An Interview With Ven. Fulton Sheen In 2021 | The Catholic Talk Show

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hey everybody welcome back to another episode of the catholic talk show today we have a very special guest archbishop fulton sheen that's right we've got fulton sheen let's see another catholic youtube channel get this guest clearly we've got some great contacts up above because we have the first televangelist ever in the history of the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right welcome back to the studio yeah man this is uh this is definitely gonna be an awesome show that's right i'm telling you so we were talking okay we've been doing the show for about three years now and if there was any guests that we wish we could have had right i mean we've had some great guests we've had some great guests that's right but if we really we're going to pick our you know top list of who we can have on here we're like wouldn't it be cool to have had fulton sheen on well gonna kind of tell us a couple of things about what we're doing right fulton's one of the you know kind of the patrons of what we're doing he's a trailblazer in the field of using communications and modern communications to preach the gospel to be entertaining to be captivating and to reach people through digital means so we figured out a way to get fulton sheen on the show today and that's by going back through his archives finding clips that we can play and then we're going to listen to them react and it's going to be just like fulton sheen is here in the studio with us kind of sorta kind of sort of yeah and kind of sort of you're with us in the studio too so we want to hear from you and what your reactions are to these beautiful reflections from archbishop fulton sheen he speaks with so much passion so much insight and his delivery has affected a massive amount of people in his generation and even our generation as well before we get started we want to make sure that you are commenting on all of our social media channels facebook instagram and twitter at catholictalkshow if you want to find out where you can listen in or view our content go to there you'll see every way that you can listen in and view we're on youtube so if you want i mean this is the best way to to actually listen to this show is go to youtube make sure you subscribe click the bell every time we produce the show it will populate in your feed and you'll be able to kind of see fulton chene on this show that's right kind of sort of okay come on bear with us here we're trying to do something this is great he's got a cause for canonization he does so a little bit about fulton sheen for people who don't know about who he was full machine uh he's an archbishop and in the 50s and 60s he had one of the most popular television shows in the world right which is which is amazing yeah i mean can you imagine i mean this was like prime time tv i think it was on nbc yeah and we're not talking about just catholics we're talking about everybody yeah i mean he's the only uh everybody that's right he's the only you know archbishop to ever win an emmy right i mean he was he wanted me he won an emmy wow yeah he for most outstanding television personality oh my god twice that's amazing he really does i mean he has an incredible personality so he was um born in 1895 peoria illinois yeah um died december 9th 1979 so long life but his preaching incredibly dynamic um he did so much cool things in the world one of my favorite books i ever read and really helped me kind of back on my path to reversion was the life of christ by fulfillment oh yeah great book and he talked so many amazing topics uh really just a gifted preacher i mean we say you're not mike schmitz while mike schmitz is no full sheet that's right i mean on the hierarchy and the economy of preachers in the economy of preachers year or two schmitz is a seven sheen's a ten man so um you know he does have his calls for canonization open he was about to be beatified a couple years ago and then a lot of church ugly dirty politics got played up and there's a fight over his body and archdiocese new york and the diocese of peoria and it's a really messy kind of tragic thing because yeah this is the saint that we kind of need for our time he was fearless he wasn't afraid of saying the truth or media and in our cancel culture cow towing to mob uh thought police fulton sheen is an antidote to the stuff that we're dealing with now with timid people afraid to say the truth yep yeah and we need more of that we need people just like fulton sheen that have the courage to speak the truth and i'm excited about the truth he's about to share with us right now me too archbishop welcome to the show what an honor sort of look two emmys named an archbishop um servant of god about to be beatified but this this honor right i'm sure he would have been very thrilled to appear on the catholic talk show absolutely archbishop sheen welcome to the show why don't you tell us a little bit about your sermon here which is titled bishop fulton sheen predicts 2021. how perfect all right let's take a listen what the archbishop has to say and then let's react our nation is too full of those that are crying down down with the police down with the churches down with teachers down with government can you build anything down you cannot certainly time in our nation to change our words let's begin now to use the word up up from all of this filth up from this violence up from this indifference of courts up after the hit battlements of eternity up up to god the new type of violence that's sweeping our country our schools our streets which involves destruction of everything that is in the past the first characteristic of the new violence of our day is what we will call elitism namely there is a dominant minority that makes a lot of noise and that uses violence to force its