Are You A Bad Catholic? (Smoking, Drinking, Swearing, & Drugs)

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome to another episode of the Catholic talk show I'm really excited this is our first show where we actually have a guest joining us Michael Knowles from The Daily wire Michael thanks for joining us it's a great honor to be in a great topic to be the first guest on yes yes are you a bad Catholic that's the topic that what question wasn't directed at you yeah I mean I know the answer yeah more of an intervention that your friends and family you're outside sorry there's always we have Ryan she'll and father rich with us and if you're joining us on YouTube hello hello hello Ryan you want to kind of sure before we get started I want to make sure everyone goes to Catholic talk show calm when you go there you can subscribe you know follow us on stage your cast box iTunes whatever make sure you're leaving reviews it really helps us get the show out to more people and if you don't father rich do you think it's fair pressed to say that if they don't do that they are totally qualify as a bad Catholic and trust me you don't want my pastoral pursuit after you if you're a bad cat I'm coming to get you he's wearing a track suit he could run you down and the whole reason I came out to LA is to come into you Michael so I cannot wait to get this thing going here no mercy no mercy here so you know what we're talking about today is some of the things that I I think they're stigmas attached to that you know I really kind of common vices that a lot of times people feel maybe separates themselves from the church or maybe would categorize them in a bad Catholic but they're things that you know I think most people do it's you know you smoke do you drink you know do you swear you draw drugs for the record I thought those things made me a good Catholic I thought I thought that was like the best thing I had going there you're giving away the show down you know so we're gonna talk about each one of these your family's still out keep yourself in line man we can have them in here in a moment snow so you know we're gonna talk about all those things and see you know does that really make you a bad Catholic if you you know have four or five beers smoked up you know pipe after you know so what can a joint and in Swiss but I mean is that you know grounds for excommunication or you know is that yeah is that illicit lifestyle yeah and like the way I look at it too is like people a lot of people do stuff like that and and they they feel like they're not worthy to come into the church to you know and it's like um no we there's some people yeah you know I've been to his house on the weekend you know and it's you know it's kind of good to hear this kind of stuff from personal experience I could I can I can accurately say that I have done everything on this list yeah me too yeah sorry I'm actually doing it now we have to keep us Mike no but I mean I let's talk about tobacco where so know the church there's a long history of interactions with the church in tobacco and a lot of that comes from the fact that the areas that produce tobacco and introduced tobacco to the world were you know colonized by the Portuguese in the Spanish and part of that trade they would bring tobacco back to Europe and you know the a lot of the missionaries and a lot of the colonial powers their big source a income was tobacco and it was something that really powered the colonization of these countries because of that tobacco flooded Europe Catholic Europe and a lot of you know pretty funny anecdotes came out of that introduction of tobacco to Catholic Europe you know for example when they first started bring in tobacco back it was okay you know but we all know how to backhoe works people you don't casually have tobacco year.there a fiend or maybe not at all right perfect moderation is no perfect abstinence is easy in the perfect moderation and be for yourself yeah okay so it had gotten so bad though once the Spanish were bringing tobacco back into Europe that the Pope's actually had to start writing Bulls about how to address the rampant use of tobacco inside of the churches there is actually a papal bull excommunicating anybody who used tobacco inside of the Church of the Cathedral of Seville you know that this was a very important moment in papal history because it is a the strongest argument yet against papal infallibility it really reminds us you know that the Pope is only infallible when he isn't fallible and I gotta tell you and all that look there have been some times at which the clergy have made some mistakes I think this might be the biggest mistake ever made in the history of the Catholic Church well on another show we talk about how they say coffee is Satan's drink I think that one takes the cake personally especially as I'm enjoying this nice it's a year so no actually Pope Urban the eighth On January 30 1642 issued a bull come ecclesia which he said he the Dean of the Cathedral of Seville wrote to the Pope saying look these tobacco users are just getting they're getting this stuff everywhere they're spitting they're smoking they're snorting it's all over my altar help me out here right so he wrote that any so the Pope in response Pope Urban the 8th we wrote response to anybody who is using that it's automatically excommunicated on the spot they don't even have to be formally excommunicated just by the very act of doing it they're excommunicated he must have been mad you know like it must have been bad it must have been very bad I've been growing up in New York and visiting some of my Italian family members you know going into their house and yeah see just like these nicotine stained balls you know and that smell of smoke and there's always a cigarette lit up inside of the house you know it's obviously a different time right now I will tell you when I growing up in New York in an italian-american family I was in the cloud of smoke I was living in it all of the time and I always hated cigarettes but I would go grocery shopping on Arthur Avenue the Italian grain neighborhood and so I started smoking cigars I think I was about 15 you know and I was old I was like that was like kind of old for the neighborhood I met one time Mayor Rudy Giuliani and I said how old were you when you started smoking cigars I with 11 something