This Painful Platinum Requires Too Much Skill...

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this is hollow Knight one of the greatest Indie Games ever made and now one of my favorite games as well you might be surprised to hear that but let me tell you the setting the music all the bosses and not to mention the lore are all top-notch in this game despite all that this game is known for one thing it's difficult the hardest bosses this game has to offer requires some insane skills making Hollow Knight's Platinum a 10 out of 10 in difficulty rating but I wanted to challenge myself so I decided to go for the platinum trophy anyways despite knowing this beforehand nothing could prepare me for what would come in the end game trophies are PlayStation's equivalent to achievements on Xbox or Steam and to earn the platinum trophy you just need to earn every other trophy in the game much easier said than done now I already mentioned the difficulty but that mainly lies in the end game take the word end game with a grain of salt by the way for a lot of people Hollow Knight's end game takes up double or triple the hours of the rest of the game combined we'll get to that soon enough though for now I need to build up the skills to take on this game that brings us to phase one of hollow Knight's Platinum which was to Simply play through the game during this time I got a feel for the controls and got to explore a little bit meeting NPCs that helped flesh out the story and fighting enemies around the map I also discovered my first charm which earned me my first trophy too okay first trophy for purchasing something from the shop I'm a bit surprised that's my first trophy but I'll take it charms are this game's equipment there's not really much else to it there's a good amount of charms to find and collect and they offer a way to customize your build to your liking but more on that later when we get to the Dreadful end game eventually while exploring I came to my first boss battle false night okay another boss I just ran into this is false night the game's first real boss I know I just said I ran into another boss but those were just tougher regular enemies not bosses oh this is stupid easy okay why don't we obviously this being the first boss it was meant to be easy and I was pretty confident honestly however I should have been more humble and careful oh my God this is honestly pretty embarrassing guys I'm not gonna lie I died I promise over the course of this video I'll get good trust me I ran it back for round two and it was a bit more careful this time false Knight just kind of jumps around swinging his mace and is very predictable so I don't even know why I died the first time this is what should have happened foreign this is what should have happened I should have won that fight do I go down that way I feel like I do yeah he can't escape that's right that's right that's what should have happened round two bro [Applause] after feeling very accomplished from defeating the easiest boss in the game I quickly ran into the next trophy boss this fight against Hornet perfectly shows the range of this game the setting is beautiful and this boss although easy is vastly different from the false Knight boss Hornet lunges at you Dives at you and shoots her nail among a few other attacks I was more careful this time around to avoid another false night situation which led to my next trophy a few minutes later that only took one attempt but I was still kind of worried about any upcoming bosses so I took the time to upgrade my knight you might have noticed I only have five Health in the top left corner to increase this there's some Collectibles for the player to find once you find four mask shards you get one more which increases your health from there I took on this boss called Crystal Guardian he's an extremely easy boss who shoots a crystal laser at you while you also Dodge lasers are shooting from the sky it sounds ridiculous and crazy when I say that out loud but believe me it's super simple as his name States this guy guards the crystal area of the game very pretty if I do say so myself moving on the next boss was far from Easy this one is called Soul master and he does all sorts of teleporting and shooting magic at you he actually gave me quite a bit of trouble if you haven't seen or played this game before there's no way you can be prepared for this he teleports all over the place and honestly this death right here was inevitable of course I ran it back for round two and at this point the gameplay Loop became pretty clear to me what's most satisfying and made me want to keep playing this game is coming up to a new challenge or in this case a new boss and then struggling at first to defeat it I might lose a couple times here and there or many times as you'll see later but with each attempt I got a little bit better and eventually good enough to defeat it like Soul Master here I learned the attacks quite a bit and although though there were many many mistakes and close calls in this fight where my health was as low as one I still managed to get good enough to defeat him and move on and basically this is what happens with every boss in the game trophies actually become few and far between with plenty of miscellaneous ones that we don't really need to worry about oh my God I did it just stopping like heal protect myself Luke Nest that thing was a fluke how come I don't get any trophies for beating these annoying bosses that last clip and this one right here are a