The Catholic Church & Alcohol | The Catholic Talk Show

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[Music] hello everybody welcome to the Catholic talk show we got Ryan she'll and father rich yes a very happy father drink today we all have drinks today that's right Ryan how you doing good I'm doing good man doing get another beautiful day from the cast studios in Hollywood California beautiful weather beautiful view yeah absolutely say that every time because the weather just doesn't change her doesn't know Southern California the weather changes less than father rich changes his clerical clothes that's great true yeah you've got a lot of wardrobe and you guys have a lot more yeah yeah we can't get by with wearing the same same thing every episode for those of you who just listen in you really haven't seen the beautiful array of flannel from our dear brother Ryan she'll yeah so you've got it if you're only listening in you've got to look at our YouTube yeah you got to see our video flannels up it's pretty legit yeah I'm like the Catholic you know version of Rory Gallagher who was Catholic but anyway famous famous guitar player famous guitar player very and well-known for his use of flannel shirts back in 70s so good man boy do you think I would be able to get away with a flannel on top of the clerics oh yeah I mean that look kind of pearl jamming what yeah yeah so what are we talking about today right today obviously if you're watching us on youtube or any other video source you will see that we have some Scotch here looks like somebody's been drinking out of it and some beer and so today we're talking about I guess the Catholic the contribution that Catholicism is has made to alcohol alcoholic beverages adult beverages and moderation mind you that's right and a relationship and the Catholic relationship with alcohol and its consumption yeah yeah I mean this is a good show I mean and I mean here we go hey cheers to a great show choose before we start why don't we there's a Catholic blessing for beer right is it for beer or is it it's for beer so and and father rich is gonna try to say and it's a terrible time I mean it's been since what I guess that's probably I think it's five minutes ago you guys were just trashing my Latin I think it's better that you do it now before the Elco that's true that's encouraged okay so let's pray as pray in nobody poverty said utonium nostrum in nómine dómini alright this is where I chant cuicci cuicci limit theorem so you're not even gonna try I know hasn't even been to the seminary and he's at least excuse me I don't I don't have it the interwebz from the computer okay now you got to remember this is years ago so that I did Latin so yeah when I go to seven I didn't go to Saturn I don't know I don't know Latin and you're bad right into it now going to recite all right thank you very dominating create forum Eastham servi see a qualm xrdp frumenty producer Dignitas as food sit the medium salute re who mono january 8th Presta / in pockets aeonium knows nominees to Asante would quicken where X era be variant Sonny taught em corporis at animate to tell them preachy piant per Christum Dominum Nostrum and thank you is that okay it's okay it's okay anyway anybody listening or watching who knows Latin feel free to absolutely go loose and right now dude I had this guy man he was ashamed in the comments that's just absolutely showing him knowledge in Latin Luke just shame me dude I love you Latin scholars it's right so this is bless beer right yes so it's plus beer so nice salute eh alright so do you want to say what we said in English though absolutely look I see serve each a it's not savvy sorry it's like survey us now well no it's an actually Spanish is a Romance language and it comes from Latin right is the word for grain because that's the bread is the fruit of the grain Ryan you need to get with the times yes so why don't you tell you say what that prayer was in English this is beautiful because bishops say this before a solemn blessing at the end of mass our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth the Lord be with you and with your spirit your spirit so let us pray Lord bless this creature beer which by your kindness and power has been produced from kernels of grain and let it be a healthful drink for mankind grant that whoever drinks it with Thanksgiving to your holy name may find it a help in body and soul through Christ our Lord amen yeah that's a beautiful you didn't sprinkle it with holy water that I know maybe like don't worry about it you come over bless our kegs part two I like to in these we have a few cocktails yeah this is great that's right so where's where's that prayer from so this prayer is from the rich Valley Romana which is so it is it is the ritual of Rome so it is the it is prayers that obviously precede the vernacular that we have in English so these prayers have been around for quite a while because alcohol has been around for quite a while and many of the monks many of the priests throughout history living in the caves and games the games and the monasteries around the world they started to practice these wonderful ways of fermenting and all these different things so different she'll to craft that absolute goodness that we you know partake in and it's coming violently it's coming back the crafting of all is coming back oh yeah like the the gin and and that they're people it's not mass production anymore it's like it's appreciated and it's and it's an expression of the art form right so I I went to school with this guy Eric Glamis he's killing it right now he's got a microbrewery in in Atlanta and he is just making all these amazing beers and we had a big celebration for one of my best friend's growing up Blake wall and his in his wedding ceremony wedding celebration in North Carolina and he basically provided all the beers for us and he was able to share his trade his art nice and it truly marked the whole celebration of it even brought hats and t-shirts and everything it was it was awesome you know I think something that's pretty interesting is just how much of the Bible both old and new Testament you know how often wine or beer or you know whatever is mentioned and then you know beyond that going into the Apostolic age and into the you know to the life of the church how about the altar how much how much wine and how much alcohol really does play a role in our lives and how its proper use is something that brings great joy and is improper use has brought great destruction and finding the balance between it and that the Catholic