The HARDEST Platinum You Should Never Attempt (Jump King)

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jump King is one of the hardest games of all time it's known as a fodian game and one that makes streamers rage very often what that's crazy oh my fell again chances are you've heard of jump King before but if you haven't well strap in you're about to see how I became only the 60th person in the world to ever earn jump King's platinum trophy which is the equivalent of earning all achievements on Xbox or steam this Platinum is a 10 out of 10 in difficulty and requires over 18 playthroughs and 60 hours although these numbers could not be further from the truth the gameplay is simple we can move left and right and we can jump and that's really it now you know how to play Jump King for yourself our goal on every run is to get to the top because Legend has it there's a smoke and hot babe up there I started off my journey by just getting a feel for the controls timing my jumps and learning the distances is key because the longer you hold down the jump button the farther you'll go I learned this very quickly because I was stuck on these few screens here for longer than I care to admit oh oh okay first uh okay first fail all right I didn't plan to do that in fact it wasn't long before I earned my first trophy foreign Falls first trophy let's go this is a momentous moment this means I cannot give up on it because it's forever on my profile the description for this trophy is hilarious if only you knew it's honestly the perfect way to sum this game up trust me and let's talk about jump King's trophies there's General trophies that include the one I just earned for falling one thousand times I just got a shameful trophy a thousand times I fell I'm not happy about that and others for jumping one thousand times this game's like 13 bucks oh new trophy only 19 000 more there's also three total levels in the PlayStation version of the game with each level having their own trophies as well these were originally DLC but you have to play them for the Platinum we'll talk about the harder trophies later for now keep in mind you get rewarded for the first time you beat a level so that's my goal back to my first attempt every time I came to a new screen there was a new Jump I had to learn there's often multiple ways to get through a screen with a lot of cool speed strats and there's also safety strategies as well I'll eventually come to learn all of them it took me several tries to learn how to do jumps like these and this happened every time I came to a new screen every couple of screens is also known as a new area with a new set of challenges to learn and deal with like here this area is called the false King's keep it doesn't seem too bad because if I fall I land here but then comes this dumb bird over here there's a trophy for buying some shoes and beating the game with those shoes equipped they're purely cosmetic so it won't make the game any harder but the merchant who sells the shoes is located a few screens up and the problem is the only way to buy those shoes is to chase this bird here all the way to the end of the game then come back down to the merchant to buy the shoes meaning you have to go through the level basically twice with the shoes equipped so my current goal is to chase this stupid bird who's just taunting me with his gold coin a few screens later I encountered one of the hardest jumps in the game known as the chimney jump and here's how it went oh there we go okay okay yeah that was beginner's luck that jump is gonna cost me a lot of trouble during these trophy runs here there's the bird Oh I thought an example of how costly it is to make a mistake here no I didn't it Blends in with the background I didn't know Falls like this would sometimes cost me 20 to 30 minutes or even hours and when I finally did get back to that screen I still had to figure out what to do and test different strats and just walk nope nope nope you cannot nope oh my God nope you cannot just walk in a similar fashion later when I got to this screen I can't lie it was starting to get to me bro it's like a vicious cycle can I make it on top of oh I made it oh my goodness I made it bro [Music] oh this is a sick joke and don't forget I'm still chasing that stupid bird I'm not gonna lie these jumps are crazy these jumps are crazy because there's only like a small spot you can stand on can I get to the bird this way this screen here is actually where this specific fall happened bro bro I just felt like 12 screens at this point I came up with the three rules for success in Jump King number one learn the jumps every time I get to a new screen finally I got to this next area which introduces an entirely new mechanic involving wins all I know about this area the wind pushes you as you can probably tell already the wind heavily pushes you in the direction that it's blowing the bird is right there do I go for the bird the bird still moves away oh wait wait I got a trophy bird that's how I feel right now that bird believe me I fell quite a bit here but eventually I did learn some really cool strats again okay I'm gonna I'm gonna wait for the win to change go up oh my goodness every jump I made here was extremely nerve-wracking because it's hard to tell where you're gonna land with some of these jumps oh and there's snow here which makes it so you can't walk to adjust your positioning before each jump eventually I got to the last screen of this area where the bird finally drops the gold coin that I need except this is where it began to