah everybody wants Peng uh I mean food storage it's time for food storage I build myself an enzyme which I am told repeatedly not to ingest by the computer then get a video call from an actual Survivor that's actually really nice I mean yeah she's a bit weird and decided to show me her quasi dead team on our first video chat but hey at least she's not actively trying to stab me you know the drill from here spray and pray whenever necessary give the weezers their asthma medication uh Isaac I don't think that's how you're supposed to give that then repeat Ad nauseam oh and be careful of this bloody boys it could be a real pain if they get too close but hey fire bombs and firebomb accessories am I right more puzzle solving more brute slaying more asthma medication deliveries and after an entirely too long section we can finally wait oh God is that a tentacle Nest huh okay no one's home man that really got my heart pumping first like oh God please no not again I have a family well I really can't see what the hell I'm doing but if I've learned one thing from this run is that the best solution to all of life's problems is to spray and pray spray and pray spray and pray oh thank God this is for ruining my run anyway I make my way back to food storage and release the Kraken yeah we both knew it wasn't going to be that easy time to try to use a flamethrower in a long range battle uh better idea alrighty let's see what we're up against here oops excuse me Harold didn't see you there yep we're gonna die so let's assess the situation giant tentacles reach out to grab you but if we Dodge past them we can aim for the glowing weak spot and all right so that's a no-go gonna have to think of something else it looks like there's several explosives around the room but the boss likes to break them before I can use them so we've got a very limited Supply does seem to be doing damage though and while I was able to injure two of the tentacles it didn't have enough explosives for the third which means it's Harold's time to shine the only problem is that Harold gets a bit nervous when the pressure's high and the damn Leviathan isn't making things easy either it took about five to ten minutes of convincing but eventually Harold worked up enough courage to do his job and with that we're now entering phase two this phase is much easier mainly because the Leviathan gives me all the ammunition I need and after a few short rounds we knock the Leviathan into phase three okay I don't remember this looks like we've got a minute and a half to kill this thing before we suffocate no pressure thankfully it's just phase two again but with the time crunch and while it got little spicy towards the end there I was able to kill the Leviathan and push it out into space with a little less than 20 seconds to spare not even close and with the poison gas crisis solved it's time to work on getting a distress Beacon launched turns out the miners here made a Last Stand and set up traps all over the place really nice touch that they wrote the warnings about them on the walls you know because the Necromorphs don't read just a cool little detail thought it was clever the traps themselves seemed to work plenty fine though if you put any object into beams the mines will overload and just fizzle out there's also this trap here not quite sure what it does but its movements are hypnotic I make my way through the mining deck taking the time to clean up everyone else's mess find even more officer rigs make my way across a very gooey tunnel on the world's slowest tram ride then find Nicole for realsy this time or do I you know I always thought it was kind of weird how we have to play protector for Nicole even though she's obviously dead oh please the game came out in 2008 you already knew this that said Dead Space 2023 actually came up with a reason and you know what I like it but I'm not gonna spoil that for you today I've never seen you at work you're a surgeon with that thing lady you may be a senior medical officer but if the surgeons you're hanging out with are using flamethrowers you may want to report that to somebody anywho I find myself a level 4 suit you know this might just be the blood force trauma talking but this is actually pretty soothing unsuccessfully attempt to launch a distressed Beacon then decide that attaching the beacon to an asteroid is a better option and begin breaking gravity tethers only to realize that I can't break the ones that are out in space but uh apparently the enemy is currently swarming around me can so hey that works all right lemon this is crucial and delicate work it's gonna take all six years of training we've received at engineering school but if we're careful we might just be able to pull this off nailed it and launch asteroid there we are that wasn't so bad now we can broadcast our distress signal and why have the door stop working oh for the lava you again oh bye Fletcher you're a bit faster let's go around well nothing a little stasis can't fix and pulled a lever and escapee oh hello but before we leave the mining sector of this ship remember all those officer rigs we've been collecting we can finally get a return on that investment ta-da flamethrower upgrade number two turns out the new upgrade not only gives me a whole slew of the usual bonuses but it also greatly increases my ammo capacity can't say no to that I stopped to collect more officer rigs I'm no longer sure if I need them but I'm already here stop to watch some deleted scenes from Mad Max Fury Road that I mean I think that's what I'm watching he did The Cult of the V8 hand thing but there's no cars or people named Max so I'm kind of a bit confused then what about my daily routine of fixing everything for everyone you're the engineer Isaac what do you mean you don't know everything about every ship ever made Isaac didn't they teach you nuclear physics in school Isaac there it took 25 minutes several confused searches around the room and two deep Queens of my helmet after getting a bit too nauseous from flying around but it's finally done comms are back online and would you look at that it's spawn and he's here to rescue us did you hear that Jerry we're gonna be rescued by Keith David a tall man tall man I got him Jer Jer uh hey look a distraction you like capitalism right Everyone likes capitalism in any case while we're receiving the messages from outside you can't send any messages back must be something on the antenna ah yep that'll do it nothing A little elbow grease engineering know-how and automated asteroid cannons can't fix there we are two down one to go uh what are those things well whatever they are they're in my way I just