Every Way to Cook Fried Chicken (32 Ways)

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this is the Fried Chicken guide I'm going to show you almost every way to make fried chicken 32 total lemons so we're splitting in amongst three categories methods American and international we have a team of taste testers that will be eating every single style of fried chicken to determine a winner for each category but here's the catch once we decide those winners I'm going to combine them all into One Singular recipe which could end up being the greatest Fried Chicken of all time so there are four rules rule number one no methods like putting your chicken under a clothing iron okay we're only making real proper recipes with legitimate technique rule number two these can't be made up every single one of these have to be a real legitimate fried chicken recipe that exists rule number three unless it needs to be recipe specific we are only using boneless skin on chicken thighs for everything else rule number four every chicken must be uniquely its own okay no similar recipes except for the methods section right because we need that to be the same in order to have a control I'm ready to go the taste testers are ready to go and they'll be rating this on a scale of one to ten one being unfit for human consumption and 10 being the greatest piece of chicken in their life so let's make this shall we first we're beginning with methods the conclusion is there are six main methods for cooking fried chicken that's obviously breaded I'm gonna start by finding the best now the control here for all of our methods is Boneless skin on chicken thighs with the same marinade and dredge and every full recipe will be on the link in the description oh also so will my cookbook which is in the link in the description look at that you should definitely pre-order please before you begin let's make all of our chicken again it's the same for all the methods so for your marinade it's very simple I have a lot of recipes for this buttermilk pepper sugar MSG salt you mix it together and you can fridge it overnight you know or at least an hour and for your dredge flour salt garlic MSG onion powder and black pepper whisk together you know I've got my fancy crispy Roots technique marinade into the flour it's those balls in goes the chicken dredge thoroughly what's the rule you never leave a single bald spot on that chicken now for method number one air fryer our uh old friend we're on speaking terms now now look there's a number of ways you and bread chicken is this the best way to bread it I don't know but we're going with a classic buttermilk fried chicken for all of these and to make this more fair I sprayed the chicken all over with cooking oil so it air fries properly turn the airfryer on pop it in for nine minutes you flip and then another five minutes and well that's what it looks like you know it doesn't look too bad could use a little more color but it feels crispy now let's score zero one two okay three for the air fryer that's rough buddy Spanish with soggy chicken there's a very faint Taste of metal number two shallow fry the key here is the oil doesn't cover the chicken it's a shallow fry that's why they call it shallow now for this we're gonna pound our thighs about the first time a bit thinner between layers of plastic wrap and fry them in batches two and we're gonna fry them in about a third inch of oil turning often until crispy and cooked through season with some additional salt it's brown but it doesn't give much flakiness which I didn't like but the scores will speak for itself seven eight and five well twenty Tittle so we got a leader hopefully that gets beaten number three roasted I don't know where this term came from and frankly I have never done it before it's pressure cooker fried chicken I don't know if you're supposed to do this at home we had to Google some instant Pot recipes for this same breaded chicken put in some oil temp at 350 set it to pressure cook time 10 minutes and well uh it didn't exactly quite come to pressure but it did fry the chicken season it taste with salt and I want to make a quick point we had to buy a whole new pressure cooker just to get this to work and it still didn't come to pressure so maybe just don't do this at home but let's see the scores one six and two so that comes in at second place with nine I was just like this sucks geez this is rough Next Step number four baked fried chicken I'm hesitant saying a meat can be baked I really think that that doesn't make sense so we have a sheet pan that we left in the oven while it preheated to 400 Degrees we add a little oil to that hot pan supposed to help with the quote-unquote Friday lay on your dredge thighs put it back in the oven roast fry bake whatever for six minutes flip please back in and cook for another six to eight minutes or until golden salt or not this is not looking very good one three and another three so seven it's about what I expected number five pan fried now what the hell's the difference between this and shallow fry there's a little bit more oil in the pan it's closer to a deep fried but not quite you know it's kind of like being out the range got a cast iron skillet feels like the sail so in batches you got a large cast iron filled halfway with 350 degree oil you add your dredge chicken you fry you flip I will say it Browns really unevenly this way so you kind of have to baste it to get a good color but let's salt it and taste test our first score