about that culture I don't like Italian Catholic culture oh yeah that's all we needed is another Italian Catholic I know you are surrounded my brother surrounded agent so anyway though you know it was really a response to the fact that there's there was no precedent for you know tobacco use or an addictive substance really being brought into churches I mean it had gotten so bad that priests were taking their snuff boxes and putting it on the altar while they're in the middle of mass they be there you know you know a guy that that's taught at a seminary who would split out after the homily and go outside and smoke a cigarette and come back and sit man are you serious yes yes absolutely so st. Joseph in Louisiana so we're actually good oh you're telling we're actually didn't get to that I'm not gonna name it so Benedict the 13th he actually used tobacco he was one of the first popes that we know you snuff right now do what explain what snuff is I love snuff I I think I might be one of the few people in modern America who regularly enjoys snuff it so snuff is this nasal tobacco it's this fine powder and I think the the main use of it is to look whimsical and sneeze so I was driving out from New York to LA and we stopped in North Carolina by the tobacco Emporium of America you know wanted to get cigar is that kind of thing and we see nasal snuff if you buy a little package of nasal snuff that is a lifetime supply it's somehow never diminishes you know just fluffs up a little bit more it's and it's one of Jesus miracles is the multiplication of snuffin is enough for a thousand people you know you know one of the great party tricks we started having it on the trip is you'd go to a bar and you'd sniff a little snuff and the bartender would come over you know push up against a wall say what are you doing and then you show them that you're you're not having that Colombian you know break that little yeah that's right you're having this 19th century British dandy style tobacco it always kills would you like some British standing now if you're really a party or you'd hide your coke underneath the snow belly the 13th actually repealed that that bull and said you know I'm lifting the excommunication you know he was biased he was using it himself but there became the problem then that people like you said were leaving Church to go outside and smoke so they said well it's actually okay you can smoke so it used to be very common because they thought it's better for people to be nourished and the Word of God and not leave mass than it is to get smoky so people used to dismiss and cigars in st. Peter's during mass and like all the churches of Europe people are just well you know in fairness it's the natural thurible it's the thurible that God has provided for us from the new world because the body is a temple in the temple needs incense there you go infallible now I mean a lot of popes actually used tobacco and their saints who used tobacco Pius the tenth use snuff Benedict the 15 he didn't smoke he hated cigarette smoke so there's a long period where no one was smoking but john john xxiii was a chain smoker Pope Saint John Paul that's no Pope Saint John the 23rd chain smoker there's pictures of him smoking I think Pius the tenth smoked cigars do you think he was a fiend right or just any kind of tobacco could get his hands on the rumor was that when Paul the sixth was elected that it took like two years for the smell of cigarettes to get out from how much john xxiii smoked like your family oh yeah you can't even paint over that stuff looks like a honeycomb there was a great tweet by Archbishop Winsky in Miami just like a week ago and he's sitting on this barber chair and he's got a cigar in his hand and he's like the only place in Miami where you could get a haircut and smoke a cigar talking about modern day you know priests and bishops so you know there was a Spanish nun who was she was given the opportunity this is like in the 1850s she was given the opportunity to wear and look at the veil of st. Teresa of ávila mm-hmm and she looked at it and she's like I wanted to take it all in her recounting in her diary I think she was a venerable and she's telling about how how was she was she was looking at it she was smelling it she's like it was wrinkled it was this color she's like there are spots and they smelled like good Spanish snuff st. Therese was using so much her she was just called over it yeah you know st. Therese she's not the only Saint to use tobacco one of the great ones is st. Philip Neri and tobacco actually played a role in his canonization it was it was the only good argument against his canonization is they looked at his body and they saw that the inside of his nose had worn away and so therefore he wasn't incorrupt the or the counter-argument made to this is that Philip Neri used so much snuff during his life that he wore away his nose before he died before he died the rest of his nasal cavity was just demolished same can happen with Saint Joseph of Cupertino and Saint John Bosco that was one of the main arguments of the devil's advocate in their cases was that they were massively addicted to tobacco Wow yeah now Saint Bernadette she would you know she was asthmatic right she had all kinds of health issues growing up and one of the things that was prescribed to her by her doctor was snuff you got asthma so they gave her snuff it's you know I've got asthma yeah can I have some of your stuff yeah brilliant yeah you know this is this isyou know 1850s medicines like runny nose that means you got the you know you get ghost what you need to do is here eat some salt and eat some salt take a taken opium and smoke a weed you know you know at that time though it was probably a good prescription because everybody was smoking like a chimney so if you had asthma I think the recommendation is no no no use the other kind of tobacco you know that'll help probably did over asthma I think the idea of it was almost to stimulate then you know Airways and to open them up to I think that was their logic I don't know I've never I don't have asthma and I've never done so when you do snuff you sneeze quite a bit Sue's me is quite a lot yeah it's a you know there's not the airway Saint Bren I am the patron saint of handkerchiefs I'm going to be going to going to be that's where I'm working in that direction