The Case of Sierah Joughin

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this whole video i'm i'm wondering if i ever changed the intro what would happen probably nothing good for me in this one we're gonna go true from top to bottom the story of sierra from delta to the mighty year of 2016 we go location ohio funnily enough there are no cornfields in this video okay that's a lie there's loads actually and on a warm july evening sierra was biking alongside one but things got cold pretty quick so let's crack on with it shall we [Music] so we're jetting off to the kind of ironically named fulton county it's home to roughly 42 000 people and it's located at the tippity top of ohio and wow that's probably the quickest i've ever run out of things to talk about more like empty county am i right i'm sure it's great i'll save the rest for the facts about fulton video i'll i'll never make what's important is not what was in fulton but who and out of the 42 000 people that lived there one was sierra juggen sierra was born in 1996 to tom and sheila she was the first child in the family doubted upon by her parents she would be followed by two brothers and two sisters but sierra would always be the number one she was confident loved traveling and to laugh she graduated from evergreen high school in fulton county and from there entered university the big leagues she was studying business at the university of toledo less than an hour from home and wanted to as a career work in human resources in the summer of 2016 she was getting ready for another year at university she was about to enter her junior year and she was going steady with a fella named josh kolosinski they had been dating for a long time at this point seven years what you imagine a small town high school relationship kind of thing to be that summer 20 year old sierra she was interning at her uncle's business things were pretty chill it was hot and sierra was enjoying you know making the most of it as you would before cracking the books once again an especially hot day was tuesday the 19th of july right smack dab in the middle of a midwestern summer sierra had recently bought a new bike at a garage sale and at around 5 p.m that tuesday she was planning on taking it out for a little spin she was gonna bike over to josh's about seven miles away and hang out for a while she said to her mother i'll catch you on the flip side and pedaled away sierra's mother sheila she actually had an evening class that very day also so she left the home after 5 pm and when she was returning home at about 9 30 p.m she saw she was coming home to a sierra less house this wasn't though you know anything she was at her boyfriend's who lived a few miles away and you know it's the middle of the summer but about an hour later at 10 30 pm the boyfriend she thought she was with called asking where she was she hadn't texted back or answered any of his calls since they you know parted ways which was about four hours ago josh told sheila that he'd been trying to get in touch with sierra for hours and that they had gone out for a spin together before they parted ways at about 6 45 pm he had returned home and she was doing the same or was to do the same but obviously she never made it these are quiet country rows there was absolutely no reason for her not to have arrived home and combined with no answer on the mobile phone things became worrying the first thought was okay we're gonna we're gonna drive around the these country roads and we're probably gonna find her in a ditch somewhere courtesy of a truck farming equipment whatever that night the family contacted the police and reported her missing [Music] at close to midnight that night as the officers were driving around those quiet roads an officer saw something driving down county road six he saw some corn that had been knocked down heading over to you know have a goo he spotted something odd a small fuse box like maybe maybe from a motorbike checking further around the area he found two pairs of sunglasses and then catching the reflection of his flashlight further in the cornfield was sierra's bike this was not far from her home at all clearly she she almost made it when something happened there were blood stains on the handlebars and on the seat one of sierra's sucks was beside and also a bloody screwdriver they saw tracks as if from a motorbike it looked like someone had tried to try to hide her bike in the field and that's when the thoughts of [Music] kidnapping abduction they began to percolate the searches you found out flyers printed you know knocking on neighbors doors asking if they'd if they'd seen anything and that's when they got a lead a farmer had been driving down that very same road the crime scene road county road six and he'd been driving down that road after seven pm when he saw something it was a motorcycle helmet on the side of the road so he grabbed it lashed into the back of the truck and off he went he handed it over and there were more stains on it bloodstains but they also got fingerprints it looked like a hard helmet and it looked like it had been used as a weapon wouldn't fancy taking that to the face now at this point it became pretty obvious pretty clear that someone who was involved in it was on a motorbike right and well guess what josh had a motorbike in fact the day sierra went missing he was on his motorbike and sierra was on her bike sicole he however was quickly ruled out his helmet accounted for they searched his house his bike no evidence found the search continued but as the hours passed the chances of finding sierra alive diminished the search was like trying to find a needle in a haystack a sierra in a cornfield and so they needed to to narrow down their their list of suspects from the nothing they had they drew up a list of uh convicted felons who lived in the area and they were gonna knock on their door one was a guy named james d worley he lived very close by with his mother they rocked up you know knock knock knock and considering what they were there for trying to find a missing young woman he's a bit of a prick [Music] who