We turned BTD 6 into a CARD GAME!

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today saber and I are turning balloons tower defense into a card game every five rounds three cards are gonna pop up onto our screen we have to pick one card now here's the thing all of the cards are bad we don't want to actually pick any of the cards they make our life very sad and very miserable and if you try to not pick any cards your lives will periodically drain until you inevitably lose so you have to pick a card quickly now saber we're gonna see who can get to round 80. the fastest or of course we have a 45 minute timer so if neither of us can get there in time well we'll just see who can get further are you ready saber I'm as ready as I'll ever be man this sounds terrible all right three two one and go all right here we go oh wait why do I already have big balloons on for some reason dude you got big fat balloons okay dude you're gonna have to play with big fat balloony woons dude oh wait dude I got all the same card for all three reduce all projectile Pierce what dude I got randomized thank you coordinates and then my other two are just skip 10 Rounds oh um hey actually if I skip 10 Rounds though the game will end faster but you'll have but you'll have no money yeah I'm randomizing the coordinates what oh my gosh they're all the way at the end of the map oh oh that's pretty tilting I'm gonna try to get a banana Farm down because you know oh that's actually a great idea dude we want to get some money dude but you never like you got to be ready because these cards can be really sad and really really this is gonna be really sad brutal dude I don't even know if I wanna try and get a banana Farm down I think I'm gonna start just focusing on just like changing towers around I don't know I feel like I mean we're only going around I have randomized monkey coordinates or I have to reduce all projectile Pierce again I'll randomize monkeys oh my gosh they're in the ocean now they actually can't see anything I I actually I have to I had to sell Gwendolyn dude that's so bad oh God wait I might be able to upgrade this guy to a crossbow is that even worth it he won't be able to see anything you're not monkeys so bad bro he's all the way to the end loser monkey randomized coordinates reduce all projectiles oh oh wow okay the coordinates actually made it better I'll take that wait actually not yeah okay yeah that's actually fine by me wow that was actually really good oh speaking but you know what I can do is I can get a submarine with Advanced targeting that's something oh that's a good idea yeah that's a good Advanced Intel baby let's go I need to get a farm I do need to get them you came so fast that's the fastest you've ever came dude like dude it's just you were so confident to immediately like dude I got to get a farm well now that I randomized the coordinates again I actually am in a better spot now so I'm like all right well I might as well mad dude all monkeys are sold upside down what down what is this wait what dude downside up all the balloons are upside down dude wait I'll take that because it's just like cosmetic that doesn't actually make it worse all right no oh my gosh pick up the pace Dart monkey removes all balloon debuffs slows stuns everything else skip 10 Rounds are you serious right now all right I'm gonna skip 10 Rounds oh he did it he did it wait what route are you at now I skipped every rounds in and immediately gave me another card dude that's because you're losing Deputy you're doing that can you handle a big balloon right now dude what it's gonna sound like a BFB no I'm not sure if you lose you have to restart I lost you have to restart that's what you get for trying to skip 10 Rounds well the other one was remove all debuffs and it's like okay so what now I don't know that's just from the balloons like right now like if they're stunned they become unstunned oh oh I should have just done that then oh my gosh yeah oh dude right now I have all balloons are spawning five percent up on the track and it's kind of terrifying oh wait camo all right I have an idea I have an idea oh wait regen moabs I just got regen moabs I can't believe I that was the best one out of all of them that's hilarious all right I got I got monkey Ace I'm gonna throw that Wing monkey on so that no matter where it gets teleported I'm still fine that's uh that's not a bad that's one of the reasons I wanted to get that just because the uh like the monkey sub can just hit him no matter what yeah as long as there are something that's able to see them that would make it way better upside down balloons I think that's all right sure why not what's the difference what's that even change they they just become upside down all right good that's the meme oh I'll take it baby that's fine by me then Sarah what wait what route are you at Alexander I'm on five now my guy that's so funny that's so funny learning my lessons the hard way I guess uh I'm on round 30 right now oh okay okay so I'm cruising along actually oh my gosh it takes for five ever dude oh man you might get lucky though I might just have to pick like some really bad card actually maybe dude maybe or maybe I just absolutely crushed you I just hope my next card's not bad bro I I it's interesting how it gives you three options but sometimes two of the options the exact same so it doesn't even matter you basically only have two options yeah sometimes