he started the process I started the process yeah we'll see the epical after this episode if you don't if you don't come up as a bad Catholic we'll see if you still have eyes do you know FCC st. Bernadette's superior said to her one time she said st. you see that you're not going to be a saint because of how much snuff you use and st. Bernadette said well then certainly you'll be assayed because you've never touched it you know kind of a little snarky comeback you know there was a snake there's that great story of I think it was Benedict xiv for some reason all the Benedict's really like tobacco and a Benedict xiv who knows if it's apocryphal but some lower clergy member comes up to him and says you know you've really got to quit the tobacco it's it's a vice and he said you know cuz Benedict's had offered him some tobacco and he said it's not a vice if we're advice you would have some and oh that's brilliant you know the yep the Pope's love stuff when Victor Emmanuel was coming in to negotiate the terms of the surrender of the papal States the Pope was so mad at him and so offended by his it took by his terms I took a snuffbox smash this is unacceptable he smashes you know and then then once you know they seated and you know they lost their temporal power he actually sold his gold encrusted snuff box in a lottery and then so gave the money to charity it was like a big deal at the time where can I get that snuff box where and what auction can I say Museum yeah the Vatican Museum now you know you know Saint John Vianney right what is he really kind of known for he's the patron of all priests and a parish priest parish priests yeah awesome right and he knew hit one of his you know heroic virtues is just how long he would sit in the confessional yeah 16 to 18 hours a day and you know what he was doing on the other side of the screen just blasting snuff drapion thankless cadres he had a padre pio had a hole in the side of his as a habit cabott so that he can get easily access to his snuffbox see yeah you drawn a comparison here between those two guys who used to be in the confessional for a long time that's right that's true you do need a little stimulation after a while it might you know it gets a kickin it a little boring I said I've never been in a confessional on the other side I've been in the confessional I think the most successive hours was like probably six hours or so and I was in just such a deep state of consolation almost to the point where I was sleeping you know I think maybe it was just kind of to bring them back to greater awareness sneeze a few hundred times right and then you know gets get back into the penitence ma'am now the party the party the tobacco party stopped though John Paul the second he despised tobacco mm-hm and he in 2002 he banned all smoking in Vatican City you could not smoke anywhere anything in Vatican City hmm but what I understand that he hated tobacco but then he did have a successor didn t he did and Benedict the sixteenth it's kind of well-known but there's no one there's no Kitchener but he was he's a smoker he's a Marlboro Man we're speaking in the past tense I'm not so sure that that's fair I suspect in his retirement Pope Benedict do you know he needs to stay awake to write all the books that I hope he's writing right a my favorite patron for all these like holy smokes groups out there it's big shout out to all the my college buddies and around FSU you have to do these holy smokes and you know pier Giorgio facade ejp to had a great love and affection for pier Giorgio Vasari and you know he was always seen hiking up mountains with that pipe in his mouth just like a classic picture of who who George your facade he was you know like just an awesome awesome patron for the holy smokes groups around the country that's right that's right yeah I mean there's there's a lot of other you know Chesterton and you know people like that attend group yeah they just smoke pipes and by mmm fine bourbon yeah mahogany well there wasn't I think the Chesterton line about the Catholic Church is that it is a thick steak a good red wine okay a big red wine and a good cigar I think that was his description it's apocryphal that additionally it said that and it's a you know great line of snuff to a great light of snuff a couple bumps of coke yeah you really went you know they edit that stuff out just a you know afterwards the Gummer yeah yeah lucky Lipper alright you know I think you know speaking about drugs that's when we talk about that Yeah right you don't talk about drugs let's talk about now are we on the Joe Rogan show now is that has this transformed no the Catholic top shape well I'm a Catholic talk show comm make sure you subscribe like follow us so you can hear all this you know priests and Italians and Catholics talk about drugs and snorting tobacco it's worth it like/subscribe well you know I mean I take ibuprofen all the time you know sometimes when I'm really chasing that dragon I like to have a benadryl right before bed oh I can't imagine the slumber that I have those are the kinds of drugs oh boy man yeah you ever hear the term the phrase the monkey can't sell bananas I had a very bad effort of drug dealing just wasn't very good I was like you what's parent the finances working out a former drug dealer yeah tenth the drug Chile the Sunday yeah I tried it was a good effort I know we'll probably get in that story again but yeah I know that story about do your conversion yeah yeah it did you know it did God was like I'm gonna make Ryan Dell across socket selling drugs because that way he'll come to me I think I made myself suck at it but yeah if you would like to interject it makes me feel better about about that yeah so you know I think the Catechism is very clear on the use of drugs it's that it is a it's a grave offense to it says catechism number 22 91 says the use of drug inflicts very grave damage on human health and life their use except than strictly therapeutic grounds is a grave offense clandestine production of of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices they couldn't they constitute direct cooperation evil since they encourage people to practice gravely contrary to moral acts okay so what constitutes a drug in that regard right so weed coke heroin is a drug because it's a drug yeah okay little Haitian oregano I think so it