10,000,000,000x Cash Hack in BTD 6! | The Final Episode

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several months ago we made a 10 times cash hack video which I thought was just some silly meme video I mean everyone always makes fun of me for using two times cash I was like ah this will be like a funny meme and it did amazing so we did what any other YouTuber would do we made another one and we did a hundred times cash and that also did amazing and before we knew it we were doing a thousand times cash ten thousand times cash we were doing a million times cash every video we were trying to one-up what we had already thought was going to be the last one we kept doing crazier and crazier things and you guys kept beating the expectations you broke past the light goals this has been the most insane series I've done on this channel in 10 years of uploading videos and today my friends we're going to be doing the last money hack video and to make it absolutely insane we're gonna be taking every single cash hack mod ever and combining them into one mod every 10 Rounds my cash is going to multiply by 10. so at the start we have normal cash generation round 10 we'll have 10 times cash around 20 100 times cash around Thirty One Thousand Times cash round forty ten thousand times cash for the final cash hack video we've added in 14 mods to the game 14 viable objects that we can place down starting at one dollar we'll be able to buy a banana and at the very end we can buy the entire universe for 60 septillion dollars we're gonna buy an iPhone a Tesla a mansion the Mona Lisa heck we're gonna buy Mr Beast himself this has been the most intense and crazy video we have ever made so much love and effort and time and energy has been poured into this project everybody if you want to see more insane high quality videos like this please show your love hit that like button share it around with your friends it means the world to us so we start off we have a times one that's what we got right now times one money put our little Dart monkey down so the first thing we can go is we can buy banana one single banana for one dollar here there we go I'll put my banana right here at the start it doesn't do anything it's just you know it's just a banana that's all the banana does we're just hanging out with a banana and now we can go ahead we can buy a VR headset for four hundred dollars that's crazy that's about the price of a VR headset though all right wait my monkeys they become distracted by the VR they're not wait wait oh there they go okay they're not distracted by the VR anymore wait the VR distracts them no way that's actually so funny I'm gonna sell that I'm selling the VR headset all right the next thing we're gonna buy is a computer 900 I feel like that's the price of a computer okay this might be a little bit of an old computer that seems like a nice little spot you know the balloons can look at it this is an actual computer so we can click on this button and it'll work as a computer so there we go so let's go to YouTube wait a 2d video comes up what how does it know it knows that I like balloons that's me guys I'm watching myself play balloons tower defense in balloons tower defense this thing's destroying everything let's go I'm done watching my own videos let's go back to playing balloons now all right there we go that was our working computer don't only adjust at the times one cash multiple all right we still we've bought pretty much all a lot of things oh wait we can go ahead we can buy an iPhone 1200 iPhones are expensive my friends holy cow we'll put the iPhone down by the computer over here boom all right that's the iPhone wait what the oh look we have times 10 cash now so we're making more money wait our iPhone no way does our iPhone have Flappy Bird on it oh my gosh I'm playing Flappy Bird let's go oh no no okay all right there we go I got one point already let's go I'm playing Flappy Bird now in balloons tower defense I just got my phone whipped out okay there we go we're making a decent amount of money too we're already at seven thousand dollars this times ten cash hack is starting to really pay off for us there we go all right we have five all right we got five points so far as we're going through one I never thought I'd see Flappy Bird again in my life and two why are we playing in balloons what's happening I'm trying to no oh I got distracted all right well there we go so the next thing on the order of business looks like we have to buy a Tesla 146 000 for a Tesla all right that's kind of expensive well if we want to get a Tesla we should probably start working on getting some money set up right bada bing bada boom I can go ahead and get myself like a little ninja and then I'm gonna want to get an alchemist well I can just go ahead and get like a balloon jit shot I can get a Grand Master ninja we're just already so strong wait we have 200 000 I can buy Tesla now look at that we already got the money for because we have times 100 money now all right there we go so let's put this done let's go