nine eight and nine wow a 26. I don't know if this can be beaten and that brings us to a real Contender that still has the chance to take the crown here the traditional my favorite the deep fry if this doesn't win I don't know what I'm gonna do it has to you know this method you got a big pot filled with 350 degree oil it is full of oil gently lay in your chicken and it is swimming in that oil frying until a beautiful evenly crisp be golden brown delicious emerges I mean look at this you pull it out you drain it add a little extra salt to taste I mean I'm nervous because we have to beat an almost perfect score of 26. a 10 our first ten and another 10. okay we need seven to win this and we come in with an eight deep fried wins the method category I'm not surprised definition of fried chicken right there moving on to the American category look thanks to Southern Cooking the US of a has birthed many different Fried Chickens and some of which I can't say I'm proud of but they exist so let's start off with a good one number seven chicken tenders look kids love them I think that they're overrated to be honest but whatever again same marinade and dredges the method section the only difference is we use chicken breasts which were sliced into like four or five strips like this that's it I guess it's chicken strips isn't it number seven chicken strips whatever so in batches of two we're gonna deep fry these bad boys you pull them out season with a little extra salt and let's rate them eight seven and a seven score 22. number eight popcorn chicken again I think that this is one of those things that was lost in childhood and most people don't really care about it anymore but hey maybe I'm wrong about that we'll see how it goes say marinade and dredges the methods section except we're using breast not thighs but we cut the chicken into well tiny little half inch popcorn as pieces you dredge your fry and I mean really this is just a size thing so how much better could it do than tenders an eight an eight and a ten coming into 20 six that's actually shockingly close to uh the highest score of all time for a little guy that's a win moving on to number nine Nashville hot chicken one of my most favorite chickens of all time this is a special thing that exists nowhere else on planet Earth so it's a new marinade and a new dredge but for the most part this is the exact same recipe for my Nashville hot chicken video but for simplicity's sake it gets breaded it gets fried you take some hot oil you pour the hot oil in a medley of spices you whisk that together and you toss your freshly Fried Chicken in that hot oil you know just don't forget to put on some white bread maybe some pickles that's a special chicken right there let's vote our first score a nine a nine and another nine coming in at 27. we now have a new American category leader right here I'm sweating at this point we're nine Fried Chicken's in and we've just begun I wonder what's going on in our judge's heads foreign what if I can never eat fried chicken again after this you know Vikram there's a better way to address this fear and take care of your mental health that's why today's sponsor is better help really look at or not mental health is extremely important even in the industry that I come from mental health has been ignored for Generations because finding a good therapist can be really hard but better help is a platform that makes finding a therapist much easier and more affordable you fill out a survey and get matched with a professional licensed therapist and in just a few days you can start therapy from your own home without being limited to therapists that are only near you yay folks please take care of yourself physically but especially mentally if you want to learn more about better help click the link in my description betterhelp.com backslash Weissman for 10 off your first month with betterhelp to see if online therapy is for you now back to the video now moving on to our next Contender number 10 buttermilk American I almost feel like this represents all of the American category so I don't know how I'm gonna feel if this one loses this is straight up buttermilk marinated with spices spices with dredge think KFC old school stretch it you fry it until golden brown give it a little kick of salt and now we rate a ten an eight and a nine coming in at 27. we have a tie between buttermilk and Nashville we're gonna need a damn near a perfect score in order to beat these moving on to number 11 Barberton Fried Chicken okay so this is kind of confusing history so this was created by people from Serbia but originated in Barberton Ohio apparently the I don't know the accuracy of that that's supposedly the truth what sets it apart well you're gonna Bridge it in flower with no seasoning it specifies no seasoning which I really dislike then egg also in season and then you're gonna season bread crumbs with salt and pepper that that's it weird and you fried in lard tell comes out like this it looks nice get an airline chicken breast I'm not gonna lie it looks pretty cool I have a feeling it's gonna taste horrible oh no our ratings come in at seven what seven a zero that's more like it and a one so eight but the chicken it sounds very juicy this took me back to college when the first time I ever cooked chicken I just forgot to put salt on it moving on to number 12 chicken fries you know this one's for the king we have a recipe for chicken fries but better it's the exact same recipe you know rind