will upon others they're revolutionists without a program they only know what they're against they do not know what they're for the kind that will rifle desks destroy property burn homes do anything to enforce their will satanism is behind it too this is the third characteristic of it the world is built on order there's a plan so scientists are able to discover the laws of the universe and in discovering the laws of the universe men find harmony this harmony in order had to come from somewhere it came from god what is the essence of satanism the essence of satanism is the destruction of that order the order of law the order of morality order of religion the order of ethics anything that you please believe me fellow americans i tell you that before the flood the book of genesis we read and in the days of noah there was violence on the earth all of the violence that happens in our country is a fever graph read it and it points to a decay in our civilization how are you going to get out of it i tell you one thing that we we have to do we have to realize maybe why the eagle is our national symbol the eagle always builds its nest iron the mountain crevices when the young are hatched the eagle pushes its young over the nest they fly down to what two eaglet eyes must seem like sudden death just before the young eagle crashes mother eagle swoops down from its nest down to the abyss and catches the young then flies up into the sky swoops from out it again and repeats the process until the bird has learned to fly moses saw that and he wrote as the eagle stirs among the young so does god stir among the nations maybe god is stirring us bringing us to the brink of danger in order that we might begin to examine ourselves and restore the dignity of man and a belief in god never seen a man wear the cardinal cape as well as him either no no no yeah he's he he knew how to use his presence to really preach um that's what he said was just it's prophetic prophetic it's probably it's prophetic and and the the vision of his you know his eyes like just like seeing his eyes when he says it when he says it i mean he speaks it with so much conviction it's it's as if he is seeing this play out uh you know over time yeah you know and elitism like we hear a lot about that now yeah then a silent majority with their domineering ways dictating how everything has to be i mean if you don't see that that's what's going on in this world now and the thing he said is like they can tell you what they don't believe and but they can't tell you well it's all tearing things down tear it down tear it down tear it down that's how we started this and everything in our culture right now is tear it down shut it down canceled you're no good at it yeah yeah you're no good uh there's no chance for redemption yeah there's no chance for understanding that people can develop with their thought there's no chance of taking things within context it is just outrage for the sake of outrage to prove your dominance your um ethical bona fides right everyone wants to have this ethical high ground this moral high ground that they pretend to have and the only when they are lack of anything that orients them towards true truth they just don't try to find things to attack and say look look how good i am i know something's wrong right it's not about i'm good i behave well i just can pick out other people's failures or perceive failures it's it's an alarming it's an alarming message that i think uh the thing that stuck out for me the most was just the tearing down of the police the tearing down of law the tearing down of order ethics and you know rooted in satanism because it is satan who defaces beauty who defaces and disrupts order and when we look at order what are we ordered toward you know aristotle would express that we're ordered toward the polis we're ordered toward living in a metropolitan community where we are gathering together and entering into fellowship and and exchanges of ideas and and creativity well you know when everything is being torn down like you're describing how can we how can we ever build upon this change our words to up yeah we need to change our words to up because we're in that progression it's it's not as if you know we we can look at our entire history and say oh all of these people were absolutely wrong and unethical let's strike them from the from the history books no there were redemptive moments all throughout history yeah why can't we identify those redemptive moments and realize our progress and go upward to heaven toward god if the trajectory that we're on where everyone's measured by a different standard than the times that they lived in right and there's not a historical critical method as it were to understand people in their time and place who could ever stand right i mean there's no one that could nobody nobody there's not one person who should have a statue in this entire world based on the ethics of today what is the card what is the cardinals name last week or recently that was in in a prison camp and was tortured for years like cardinals yeah even in his torturing like even in his torturing he begged for the mercy of god because he knew that he was not receiving this torturing in the proper manner sometimes yes you know like so even the persecuted right cannot even build up right i mean he even admits that i mean so you're like he expresses a need for for god for god a need to go up not down i love that i love that reflection beautiful he communicated it so perfectly i love his preaching and for me to even be a two in relationship to that that's saying something i i i appreciate it i was trying to be complimentary you know but like like i was saying how anyone in the past by today's standards should be canceled literally any single person born before 1950 yeah that would mean that in this progression anyone live now in 50 years if this