The Harrowing AJ Hadsell Case

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this whole video we are um oh yeah we're getting our boots on and going to norfolk virginia home of hot cells it sits on the bay chesapeake and we're going to peek into a weird old tale of stepfathers disappearances unknowns and uh i didn't do it there are some people who deserve a little more than a one-way ticket straight down to the hot place you know h double hockey sticks we've met a few now let's meet one more or uh give it a go [Music] so folks we are going to norfolk virginia home of uh well let's see here we got about 240 000 people nice home of the world's biggest naval base can i get a tutu and of course the city is also home to lots and lots of buildings and perks uh things that make you say yep it's a city all right it's a friendly city an artist city a party city education you can give it a goo with four universities in town wanna blow up well the number one employer in the city is the department of defense so it's like got it all though all doesn't always mean just good stuff but it did have angelica aj had cell who was good aj hadsell was born in august 1996 from chesapeake which is all part of the like norfolk chesapeake virginia beach area she was born to jennifer her biological father mel lived in florida and you'd never really be a huge part of her life mel and jennifer's relationship unraveled soon after her birth and so aj's mother would meet a man named zak who helped raise aj he would be a strong father figure for aj growing up and they became very close but unfortunately that didn't work out so she eventually met wesley hansel aj's adoptive father as of 2012. and so aj grew up a parents jennifer wesley and her tree sisters just this gracie abbey and one brother timothy aj had a very uh bright personality she loved sports she played softball field hockey soccer she had a video splish splash and she would go on to attend longwood university whose patron hero is joan of arc fitting located about a tree air drive west of norfolk there aj was double majoring in i.t and computer programming man was seemingly popular enough [Music] in 2015 she was in her first year in university for you know her freshman year and so um as spring break arrived in spring of all seasons she decided to pop back home see the fam over her like a week off she wouldn't be making it back though to university on friday the 27th of february she arrived back in norfolk back to the family home after finishing classes for the day over that weekend she hung out with her sisters went shopping enjoyed her time back home she would be due to remain there for the week but then monday happened that day 18 year old aj was last seen by her stepfather adoptive father now i guess uh wesley she was last seen by others though in the family home in the tarleton area of norfolk and then she simply left she was at home you know her parents were coming and going she was there one minute the next she wasn't it was the next day tuesday the third of march she was reported missing at 9 15 pm after you know no one was able to get true to her aj's jacket truck wallet were still in the house but some clothes were missing and a note was on the table supposedly written by aj herself it read with everything going on it's a lot to deal with jennifer would say that note didn't make sense to her kind of written in like a very depressed almost like suicidal in a way like aj's sister would like that doesn't sound like aj at all aj wasn't depressed the time she had recently just broken up with a boyfriend but she was enjoying college she's finding college quite stressful she was getting a lot of migraines but other or not she was grant this is like a horrible nightmare that i feel like i should be waking up from at any moment it's been four long days for jennifer hadsall i do believe that she is safe 18 year old aj was home on spring break from longwood university in farmville and while she told family she was stressed out mom says this behavior is far from normal she's a freshman in college she moved away from home you know just your normal everyday life stresses jennifer heard from aj by text message for the last time tuesday morning she wrote that she was ok but not ready to return home but the question remains was it aj or someone else on the other end of the phone some of the things that were said were just they were not her they were off when people arrived back home to the ajls house it seemed like she had just been there as well uh there was music playing you know on the speakers her laundry was like half bolded as if she was doing it herself and then had to rush and the last time aj was seeing herself was kind of like up in the air uh by different people like her mother seen her on that uh second of march to monday at about like 7 30 a.m as jennifer she was out to work she seen aj that morning then later on in the day uh wesley said he met her at a gas station yeah give her a few bob bro college students and all that and then a neighbor would say later on that evening they seen her driving down the road the search for missing aj was on with at the time no indication of failed play but they needed to know she was okay the leads were few and far between to begin and they had sweet for call to go on a few days into the search a neighbor was interrogated by police for 12 hours after he found a piece of her credit card in the street beside his home he had dated aj in middle school and lived just around the corner but the police were taking this very seriously now uh this neighbor who found a piece of her credit card outside his house and like i said he had dated aj in middle school and they remained friends his name was cory french and he would later go off and join the army like he was joining it just a couple of days later but after the investigation into missing aj began he had a terrible time poor fella um one time he opened his front door to find a box written inside the box was we know like the dark brotherhood were after him and another incident was when wesley had cell distraught father just trying to find his daughter he broke in to corey's house you know having a hunch corey had something to do with whatever happened to aj for some reason i guess because he found the credit card and you know must have had something to do with it wesley became convinced absolutely convinced that corey was behind whatever happened to aj and so when corey was out one day he broke into his house he punched his dog a safe burner sort of a but his break-in wasn't for naught wesley found aj's jacket in cory's house if you can believe it tired wesley then said to one of aj's friends who was helping to search hey guess what