form bread fry look at that they're chicken fries it's an American Abomination so let's write a seven a six and an eight so 21. can you do something for me you know moving on to number 13 chicken nuggets this is the one and only goat of American Fried Chicken so wrong and yet so right I can respect it okay this is my McDonald's but better recipe again ground form secret breading multiple dips fried removed which I then decided to fry again for extra crisps now the readings Are Gonna Roll in at four wow that's rough eight okay and a nine for another 21. didn't taste as good as the the stick I feel like it's the exact same thing on to number 14 orange chicken well whoa Josh what why is this in the American category because ultimately orange chicken I mean let's be honest it's arguably the greatest Chinese American sauce of all time which really was popularized by Panda and guess what this is my Panda Express orange chicken butt better what do you think it's breaded it's fried you've got a thick soy orange glaze you toss it with the glaze I mean I imagine this will score high but I don't really don't know how high and so our first score comes in at a solid 10. wow and another ten and a perfect score with a final third ten the highest possible score you can receive 30 points I mean this is our winner right the only option is for a tie which I doubt the next one's gonna get a perfect score but we'll find out which is buffalo style Wings we'll see so you get your Frank's Red Hot you get it hot like physically hot emulsifying butter whisk a little cornstarch slurry in there get it nice and nice dust your wings with flour you fry them so golden brown you remove and you toss with the sauce that's it right that's so simple a ten another ten hold on there's no way and a third ten we have our tie there's only one tie breaker in this game and it's me okay here we go this is available for pre-order my new book texture over takes this in the link in the description please pre-order today let's talk about this I feel like I'm looking at two of my children and I have to pick which one I like more here we go oh my God this is the best buffalo wing I think we've ever made oh man you can't make me make this decision wow [Applause] in this very moment although I love them both I'm saying this is getting 51 and this is giving 49 I mean it's just so balanced it's what I want in this very moment so let's move on so far we have our method winner of deep fried our American winner of buffalo wings now we find our third and final winner to see what our super Fried Chicken will become which leads us to International chickens we're going to start off with number 16 Malaysian ayamgaring look the marinade's important you got galangal lemongrass shallots Ginger all sorts of things all in a blender you put it with your boneless chicken thighs you marinate it ideally overnight again full recipe is going to be on my website link in the description then at this point you just take one piece of chicken at a time tossing cornstarch shake off the excess and deep fry until crispy golden brown now let's see what the taste testers think a three okay come on now an eight and a seven we got good scores from people who are thinking I guess I don't know 18. this one tasted like one of the other ones that's why I got a low score number 17 Corey katsu it's you know like tonkatsu but with chicken specifically chicken breast so I split my breast in half like wise the chicken one season it with salt dredge it in flour egg wash panko breadcrumbs until fully coated and then you just deep fry till gbd okay golden brown delicious take it out season with a little additional salt serve with katsu sauce maybe a little bit of togarashi now our taste testers are going to give it a 10 solid 10 wow a six and a six and we now have our lead coming in at 22. moving on number 18. now we're gonna do a German schnitzel method but instead of veal or pork we're gonna do chicken because well it's Fried Chicken nope this counts as a fried chicken method right cut your chicken breast in half lengthwise give a little salt you dredge in flour then eggs and then just plain bread crumbs now I will say this is a bit thick I think that this should have been thinner and wider so for all of those who are watching this going that's not schnitzel you're right it okay should have been thinner nonetheless we fry that bad boy till nice gbd and cook throughs and maybe a little herb of your choice and maybe some flaky salt to finish and now the taste test our scores come in at a nine a ten and a five a new leader coming in at 24 points now number 19 Pollo Frito supposedly the fried chicken in Florence get some boneless skinless chicken thighs you cut it into one inch cubes this was kind of weird so it gets marinated with all sorts of things like lemon zest crushed garlic parsley lemon maybe a little Rosemary Salt Bay Leaf and then just drenched in olive oil very Italian and then you just let it marinate with the way that this is marinating I'm not really sure if these flavors are going to get in there the way that I want but you know what you dredge it in flour salt and eggs and then you just deep fry it until gbd take it out see some additional salt now the taste test and our judges are gonna give it a five wow four oh and another five fourteen ruthless now number 20 chicharron de pollo I already like the name of this sounds great so kind of a similar seasoning Vibe you got more chicken pieces going into a bowl with