if ethics and morality are so malleable everyone now is going to get cancelled right but but the thing is is like fulton sheen calls it the silent majority it's a nameless majority it really is it's a nameless majority and and the question is what do you mean by that who is who are they majority yeah in this form of elitism that he's describing who who is this majority like name the person that is that is you know the leader of the cancel culture you know i was listening to joe rogan the other day and he had uh quentin tarantino on i love quentin tarantino movies great director um and he was talking because quentin tarantino movies can get pretty crazy right yeah and he's like joe rogan's like how do you get away with this how can you get away with the things that you do not get cancelled he's like quentin tarantino's like you know when i first started making movies i would show them the script they're like they're not going to let you do this and quentin tina goes well who are they who are they who's they show me the people that are they and that's kind of the same thing that we have now who are they it's just a nameless amorphous digital mob where you kind of count on just i don't know metrics likes and likes clicks and shares and do these mobs have identities behind them do these mobs and these massive amounts of of people really have a subjective position of cancelling you yeah like no it's just it's just pitchforks and and torches it's just like hey we get stirred up and let's just go after them but it's digital pitchforks and torches you know it's not real you don't like it's like your friends they're not real your friends on facebook are not real yes they watch stuff you post that's it's that's what they do technically like existentially you're putting something out and you have agreed to allow them to see it they are not your friends and the whole thing is it's all very weird but i think that was that was pretty prophetic uh from fulton that's why i'm so glad oh he said he wants to tell us a little bit about the devil's greatest trick well uncle we would love to hear it why don't you tell us about it please this is the devil's greatest trick by fulton sheen we have almost forgotten that we are in a great mortal combat today we are beginning either to domesticate the devil or else to deny him the devil's definition of himself is i am who am not he is most powerful when he is denied [Music] this question is worth asking i went to church the other day to free my soul from sin i was looking for the preacher that the preacher wasn't in the sexton then assured me that there be no use in waiting the preacher's gone away he said to do some demonstrating what i want to know i said and i will make myself quite clear while they're off demonstrating who's running things down here who's taking care of sinners who's leading us in prayer who's feeding all the lost sheep that wonder by right here who's baptizing babies and another thing i said who's looking out for sick folks and blessing all the dead the sexton was a wise old man with a twinkle in his eye he looked at me and scratched his head and this was his reply son what i'm going to say to you might strike you kind of odd but since no one's here to help put your question up to god so i asked him all those things last night when i bent my knee in prayer oh lord i pray please tell me who's running things down here the lord sent down an angel it was enough to make me sob when the angel said the devil and he's doing a damn good job wow whoo wow that's that's uh archbishop bulge archbishop fulton chainman we agreed to have you on the show we didn't know it's going to get so serious but okay we're going to move and straight up poetic and prophetic and was that his poem yeah wow so i mean okay me listening to that do you know how that immediately hit me there is okay they're off demonstrating who is baptizing the babies and taking care of the dead and i can't help but think of during coved everyone's or you know all the bishops where were they you know they were everything was closed denied sacraments people dying in hospitals by themselves without access to the sacraments i mean father rich you know you were trying to get in the hospital and you had to fight tooth claw and nail to get in the hospital and you're one of the good ones who would do whatever it takes to get in that hospital and i i will say you know with my son and type 1 diabetes that's what he did i know that's exactly what i'm saying i mean he he was in dka he had but he had a relationship but he did what it took but i know but but the thing is is like make the freaking relationship if you're a bishop right you call these guys you make the relationship you don't deny these people the mercy of god you know but you just don't do that yeah you walk past the church and there's no one there they're off protesting yeah boy doesn't that not sound like some people that we know in the church today yeah you know oh you're worried about these people's rights and this kind of law and this and that no your job is to preach the good news and deliver the sacraments everything else is tangential but they have lost their balance we're sinners and there's a there's an eternal need for god for every soul there is a it will never go away doesn't matter if there's a plague or whatever that eternal need you give your life for it because you're the only one that could administer these sacraments and observing from you know the the sense of looking online and and and seeing just all of these churches go black yeah you know and that's literally what the image i still remember you know all of the things that were passed down to us and it was just like the whole country went black yeah and there were no masses you know being offered publicly and it was just such a dark experience that i'll never forget to the day that i die but then at