kind of the Catholic ethos a you know towards alcohol how it's really among the world's religions probably the most healthy balance of how to treat alcohol and I think that's something that will be fun to explore on the show today when we find it in moderation and in a communal respect man does it just catalyze just a beautiful experience especially for like outgoing people like us you know you have a few drinks and it's just you know it's just beautiful community yeah maybe you ran I'm more of an introvert he drinks alone I drink alone he's like George third with just my buddy father Jack what's that guy's last name it's it's feathered for the Jack Daniels oh thank you hung out with that guy now with the seminary with him right now the truth comes out riot shield actually might know there was a self construction air strikes in seminary it was a seed bed because that's what seven disseminate formally recognized by any Catholic Church now is the seminary of Our Lady of empty bottles oh my gosh yeah I'm excited to talk about some of this stuff because you know something like not just the convergence of the craft stuff in the art form of it which people are very proud about but it's also the history the history of it the history of it is amazing and Ryan's shield is one of the most impressive historians that I know yeah because it's just he really case it renaissance oh dude he's a Renaissance man yes like a magnet okay I like to view myself as a warrior poet okay warrior poet okay we'll call you okay on the show just call you Ryan that's fast so you know one of the things that I think is always interesting is to consider how how the first person actually discovered alcohol you know and how you know alcohol even got its inception is a is an invention and a lot of this kind of complex right and a lot of historians will say that likely the original and the earthy inception of alcoholic beverages either came from stores of grape juice fermenting from wild yeast in the air no this would have been before the new system in you know before the Akkadian for the Egyptian catch that it was either from stores of grape juice fermenting from wild yeast or grain storages being flooded in the wild yeast then creating the for the fermentation and then people you know consuming those and finding that it had a sweetness to it a good a fact that yeah yeah and so that they probably discovered it by accident and enjoyed what they found and then started doing it purposefully yeah yeah I got yeah you know I love when you act like a caveman so I could just picture you as a caveman discovering wait am i have I acted like a caveman or are you picturing me as a caveman cuz these are two very different things yeah you as they they're owed that and I think because there are viewers not only listeners I think you should offer a little caveman Ryan Dell across discovering so you know you know out of the primordial case from its Ryan Dell across crawled with his empty bottles the production this I didn't go to the seminary of empty bottles yeah our ladies have empty bottle of snow so you know from there you know the production of alcohol there's you know archaeological evidence of its you know production for thousands and thousands of years yeah there's records of the Egyptians paying the workers of you know on their great building projects in beer there's there's a we still do that today that's right yeah when someone helps me move I'm like yeah hey thought beets in there oh you just had a six-pack that depends on what they're moving yeah yeah so you do you're not coming over your place to help you move if you can help me move a couch out of the house you want 12 beers but I come on man get out of here diocesan priests very solicitous you know there's this one beer I had they had actually found an old amphora of beer and they were able to do a chemical analysis of the of the beer and found basically we're able to recreate the element it's called a King Midas beer I can't remember whose makes it but it's you know essentially a 6,000 year old beer recipe it's actually really good that's dogfish dogfish oh yeah yeah it's kind of like a honey Mead pepper very good very good me plenty of me the honey Mead so you know alcohol really has you know kind of involved evolved and made from the now we're now getting into Phase two that's right to history so you know though isn't Mead that all of the Meads are made out of honey oh that's right yeah so it's just yeah it's a it's a fermented eye grape and honey drink basically the the honey gives the sweetness to the bitter well no it gives the it gives extra fermentation to the to the yeast to the sugars to be able to create the fermentation process hmm but anyway you know really beyond you know for all of history human beings have been consuming alcohol and that there's no difference in the Bible you see dozens and dozens of examples of alcohol being used or or enjoyed consumed right yeah from Noah getting drunk and his son saying and you know yeah Cana way that's that's beautiful I know the very first miracle of our Lord was over wine mm-hmm turning water into wine that's right and even in the old time the first example of Our Lady's intercession to our Lord yeah and when you when you think of festivity and the reason why we would celebrate you know right now we are you know we're celebrating in a way us coming together and doing this pilot ministry of podcasting for the sake of you guys who are our listeners and opening up the scripture is opening up our tradition our history and just open it up ourselves you know and and in a way we're just kind of celebrating the completion of shooting out this first series and this is our last episode you know and and this is a celebration that we want you to participate in and you know yeah so if you're out there listening hold I'm going to grab a drink before we started we're bad guys listening to it in the morning so maybe when you get home all right come on to moderation that's right fruit you can go to Catholic talk show calm when you got a chance and you got to drink your hand to listen to this episode if you want to pause it now yeah if you like to drink alone the podcast I really do think it's safe to say that Catholicism maybe has the healthiest relationship in the most respect and admiration and the proper usage built into it of all the world's religions you know it's we're not excessively puritanical with alcohol where you have examples I you know I think the Methodists they developed doctor well she's unfermented grape juice or non-alcoholic fermented