The Disappearance of Suzanne Morphew

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this whole video we are going to talk about the strange it's very strange yeah definitely strange story that is what happened to suzanne morphew so yeah the question mark just on the end of that one it's colorado so look forward to that to the city of salida we go located right smack dab in the middle of colorado and the middle of the rockies [Music] you know what else is rocky this case i've been here why why you know kick the tires and we can just hop in and it's good time that should be left on the cutting room floor [Music] this story began on the 10th of may 2020 that day a sunday nice and warm getting up to about 24 degrees celsius that day was what we can imagine suzanne moore few thought to be a you know perfect day to go for a bike ride wink that'll come up later but yeah bike ride salida has some beautiful bike trails so why not go to salida which means exit in spanish which is kind of fitting and enjoy the beautiful bike trails what a pleasant way to start your day suzanne morphy was married to barry morphew they had been married for a whopping 25 years my my suzanne 49 years young barry 52 together the morpheus had two daughters macy and mallory who were both grown up by 2020 and they were you know a close tight-knit very good-looking family they had formerly lived in arcadia indiana before relocating to beautiful colorado and the even more beautiful house at puma path in the town of maysville a few minutes from salida that house will sell for in march 2021 1.6 million of your american dollar dues not two perhaps even tree bad suzanne had formerly been a teacher in a in a previous life you might say because she'd actually only been a schoolteacher for four years 1995 to 1999 over 20 years before our story begins suzanne was also a two-time cancer survivor hodgkin's lymphoma a person others only had good things to say about barry worked in landscaping and construction and was also a volunteer firefighter not uh not doing too bad if they could afford a house like this am i right it also appears suzanne ran a non-profit at her home lee suzanne or morphew hope foundation her and barry were listed as directors and its purpose its mission statement was to and i quote address needs of children in various global locations by showing the love of jesus christ in tangible ways to address recognized needs while that's worded very awkwardly they're a charity what they actually did day to day so that day made the tent suzanne she was heading out on her on her little bike and then later on she was due to meet her daughters for well it was mother's day barry was actually out of town that weekend at a landscaping job 150 miles away in denver the daughters coming home from a camping trip so that morning suzanne was home alone and then went out for a bike ride wait a minute how would anybody know she's going for a bike ride if she was home alone good question so suzanne went out for this bike ride apparently and she never returned she never returned returned from where yeah later that day when suzanne's two daughters tried to contact her and they couldn't get true to her at all they contacted a neighbor to see if there was any sign of her at home he popped the head in had a goo around kicked the tires and saw jack [ __ ] with nada to go on or off of at 5 45 pm on may the 10th mother's day they called the sheriff's department and reported suzanne missing the last post suzanne made on her facebook account was a picture of her and her two daughters the investigation well i mean at this age search you know began that very day the dogs were out in the woods drones search and rescue were out in earnest searching the area she had reportedly gone biking on a bike it lasted into the final hours of may the 10th and the early hours of the eleventh and then resumed resumed as they had nothing no sign or clues at this time barry raced the 150 miles home from denver cutting his trip short 49 year old suzanne morphew never returned from a bike ride she took on sunday in the maysville area today the sheriff's office only used dogs for their search now sheriff john spez is saying that there is no need for volunteers and did not comment on whether or not morpheus bike was recovered by late afternoon today now morpheu did had not been found this is an ongoing investigation so if you have any information about morpheus whereabouts please contact the chaffey county sheriff's office within two days of her flat out vanishing 100 000 thousand dollars would be offered you know for information leading to suzanne's safe return which is strange right it was as if like from gym street from the very get-go the investigators suspected fell play you know from what began as just a person got into the woods never came back out probably [ __ ] tripped on a rock cougars got her i don't know the bike ride at the bike ride would even come under a doubt and even the police would would later say they think she went missing on the 10th of may did she go missing before may the 10th was there even a bike ride or was this something somebody told someone this will come up a few times in this story but the police have always been very tight-lipped on what they think is happening information as you know suzanne morphy disappeared on became a missing person on sunday the 10th her investigation still remains the top priority of the chaffey county sheriff's office and it is a missing person's investigation question is do we believe she's still alive we we're certainly hopeful she is uh obviously as time goes by it gives us concern but we're searching as though she's alive and we do believe she should still could still be alive even the sheriff's department said reportedly gone for a bike ride the police were tight-lipped to the public they never released what in these cases they normally do for example no mention of the bike model clothing she was wearing the time she left at 100 people were searching quite a few though they never asked for the public's help though to be fair this is may 2020 covet was you know a thing at one point the road leading to the more view home was blocked off as if the police were searching there although then again you know that's that's just you know due diligence it was all very weird then on the 17th of may 2020 suzanne has been missing for a week at this stage her family or a member of it came out right with a statement to the public it was husband barry and he released this video oh suzanne if anyone is out there that can hear this that has you please we'll do whatever