few more examples of various bosses in the game I won't go over all of them for time's sake but just know that they all and yes I mean all of them return later in the end game for now we'll focus on what I had to do to beat the game with 112 completion which is basically everything this game has to offer I had to free these little guys here called grubs there's over 40 of them hidden all around the map to find another version of this game's Collectibles which earned me a few trophies metamorphosis baby I also finished upgrading the night starting with upgrading my soul which is right next to my health here this meter is used to either heal yourself or use magic to deal a large amounts of damage so it's very important to fully upgrade this afterwards I also fully upgraded my health which pops two trophies one being a miscellaneous lore one here we go Solace bring peace to the gray mourner and ask mask two in one that's okay two steps closer to advance the story I also earned three trophies for destroying the three dreamers scattered around the map these are beings that need to be dealt with so we can awaken the hollow Knight and fight him there's some more bosses along the way like this one here called umu which is a giant electric jellyfish who you can only hit during a few seconds at a time when he's weak or also these guys here called The Watcher Knights which is another boss guarding a different dreamer this boss consists of several nights that wake up and either roll at you or they jump at you or swing their nails at you at the end of each of these bosses we destroy the dreamers and pop a few trophies before taking on the hollow Knight and letting the credits roll there was still a few things to take care of like remember the charms I mentioned earlier I found all of them so it was time to collect my prize and pop another sweet trophy [Music] yo [Music] that's the blessing I swear what that's what I worked my way up to this whole game Nothing Was the Same after that anywho Hollow Knight actually had three free DLCs drop over the years which are a huge part of the reason why this Platinum is so tough we'll start with the main DLC boss Grim one of the tougher bosses in the game he teleports very quickly lunges at you before letting Fireballs down he can dive down at you and even summon spikes yeah as you can probably tell this is where things start to really heat up get it heat up sorry anyways this attempt you see here is after a few practice fights because I was struggling off stream this fight makes it easy to track the boss's health because he does this Blowfish attack at 75 50 and 25 Health remaining so you always know how far you are the fight here also has some of my favorite music in the game feels like an appropriate time to mention that compared to later this boss is very easy yes dare I say that again but easy after a few more minutes of this fight I claimed my victory and earned a trophy there we go okay cool oh I didn't know I was getting a trophy oh my goal was the final boss but before I took him on I had to prove myself worthy and the perfect way to do that was to complete the trials of the Coliseum which earns us a few trophies too of course there's three trials in total that increase in difficulty each one puts you up against waves of enemies and really the first two are a cakewalk the third one however gets pretty intense it starts out difficult from the jump with several rounds without any platforms for you to stand on meaning you have to balance your time on the walls while still defending yourself and fighting enemies it took me probably six or seven attempts to make it through some of these crazy waves and that was after all the upgrades before that I really stood no chance I see these trials as a very good practice for learning movement mechanics and Improvement reaction time for the difficult bosses to come oh okay I got it nice is that it am I done well they're cheering oh I'm done let's go yo that trial took me like at least 15 tries let's go kinda like the harder version of grim I just mentioned this one is called nightmare King grim and he's a much harder version of the previous fight most of the attacks are the same but quicker leaving you less time to react why does he have a title like that oh my gosh that's so fast I died so fast my priority was always to play defensive and wait for this attack here this was my favorite move that he did because I could actually heal or if I was already full then I could deal massive damage and like before as a test of endurance you have to stay mentally prepared and focused long enough to deal with chunks of damage again I knew how far it was based on this Blowfish attack and it wasn't easy I failed quite a bit but this fight was especially satisfying to overcome which I eventually did no I choked oh I'm gonna do it this next attempt is gonna be it I choked but this next step's gonna be it's because I try I started talking [Music] yes I oh I clutched it on one hit I clustered on one hit he deals two hit two hit points per per attack so I had only one hit left wow and the nightmares and trophy I deserve that oh he just leaves too and with that it was time to take on the hollow Knight and beat the game this is meant to be a sad moment but I didn't really take it too seriously on stream mainly because the hollow Knight is nothing compared to the Grim fight I just did there's a tougher version of this fight too that'll come up real soon for now I took care of business and earned some