does so there's your mind I dunno Peruvian parsley the devil's cabbage the cabbage you know I've never asking for a friend I've never I've never really liked drugs at all the hardest drug I have ever tried was that was the old Peruvian parsley and but I never but I don't think it's because I'm a teetotaler or particularly meticulous you know about that sort of stuff I think it's just that I'm too conservative so I I'm skeptical of new things you know older the good old-fashioned drugs like booze and tobacco yeah I can kind of get behind there's a track record there's a track record they've been proven over the test of time that's right but these other ones you know with all the letters and stuff at the weird rages and raves and the desert I can't I don't I don't trust that I can't get them it's not working out all the people who do them and they all voted for Hillary I think there's something wrong here I don't I don't think that I'm gonna like this very much no I'm not even trying I'm not madam keep your snuff box in it and all your MDMA underneath at a Hillary rally in the desert this is my this is my 'don't ask vision of al Riley what do you think Padre smoking weed I think I think it's the substance obviously that inhibits the human freedom basically and it alters the trajectory of one's decision-making Fran so if we Arkansas lose oh absolutely but booze in the same manner can be abused to a point where our ambitions and our freedom are severely altered so the most important thing that is attributed to our likeness to God is our freedom and our freedom is John Paul the second explains is rooted not in doing whatever we want to do on an impulse but it is the Frida to choose and to enact good it is only in choosing of the good that we experience some freedom and in that free act of oneself directed toward others in goodness and love and virtue do we start to establish something within the capacity of the human person that is truly rooted in our likeness to God so if substances impede freedom if substance and substances alter our way of life more toward a self orientation and how we feel this is obviously moving in a direction away from our responsibility to love our neighbor so and himself over love of neighbor yeah and it it hits the will to choose that mm-hmm yeah and and the inclination of substance you know that that this substance abuse leads to further abuse and a greater need so at first it's like a little puff of some parsley and it's like you know whoa so differently right now and then eventually it turns into a J then it turns into a blunt then a bonds in front of you and then now your gravity bugs now you have bong-gun so what you don't who cry already bongos oh okay I'm not playing Pollyanna right now but seriously well that's for another show that's what Elan musk is working on after the Rogen show a gravity bong is you take a big bucket of water you take a two liter of soda cut the bottom off you drill through the top cap you put a pipe ahead in there and then you light you push it all the way down you light the lighter and then as you pull up you don't even need notes for this dude are you aware eight you know what stop we're just gonna put the instructions as you pull up the the vacuum created from the water you know and the space draws the weed out then you unscrew the lid and put your head down and push down and they you know I'm not a maid the reason I'm not buying this is that sounds like so much more work yeah never seen a pothead doing well it's not like snuff no you're like you have no idea the lengths that people go for pot smoking and there's a true story I probably shouldn't we do we do know when we were kids we made a there is a military surplus store and we bought a gas mask I think I see where this is going um so then we also bought a battery-powered motor and we created a gas mask bond where you put the mask on your face you drilled a hole into it and then you hit a battery pack and go and a lot of work its necessity is the mother of invention that's absolutely right yeah that's that's very impressive yeah so just wondering you know so you know I haven't spoken years I know it's been hours for me he's smoking weed right now he's off-camera you think he's he ground up weenies doing snuff with me I mean I think a lot of people they said well alcohol is legal and you know look I know in my life I've been more drunk than I've been high in moments right if I've smoked when I was if I smoked it yet one hit of a joint or you know four or five beers I'm more affected by the beers than I am by the marijuana so why is one listed and one is not well I don't know have you ever had a brownie I mean that like I feel like I'm on planet Zebulon 7 in college that's the same thing as doing you know drinking a half a bottle of scotch you get drunk or you can get really high but I think there is you know I think people know or at least you know Catholicism say well yeah have a drink or two it's cool but no pot completely not okay yeah but I I know from personal experience that one hit of a joint is not gonna get you as impaired or lose your faculties as much as five or six beers right sure I mean but you've gotta can you only just do that and adjourn and what is it sort of lead to well we know we know that our Lord's first miracle was making wine for drunk people for people who were already pretty pretty inebriated but also there there were just different substances you know if you have a few drinks you get a little more social you get a little funnier you know if you have too many drinks you get very social and then you pass out when you smoke pot at least I've found this in my experience I get less funny and stupider without fail ever you think you're funnier but you just you kind of zone out you get slack jawed it really and it impairs social interaction I don't know it doesn't really yeah I suppose it's relaxing in the sense that it dulls your mind but those are those are very different effects oh for sure and and what people use the substances for you know people can use alcohol isolated you know aa drink alone yeah you know like and and because they're wallowing in the the woes of their life and obviously that's not going to reconcile them or put them on a track for greater you know you know how you demand freedom I remember a quote from Fulton sheen and he said