grape juice for communion no thanks in the past right sorry Methodists but that's not where the that's not where it's at but love yeah no I mean yeah but no and then you also have you know you know cultists or some of the you know like the Thracians or the Dionysian z-- who would you know what durations these are Greek donations yeah they would use alcohol to get into a state of frenzy and you know Bacchanalia or the Dionysian festivals where they'd use alcohol as a sort as a form of mysticism and that's that's too far in the other direction right and I think you know Catholicism really gets to the middle of it that says this is the proper use the proper respect and the proper celebration of the good gifts that God has brought to the world is that Via Media we have to find that middle ground of virtue but it has to be met by moderation and prudence and anything good can be misused and abused right and so many of us I'm sure you guys have stories as well as I do from the time I was a child but my freshman year one of the guys that I looked up to died in a car accident and drinking driving accident oh and by the way we're taking uber home from the studio so it's all about being prudent and it's you know and and being wise in one's decision-making because this can impair judgment if it is misused and God would never want us to do that that's why catechism 2290 says that the word did you just okay you got it you got a pulled up like 20 to 20 to 90 all though I kind of do know this but the virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess the abuse of food alcohol tobacco or medicine these in those incur grave guilt who by drunkenness or love of speed endanger their own and other safety is on the road SC and and air hmm so really it's it's the avoidance of access there's yeah but but like driving drunk right but they're still like you know the inhibition of your will right where you know and I've done it before I mean I'm a sinner and and I've been to the confessional before and and I noticed a difference the next day where I'm like I'm not as equipped as I was the day before to to to live a virtuous life to hone the virtue that I have whatever it is in in act accordingly does that leave the day after drinking you're saying no no no no the day after like you know getting drunk I remember you and I went to an Indian's game and we had maybe a few too many drinks yeah the next morning we had we had sadly go to Mass early and it was like 100 degrees out and we definitely realized that alcohol and the abuse of alcohol it's one of the sins that carries in and its own penance because we're just dragging through the streets trying to walk to the cathedral sweating and very not feeling great and going to confession and yeah it was not a pretty scene yeah you know I can't help but look at a few you know God's God's mercy like I mean it's it's like it abounds we went to conversion and they should never be used or the presumption presumption of forgiveness you don't want to operate in that space but operate in a space that that can be sobered by Ephesians 5:18 for example do not get drunk on wine which leads to debauchery or a type of reckless indiscretion it's it's an impairment of judgment because what we're constant before God we judge between Goods and what is the greatest good of our activity right and we can fall into impaired judgment that leads us to sins of the flesh and sins of debauchery that will ultimately cause a cause us a greater division with other greater division and that's right a division with God that's what I was trying to say it's a greater division now so although I'm sorry no that's what I was trying to say before I mean pastoral you're communicating that to me where it's like it's a greater division don't like that no I don't like that greater division and I'm like I'm sorry man yeah I'm sorry guys yeah you know dude guys we got to get off this topic right now not alcohol but we gotta start talking about the inventions like the contributions like the goodness of this this is getting like too negative I'm so afraid that I'm gonna be sharing war stories with do people like right now and these people listening I love your war stories right and I actually found a part of a couple of yours yes it wasn't a war story all right this is kind of a skirmish story let's put it this way yeah it was fun so it was fun the three of us we were down in Galveston Texas we were on a retreat for Our Lady of Guadalupe for her feast day which you know we celebrate every year and we had went to a little bar very very small bar bucks blacks West this is the kind of chaos it is not like Miami Beach I had great time it's been nice oh it was awesome as bugs West was good people and good job all great people have a lot of Justin Bieber employees like one of our executives that he plays he plays the jukebox he Justin Bieber's all right flooded this place out nobody laugh at dad's an excellent burger by the way is an excellent yeah so anyway we go to Bucks West and then whoo you know we get a drive home and we go back to the house that we're staying at for our retreat and we had maybe one or two more beers and then I decided to go to bed or at least us that was earlier that was those early everybody else was up that's right and then towards the end of the night these two father rich and Ryan ended up getting into kayaks in the pool they were having kayak gladiatorial the chronology is we suck right now because what we did is we took the kayaks out into the Gulf no we didn't know you at this verse you did the pool first okay my chronology more in the direction we go there don't go there alright so yeah so so I read I recall very very and this was a of course she did this was historically cold there that way I guess it's more intense let me tell you so listen there's a lot of voices in your head right and I was there so we started in the pool and we were like ramming each other and trying to knock each I remember that vividly and it was super cold because the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in December it was historically cold air it was just our ladies very excited that we were having chouse oh yeah there was boom dogs around the Sun around the moon that night there was true so we we left the pool because we have the great idea of going out into the Gulf of Mexico it wasn't the Gulf of Mexico in Galveston Bay okay you're exactly wanted to paddle out into the middle of God the Gulf of Mexico what is this the Gulf of Mexico well you too in historically cold weather after having a couple drinks and