it takes to bring you back we love you we miss you your girls need you no questions asked however much they want i will do whatever it takes to get you back honey i love you and i want you back so bad it's uh hard to uh keep a straight face on that one we'll come back to it though check this out right on may 12th right two days after suzanne is using barrino was taking part in the searches he handed this note to the manager of a store nearby no contact info on what i presume is a description baby blue bike helmet biker's clothing he gave that to somebody right i was like hey you know if you see that person i don't know what you're going to do because you can't call me so so the search continued as the weeks eventually months went on spring turned to summer searches continued residential properties in salida water sites reservoirs police asked people to preserve any video footage from cams that sort of stuff in june less than a month after suzanne disappeared barry filed for guardianship of suzanne and this was granted barry wanted to sell some property they owned back in indiana and summer turned to autumn suzanne's bike was found it was later revealed found the day she went missing just off a bike trail on a personal item of suzanne's a few days later but what that meant you can tell me if you're watching this in the future in fact it was revealed that nobody had heard from suzanne since may the eighth right two days before she went missing it was in august 2020 that the facts rumors theories about barry that were you know bubbling under the surface kind of finally emerged it turned out or at least this is what a member of suzanne's family said that he had refused not one but two polygraphs oh dear now barry stressed stresses his innocence the entire time he was saying the sheriff's department they're the ones that [ __ ] everything up he said he is constantly looking for his wife for 26 years he also went after the sheriff's department for what he described as their mishandling of the investigation he finally broke his silence today he lodged to serious accusations against the sheriff's office charged with finding his wife the sheriff's department screwed this whole thing up from the beginning and now they're trying to cover it up and blame it on me he said quote i've never been asked to do a polygraph there is nothing that i am hiding i have given three and a half hours of testimony to the fbi and the cbi i've answered every question every single question a construction site barry worked at in salida well a person who lived nearby told the police that they had heard big huge vehicles working away on it in the middle of the night on mother's day weekend however much they want i will do whatever it takes to get you back honey i love you i want you back now that interview that plea didn't exactly angle my dangle right so in september 2020 some more things came out about what barry was up to on the weekend of mother's day made the tent right other than you know some weird construction noises being heard at a construction site he worked at not far from his home the night before she vanished the 9th of may barry had spent the night at a holiday inn in denver working away in a landscaping job right well maybe in fact barry's whole timeline for the weekend is so when barry went back to salida on may the 10th after you know his wife had been reported missing he called a co-worker to come over come up to denver take his room and continue on the construction job the landscaping job they were the denver one right this guy named jeff puckett he arrived at the hotel room that night may the tent opened the door and said the room [ __ ] stank of chlorine and there were tells everywhere the hotel later confirmed to the police they do not use chlorine to clean the rooms and the pool was closed at the time he'd also left find some letters property insurance this guy also said there was no tools left there by barry which the job what was barry going to use to work the job so i want to do this on record tell me your side of the story barry listen jeff puckett was in prison for nine years still barry had hired puckett for a project in broomfield fixing a wall on what turned out to be the weekend his wife suzanne was reported missing i said listen i need to do this job i will pay you good money to come and help me i gave him a job at an opportunity they all jumped on it barry said he'd been planning the project for a month that had nothing to do with suzanne missy and barry paid for puckett's room but didn't stay that's why he had to leave the family emergency on the side on sunday night puckett says he walked into the room set aside for him and it looked like barry had spent time inside at some point as well like he wasn't there long and there was ball the bed bed wasn't hardly slipping but i wasn't laying in or nothing and it just kind of like laid on or something maybe then got it and took a shower and that's it washed out and left describe what the room smelled like chlorine i mean i'm not gonna be around the bush they did it um i mean it smelled real strong and i'm like damn that's just all i thought but i found the meal the next morning but i just this this kind of like this looks like an alibi i'm saying they're just the way the things was yeah what he said i rushed home left all my tools at the hotel called my workers and said i've got a family emergency you're going to have to figure this out on your own but puckett says but nothing worked the crew was left high and dry and the wall couldn't be completed when as far as the dirt and put down there put it behind the wall once you build it up you gotta run a layer block be dirt get inspected and then keep continuing on to the next layer and then but nothing about that to work with and i got kind of pissed me off so i come on back he prepared for a month but didn't leave any tools i mean there's either foul play or a lady got her i mean we know aliens you know that's kind of far-fetched i didn't do nothing wrong in the hotel there's cameras all over that place i did nothing wrong i did not go to the pool and i did not get chlorine i'm sure that they washed their rooms with that for the tobin i don't know i smelled it too when i was in there the hotel says its pool isn't even open an effect of ongoing coronavirus restrictions but the room in denver wasn't the only stinky place barry was in from what i understood second hand they said there was an overwhelming smell of bleach in the home that information apparently was relayed by initial investigators i've heard the fbi lie and i know they can