the at the same time and yes you know they're you know there's there's crippling facets to this but also the creative amazing work that my brothers have done and my sisters out there yeah that actually broke through different barriers to ministry and actually went out to meet the people with the blessed sacrament you know with the blessed sacrament on the back i mean i'm getting emotional thinking about it but like they went out and brought this cross a lot left fulton sheen does this on the show that's that is the church and the church mystically never fails to meet people you know we have a we have a problem of leadership in this world you know yes in this world yeah and but mystically christ is still with this church and moving in the holy spirit to me absolutely and and i saw it here saw it in my diocese i'm i'm proud of my brothers who you know and some of these guys like hate being online i'm not saying that i love being online but they hate being online and i love the fact that i could tune in and listen to my brother preach because i want to be edified by his word you know and inspired and it you know there there was a lot of um movement among among our brothers and sisters that that took their ministry online and did what they could under the circumstances that everybody was facing so you know and then also thinking about well he always said you know they're off at the protest they're off of the demonstration the greatest trick it's it because it's virtue it's a false verb it's a false virtue it's definitely virtue is what kills god because the devil the devil wants that that's that's his that's his greatest trick false virtue i also loved him tricking you into thinking that you're doing something good when in reality yeah even greater than forgiving people's sins even greater than baptizing wow i'm saving people from a virus saving people from a virus that could come and kill them from a thought yes but but yeah it's the same thing we're saving you from the thought of how you don't tell the line with our ideology we're saving you from that that is greater than baptist church church is passage church is old school news man what you need to do is you need to learn how to be woke and with the times you have to understand that this is the way that we think now we're we need you to be a better person like us and the church why doesn't that sound like satan the church is it's like it's people are being hoodwinked by the ideology people are being hoodwinked by the thought and and it's not it's not about you know what position you have or this type it's just what you believe culturally speaking it is a blanket over the mentality of people that are are being hoodwinked in many respects absolutely and i loved how he and he this was very clever i don't know if you guys caught this the devil's says his name is i am who am not right now you have you have the great statement i am i am who am i well the devil is i am who not i am i am who is not i don't exist that's that's that's the devil's greatest the greatest trickery he's saying that he doesn't exist look if the devil showed up right here in this room right now would any one of us ever have another doubt that there is something beyond death we would know that there's something metaphysical devil doesn't do that the devil doesn't show up he doesn't show up at pitchforks and sulfur and flames it's just a little hey you're doing great yeah things are good you know what you're look at all these great things you're a good person yeah you're doing fine just keep doing what you're doing yeah you know and if you want to you know maybe take a look at that check or if you can't maybe do steal that little thing it's okay you're basically a good person it's equivocation yeah and that's the trick the devil's trick is that he doesn't exist and you always just erode around the edges of morality and virtue that's equivocation but but another thing that he said was that there's this time and time again this debasement and then we start reaching for god so it's almost like a spiritual cycle of humanity and and it gets to the point where it's just like you you stare in the face of it and then you start searching for god that god's in control right that god is the i the great i am and so you know you look at i get sad because of all the people that are just pulled away from the glory of god right from this but at the end of the day it reaches this this this moment in society where we begin to start seeking out god because it can it's not an end of itself it doesn't it's not an end it's a just you know just destruction right so you let them in a little bit you let them in a little bit next thing you know you got people like doing evil things right in your face the gates of perdition are wide and the road is wide right but evil but it's subtle it's erosive in the sense of of the trickery of him vanishing from the midst of people that are in on that road to destruction that wide road but the you know the truth the truth that i see in my in my role as a priest is so many people rush to me when they encounter evil when they encounter the devil when they encounter something that that they're left like you know what what is this yeah and they're absolutely frightened by that and you know that's the weakness of the devil because when he does show himself people immediately run to god and i'm talking about people who are not catholic absolutely you know because when they're trying to search where to go they're going to come to the catholic church right all right guys i think so far i think it's pretty well proven fulton sheen's probably one of the best guests we've ever had if not absolutely yeah thanks for bringing them on ryan i know a couple people right i made a few calls and i was able to you know land full and sheen right i mean you know whatever so the next one we're going to listen to