show how badly I took when the lights get to go no that damn bird the coin is there I saw it because this jump here just kept getting the best of me so now I'm gonna stand all the way to the left jump straight up perfect jump straight up yo how do you do it straight up how do you do this bruh it's right there it's right there straight up no no what what did I do wrong what is going on bro what do I do finally an hour later this happened I do my own jump without the wind foreign oh my God give me the coin [Music] did it trophy Fool's Paradise oh my goodness I mentioned I needed to go back down once I got the gold coin but in reality because of this trophy existing called Big Spender I needed to do that same thing on nine more runs before purchasing the shoes so I could earn the trophy which is why I didn't immediately head back down after catching the bird this Chapel area is honestly pretty free but it's a calm before the storm because the next area called Blue Ruin is every new Jump King player's worst nightmare the devs were not playing around here okay I wasn't expecting that this is the icy area where you slip around on every platform any small mistake here sends you back down to the chapel thankfully the devs blessed us by making the chapel a checkpoint because I cannot imagine what I do falling down here back into the windy area bro as per usual since I wasn't very good at the video game I had to spend another hour or so just practicing here before I finally got to the tower the final area of the game where the smoking hot babe was waiting foreign [Music] you fall so far this is ridiculous [Music] music gets all cool here [Music] thank you bruh all right because I keep falling I need to take the time to appreciate the soundtrack now so let's take some time deep breaths [Music] music take a little break all right break time's over [Music] oh there we go okay [Music] [Music] well I don't know where to go I don't know where to go [Music] bro this is ridiculous [Music] oh my God oh no [Music] bro what nah that's crazy I definitely over thought that in my head I'm like oh this is easy no that was that's just laughable [Music] I did it let's go oh my goodness jump King let's go that's one place roof out of 18. finally I got my crown I got the Babe too and that Crown is very important I need to beat the game with the crown I need to beat the game game again with the crown for another trophy all right completed it on attempt one session six eight and a half hours 14 000 jumps in 1500 Falls that's crazy honestly the feeling of finally beating this game even one time was amazing my next goal was to beat the game again but this time also avoid the bird which means this run makes no progress towards the big spender trophy okay I avoided the birds successfully now when I beat the game I will get two trophies I don't know why I'm saying it like that the the second time through this level was so much easier so much so in fact that I realized halfway through that I had a real shot at the first Speed Run trophy of the game you see there's a trophy for beating the game in under one hour there's another one for beating it in 15 minutes but that'll come later for now you can clearly see the stress on my face here knowing I was just moments away from completing the first speed run [Music] come on man come on man come on man let's go fool me twice that's for avoiding the bird come on get my trophies Swift jumper for one hour and there should be a third one double King oh my goodness let's go it's only been a couple hours since the first one too at this point I completed several partial playthroughs so I could collect enough coins for Big Spender there we go give me that gold coin okay hold on I'm gonna wait I'm gonna wait I'm gonna wait I'm gonna wait hold on hold on hold on hold on I'm gonna I'm gonna wait give me that Gold's gone so that's number two all right another playthrough in the books I have myself three gold rings along the way I earned the final Milestone trophy for 20 000 jumps the false Kings keep that doesn't rhyme oh trophy my Lord is a true veteran in the art of jumping 20 000 jumps twenty thousand jumps and I have seven gold rings so this is like the ninth playthrough okay this should be the 10th coin man it should be the tenth coin let's check finally I have all 10 I can go buy the shoes which is exactly what I did I put my new kicks on and saved the Babe yet again fashionable let's go okay own the special boots and big spender two trophies at once and we'll get another trophy for finishing this run too before moving on to the first DLC map I decided to finish up the 15 minute speed run by now I had a dozen attempts of practice under my belt so I felt confident I could get this done after beating the game you unlock a timer at the top as well which is pretty nice it's crazy how fast I got to this point here considering it took me eight hours to beat the map the first time Easy Ice section easy and it was looking good until this happened [Music] no no look how far I fell but I still had two minutes on the timer so I had to lock in [Music] this is it we did it 15 minutes I saved it I saved it lightning speed jumper let's go that really should have been like nine minutes that really should have been like nine minutes and now it was finally time to begin newbay plus which is the first DLC map if you thought the original game was hard this DLC is downright evil the very first section is a snowy area with some very tough jumps in addition the game has several trophies for what I like to call challenge runs