it's all exactly the same three cards too oh God and then you're like wow that's awful so there is a chance of it there is indeed a chance of it I need to get mega can you see them what's that do why is there a b icon on it what does that mean oh read the top text it's oh it's just tiny balloons oh oh okay that's fine I got big balloons now I had to choose between big balloons and Tiny balloons so I went with big balloons dude I need to get another one is targeting ASAP my guy I'm like losing why did it reset my monkey ace off of wing monkey what is that your hearing saver still will never not make me laugh all right there we go we're good we're good am I good I I can I bought a farm I bought a singular Farm guys it's a huge game over folks game over all right I'm about to get to round 40 so wish me luck saber all right Yay good luck Ryan good luck man good luck I hope you great dude get that baby baby dude that's what a real friend does real friend cheers you on even though he's suffering terribly hey man come on this is a tuber Channel where the two Bros you're playing some balloons and lose half your current cash all right I'm gonna get mega balloons again oh God wait how big are the books randomized monkey coordinates reduce all projectiles holy cow that's a big balloon oh no dude this banana Farm oh my gosh this is stupid what it's banana Farms just in the most stupid spots like on the path that's true you could get random coordinates and it could actually end up being white powerful for you yeah I mean I have the monkey Ace down so I'm not too worried right now I need to oh God I'm gonna lose again bro I need to step up my game there's no way wait faster balloons or a balloon I think I'm just gonna get I have to get faster balloons oh that's brutal that's brutal my poodle oh God I'm using so much money just to maintain the bare minimum right now bro dude what is what do you mean it's not okay right now girl I'm just like breezing on by like actually just a big boy breezin balloon spawn five percent through the track all monkeys are sold for full price no I'm good I'm just gonna do that I'm good wait no I got the wrong power I didn't want to get that I just wasted so much of money on that oh my God Big Boy whining on It come on bro I wonder if I can be able to it's crazy when they you get the five percent spawn thing because they're like spawning of way further down on the track now yeah they are they really are dude oh oh oh I lost oh no I lost you lost the round 49 came out of nowhere I didn't see that dude wait what happened dude oh my gosh all right well dude we're literally at Ground Zero again see a nerd see ya nerd dude this is so terrible I really don't want to don't worry saber okay um all right tiny balloons all right new plan new plan this time new plan what's your plan saber it's none of your beeswax baby I've been waiting all week to say that all right right now I actually do have a new plan though you do or do not yes I do yeah all monkeys are sold for full price I'll have my free darmogy time I was supposed to do that I guess that's really funny wait no you actually lose money now well yeah but the other options were way worse it was like regen moabs and stuff yeah okay that I guess that is I guess losing 200 yeah like I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm big good all right I'm going full sweat I ain't losing around no no round 49. it was those faster balloons I got that's what ended up getting me all right all right all right you know longer balloons wait Mega dude wait let's get mega balloons let's go dude without double cash this is so much harder too oh my gosh dude you can't be whining playing on an easy map without double cash uh actually I can watch me whip Wham loser Monkey Balloon spawn and extra Health removes all balloon debuffs I'm gonna do that one come on come on just give me a little more money please like 300 more dollars bro you gotta chill dude you gotta chill I'm sure I do but I won't oh my goodness I just realized the balloons are still spotting along the track I'm backing out I'm bagging out wait you're actually backing out I'm restarting I'm restarting you're restarting yeah yeah it'll be worth it it'll be worth it wait what okay all right how is that worth it I mean well we were only like 10 Rounds in bro it's fine yeah I'm on round 15 right now so I guess I'll start working on getting up this banana Farm down I can I think I should be able to deal with it there we go there we go what's that I don't all right I don't like what you're talking what is happening right now all right okay okay so with that being done now let's see what here randomized monkey coordinates just put on double cash again I just put on double cat no I did not I did not that would be cheap that would be cheap all right wouldn't would have passed you what did you do what's happening what are you doing it's none of your beeswax baby that's a really funny meme buddy yeah I'm just trying to make you laugh out here you know I'm just if I can just make one person laugh each day dude then I've done my job that's it that's a good model to have yeah man if you want to not miss you want to not miss star monkey thank you jeez dude the incompetence favorite I think I need to I think I have to like actually restart I'm not I'm not going to but I think I still have all of the bad things on mine are you yeah the balloons are upside down for me too yeah I