and uh fulton's going to talk to us about is false compassion now i've actually had this it's actually like a oxymoron in in current terms i've had this conversation with fulton sheen before as it were um so this this conversation when we had it before i listened to it before is excellent right so i'm really excited about this one but let's see what uncle fulty has to say about false compassion friends perhaps the best way to introduce this story or this subject of false compassion is to tell you about a little girl her who hurt her finger began to bleed slightly and she went in to see her mother and her mother bound it up and then she went up to see her daddy who was working and she came down crying the mother said why you crying well she said i told daddy that i hurt my finger and he didn't even say oh that was just a want of compassion a compassion is a is a sympathy a pity an ability to be wounded when others are wounded and to feel the source of others as one's own that is compassion there's always been compassion in the world the right kind we will distinguish later on between the right and wrong kind even the old greek historian herodotus who lived several centuries before christ tells that he was shipwrecked once on a an island and the people came out and cared for him built fires and fed him we know of the compassion and kindness and sympathy of the muslims they will even kill sometimes their last lamb for a visitor then there was the story it's only a legend i suppose about abraham one day a visitor came to abraham's tent and abraham killed a lamb gave him the best bed showed him every courtesy and kindness and yet nothing pleased the visitor he didn't like the food he didn't like the lamb he didn't like his bed he didn't like the tent and finally abraham threw him out and god said to abraham listen abraham i've been putting up with that man for 40 years can't you put up with him for three days of course the classic story of all compassion is the parable of the good samaritan and it is interesting how that parable began and how it was occasioned a very clever lawyer came to visit our blessed lord and said what must i do to inherit eternal life now the lawyer wanted an argument lawyers like arguments and our blessed lord in answer to his question ask the question sometimes it's well not always to be put on the defensive with a question ask another and so when our blessed lord was asked the question he said well what do you read in the law and he quoted the law love god with your whole mind and heart and soul and love thy neighbors thyself and our blessed lord said to him well do this and you will live well he didn't want that kind of an answer and so he introduced a rather technical question it seems practical but he meant it to be technical namely who is my neighbor how do you define him then our blessed lord told the story of a man who went down from jerusalem to jericho and you do go down as a matter of fact the distance between the two places about 2400 feet i mean the descent and he was waylaid by robbers beaten and the priest and the levite passed by they had no compassion for the wounded man was not too great a tribute for the priest and the levite one explanation that is given is that they found the man already robbed maybe who knows it could happen and then a man who was was a stranger and an alien namely the good samaritan passed by and brought him to the inn and then offered to return and pay all expenses and so our blessed lord said now who's the neighbor well the lawyer said it's the one who showed compassion and our lord said that's right now do this and you will live he's such a good preacher oh it's amazing you know listen to that i couldn't help but to think of the divisions we have in this world right now and how everyone's in a camp has a label and it's almost like segregation in reverse is happening in this country it really is yeah you know who is my neighbor well if you are not within this particular class and if you're if you don't have the right intersectionality you are in a different group right um should i be able to show compassion to a i don't know a transgender filipino african-american yes should you be able to have compassion for a southern baptist straight male yes right should you be able to have compassion for a a nazi who's freaking like a hell bent on on burning down uh tearing down a statue of would you not have compassion for somebody like that i was just i was just preaching about this at you know i was just preaching about this on um at avi maria university for their youth conference and it's just you know the [Music] where we are right now is in this movement of categorization and and uh compartmentalization and it's and there are powers that are at work and we're back to like this kind of elitism there are these mobilizing forces who they are i have no idea i can tell you who they are but it's just that devil behind that absolutely but but you know ultimately it's beyond race it's beyond any type of national identity it's beyond being an italian in new york with the irish or the the african-american neighborhood or the the puerto ricans that are coming over the dominicans it's it's beyond anything type of like skin color now it's even more than that it can include that but now it's even more than that and the segregation and compartmentalization and categorization of people even when it comes into human sexuality is so much that you can't even calculate it but if you fall in that party you know exactly where you where you sit or where you stand and it's and it's problematic because in that it's these kind of defensive kind of prison rules pre within the prison bars how am i going to find defense to be able to survive right and and that's not what this is that's a reaction it's a reaction but it's a reaction based on what type of catalyst i don't even know that catalyst