jousting in a pool decided to take off your shirts and go that's true paddling rise and it was freezing cold and me and not what I knew was gonna be hot like I mean like the steam was like coming ball you ever watch these guys in like Green Bay oh yeah they don't wear a long sleeve shirt that's gonna attach their body yeah it's like just go pop pop pop did you see that wait that was like a gladiator dude I don't think I've been in a greater battle and well and I won they solved I was you don't remember that we started in the pool and then wound up in the Gulf of Mexico it was two years ago Brian I clearly won you don't remember when I stepped out ahead the chances you don't remember yeah I do I think he doesn't remember because you smacked him in the spectrum in there all right so okay I apologize for that Ryan it's all father Ryan hold up your Scotch what we're gonna do is we're talk about ice mine empty well if it's empty let it be for the Matt refill okay but say what you were gonna say so Scotch is probably one of the you know that's a man's drink or woman's drink it's something that's very refined is something that's really finding in a reimagine sand or real I mean even more than ever a deeper appreciation but I don't think a lot of people know that we owe scotch whiskey to some monk to a Catholic monk get out of yeah that's right I knew it Wow it had to be they just spend a lot of time in prayer and God wants that you know he wants them to be crafty with what or alum energy agriculture now Scotch come on so the first recorded mention of whiskey of scotch particularly this from 1494 we're in the documentation for taxation it says to brother john core by order of the king to make hot choco a veto aquavit day eight bowls of malt from that's from the exchanged roles from 1494 hmm so this was a line item for purchase by king james the fourth of scotland to this particular monk saying i'm going to give you these malt this did this amount of malt in exchange for you to make aqua vitae now aqua vitae is what they call scotch water life the water translate the water of life yeah aqua vitae oh that's right even know your Latin hey I am very good I think so know what something that maybe the Scotch talking right now but I got through that prayer impressively okay guys I don't have any type of empathy or any type of compassion or love for my brothers right now if you think I got through that Latin prayer okay just give me a little bit of affirmation that's all I'm looking for its objective bro it was that lad if we have any fraternity priest listen who want to help anyway so basically this is coming from this was basically a purchase order for 8,000 pounds of malt by the king which would have made about 790 gallons of scotch whiskey Wow that's right so he ordered the mall not the whiskey the King orders a whiskey and by ordering it gave him the malt to make it gotcha now he heard that he was able to turn what he heard tell us right he heard that this guy could take the malt and turn it into the water of life yeah now do you know where the word whiskey comes from mmm that's that's I'm intrigued I have no idea I'm interested you know it's for aqua vitae which what does that mean wonderful honors life so how that would have been said in in in Gaelic would have been loose Kiba oh so you slurred a little bit husky whiskey basically it evolved from Luke Skywalker of life and to turn whistle whiskey yeah interesting itself so this guy oh man could you imagine doing a show together not without him no I mean it would be random odd infinite it would be bad Latin that was bad to set it on a shitty tomb that was Intel I mean the whole thing would just be terrible that's right so basically and and and based off of the order we know that this was not just whiskey or a strong drink or you know whatever that or a grain alcohol because they were using Maude we would have probably thought of it maybe as a blended malt scotch that's probably what it was so brother John core there's actually a scotch made in Scotland named John Corps after his memory but he's really the father to John core brother John brother John core salud Solvay so that's the Scotch story that's it so I know we got more cuz we got Dom Perignon Oh time here Don Perignon Oh parade Minh yeah it was that lad what did John he's a dog I know I know no doubt that dump area I just want to be called Don no I just I like the word Don's no I'd say it carries a certain amount of weight time Don hey Don can can he talk now no no I would love to be called Don Pagano Donny you remember the other episode also yeah Donny yeah it's probably happened Matt no not I was the one who threw my do my coins into the basket Donny yeah compete him yeah and Mark he's been I tell you what mark he's been he's sniffing around for a long time but Donny still his older brother so I'm gonna stick with the older brother so everyone pretty much probably aware of Don Perignon champagne oh yeah it's it's really it's the most popular expensive ha ha it's excellent champagne and it's you know this one is not necessary on is not made by Catholic clergy like a lot of the drinks that we'll talk about but Don Penn Yan really was disappointing he was a real person he was a he was real he was an OS B he's real he's real okay so he was a French Benedictine monk who really perfected the the he made massive contributions to the development of champagne of course now champagne obviously has to come from the Champagne region of France to be really you know really suited champagne absolutely is it the grapes no it's the region it's so just like Parmesan cheese has to come from Parma otherwise it's no you know Romano nan Palmer right so he actually he'd made a lot of a lot of advancements in the bottling and and the fermentation of champagne and famously he it's it's tributed him that he's the one who got the bubbles into champagne yeah and the quote that was attributed to him although it's probably apocryphal is that when he first drank the first batch of what we now consider champagne he said come quickly I'm tasting the Stars oh wow so a comment all right so he invented so he invented corks he invented different but this was this like the the guy no no I know it's evolved from now but like the way he's presented is like you know this was the Stars like yeah come on it would I think that's really like the guys never had a beer but there's no there's no comparison though you got to admit no there's no comparison to a beer or any [ __ ] so is it carbonation there is no bubbles in beer Yahoo's serious and your