I only ever have two drinks one for me and one for Jesus because the third one's always for the devil oh that's really clever I think moderation is is the key element to all of this and then you know we're talking about marijuana and these and now it's becoming legalized across the states in different places before you know there was definitely the prohibition there's a good Catholic that you couldn't smoke marijuana cuz it was a justly enacted legal law and you are obliged to follow the laws but now that there's a lot of states legalizing marijuana it's opening up the debate again cuz it's no longer illegal that's what he just said do the nuance that if it's illegal even if it's not bad for you it's still sinful you use it in yeah so yeah and then also the medicinal you know purposes that that pot is purposed for you know with anxiety issues or depression or different things like that you know so cancer cancer you have to look at all these things from many many different perspectives and it opens the debate because we need to debate it you know and we need to talk about it because there is a mass amount of people using it now is it something that is occasional is it something that's social is it something that you just go and get blitzed by yourself and then you know you you live in this kind of altered you know sense of society and world and your own respond cause you're fleeing from responsibilities obviously this is not going to be good freeze them yeah now here's a story though there was a st. Catholic saint who was addicted to opium and he was addicted to opium for 30 years and he never stopped he was Chinese st. mark st. mark mark G teens Xing and he was a doctor and he was a very educated man very he had a good family and then he came down with a stomach ailment and he was prescribed opium and he got addicted to it hmm he was hanging out in opium houses he never stopped taking opium again the rest of his life hmm and what happened is that he went to Mass every single day and never received communion because he knew he was addicted to opium and he couldn't stop Wow hmm and he actually he he prayed for martyrdom because he said the only way I'm getting to heaven is through martyrdom because I'm never gonna stop opium I know I'm not gonna be able to it's like in his writings and stuff like that Wow and and sure enough during the the boxer revolution he was martyred Wow that is that's incredible because I mean first of all if you were living during that time in China you probably have a little opium to I mean it wasn't exactly a pleasant time but that it that is incredible you you know you get what you pray for yeah and it's the mercy of God is that right but the addictive aspect of it I think lessened the moral culpability that he had for you know using illicit substances I mean wouldn't that be the case that addiction lessens the culpability yes yeah and I have to share this though that I have my breve reopen here to Psalm 143 and it's I think it's very fitting to this story and it starts out and verse on Lord listen to my prayer turn your ear to my appeal you are faithful you are just give answer do not call your servant to judgment for no one is just in your sight and you could hear the sincerity of this testimony that this guy's going to church every single day petitioning God because he knows his sinfulness before an almighty powerful and righteous God and isn't that true for all of us I mean no matter what our substance or what our sin is that before God God is ever pursuing us in his mercy and that when we are honest with ourselves and we're not living this kind of false puritanical exoskeleton of of a life fake yeah it's like you know that's that's the reality that we're called to is this repentance to recognize my sin before God as something that is not fruitful right well you know the topic is are we bad Catholics and of course they like answer is yes we're all terrible Catholics Catholic guilt Mia culpa mea culpa but there's obviously a lot of truth in that you know some of the greatest Saints have thought that they were the greatest sinners why is it because of false modesty no it's because that their moral sense is so finely tuned such a great they they understand you know as Hamlet said not as Hamlet said I think it's in know maybe this Hamlet in the course of justice none of us should see salvation they and they're so aware of that in a way that you know the rest of us who are who don't have us finely tuned a moral sense a sort of miss I think in our day-to-day lives I agree think about st. Faustina has have you guys read the diary of st. Faustina at least thumbed through some of it yeah she clearly this woman is one of the holiest people I have ever interacted with in my entire life in my experience of reading the scriptures and and and saints lives and how finely tuned she was to her own sinfulness before the magnificence of the unfathomable mercy of God and it's so true st. Francis of Assisi is another one right right oh it's so good man and that's and that's like when you talk about bad Catholic whatever we're practicing Catholics I mean it's like we're practicing we're gonna keep on practice until we get it right that's and we're not gonna get it right now I'm gonna still be practicing until I die it's never something you get but at the at the the the the centrifuge of all this is really like the most beautiful masses I've ever experienced were when I have seen you know the the sinfulness of my own sinfulness and and I've been in just such deep regret about it and just contrite you know and then it's like oh you know you get hit with the mercy of God through through the Eucharist like that's been the most amazing yeah and isn't that what we're looking for in drugs and all these others I mean it's like you know the hedonistic culture and we're looking for that feeling you know and in Christianity and practicing it that feeling is him you know washing away our sins and the grace of bounds' obviously in those moments that you're describing but this I think we all think in our own sin that we're the first person who does something that we don't want to do and doesn't do something that we do want to do as if st. Paul didn't say precisely that as if the Divine Comedy weren't exactly about that problem is if this isn't the central struggle that we encounter