HACKER v HACKER Infinite Abilities in BTD 6!

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today I'm going to be challenging saber in a competition of who can get farther using infinite abilities here's the thing though we're gonna be playing bgd battles rules meaning we get one hero and three towers before we start the pick phase though we each get to ban one Tower because infinite abilities is going to be insanely overpowered who's gonna pick the better Tower saber or me let's find out all right saber all right we both get to ban one Tower okay so we bit one do we get to ban a hero uh like one Tower one hero no just one Tower one Tower I think any hero is fine yeah okay I think that's reasonable all right all right what tower do you want a band dude wait go ahead I'm gonna ban super Monkey oh that's a good one okay all right I'm gonna ban monkey Ace yeah those are like I feel like those are the two main ones that you wanna it's like if we did Tsar Bomba or like anti-balloon and that that would literally be insane that would be way too crazy so with that being said dude now we can pick take our heroes our Towers so um uh what what hero do you want to pick are we are we not allowed to pick the same hero yeah are we allowed to pick the same thing or if one person picks it it's off the board let's just keep taking turns and we can't pick if the other person already picked it so okay I already vetoed so you go now you pick and then I'll pick and then you pick so I pick hero you pick hero I pick Tower then yeah okay yeah all right so for my hero or my hero I will pick open open interesting okay all right for my hero I'm gonna pick Sada ooh good choice okay all right very good choice okay for my tower I pick monkey buccaneer all right all right you got me on that one man okay so you got your own monkey Buccaneer Ah that's kind of what I wanted man all right uh fine then I'll pick Boomerang Boomerang monkeys you chose Boomerang monkey bro yeah you chose Boomerang monkeys can I take it back then if you if you want to yeah I'll let you take it back okay I'm gonna go ice monkey hahaha bro this guy is cracking me up all right go ahead man okay good I'm going to pick sniper monkey no no I'm gonna pick Kelly pilot okay are you taking out okay good because I just thought of another one and I'm so glad I am so glad you didn't pick it all right I'm gonna go Monkey Sub yeah I that monkey sub's a very good one as well monkey Subs very very strong okay let's not all right so I get one more then yeah and then I get one more yeah I probably might I might regret my ice monkey decision but we'll find out we'll see how it goes yeah ice monkey that one's wild bro I just think he's definitely wild it's a wild pig and so it's a wild pig it's a wild pick my guy it's it's definitely out there all right I'm gonna pick ninja monkey interesting interesting ninja monkey okay I'm gonna pick I'm gonna pick darling Gunner is it a big darling Gunner yeah even though we're playing okay for it I I spamming it it's just gonna be crazy anyways it won't even matter all right are you ready to play that yep that's the lineup baby let's go ahead and hop in and uh see how this goes man dude that was like a lot more pressure than I thought it was gonna be man I'm not even gonna lie all right obviously still have the time Master on I I hope you still kept the time Master on yeah yeah yeah all right you ready oh I'm ready baby I'm ready all right let's go so here's the thing we we didn't even have the farms on though yeah no so then how are we gonna get we can't even get money we're gonna feel like keep waiting for money that you you should have picked a tower that gave up money with your ability that's why I picked Kelly you should have either got her oh my God that's you either get sniper heli pilot or Drew those are your three money makers man you can spend to make money and he did get one that makes money so now you're just gonna have you you're gonna have to you're gonna have to work for getting money bro I all I have to okay I was thinking I was thinking about getting drude but because I think that probably be the fastest for making money yeah but what I can actually end up doing is if I decided to heli pilot because for two reasons one I'm gonna get live and money so I'll have like insane lives insane money and also door gunner and I can just Spam the the Marine Gunner down yeah Army of Marina Gunners you thought oh yeah of course and now that I can make tons of money with that I hopefully can just get the like the monkey Paragon oh my Buccaneer Paragon and just be like my ninjas just slowing them down bro we'll see how it goes though man oh my gosh I can just Spam brambles on open too I just have an army of brambles bro I you know I'm uh I'm I'm not gonna regret my decisions I think I'm all right I think I'm gonna be all