i'll tell you exactly how this started and why this is happening and why it's getting so bad right now it's the algorithm of social awareness and social manipulation with the advent of technology modern marketing has found ways to and politics this started in politics first well okay look we are holding behind we need three percent more votes in this state okay well what do we do okay well we need to get six percent from the latinos we need to get another seven percent from the catholic black let's get another four percent from the union and that will get us over the top and we'll win this election right it's taking people and reducing them to nothing more than a tag and a label for easy categorization to sell them whatever you want to sell them whether it's a vote whether it's a dollar transaction same thing that we see online look if you go on to any of your social media platforms they are sending you stuff that they want you to see based on what they have categorized you as in their algorithm yeah and we use this on a daily basis we use it against we use it against you know against them against them we are using we use it to reach people with with we're trying to be as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves yeah okay but that's what's going on they are commoditizing the human experience removing our nature as neighbors as creations and people of god so that people can profit or gain power and power and profit are satanic and that is what is going on and the thing is is like the necessity so the i remember when the blackberry came out you know and i'm like i can get my emails yeah and and i'm like i can get my emails on my phone this is great i don't have to boot up my computer which took a long time back then and all that stuff and then the iphone came out and then now there's all these apps and they're great a lot of them are great but you look at it and 99 of it is not necessary for the human experience it's not necessary and it gets in the way of the human experience that's right i mean how many was going with that how many beautiful experiences are prevented you know because of something that's getting in the way of it you know and you know i learned that when i went to rome and i had a i had a audience with pope benedict and i flew in late i was i got to this religious house uh late all right so you're running late for a meeting with the pope i mean this is classic pagano again i can't help it so yes i was running late to go see the holy father and and you know the sisters are like go you know get out of here go and i i show up the taxi cab driver drops me off and it was like the parting of the red sea man i mean the swiss guard moved away the security all of these people it was just it was it was random okay and everything moved aside and i was able to go all the way up to the front through st peter's square to the feet of the staircase and the holy father was coming down and here i am and it's like by myself pope benedict from me to delacrosse and i'm like what do i what do i do like i'm like you know this guy wasn't expecting this and i just i pulled out my camera which was like an old school camera because we didn't have like phones like this back then and i and i go to take i took a ton of pictures and long story short like all throughout my backpacking throughout europe and and studying gregorian chant with the benedictine monks and salam and this whole incredible experience i had this particular summer um i got back to laguardia airport and the camera got stolen and i remember praying i remember praying in laguardia and i'm like you know man this it got in the way of the experience now i don't even have those pictures yeah and those pictures really don't mean anything it's the it's the encounter man it's the experience and we shouldn't allow these things to get in the way of what is most principally human living for the sake of the other and i loved how how fulton sheen was expressing like the hospitality of muslims when i was in the middle east the hospitality that i received from the muslims were amaze it was amazing and and socially speaking within networks of people who are highly funded and most definitely driven by agenda try to create this divisive relationship because of certain terrorist sex or different things like that when you're in the streets with poor muslims they're going into the catholic churches and they're praying before the image of our lady of perpetual help and they're begging for divine assistance and they're receiving it and they're turning to the priests for compassion who is our neighbor is it just catholics is it just people who are like us see that's the thing that's going on that's so bad in this world who was our neighbor well it seems that these days your neighbor is only your neighbor if your neighbor thinks exactly like you you cannot have a friend who's a liberal you voted for and you voted for them for trump you know you're dead to me and then one revelation one revelation of a difference and you're done and you're done you're absolutely done and jesus says what good is it to love the person that agrees with you right even the person that loves you like the people love the person that hates you yeah yeah and whoever and who has a cornerstone on morality and and righteousness who who name them name them jesus christ that's who they call them that's a yeah it's the self-righteous stuff that's just it's dividing us completely yeah self-righteousness i mean and this is really putting us you know as a society and as a culture in cages i mean everyone's looking for this this kind of acceptance right but it's not this is a this is a golden digital cage that we're all living in right and people are not free and they need to be free they need to be free like the number one app holla which is the sponsor of our show so if you go to forward slash hollow you