The Bunny Graveyard - The Story Explained

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hey guys super horror bro Mike here and in today's video we journey into a bizarre dimension of digital nightmares where cute fluffy Critters transform into horrifying monsters this is the story of the bunny graveyard [Music] explained the bunny graveyard ominously opens with our protagonists SAT before a computer screen navigating the desktop as a curs in the shape of a gloved hand the Alias of this cursor is Handy and this is how we will refer to them from this point on handy clicks various desktop icons some opening to reveal peculiar apps one in particular seems to show the virtual vitals of a rabbit-like figure another shows that the computer is not connected to any network and appears offline one icon in the shape of a bunny head repeatedly informs handy that they do not have permission to access the software however after repeated clicks the icon begins to hop around the screen it eventually opens and transforms the bright colorful desktop into something far spookier a hand icon appears and once clicked Andy is transported to a forest at night here they follow a bird from screen to screen until they are led to a tear by clicking rapidly on this tear a portal is opened to another dimension and we are greeted by a title screen to a video game called The Bunny Garden handy enters the garden and is greeted by a fellow gloved hand one wearing a silver ring Handy's new friend leads them into the garden and over to its owner Sky the rabbit sky is a seemingly friendly bunny who takes care of a family of hands known as the handy Pals each of these handy helpers Works tirelessly through the day to maintain Sky's beautiful garden Sky requests handy to lend a helping hand in the garden the cursor agrees and Sky teaches them how to plant and water seeds she requests for help of number eight the hand with a silver ring who greeted us earlier however number eight is mysteriously nowhere to be found Sky seems frustrated by The Disappearance of number eight while she goes looking for them she tells handy to explore the garden and meet with the other handy Pals each handy pal met offers up a mini game there's basketball hide-and go seek and rock paper scissors each time handy wins a mini game they are given a torn piece of paper the paper pieces display directional hand gestures and once all are collected they reveal a code but what is this cryptic clue all about handy doesn't have to wait long for the answer as evening Creeps in handy notices number eight sneaking off to a well they Venture into the depths of the well and discover a a locked door at the bottom a shadowy figure stands on the other side of the door demanding a password for entry the password corresponds to the one found on the torn paper after the password is recited Andy is granted entry to the unknown depths of a Hideway unsure of what they will find [Music] within as handy makes their way through the dark tunnels of the well they come across messages spray painted across the wall the messages read no bunnies allowed I love box and no more rules in the Next Room they encounter the leader of a hideout a friendly teenager named boxers who wears a box over their face and judging by the ears looks very much like a rabbit in Disguise boxes welcomes handy into their domain but comments on the glove's pale appearance different from the other handy Pals boxers questions if Sky ran out of gloves suggesting she dresses the other hand herself boxers explains that the handy Pals living in The Hideout with them are planning to have a boxing match to prove themselves boxes invites handy to take part in this tournament if handy wins they can stay the night but if they lose they must return to Sky and the other handy Pals above ground while handy prepares for the tournament we are taken above ground to witness a conversation between guy and number eight who has now returned to the handy Lodge the cabin where the handy Pals sleep after a Long Day's Work Sky threatens number eight explaining that if any of the other hands tried to escape via a place she refers to as the Labyrinth then there will be dire consequences for them later that night while the other handy pal Sleep Number Eight defies Sky rules and leaves the cabin as they sneak through the garden number eight is confronted by Sky who reveals her true murderous nature ripping the poor glove finger from finger for ignoring her previous warning after witnessing this horrific event we return to the story of handian boxers who prepare for the boxing match in the depths of a well boxers teaches handy how to fight and then the grand tournament begin begins handy faces off against three formidable opponents each made up from three different hands there's handle Banks hand sight and finger taker handy manages to beat each contestant at AR rise Victorious because of this they are granted access to The Hideout and boxes allows them to stay the night while exploring The Hideout we discover the dressing room of seasoned boxer iron punch who was strangely absent from the fight boxers comments on iron punch having gone missing which suggests perhaps number eight was one of the hands involved in bringing this particular fighter to life handy wakes up in the middle of the night to find boxes waiting for them in the main chamber the rabbit requests for little hand follow them to their secret study tucked away at the very bottom of the well in this secret room Box's Grand plans are laid bare they are trying to escape Sky's garden with the handy Pals and to do so they need to make it to the other side of a dangerous Labyrinth the desire for this departure is because as we previously witnessed sky has been killing the handy Pals punishing any that disobeyed her rules the Labyrinth is said to hide a way out of the garden but ever since its Discovery handy Pals have been going missing concerned as to the fate of number eight boxers asks handy if they will travel back to the garden and conduct an undercover operation to discover the missing hands whereabouts boxes mentions that handy is unlike any other handy pal they have ever met sensing a strength within the cursor the two agree to meet in one day's time at the Labyrinth gate for now handy must return to Sky and her [Music] garden handy returns to the surface in the early hours of the morning and is greeted by Sky who tries to stay positive as a