backed out completely and it still has that for me so I think you have to you have to restart you have to relaunch the game so if you want to you can I'm imma just follow through YOLO dude YOLO looms just got big I'll take that yeah that's like not even a bad thing oh I it gets bad if you constantly get it trust me okay they're huge and you can't see anything oh oh okay okay that makes sense like they're literally taking up like all of of my screen right now oh God what route are you at right now um I'm only on round 11 but I'm still feeling pretty good I guess I'll get the resistant one feeling pretty good yeah I'm just trying to set up myself for just success in the future you know I don't okay Sarah can you share with me what you what you quit out for ah fine I will I backed out so that I could swap to Etienne so that's what I thought I thought you were doing some kind of here yeah yeah I swapped to Etienne so that I just have Global uh Global camo so I don't have to worry about any of that and then I can just focus on like lead popping and then I'm good that's really funny actually that is that's a good meme if my balloons already came out upside down and I got the upside down card again why are they coming out upside down or not maybe they come out up right side up now oh they're on the right side up now dude that's so good it's amazing dude I love that that's that's actually hilarious I think I'm gonna get a submarine now all right fast no no tiny balloons thank goodness they're not taking up my entire screen now oh so happy I'ma need a Tien to um level up please thank you oh boy all right I have so right now I have faster upside down balloons that are uh big and they also spawn five percent along on the track and I think I also have regen moabs too um okay nice nice okay my balloons are tiny now does that mean they're just normal size because they're already big yeah I actually think I'll take all those bro those are the easy ones baby oh yeah they actually know they're I think they're kind of smaller I think they're oh my gosh I'm barely getting by here these balloons are really tanky like actually really oh oh I definitely want a tack shooter I think I'm gonna put a text shooter in here no lose a monkey or faster balloons oh that hurt I'm going faster balloons bro I ain't taking the chance I'm good yeah if you took that chance it would not well for you it'd be brutal oh but it Reese oh no nevermind they're coming out still yeah do they still come out ahead of the map too because it my yeah same game same dude okay well now I can focus on a farm I think I'm pretty set up to just not have to worry about a lot here a Tien needs to hurry up and get to level eight reduce all projectile Pierce skip rounds or balloon I'm getting another balloon Head Start I think I have to because I I'm not ready to skip 10 Rounds just got big baby fine with that let's go all right well I think it's because I got that pierce like my Pierce is so bad my balloons spawn already on the first Bend that's where my balloons dude oh wow oh that's brutal dog that's yeah they literally that's where they spawn I oh I'm losing 10 of the map what Randy on 43 okay I'm on 32. I'm catching up you have it I have like no pierce it hurts my soul dude having the low Pierce is so no no I don't want to lose Pierce again or lose a monkey I'm getting Mega balloons again oh my gosh now they're just gonna be huge that's so tilting okay I need more Pierce I actually have to buy a primary expertise Village can you handle a big balloon right now so the big balloon is dependent on if you're below round 40 it or below around 60 it sends a MOAB um it's a BFB you liar you're such a phony dude such cap get out of here with that oh my gosh that hey I know I get to continue you literally lied to me you literally like I thought I it is a MOAB at lower rounds though hey guys that is funny that is really funny please dude that's so outrageous you just got so pranked bro okay I lost I lost around 49 last time this is where I lost last time and now it's even more difficult but I think I have a pretty good setup now oh yeah oh dude this ring of fire sauce all right all right here we go here we go all right how's it going for you now I'm doing okay either I have to sell all monkeys or I'm gonna lose a monkey oh that's brutal dude it was my it was Gwendolyn that was the worst one that was actually the worst one to lose a base level three dude I would not wish that upon my worst enemy bro well luckily I should level up way faster okay okay because now we're already at like level but she's back to level three skip Ten rounds or lose half of your current cash oh have my dude print cash oh that's nothing I don't care about that I literally only had like 1800 bro I'm good yeah that's pretty nice but you might want to start thinking about having to skip I'm on round 52 and I don't plan on looking back baby hey when I get there I'll get there man I'm just trying to save up my Shmoney make sure I'm I'm doing okay not playing crazy or anything I respect that I'm not gonna play Crazy at all I'm good yeah I'm also playing it real safe Mega balloons region uh or I tiny balloons that was actually those are all so easy I'm glad that I got this could you imagine saber if it literally just gives you like all three dude it just Auto selected a card for me what was that dude it just Auto selected a car that's such bull I literally was putting down a