guys side yeah so I mean this is the 1670s and you know with the bottling techniques of the time and the you know and the production of the time you know drinks were flat yeah I mean they were they were not good and you know he really raised the bar and the perfection of the processes that allowed for things like proper fermentation better presses for the grapes better so he was bigger than champagne oh absolutely he you know he he figured out how to enhance grapes to you know really manipulate the amount of sugar and a grape so he really advanced the art of winemaking in particularly sure yeah I didn't know that's so cool yeah and that's why you know Dom Perignon is named after him in his honor so it was not named after him as the inventor of champagne although he really is he's the father champagne he is but he's a lot more than that right I mean he's he's like a doctor of fermentation in a lot of ways that's right yeah that's beautiful well it's clear I mean when you and he was a monk I mean guys been Catholic oh here Benedictine monk but the fact is that is still the bottle of greater you know prestige that's right that's that's pretty it's amazing so his name still carries the weight of what he accomplished right and what he created just in a champagne but drink which it's kind of short signing me right now I mean III didn't know he contributed this much your palate hasn't been it oh come on come on you're still in the lower forms in the side any ice and natural light miss me with that father he's in the scientific camp and I like it I like Dom Perry on Oh what am i a guy so another one wonderful remember earlier I talked about how Ryan and Ryan went to the baseball game and maybe I short sold it a little bit that we had drinks at the stadium we also went to a bar called the Society room in Cleveland on East for that oh yeah dude it's so we were there and it's it's basic not something you want to sip like cliff finish there's this bar in Cleveland and it's basically like you know cocktail and a highbrow cocktail bar and Ryan and I went in there and we decided to have our own drinks made and we were like yeah throw this in there this and there but him being the guy that knows a lot more than me was like they have chartreuse and I'm like oh okay and he's like do you understand like this is you know this is chartreuse 100 Mike it's fine it's fine I'll take it yeah and and we had a cocktail the guy maybe I'd like smoked Italian cherries and sugar cubes and scotches churches it's good it's strong it was good I'll be much better than a shot of chartreuse country chartreuse it's it's a little high so it's a little secure so chartreuse is a as a French liqueur made by the Carthusian monks right who have you ever seen the documentary in to great silence oh yeah yeah that's beautiful does the same month really same months you're kidding yeah grant the grand chartreuse monastery hmm ready to enter into the great silence again and so was that you eautiful what a gorgeous me if you haven't watched that movie guys a great song a while my goodness and it really proves the power of solitude in prayer and you know there's so many monasteries around the world and cloistered monasteries where men and women live in silence and they live in perfect union with God in their work and in their prayer and some of them make liquor but I tell you the liquor Lakia that is made in the frog or a frog it's just [ __ ] okay talk to me Ryan so listen to what they make this stuff out so you've seen them as crazy you've seen the grand chartreuse monetary monetary it is absolutely beautiful I was surrounded by the mountains and it's you know like an Alpine type environment it snows a lot in the winter you saw the scene are there in the snow in the spring these monks will go out into these beautiful mountains it looks like you know I mean the sound of music and the sound of music I started it you did you finished it oh no and I understand that I don't know what do you mean most from your laughs terrible - I yeah it's terrible okay thank you so you checked so these monks go into the hills during the spring and they gather a hundred and thirty different kinds individual 30 individual different kinds of wild plants from herbs and flowers that grow in law that grow in the mountains around their monastery 130 hundred thirty why do we not have fair true Sara couldn't find it because this is LA there's only like well the head at the boost or bias didn't they oh I I was thinking we would pick the berries right here sorry yeah there's definitely some but it's it's very emphasis it's high alcohol content I mean this stuff is like it's really strong and it's very herbal very most of the recipes you use expensive to use it put hair on an Italians just no no no no to peel the hair off in a town jest now nothing can do that really nothing can do that in people now look crazy all things are possible think about Sal yeah nothing digging sound not even a weed a bunch get lost in there looking and deacon sells chest here for different herbs and spices stuff you could create out of that Chester so ya know it's very it's very strong but most of the drinks and the recipes it's used as a supplement to the drink a lot of times like if you've ever had never mind them that it's you pour it over a sugar cube but that mix it with different you know elements and make you know cocktails out of it yeah it's not - this is James strain it's very herbal it's minoo how gen it like some gins are very herbal take that to like five times so I mean it's like being very bitter it's a liqueur it's herbal this is a core it's it's a finish its finishes more it's like Ricola liqueur yeah yeah yeah I mean it's not terrific I love it you just it needs it needs a little you need some sweetness and some yeah if you go to the Sharia law and I think of I think I think why are you thinking about yeah you're my sister but with Ricola you know that's really interesting we weren't gonna bring up Jagermeister but do you know why the Jagermeister logo is what it is no do you know what that is - dear it's a deer with a cross between it so yes do you know why no I really cuz the deer got hit by a priest in a car in the head in the head do you know you know what you hear my stallions no master hunter oh I like that you know who's the patron saint of hunters is Joan of Arc st. Hubert Oh Sade Hubert had his conversion he was a hunter and he was about to kill a stag and he had a vision of Christ on the cross in between the antlers he was the master hunter and he had his conversion moment when he