right I think I'm gonna be okay Taylor has a huge fomo right now nah nah I think I'm all right I think I'm okay it's okay I got Sada spamming some abilities down it's fine the one thing that's like kind of problematic with Sada is all of her abilities don't work if she's in the like midst of casting ability so you can't just like spam her abilities yeah but her ability like she puts down like swords is like basically spikes and stuff so it's all right which is pretty strong yeah it's not bad we'll see I think I think my I think the one that I know I can heavily rely on is preemptive strike I think as soon as I get that I think I'm good so if I can just get that I'm all right I'm all right I dude I'm just sitting here spamming down obin's ability I don't even I don't even need to do it it's just blend like just absolutely spam it by the way if you guys love this infinite abilities Challenge and you guys want to see us do this again maybe we can revisit this challenge again and maybe we just ban these towers as well if you guys want to see more of this please just let us know please all right I just need can you send me ten thousand dollars yeah sure I'm sending it right now thank you yeah how kind of you yeah I got you man see that's the problem is you have you have no way to make money do you um by popping balloons baby so you are the ice monkey's not a bad isn't that bad we'll see what is the first ability that you can actually get besides sauna I might just started skipping some rounds to make money dude beside wait what sorry what what were you asking what okay what are your three times you have ice monkey I have ice monkeys monkey sub and dartling Gunner okay so I guess ice monkey is the quickest ability you can get in spam which is not a bad ability but it's not that bad of an ability I'm not even gonna worry about that though honestly I'm more worried about I'm just trying to get the first uh First Strike capability and then I'll be good we'll find out though we'll find out because I don't know I don't know how well I'm gonna be able to like side is gonna hold off like like moabs or bfps or anything we'll find out though I think she'll be fine if you have if you're just spamming the abilities I think you should be okay especially also if you have like an ice monkey or something just lined up and you can just like spam that ability the preemptive strike is also only a T4 which is like 15 000. so that's not you should be able to afford that pretty quickly that's why that's why I think I'm just gonna over that before I spend any money on anything else I got sotted down she's doing great I'm just gonna get first strike like what what do you have down first so you got open what are you going for I'm going straight for support sure enough because as soon as I do that I just I have all the money in the world these guys we have so much money bro I I didn't even consider that I literally didn't even consider the money bro I don't know why I didn't think about that rookie mistake my guy man oh dude you did Buccaneer sniper and heli pilot you literally didn't know I don't know I don't I don't have sniper all I have I got ninja wait no no no oh yeah okay so I should have gone honestly I think instead of dartling Gunner or ice monkey I should have gone uh sniper then should have done that yeah the sniper or drude both of those are very yeah or Druid okay I got support Chinook and oh my goodness I'm so close come on please okay I'm about to be I'm about to be on round 40. let's see let's see how I handle this uh this Moab what round do you want uh 42. oh I handled that Mo I believe it was nothing we're okay all right first strike capability baby uh yeah yeah definitely yeah these don't activate as fast as I thought they would but it's still it's still pretty instant so saber how much money do you have um four thousand nice yeah what do you have man uh a million do you have a million already are you serious yeah I got I got a little bit of money for sure oh really man you don't say there's like uh-oh oh yeah all right I got Dave I got the seas oh my gosh wait you got a paragon that doesn't even have an ability yeah does the navark of the Seas has the ability where he Hooks and he hooks it yeah but it does it automatically doesn't it no no no no no no but it has the ability where it can hook things in this is gonna be so brutal in Mayan I took such an L I need you all like the video so we can get a rematch going okay because I need uh I need I need a little I will you know I'll take pity points on newspaper I'll let you restart with the money making Tower I don't want your pity save it I'm trying to be nice to you over here oh my gosh okay fine I'll I'll read all right all right I'll do it and I'll just swap out into I'll just grab the sniper monkey how about that that sounds reasonable I'll even let you