can get the number one app for catholics in the world absolutely free on us because that's the kind of guys we are and also i called fulton sheen he pulled some favors with alexander and alex at hollow and he got it for you guys fred okay that's the kind of thing that happens when you listen to the catholic church so why don't you tell them a little bit about this magnificent gift we're like elvis is giving everyone hello i'm telling you is the best catholic app i mean to just reinforce you in prayer connect you to our lord almighty god and it does it through daily meditations lectio divina which is a beautiful part of the app that i use with my kids and my family um just an unreal connection with god through that you've got music you've got nighttime stories by jonathan rooney who plays jesus i mean the guy plays jesus it's almost like next best jesus you know what i mean and he's reading you bedtime stories and then and then you've got all sorts of other stuff you know like father mike schmitz he's a 10 you're a seven no we said two two seven no schmitz is seven she needs a ten she's a ten and you called sheen and the ten gave you the free that's a lot of math that's a lot of math man i need to start a business and have him run advertising for me man i want to buy this thing [Laughter] i guarantee if fulton she were alive today he would be participating with hallow he would be doing his sermons through holla because that's the app that it is right um bishop baron's on hollow now too yeah i mean hollows how's the thing man go get it free right now bishop fulton sheen is also an incredibly learned man yeah he's smart he had so many degrees i think he went to the sorbonne uh like really like a mega mega intelligence catholic university of america did he really yeah oh wow i mean this he was so educated and education is incredibly important okay where do you go with this i'm going to south florida to one of the most beautiful places in the country just outside of naples florida which is the city of ave maria do you know what's in that city my alma mater here you go boom tell us about it ave marie university is set in one of the most beautiful regions in the entire country in the world sunny i mean clearly absolutely in sunny florida just minutes away from the ocean minutes away from the everglades incredible fishing incredible hiking destinations but what's most important the beautiful faith of the people that's right perpetual adoration there is so many offerings i think they have about nine masses that they offer within the day the celebration of the eucharist so there is so many opportunities to go to mass go to confession every day i still remember i went to confession when i went down there the other day and went to father mcmanus and i used to knock on his door you know like at eight o'clock at night father mcmanus can you hear my confession and he'd pull me oh richard come in you know you know and i mean just beautiful people beautiful priests beautiful religious and it's just you know i look back at that as the golden years of my academic formation you know the motto very is the splendor of truth and they truly have faculty and staff that communicate that truth so beautifully in the tradition of the church from scripture to the beautiful traditions of our faith they really really have the culture of the catholic faith alive so if look if you or someone you love is looking for a college education you really do need to consider ave maria because it's not just an excellent catholic school right you can get catholic schools and it's like okay great but you can go and learn to be a youth minister nothing that there's anything wrong with that not a lot of job prospects for youth ministry i was a youth minister right are you still a youth minister no there you go you can't really typically raise a family on the salary of a youth minister typically but at ave maria they have ave marine university has so many different majors different things that you can study whether it's the law whether it's business and finance whether it's the sciences whatever it is you're looking for they have it there so you get the amazing catholic nature where that they help you discern your vocation and then give you the tools to execute your calling to be successful both as a person and as a professional god bless you god bless your editors well that's what our patrons help us support as editors who get those sneezes out kyle leave that so go to to check out the university and find out more today absolutely and you know what fulton sheen would tell you to do the same thing i'm pretty confident he already did right so ave marie and hollow look not only you're getting download the app and then go to audi murray you're getting us three to promote your things and we're happy to do it but we brought in fulton sheen i think that you know you guys should be happy with us absolutely so what's this last uh homily that we've got here last one and i think this is kind of the culmination of where we were going with these ones and really we just kind of picked these at random we're allowing the holy spirit to move through us here so let's see this is the death of god by fool and sheen nevermore night we hear the noise of the gravediggers as they bury god we smell god decaying god is dead and we have slain him how shall we console ourselves chief of all murderers the holiest and most powerful this world has ever possessed has ebbed its blood away beneath our fingers who can make us clean what sacred rites will we have to invent is not the greatness of this deed too great for us we will have to become gods now he predicts the catastrophe that is to come he said i know his name but i shall not mention his name the catastrophe that will come upon a godless world at last he threw his latin on the ground and so that it broke in pieces and went out you said i've