saw a vision of Christ on the cross in between the antlers of the stag he was gonna kill that's why the Jagermeister logo is a deer with the antlers with a cross in between with radiance coming out of the cross so did he kill the deer I don't know I don't remember oh my doesn't matter rich may never go hunting with you again sometimes they say I won't say I'm not going to sometimes they say it's st. Eustace who's also one of the 14 holy helpers and also one of the patron saints who had a similar story but Wow so either st. used to say yeah that's right yeah so hey that was a bonus one no so does the Jagermeister bonus yes right yeah everybody got a shot of Jagermeister right now you like that so I think any discussion on an alcohol and the church would really be remiss without talking about the Trappists oh yeah oh man that was beer thank you God for traffic here and the traps where did that start come on give me the origins of that because I mean like yours where is Meishan tastic yeah yeah well you know Trappist you know what Cistercian what's their charism it's you know the strict observance of the rule of st. Benedict and they really I I would say that you know without getting too deep into the history of it over time the Benedictine Order had gotten more varied in its observance of the rule of st. Benedict and that the Cistercians really wanted to go back to the very purest and most basic elements of the aura and labora yes would that be a fair characterization prayer and work that's right for all people that don't know Latin Mike father rich okay which is most of you accepted trotty's he tries though do we don't you don't try well that makes you my sermon father hecho this is true - actually I have it right here doctor let me just give a shout-out to dr. Ritter you know if you're listening to this I'm sorry I failed your class no I got through it I got through it but it wasn't my strong I got through it with flying C's it was like hey you're gonna be a good priest get out of here the Trappist order originated in the Cistercian Monastery of 'la trap France one of the most famous late trap let's Rob so the the Cistercian congregations existed for years and the abbot of the trap felt that the Cistercians were becoming too relaxed so we introduced it stared a well it happens that's human nature the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak right and lacks and you're in a very lacks position right now for those of you who are not watching and you just listening Ryan is just like late he's kicked back he's he has his eyes closed yeah he's of the he's in the strict observance of chill so anyway this habit butt hurts I'm sorry for everyone listening I'm sorry you know that we all apologize but I swear as I know we're gonna leave it I apologize lack of Latin skills but we also apologize on behalf for Ryan's sake you know yes behind because nobody has an aching but me and [Laughter] Ryan Padre to the Cistercian sisters yes right so one of the things where the the abbot of the trap said is that to get back to the strict strict observance we have to follow the fundamental tenant that a monastery really needs to be self-supporting and that you know in the Trappist today that is something that is really observed that they are self-supporting they don't need anything oh man they make everything sometime called us about they make caskets they make cheese bread beer all kinds of coffee very good care and what they make theirs if anyone's out there looking for gifts maybe for the ha or if they're just looking for a call Trappist quality for quality I didn't seriously go out and look for Trappist items they are always just of the most excellent quality top of the line and you're supporting the Trappist you know order so if you're looking for a casket that's right right there I mean honestly I told my wife when I die I want to be buried in the test and I feel the same way joking aside I've seen those caskets and the way that they're made and that's the way that I want to be buried that's right really want to be buried and that one of those big bold be oh I don't know it looks like a bowling ball I know no I'm just like dude what this is dignity man like I don't know so I would love to have monk's hands create a casket for me in prayer and with the mentality and and the prayer surround yeah the reality make this cheaper if we just you know go to the the pliable you know like I don't want anything race good type thing is I'm gonna make a casket and we're gonna make some money on it give me a simple box made in prayer Wood Wood what what how much wood would a Trappist we won't go through the Travis alright so let's get back on topic so you know the Trappist really to support themselves in in the spirit of being self-sufficient a lot of them would you know create goods right and they would also produce things for themselves right and in in those times water supplies really were not reliable sources of hydration they had bacteria there was no sanitation you couldn't drink water typically because you would get sick from the bacteria how did somebody not drink water you would have they really didn't do is mostly juices and fermented drinks it's true yeah really yeah yeah I mean even water visa the fruity drinks and things exactly I mean I my time in Haiti in different different regions we drank a lot more juices because water wasn't readily available to us that was hmm in the bible saint paul ii even tells timothy said stop drinking only water because you said timothy saint timothy had stomach problems probably caused by the bacterias in the water he said stop drinking only water but have a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent illnesses and that was in the first letter of timothy Wow so anyway not know that so anyway basically the Cistercians they would start brewing beer for themselves because they were self-sufficient and you needed to have beer number one as a source of nourishment during Lent there's a lot of religious orders that would use only beer because there's so there's so much nourishment in beer they would make what's called you know a week or a single beer that the grain would give them enough carbohydrates and and you know you know nourishment to keep them going during their fast and they would do a beer only 40 day fast I curse you I curse you you're so mean right I just cursed you why the love you man I will respond I know you do now you know what's you know what's interesting is I look at the practices of Catholicism over the years as it relates to alcohol but I've got to say