every day there's something about the consciousness of sin that you just sort of think that you're isolated you're the only guy that's going through this and certainly that is not the case yeah that's a big obstacle for confession it is what st. Thomas Aquinas how he describes in colors in his theology of sin and his explanation in catechesis is that sin darkens the intellect so think about our our objective realization of the other you know that that I can intellectually deposit a a real understanding that you are somebody of worth and that I can see Christ in you but when I when I sin all I could see is myself and in this darkness all I could focus on is I'm really messed up I'm really really messed up and and in that darkness the voice of the accuser comes all over us and it isolates us from the pack and now that's when we're prey you know that that is cisely when we're prey and in first Peter you know the night prayer Tuesday of the breviary stay sober and alert your opponent the devil is prowling like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour resist him solid in your faith what is our faith if it's not this constant pursuit of repenting from our sinfulness like you described and coming back with to Christ with contrition like I know that my heart desires more than the substances and the riches of the world that draw me away from the community and most importantly from you God so I want to return to you because I know where my heart finds rest yeah let me just do a awkward segue though swearing mmm you swear I you know I actually I would just mention that I come from New York so I'm fluent but I I actually have tried not to in recent years especially around women at least a rent man I guess a little well let's just you and me fellas all right let's start talking I try not to cry man listen Oh yikes okay good I I have tried not to and I think the more you try not to the the uglier it sounds when you hear it but I don't know then I go back home and I slip back into everything you know yeah I think for me it's like the occasion of it's the occasion of sin you know for me where it's like I'm around certain people or I'm in a certain environment or I'm tired or you know the kids are just you know well I have another confession to make okay Dave girl take these are not confessions so I my nickname from one of my best friend's mother is whenever I came over the house she'd be like always foul-mouth coming over today Oh his foul mouth again cuz I mean every other word was the curse words it sounds like a smoker sounds like a New Yorker my dad used to say that that's a foul monkey got a foul mouth I'm gonna wash it out with soap you know how much soap went into this mouth thank you mom by the way I love you but you know the true I mean the expressions and I find myself even occasionally now I try to be very very aware of what I'm saying and what's you know popping off in my mouth and I had this awesome experience a number of years back and it was when my reversion was just you know purely just being born out of God's mercy and all of these experiences and I was reading the Scriptures and I and I was really struck by the Holy Spirit descending upon the Apostles in flames of time you know like a tongue resting upon them right and I thought you know if the Dove is an image of the Holy Spirit and my mouth I want the Holy Spirit to rest upon it my mouth is almost like a nest mm-hmm for the spirit and what I want that nest to be filled with thorns' because every time that I occurs it's almost like a thorn pops out you know and it was just a really cool prayer of limits and that's what shifted me from being just such a foul mouth to really making a conscientious effort of changing the way that I express myself when I'm frustrated angry or I stub my toe and I started using stuff like shanaynay and it just it's not it's all a hornet ride it works you make such a good point though with the with the flaming tongue because the speech is the essential human act it's the it's Adams job in the garden it's what politics is is people talking and you know to speak well is to think clearly to write well as to think clearly your use of words Christ is the word right there obviously there is such significance to our use of words the only question I have though is this distinction because I most never swear out of anger very rarely and then I'll just slip into like Italian swears that I heard when I was a little kid but I do swear for comedy I do like if it really you know if it fixes the joke I will do it often with my buddies I can't I doesn't I can't imagine it's good to do that but there does seem to be a distinction between those two kinds of swear well you know the Catholic notes for the Catholic Encyclopedia they actually it actually kind of clarifies that there's cursing and swearing now it says the in popular acceptance cursing and swearing are confounded with you know just kind of base language and you know making you know jokes or kind of crass language but cursing and swearing are very specific specific acts they're not you know saying you know [ __ ] absolutely nyan because he said it like that ya know so you know cursing is very specific Act it's calming down you know condemnation on the person and swearing is making an oath by something sacred now those have been conflated with the use of kind of colorful or crass language but it's not the same thing Gidi right so like something like that yeah that's that's bad that's blasphemy that yeah that turns my stomach yeah I hate that some of my family members it's like there's so much foul language coming out of their mouth that you just get like used to it it's like oh that's just uncle Nicky he's like that we talks you know but but seriously when somebody uses the Lord's name in vain complete strangers yeah and I don't care if I mean clerics or not like I always Rowdies yeah right give them a boot to the face oh it bothers me so that's the worst thing for me he's got some interesting so uh so here's here's a little I think something that's gonna help make a distinction between cursing and swearing and foul language so st. Paul in Ephesians 4:29 he says very clearly no foul language should come out of your mouths but only such as is good for needed edification that it may impart grace though so he who here right so he's really talking