start on like round 50 or round 40 wherever you were with just like twenty thousand dollars um I'll just I'll just Time Master that anyways all right I'm gonna get rid of I'm gonna get rid of the darling Gunner so I can just put down oh my gosh I can just spit wait oh it doesn't let me after a while it won't let me put down any guide if there's no room for like the special populations guys dude oh man I Think You're Gonna Lose then man you might lose I have I also have 1 500 lives two points because because it gives me cash drops gives me also like lives right so I can just like click on it it only gives me two lives every create now though which is just like kind of kind of upsetting I ain't gonna lose right here oh my gosh am I good give me money oh my gosh okay I'm on round 62 by the way we're around you on uh 58 so you're actually ahead of me wow oh I didn't I think I just skipped too far ahead on accident there nice wait my ninja oh my goodness that's so nice so I click on the ninja he actually just has the ability activated indefinitely now so every round I have to click on the ability but then the ability is just always oh that must be so nice it's so nice that I don't have to spam it dude oh my gosh I'm spamming okay at least I'm getting some money now dog oh my gosh that was a game changer you know what I appreciate it Ryan now I'm Coming For You dog yeah okay sounds good dude sounds good saber all right I'm going ahead I'm I'm skipping some rounds dude I'm all knocked out so what round you on now 105 oh wait wrong ability I need to speed spamming both of these abilities at the same time there we go and then like I can also put brambles down the problem is we're not allowed to have any uh like a tank bot down so we have to push all of the abilities by hand so that's the one problem that is the dump one man I'm not gonna lie that really does change it up like quite a bit people because otherwise we're just Invincible like actually just invincible and there's no way you ever lose true so you can lose Now by being by getting lazy all right I'm gonna not be late see here we go all right what round do you had saber I'm on round 85 I'm gonna start catching up to you what round you on one second oh my gosh oh my gosh I gotta click faster I gotta click faster gosh dude I gotta click way faster bro I gotta click way faster holy cow I almost lost there I almost oh my gosh I might lose oh my gosh I need to go in slow motion here I need I'm a low-key turn on an auto clicker dog no Gap you're turning on an auto clicker you can't do so much better oh my gosh nice what route are you at right now uh 107. nice okay I'm at 164. okay I'll get up there oh my God this is hilarious oh my gosh I don't the main problem that I have is I don't have any large AOE thing like your ability with the the bomb takes out like a mass things I can only take out one Moab at a time with my ability this is uh this is still pretty brutal though man I'm on 125 and that was like low-key pretty close I'm not gonna lie oh my gosh I need an auto clicker I think I gotta oh my God you're so nice dude because then you don't have spam things you can just like slowly like flambe your cursor across all of your abilities which is really nice really funny okay okay I'm skipping some rounds here oh my gosh that's ridiculous is it insane dude it's actually crazy all right more abilities okay I'm at around 168 right now wait what I lost at 148 at last oh wait wait what's happening oh my gosh my thing's just like messing up dog oh my God okay there we go um zebra okay I gotta share my security you gotta see this dude you're gonna be like all right your screen all right okay all right ready let's see what this guy's talking about bro oh my gosh yeah no no I was like struggling I was struggling look at this guy slurp and then and then oh my goodness look at I look at all look at all the little guys that I summoned I put in all these like special populations guys and they clean up all the little ones they just like wait okay so this guy's 37 million pops 2 million let's see what is the helicopter 2.5 he made two million dollars on this that's amazing all right wait wait let's just for the memes for the memes round 300. all right I lost you lost no it just went around a thousand no you know what you won anyways okay you got it thank you so much for watching everyone if you want to see a rematch hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications and we'll see you tomorrow peace
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 1,171,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, hacker vs hacker infinite abilities, tewbre btd 6, tewbre, tewbre hacker vs hacker, hacker vs hacker, btd 6 hacker vs hacker
Id: oSMwM_9GS6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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