legally do that in their investigations but it just pains me to know that they are doing this to me and my family they did ask us you know why can't we find any coolers at that house and i said well i have no idea i wouldn't know how many they had to begin with but i'd have to assume as a hunter and a guy that maybe camps he would have a few and they couldn't find a single one there's one person who brought all these people together find my little sister take her home a brother a big brother desperately trying to find his missing sister and this needs to happen before winter so my idea is we need to get this search done and get it done now andrew moorman waited more than four months as law enforcement searched the mountains around salida and found no signs of suzanne volunteers came from as far as suzanne's hometown in indiana 20 hours away to try and find their missing friend andrew has come to terms that his sister is likely gone scared of what i will find and what i won't find it's a double-edged sword i'm afraid around this time september 2020 there was also some claims of another woman that barry you know was like two time and nerd he had moved on at that stage now he hadn't this woman was named morgan gentile and she she denied any rumors of any kind of affair but she was a employee former employee of barry's hired to work the denver job the weekend suzanne went missing she confirmed jeff's account of the smelly hotel room in denver the chlorine right and she said that the day before on the 9th of may she'd worked at a job with barry back in maysville she said he was acting weird as [ __ ] that day stressed and he told her to go home early that day because he was going to spend some time with suzanne you know they were going to go do [ __ ] together she later said she was scared of barry so timeline is very strange now the reason i'm mentioning all this is because there's so much speculation in this case a lot of information has not been released by the police it's what barry was up to that weekend that's notable when did he go to denver he was working at a site with morgan in maysville on saturday finished up early then went to suzanne then there were construction sounds that night at a site near salida then he goes to denver that night the next morning susanna's reported missing barry goes from denver back to maysville another employee takes his room finds chlorine weird [ __ ] we'll find out the truth or at least what the police uncovered soon like i said though trill this party said he was innocent he said he had nothing to do with whatever whatever happened to suzanne and the months went by with nobody finding anything although pretty much everybody was looking at barry he himself was throwing out abduction theories she was taken you know or mountain lions or she just had a random accident and that's what happened to his wife up two and a half decades in october the morphew house was put up for sale it sold the next year in march 2021 put it on record barry right now if people think that you did it what would you tell them absolutely not i love my wife i would never hurt my wife she is the light of my and my daughter's life then on the 5th of may 2021 almost a year to the day after suzanne morphy vanished guess what well you don't actually have to guess because i'll tell you barry was arrested he was arrested near his home in pontius springs his house was also searched over the course of the investigation 70 investigators conducted over 135 search warrants interviewed 400 people and followed up on 1400 tips despite all this suzanne's body to date has been found suzanne's brother andy theorized that suzanne was killed on may the 9th that this was a case of domestic abuse she never went on any bike trip barry was stressed on may the 9th then he went back perhaps killed suzanne dumped her body somewhere and then went to denver to make it seem like you know he had an alibi barry was charged with first degree murder tampering with evidence and attempt to influence a public servant suzanne's sister would later say suzanne had expressed fears about her safety which to no one's surprise and about how the marriage had gone to shite former employees of barry would say he had an extraordinary temper that you would not want to get on the wrong side of no more arrests are expected though this is just another case of when you hear hooves think horses i felt um great sadness great sadness and also a relief that maybe now we are moving forward to seeking justice for my sister i think um pressures and stresses in life i think financial pressure bears in on people very heavily and learning contentment is very powerful learning to be content with what you have is a very powerful thing in this life and it brings great joy and peace and i i don't think barry and suzanne had gotten there yet barry has lawyered up so far and he has not entered a plea then on the 13th of may more charges were filed against aza barry morphew this time felony forgery of public records and misdemeanor elections mail ballot offense which means voter fraud he allegedly during the 2020 presidential election voted in suzanne's name six months after she disappeared when questioned by fbi investigators about this why why he did this he said and i quote just because i wanted trump to win i just thought give him trump another vote i figured all these other guys are cheating and i know she meaning suzanne she was going to vote for him anyway so you know sure why not apparently he didn't know it was illegal to vote for your spouse dead or otherwise which i find hard to believe so that's another possible five years but i mean i think that's lisa's worries he's got bigger fish to fry at the moment and all that just about brings us up to date no doubt there will be a [ __ ] ton more stuff coming out so expect you know part two of this story at some point in the future but for now we will leave there weird story i mean the video his plea it's gas i love how he shakes his head no when he's talking i hope you're safe it's also fake he sounds like a child trying trying to pull a sickie you know he was done from then on really i think barry is innocent thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it and i appreciate you here go on i'll see you as always real soon in the next one till then please look after yourselves i love you [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,279,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, suzanne morphew, barry morphew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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