Ryan she'll you know there there's an attitude against alcohol in different pockets in criticism of you know Catholics imbibe me how would you respond to someone that criticizes the use of alcohol in the context of how we how we use it currently and how religious orders created and cetera I would say that I think I think it's beautiful I think it's art you know I mean I really do I mean these guys are prayer they're involved in prayer every day you know I mean it's not like they're coming out of like craziness hysteria like the cultural ills of society they're tucked away and they're ingrained in in prayer you know and I mean I don't I don't think that God like wants us to like just drink all the time because of that I just think it's it's something to be upheld you know as like beautiful as an I know it's a yeah as an activity like you know the Cistercians or the the monks I mean this really was a matter of survival and this is a matter of self sufficiency that they would drink beer and they would brew their own beer to live to take the grain to make the grain last longer and to be able to number one have nourishment and number two actually have liquid to drink because the water was not you know reliable now some of these you know almost every monastery would brew their own beer but some of them got really good and the Trappist really got good and the ones who got really good would eventually start selling their beer to the local markets as a source of substance and income to you know be self-sufficient now it's global worldwide that's right world wide wide wide y-you know there's West Mall and shimei over my favorite maze good yesterday Ellen st. Bernard artists that's not Venice that is a triple style beer brewed in the tradition of Trappist that's what we're drinking here this is not a Trappist here yeah this is a Belgian style triple it's a take off that's right it's brewed in the tradition you know take off so you're from New York people be no no I'm talking about the take offs on the street knock off yeah knock off take off Arthur Avenue ya know that's where the best sausage is good sausage sausage G hey if you ever if you ever want good sausage and cheese go to author Avenue oh dude some of the best foods and that's right by Fordham University so can you guys get VIN Mariani there then Mariani yeah we haven't called out a star no but our star right so do you know what VIN Mariani is no it was a cocaine infused wine that the Pope's used to drink leo xiii extending or castro leo xiii i'm ready to hit the heresy button right now he loved this wine so much he appeared in an advertisement and specifically gave away a papal endorsement for a consumer product by the time ever happened I think everybody right now listening is thinking how was cocaine a thing in like the like the Church of old ages like come on man no this is 1890s cocaine was around hey Ryan so in 1860 a French chemist named Angelo Mariani he got really interested in cocaine and coca leaves and their medicinal effect so he started looking at a way to you know make them economically viable and their use and he basically created a mixture of Bordeaux wine and coca leaves it was called VIN Mariani the po cane light right so the alcohol of the wine act as a solvent and extracted the cocaine from the coca leaves and the drink contained according to reports up to seven point two milligrams of cocaine per ounce that's a lot that's a lot of coke dude that's like a heart attack so anyway so he loved it so much he actually gave an endorsement and peered appeared on the posters for VIN Mariani jeez now now here's a really interesting historical action right of mercy do you know what VIN Mariani inspired what a competitor by a man named John Pembroke Pemberton and you knew John Pemberton is who's no we're not that smart he invented coca-cola Oh Cola was designed as a competitor to the Pope's cocaine wine okay is this for real is this folklore that's it no this is check it out right here his Holiness Pope Leo the 13th the war is a gold medal to the recognitions of the benefits received from VIN Mariani oh my gosh we got to put that up on our website I know we can see it I wouldn't get that I did it for all this we're just like talking about starts making the stuff that's not as diagnosis that's in his brain he's seen his brain it's brilliant yeah no it's not brilliant it's just operation hit the brilliant button on Ryan she'll I think you're overreacting yeah another yeah so Padre do you know the do you know the requirements Inquisition yeah we're gonna go we're to use this as the Inquisition lord have mercy what are the requirements for the mind that is used for the consecration oh why the Lord we're talking about alcohol sorry dude no dude no dude here dude just answer the question dude do it Ryan are you gonna be my lifeline you were in the seminary for like a month or two weren't you I'm that moosh vamoosh right now busca is there anyone out there can help me don't Intendant no we dude I think no I think can any of our producers help me I know you're your dude I really my head is on the block right now and you have cornered me and this is the first time and this is our last episode of this match yeah this batch Cheers and I'm off with his hat dude I I think you got me on this one man all right I mean I know I remember studying it I just can't recall it off the top of my dome all right so you failed the Inquisition I did fail that was the second time in eight episode that you failed credit hey that makes me an excellent Inquisitor I'm like Torquemada levels here no yeah you took me out Lester last this last one that was fair yeah and press yeah right to the iron maiden but but I gotta give you credit oh really yeah Thank You Ryan you answered the Siamese twin uh I mean you you you went above and beyond yeah you should be happy alright so here cameras focus on that guy so here's the code here's what it says in the code of Canon Law Canon nine twenty four three the wine must be natural from the fruit of the vine and not spoiled that's a mad dog 20/20 remember that but there's more to add dog can be no additive so you can't add sulfites it has to be the fruit of the vine so a lot of fruit or a lot of wines uses additional fruits like plums or apples or whatever to add sweetness to the life it can only be wine it can't have any sulfides the fermentation process has to be completely natural so those are the requirements as far as I know Wow so you can't just go to bottle wine off the shelf and make it no and I can't take any non-alcoholic yeah absolutely