tower and it auto selected what I lost because I live literally couldn't even select anything bro I'll let you continue I'm generous all right thank you that's like such bad bro I literally couldn't I didn't even get to pick anything and then it just like rushed me with something I didn't even see what it was bro that's so stupid bro all right bro that is a feature I hate that bro I hate that so that is so funny that is unbelievable comedy right there ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna I'm gonna get like a sniper monkey or something down bro I need to just have more that was so stupid dude that was so funny what are you talking about oh I'm going around 60 now uh lose a mega balloons dude how big is this BFB I'm scared oh wait am I still actually gonna lose here oh oh my God he barely survived that I barely survived that oh my god oh I'm cruising now I'm cruising no more snoozing I got such a fatty set up here bro at 10 you want to actually send your drones where they matter homie what are you doing dude what are you doing man dude that is so good Jesus dude that is really funny I think that's that's pretty that's Pete comedy my guy dude the balloons dude the moab's coming out backwards that's so funny bye bye R.I.P I dude I have Str I got all balloons spawned with extra Health now oh god oh that's so pretty oh no oh they're way tankier now oh I didn't still want to just get the crossbowmaster I think that's still the play here friends I'm trying I'm going all all Global right now to get an all Global I have just like I'm going to primary Tower shot because I got my primary mentoring so then I'm getting my tack Shooters I have oh okay my ring of fire is actually clutching it because I have it next to a primary Village it's also next to Gwendolyn and Gwendolyn Buffs Ring of Fire that's cracked you're cracked it's not bad and it's got 45k Pops we take those it's here I need 20K to get something else good Etienne leveled up thank god dude I just hit level 10 on Gwendolyn oh I'm almost at I'm around 69 69 about to hit [Music] if I get rounds I'm gonna do it all right good man I mean if I get it I will immediately really go for it wait these are all bad all right I'm spawning can you handle a big balloon right now I'm spawning it it's a OMG around 70. oh I'm not ready for this can I handle this oh my gosh I might not be able to handle it oh I barely handled that no you handled it no yeah I had the glaive Lord so that means I can beat round 80 now so that means I'm actually good all right I do need to like step up my game here I do need to step up my game then I'm about to get another card this time I'm gonna slow it down randomized monkey coordinates for sure that's what I'm doing all right because you can just be Global that's actually genius yeah that's why I was relying on that I just need to be able to uh keep my head in the game here okay so we're good all right 42. okay crossbow master all right where's my monkey ace at oh there it is you're so tilted dude I was just like where is it dude like what because everything got randomized it was like hidden yeah if I had to spawn another five percent along on the track they would not be able to do anything that's 65k pops that's kind of why come on dude I just need Specter here bro I'm so close oh if you get Specter you're gonna be in Bee's Ness in the bee's knees oh wait all right I guess I'll just spawn another big balloon right now right I feel like that's still just the option of what I want to go for I'm so close to Specter bro no I lost I was I should have just sold one of my Farms bro okay that time that time I actually lost because I'm garbage the other times were kind of bull honky but this time I was genuinely just trashed there's no excuse on that one bro there was no excuse he's three rounds away anyways folks okay oh wow wow you're weirdly organized have you like not randomized any coordinates no I have not I've literally just made the I was like I'd rather have a have a more or like organized but have stronger balloons that I have to go through okay okay that's definitely my because like when I ring of fire and everything is all because it's all based around my Village here so I'm like if this goes wrong I would just lose dude those those balloons are huge homie dude they're huge you gotta see this OMG when it spawns it actually takes up like look at all of them they're ginormous my friend yes okay so uh interesting your shout was to just not randomize and just like sacrifice Towers I guess mine was just all right well it's Global so I'll just keep hitting randomize so I don't have to worry about losing anything yeah and luckily so this is all pretty good against these guys and it's doing a decent amount of damage all right I will get the worst card on round 80 for the memes oh for the memes so can you handle a big balloon right now all right here we go do it it's a bad douche bro oh my gosh oh my gosh I might I might not be able to take it oh there's no way dude it's upside down that's so funny it's an upside down bad oh oh wait wait no let's go everyone [Music] let's buy
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 497,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, we turned btd 6 into a card game, btd 6 card game, tewbre card game, tewbre game, tewbre, tewbre btd 6 card game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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