"Sleep Well" from Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Official Music Video IS SO GOOD!!

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whoa okay wait I'm GNA oh man yo this is when it happened this is when they attack the people that Poppy was talking about I always wondered what happened there hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to think reacts where today we're reacting to the sleep well official music video for poppy playtime chapter 3 now you guys have been suggesting that I watch it listen to it uh react to it and well uh 3.6 million people watched it before me God I am so late on my reactions the last couple days I'm sorry guys but this is supposed to be super good and uh if you look at the thumbnail it looks like all of the characters in poppy playtime from previous chapters obviously we got Huggy we've got kissy missy we even have boxy Buu who well sort of appears as a toy in poy play time but is an actual monster in Project play time we got PJ pug aill and and of course poppy here at the end in her cage with the door closed and I might point out here that cg5 is the artist who made this song it says thanks so much for listening such an honor to play a part in the game franchise so I would assume anything in here is Canon but then again we've got Kelly willly plush in the official mob entertainment store ah we haven't seen Kelly willly in anything ever uh besides like game Tunes Caron cartoons and well actually project playtime I take it back maybe it is Canon after all all right here we go all right M yep okay we're in the Skydome here whoa okay wait wait I'm going to down with me oh man you're not alone what okay dude okay I'm gonna we're going to go back through this we're just going to listen to it and enjoy it so I don't stop it and ruin it and I'll try to talk as little as possible but the paradise that could have so cute if we had never the things we did if we had realized all our wa Boogie bot there's little Oh chapter one foxy Bo look at that oh my this is from the perspective of the kids that are like in the bigger bodies initiative it's Poppy hour of joy is not oh it's all about the hour of Joy yo this is when it happened this is when they attacked the people that Poppy was talking about and she's trying to save people this is amazing oh look they're all trying to get out like they just want to they just want out of play care oh dude oh that is oh I love that oh he look sad yo he's drawing the Prototype waa that was before he absorbed him oh she looks traumatized down weep now J Jam just to oh dude chapter one back to chapter one it like goes all the way back to the begin I always wondered what happened there we never ever ever get to see that in chapter one oh that was amazing like I feel like I I need to watch it again I need to go over like some of the scenes in it and I actually need to analyze the lyrics I think the lyrics are meaningful for uh the entire meaning of the song uh this is from the perspective I believe of the children of the smiling Critters of uh everyone in the bigger bodies initiative that have been trapped in or trapped by playtime co uh in play care and well in other parts of the Factory can we find the lyrics anywhere I I want to read them almost like a story all right let's supposedly so okay come along down with me you're not alone you will see their children they have each the children they have each other and each other is all they need so the children have each other as smiling Critters uh and each other's all they need in the hour of joy in this paradise so the paradise I guess is the Skydome area of play it's kind of like jail I don't know if it's really Paradise I thought about all that could have been if we had never done the things we did if we' realized all our sins so this is uh I think it's from actually catnap uh I if I remember I only watched it once but it looked like it was focusing on catnap uh when this was being said but it could be any of them right I thought about all that could have been if we hadn't done what we did and killed all of those people if we iiz our all of our sins before we committed them come along down with me you're not alone you will see again the children we children we have each other and each other is all we need in the hour of joy in the hour of joy and well true because there's nobody else that's surviving cuz you're killing them all but yes uh they are united together uh in their hour of Joy uh in the hour of joy in the hour of Joy artificial facade from a fraud of a God now I think this is referring to Elliot Ludwig the artificial facade is the way that play care looks it's got a painted sky right it's an artificial facade from the fraud of a God he's the one who made it and he does hold himself in regard as a god it makes sense all due to the path that we trod I yes and no I mean the hour of joy you chose but uh this Elliot lewig is the one who took these poor orphans that's not their fault put their souls into these uh toys we just wanted to heal but now our nightmares are real and now we'll never wake up before we've torn apart uh we want freedom freedom freedom they they all want to get out they also fall down like Can Ring Around the Rosie maybe we'll sleep well now dreams knocked out new blooms when playtime Sprouts uh come along go to sleep and leave here without a trace though Life In the Shadows isn't much it's better than living in a cage so while they do regret what they did they do still justify it the means or the end justifies the means right uh living in the shadows and being stuck down there uh it I guess is well I mean they still kind of are in a cage but I guess it's better than the cage uh that they were in like kissy Missy was literally bound to something and so was uh Huggy wuggy they were being tested experimented on tortured which we saw in some of the videos in poppy playtime chapter 3 where even the Prototype was being tortured and asking the researchers hey do you feel pain do you you know all of these things uh do you learn can you see us can you hear us that's from the kids to us uh artificial facade from the fraud of a God all do the path we trod we just wanted to heal by our nightmares of real and now we'll never wake up for we've T apart with freedom fre Freedom uh and this is just a repeat repetition right all the way down and now we'll never wake up up we've torn apart all right now that we've analyzed the lyrics Let's ruin the song and uh pause it a million times just to go through the imagery because it's showing us very familiar scenes from poppy playtime uh chapter at least chapter 3 and chapter one so like right here the Sky Dome song hasn't even started I wanted to pause this the first time but I was like no I'm not going to ruin the song but uh we've got kissy Missy here now we did see her uh in the Skydome area although I think she was like over this way here cuz this is where the the rail comes in and uh we walked with uh with poppy over to that elevator but I don't see Poppy here I just see kissy Missy with her hand on her heart I don't know why and yeah we don't see any other characters here oh oh yeah okay and yeah okay so she's holding her arm okay so I I didn't realize that's what it was and right here okay so uh this is not in the Sky Dome this is in the the other part of the factory uh because you see right here is the game station so this is above this is like if we didn't kill mommy longle so yeah