it has to have alcohol grape juice yeah there is a version called Muslim must of it that's the right that can be used validly its pastoral circumstance people who can't yeah who have you know what issues without going yeah but because Muslim contains all of those elements besides the alcoholic content but it still contains alcohol but not in the level that would be affect it's almost like the the quote-unquote gluten-free host they're low gluten but they have glue but they have glue because you can't make it a valid yeah to violent species yeah by the way this is the alcohol like podcasts we went to Mike s brewery in San Diego yeah gluten free people out there if there's somebody listening and maybe you haven't had a beer in a long time John Heinen yeah yeah yeah guy that works with us great guy guy he had not had a beer in a long time because he's gluten very not like I don't want it gluten towards he's like I can like you know die from this stuff a great guy you met oh so we went to Mike s so we went to Mike n this is my favorite brewery no it is my favorite brewery in San Diego I go there every summer spend time with my family friends you know everything and and we're sitting there and we're drinking beer and it's like you know John's got the old you know you can't drink you know and and he comes up he's like no no no I'm gluten free and they're like well all of our beers are gluten free and I was like wow I'm not just gluten free you know or gluten reduced I mean to the point where the additives they use absolutely destroyed gluten to enjoy who's been in the hospital for gluten son so it is very good beer it's not like you know you you buy you don't know this but like I I know this because I buy gluten-free beer or he buys gluten-free breeze brings it over to my house and he drinks it and occasionally I'm out of beer you know like I'm always out of bear right and and I'm like oh this is terrible like oh you don't drink it yeah I can't even drink it it's bad this like gluten free pizza this brewery is like amazing so that's a nice amazing oh man that's this episode of Catholic Tosh is not check it out this episode to pay me for doing this for Jules so I think that's gonna wrap up the episode and there's one thing that I wanted to say is a quote from the patron saint of Brewers st. aren't off of Metz who by the way is one of the ancestors that the quarterback of the Seattle Seahawks Russell Wilson wait wait hold on no not that again st. aren't off of Metz is the patron saint of Brewers and he's one of the ancestors of Russell Wilson Hey because I drink about new things that's what I do know our listeners sure I'm gonna put the link in this in the podcast and in the comments that shows that Russell Wilson is related and descended from the patron saint of Brewers Saint or an awful so we need a star Russell was your the guy man Russell Wilson if you're listening now you're the one Russell Wilson you coming on the show man on the show and Tollywood great-great-great great-great grandpappy patron saint of be I wouldn't hear the explanation of this lineage I can't wait for that you guys I'll tell you this after the nest but I can't leave on the next season so he said Russell Wilson's great grand great-great-great-great grandpa how many green grandpa your grandpappy I don't know I don't know he called happy there's like a lot bad let's call Paul alright from man sweat and God's love beer came into the world amen amen wait what do we do with the the miss driving are back from the we're gonna see him next season okay that's right we decided that we're not doing that we're not doing that right now okay I think in the article I'm gonna below all right let's do it link all right the cheer state and he's coming till next year it'll be next week what are you guys talking yes the worst all right hey all right so hey make sure you go to the Catholic talk show calm you can subscribe to the podcast you can see us on Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube bloods can't you saw blue bloods you can catch us on all the places that need to catch a person let me just give a sháá Donnie Wahlberg listen if you could walk into any episode of Blue Bloods I will be forever and I walk on the street I don't care I got your back bro if marquee if marketing was you want that kind of role no I mean like what you wanna you wanna defense you're gonna go on to father Rich's IMDB account it's gonna say father your warring right now you want to get on there I just want to be on the shore here's what we can do and then reach out to Mike's back and just talk all night I'm gonna bring I'm gonna call Russell Wilson okay I'm gonna have him call Tom Selleck and I'm gonna have him say that you want to go into blue blood yes playing his great great great grandfather saying aren't off of Metz it's gonna bring this whole conversation to a nice or naughty close that's it that's my real name I love it all right all right so that's another episode of Catholic talk show yeah hope you enjoyed it that was it that's the end of this it's not the end of the season no that's the end of this session all right yeah that's right it's not a season it's a No we'll be back dude in like six days they're gonna be listening to us at the end of the season ah why did you break it down like because that's the way it beats don't hate me because I like science all right so that's another episode not a season but another episode one in which we explored alcohol and the Catholic faith explored alcohol that sounds very yeah all right dude you export it almost a whole bottle of scotch why would I explore alcohol perfect my exploration is over right been explored for years perfect abstinence is easier than perfect moderation stuff st. Augustine all right all right so follow us and we'll see you next time that's right all right mr. ah yeah mr. Oh Mia salute kick [Music]
Channel: The Catholic Talk Show
Views: 11,467
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: Wine, Vin Mariani, Chartreuse, The Catholic Talk Show, Catholic Talk Show, Catholic Podcast, Catholic Radio, Catholic TV, Ryan Scheel, Ryan DellaCrosse, Father Rich Pagano, Beer, Catholic Wine, Alcohol, Champagne, Dom Perignon, Scotch Whisky, John Cor, Catholic, Catholic Show, Taylor Marshall, Matt Fradd, Mike Schmitz, Robert Barron, Catholic Answers, Catholic Stuff You Should Know, Church Militant, Bishop Barron
Id: r4IewE0h4QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 18sec (3798 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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