we got a Tesla yo Elon Musk sponsor this video look at the Tesla I'm just literally driving over the balloons in my Tesla let's go here I can go ahead I'm gonna just get a Perma Brew there we go now I can like pop everything I'm just driving around my Tesla yeah these models look so cool actually we almost have enough money we're at 100 times cash let's go we can buy the next thing we can go ahead and buy ourselves a mansion nice where should we have our Mansion probably over here in the forest right oh look at that what a beautiful little Mansion a little piece of property over there here who should live in the Mansion who would live in the Mansion like who's who's bougie enough I feel like the wizard right like this is definitely let's see oh yeah yeah that's definitely the guy who lives there so now we're at 1 000 times cash so for every time we pop one balloon we get one thousand dollars so the next thing looks like we have to buy is a Bugatti so this is the most expensive car in the world for 14 million dollars that's a lot of money we can just drive around here um 16 oh we can buy the Bugatti now let's go oh my gosh look at oh look how much faster it is than the Tesla holy cow it's just like skirt it literally just drips around look at how fast it goes it's way faster that's what you get when you buy a 14 million dollar car that is very expensive that's fine so what's the next thing that we're gonna have to buy the numbers are just going off of the screen right now it's literally just wait the Mona lease up we gotta buy the Mona Lisa for 939 nine million dollars is that how much the Mona Lisa cost 939 million dollars I wonder if you could just I wonder if you could go where the Mona Lisa is and just be like yo can I buy that sure that's a billion dollars yeah sure how yeah you know you're like hey don't worry I got you you whip out your phone you show them a screenshot of how much money you have in balloons td6 and they're like oh this guy this guy knows 10 000 times cash since we just hit round 40. so now we're making 10 000 times dollars we're at 500 million dollars now we're getting close to the Mona Lisa we're so close I've always wanted to afford the Mona Lisa my friends yeah I don't know why I would uh have the Mona Lisa but you know where would I hang it that's the question because you can't have like a billion dollar painting and you just like have it up in your hallway right and let's go we can buy the Mona Lisa there we go that's the Mona Lisa wow that's beautiful what a nice painting I bet you guys didn't think you'd see the Mona Lisa and Bloons Tower Defense today did you we're about to go up against round 50. and we're gonna then have 100 000 times cash which means every single time we pop a single balloon we get 100 000 that's a lot of money the Bugatti's kind of difficult to drive oh my gosh the Bugatti is also really strong and we have a billion dollars we can now buy Mr Beast himself that's right Mr B said in an interview that he would sell his channel for one billion dollars so uh yeah here we go it's Mr Beast we gotta put Mr Beast in the area so that way he can get that he can get Perma brewed oh my gosh look up here in the top left with its views is how many views Mr Beast is getting us there you go Mr Mr Beast himself wait what the heck I think it just said something wait wait let me skip around and I'll say Mr Beast balloons tower defense wait what are these things I spent 24 hours playing this is just Mr Beast title so every single time a round ends Mr just says Mr B stuff that's actually so funny for 162 million dollars everybody no billion I'm sorry that's a 162 billion dollars the International Space Station everybody the International Space Station holy cow that's crazy well while we're waiting for that I'm gonna play more Flappy Bird I had a high score of seven I definitely can beat a score a high score of seven I hope somebody just randomly skipped in the video and they skipped to this part and they go wait why is he playing Flappy Bird I'm beating my high score that's what's happening okay I have to get no I lost it the same spot I'm so angry with myself we now have one million times cash everybody all right we need to get some more money all right I'm going to just cross path this that's what I'm gonna do there we go banana research facility oh yeah there we go now we're getting some money Mr House Mr Beast mob wise Mr Beast you gotta start pulling your weight you gotta start popping balloons okay you can't just come in and steal all the views Mr Beast has already gotten 20 million views Mr Beast you're crazy he's getting so many views this is the best part I've ever made this is this is the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life we need to get the International Space Station now how's the banana doing the bananas just chilling there that's a nice banana oh we can buy the International Space Station where where should It Go we'll put the International Space Station down over here how does that sound there we go and wait the International Space