need to get to that third cat oh my God would you shut up Isaac honestly you've got a whole two seconds of air left you're fine G cheese all right last one I've got the shell removed now I just need to get to the underbelly well that's a slight problem ah okay fine we'll just play Hot Potato then I'm an engineer I solve problems and with the Leviathan out of the way now spawn can join us he's coming in awfully fast oh God hit the deck well we better go check on Keith probably just trying to drive with his mask on again Keith is that you I don't think that was Keith oh it's the soldier Necromorphs thanks I hate it but there is good news the flamethrow automatically explodes the stasis packs on their back when you set them on fire which means all that rapid movement they have turns into a crawl which lets you roast them nice and easy all right what else did Keith bring me is is that a nuke oh and look what we have here a floaty boy perfect placement right next to the new thank you dead space thankfully the flamethrower Burns their bodies but doesn't set off their explosive hands so no issues there I should get rid of this thing though wouldn't want to accidentally set it on fire and kill everything in a 150 mile radius you know I think I might have made a mistake huh no sign of Keith David but it does look like Chen was here and after making my way through a room that would make the firebomb Academy proud I find Hammond he's a little confused but he means well oh crap look out Hammond it's Chen and he's happy to see you no don't look at me you need to dodge Chen's hugs I mean I did warn you he was happy well while Hammond and Chen hug it out over there I've got to get something so the rest of us can leave this awful place I grabbed the singularity core then Sprint my way off the ship dropping firewalls behind me as I go to keep the locals entertained oh my God I'm gonna live yeah my non-existent spleen [Music] oh ugh I'm getting too old for this I don't think my spine can take two more games let's get forward a bit I fight a boatload of enemies all with relative ease make my way to the crew's living quarters who surprise surprise need my help cleaning up the place honestly whoever came up with Space Furniture Jenga deserves a court martial make a quick detour back to the captain's Nest so I can make my master key since I kind of forgot to do that and all the excitement finally find the marker in all its glowing red Glory by the last suit upgrade I'll be getting this run do some more shoot the big glowing weak spot puzzle solving in the Captain's Quarters find a very elaborate diorama of the marker A Plus work full marks get a sneak peek at the final boss of the game boy isn't that gonna be fun then use my master key to get the final upgrade to the flamethrower almost done now nearly there unfortunately all the upgrades in the world aren't enough to kill the regenerator and we'll need to deal with them before we can move the marker off of the issue Mira thankfully I just so happen to have an even bigger flamethrower nearby and it does the trick just fine so with that done we can ah Argent metal activated wait what I didn't ask for that stop no cancel volume down turn off I just want all right that's it you want to get Argent metal fine let's get urgent medals foreign okay let's finish this I finished upgrading the flamethrower including its special third ability which makes my Flames reach even farther than before pump the rest of my remaining nodes into my suit for good measure do some final movement puzzles to get the marker on board get a lore dump from Daniels which I will not spoil for you do some engineering magic which forces her ship back into the hangar so I can return the marker to the planet instead of letting her take it back to earthgov fly down to the planet with my quasi imaginary girlfriend then begin the final push to move the marker back to its pedestal only a little bit longer to go is uh is anyone else getting some real Majora's Mask Vibes right now berninade all the Necromorphs solve the last of the puzzles and finally finally return the marker to its proper place and with that we've done it we've finally completed our mission and even have a way to get home with the little ship we've repaired you know I was starting to get worried for a second with the way the original Dead Space ended I thought we might be in for ah it's so loud what is this this isn't how I remember it this isn't how it's supposed to end all right that's enough nonsense time to get off this rock oh good Daniels you made it too hey do you happen to have the keys to the uh why does everything always hit me in the face good idea Daniels you start the engine I'll stay here you know with the Falling Rocks oh hey I saw a video of that guy earlier don't worry I think he's friendly oops never mind well with Argent metal blaring and the game pulling out all the stops it's time time to finally finish the game and beat the final boss the hive mind of Aegis seven there's just one tiny problem I can't hit it no matter how hard I hug the railing no matter how close the hive mine gets in between attacks and despite the increased range upgrade I got earlier nothing not a single tick of damage I tried using the secondary fire hoping it would be like the original dead space and the extra range would carry me through but unfortunately that's not the case this time around the secondary Fire's damage comes from the firewall not the round itself and after trying to burn the hive mind's tentacles and fruitlessly throwing random trash at the weak spots I accepted defeat you cannot in fact beat Dead Space 2023 with just a flamethrower no matter how many upgrades you have no matter how much fire runs through your veins it simply can't be done but we can't let the hive mind think it's gotten the best of us because though it may have beaten my Flames I forgot one thing capitalism always wins [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign
Channel: The Backlogs
Views: 366,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the backlogs, challenge run, deadspace, deadspace 2, deadspace 3, deadspace 2023, deadspace challenge run, deadspace flamethrower, flamethrower, flamethrower only, the backlogs flamethrower, deadspace flamethrower only, deadspace 2 flamethrower only, deadspace 3 flamethrower only, dead space, dead space challenge run, dead space flamethrower, dead space flamethrower only, ds2023 challenge run, ds2 challenge run, ds3 challenge run, ds challenge run, dead space remake challenge
Id: jyOp62gPc4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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