more sweet dopamine boosts [Music] the hollow Knight I even did a bit more cleanup by defeating every enemy in the game a few times to pop a few more trophies which happen to include the trophy for 112 completion and now on to phase two end game I keep referring to the end game and the difficulty with Hollow Knight and it's finally time to discuss it the pantheons at the end of this game are the reason why so many people give up on this Platinum it pushes a lot of people to use an invincibility glitch something I won't be doing there's five pantheons in total each with different bosses and increasing difficulty the first four pantheons have around 10 to 12 bosses each with most of them being from earlier in the game so I knew how to defeat them there are a few original bosses too that don't show up anywhere else but it's nothing that I couldn't figure out after one or two attempts if you're wondering how long these pantheons are each one is roughly 10 to 15 minutes depending on how aggressive I played and that really depends on my charm build too yeah remember those I said earlier that charms allowed you to customize your build to your liking and my preference for almost every boss was using unbreakable strength which made my attacks 50 stronger quick slash allowing me to hit much faster which happens to pair well with strength Mark of Pride which allowed me to hit much much further away and Shadow slash you're able to dash through enemies in this game but there's a cooldown of a few seconds this charm here allows you to dash a little further and hit enemies during the dash too with this build I completed the first three pantheons pretty easily the fourth Pantheon is separate from the first three and only unlocks once you beat those this is where some of the harder bosses are in my opinion we've got soul Tyrant a harder version of the boss from earlier in the video White Defender who's actually a fan favorite among the player base and pure vessel who is a much harder version of the hollow Knight again some of the best music in the game in this fight but it gave me a lot of trouble you only get a moment to react to each attack and if I didn't correctly Dodge one attack I'd get hit by another which sometimes led to multiple hits and in this fight if you get hit you lose two HP so you can see why it was more stressful than ever thankfully there's an area of the game that allows you to practice each fight individually if you needed to which makes it much easier than playing through a Pantheon just to get to the end and lose so that's what I did a lot I had to get good enough to beat Pure vessel earning me the trophy for the 4th Pantheon and finally unlocking access to the fifth and final Pantheon foreign yes I was one hit I was one hit let's go first time being that boss let's go I was one hit I think I think I got that boss down to a t now I say that now but I'm gonna struggle oh I got a trophy I forgot about it this is it everything I've been in this game has led to this final challenge for real this time there's nothing else to take care of except completing the pantheon of hallownest and earning the final trophy except this challenge is wild I had to beat every boss in the game in a row without dying most bosses were buffed one way or another like this one here has two flying mosquitoes the garage mother has a smaller area with spikes umu has an endless Abyss to fall to your death rather than a Florida walk-on and much more but the only way to prove myself was to dive straight in so I did taking out bosses left and right because the first 25 to 30 bosses are pretty straightforward on top of that I was pretty good by now since I had just completed the first four pantheons there's some notable cool fights like here against the sisters of battle the movement in this fight is pretty awesome there's only a few moments where you can rest but otherwise you need to stay focused to be dodging their attacks at all times this one really really isn't too difficult though because the real problem comes later once your 30 boss is in keep in mind this whole challenge takes up a lot of time it takes nearly 40 minutes or more just to get far into the pantheon and that's when I had to fight Marco this fight is notoriously difficult he shoots nails at you every few seconds and Spins a shield you have to find openings to hit him eventually bringing his health down low enough to start Phase 2 which means faster nails and a second shield and did I mention there's no floor to stand on you can fall and take damage too trust me this is the craziest fight so far it took me hours of practice to learn and be aggressive in the beginning of the fight before relying almost exclusively on Magic in the second phase it was so relieving to finally get past this easily a three to four hour roadblock after that I had to fight Zoe I can confidently say this was the single most annoying fight in the game for me and my biggest obstacle considering I just fought Marco that's a big deal remember how I said it takes easily over 40 minutes to get this far yeah I can probably round that up to 50 minutes to be safe and losing a run this deep end would be heartbreaking right well I lost a zote five times in one stream bro oh my gosh I cannot fight this guy oh my gosh four runs in a row to one boss I can't beat this guy bro I started getting nervous too I'm not gonna lie as soon as I got to like five masks yo my heart is racing because I can't that's five runs in one day so the one optional boss