rainstorm sets in with no way to Garden him the downpour Sky decides the handy pal should take a fishing trip to the lake she wakes the other hands with her whistle this whistle seems to terrify the pals and leaves them in a quivering State of Shock they head to the lake eventually reaching it by Nightfall on Route One of the handy Pals is snatched away by a monster inhabiting the local woods and a few others get lost along the way Sky instructs handy to go in search for the three missing Pals and so they set off into the gloomy Forest handy locates two of the missing hands and together they move a boulder blocking their path forward on the other side of the Fallen Rock the hands locate the body of a missing friend the third handy pal has been torn to shreds by a monstrous creature this monster resembles a Giant's mutated version of the handy Pals legs Sprout from its glove and a toothy mouth has developed across its Palm the creature scuttles off after Sky calls out this window of opportunity allows for Handy Pals to safely return to her it also suggests for some reason that this monster fears her they arrive at the home of Sky's friend Nelson Sky tells the handy Pals to wait outside while she speaks with Nelson in private handy decides to sneak inside and ease drop on the conversation by doing so they witness a startling scene Nelson points his shotgun at Sky's head and seems hellbent on killing her on sight Nelson seems to think that Sky knows the whereabouts of his missing son Ben who went into the woods the night before looking for her but never returned Sky calms Nelson and explains she hasn't seen Ben reassured he apologetically lowers his gun and calms down Sky invites Nelson on her fishing trip the two take separate boats with handy accompanying Nelson and the other handy Pals traveling with sky sky refers to handy as the cursor but quickly stops herself short as it seems as though Sky knows of Handy's true identity a cursor From Another Dimension although her connection to this cursor and motivations for using them for now remain unclear Sky challenges Nelson to three rounds of fishing each round takes a group deeper into the lake where dangerous water monsters reside during the fishing miname handy must plunge into the Lake and collect up as many fish as possible all while avoiding the dangers of the deep eventually Sky ambushes Nelson summoning a host of tentacles that trap him on the boat in the middle of the lake she now reveals that she in fact does know the whereabouts of his missing Sun Ben but to reunite with him Nelson and handy will have to play one final round of fishing a round that takes place in the most dangerous area of the lake where the objective is for Handy to survive underwater until the timer runs out Andy manages to complete their task and returns to the surface unharmed at this point Sky loses her call and becomes overtaken by rage she accuses the duo of cheating and claims that nobody wants to be with her it seems Sky's biggest fear is being abandoned and she lashes out at anyone who threatens to separate from her Sky then summons a giant beast from the lake it swallows Nelson in handy hole dragging them into the murky Waters [Music] below sometime later handy wakes on the dock outside of Nelson's house somehow they managed to survive and swim ashore Nelson is nowhere to be seen so handy Ventures inside the house to search for clues in the Attic handy discovers a note from Ben to his father Nelson explaining that he left to go hunting there is also o a lantern which handy takes to light their way through the forest before long they stumble upon the Monstrous hand who is feeding on the severed head of Nelson he wasn't quite as lucky as the cursor handy explores the forest carefully sneaking past the monsters they can avoid a similar fate to Nelson eventually the Monster Hand catches up with handy and chases them through the forest however it is eventually captured and killed by Sky after Sky destroys the monster we learned this Abomination was once actually the handy palal number 10 Sky explains that number 10 escaped her so it is unclear how they became so twisted and monstrous or if they were perhaps always this way after her monologue an unhinged Sky throws up strange black goo and then collapses in the middle of the forest handy takes this opportunity to flee the scene and soon reaches Sky's house they enter the house which eventually leads to their capture after being cornered in an upstairs bedroom by a blood drenched sky on her return home handy finds himself locked in a prison cell in the basement with a young frog this is none other than Nelson's son Ben he was captured by Sky after witnessing the murderous rabbit kill number eight terrified that Sky may try to kill him and his father next Ben shot at the beast but his bullet did not kill her instead it sent her into a rage one which ended in Ben's capture and imprisonment sky is desperate to keep her murderous activities a secret and continue to pass herself off as a kind and sweet-natured being due to her miraculous ability to heal and regenerate body parts we can also deduce that Sky possesses Supernatural properties Ben hands over number Eight's silver ring which he picked up after it fell from Sky's pocket while in the basement handy manages to crack the code to the cell door by following instructions cryptically left on the wall by the previous occupant in the adjacent room they discover a workbench where it appears sky was creating her very own handy Pals however these ones look more like our cursor protagonist and do not feature numbers a strange black goo leaks from their corpses the very same goo we see Sky throw up and after her battle with number 10 also in this room is a crowbar which handy can then use to pry openen a vent shaft leading back to the Upper Floor the hand leads Ben past sky while she is distracted playing the piano and the two then Escape back into the forest once safely away from the house Ben asks handy if they have seen his father Nelson handy replies yes and when asked if he is still alive answers no though it should be noted that these answers are up to a player and this story explained is based on how I personally chose to respond to Ben's questions Ben believes perhaps due to their connection to Sky that handy played some role in his father's death he denounces their newfound friendship and storms back home alone with no way to stop him handy heads