about you know cussed of the tongue and making sure that what you're saying is if I stoop eople that you're talking to me but Saint Paul in Philippians 3:8 says the word [ __ ] I mean he does it's right there in the Bible well it might be edifying for the people he's right well it is because he was using it in a proper colorful way he was so he's trying to say something was base right he's right look I guard everything to be this is this is the this is the clean version of the Bible but I agree I also regard everything to be a loss on account for the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord but if you look at the actual Greek word for it Strong's Concordance word force 46:57 it's a skubalon you have skubalon right and if you look at it it is very clearly that is the Greek way of saying [ __ ] mmm soap all the same look everything else is [ __ ] compared to Jesus Christ and that may sound a little bit crass but it's it's used for dramatic purposes and saying look this is how worthless everything else is compared to Jesus so is he swearing or cursing no no sighs language it's very precise and I believe there's times with that type of precision especially in a culture where there's I don't think these words are quite as taboo as I used to me and again you know there's the concept of it it's what's in your heart and what comes out of your mouth I mean are you looking for you know condemnation when you say the word [ __ ] or something else like that or are you you know is it something that has lost some of its its weight you know mmm yeah you just that reflection in language since since we're among friends here on the Catholic talk show I'll bring up mr. Martin Luther the crazier he was scatological he was kind he was scatological II yeah I think it was essential to him he they didn't he write he wrote the commentary on Romans on the commode imagine imagine if he had a modern colonic irrigation as father says imagine the torrent of commentary he could unleash but you know the the later he gets in his life the more irate he gets the more ethically gets the more out of control he gets the more vicious his language becomes you know the cursing the swearing the it becomes imprecise he loses his hold on the language and that that's the threat you know I mean that's the danger when you speak loosely then you're losing your hold on your thoughts and on what you're conveying to the world yeah excellent point so real quick you know we I don't think a good episode of of Guinea bad Catholic without really getting into talking about alcohol no we've already did a show on alcohol and I think we've really covered a lot of things I had a breakfast on alcohols yeah before this that's why your family's here and I was visibly seen walking into caste media studios the building with a frozen box of Mandela with Bette theology this is this is a tree and this just happened early morning at sunrise 9:00 in the morning father Rich's Ross comes in with frozen bottles like no these will be perfectly thawed out by the time we're done just leave them on the counter in the Sun they'll be great by the time 10:15 rolls around just peeking over the hills yeah so no two things I wanted to bring up about alcohol one is a venerable Matt Talbot mm-hmm venerable Matt Talbot I think really is on his way to becoming the patron saint of alcoholics he was he was in Dublin and he was just a incredibly hard drinker he was you know going through the pubs everywhere drinking every day to the point that's culturally insensitive am Irish they don't have any feelings anyways I think our listeners are using chaste language toward your direction dad and uh Malcolm in our comment sections let us know what you think about del across our Irish brothers and snow I have heard about him but I never said it was coming he started drinking when the news like 12 right because they were very poor and he was working as a delivery boy for an alcohol distributor and NIDA started drinking and drinking and drinking and he drank you know every day for 18 years from the time he's 12th of the time he was 30 and it ruined his life his life really never got off the ground because of it he was broke had no money and then finally one day he had no ability to buy alcohol so he's hanging outside of the bars hoping that one of his friends would invite him in for a drink and he stayed there for hours and no one did because they were so sick of him mooching off of them buying drinks one so that day he went home went back to his mom said I'm taking the pledge and he never had another drink again in his life and he went to daily Mass every day for the rest of his life and he took the money he worked really hard and then all the money that he ever borrowed to drink he paid back yeah Wow Wow and then you know on his on his deathbed they found that all kinds of mortifications that he would wear under his clothes and he really made a massive difference in you know in his life so he's on the way to becoming probably the one of the patron saints of alcoholics yeah that makes a lot of sense when when you and I went to Ireland we were staying probably about a block or two from where his old stomping grounds were yeah this is an aspect that I think some of our friends of other varieties of Christian belief don't quite get about the Catholic Church but Chesterton wrote about this very well which is the way he knew that the Catholic Church was right is that it would be criticized for opposite reasons it was too ascetic it was too decadent it was too then it was to this it was true that and you see that I mean you see that danger with alcohol it's it's easy to abstain for some people and it's easy to become a drop down drunk the balance is the question can you you know obviously if you if you've become an alcoholic if you become a drunk you've got to abstain but for the rest of us can you hold those things in tension you know well the other thing Chesterton said is the heresy is not the promotion of ice over virtue it's the promotion of one virtue to the exclusion of all of the others can you hold these things in balance that's what makes a Catholic Church and that virtue is that Via Media you know finding the rebel ground of moderation I can't help but share the story about when I was growing up and you know much like Ryan della cross I you know I explored with