I guess it can't really be can necessarily she's alive and so is poor bunzo oh they both did not make it through chapter 2 uh but this is up in the in the rafters where you are at the end of chapter 2 right before you get on the train and I've never seen kissy Missy's eyes actually AR kissy Missy she's Pake I'm sorry I'm sorry Mommy Long Legs oh jeez oh I've made a grave mistake Mommy longlegs eyes uh look in different directions they usually are just straight on okay and then yeah right here is uh poppy Play Time chapter one of course uh with Huggy there stationary and that's how the song starts and ends it looks like we've already opened the door here so again this may be before we got anywhere near this this is what it was like before uh the hour of joy and that may be what it is is showing us what things were like before the hour of joy you know Huggy wuggy is happy smiling there not aive yet and even um Mommy Long Legs looks Happy bunzo Looks happy although he has some pretty sharp teeth but yeah this is before they did what they did then uh it's zooming in I guess on his face cuz he's smiling and then yeah even catnap look so this is before well I don't know cuz I thought there might be kids here but he's walking through the orphanage I maybe putting kids to sleep that's probably not a good thing but maybe he hadn't murdered anyone yet I don't see any kids there Paradise okay wait so we see right here this is a smiling Critter who is this figure right here this Shadow yeah it doesn't show us when it goes to here uh and so I thought about all they could have been and this is this smiling Critter and it looks dude it looks so soft doesn't it I want to fet him a and then I think catnap yeah this is what I was talking about with it being catnap it's like hey come join me let's go do what we're supposed to do here here comes the hour of joy and they say all joined him as he sits here and yeah Huggy is gone so let's let it all fill up look that's when syi was happy he didn't even have teeth that's poppy of course now she yeah so that's when it shows poppy do we get to see all of them together again so okay so what it shows here is that all of the characters together you got boxy bu right in his own box we got a little Bron we've got dog day we got a few smiling Critters got cat B here we got a candy cat licking the floor that's dis we even have like a few mini Huggies Boogie bot uh all of them are getting ready for this hour of Joy they are they are friends of catnap and they're listening to catnap uh the only thing is um everyone is in front of him right cat up sitting here uh behind for the most part even Huggy wuggy but kissy Missy is behind here so she does not join in on the hour of Joy she stays uh uncorrupted like poppy she makes the right choice uh these unfortunately as cute as they are uh made the wrong choice but they all got Freed at the same time uh and Poppy was freed as well and was horrified by what happened and I'm assuming and this is the hour of Joy this is what actually happened that's cat up that's all three of them uh The Three Monsters from chapter 1 chapter 2 and chapter 3 in the opposite order of course uh it starts with well actually not not quite the opposite order so it goes chapter 3 right chapter one and chapter two all of these are now part of the Prototype and dead and Poppy is running to try and save people like she said uh in her monologue and yeah so catnap is using his gas to to to make people fall asleep and then we've got Miss Delight uh Delight yeah she's absolutely delightful you can see here look at Poppy the wall behind her has changed right like so back here uh it's just wallpaper right everything's fine but when you get to here after the hour of Joy she's running right trying to stop them from what they're about to do and then here it's done the the walls are covered in blood the floor is covered in blood uh she is got her arms crossed like I can't believe this just happened and everyone's running here look at them all you've got crafty corn you've got bobby bear hug you've got oh what is the uh it's not sir hops what's the name of the rabbit H hooby hop scotch right Bubba Bubba Fant here we've got some a bunch of different uh mini Huggies cadap of course and they are trying to oh and I even saw uh mommy's longlegs hand oh yeah she's right there yeah Mommy longlegs now this is interesting here because uh Huggy wuggy is laying here right now we'll sleep well now he I think was a part of what happened I mean he turns into a monster he doesn't want to he doesn't want to help us at all I can't no but she does or maybe she participated and has had a change of heart but they they they're they're sleeping well they look happy with the blood there right I love this I wish this actually happened in the game where they pull back like that and get scared now um oh and and this is something I learned all of the baby pictures that we saw inside home sweet home those were the baby pictures of people who work at mob entertainment now the drawings might be from their own kids or they might have just just uh made kid style art from here but what is he drawing so looks like to me he is drawing what he used to be which is Theodore granbell he was one of the kids in the uh in the orphanage in the play care and he's drawing what he was like as a little boy with his super super Sharp Claws and uh the Prototype he doesn't even Flinch he just looks at him I mean not that he can change the smile but he's like hey uh it's showing that that's poy play interesting though right here so right here this is Poppy's cage uh that we let her out of in chapter one um and then all the smiling Critters are gathered around it with it open with their glowing eyes hm okay now how did I miss this I was like jamming out to the song he picked up one of the hands from the grab Pack huh me just the blue hand what did he did he eat it how did I miss that completely the of God so during that scene what is what are the lyrics saying artificial subside from the fraud of a God all due to the path that we tried he might actually be thinking about like what did we do and having some regrets until we get there and then he's like fish job dude Miss Delight is obviously got a problem and this is Poppy still like shaking from what happened the interesting thing is she she's out here but somehow she gets put back into her cage and maybe that's what happened maybe when we saw here can you see us and can you hear us this is all the smiling Critters putting her back in her cage because she she is the only one uh besides kissy Missy that uh that was against the hour of Joy they felt like they did the right thing and maybe they locked her up somebody did uh because she saw the hour of joy and then she ended up in her cage Yep this is the same scene this is the same scene as well Jee and it says like the new blooms when playtime sprouts with the blood that's definitely during the hour of joy and this I think is sort of like a flashback to uh the beginning of the hour of Joy this is when they went active everything locked down and they went and and went on their Rampage what an amazing video what an amazing song and I hope they do the same same in poppy playtime chapter 4
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 835,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tcHudL12jiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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