Sazon orange juice lime juice olive oil garlic all sorts of things like that right kind of a similar marination Vibe you toss the marinated chicken and flour shake off the excess fry gbd drain a little extra salt to taste now the taste test and our judges gave it an eight an eight and a seven so 23 okay has a little punch to it now for number 21 and don't ask me if it can do something for me okay Brazilian frango a pasarino how did I do on that pronunciation probably not great sorry okay again very similar one inch pieces of boneless chicken thigh okay not breast garlic onion parsley lemon juice spices olive oil and salt and then you just marinate for one of the two hours The Dredge is a little different it's flour and baking powder imagine the baking powder is gonna give it some sort of aeration somehow so toss your chicken in that check out the excess these are gonna shallow fry in a cast iron skillet remove salt generously and garnish with parsley and that squared out to be a six a four and a four so fourteen that didn't do it for him okay moving on to number 22 this is called chicken 65. that's the actual name which I like I think this is an interesting recipe it's less about breading more about spices so the marinade is a mix of yogurt lemon zest lemon juice garam masala all sorts of other spices Curry leaves you add in one inch pieces of boneless skinless chicken thighs into that mix and you marinate ideally overnight when you're done marinating you remove the curly leaves and you just simply add rice flour and cornstarch and egg white to that bowl and mix that's it then in your deep fry oil you're going to fry some additional Curry leaves which will pop extremely violently and if you touch Elise sliced in half tell blister so that's gonna be your garnish now once that's done take your chicken out you deep fry it till a beautiful deep gbd drain on a wire rack and then this is the next bit you're gonna make the sauce in a wok immediately after that you heat up your Wok a little oil Curry leaves Thai chilies garlic make sure not to burn it because it's very hot then you're gonna add cashmere chili black pepper stir fry add a little bit of water and you're gonna cook that down until it's almost evaporated and get a little bit of a paste remaining then you add your chicken you toss the coat season with salt as needed and that's chicken 65. now something you might be thinking well Josh that's supposed to be red like Ronald McDonald's knows well listen Ronald McDonald I think is confused but more specifically a lot of restaurants use red food dye which we didn't so there you go our first rating with whoa one okay a six and an eight tough crowd 15. I don't like the taste at all take it away number 23 hot Thai fried chicken wings we have a lot of flavor going in the blender garlic cilantro different soy sauce is sugar you blend it Pour it over the wings mix by hand cover marinate for a few hours this is what's interesting you just literally add rice flour to your marinade mix it and you get like a paste and then you deep fry you pull it out you drain maybe a little extra salt top with fried shallots a little cilantro and now our judges uh judge our first rating seven a ten and a nine this is the best chicken I've ever had shout out to Route it way up 26. we have our new leader for the international category it's gonna be a tough one to beat number 24. I love the name of this Haka Chinese chili chicken this is actually an Indian Chinese Fusion from Kolkata I don't actually know for sure it's an interesting recipe you got bite-sized boneless skinless chicken thigh you add Ginger some spices some xiaoxing wine soy sauce and egg white for some reason you mix and marinate separately you have sort of a flour cornstarch baking soda Vibe going on so another aerated thing now you're gonna need some other veggies onion Thai chili garlic whatever right but for the sauce it's chicken stock shaoxing wine dark soy sauce light soy sauce this vinegar sriracha and ketchup whisk and Reserve that now you're going to take those dry ingredients from earlier toss your chicken until coated and then if deep fried till crispy golden brown and delicious oh I added a crispy there now in a wok we're gonna add your veggies give it a stir a little sugar white pepper add your saucepring to a boil add in your Fried Chicken toss the coat and well that's it I mean I don't love this because it seemed like it took away some of the crunch our first vote too so there's that a seven and a seven coming in at 16 so that just that got just blown out tastes like chicken but I don't feel like it's Fried Chicken next up number 25 thoughtu chicken not like thought like the kind of thought that you're probably thinking of nasty you get a mixing bowl you're gonna add garlic ginger Curry leaves yogurt a few other things you know whisk in some eggs and then goes in your boneless skinless chicken thighs mix again marinate for one to two hours and look fry knees is actually really simple one piece at a time you're gonna cook for a few minutes flipping halfway salt and that's actually it stack eye garnish with cilantro I don't know about this one but the judges will decide first vote of three wow this guy is Out For Blood a seven and a two okay not good I don't think of this as Fried Chicken Didn't Do It For Me we got to number 26 Yan tsuji also called Taiwanese salt and pepper chicken the marinade is key okay sugar salt Chinese five spice white Peppers light soy sauce and beer but