you have to beat every map with giant shoes and the snake ring the shoes maker so you can't walk kinda like if you were in snow but on the entire map and the ring makes every surface slippery to even attempt these challenge runs you have to first unlock each item both items are found in nube plus you get the shoes for collecting 10 hidden coins all throughout the map and you get the ring for chasing yet another bird the evil part is both items require you to basically get to the end of the map and again go all the way back down to the beginning just like this sneakers on the first map after getting through the snowy section you come across the ice section that's right they throw all the stops at you right in the beginning there's several coins hidden in secret sections here too which are very easy to miss after some scary jumps where you're bound to fall like so you get to the windy section of the map right away oh oh damn okay wait so if I jump again I'm gonna jump Against the Wind I had some scary falls here and that was before I even got to chimney jump 2.0 this is a pretty cool setup here for this jump but I wouldn't learn that strap for like another five weeks for now I just winged it big jump we'll send that was a bad idea we're not doing that again oh oh I soon came across the area that would end up making me almost cry during zero fall runs later this section might be in contention for the hardest area in the entire game every jump and surface leaves almost no room for error which was bad news for me because this brings me to the second rule for success in Jump kick don't fall I don't know how many times I broke this rule which sucks because had I followed my own rules this entire Platinum would have been much easier but can you blame me I mean look at these screens look at how careful I have to be to make each obstacle and this whole section comes just a few moments after this one just a reminder I have to get through here with no Falls later and for another cherry on top yet another new mechanic was introduced in the next section I actually earned a trophy for just reaching it this is the water section and the gimmick here is that my movement and jumps are much much slower a maximum jump is like 50 longer you don't jump further or anything it just takes longer for each jump this is actually the last area before the tower for this map where the Babe is waiting but not so fast because the last coin is all the way up here so before I go to the top I had some items to collect at the beginning chasing the bird back down along the way I eventually was able to make the first purchase the giant boots [Music] a snake ring then required me to go back down to the snowy area before making my way back up to receive my reward [Music] finally it was time to take on The Dark Tower one of my absolute favorite areas of the entire game the gimmick here is there's fake walls and floors all over the place they're pretty easy to identify honestly but they make it so there's several routes you can take on the way up that's a fake wall that's a fake platform to the right you can go right here I cannot okay all right oh okay I fell even further nice can I just can I just do this I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it I'll do it oh you can okay I didn't know if I'd hit the top I didn't know if I hit the top I bounce off the wall will that work I'm gonna do it does work okay there's a fake wall to the left right there can I go there I can go to that one right there that one in the middle really thin platform looks real and I fell [Music] that's a far jump I don't want to make that jump oh okay okay full left [Music] I can go right there to the right [Music] full left [Music] let's go that's not too bad that's not too bad that's not too bad new king plus that's not too bad the end of this map is not too bad it's not too bad at all it's the water it's the water section that messes you up that water section is gonna end so many runs I decided to go back to the main game before DLC 2 to tackle the challenge runs beginning with the giant boots I definitely underestimated the difficulty of not being able to walk at all easy jumps became real challenges hard jumps became even bigger challenge damn it okay it even lets a downright laughable moments like this yo I'm gonna fall if I jump [Music] yo I can't that little Tetris piece is strategically there I'm gonna fall if I jump I jump to the right I'm gonna fall I know I'm gonna fall like come on bro like and then I'm back down here yo that's the evil evil evil evil placement right there man evil bro oh that wasn't so bad the toughest adjustment was when I got to the icy area because the game forces you to learn an entirely new way to deal with slipping you have to do short mini hops in the opposite direction so you don't fall off it's actually easier than it looks but it did take me a few minutes to get used to it using this Strat I tackled these all too familiar screens again until I reached the tower I no longer needed to do the short hops so that shortly meant this section is easier right wrong no okay we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good this is so tough to do [Music] this is so tough when you can't walk [Music] no okay God damn it oh my God I beat it I beat it I beat it oh wait I didn't beat it no I'm falling all the way down bro oh my God I was at the end that is the worst fall of the entire my 20 hours so far that's the worst fall God damn it [Music] oh finally 153 man 153. oh my goodness this trophy was so difficult and you have to