are you yeah we work on that violent crime task force okay so i'm with the state okay so you guys got some suspicions for something here so you're gonna tell me that this is all under the guys just checking every household and you're not here for any particular reason they're there's a young lady just i'm not out there killing chicks i don't have relationships i mean i've been back trying to get one started online a little bit right now but uh and she's been out here guess what she went home alive is there anybody in the house but your mother just my mom okay yeah for any reason why we couldn't go out and look what part of the house we'd like to look through the whole house [Music] well believe it or not being cooperative it was always good yeah right now i'm too quick for that you're saying you've killed before and you know i'm just saying sir that's not cool he was defensive from the get-go but he did let them look through his house and i can smell his bedroom they tore the gaff and then went out to the barnyards one was like a garage that he worked on whoa he worked on bikes of all things motorbikes they keep coming up you know i helped ask where his helmet was gotta protect noodle safety first and then as they moseyed into another burn james started sweating bullets let's get out of here there's nothing in here okay he was freaking out himself wonder why in that barn were a load of hay bales and the police spotted marx on the floor like someone had swept up recently looked like he took better care of the barnyard than he did his own bedroom the hay bales were moved and under them was this little cage type thing inside they found women's lingerie and that sort of stuff which is already worrying when you look at this guy james had an answer well two actually first was that kid there was all the what the second was him it's a girlfriend's you know that's all girlfriend stuff i don't have relationships all of the items of clothing were nearly new apart from apart from one bloody piece of underwear and so james was taken in for further [Music] questioning [Music] i want to find her alive i have done it don't know i have no answers i'm just not [Music] skype [Music] james he was going to be a big cat in the slapper ham industry out of his barn in the middle of nowhere that's a match made in a septic tank he denied you know having anything to do with whatever happened to sierra a full search of the whirly property was undertaken and moving more hay bales they found a sick little setup a mattress was found in the barn and it looked like he was setting up uh he was setting up something all right god love any woman who set foot in there then they found a board on the floor with holes cut in and pulling it up they found a freezer it was empty inside but it looked like nightmare fuel uh to be honest it was carpeted inside there were carpets on like the inside walls blood on it so nothing good happened in there it also seemed to have been cleaned there was a smell of bleach coming from it also found were well the usual zip ties duct tape ropes to bind pepper spray but what wasn't found was sierra now the reason james jimmy was on the police radar at all was due to jude prior convictions james was 57 years old in 2016 and although born in washington state he grew up in fulton county and he he actually attended the same school sierra did evergreen high school he worked odd jobs you know farmer here grants keeper there working out fairs but he really got by uh selling the devil's lettuce but what really did him in was something that happened back in july 1990 see 26 years 26 years to the month before our story begins something eerily similar to what could have happened actually happened on the 4th of july 1990 robin gardner a 26 year old woman was riding down country roads in fulton when all of a sudden a truck knocked her down into a ditch out popped james you know with a screwdriver he held it to her trot saying you know get in or i'm gonna kill you fearing for her life she got in and as james is about to put the cuffs on her she managed to get the door open and booked it she flagged down a passing motorcyclist right it was like here listen you gotta help me this guy tried to kidnap me he's gonna kill me then james jimmy boy he got out of his truck and was like here listen lad she's crazy she's cuckoo don't listen to her the police were called and james was arrested he was convicted on abduction charges and served three years of a four to ten year sentence he would later return to prison in 2000 this was for growing weed and having a gun while on disability but uh he was out after two years for that one it seems then he stayed pretty quiet for the next 14 years while sierra grew until 2016. though when the police got a search warrant to search the you know whirly property house of horrors this quote came up it was from james to his court mandated therapist it said he learned from each abduction he had done and the next one he was going to bury a witness saw a van driving at high speed in the area when sierra disappeared plates linked to james the helmet it was his his cell phone data showed he was in the area of the crime scene when sierra went missing and combined with the items found in the barn he was arrested on abduction charges on the 22nd of july all of this you know with his previous history combined with everything they found well thoughts of him being a serial offender perhaps even serial killer came up however as they searched the out of james's they found nada no sign of sierra no sign of any other possible victims not there anyway because on the 22nd of july sierra was found a farmer discovered well a patch of dirt in his field a few miles from james's place and he called the police they dug smelt that smell of decomposition and there she was she'd been hog tied gagged and was wearing a diaper the gag in her mouth asphyxiating her it didn't appear she had been sexually assaulted james worley was charged with murder kidnapping abduction tampering with evidence abuse of a corpse amongst other indictments he pled not guilty to everything