friend of corey's house you know by the way he also would go around saying he had lots of guns and was a member of the aryan brotherhood okay i think he was trying to intimidate aj's friends who were helping to search to the point where they were the ones who actually pointed at oh uh yeah aj's jacket is in the house and the police went in and found it but how did it get there because corey would take a lie detector test he would willingly give all his dna and he had a rock-solid alibi for the day aj disappeared and he was like whoa what's your jacket doing in my house huh yeah it's as weird uh as it sounds and there's something about wesley me besides him being a sucky who would punch a dog police actually started looking into wesley pretty quickly as the investigation began you know maybe him possibly having something to do with whatever happened see the jacket did not help the investigation at all it gave the police nothing but it did make them focus on wesley moore and the police pretty swiftly figured out that well the most logical thing is that wesley actually broke into his house and planted the jacket there so wesley actually got in for interfering with the investigation now as they also had quite a lengthy criminal history going back to 1996 i'll zip through it a little bit because as i said [Music] in 96 two counts of burglary one grand larceny in williamsburg virginia dismissed four days later one count of burglary for which he did a year inside he never did more than four years inside actually um for what else did he do we got burglaries forgery assault domestic violence rape kidnapping and bank robbery what an upstanding citizen and just a few weeks before the disappearance of aj in february 2015 um wesley had actually been kicked out of the house by jennifer because he was uh on the drugs he was acting erratically and doing a lot of um well you know the the el shnopter the devil's dandruff jennifer tried to help him she tried holding interventions for wesley but it didn't seem to work and so he was audi 5000 and he moved into a motel near the family home and so wesley seemed determined to blame corey for aj's disappearance this uh ended up backfiring and casting more suspicion on himself four weeks and still no trace of missing teenager angelica hadsell but friends and family are not giving up hope and tonight another show of support and prayers that she will be found and then we were talking on our five o'clock news earlier from an interview we did previously about how you guys are still strongly under the impression that aj is out there that she's alive are you still under that impression yes definitely and then what do you want people to know about angelica that are at home right now that uh you know a month later just you know there's a lot of support out here for her and i hope to continue to see more support as you know the days go however long that may be hopefully not too much longer just you know she's a great kid and we just want her home perfect thanks so much and this is andre friend andre very close to the search now so wesley was probably the last person like definite confirmed person to have seen aj on march the second right there was a neighbor who saw who said they thought they saw her that evening but so he was in work that day he worked for for a plumbing uh plumbing company and he said he had to run out uh kind of you know before midday he had to go meet uh aj at a gas station and give her like 200 bucks you know just she's a bit light in the old uh wallet so that's what he said he went off and he came back about 2 p.m back into work and when he did his co-workers said he was agitated so police later searched the 38 year old wesley's motel room there they found bullets and that was a big no-no with his criminal history he was charged with possession of ammunition as a felon by the way his eyelid tattoos say game over boy howdy he nailed that one you're told these chargers are not connected to angelica's disappearance yeah deanna wesley hadsell was arrested on charges of obstructing justice possessing ammunition after a felony and breaking and entering he doesn't deny any of those charges but one thing he does deny from jail is that he knows anything about where angelica could be tonight i do anything for my daughter my wife my kids and they make it sound like i do anything to keep myself out of trouble hatsel believes his daughter was taken which is why he says he broke into the home of the person he believes took his daughter against her will march second i couldn't i couldn't i couldn't sit a minute away from where my daughter may have been hatsel admits to breaking in and spending roughly 18 minutes inside the home tearing through trash cans peeling back carpet even punching the family's dog out of anger a search of the couch uncovered angelica's jacket he says found my daughter's jacket and his couch rolled up behind the cushion it's my daughter angelica hadsell she's been missing since march 2nd here it is i do believe it's march 25th it's 23 days no contact no communication no social media no anything um she's still out there missing and in line of recent events with with my name in the media with what's going on here um i would implore people to put her back at the front lines of this it does not matter what i have or have not done then they searched his work van inside they discovered a shovel duct tape and black work gloves they continued locking into his van however and got an analysis report of where it had been and when it had been there in april 2015 about a month after the disappearance the gps analysis came back and the day after aj was last seen on march the third it had been to an abandoned house near the north carolina border about an hour's drive away [Music] police visited that location and snooping around eventually they discovered buried in a ditch angelica had cell her cause of death was first listed as homicidal violence she did have bruises multiple bruises on her face it wasn't determinable if she had been sexually assaulted but her pants were down later though it would appear her cause of death was heroin poisoning she had three times the lethal dose in her system so at the time her body was discovered wesley was in jail for you know those those weapons charges and when he was asked you know hey you your work van was right you know beside where her body was found had he explained that he was just like well i did have to be out there for a job squinkie dink coincidence i don't know how she ended up at that house coincidences i don't know what the coincidences mean [Music] also his story of meeting aj at a gas station to give her some money well cctv showed no sign of them where he said they