do this two more times on the other Maps this is crazy this is crazy the snake ring run had its own challenges but it actually made the snowy section easier since it allows you to walk through snow this Strat would end up helping me quite a bit later but for now it allowed me to get to the Tower in just an hour oh that rhymed oh my goodness the tower had its own challenges though because I ended up spending nearly 30 minutes on just these last few screens to finish this entire run oh oh wow that worked out [Music] come on don't fall come on bruh [Music] foreign [Music] I almost over I was overthinking on that last the last two jumps right there I was overthinking let's go and then somehow my confidence was through the roof after Those runs and I felt like I was ready to tackle the zero Fall Run on the main game here's how it went it feels like a good time to bring up the third and final rule for success in Jump King try again scrub and that's what I did for a little while all right this is the run killer right here oh my God we did it oh damn it oh man it only takes three minutes to get back there don't worry three minutes oh okay eventually I realized I was in fact not ready so I moved on to DLC 2 ghost of the babe this is by far the hardest mat as usual we start off with collecting some items these are cosmetic unlike the boots and ring from DLC one oh I got a trophy psycho the forest scholar don't even know what that means he gave me a hat like it then we get to a new area called the bog oh my oh I've seen gameplay of the bog I think you are supposed to fall down here this area is a mixture of being underwater while also being unable to walk as if we were stuck in snow normally this area would be extremely difficult but then I came to a huge realization right now in the Bog you can't move I'm like pushing the analystic left to right you can't move but this item which is supposed to make it harder it's helping me right now it lets you move because the floors are slippery with the snake ring so I decided I'm just gonna use the snake ring for the bog the next area is pretty straightforward I mean don't get me wrong it's very difficult the first time you go through it but by this time I was very used to failing jumps the first few moments and then figuring out how to overcome them in the following area there was a pretty annoying trophy I had to earn this time I had to chase around the Fly for a while I actually had to jump up and down these screens until I touched the fly around 20 times to earn my reward please this DLC is full of random trophies because a few screens later there was another one for finding a cat up next was the Phantom Tower another very difficult area that ended up becoming one of my favorites in the entire game making mistakes here was extremely costly though bruh yo that Tower is so tough I still think this area is awesome because of all the secret platforms you can jump to you see the best strategy across the entire game is to find as many full jumps as possible these are jumps that you don't have to necessarily time because you hold jump for as long as you can only your positioning and the direction you jump matters this Phantom Tower is almost all full jumps even though it doesn't seem like which is why I think it's cool thank you okay I can't believe I just did that casually I know this part this is not the end looks like the end but there's more then comes a new area and another new mechanic yeah what's up with the developers and the DLCs they put water everywhere it messes with the physics they got the bog they have the the water section in in DLC one now they have this too I'm so focused up go okay okay BDM jump again oh my God all right hold on I didn't fall I didn't fall I think if I do fall though I just fall to the below screen I don't think you fall out of this section but I don't want to test that oh there's a trophy right here yo they got the shade they have cigarettes I got the cool music I can't really read what they're saying though I don't like the font [Music] foreign [Music] about where I'd fall if I made a mistake here it was ridiculous this is this is okay oh no how did that happen goodness [Music] I'd rather fall this way no how does that keep happening oh my God [Music] so we do not need to talk about what happened with that timer let's just move on what that next screen looks crazy [Music] one after the screen after this looks ridiculous [Music] this screen right here looks crazy what is this so this is the final area of the entire game and it of course introduces a brand new mechanic that isn't found anywhere else quicksand oh oh this is kind of cool these floors don't allow you to stand still for more than a few seconds otherwise you're gonna have a bad time making any mistake here makes you fall all the way back down to the waterfall section no yo I can't move oh no I can't move oh my God I ended up having to take a break and watch more of the guide before getting back on to beat the level for a few more sweet trophies come on come on oh my goodness come on [Music] Regal attire Exorcist King tuna yo look at the Sun or the moon there's an eclipse going on there's my attire Regal attire give me that I need that am I Crown I need that let's go now I have the real fit the fit of a king let's go afterwards I went back to complete the two challenge runs on new bay plus beginning with the giant boots and then a separate play through later for the snake ring and since I was already in the challenge run Spirit my next Focus after that was the giant boots on ghost