back to the Garden where they follow a trail of Handy pal bodies which lead them to the gates of the labyrinth here they reunite with boxers finger Taker and the other handy [Music] Pals handy shows number Eight's ring to boxes confirming his death Sky then shows up and explains as if everyone had simply followed her rules then none of this would have happened Sky seems fixated on everyone following these rules as if she is aware of something that everyone else is not something that would require rules to be in place to begin with Sky decides that the handy pal need to be disciplined for disobeying her and blows her whistle this time for longer than usual the piercing sound of the whistle causes the handy Pals to explode leaving only boxers finger Taker and curiously the cursor Left Alive Sky confronts boxers saying I know how much you've missed me boxers acts confused until Sky tears off her own skin to reveal she is in fact a monstrous Shadow bunny known as silver she is Box's mother and has been using the outer skin of sky as a suit to disguise herself this entire time boxers is ashamed of his mother and her monstrous nature this shame and wish to disassociate with her enrages Sylvie further and she begins to belittle her Lost Child fingert taker steps in and knocks for cruel mother out with a mighty punch the gates to the labyrinth open and boxes in handy quickly head inside boxers is distraught feeling as if they let down the handy Pals and therefore decide to part ways and make their own way through the Labyrinth the Labyrinth is full of traps and dangers hiding in the dark Sylvie also prows about searching for both her child and mischievous cursor handy must sneak carefully through the twists and turns of the deceptive maze until they finally reach the other side where they discover a cave with within this cave are several statues the first depicts a rabbit emerging from a mystical pool the second depicts a portal much like the one handy traveled through at the beginning of our adventure the third statue seems to depict a carrot or perhaps Chrysalis the fourth statue depicts a hand cursor much like our hero and handy Pals the fifth and final statue depicts a closed door after encountering these statues handy reaches the other side of the cave and discovers the secret that lies Beyond The [Music] Labyrinth emerging from the cave handy makes her way along the cliff side to a gigantic ominous looking portal stretching far off into the Horizon it feels like Destiny brought them here just as handy prepares to make the jump boxers catches up and explains that they have nothing left in this world they have lost everyone dear to them and must find out if there are more handy Pals out there the portal activates and sucks handy inside boxes is dragged towards its gravitational pole but is stopped by Sylvie who grabs their child's arm and tries to bring them back Sylvia explains that boxers has no idea what they're getting themselves into that this world is not what they think it is boxers refuses to believe her proclaiming that syv has ruined their life that their mother treated them like a puppet ordering them to follow an arbitrary set of rules that she is no more than a cold-blooded killer with that the portal takes boxes from their mother leaving Sylvie all alone on the cliffs [Music] side handy wakes up on the other side of a portal they find themselves on a rainy Street at night in front of a very normal looking Suburban home knocking on the front door reveals a startling sight a rabbit with an eye patch who Bears a striking resemblance to Sky could this be a younger version of sky before she met a sticky end at the hands of Sylvie or perhaps a different Sky alog together in an alternate reality these questions will have to wait as this is where chapter one of the bunny graveyard ends however before we wrap up this video there is one more story tidbit to reference the secret [Music] notes there are four secret notes to unlock in total each found at various points throughout our adventure the author of these notes cryptically signs off as C the contents of the notes are as follows notes 13 just arrived at code name flower first thoughts I think it's too happy looking for my taste I was expecting something much more interesting but perhaps I'm judging too quickly see note 14 such amazing architecture I wonder who directed the construction of this Labyrinth I hope I can get out of here soon though update it's been 5 hours perhaps I might be lost see note 15 important Discovery I just noticed a couple of really tall rabbit-like creatures gardening I can't see their faces but I do not intend to get any closer from here this might be the strangest thing I've witnessed on this journey see note 16 are my eyes falling me or did I just see a giant fish with a giant mouth at the lake that's it I think I'm leaving this place for good see so from the information uncovered Within These notes it appears that c is some kind of scientist or researcher one who journeyed inside this world Cod named flower and soon discovered it wasn't a particularly friendly place after all it seems as over on multiple worlds perhaps worlds created by human programmers who then discovered a way of traveling inside them by using the curses it's impossible to know at this time if humans are transferring their Consciousness into these cursor avatars in a bid to explore digital worlds but that is my current theory as to where the story is headed I may elaborate on my theories for the bunny graveyard in a future video but for now we have come to the end of this video taking a look at the story of the bunny graveyard I hope you enjoyed it and found this episode of horror games explained to be both entertaining and informative if you did remember to leave a like comments down below and of course subscribe for more horror related content thanks for watching and I will see you on the next [Music] video [Music] I
Channel: SuperHorrorBro
Views: 627,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the bunny graveyard, the bunny graveyard story explained, bunny graveyard explained, the bunny graveyard game theory, bunny graveyard theories, the bunny graveyard ending, bunny graveyard ending explained, bunny graveyard secrets, superhorrorbro, superhorrorbro explained, superhorrorbro bunny graveyard
Id: Scg13inGWRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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