were but no arrests were made wesley was already sitting in jail for the weapons possession charges in fact he would much later get 10 years for that in jail he would say he's being set up set up go on it leaves a lot of room for questioning i think it looks like a coincidence as well as the other coins coincidences but how many coincidences can one family deal with before it breaks so he would say the gps locator in his uh work van you know that led them to angelica's body he would say that's removable it's detachable so somebody else you know could have driven to angelica's where her her body was was left and then you know taking it out put it back in his van to make it look like his van had been the one to drive there when he said that's not the case at all you're mistaken so if they were to track your gps would they find that you were near that home if they tried i gave them my phone voluntarily too so i don't know where that home was in in in relation to where i worked at so you were in the same county where her body was found the day after she disappeared correct how do you think that looks it doesn't look now cctv would also show he had definitely been in that area because he was seen at like an atm in an atm uh security camera so and i'm not going to sit here and have my daughter's name drug through the mud any kind of way she did not use drugs she she was murdered as sure as i sit here today i am convicted in my heart that my daughter was murdered she didn't do this to herself [Music] and no one's ever going to make me believe that and i will defend her until my last breath because as i said before i'm her voice i am convicted it's interesting he's saying that though because no one ever said otherwise so i don't know where he's getting this from people were pretty sure she was murdered but you know of course when i find the bastard he actually continually does that trip at the interview i have nothing to hide as far as i didn't hurt my daughter i didn't help her get away from the house or help her get to southampton i have no knowledge of it where is he getting the idea that he was helping her nobody said that i swear to you that i didn't hurt my daughter i don't know who did and if i did i wouldn't protect him well that explains it then let him out in november 2018 three and a half years after aj's death wesley would be charged with her murder in 2020 weasel went on trial though on the second day a mistrial was declared the prosecution and the defense couldn't agree on what parts of wesley's criminal history the jury should should hear and see his second trial would begin in january 2022 the prosecution said that while aj was home on the morning of the 2nd of march listening to music folding laundry he came into the house and abducted her his motive well he was being kicked out at a house he was back on drugs and soon he'd be removed from the family entirely see aj herself had learned of his drug use and was uneasy around him he wanted something from the family and so he took aj and sexually assaulted her he kept her for at least a day and then he would hold her down and inject her with a lethal amount of heroin wesley's drug dealer would take the stand also this was in return for immunity from drugs charges he was facing and he would say yep he sold wesley coke and heroin on the third of march the day after aj went missing of course then he dumped her body and tried to make it look like corey french had done it by breaking in and planting aj's jacket on the couch super freaking plan the defense said that no aj was depressed she had recently broken up with her boyfriend and so she overdosed herself but wait didn't he say earlier she didn't do this to herself and no one's ever gonna make me believe that and i will defend her until my last breath what a murder charge will do to a aj had no history of drugs and was very happy and tests of her hair could confirm she had never been using drugs before as you can see this was a very poor defense and it took the jury less than one hour to find him guilty let's go all right ladies and gentlemen uh in the gallery we will have no um i understand this is a difficult case for lots of folks here we will have no outbursts we will have no um demonstrations from anybody in the courtroom would you please stay on the charge of first degree murder we the jury find the defendant wesley paul hadsell guilty as charged in the indictment ladies and gentlemen of the jury is this your verdict and so say you all on the 4th of april 2022 he was sentenced to life in prison [Music] we will never know the true circumstances or motives of what really happened between wesley and aj but it was horrific and wesley of course says he's disgusted by this he's pleading not guilty he says he's going to appeal and it's just a conspiracy out to get him the reptoids at it again but you know he had a criminal history of you know similar not murder but you know almost and history is instructive time as a flat circle and all those kind of things but wesley says i do know that i am innocent and that i will work very hard to prove the fact wesley hadsell sits in a yellow jumpsuit at the tidewater regional jail staring down the very real possibility this is how he'll spend the rest of his days did you kill aj no man the jury says he did what went through your mind what did that moment feel like give us some insight i wasn't i wasn't going to break down i wasn't it wasn't i'm not going to accept that verdict there was no smoking gun in this case the prosecution never even proved how hadsell gave aj the heroin that killed her the most damning evidence against him is that police found aj's body by following the gps history from his work van to an abandoned home in south hampton county how did aj's body get behind that house i don't i don't know i tell you this i was never behind that house so are you saying you're set up i mean bottom line is there's there's other things that play here that i can't speak on because i don't know i would not have put my daughter out there like trash in someone's backyard and left her there like that but wesley can't weasel his way out of this one i am convicted [Music] thank you so much for watching um i hope you enjoyed the video found it interesting something along those lines anyway um all right appreciate it and here go on i'll see it's always real soon in the next old video until then though please you know take care of yourselves um [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,617,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, aj hadsell, anjelica hadsell, wesley hadsell
Id: VziEgBvrCU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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