of the babe this was the map that had the least practice on thus far so these next few runs would be crucial practice for later again I do not want to talk about that timer okay that was so close too all right this room I know how to do I know how to do this room is actually not that bad anymore come on bro okay sweet very easy jump right here come on man very easy jump right here oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness don't choke bro don't joke don't joke yes oh my gosh giant loot giant leaps ghost I can't read oh my goodness my heart is pounding my heart is pounding and there's still another one to do and I failed so many speed runs to get to this point it's ridiculous there were two speed run trophies left to acquire both being on DLC too my goal was to beat this map in under 30 minutes to earn both trophies at the same time if you don't think about it that just made sense no my concerns were that there were many run killers on this map in fact I wouldn't earn another trophy for a nearly eight days that's eight days of practicing this map learning the ins and outs and failing of course while streaming my attempts every time that was the one that was the one yo ah that was the one [Music] no I got close to the end a few times and even when I fell at the quicksand section I knew it only took about three minutes to get through it so I didn't give up no oh no oh no we got time we got time we got time we got time we're good we're good we're good we're good damn it it's been like a week since I practiced oh that's the one that's the 30 minutes gone no oh it's not so good wait wait wait wait wait wait no I was supposed to land right there what that's never happened before I think I'm good though I think I'm gonna land on top of no I'm not there's a little ramp right there I didn't know that was there of course that's there I eventually made it to the Tower with 14 minutes to spare that's enough time to fall a couple times and still make it back up dozens of hours of practice led me to this moment oh my goodness this room is so stressful this is the only place you can stop in this room foreign damn it we have a lot of time though it only takes like a minute to get back [Music] oh no I was so nervous I was so nervous oh my heart is racing no that was it if you know me though oh you know I definitely don't give up and the very next attempt I had about 10 minutes to spare this time this is how the final run went words cannot explain how I was feeling at this moment I did it let's go let's go [Music] finally finally oh my God finally I told you that it was a day it's not gonna cost me any money the final challenge run was a snake ring on ghost of The Babe again we definitely do not need to talk about that timer oh my goodness that was so close okay this room is not that bad room's not that bad come on oh my God okay this room is also not that bad room's low key free okay freak I definitely could have gotten closer for that jump nice okay oh my God oh my God whoa whoa whoa yo can I get to the safe spot bro oh my God I can't get to this a spot this is stressful all right whatever whatever whatever bro oh my God I did it I did it oh my God I can't yell it's like 1am right now yo I was trying to get to that one spot I couldn't I'm gonna get there I couldn't get there it was stressing me out oh my God I almost fell off too I gotta go I gotta rewind it I almost fell off on that second to last jump all to the left oh my God I was finally at the Final Phase of jump kick I had three trophies left to earn all of the zero fall runs how did the bait get to the top these are the real questions how did she get to the top they never explained it I need a jump King too I need the lore to be completed how did she get there by the way dlc2 says beat the map with two Falls but these are built into the map and technically forced yo she must have like hamstring not hamster thighs of Steel just like the jump King you gotta jump real far to go up there I of course began with the easiest map the main babe [Music] damn what followed was a four hour stream Where I Was consistently making mistakes on areas I knew I mastered couple things every time I've gotten into a difficult jump and I was talking I messed up like that point proven not a difficult jump though so I guess not Point proven uh and then other times I would be reading chat when I get to a difficult jump and I mess up therefore when we get to a difficult jump don't slow down don't ReChat don't talk and that's the recipe for Success the issue was more so not being focused and just hanging out with chat rather than actually locking in and getting it done that's not a fall okay yo I'm still at zero it's because I hit the little ramp right here yeah I was just showing you the mechanic that was just an example of the mechanic is all is if you land on a slope it's not a fall I truly believe I should have been able to do this in a shorter time frame because surprisingly the main babe is very easy after you put in about 100 hours of practice who would have thought one of the most common questions I got was how long the run is and the answer is it's around seven to eight minutes however the world record time is in the four minute Mark but don't even think for a second that I was gonna get even close to world record time and finally this was my best run yet [Music] thank you finally let's go let's go finally oh my god with only two trophies remaining nothing could prepare me for what awaited me it would end up nearly taking 18 days from the time I popped the last