bro I should have never saved his life that was over four hours of attempts all dying to the one same boss to make matters worse this boss is optional the only reason I had to fight him is because I unknowingly saved him earlier in the game I had no clue who he was I was just being a good guy if you don't save him you don't have to fight him here and you can still earn the pantheon 5 Trophy learning this information made me hate this guy even more it's wild again I spent nearly four hours just practicing zope before jumping back in starting another attempt this time when I got to Zoe I was hyper focused I still wasn't perfect that the fight partially due to the nervousness I felt but luckily and thankfully I got past this buffoon finally bro oh my goodness no time to rest though because still in my way is Nightmare King Grim again the same super stressful and fast-paced fight as before there's nothing different in this fight which I needed to thank the devs for because it was crazy enough as it is no problems here and I was able to get past grim and have a resting point you get a room like this after every five bosses in the pantheon allowing you to heal back up to full and change your charms if you need to up next is pure vessel the same boss at the end of Pantheon 4 which I had practiced plenty leading up to this point the only real worry here was if I was gonna choke which of course not do you know who I am foreign oh my goodness okay absolute radiance personal best now from now on I can practice that fight finally the ultimate battle awaited me this is absolute Radiance the only thing standing in my way to earn the platinum trophy oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God yeah um ah that was awkward oh man man that was awkward okay very last boss and we're gonna get out of there yeah that did not go well let's go over that in full prior to this death I could not practice the absolute Radiance fight because I had never reached this fight before you need to at least reach the boss in order to practice them now that I have the room unlocked and I was able to learn the ins and outs of each attack and boy was there a lot of learning to do my priority again was to focus on Surviving and healing and only attacking whenever necessary even so I made plenty of mistakes and got hit all the time the fight is broken into a few different phases with lasers swords spikes everywhere it's absurd whenever I did manage to get past this insane first round I was welcomed with the teleporting platform phase yeah this game loves to remove your floors and leave you with platforms to jump around on truthfully I like this phase better than the first one it's so much easier to dodge attacks here and heal up the downside is it's way harder to deal damage because it's way more dangerous to get close to the boss again several attempts later and I made it to the next phase here I had to climb upwards while dodging lasers they get more Act accurate as you climb and this actually was harder than I thought it would be for some reason I was really struggling with dodging and once I did finally make it to the top I had one Final Phase to deal with she shoots these electric blasts at you which follow you and Home in on your position making for a really bad time there were countless moments in practice that I made this far and died almost instantly especially because after getting hit once I'd also fall to my death and take additional damage the key here is to Pogo off the boss and dash left or right the electric shots make it off screen they disappear so that was my priority let's go let's go that wasn't even that bad that wasn't even that bad that's a lie I'm sorry that's a lie it was bad but still we did it again five to six hours of practice later I was finally able to defeat her consistently on dude but that was just practice so it was time for the final run have fun let's go it's two in a row that's two in a row I think we're ready I fought my way up to Grim once again taking care of him no problem and at the resting point I switched up my charms for the first time to an all defensive and healing build I then took on pure vessel and I made that change specifically for absolute Radiance but the extra healing certainly helped here too and now it was once again time for the final battle I knew I had the skills to do this foreign [Music] oh my goodness I gotta wipe down my control after this not sweaty but like you know what you know you know when you're holding something for a long time like foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign let's go let's go that was easy that was not easy it was not easy that was not easy it's not easy oh my gosh my heart is racing oh I gotta per square I didn't even get hit on that last phase I cannot tell you how many times during practice I can't even can I even tell you how many times are in practice I died on that last phase at least 12 times foreign let's go fantastic game by team oh look at the new animation I forgot there's a new animation Hollow Knight took me 70 hours to platinum but this game on screen right here took me over 80 hours click on the screen here to watch it
Channel: 3PointGamer
Views: 74,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollow knight, hollow knight trophies, hollow knight platinum, platinum, platinum trophy, plat, hollow knight plat, hollow knight achievements
Id: RAIjhlNokxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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