Station has an ability I think I know what this ability is going to do boom Oh My Gosh literally wait you can just Spam it no way look the International Space Station we're just actually bombing these balloons they don't stand a chance let's go now that we bought the International Space Station we're going to buy Apple Inc which Apple Incorporated is valued at two trillion dollars we just hit round 70. so that means we're now at 10 million dollars for income you know this guy in his Mansion over here he's doing fine I gotta make sure that I keep hitting that button too that I could just drop oh we're at one trillion dollars now let's go the 100 million times or the 10 million times cash is really coming to clutch now so we should be able to buy Apple soon I I'm gonna call him up and himself be like yo um can I buy Apple yo can I buy the company Apple Incorporated uh yeah all right here we go it's Apple let's go where can I put Apple here I can put Apple next to banana there we go wait Apple just throws iPhones oh my gosh they're homing iPhones let's go all right so now we have to buy Earth Earth is valued at five quadrillion dollars that is the estimate of how much Earth is is valued at my friends so we're gonna have to see if we can save up and by Earth what are we at we're at four quadrillion right now no no we're only at four trillion I don't even think we're at five quad wait is this five quadrillion I'm not sure I actually have no idea what we're at right now well by the way Mr Beast Mr Beast is at 50 million views let's go Mr Beast has gone viral in balloons everybody he's gone viral I tell you all right here I can sell this I think I want to get the Earth ready to be placed down so we're gonna we'll get our little Pontoon down there we go okay so if this gets to 5.4 let's see if it'll allow us to buy Earth or if that's not the case we're gonna have to make 10 times what this already is which is kind of insane oh my gosh we need to make 10 times what we already have friends literally 10 times because this is this isn't quadrillion this is trillion that's another 10 Rounds so then we're going to be making 100 million times cash so we can skip this so now we're making 100 million times cash we've won technically but we gotta just keep going we gotta go I mean we're still we're only at 13. let's skip another 10 Rounds so now we're making one billion times cash so every single balloon pop gives us a billion dollars 500 trillion dollars wait we can just let's give up to around 100. so now we're at 10 billion times cash everybody and times cash that's a lot and billion cash we're I think this is it friends this is it we need to get to 400. so five we're at five five quadrillion 300 trillion dollars so five quadrillion there we go everyone we can now buy Earth we own Earth holy cow so let's skip to like around 200. and we're making a hundred billion times cash let's go so we have so much money and Earth wait Earth already wait what's happening oh my gosh Earth is just one-shotting everything Earth is just absolutely insane look at Earth go let's go Earth we're all we're all just chilling here or the just I love it's using all the elements it's shooting fire and water and leaves the last two things the universe cost 60. 60 septillion dollars which is something that we won't even this it's literally like 10 more digits I'd have to sit here and play this game for weeks if I wanted to get as much money to buy the universe that's not going to be able to happen everybody and the last my friends is happiness which obviously happiness can't be bought my friends that should be known at the end of the day there's always going to be more things that you can buy there's always going to be more expensive stuff there's always going to be newer and cooler things so what's really important in life is being able to be happy with what you have and be appreciative and grateful of the things that we do have and I love this that literally you can't buy happiness if you're new and you're not subscribed please consider doing so it helps the channel out tremendously we're trying to hit 1.5 million subscribers friends so thanks for being amazing thanks for being you thank you Mr Beast for joining in on today's video and getting us 91 million views you're all amazing and I'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome videos bye
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 903,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTD 6, Bloons TD 6, 1000000000x Cash, Banana Farm, hack, mod, BTD 6 hack, BTD 6 mod, Bloons TD 6 hack, Bloons TD 6 mod, Cheat, BTD 6 cheat, cheating in BTD 6, Hacking BTD 6, money mod, money hack, BTD 6 money hack, money cheat, Tewtiy, Tewtiy mod, infinite money, BTD 6 1000000000x cash, BTD 6 1000000000 times cash, Bloons TD 6 1000000000x Cash, Money hack, Money cheat, 10x, hacks, hacking, money, cash, custom tower, mods, 10 Billion times cash, 10 billion, Mrbeast, Tesla
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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