trophy to when I finally earned that elusive ultra rare plot that was planned of course I left the hardest map for last or so I thought through about five days worth of streams I began really perfecting strategies I had learned throughout the whole journey things like utilizing the snake ring on the snow learning all the full jump strategies and the chimney jump 2.0 setup no ah which looks like this that's one of my favorite setups in the whole game by the way all this still could not prepare me for the hardest sections of the whole map Lost Frontier I mentioned earlier that this area almost made me cry oh my God I thought I didn't make it I love the music of this game no [Music] no damn you fall so far too damn bro and it's because of how difficult the zero fall runs were in this section no way bro literally literally the next jump after my best attempt I fell that's not even a hard jump I wasn't even paying attention bro there's no speed run trophy for DLC one for some reason so I had a little less time on this map compared to the other two what oh my God how did I make that what but I still spent plenty of time on the challenge runs and I had watched dozens of speed runs through here of other YouTubers so I knew what the optimal route was my issue was execution and the anxiety I felt every time leading to mistakes like this one that's a fall that's a fall and as a result all these failed streams and dozens of attempts finally after what felt like an eternity I ended up having this run off stream where I didn't need to focus on the chat by the way I'll link important runs in the pin comments down below this is arguably the final difficult section of the entire level or at least that's how I felt about it I did learn a few full jump setups here though which was a matter of execution and then we reached the water section which is basically all full jumps again quite literally one of the easiest sections of the entire game which is ironic considering I thought it was crazy difficult the first time I played through it and finally The Dark Tower I knew the route I had to take and where to set up each jump my nerves were getting to me and I was really trying to be intentional with each jump you can tell by my face I was so done with this game at this point I really think these last two trophies affected me in ways I can never recover from anyways look at some of these jumps I'm telling you guys this section is so cool finally one last setup to get to the final screen for the trophy oh my God oh my God oh my God I was actually distracted yes oh my God I just spent so so many days and the Knicks tied it up so many my head actually hurts my head hurts oh my God one trophy left and then there was one left ghost of The Babe was full of crazy jumps and setups beginning with another favorite setup of mine that allows you to skip 90 of the bog I then used the snake ring trick for the remainder of the area it feels like every section of this map had at least one nerve-wracking jump there were countless moments like this that's a fall the house of Nine Lives had one screen in particular that ended a minimum of 50 runs for me by itself no damn it whenever I did finally get past the screen the difficulty only increased with each section leading to bounce like this oh really ah damn it one of my biggest struggles with failing so far into a run is simply getting back to that point because I would still constantly fail on earlier portions eventually I was able to make it to the waterfall area within only six to seven minutes but this brought its own problems since it was so far into the map I had to jump literal Leaps and Bounds to get there I had the least amount of practice out of any other area in the game literally days later with many many more hours of practice under my belt I found myself in the quicksand Tower just a few moments away from rescuing the smoke and hop babe one final time I had studied dozens of runs online I had completing dozens of runs myself and a showed with the skill with which I was jumping all leading up to this moment [Music] thank you [Music] I literally had no words I decided that was enough for that day and hopped back on stream the next day I got to the tower so fast yet again and decided to take my sweet time with every single jump I predicted with the chat that I would beat the map in exactly 10 minutes and had gone to this section in under eight so I had plenty of time to spare you can see with every single jump I was jumping out of the sand several times before moving forward that was just me being overly cautious I even walked back and forth over and over to set up a full jump on this screen this next Strat was when I started using over 150 hours in and I did it a couple times in the previous screens below I would allow myself to sink just a little bit allowing me to do a full jump to the next spot which was much easier than timing my jump but also a little bit riskier and finally the final screen again [Music] oh let's go it's done it's done it's finally done oh my gosh let's go king among Kings finally 1008 430 jumps oh for the moment we've been waiting for total stats 153 760 jumps and 6820 ball I challenge you to beat that foreign [Music]
Channel: 3PointGamer
Views: 112,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jump king, platinum, trophies, plat, jump, king, 3pg, 3pointgamer, 3pointgaming
Id: sR-n2yfuGBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 25sec (2665 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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