nothing dark a little garlic that gets marinated this is an important thing here the dry finishing spice okay salt curry powder Chinese five spice and white pepper this is the special well not sauce dry sauce seasoning now to dredge your chicken you're using sweet potato flour which I thought was really unusual I didn't really even know that that was used in fried chicken to be honest with you then you're gonna deep fry that to cook nicely train season generously with your reserve finishing spice and the judge's taste first score coming in at seven an eight and an eight so far we don't have a dethroning of our leading international Man number 27 one of my most favorite types of fried chicken karage I mean this has gotta be one of the most popular Japanese Fried Chickens In the game so first you're gonna marinate your chicken ginger garlic soy sure Dashi maybe a little mirror and honey one inch cubes of chicken go in you're gonna marinate it and then you're gonna immediately toss in cornstarch coated thoroughly deep fry crispy golden brown delicious remove wire rack and season with a little bit of shimmy togarashi and salt to taste now we rate this one's close to my heart here we go a ten okay another ten okay we're looking good and an eight we have our new international leader coming in at 28 points that's so good it's perfect so moving on to number 28 chicken kiev literally butter stuff chicken I mean it's quite basic you make a compound butter whatever you want okay this has got parsley and a few other ingredients looks cool when it's green right refrigerate your compound butter so that it's firm now you're gonna unroll your chicken almost like some sort of beautiful chef's knife roll flatten it out slice your firmed up compound butter placed in the center of your chicken roll it up and tighten it in plastic wrap into a nice torsion now let that rest in the freezer for a few minutes so it firms up and then you're going to dredge it into something very basic flour egg then pick up breadcrumbs and it looks like this a bit like a sausage now you're gonna deep fry until golden brown but listen carefully the inside's not gonna be fully cooked so you're gonna pop it into a hot oven until fully cooked pull it out and well I mean we gotta see the cross section right carefully wow that uh yeah I'd eat that I mean this has got to score pretty high so our first score nine okay strong start of five okay not good and another nine so 23 not quite breaking the top three it's good this is not fried chicken that's true moving on number 29 chicken cordon bleu I think this is overrated to be honest it's butterfly chicken yeah swiss cheese ham roll it up again same dredge flour egg wash panko deep fry finish in the oven you split it and look it's got a nice cheese Bowl in the middle it's good it's just a little overrated whatever hopefully the judges agree so their first score comes in at a nine an eight and a ten so 27 points which puts it in second place and I also don't agree with that but whatever number 30 guy from Singapore shrimp paste there's a lot of it look it's not my personal taste but we're gonna try to do our best do this right so it's a marinade of shaoxing wine white pepper sugar MSG right but here's the kicker a very pungent large quantity of shrimp paste and egg you can add your chicken wings you're gonna toss them you're gonna marinate it I'm not a huge fan of large quantities of shrimp paste but maybe there's something special here all right we got a dredge of a few different starches mixed together a little baking soda you're gonna add all of that together to make sort of a paste on the wings and well if you deep fry I will tell you right now that if you're gonna make this just understand the scent is just strong that's all okay I respect shrimp paste it's just very shrimpy but our judges are ultimately determining this our first score comes in at negative one that's not even allowed a zero and a six so I guess this is a five if we're gonna illegally allow the negative no I don't want to swallow that use juicy yeah now moving on to our next Contender Chong King chicken this is one of the greatest Chinese Sichuan Style chickens in the world it has a chance to win here bite-sized pieces of boneless skin on chicken thighs lightly tells the salt soy sauce Chelsea wine no you want to keep the skin intact a bit here now for the fry you're gonna toss the coat and cornstarch deep fry for a few minutes drain and then once it's crispy and cooked you're gonna heat a wok over high heat this is interesting you're gonna add I'm so sorry for the pronunciation of this kaizi U which is this kind of oil which is literally what it's called once that's hot you're gonna add green onion jalapeno garlic and Sichuan peppercorns chilies and chili flakes let that toast make it you know nice and fragrant which is gonna happen very quickly listen carefully do not burn any of these things it ruins everything you worked hard for now you're gonna add your Fried Chicken MSG salt sugar green onion tops cut off the heat and toss two coat thoroughly I gotta say the fragrance that's in the air is one of the most beautiful things that I've smelled and unlike anything that I've smelled now our first vote comes in at a nine and a ten and another ten we have our new first place leader in international coming in at almost a perfect score of 29. I'm happy with this this feels like justice now on to our final fried chicken I have to tell you something I think this is the