authorities searching an area around county road 7 tragically found what we believe to be sierra's remains the fulton county sheriff says authorities located the body in an area around county road 7 friday night positive identification will be made through either fingerprints or dna but at this time we strongly believe that this is sierra tierra was a remarkable young lady with a contagious smile she was a loving person who has touched many people in her life we miss her and we will always love her the trial began in march 2018. what happened it's believed is this on the 19th of july james according to his search history was watching porn all day having a grand old time and then he decided to go for a spin on his motorbike as he was driving along he saw sierra on her bicycle just after she left josh at about 6 6 45 pm he then drove around her ahead of her got off his bike and as she cycled past he got the motorcycle helmet and he then dragged her into the corn her bite too and he tied her up he then left her there and went to get his van while she was tied up in the cornfield he actually called his brother to ask for a lift back to his place he said you know his bike was hence the fuse box that was found evidently when his brother arrived he didn't see anything odd so james then drove back to the cornfield in his van put her in and they went to the barn her dna was found on the mattress on underwear on duct tape james's dna was there too he physically assaulted her gagged her wits with this dog toy which which he inserted hard enough to break a tooth this caused her to suffocate and then he buried her two feet deep it was it was impossible to say the the time of death he denied it all said the stuff found you know in the barn that was for his porn studio yeah right you know and then the fact of his helmet that was found in a cornfield his bike did actually break down there the day before and he had just forgotten it there you know but the fact that it was you know the same place sierra disappeared coinciding at trial robin gardner survivor from 1990 she testified and the prosecution presented recordings from james's sister who mentioned that he'd been suspected in two perhaps three other murders one was involvement in the disappearance of fourteen-year-old laurie ann hill she disappeared after leaving a halloween party back in the 80s her naked body found four days later police are not commenting on whether or not worley is a suspect in any of these murders in the end james was found guilty with the jury recommending the death penalty that sentencing james had this to say hello everyone since the onset of this thing i have been instructed to remain silent and to say nothing and that is good advice to just anyone who is in any kind of predicament the less you say the better off you are first and foremost i want to say that myself my family everyone that i know is heartbroken for the jogging family make no mistake now the person who used my home who found it after i lost i truly believe she was attacked and then my big goofy shows up with my body he's got her subdued i don't know where i don't have those answers he took that home and he left the problem the dna found under her fingernails not my dna during the two three days he had sierra i believe she was walked literally kept under under subdued and kept under control don't ask me why she wasn't she was a beautiful girl but she was funnily enough james's defense of saying you know it wasn't me you know i was set up you know the real guy's still out there but him saying you know if i did do it it would have been much worse that didn't go over too well with the judge the jury anyone right just a moment so then unsurprisingly the judge laid the smackdown on james the court therefore accepts the recommendation of the jury the court orders that james d worley is hereby sentenced to death for the aggravated murder of sierra jaguar the court orders that the execution date of james t worley be set for june 3rd 2019 to be carried out by the appropriate authorities the execution date shall be subject to further order by a court of competent jurisdiction defendant james d worley shall be remanded to the appropriate ohio prison institution to be held on death row pending his execution the court the joe japel the death penalty recommendation and he also got a combined 23 years for other charges his execution date has been delayed twice and in january 2021 his his defenses started arguing he should get a new trial that it wasn't fair uh no judgment on that has been come out not yet anyway be surprised if he gets a new trial as for sierra her memory was and still is honored with walks and runs in her memory a scholarship was set up as was justice for sierra which provides safety training and that just about wraps up this one a very tragic case you know for sierra seemed like such a wonderful wonderful person and james he did the exact same plan 26 years later after it failed the first time unfortunately it didn't fail in 2016. he's one sick puppy the whirly baron has been destroyed though maybe something underneath remains in august 2020 the fbi along with the sheriff's office began searching it again what tipped them off what they were hoping to find who knows but i imagine that they have a good idea they've been tight-lipped about the investigation only that it involves worley and the fbi was trying to collect evidence that may possibly be there the property used to belong to orly but was given to sierra jogging's mother in a civil settlement there could possibly be a lot more names behind james worley than than we thought we'll just have to see what they see [Music] thank you so much for watching i really i really do appreciate you taking the time here go on i'll see as always real soon in the next one till then please take care i love you bye you
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,927,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, sierah joughin, james worley
Id: J9NkL6NxgvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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