a lot of different drugs and alcohol and all these different things and after my second knee surgery when I was rehabilitating and turned to God in prayer none of my friends came to visit me after I got my surgery I didn't have any money so none of them were around so that you know we weren't partying or anything and then there was one particular friend who said hey Richie can I get some of those those pain pills from you and and it just it really like spoke to me like you know where are my friends yeah and Matt's house enough Vandy's and in a place where I was truly isolated and by myself and in prayer I recognized I really don't belong in this community that I've tried to develop over the past you know four or five six years or whatever as a 20 year old young young man and that was the catalyst for me to take the pain pills and trash them to take the pot and the you know into trashy art and the smoke and the drinking or the snorting shootin all that all this you know and I and I threw it all away and the freedom that came from that experience of throwing it away was incredible and I even went through I had you know the CDs back in the day for all of our younger listeners that have no idea what a CD is you know I had this huge thing of CDs of like gangster rap and heavy metal and like Elvis and rap metal thanks Tremmel better and I was going outside to break the CDs and a friend of mine had called from down the street don't break the CD he said you just give them to me and I'm like I'm going out to the trash can right now I'm breaking him and before he got there I mean it just like shattered everything but the biskits Christian no I kept Linkin Park there's a whole theological debate that he had there but you know that experience that I had it was a great euphoria because I was breaking ties with all of these different substances and even the audio substances that kind of gave me that escape and I started to confront my own reality and I started to work with it and look at it differently and now I started to see God was so much more intimately involved in the details of my life than I had realized and that gave me great joy and excitement and then I started becoming more and more aware how he was with me every step then I started developing the relationship to the Blessed Mother and then the rosary and the seven stars of Our Lady took over I mean like just took over my life and I just started walking every day with her with a complete dependency on God and I even walked away from alcohol for quite a while like six or seven months oh it was golden years and golden time of my life and loved it great memorable and you make a great point comparing the the audio what you're hearing to all these other drugs and things I mean it's the most important sense Plato says so and God says so right God speaks to us he's always speaks the we're hearing him the word yeah the word made flesh and when you get out of the car and you've been listening to all that that gangsta metal or whatever you were listening to you get out of the car feeling differently than if you were listening to Brahms or something or bond and that that really does affect the rest of your day truly yeah all right bad Catholics you guys are bad Catholics but maybe you're good Catholics we're all real bad good bad good Catholic yeah guys have some resolution conclusion I think that's the point anybody who would think they're a good Catholic probably isn't anyone who's a bad Catholic and recognize it that's the first step towards actually becoming a good writer yeah so here's the thing I think in lieu of doing an inquisition you know this time let me tell us what you've got going on and what's going on yeah that you know you got coming up here we've got so I'm going straight from here I'm gonna go do my show today the Michael Noel's show at The Daily wire and I got to tell you talk about grace abounding you know every day I wake up I look at the news cycle and I cover political news and I give some commentary on it this week may be unprecedented in all of human history will be talking obviously about chiefly iwasa folk ohonta spoke a honkey will be talking about her on the show and so much else I mean there is a that there actually isn't enough time in my show to get rid of that and this is a great golden age of content for you it is the great goal youyou can't do comedy anymore unfortunately because we've now transcended a satire but you can at least analyze what's going on it's really terrific news cycles for that and then I think afterward I've you've inspired me I've got to go get a cigar and a drink by you no actually we're doing a show today the we're doing a show the backstage show where I think the daily wire was only founded so that all of us could sit around and smoke cigars and drink on camera so we'll be doing one of those where can people find you show and subscribe and all that so people can go to daily wire comm if they want to shell out a little bit of money you'll get your leftist ears tumblr and that's very important these days it's fda-approved highly recommended for the torrents that have been coming down recently or if you're a cheapskate you can go to youtube you can see the first half and then you can listen to the whole thing and you can subscribe on iTunes so you can always get it it's very you know it's very important it skip the box skip the Brahms in your car just plug in the Michael no I'll show you your hey throw away your corn CDs throw away your corn your new medal for a drink with swearing and go and subscribe for heaven's sake great well hey we really appreciate having you think yeah such a pleasure thank you Michael yeah all right well I bet Catholics let's go let's go have a drink I hope those Modelo that defrost thanks for joining us for the Catholic talk show catch you on a next episode peace thanks guys [Music]
Channel: The Catholic Talk Show
Views: 33,681
Rating: 4.8859558 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic Talk Show, Catholics Smoke Weed, Alcohol, Weed, Marijuana, Drugs, Tobacco, Michael Knowles, Daily Wire, Catholicism Drugs, Ryan Scheel, Ryan DellaCrosse, Father Rich Pagano
Id: miiHXy46IME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 43sec (3403 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2018
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