best recipe in the entire video and simultaneously in order for it to win it would need to get a completely perfect 10 10 and 10 score it has a fighting chance but man my emotions are riding on this one number 32 Korean Fried Chicken you've seen me make this many times but let me save you some time this is the recipe for my Korean fried chicken video it's seasoned and marinated in salt and aromatics tossing cornstarch fried twice and tossed with a beautiful deep red gochujung sauce I mean this has got to be one of the most beloved chickens in the world so the judges are activated coming in at an eight nine and a ten damn our winner shines to be the Chong King chicken in the international which means that we have all of our winners across all categories for the methods deep fry for the American style buffalo wings and for the international Chong King we're taking this somewhere that nobody has ever taken this before we're gonna combine all of the best elements of these winners into a singular fried chicken and hopefully maybe we discover the greatest Fried Chicken on planet Earth and I'm tasted let's begin first let's talk about buttermilk fried chicken okay they're marinade it's buttermilk garlic powder salt other spices put that all in whisk it together you add your chicken wings okay we're going with wings for this it just makes sense you can go with other things but we're going with wings you got your seasoned flour you know onion powder garlic salt whisk whatever you can add really anything you want but I'm giving it a chill okay because we got a lot of other going in take your marinated chicken you bread it thoroughly get a nice coating get your flakes don't around here I want this thing to hold up to the sauce it can't hold up to the sauce well then you're lost or whatever the saying goes anyway you deep fry it okay while that's frying we're gonna make our sauce what do we use we're gonna use the chef's best friend a blender that has a power level so high that it's measured in Horsepower so medium sauce pot medium heat you're gonna add your toasted rapeseed oil this was the key to the Chongqing chicken okay something about this added an unusual flavor and I knew I needed it okay a lot of it I'm gonna cook off some green onions some garlic turn the heat off add a little Sichuan peppercorn some Sichuan whole chili pods salt sugar MSG Sichuan chili flakes wine dark soy cook down just a little bit just a little bit pop it into a blender blend that on high as high as possible I want that as smooth as we can get it okay put that into a pint cup set it to the size in that same blender you're going to add Frank's Red Hot Sauce that has been heated till steamy hot start blending that on medium high and you're going to slowly add a little bit of cold butter a little bit at a time right maybe a little bump of xanthan gum if needed look it's a terminology in the restaurant industry it's around an eighth of a teaspoon now turn that up to high about five seconds now you're gonna add that Blended chunking sauce from earlier right turn that up to high loosen with a little bit of shirodashi once it's nice and emulsified and smooth you're gonna blend in four cloves of raw garlic at the end specifically that is the key here okay this is the balancer and um well hopefully here we've got our wings which have been dredged fried remove your beautifully deep fried wings place into a bowl cover with this amalgamation of a sauce that seems so right so wrong so complicated and as I was saucing this I started to realize not only have we made something that has never existed before but this could be the Fried Chicken of our dreams let's find out it all comes down to this over 30 Fried Chickens tasted hours of work to create this and hopefully it's good I gotta say this looks in the greatest way possible I guess I'll just go for it holy the way this sauce saturates the breading and yet the crunch does not yield it's got the deep fried chicken texture but then it immediately rolls into like oh this is Buffalo there's some other culture it's garlicky it's spicy there's nothing I've ever tasted in my life like this and granted there's a lot of ingredients and a lot of stuff to get to this point but hey if you want to try it I promise you you will never have a chicken wing not only this good but this complex in your life was it worth it yes I absolutely will be making this again and if you want to make it the link will be in the description but so is my cookbook pre-order The cookbook we worked really hard on it it's a very special book don't forget if you want an affordable and easy way to take care of your mental health through online therapy check out our sponsor betterhelp Link in the description betterhealth.com backslash Weissman my link gets 10 off your first month foreign
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 3,797,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fried chicken, fried chicken recipe, how to make fried chicken, southern fried chicken, best fried chicken, buttermilk fried chicken, best fried chicken recipe, korean fried chicken, homemade fried chicken, making fried chicken, fried chicken asmr, chicken recipe, spicy fried chicken, crispy fried chicken, korean fried chicken recipe, fried chicken batter, kfc, easy fried chicken, deep fried chicken, fried chicken mukbang, joshua weissman, sat bawl pro
Id: 89jQLjCoWig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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