come too early too early that monstrous catastrophe that is to fall upon the world is not yet upon us this is the way the greatest of all the atheists speaks of the world that is to come the world in which god is dead dostoevsky who knew atheism well because he predicted it coming into russia said that humanity has two ages one age is from the guerrilla to the death of god the other age is from the death of god to the annihilation of man by a catastrophe can it be that there is a moment when we haven't the moment that we have invented the atomic bomb is also the moment when we're in danger of annihilating ourselves i tell you these men have not convinced me that there is no god but they have convinced me of one thing they have convinced me that there is a devil i mean you could just tell that he just speaks from uh you know wow post communist you know marxist leninist leninism you know but we're experiencing a revival of marxist leninism oh it's it but it's been continuous like it hasn't it has never slowed its progress like jp2 and reagan pumped the brakes for a while yeah but you know like it's its progress is is continuing to immerse culture and expose our children and young people and young families to this mentality and and he's absolutely right i mean what what we're looking at and what we've all been talking about is the erosive destruction of society and this massive event that he's articulating with just great passion and and enthusiasm is he's he's waking up people of his generation yeah you know and and i hope that we and this show having fulton sheen on i'm loving seeing the microphone pointed at his face and and having him on the other side of the table right now because you know we need to be you know you know alert like like the scriptures say you know be alert be vigilant you know the devil is prowling about like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour well you know the prowling nature of this erosive uh you know aspect of philosophy that is immersive throughout the world right now is absolutely destroying our unity and destroying our civility yeah and i liked what he brought up that when god is dead we have to become gods right and that's what our culture has done our culture has went away from faith the attendance in mass is atrocious the belief in faith with every successive generation from boomers to gen x to millennials and then to gen z get smaller and smaller was the action of jesus christ not enough like that that's what he said like it was the action of jesus was was that not enough let's see here's what happens every generation is falling further and further away and every generation is becoming more and more self-absorbed and they are becoming more and more trying to usurp the world of god they can control they can create their own identity they can create themselves they create themselves not god and that is such a you know we look at our creation by god as a gift and we demure to that well as you created me god that is how i am now other people in this world now are their own god they create themselves they have to fulfill the function of god themselves the government becomes god for many people it's the government that provides protection provides food provides rights the government when god dies necessarily slides into that chasm into that vacuum and fills it and if you do not see that going on in the world today where the government is telling you who is what what defines a person and a man who can live and who cannot who can get mouth medical health care and who cannot who can live here and who cannot the government is becoming a dictatorial god in this world and that is very much totalitarianism and communistic in nature yeah it's it's so amazing like in contrast to the like the love of god in the humility of god born among a virgin a 14 year old girl rey's died at the hands of all of this right like at the hands of the empire at the hands of all of this like that's that's our god that's he stretches out in that manner to allow himself to be sacrificed there if you don't think we're killing god now we've done it before right and that's why the action is enough because it's an act it's an action that that uh transcends time yeah yeah it breaks our ability to kill god true yeah that's right so i mean but i i just i mean the contrast was so pungent i mean it was just like beautiful the way he was he brought that out it really was well fully machine i i've just got to thank you i can't thank you enough for yeah thank you for coming on the show if we uh have you on another show look i'm just going to say pints of aquinas great show didn't get fulton sheen right yeah yeah yeah taylor marshall great show he hasn't gotten fulton sheen only here in the catholic church all right shout out to us so we thank you for connecting with the show hopefully you liked us let us know what you think about fulton sheen what he shared today how has it struck your heart and what has it made you think of you know it's a joy to connect in this forum you know again a big shout out goes to our patrons who help us support the show and we'll see you next week god bless [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Catholic Talk Show
Views: 22,918
Rating: 4.9641657 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, Catholic Podcast, Catholic Talk Show, Ryan Scheel, Ryan DellaCrosse, Father Rich Pagano, Catholic Radio, Catholic TV, Catholic Show, Matt Fradd, Mike Schmitz, Robert Barron, Catholic Answers, Catholic Stuff You Should Know, Bishop Barron, Breaking In The Habit, Fulton Sheen, Fulton Sheen Canonization, Greatest Trick Of The Devil, Life Is Worth Living, Fulton Sheen Homily, Fulton Sheen Speech
Id: VhIGpDih658
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 39sec (3399 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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